Methods of preparing and conducting classes on reading fiction in the first junior group. Perspective plan of the first younger group Reading fiction in the younger group of classes


Ekaterina Khudyshkina
Prospective planning for reading fiction in the first junior group

Prospective planning for reading fiction in the first junior group.


week Program content

1 Reading familiar nursery rhymes - to teach to emotionally perceive familiar nursery rhymes and poems, to portray characters, actively participate in the game Frolov 125

2 reading nursery rhymes"Our Masha is small..." poems by S. Kaputikyan "Masha has lunch"- help children understand the content of the nursery rhyme, pay attention to the words alenka, black-browed; cause a desire to listen to a nursery rhyme more than once; introduce the poem learn to pronounce onomatopoeic words and small phrases found in Gerbov's poem 68

3 Reading a fairy tale. Suteev "Chicken and Duckling"Target: introduce the fairy tale, give an idea of ​​the appearance of the duckling, exercise in the correct use of the word, too Gerbova 34

4 Reading a poem G. Sapgira "Cat" D\upr "The pussy does not leave us!"

Explain to children how to play with a toy and talk to it in different ways; help to repeat and invent on their own simple appeals to Gerbov's toy 78

week Program content

1 Repetition of familiar tales reading nursery rhymes"Cucumber, cucumber ..."- recall familiar fairy tales with children, help kids dramatize excerpts from works; help memorize Gerbov's new nursery rhyme 63

2 Reading German folk song "Three funny brothers"- to form the ability to listen to a poetic text, repeat onomatopoeic words, perform movements, which are mentioned in Gerbov's text 32

3 Russian folk song “The cat went to the market ...”. Pies for a cat - introduce the content of a folk song; learn to listen and answer the teacher's questions; form rounded lumps of plasticine;

4 Reading story E. Charushina "Hen"- teach children to perceive art text without visual accompaniment; enrich vocabulary; encourage repeating individual words when repeated reading Gerbov's story 45

week Program content

1 Reading Russian folk tale "Teremok"- introduce children to a fairy tale, arouse a desire to play a fairy tale

2 Reading story E. Charushina "Hedgehog"- to introduce a new story, to form the ability to listen silently, without being distracted; introduce the habits of the hedgehog Gerbov 104

3 Reading Russian folk tale "Turnip"- introduce children to the new fairy tale Gerbov 57

4 Reading a fairy tale L. Tolstoy "Three Bears"- teach children to listen to a large volume of work; evoke an emotional response; form the intonational expressiveness of Gerbov's speech 60

week Program content

1 Reading Ukrainian folk tale "Mitten"

Introduce a new fairy tale, arouse a desire to return to it repeatedly, teach to guess the riddles of Gerbov 50

2 Reading a fairy tale. Suteev "Who said meow?"- develop perceptual skills artistic works by ear, learn to portray actions characters, expressively convey dialogues from the fairy tale Gerbov n 53

3 Rhymes “Oh, you hare-shot…”. - introduce a new nursery rhyme, a riddle poem; teach to guess animals by description, develop attention, teach to ask questions and answer them;

Episode 4 “Oh, you hare-shot…”. - repeat the nursery rhyme with the children; teach to guess animals by description, develop attention, teach to ask questions and answer them;

week Program content

1 Reading a poem I. Akim "The tree is dressing up"- help children memorize and learn to read Gerbov's poem by heart 56 on their own

2 Reading Russian folk tale "Zayushkina's hut"- introduce children to a new fairy tale, help to understand its content, evaluate the actions of the characters; cause a desire to play Gerbov's fairy tale 91

3 Reading a fairy tale. bianchi "Fox and Mouse"- to acquaint children with the work of V. Bianchi, to teach to help the teacher read the fairy tale, finishing the words and small phrases of Gerbov 89

4 Reading Russian folk tale "Masha and the Bear"- to teach children to listen to a fairy tale, to participate in the staging of individual episodes, to form intonational expressiveness of speech; learn Gerbov's retelling 75

week Program content

1 Reading a fairy tale. Marshak "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse"- introduce children to a new work, teach them to listen to a poetic text, exercise in a clear pronunciation of onomatopoeia. Gerbova 37

2 Reading verse A. Barto A grimy girl "-expand vocabulary through speeches quietly, loudly, quickly, slowly, form a grammatical structure, develop the ability to navigate in the scheme of Khomyakov's own body 35

3 Reading a fairy tale. Marshak "Mustachioed - Striped" introduce children to a new work, arouse a desire to listen to it repeatedly, finish the words missed by the educator Gerbov 102

4 Reading a fairy tale. Suteev "Mouse and Pencil"- introduce children to a new fairy tale, arouse interest in the read fairy tale

week Program content

1 Reading story L. Tolstoy "Petya and Misha had a horse"- improve the ability to listen to a story without visual accompaniment Gerbov 37

2 Reading a poem I. Akim "Mum"- help children remember the poem and teach them to read it expressively by heart Gerbova 79

3 Reading fairy tale K. Chukovsky "Confusion"- introduce children to a kind and funny fairy tale, make them want to listen to it again, reproduce onomatopoeia; learn to improvise according to a fairy tale; develop a sense of humor; to activate in the speech of children the verb to want Gerbova 75

4 Game-situation "Sun Bunnies"- develop the imagination of children, encourage motor activity and independence in improvisation Gubanov 82

week Program content

1 Reading a poem. Barto "Airplane" with the negotiation of words - to help children remember and learn to read by heart Koldin's poem 9

2 Reading a poem B. Korsunskaya "Doll Natasha"- introduce children to a new poem, arouse interest in Koldin's toy 78

3 Reading a poem. Kaputikyan "Masha has lunch"- introduce the poem; learn to pronounce onomatopoeic words and small phrases found in Gerbov's verse 68

4 Reading a fairy tale. bianchi "Fox and Mouse"- introduce children to a new fairy tale, help them understand its content, teach them to answer questions and participate in the dramatization of episodes from a fairy tale; evoke positive emotions Koldin 117

week Program content

1 Reading verse/In. Mayakovsky "What is good and what is bad?"- introduce children to a new work, help to understand its content and remember fragments from it; enrich children's ideas about good and bad deeds Gerbov 94

2 Reading Russian folk tale "Cat, Rooster and Fox"- to educate children in the ability to listen to the volume of a fairy tale and understand its content; cause an emotional response to what is read, a desire to participate in the dramatization of individual episodes

3 Reading fairy tale K. Ushinsky "Petushka with family"- enrich and clarify ideas about the habits of chickens Gerbova 71

4 Reading a fairy tale. Grimm "Hare and hedgehog"- introduce children to a new fairy tale, help them understand its content, teach them to answer questions and participate in the dramatization of episodes from a fairy tale; activate words in speech and phrases: run, bent over, how are you Gerbova 97

Long-term planning "Reading fiction in the 1st junior group"
List of fiction
1. “Hello, kindergarten” September I. Gurina “Preschoolers”
A. Vishnevskaya "I work as a child"
N. Kalinina "How Sasha and Alyosha came to kindergarten" (from the book "About the snowball")
S. Privarskaya "Farewell to Mom";
V. Gerbova "About the girl Masha and Bunny Long Ear"
Z. Alexandrova: “In the Morning”, “Delicious Porridge”, “Topotushki” (from the book “Topotushki”).
Z. Alexandrova "Katya in the manger" (excerpt)
“Everyone clapped their hands” A. Anufriev
2. “My home” September S. Kaputikyan “Masha is having lunch”
N. Kalinina "How the guys built the house" (from the book "About the Snowball");

"Mitten" Ukrainian folk tale (arr. E. Blaginina)
"Katya, Katya is small ..." Russian folk amusement
"Give milk, Burenushka ..." Czech folk song
3. "Harvest" September Y. Tuwim "Vegetables"
V. Suteev "Apple"

T. Shorygina "Generous Harvest"
T. Bokova "Harvest Festival"
"Cucumber" Russian folk amusement
"After a warm rain ..." Russian folk amusement
4. "Our way of life" September V. Oseeva "Kind hostess"
L. Voronkova "Masha the Confused"
"Kolobok" Russian folk tale
D. Shidlovskaya "Offended toys"
N. Pavlova "Whose shoes?"
"Sick doll" V. Berestov
"Kiska" Russian folk amusement
1. "Animal World" October S. Kaputikyan "Everyone is sleeping";
E. Charushin "Cat" ("In our yard")
"Cockerel, cockerel" Russian folk song;
"The Cockerel and the Bean Seed" Russian folk tale
“You, doggy, don’t bark” (translated from Moldavian, I. Tokmakov);
E. Charushin "Dog" ("In our yard")
4. "Vulnerable-early in the morning" Russian folk amusement;
E. Charushin "Cow" ("In our yard")
5. "There is a horned goat" Russian folk amusement;

"Elephant" A. Barto
"Mishka clumsy" Russian folk amusement
2. “I am a man” October “The cat went to the market” Russian folk amusement;
"Masha and the Bear" Russian folk tale
S. Prokofiev "Masha and Oyka",
"The Tale of Yoku the Crybaby" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
S. Prokofiev "The Tale of the Protruding Tongue" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
S. Prokofiev "The Tale of Naughty Hands and Feet" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")

"Who will help" M. Ivensen
"Legs" Russian folk amusement
3. Folk culture and traditions in the game October 1. "Ribushechka hen" Russian folk amusement;
"Golden Egg" Russian folk tale (arranged by K. Ushinsky);
2. "Ladushki-ladushki" Russian folk amusement;
"Turnip" Russian folk tale (arranged by K. Ushinsky)
3. "Ai, dudu-dudu-dudu" Russian folk amusement;
"Teremok" Russian folk tale (arranged by K. Ushinsky)
"Bayu-bayushki-bayu" Russian folk amusement;
"Kids and the wolf" Russian folk tale
“I will tie the goat” Russian folk amusement;
"How a goat built a hut" Russian folk tale
"Egor's Bunny ..." Russian folk amusement
"Because of the forest, because of the mountains" Russian folk amusement
4. Musical drawing room "Colors of autumn" October M. Ivensen "Autumn";
A. Vishnevskaya "Autumn"
A. Pleshcheev "Autumn has come";
N. Kalinina "In the forest"
"The red sun has set" Russian folk song;
O. Vysotskaya "Herringbone"
5. A. Block "Bunny"
"Autumn" A. Pleshcheev (excerpt)
"The wind blows in our face" Russian folk rhyme
1. I am in the world of people "Friendship" November
L.N. Tolstoy. Stories "Petya and Misha had a horse"
V. Oseeva "Good hostess"
S. Prokofiev "The Tale of the Greatest Friend" (from the book "Masha and Oyka"
S. Prokofiev "The tale about the rude word" go away "" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
S. Prokofiev "The Tale of the Hammer and Nails" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
"Two hands" G. Sapgir
"There are three hens on the street" Russian folk amusement
2. Transport November N. Pavlova "By car"
2. S. Bernikov "The Tale of the Tu-Tu Engine" (from the book "Tales of the Tu-Tu Engine and His Friends")
3. E. Bendrysheva “What does it sound like?”
S. Bernikov "Tu-Tu the Engine and the Moon" (from the book "Tales of the Tu-Tu Engine and His Friends")
4. T. Kryukova "Foreword" and "Accident" (from the book "Businessman BIP")
5. T. Kryukova "Sick" (from the book "Avtomobilchik BIP")
"Truck" A. Barto
"The Locomotive Buzzed" by T. Volgin
3. Health School "Healthy" November S. Prokofiev "The Tale of the Crow's Nest" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
S. Prokofiev "The Tale of the Pacifier" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
A. Metzger "Magic cottage cheese"
D. Shidlovskaya "Little Doctor"

“Ay, frets, frets, we are not afraid of water” Russian folk amusement
"Let's put new boots on our feet" Russian folk amusement
4. "Who is preparing for winter" November Kabardino-Balkarian song "Hare";
I. Pivovarova "Hare"
A. Blok "Bunny".
E. Charushin ("Who lives like that?") "Hare"
E. Charushin (“Who lives like that?”)
N. Kalinina "In the forest";
A. Vishnevskaya "Winter Forest"
A. Paroshin “Birds fly south”;
D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak "Grey Neck" (abbreviated)
"Cold" O. Vysotskaya
"Our Masha is small" Russian folk amusement
5. "Mom's Week" November S. Prokofiev "The Tale of Mom" ​​(from the book "Masha and Oyka")
A. Metzger "Good deeds"
A. Metzger "Long Ear Bunny"
A. Metzger “We are loved the way we were born”
A. Metzger "So that mothers do not get sick"
"Horse" A. Barto
"Ladushki" Russian folk amusement
1. Hello, winter-winter December "Bayu-bayu, bainki ..."
A. Vishnevskaya "Winter in the yard", "Mittens"
Z. Aleksandrova "New snow";
A. Prokofiev "Like on a hill, on a mountain"
V. Orlov "Everything is angrier, angrier, angrier on the street frost";
P. Voronko "Santa Claus carries a bag"
N. Nikitin “The weather was noisy, the weather was clearing up in the field ...”, “The moon is merrily shining over the village”, “Burning crackling frost ...”
V. Orlov "Evening song"
“Oh, you, zimushka-winter” Russian folk amusement
"Where is my finger?" N. Saxony
2. City of Masters December S. Prokofiev. "The Tale of the Cuckoo Clock" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
S. Prokofiev. "The Tale of the Magic Basket" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
B. Zakhoder "Builders"
"Teremok" Russian folk tale (arranged by K. Ushinsky);
A. Metzger "How the Bunny was looking for his talent"
“Bunny, bunny, dance” G. Lagzdyn
"New clothes" P. Voronko
3. Winter is a sorceress December A. Pushkin “Here is the north catching up the clouds” (from the novel “Eugene Onegin”)
A. Metzger "Winter Song"
O. Vysotskaya "Cold";
V. Khorol "Bunny";
3. Z. Alexandrova "Katya in the manger"
4. S. Bogdan "For a walk ... Winter";
A. Paroshin "Mittens"
V. Stepanov (from "The ABC of the Seasons") "Winter"; "December"; "January"
"Burning Frost Crackling" I. Nikitin
"Snow, snow is spinning" A. Barto
4. New Year's kaleidoscope December A. Vishnevskaya "Herringbone", "New Year in kindergarten";
V. Gerbova "The story of the adventures of a green Christmas tree"
A. Metzger "How the animals divided the Christmas tree"
Ch. Yancharsky "Herringbone of a Big Bear" (chapter from the book "The Adventures of the Ushastik Bear"), trans. from Polish. V. Prikhodko.
V. Suteev "Christmas Tree"
N. Mayer "Santa Claus - Red Nose"
“Grandfather Frost walks the street” S. Drozhzhin
"Our tree" Y. Akim
1. "Visiting a fairy tale" January M. Plyatskovsky "Daisies in January"
S. Prokofiev "The Tale of Honest Ears" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
A. Metzger "Good Snowman"
A. Barto "It was in January"
I. Gurina "Snowman"
"Chiki, chiki, kitki" Russian folk amusement
"There is a tower-teremok" Russian folk joke
2. "Winter Fun" January S. Bernikov. "Tu-Tu the Engine and the Snowman" (from the book "Tales of the Tu-Tu Engine and His Friends")
I. Gurina "Snow fight"
Y. Taits "Train"
V. Suteev "Snow Bunny"
5. N. Kalinina "Snowball" (from the book "About the Snowball")
“A lot of snow, nowhere to run…”
"Katya's sleigh is lucky" 3. Alexandrova
3. Etiquette January N. Kalinina “Is that how they play?” (from the book "About the snowball")
S. Prokofiev "The Tale of the Ill-bred Mouse" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
A. Metzger "About the greedy little bear"
Ch. Yancharsky “Everyone eats what he loves”, “Guest” (from the book “The Adventures of the Ushastik Bear”), trans. from Polish. V. Prikhodko.
A. Barto, P. Barto "Girl-Revushka"
"Bunny" A. Barto
"Bear" A. Barto
4. Birds are cold in winter January 1. M. Biryukova. "Merry Tit";
V. Sukhomlinsky "What is the tit crying about."
2. A. Barkov “Bird-Joy” (Tales) 3. S. Bernikov “Tu-Tu Train and Sparrows” (from the book “Tales of Tu-Tu Train and His Friends”)
4. V. Zvyagin "Sparrows";
M. Gorky "Sparrow".
5. A. Prokofiev "Bullfinches" "Bird" A. Barto
"Snegirek" German folk song
1. "Little Explorers" February I. Darensky "Pie"
S. Mullabaev "Footprints in the snow"
M. Lapisova "It will be a cat's house"
A. Barto "I know what to think of"
D. Kharms "I walked in the winter along the swamp ..."
"Pie" P. Voronko

"The cat inflated the balloon" N. Pikulev
2. Travels and discoveries February S. Bernikov. "Tu-Tu the Engine Goes to Africa" ​​(from the book "Tales of the Tu-Tu Engine and His Friends")
V. Suteev "Who said "meow"?"
"The Journey of the Mouse" Eskimo folk tale
B. Potter. "Uhti-Tukhti", trans. from English. O. Exemplary
B. Potter. "Uhti-Tukhti", trans. from English. O. Exemplary (continued)
"The whole earth is covered in snow" A. Vvedensky
"Three cats were walking on the roof" V. Levin
3. Week of Courage "Our Defenders" February R. Bykov "Man"
K. Avdeenko "Little Officer"
V. Rudenko "Men's holiday";
I. Gurina "February 23"
A. Vishnevskaya "Airplane", "My Dream"
T. Bokova "Time to work"
"Airplane" A. Barto
"Congratulations Dad"
4. "My family" February A. Vishnevskaya "I love my grandmother";
“We lived with my grandmother…” Ukr. n. song
2. S. Cherny "About Katyusha"; M. Skrebtsova "Mom is with us"
3. "Lazy Brucholin" Italian folk tale.
4.E. Ranneva "Lovers"; M. Skrebtsova "My grandfather"
I. Vekshegonova "Our friendly family";
O. Bundur "I take care of my father and mother"
“Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta, grandfather caught the cat ...” Russian folk amusement
"Friendly family" Russian folk amusement
1. Meeting of spring "Women's Day" March
1. S. Bogdan "For a walk ... Spring";
Spring-sorceress A. Barkov
L. Dyakonov “We ​​rode on a sled”;
V. Suteev. "How Winter Ended"
3. S. Marshak "Poems about spring";
“How the bear was woken up” by A. Barkov
4. E. Blaginina "Let's sit in silence";
S.Ya. Marshak "Gloves"
"My mother" G. Russu
"Come out to the garden soon" Russian folk amusement
2. Kindness rules the world March "Zayushkina's hut" Russian folk tale
E. Bekhlerova "Cabbage leaf" Per. from Polish. G. Lukina
S. Prokofiev. "The Tale of How the Mouse Got into Trouble" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
A. Metzger "Birthday of a bear cub"
A. Metzger "How the little squirrel found friends"
"Sun" G. Boyko
"Kiskino grief" B. Zakhoder
3. Me and my friends in the game world March S. Prokofieva. "The Tale of the First Berries" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
S. Prokofiev. "The Tale of Magic Feathers" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
V. Suteev "Ship"
Ch. Yancharsky. "In the toy store", "Friends" (from the book "The Adventures of Mishka Ushastik"), trans. from Polish. V. Prikhodko.
Ch. Yancharsky. "Games", "Scooter" (from the book "The Adventures of the Ushastik Bear"), trans. from Polish. V. Prikhodko.
"Ball" A. Barto
"We are working" S. Semyonov
4. "Day of laughter", "Circus", "Theater" March V. Morozova "Puppet theater"
"Shadow, shadow, sweat" r.n. song
Ch. Yancharsky "In the circus" (chapter from the book "The Adventures of the Ushastik Bear"), trans. from Polish. V. Prikhodko.
K. Chukovsky. "Confusion"
S. Marshak "Circus Big Top"
"There is a stump in the swamp" Russian folk amusement
"The cat went under the bridge" Russian folk amusement
1. “We want to be healthy” April A. Vishnevskaya “To grow big”
Poem about health
A. Barto and P. Barto "The grimy girl"
K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr"
“So that the teeth do not hurt”;
I. Gurina "The Tale of Sore Teeth"
“My hands are clean with warm water” Russian folk amusement
“My advice to the guys is this” L. Grzhibovskaya.
2. “Spring walks the planet” April I. Kosyakov “Chick-chirp!”;
S. Bogdan "Summer is Coming"
"Visiting the sun" Slovak folk tale
A. Pleshcheev. "Spring" (abbreviated);
I. Solovyov-Mikitov "Hello, spring!"
A. Metzger "Droplet"
P. Solovyov "Snowdrop";
Z. Aleksandrova "Snowdrop" "Country song" A. Pleshcheev
E. Blaginina “The streams are ringing, they are singing ...” (excerpt)
3. “We meet the birds” April A. Paroshin “The birdhouse”,
N.V. Kuznetsov "Starling"
"The Finch Sings", trans. from Bulgarian I. Tokmakova;
T. Shapiro "The Nightingale"
A. Pleshcheev "Country Song";
G. Ladonshchikov "The singers are returning"
E. Blaginina "Crane";
Ch. Yancharsky (chapter from the book "The Adventures of Mishka Ushastik") "Letter from a stork"
Ch. Yancharsky (chapter from the book "The Adventures of Mishka Ushastik") "Bananas"
"Clouds run faster" S. Marshak
"Sparrow, what are you waiting for?" A. Taraskin
4. "Water Magician" April 1. S. Prokofiev. "The Tale of Cold Water" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
I. Gurina “April wandered through the forests”;
M. Plyatskovsky "A cloud in a trough"
S. Bernikov. "Tu-Tu the Engine and the Cloud" (from the book "Tales of the Tu-Tu Engine and His Friends")
A. Metzger "The Wind and the Cloud"
A. Lukshin "The Tale of the Rain"
"Vodichka, some water, wash my face..." Russian folk amusement
"The sun gently laughs" Y. Kolas
1. Week of spring and memory May S. Kaputikyan "May"; N. Ivanova "Spring";
I. Zakharova “Here is the glorious month of May!”;
S. Prokofiev. "The Tale of the Biggest Hare in the World" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
T. Agibalova "My dad"
A. Usachev "What is Victory Day";
I. Tokmakova "This is a holiday"
"Wears a dandelion ..." E. Serova
"Sun-bell" Russian folk amusement
2. Safe childhood May S. Prokofieva. "The Tale of a Cunning Trap" (from the book "Masha and Oika")
A. Metzger "How the Long-Eared Bunny Pricked His Leg"
A. Metzger "How the animals put out the fire"
"Bull" A. Barto
"To cross the road" O. Emelyanova
3. Week of Friendship
with nature May S. Prokofiev. "The Tale of the Gray Cloud" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
S. Prokofiev. "The Tale of the Little Oak Tree" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
A. Metzger "Good Dwarf"
A. Metzger "How the Dawn did not want to get up"
A. Metzger “Why did the insect take offense?”
"The ant found a blade of grass" Z. Aleksandrova
"Bee, bee" Yugoslav folk song
4. “That's how big we have become” May S. Prokofiev. "The Tale of a Toy Town" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
S. Prokofiev. "The Tale of the Shoes" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
S. Prokofiev. "The Tale of the Red Lantern" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
S. Prokofiev. "The Tale of Lazy Feet" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")
S. Prokofiev. "The Tale of the Leaky Pocket" (from the book "Masha and Oyka")

"Kids-strong" ... "Russian folk nursery rhyme
5. "Hello summer!" May 1. A. Metzger “How Mishutka and Bunny Long Ear rode a motorcycle”
2. A. Metzger "Bunny Bunny"
3. "Puff", Belarusian folk tale, arr. N. Myalika "Musical guys" P. Zolotov
“A fox with a box ran through the woods” Russian folk amusement

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What aspects of readiness for school are especially important? This is the ability to accurately perceive and complete the task; memorize the sequence of actions necessary for its implementation; development of fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination; ability to perform sound analysis ...

Competition of readers on the theme: "The book is a source of wisdom" Objectives of the competition: creating conditions for the cognitive and speech development of children; education of a positive emotional attitude to literary poetic works; development of artistic and speech performing skills when reading poems; revealing the best reciters...

Card file of fiction in the younger group

Topic: "Repetition of poems by A. Barto from the cycle" Toys ""

Purpose: creating conditions for memorizing the poems of A. Barto, through their independent pronunciation.

Topic: "Reviewing favorite books (at the request of children)"

Purpose: to create conditions for attentive listening to a fairy tale, through looking at illustrations.

Subject: Title: V. Dragoon "What I love"»

Purpose: Creation of conditions for

Subject: "K. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief"»

Purpose: Creating conditions for the development of speech activity by introducing children to the work of K. Chukovsky.

Subject: N. Nosov "Cog, Shpuntik and vacuum cleaner"

Purpose: Creation of conditions for

familiarization with the content of the tale through the examination of illustrations.

Topic: "Car and metro" N. Nosov

Purpose: Creation of conditions for

formation of the ability to listen to a literary text through the development of a culture of speech.

Theme: "Uncle Styopa" S. Mikhalkov

Purpose: Creating conditions for stimulating speech activity by introducing children to the work of S. Mikhalkov.

Topic: "Pchelnikova A. - Bird"

Goal: Creating conditions for the development of attention through musical accompaniment.

Theme:V. Golyavkin

Purpose: Creating conditions for stimulating speech activity by introducing children to the work of V. Golyavkin.

Theme: "Tales of the peoples of the world"

Purpose: Creating conditions for stimulating speech activity by introducing children to the fairy tales of the peoples of the world.

Theme: Russian folk tale "Cockerel and Hen"

Purpose: Creating conditions for the development of attention by introducing children to Russian folk tales.

Subject: Olesya Emelyanova "Doctor"

Purpose: Creating conditions for the development of attention and perseverance by introducing children to the work of O. Emelyanova "Doctor".

Topic: Andrey Oshnurov "Our Army"

Purpose: Creating conditions for the development of attention by introducing children to the work of A. Oshnurov.

Theme: A. and P. Barto's poem "The Roaring Girl"

Purpose: Creating conditions for the development of attention by introducing children to the work of A. Barto.

Subject: Russian folk nickname "Sun-bucket"

Purpose: Creating conditions for the development of attention and perseverance by introducing children to Russian folk nicknames.

Theme: A. Barto "In the theater"

Purpose: Creating conditions for the development of attention and perseverance by introducing children to the work of A. Barto.

Subject: V.G. Kvashin "How the sea settled"

Purpose: Creating conditions for the development of attention and perseverance by introducing children to the work of V.G. Kvashin.

Theme: "Flower of seven flowers" V. Kataev

Purpose: Creating conditions for the development of attention and perseverance by introducing children to the work of V. Kataev.

Theme: Vitaly Bianchi "Like an ant hurried home"

Purpose: Creating conditions for stimulating speech activity, through acquaintance with the work of V. Bianchi.

Theme: K.Ushinsky "Summer"

Purpose: Creation of conditions for the development of interest in the poetic word, through familiarization with the work of K. Ushinsky.

Natalya Kupreshkina
Lesson on reading fiction in the 1st junior group. Reading a poem by S. Marshak "Whoever finds a ring"

Abstract classes

on reading fiction

in 1 junior group« Reading a poem

WITH. Marshak

"Who will find a ring» .

Educator MDOBU

"Sunshine Kindergarten"

Kupreshkina N. A.

Goals: Continue to arouse children's interest in listening to a poetic work and teach them to understand its content.

Cause an emotional response and a desire to help the girl.

To consolidate children's ideas about poultry.

To interest children in looking at illustrations by V. Lebedev to poem.

Develop imagination, fantasy.

Benefits: An illustrated book by S. Marshak"Who will find a ring, toys - cat, goose, chicken, turkey, magpie, doll, ringlet.

preliminary work: familiarity with domestic animals and birds, poetry reading, nursery rhymes about poultry, animals.

Area integration: cognition, reading fiction,

health, socialization, communication.

Course progress.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that a doll is crying somewhere outside the door. The teacher and children open the door, turn to the doll. They start a conversation.

Dolly, what's your name? (Olya)

Why are you crying, Olenka? What has happened with you?

Guys, let's ask Olya? (the teacher pretends that Olya is speaking in her ear).

Doll Olya told me what she had lost ringlet? Guys, how can we calm her down, help her? (Search ringlet)

Guys. Do you want to know what happened to Olenkin anyway? ringlet? Let's sit down and put our Olenka on a chair. (Children sit on chairs)

Guys, look what an interesting book I have, it says here about Olenkino ringlet.

Reading a poem. The teacher, in accordance with the text, exposes toys - cats, goose, chicken, turkey, magpies.

Guys. And who wanted to help find ring for Olya? (children look at toys and name them).

Yes, these are domestic birds. (The teacher draws attention to the animals). Everyone wanted to help. (The teacher discreetly puts on ringlet doll and read the lines poems to the end).

Ouch. Look at Oli ringlet sparkle on your finger?

The final conversation with the doll Olya.

Olya, you won't lose anymore ringlet? (No)

Guys, Olya doll is probably hungry. Let's set the table and give her tea with jam.

Transition to role-playing game "Let's drink the Olya doll with tea".

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