Melvin biography of Kostya Bocharov. Melovin, what's wrong with the eye - pathology or image

Melovin is a Ukrainian singer and composer, winner of the 6th season of the X-Factor vocal competition, representative of Ukraine at the Eurovision-2018 contest. He defines the genre of his work as "pop-electronics".

Childhood and youth

The future singer Melovin (real name - Konstantin Nikolaevich Bocharov) was born on April 11, 1997 in Odessa. The artist's mother works as an accountant, in her youth she sang in the school choir, and his father is a driver.

Kostya was introduced to the world of music by his grandmother, who presented her 4-year-old grandson with a music box. She always believed in the creative abilities of her grandson, supported him in case of failures and said that he simply had to try again and again.

For all important events, the singer carries with him grandmother's beads - this is his talisman for good luck.

During his school years, Bocharov sang in the choir (and was the only boy in the team), participated in school performances, for which he often wrote scripts. He studied below average, but he was never a bully.

In 2009, the teenager became a student at the School of the National Theater "Samotsviti", and soon began to actively participate in creative competitions and festivals of the city and earn extra money as a host of various events. Konstantin also managed to attend auditions for various musical TV shows, but his repeated attempts constantly ended in failure. He visited the casting for "Ukraine Got Talent" 4 times, "X-factor" - 3.

Singing career

In 2012, Konstantin got a job as an assistant administrator for the set of the TV series The Longest Day with Maria Semkina and Grigory Siyatvinda, which, however, was never completed.

The following year, the guy founded the creative group "Big House Melovin" and began performing under the pseudonym Melovin. According to the artist, his nickname is a combination of the name of the Halloween holiday and the name of the popular English designer Alexander McQueen, who committed suicide in 2010.

Big interview with Konstantin Bocharov (Melovin)

In 2014, he wrote the song "Not Alone" - Melovin considers it the starting point of his career.

The stage name "Melovin" is a combination of the word "Halloween" and the name of popular designer Alexander McQueen.

In mid-2015, Bocharov went to the casting of the 6th season of the Ukrainian talent show The X Factor. This time, on the fourth attempt, luck smiled at the young singer: at the casting, he performed "Without a fight" by the Okean Elzy group and became the ward of producer Igor Kondratyuk. In parallel with filming the show, Konstantin studied at the Kiev Institute of Music. R. M. Glier, in which he entered in the fall of the same year.

According to the results of the competition, which ended in December, Konstantin became the winner of the season, singing her song “Confused” in a duet with Jamala.

I was not at all ready to win. Nevertheless, after a while I realized that I had become self-confident, and the question of what to do next was no longer for me.

After a resounding victory in the show, Melovin released his debut track "Not Alone", which received a lot of positive feedback. At the beginning of 2017, the artist took part in the national selection of the Eurovision Song Contest 2017, in which he took only third place (the group O.Torvald became the winner). However, Konstantin's song "Wonder" quickly reached the top positions in the Ukrainian music charts.

Melovin-Wonder. Eurovision 2017

In the late spring of 2017, Melovin embarked on his first solo tour, and a few months later released the song "Hooligan", co-written with British artist Ashley Hicklin, author of DJ Tiesto's immortal hit "On My Way". In November of the same year, Konstantin presented his debut studio album called "Face to Face", which included five English-language and one Ukrainian-language tracks.

Almost all of the singer's songs are in English. One of them, "Hooligan", was written by a British author who once worked with Amy Winehouse. When Konstantin is asked why he does not translate the lyrics into Ukrainian, he replies that in Ukrainian his hits "sound like quiet horror." However, he also has songs in his native language, for example, "Shlyakh" and "Light in the Full".

Melovin's personal life

In an interview dated March 2018, the performer admitted that he did not have a soulmate, and the last serious relationship was 4 years before and lasted 5 years. Konstantin complains that he doesn't have time for a relationship and barely manages to take care of his pet cat.

However, Melovin assures that any girl can become the lady of his heart: he does not treat the opposite sex as a “picture”, but is attracted to people with unconventional thinking.

The artist calls his fans "melovinators".

A distinctive feature of the stage image of the artist is the eyes of different colors (gray, green or blue lenses are used). In this case, the right eye always remains true color. Melovin now In 2018, Konstantin presented the song "Under The Ladder" at the Eurovision preselection in Ukraine. The lyrics for the song were written by American author Mike Ryals.

Melovin – Under The Ladder – National Selection for Eurovision 2018

In the final selection, the artist took first place, automatically gaining the right to represent the country at Eurovision 2018 in Lisbon. According to the results of the European song contest, the Ukrainian took 17th place. But the defeat did not knock the artist out of the saddle. He was amazed that his compatriots did not reproach him for his low place and congratulated him on the streets with a successful performance, waiting for new songs and videos.

In the summer of 2018, the singer took part in the dubbing of the cartoon "Monsters on Vacation-3" into Ukrainian: he sang a kraken's song.

Melovin (real name - Konstantin Nikolaevich Bocharov). Born on April 11, 1997 in Odessa. Ukrainian singer, composer, songwriter, musician. Representative of Ukraine at the Eurovision Song Contest 2018.

Father - Nikolai Vladimirovich Bocharov, driver.

Mother - Valentina Vladimirovna Bocharova, accountant.

From an early age he loved to sing. While studying at Odessa secondary school No. 27, he was the only boy in the choir, participated in amateur performances.

Since 2009, he studied at the school of the National Theater "Samotsviti" under the guidance of Maria Grigoryevna Stelmakh. His teacher of theatrical skills was Honored Artist of Ukraine Natalya Evgenievna Buzko, an actress of the famous comedian troupe "Masks-Show".

During his studies, Konstantin became a laureate of the 1st degree in many city competitions and acting festivals. Repeatedly was the host of city events and events. At the same time, he was engaged in creating his own style and music, trying his hand at various TV castings, but unsuccessfully.

In 2012 he graduated with honors from the Theater School. Then he worked as an assistant administrator of the set of the series "The Longest Day".

In 2013, his stage name appeared - Melovin, and the creative team "Big House Melovin" was also created. According to Melovin, his pseudonym is derived from the name of the world famous designer Alexander McQueen and Halloween.

In September 2015 he entered the Kyiv Institute of Music. R.M. Gliere.

In the same 2015, he became a participant in the 6th season of the Ukrainian vocal TV show "X Factor". At the casting, he performed the hit of the Okean Elzy group - “Without a fight” and at the same time accompanied himself on the keys. Igor Kondratyuk became the mentor of the “Guys” category, who noted perseverance and talent in him, taking him to his team. Going through all the stages of the struggle on the show, Kostya had enough audience support to never be in the nomination for relegation. In the finals of the competition, he performed in a duet with the singer Jamala, performing her composition "Gone in the Way". On December 26, 2015, at a gala concert, he received the title of the winner of the 6th season of the X-Factor show.

Melovin on the X Factor

In 2016, he presented his track "Not Alone".

In February 2017, he participated in the national selection for the Eurovision Song Contest 2017 with the song "Wonder". He got to the final, where he received the largest number of audience votes (about 60 thousand. However, the opinion of the jury and the audience was divided: as a result, Melovin took only 3rd place. His track “Wonder” took the lead in the music charts.

In August 2017, Melovin released the song "Hooligan", co-written with Ashley Hicklin, lead singer of the British band Bright Sparks, and DJ Tiesto.

February 17, 2018 Melovin with a new song "Under The Ladder" took first place in the second semi-final of the National Selection of Ukraine at Eurovision 2018 with a score of 17 points. On February 24, 2018, in the final of the National Selection, he took first place, with a score of 11 points - 5 from the judges and 6 from the audience. Thus, he became the representative of Ukraine at the song contest in Lisbon.

The contest composition "Under the ladder" was invented by the artist himself, with the song he tries to convey the message: no matter how difficult it is, you need to go towards your goal and not give up.


A distinctive feature of the Melovin image is a colored lens in one eye. Previously, the singer experimented with her color, and then settled on a white and blue version. According to him, his right eye remains real, and the left is art.

The musician calls his fans melovinators. He dedicated a tattoo with the inscription Brave to them. love. freedom. According to Melovin, it translates as "Courage. Love. Freedom".

The growth of Konstantin Bocharov (Melovin): 184 centimeters.

Personal life of Konstantin Bocharov (Melovin):

Not married. According to the singer, he does not have time for a relationship.

Once the singer, in his own words, had an affair with his fan, but quickly realized that this was not the best idea. Other fans made the girl's life hell. So far, Melovin is not ready to repeat such an experience. As well as talking about his personal life in public.

Melovin discography:

2017 - Face To Face

Melovin singles:

2014 - Play This Life
2015 - You, you, you
2016 - Not alone
2016 - Takeoff
2018 - Under The Ladder

Video clips of Melovin:

2014 - Dope (Lady Gaga cover)
2016 - Takeoff
2017 - Hooligan

Four fans of MELOVIN told the site how they love their idol, and he reciprocates them

About the guy with different colored eyes Kostya Bocharov Ukraine found out in 2015, when they watched him on the air of the X-Factor show for several months. Then, for the first time, the strength of his devoted fan base manifested itself, which made the young artist the winner of the competition.

Unlike other participants in the talent show, Kostya did not get lost in the show business routine and reminded himself a year later. He appeared in the national selection of Eurovision 2017 - already under the pseudonym MELOVIN and with an "alien" legend. And again he almost won - the fans tried their best, but at the last moment O.Torvald snatched the victory. The following year, this bar was also taken: Ukraine nevertheless delegated Kostya to Eurovision 2018 in Portugal.

Having won, the musician did not forget to thank his fans: it was they who brought him to the top. Frankly, his competitors had no chance - few people in Ukraine can boast such an extensive and dedicated fan base, ready to do anything for their favorite artist. Cut off phones, send SMS and desperately campaign for MELOVIN in social networks and on the streets.

the site continues a series of materials about idols and fans. We talked to representatives of the MELOVIN fan club and found out why they consider themselves a "family", who came up with the term "melovinators" and why they are so active.


How did you first hear about MELOVIN?

Karina Derisemlya : I heard the song "Wonder" in the final of the national selection "Eurovision 2017" and immediately realized that MELOVIN would be my favorite. Then I started looking for Mel's official group on social networks and that's how I met other fans with whom we continue to create in our art family now.

Katya Globa : First heard on the 6th season of "X-Factor". But then I didn’t really understand who it was, and didn’t follow his work. I got more interest in him after last year's national selection.

Julia Gogol : On the 6th season of The X Factor. With his song, the then 18-year-old boy Kostya Bocharov sat down in his soul for a long time and instilled hope that everything is possible if you want. After all, this was already the third attempt of the young musician to be heard by a large audience.

Masha Dyakova : My acquaintance with the work of MELOVIN began back in 2015 during the casting of the "X-factor". Even then, he impressed with his charisma, talent and unusual arrangement of the song “Without a fight” by “Ocean Elzy”. And now for the third year he proves that he will not give up without a fight. Then, through the screen, I felt some crazy energy and love for my audience and thought that this guy would obviously go far. And I was not mistaken.

What do you think makes MELOVIN unique?

Karina : First of all, in the fact that he does his own thing, without a producer, and with love for music and listeners. Yes, he has a Big House MELOVIN team: manager Artem, administrator Nastya and content manager Tanya. The most interesting thing is that they were brought together by love for one beautiful singer - Lady Gaga! Now they do their thing together, inspired by Mom of Monsters ( Lady Gaga's nickname - ed.), but not only.

Katia : I have not yet met artists who love their audience so much. He creates for us, fully lives everything on the stage, giving us emotions, and we share the same with him. At concerts and just in his communication with us, there is some kind of chemistry, which then inspires him.

Julia : His uniqueness lies in his voice, charisma, musical presentation, energy and inspiration. In a crazy fanatical love for his music and fans. I would call MELOVIN a phenomenon of Ukrainian show business, because the guy promotes his project on his own, without a producer.

Masha : The uniqueness of MELOVIN is not in the lens and dyed hair, as it might seem. First of all, its features are sincerity and genuineness. MELOVIN is what he really is, and, probably, this is the most captivating. He often says that we - his audience - blinded him, made him. But he does not even realize how much he sculpts us, changes and motivates us to follow our dreams, achieve our goals. For me, this is a space man and an indisputable role model.

Are you all members of the MELOVIN fan club?

Karina: I somehow do not perceive the word "fan club", I like the name "melovinators". Yes, I am the same melovinator who knows MELOVIN "from cover to cover". I live in the city of Sumy, and sometimes I have the opportunity to travel to other cities to Mel's concerts. Distance for great love and friendship is not a hindrance!

Katia: For me, there is no concept of "fan club". There is a beautiful word "art-family". After all, we are all one big musical family. And I am a small part of it. I'm proud of it, really!

Masha: And it's a great honor for me to be in an art family, to share my love and receive no less in return.

How long has the art family existed and what does it do?

Karina : The history of the art family began in 2015, when MELOVIN went live on the X-Factor. Some Odessans knew him even before he appeared on television. The guy was a graduate of the StarTime production center, which organized various events. Kostya Bocharov took part in them.

Inspired by the work of Mel and his team, we organize a lot of flash mobs and give him gifts. The most grandiose were the telescope, the balloon flight and the neon sign with his Eurovision pseudonym. When MELOVIN gave his first tour in Ukraine, fans greeted him with black and white balloons with the BHM logo ( short for "Big House MELOVIN" - ed.). Mel notices all our efforts, gives us the maximum time, and we really appreciate it in him! Not every artist is ready to communicate with his audience.

The peculiarity of malovinators is that even if one of us is passing through your city with a stop for 20 minutes, you still run to the station to see each other and hug!

Katia : Our "family" has existed for about 3 years and is getting bigger every day. And it pleases. After all, our Artist does not stand still, he develops, writes music, motivates people! If his audience is expanding, it means that he is interesting to people and does everything for good reason.

We are very friendly, we communicate with each other all the time, we come up with something that could surprise MELOVIN and everyone around. That same neon sign at Eurovision 2018 is our common gift.

MELOVIN and Katya Globa

Masha : The fan club is a synthesis of love, courage and freedom, and it is these three words that MELOVIN immortalized on himself in the form of a tattoo. Our activity consists in crazy faith and support both in relation to the idol and to each other. However, we do not stop there.

For example, during the Eurovision national selection, we held a relay race around the cities: we put up campaign posters and handed out leaflets to passers-by with a proposal to listen to the MELOVIN song and not remain indifferent during the voting. Perhaps this also contributed to the final result.

Are there many members in the art family? Including from other countries?

Karina : MELOVIN has a lot of listeners, as the voting results of two Eurovision preselections showed. Our family includes people from all over the world: Spain, England, Switzerland, America, Belarus, Russia, Moldova, Lithuania, Poland. And people from these countries are even ready to follow him.

People from Crimea, Uzhgorod, Sumy, Kharkov, Lvov, Odessa, Dnipro, Ivano-Frankivsk, Brovary, Boryspil, Zhytomyr, Kherson, Kropyvnytskyi, Lutsk came to the presentation of the debut album “Face to Face”. The peculiarity of malovinators is that even if one person is passing through your city with a stop for 20 minutes, you still run to the station to see each other and hug!

Julia : There are many of us and every day it becomes more and more. There are many guys from the CIS countries, and after winning the Eurovision national selection, an English-speaking audience has increased in the comments. The love for MELOVIN's music is so strong that melovinators came from different cities specially for the finals of the national selection. One of the girls flew in from Switzerland!

Who came up with the name "malovinators"?

Karina : Invented by MELOVIN himself. Thus, he created a “roof” over our heads for our family. Many people may not like this word because of its association with "terminators", but in English it sounds much softer.

I think that after some time there will be even more of us. And then we will be known as the best fan base of the best artist

Katia : We really like it, and Kostya himself says that for him the malovinators are the strongest people who push him and make him do something.

How often do you meet and hold some promotions?

Karina : In every city there are people who not only communicate on the Internet, but also meet for live communication. Some go to another city just to meet and talk. It happened to me too, I went to my friend in Odessa. In the evenings we walked along the embankment wrapped in a flag with the inscription MELOVIN and sang his songs.

MELOVIN and Karina Derizemlya

Katia : With MELOVIN himself, we meet less often, as he has more and more work to do. But we are not upset, because we know that it is at this moment that Kostya can sit and write a new song for us. And if we are talking about meetings between fans, then yes - we often walk together.

Julia : We gather in a "small army" in a cafe for a cup of tea and exchange creative ideas. Kilometers are not obstacles! For example, on New Year's Eve, malovinators from seven cities gathered: Kyiv, Odessa, Izmail, Sumy, Kharkov, Lvov and Uzhgorod. Each composed a line from a verse, recorded on camera and sent to the MELOVIN mail to show that wherever we are, we are an art family and support. Mel was shocked by such preparation and extremely grateful.

If not for him, now I would be studying to be a lawyer and living a boring everyday life. But I realized that my life is only in my hands. And now I'm studying to be a journalist

Masha : Probably, this does not happen as often as we would like. But each city has its own company of small-timers who are friends, communicate with each other and unite to carry out various actions. I think that after some time there will be even more of us, and then residents of all cities will know about us as the best fan base of the best artist. But, of course, the center of all meetings is Kyiv, small-timers from different cities and countries come here. We are a friendly family.

Do you have your own unusual story related to MELOVIN?

Karina : I have many such stories, but the most favorite is connected with the flag, which I presented to the artist at the presentation of the album on December 7 last year at the SENTRUM club. This flag means a lot to me, I sewed it for the first solo concert in Kyiv on May 26, 2017 at the Bel´Etage club. Then I came for the first time to friends in Kyiv, it was raining, and we ran through streams and puddles, covering ourselves with it.

After some time, I was lucky to attend the awards ceremony "Favorite of Success". Then I wanted to give this flag to Mel, but, as luck would have it, I forgot it at the hotel. Then this flag went with me to Odessa, I brought it there to recharge it with energy. Odessa is an incredible city, somewhat mystical. In the evenings, we would walk around with our fans wrapped in a flag, sing songs and take pictures. Then there was a summer festival in the city of Trostyanets in the Sumy region - there we charged the flag with the musical energy of the northeastern corner of Ukraine.

This flag was with me always and everywhere, a lot of memories and emotions are associated with it. And on December 7, at the presentation of the album, Mel covered his piano with this flag, and in the final he raised it and bowed. The way I squealed with joy, probably heard all of Kyiv. This day was the most emotional in my life, I am very happy that I got into this art family, and I am grateful to MELOVIN and his team for igniting love and faith in our hearts!

Katia : Such stories can not be counted. But the most memorable for me is how I visited MELOVIN backstage. At the concert-presentation of his debut album “Face to Face”, I gave him a picture - his portrait, made of nails and threads. He was very impressed, he called me to his dressing room, where we talked and took a photo for memory.

Julia : My most memorable story is when, after the announcement of the results of the semi-finals of the Eurovision 2018 selection, we were waiting for it with the guys and singing “Under The Ladder”. Mel came out to us and began to sing along.

Masha : MELOVIN became a person who changed my life dramatically. He showed by his example that no matter what, you need to go for your dream, do what you love and believe in yourself. If not for him, now I would be studying to be a lawyer, as my parents dreamed, and would live boring everyday life. But I insisted on my own and realized that my life is only in my hands and only I can change it. I study to be a journalist and work, enjoying every minute.

Perhaps someday I will have an interesting story with MELOVIN and I will interview him. But for now I have happy memories from concerts, fan meetings and mountains of motivation for new achievements.

Photos provided by members of the MELOVIN art family

Auto collage: Marina Nikolaeva

In the most ordinary secondary school No. 27, he was the only boy in the choir. Kostya has always been an active guy, so in addition to singing in the school choir, he participated in theatrical productions, wrote scripts, participated in amateur performances and various concerts. At recess, Kostya gave mini-concerts in the music room, where his first fans came.

In 2009 he entered the school of the National Theater "Samotsviti", where he studied under the guidance of Maria Grigoryevna Stelmakh. It was she, according to the singer, who made a significant contribution to his development and taught him many useful things. The second teacher, to whom Konstantin is extremely grateful, was the Honored Artist of Ukraine Natalya Evgenievna Buzko. During training, the guy did not forget to participate in local competitions and festivals, led city events and gave concerts. In parallel with his studies and work, Kostya created his own style and music, trying his hand at various TV castings, which, however, were not crowned with success.

In 2012, he graduated from theater school with a red diploma and got a job as an assistant administrator for the set of the series "The Longest Day" with Maria Semkina and Grigory Siyatvinda in the lead roles. The series was never completed, but the future singer acquired new useful contacts and good work experience.

A year later, a pseudonym was born and Konstantin created the creative team "BIG HOUSE MELOVIN". The singer chose such a strange pseudonym not by chance and it was formed from two words - Halloween and Alexander McQueen. In 2014, Konstantin wrote the song "Not Alone", which is considered the beginning of a singer's career. A year later, the guy entered the Kyiv Institute of Music. R. M. Gliera, and also took part in the casting of the 6th season of the Ukrainian talent show "The X Factor". Only MELOVIN had to come to the casting four times, but in the end he achieved his goal by performing the song "Without a fight" by the Okean Elzy group. Producer Igor Kondratyuk became Konstantin's mentor and, according to the results of the competition, became the winner of the season, singing a duet with Jamala's song "Get lost".

After a resounding victory in the "X Factor" Bocharov released the song "Not Alone", which received a lot of positive feedback. At the beginning of 2017, the artist took part in the national selection of the Eurovision Song Contest 2017, in which he took only third place, losing first place to the O.Torvald group. Despite this, Konstantin's song, with which he performed at the qualifying round, "Wonder", quickly reached the top positions in music chats.

At the end of spring 2017, he went on his first solo tour, and a few months later he released the song "Hooligan", co-written with British artist Ashley Hicklin. In November of the same year, he presented his first music album "Face to face", which included five English-language and one Ukrainian-language songs. In 2018, Konstantin presented the song "Under The Ladder" at the Eurovision preselection. The lyrics to this song were written by American songwriter Mike Ryals. As a result, Konstantin Bocharov represented his country at Eurovision 2018 in Lisbon. On May 12, 2018, he took 17th place in the final, receiving 11 points from the national juries of the participating countries (26th place) and 119 from viewers (7th place).

In 2019, the artist presented to the public his mini-album called "Octopus", consisting of two tracks. On one of them - "With you, with me, and years" - he shot a video.

MELOVIN's personal life

The young man assures that he does not have a girlfriend and that he had his last serious relationship 4 years ago. Konstantin complains that now it is very difficult to find the one and only, because he simply does not have time for relationships and searching for a soulmate. Although absolutely any girl can take his heart, because he does not idealize appearance and is looking for a person who is close to his soul and with non-standard thinking, and not a beautiful picture.

Interesting facts about MELOVIN

  • Lives with a cat.
  • The artist calls his fans "melovinators".
  • Konstantin's "strange eye" is not a developmental anomaly, but a lens that he wears to maintain his stage image.
  • Favorite performers are Louis Armstrong, Lady Gaga and John Lennon.
  • The artist's hobbies are creating perfumes, photography, cooking and chemistry.
  • The artist does not like it when colleagues and media representatives call him by name. In the working area - only MELOVIN.
  • MELOVIN works in different musical genres: pop, electro, soul, folk and many others.
  • The singer has several tattoos that he came up with himself.
  • MELOVIN collects glasses and glass balls.

Melovin is a young Ukrainian singer and composer. He became the winner of the 6th season of the X-Factor vocal project. In 2018, the young man will represent Ukraine at the Eurovision Song Contest.

Childhood and youth Melovin

Melovin was born on April 11, 1997 in Odessa. At birth, he received the name Bocharov Konstantin Nikolaevich. His mother, Valentina Vladimirovna, worked as an accountant, and his father, Nikolai Vladimirovich, worked as a driver. The boy was brought up in an ordinary family, far from music and creativity.

At the age of 4, Kostya's grandmother presented him with a gift - a music box with Beethoven's composition "To Elise", which won the boy's heart forever. She constantly believed in the talent of her grandson. For all events, the singer carries with him grandmother's beads - this is his talisman for good luck.

Soon, his mother took Kostya to dances, and when he got into a creative environment, he realized that he was also interested in other areas. He began to sing in the school choir. He was the only boy participating in theatrical productions. He began to compose poetry, write scripts.

Kostya studied at secondary school No. 27 in Odessa. In his school years, he was not a bully, however, he studied poorly - he was not a loser, but he did not reach the good one either. He had a hard time with the exact sciences. He did not even try to understand mathematics and physics. But he was brought up in such a way that he did not perceive the assessment as something important. Konstantin failed to pass the final and at the same time entrance exams the first time. Surprisingly, he was inspired by chemistry, he is still fond of this science.

Since 2009, he studied at the school of the National Theater "Gems". His first teacher was Stelmakh Maria Grigoryevna. His second acting teacher was the actress "Mask Show" Natalya Evgenievna Buzko.

Women have made a huge contribution to the development of the artist. Bocharov became the winner of festivals and competitions, he was constantly invited to the role of host of city events. All this time he wrote music and songs, went to auditions for television projects.

In 2012, the guy graduated with honors from the theater school. In the same year, he got a job as an assistant administrator on the set of the TV series The Longest Day.

A year later, the pseudonym "Melovin" was "born" and the creative team "Big House Melovin" was formed. According to Konstantin himself, this name is a compilation of the word "Halloween" and the name of designer Alexander McQueen. In 2015, the young man entered the Kyiv Institute of Music named after R. M. Glier.

Melovin, what's wrong with the eye - pathology or image

In fact, Kostya is all right with his eyes and vision, but is it easy for a gray-eyed guy to stand out from the crowd? Then he came up with this chip with lenses. Gray, green and blue lenses are used, for one or two eyes - the main thing is that they differ in color from one another. Kostya says that he put on lenses for the first time for two hours. And then he dyed his hair, becoming a platinum blonde, and then dyed his hair in two colors - blond and crow's wing.

MELOVIN at Eurovision-2018 became the "singing Dracula"

As expected, there was a lot of fire and unusual props in MELOVIN's Eurovision entry with the song Under The Ladder. Because of the image and number in general, the representative of Ukraine has already been dubbed “singing Dracula” on the Web.

The participant from Ukraine will open the Eurovision final

The organizers of the international song contest "Eurovision" on Friday night announced the order of performances of the finalists. Ukrainian singer Melovin will be the first on the stage of the Altice Arena in Lisbon on May 12, the release says.

“The order of performances provides an opportunity for each participant in the show to be noticed. Producers take into account the genre of the music, whether the song is performed solo or by a group, the use of props, the tempo of the music and other aspects,” the Eurovision organizers explained.

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