Mikhail Shats where he works now. Mikhail Shats: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo


51-year-old TV presenter Tatyana Lazareva no longer lives with her husband, 53-year-old comedian and TV presenter Mikhail Shats. The star spoke about the breakup in an interview channel"What about talking?" on YouTube.

Now Tatiana lives in the Spanish city of Marbella with her daughter Sonya. Lazareva explained why she made such a decision: “I said:“ That’s it, I can’t do it anymore. I don’t have a job there, and there’s no job here, well, I’d rather be here.”

Mikhail decided to stay in Moscow. “It so happened that he and I are living some new life separately,” admitted Tatiana.


The TV presenter was experiencing severe depression. “Last summer, I really wanted to hang myself. Olympus, which we had in everything ... And the creative union is very powerful. We worked with him, lived, we were very comfortable, ”recalls Lazareva.

It was hard for Tatyana to live outside her comfort zone: “We were brought up in such a way that you have a profession for life, you have marriage for life, we even had an apartment for life.” The TV presenter noted that she sees no point in a golden wedding if the spouses "live a parallel life."

“He has some kind of his own story, and he’s cool, I have my own — and I’m cool too,” said the star. Despite the breakup, Tatyana considers Mikhail a member of her family: "This is the closest person to me, and I, of course, to him too."

Recall that Tatyana Lazareva and Mikhail Shats began dating in 1998. In 2011, the couple legalized the relationship. The couple has three children - 23-year-old son Stepan, 20-year-old daughter Sonya and 12-year-old daughter Antonina.

Earlier, Tatyana Lazareva admitted that she suffers from ulcerative colitis (inflammatory bowel disease): “I was diagnosed in 2014. Now I understand that there is no need to be ashamed of this disease. The problem won't go away if you pretend it doesn't exist."

Fans are accustomed to seeing the presenter Tatyana Lazareva paired with Mikhail Shats - both on TV broadcasts and on stage, and at home. The forced departure from one of the main channels, which happened some time ago, separated them in life. The other day, in a frank interview for the A Talk channel, Tatyana said that she had not been living with her husband for the second year.

“It so happened that he and I are living some new life separately,” she admitted.

Tatyana spends almost all her free time with her daughter in the town of Marbella in Spain. “When I made a decision, and as a rule I make all the decisions in our family, I said, “That’s it, I can’t take it anymore.” Well, that is, I have no work there, and there is no work here, well, I'd rather be here. Moreover, with the school it was obvious that I would not find here in Moscow the school that would suit me as a mother. I gathered everyone and said: "I'm staying here." And everyone's like, "Well, okay." Everyone except Michael. And he says: "And I, mother, what will I do?" - "I don't know what to do. Do what you want" - "Well, I can't be here, in this hole" Moscow, and you are here, with Tosya, ”and the couple parted.

Life in Spain suits Tatyana more. “Everything is much cheaper there. Factor of! There are wonderful cheap products, there is no need for any show-offs. You put on flip-flops, some shorts, you don’t think about anything at all, ”she says about life abroad. A place where she once thought - “I'm at home. Here you can safely meet old age, ”and first she came with her family for two weeks, then she began to stay for the summer, cured her of depression.

Tatyana frankly admitted that last summer, due to total disorder, she began to have suicidal thoughts. “Last summer, I really wanted to hang myself,” she said. It was very difficult for her to give up her "Olympus" and start living an ordinary life.

“It became clear that what was, this Olympus, which we had in everything. This creative union is also very powerful, and we really lived with it, we were very comfortable with it, and this one here ... sort of ... this appearance ... well, not visibility, this pair of "Lazareva-Shatz ", there is also Agutin-Varum ... after Tom Cruise got divorced, and we stayed ... Agutin and Varum and I all joke: "Well, guys, will we still hold on?" - and this also imposed responsibility, ”she shared her thoughts.

“In general, this erroneous opinion was given to us, I hope to you to a lesser extent that we, for life, are given to us ... We were brought up in such a way that you have a profession for life, you have marriage for life, and this too comfort zone, we even had an apartment for life. And this comfort zone, when you ... How everyone rejoiced "50 years, a golden wedding, here people live" ... and the fact that they no longer look at each other simply, they each live a parallel life - why. This is the trend of honesty now ... and in general, in the Western world, the average duration of marriage is 3.5 years, and this is the norm, ”Tatyana reflects.

Despite the separation, she talks about Mikhail as a member of her family. “This is the closest person to me, and I am for him too, of course. We are very close. I don't really like the word "love". And this is such a closeness that just like that ... you can’t just say: “That’s it, old man, thanks, it was cool, let’s move on now,” although I really want to, of course, and so it happens. He has some kind of his own story, and he's terribly cool about it, I see, I have my own story, and I'm cool too. But we want to be together, and this, of course, is a very interesting task, ”she says about her“ partner marriage ”.

Lazareva also denied the information about the "deadly disease" that was recently circulated by the media. The star said that we are talking about ulcerative colitis, which can be kept under control all the time.

If you ask which of the comedians have been known to a large number of viewers for over 20 years, then the answer will be unequivocal. This is a married couple of Tatyana Lazareva and Mikhail Shats. For more than 20 years they have been delighting fans with their jokes, releasing humorous series and programs.

Humor is everything

It seems that these two of a kind were destined to become comedians. And this is despite the fact in which families our heroes were born and what hopes their parents had for them. So, for example, Tatyana's parents were teachers. They just lived their profession and wanted their daughter to continue their dynasty. But the girl was not particularly diligent in her studies. Fives in the diary were very rare, most often the teachers assessed the girl's knowledge in threes.

As for artistry, Tatyana was the best here. From childhood, she arranged performances for her parents, their friends or classmates. After graduating from school, the girl decided to enter a theater university, but it was not so easy. From the first time, Tatyana failed to conquer the selection committee with her talent. And she entered the university in her hometown at the Faculty of Philology.

Without finishing it, Lazareva entered another university. She also does not have a diploma on his graduation, but all this did not prevent her from playing in KVN and gradually moving towards her dream.

As for Mikhail, he also began his creative career while studying at the Medical University. He was a leading player in the KVN team of St. Petersburg. Unlike Tatyana, Mikhail received a university degree and became an anesthesiologist. The guy even worked for several years in his specialty and saved human lives. It is not surprising that humor and KVN connected the fates of Tatyana Lazareva and Mikhail Shats.

stories of two lives

The life of Tatyana Lazareva from childhood was rich and dynamic. Despite her non-standard appearance and tall stature, she has always been a success with men. Her first serious relationship began when the girl was 20 years old. The first lover's name was Dmitry. They met at an international camp.

Young people fell in love with each other, so it seemed to Tatyana then. And when the love passed, it turned out that Tatiana was not Dmitry's only girlfriend. This is where the relationship ended.

When Tatyana was 25 years old, she decided that it was time to end her bachelor life. At that moment, she was in a relationship with Alexander Drugov. The guy was not 8 years older than her. Tatyana's parents really liked Alexander, because he was reliable and could provide for the family. The groom had his own apartment, car and great opportunities. Alexander was not against marrying Tatyana. And so it happened.

But, as it turned out, the money, the apartment and the car did not bring happiness to the couple, and after six months the couple broke up. They officially filed a divorce when Tatyana was pregnant.

Interesting Notes:

The father of the first child was Roman Fokin. There was a short romance between him and Tatyana, which ended with the birth of his son Stepan. Now the son and father do not communicate. But Tatyana at the time of pregnancy did not care who would become a father. The girl just realized that she was ready to become a mother and wanted to get pregnant very much.

As for Mikhail Shatz, his personal life was much calmer. As it turns out later, he loved one woman all his life. This woman was Tatyana Lazareva.

Family life

After Tatyana's family life failed, and she was left alone with a small child in her arms, she needed support more than ever. This support was Michael. The couple now no longer remember when they met. She was often with her KVN teams at tournaments and festivals. Maybe that's when they met.

At the festival in Sochi, Tatyana and Mikhail already knew each other and at first the young people were just friends.

They discussed the games of the club of the cheerful and resourceful, shared their creative plans. Tatyana did not take Mikhail seriously and did not consider him for a romantic relationship. At this time, the young man was in love with her, but was afraid to admit it.

But you can't escape fate. After some time, the couple realized that they should be together. Mikhail Shats made an offer to Tatiana Lazareva, and she agreed to become his wife. The son of Lazareva from his first marriage did not become an obstacle to Mikhail. They became friends. The man's parents opposed the marriage. They wanted to see a girl of Jewish nationality next to their son, and not a tall and ungainly Siberian. But over time, they had to come to terms with the choice of their son and accept their daughter-in-law.

In the marriage of Mikhail Shats and Tatyana Lazareva, two beautiful daughters were born. The eldest is called Sofia, the youngest was named Antonina. In addition to children, the couple had many joint creative creations that brought them fame.

twenty years later

The couple lived as a large and friendly family for about twenty years. Of course, from time to time information about their divorce appeared in the press, but the couple did not give any comments. They continued to live together and raise children. But recently, information has increasingly begun to appear that Tatyana and Mikhail do not live together.

This time the information turned out to be true. It turned out that the couple had not lived together for several months. Tatyana and her children moved to Spain, while Mikhail continues to live and work in Moscow. Tatyana decided to explain the current situation. She said that she and her husband had entered a new phase in their lives. Now they have something resembling a guest marriage.

Mikhail and Tatyana have not yet divorced, and Lazareva does not interfere with her husband's communication with the children. She says that throughout the twenty years of their life together, they were faithful to each other. Now the artist wants to start a new chapter in her life. But, at the same time, she wants to remain honest with her husband.

Now Tatyana Lazareva does not exclude the full possibility of reuniting with Mikhail. And fans do not lose hope that this will happen soon.


TV presenter Tatyana Lazareva told the Latvian edition about how the political position deprived her and Mikhail Shatz of work.

O Lazarev gave a candid interview to Latvian journalists during a visit to Riga, where she and her husband attended a performance with the participation of dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov.

Due to participation in opposition rallies and movements, Lazareva and Schatz have long disappeared from TV screens. The once popular program “Good Jokes” on the STS channel has already begun to be forgotten, and the family of popular presenters had to cut costs and even start using public transport. The children of the spouses took it for granted.

“We have never hidden our position and thoughts from them. The names Navalny and Putin sound regularly in our apartment, which sometimes leads to funny situations. Once we were riding in a taxi, hearing Putin’s name on the radio, Antonina exclaimed loudly: “Wow, I hate it!” Tatyana Lazareva shares with Delphi.

The presenter also explained why she decided to speak with political slogans.

“The reason to think about why everything is wrong was that same charity. At some point, I realized that the efforts that we are making to move a huge mountain by half a millimeter are mere crumbs for the state, everything can be moved with one little finger and a stroke of a pen. I began to regularly think why in our rich country most people live so terribly? What kind of genocide is this against your own people?” Tatyana is indignant.

However, the couple had to pay for their civil activity with work, they were left without a contract with STS.

“At some point, my contract was not renewed. The most disgusting thing is HOW it was done. My previous contract with the STS channel was concluded in December and ended in December. They gave me a new one to sign - I put a flourish without looking. In March, I realized that there was no money on the card. They called STS - they said that I no longer work for them. I got into the contract - it turned out that where it usually stood "from December 31 to December 31", it was cowardly entered "from December 31 to January 31". My boss Slava Murugov, who before that always swore and swore in devotion and love, said that he grew up on our jokes, after this story he diligently avoided us. But we didn't insist. I won’t say that I really want to work on such television now, ”admits Lazarev a.

Tatyana Lazareva: What shall we drink?

Evgenia Albats: I am red.

T.L.: And I'm white.

E.A.: Is this Spanish wine?

T.L.: Yes, the simplest, €3.60.

E.A.: 260 rubles ... I don’t know what you can buy in Moscow for that kind of money. Mine costs me 1700 rubles. - this is in your money €24 with kopecks.

T.L.: Horror. We have a favorite summer wine here called Esmeralda, it's so light and flowery. I came to Moscow, on Sadovoe Street, to some basement there, I look: oh, Esmeralda - 1400 rubles. (€19.94). And then, as luck would have it, the owner of this shop appeared, he was terribly happy with me, come on, he says, I will treat you. I say, yes, let's do it, because, you know, I won't buy this wine with my own money for such a price. And he told me that in order to somehow exist, you need four ends. Renting on the Garden Ring is at least two ends, customs, all sorts of authorities and inspectors ... Wine really costs € 6 - 421 rubles, and there 1400, more than three times more expensive. But I must tell you that there is a wonderful "Barbadilla" that costs €3.75. For four (€) it is quite possible to buy a normal wine. It's gone for a half. We tried it with a girlfriend for twenty rubles, but then they let it go for mussels, it’s completely ... My friend lives in Novosibirsk, so she can’t find good wine there at a normal price, in principle, everything is powder. A good one costs from one and a half thousand. And in Novosibirsk, excuse me, one and a half thousand rubles per bottle - this comes out to a pretty penny. But how I love beautiful, cheerful, drinking women!

E.A.: Yes, yes, it's about us.

T.L.: Well, what are you doing there, how are you?

E.A.: Tanya, you ask questions just like in Soviet times. Chekists are in power - that's how. They themselves, with their own hands, brought them to power, and then with soft paws they raked everything for themselves: a dozen state corporations, at least 25 all kinds of agencies and services, the most delicious sectors of the economy - from oil to finance, 70% of all nomenclature positions .. .

T.L.: Yes, fools. Zhvanetsky, remember, it was like you don’t pay attention to us, we’ll figure it out, the main thing is, let’s work, work, and we will sit quietly, we won’t disturb you. That's the way it happened, sat down.


E.A.: Where are you now?

T.L. A: I'm in Marbella. This is the very south of Spain, opposite Africa is already here. Malaga airport.

E.A.: I flew to Malaga when I went to wander around Andalusia, to see where my ancestors lived until they were killed.

T.L.: So you're a Sephardi?

E.A.: Yes, the Albats came to Spain from Morocco.

T.L.: So you can apply for Spanish citizenship here.

E.A.: I can. And in Portugal I can. But what's the point? I might as well go to Israel. But I will not live in any Spain, Tanya. The worst thing is that I don’t understand at all where I can live, except for this country.

T.L. A: But I found an opportunity. I hide behind Antonina. Antonina is here.

E.A.: How old is Antonina?

T.L.: She is 11 years old. Seniors are already in English "boarding" ( boarding school- boarding schools), this is a village, this is Adler, pure Adler: teenagers need to be taken out of here, therefore Antonina will go to boarding, and I don’t have much time left to prepare for the fact that I will be left without it cover. And further, what to do - it is not clear.

E.A.: And if there was no Antonina, would you still be looking for where to go?

T.L.: We've been shooting here for fifteen years now, in this Marbella. That is, we found a place to our liking. Someone Italy, someone France, someone Spain, someone Israel. In general, they were already everywhere, of course, with Mishka ( Mikhail Shats, husband of Tatyana Lazareva. - NT). And we have been here for a very long time, already seven years, filming - first for the summer. Then we figured that it costs as much money to rent here for the summer as you rent for a year. Yes, there are such prices here, because this is a resort. We have a wonderful host: I have never seen him in the eye.

E.A.: And where is it cheaper to live, in Moscow or in Marbella?

T.L. A: Here, of course. And when I finally realized that there was no work ... Well, as if at first we were at Silver Rain, there was some kind of work that required a presence in Moscow. Then we had a wonderful musical "Singing in the Rain" - we got good money there, it was the year before last. Then the musical ended, an empty year passed. I realized that I don’t work in Moscow, that I don’t work in Marbella, but the weather here is great, the environment is great, and food is cheap.


E.A.: How did it happen that you and Mikhail were left without work? Did it “fly” to you because both of you were elected to?

T.L.: Yes, they (the authorities) purposefully cleaned out everyone who was in. If they (the people in power) were a little more far-sighted, they would have waited until the Coordinating Council. But this seemed not enough, and they still caught up with everyone and said to you: take it. The problems actually started in 2012.

E.A.: How are you so sure that both of you lost your job precisely because of Bolotnaya and participation in the Coordinating Council?

T.L.: Good question. I do not rule out that someone may have taken advantage of the moment. Mishka and I, in general, were quite competitive on television. Well, who doesn’t want to eliminate competitors in any way? The more we set ourselves up. Everyone.

E.A.: If you turn back ...

T.L.: Everyone asks us this question...

E.A.: Having the experience that you and Mikhail already have…

T.L.: Well, look, okay, we entered the Coordinating Council, because we could not help but go to it. Just like we went to, because going to Bolotnaya was a normal manifestation of civic position. We were all going to go there, to the first Bolotnaya (December 10, 2011), we all made photocopies of our passports and took off our shoelaces. And the day before or on the eve of the first Bolotnaya, Borya Nemtsov called me - Borya Nemtsov had never called me before, we didn’t even know him personally - he called me and asked: do you want to speak? I say, well, you want and you need, these are different things, of course, but in principle, yes, I want and I need to. What am I going to refuse if I go there anyway. True, the speech was disgusting, crumpled, okay. And I went to Bolotnaya consciously and performed.

And then, I think that, of course, if there were no Coordinating Council, I would still continue ...

E.A.: But you didn't expect that there would be a reaction on the STS channel? Have you thought about it?

T.L.: Of course not. Remember that time, we were all in euphoria. Then there was - Lenya Parfyonov called me there, we traveled around the cities, I debated on the "Rain" with Masha (Makeeva) - it was not mine at all, but there was euphoria.


E.A.: And you did not think that this could be followed by repression?

T.L.: No, they didn't, I swear to you, it wasn't in the air then. And returning to your question about the Coordinating Council and Bolotnaya, I could not have done otherwise then.

E.A.: Did no one tell you: it will end badly?

T.L.: They talked, they talked. I remember that one of our mutual acquaintances with Misha was alone in the car, and he said to me: “Tanya, they asked me to tell you: return to the bosom of the family and the church.”

E.A.: Was it given to you before your dismissal from STS or after?

T.L.: After.

E.A.: So you had the opportunity to play back?

T.L.: How?

E.A.: As in Soviet times: admit guilt, repent before the party and the government.

T.L.: Well, of course, and say: sorry, they forced me, they have my passport. Of course, Mishka and I discussed this many times later.

E.A.: AND?

T.L.: Can you imagine what it is necessary to say, do to forgive? Go to Channel One, repent?

E.A.: Do not exaggerate: you would not be called to any Channel One, because you are still lepers, you cannot be completely trusted, but on STS or TNT they could give a program, subject to a subscription for cooperation with those very bodies ...


T.L.: You see, you know everything, but I have never even been recruited. Although, in general, my story is burdened, of course, by the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok. Because my parents were absolutely far from dissidence, from Galich, from underground clubs, generally far away, and by some miracle only in the 10th grade I found out that, for example, Danya Efros is Jewish. And I didn’t even understand: so what? And they say to me: so he is a Jew. I say: in the sense, a Jew, what is this? That is, the 10th grade, there was already a hefty girl ... So there was the Amigo political song club: Cuba, ke linda es Cuba, how good it is in Cuba, how everyone has fun there, but cruise missiles there, damn it, do not sleep . We sang about the decaying West, about imperialism, about how terrible it is there, how it is here ... No, we didn’t even sing how beautiful it is, we just talked about how bad it is there, how we should help them, because they to go nuts how terrible, neutron bomb, we should be for peace. And then this pre-perestroika period began, when the socialist camp began to swell. Then the word appeared: “social concrete”, the songs were like this - “social concrete” - for example, the song “Master Grisha” by Okudzhava, which was about the fact that “In our house, in our house, in our house, grace, grace ...” That is everything in our house is good, but the roof is dripping, cracks, master Grisha will come and fix everything. And then comes the verse: “In our house, in our house, in our house there are drafts, drafts, and the roof is swaying in the wind. Come on, take your fists out of your pocket, master Grisha. This, excuse me, was already a protest, and the song was a pre-perestroika protest song. It was a great school: I was in the eighth grade, and the guys around me were students, and we are all together from Cuba, my love - to the fists in your pocket. And then, in 1991, I played for the first time in KVN for the team of Novosibirsk University.

E.A.: Did you start singing there right away?

T.L.: And they took me because I sang. Then the female role in KVN was nominal - walk beautifully, and that's it, no texts, nothing like that. And they took me to the first KVN just with a number, because I played a lot in the skits of Novosibirsk University - I had a parody of Laima Vaikule. Something like this: “Inflation is galloping, just horror. Soon there will be compensation, just a little bit. Now listen, this is some kind of horror, but our team, the team of Novosibirsk University, participated in the major league three times KVN and won all three times - it was the only team that was the KVN champion three times, and I am the only woman who was Miss KVN twice.

E.A.: Wow! That is, KVN - it was such an absolutely sexist story?

T.L.: In the sense that we made a number in which there were six girls on stage, and behind the scenes there were 40 men: they wrote texts, they invented everything, and two of them also dressed in women's clothes.

E.A.: But you say that the role of a woman in KVN was to walk around the stage and be silent?

T.L.: Before we came there and broke this whole system, - from there, by the way, the legs of "Comedy Wumen" grow, it's all from there.


E.A.: Let's go back to December 2011. And how did Mikhail (Shatz) react to the fact that you suddenly became one of the faces of the opposition?

T.L.: When was Bolotnaya and I performed there? He later told me: “Lord, I’m an ordinary cowardly Jew, if not for you, I would never have ended up there.” When I performed at Bolotnaya, Misha walked around, Misha and Furry ( Alexander Pushnoy - musician, showman, TV presenter. - NT), we went together. And Mishka later told me: “I would never, it’s not mine at all, you know.” He was trying to tell me that it was all your fault. I say: “You chose me, which means that you needed something, overcame it.”

E.A.: Lord, how many wise people I know who have become fantastically rich and successful and at the same time are afraid of everything in the world. And I think: why do we need all these millions and billions, if they are afraid to open their mouths, if they have to look around and think with whom it is possible to be seen in a restaurant, and with whom - God forbid, they will write down in strangers, in enemies. And why then do we need these billions, if everyone already knows for sure that there are no pockets in the coffin?

T.L.: Of course of course. And they envy us all. They really don’t understand, but what do you have to say from this right of yours? Yes, I have myself. I have what I have inside. Everything else is the human path, from birth to death, you go through it and finish it, and die naked, and they won’t put a picture of Kustodiev in your coffin. Although they can, of course, but this would already be the highest degree of cynicism.

We are happier people, we understood this earlier. We understood this at the age when we made the decision, and we had an inner core that told us: it’s impossible. And you went against everything. I couldn't help it, and you couldn't. And then you realized, damn it, you're going against everything. But I'm going my own way. Please let me go my own way. I want to say to those who troll me, who write: what are you doing? Please, I beg you, I'm not pulling anyone along with me. I'm going my own way, let me go my own way, I'm going anyway. Well, I don’t blame you, I don’t tell you: what are you, bitches like that, going for Putin? I just go. If you want to come with me, please. If you don't want to, please be kind too. I respect your choice, for God's sake. I just personally think that the choice is a little wrong, but you have every right to it. But give me freedom of choice.

This was the main conflict on that Bolotnaya Street, when we came out and said: “Guys in the Kremlin, we are, we are, in fact, here.” I remember this feeling on Bolotnaya when the Kremlin is nearby, and the feeling that we are waving it, but there is no sound. The point is not that we were trying to do something that was forbidden, but the point is that we were trying to do something that should have been allowed.

E.A.: Tanya, but I will ask the same question for the third time: if you rewind the tape back to where Boris Nemtsov calls you and offers to speak at Bolotnaya, and you already know that for this you will be fired from STS, and Mikhail will be fired, and you as a result, you will be left without a job, and you will sit in Spain and drink wine with me via Skype, and your husband will choose to live in Moscow - knowing all this, would you go to Bolotnaya then?

T.L.: Of course I wouldn't. But let's continue. And then what? Yes, thank you for giving us such a pendel that we were deprived of the opportunity to earn. This was their, in fact, the goal - not to give anything anywhere, so that we crawled on our knees and said: guys, I want to eat, let me fucking eat. I would have been kicked out of this system anyway. I would not have lasted long on the STS channel, believe me, I would still write on Facebook, and I would still be bugged. As Tina Givievna Kandelaki did in her time.

E.A.: Remind me?

T.L.: Oh, but it was an interesting story when Mishin's path to the opposition began. We were still working at STS, and we flew on some kind of tour to Sverdlovsk ( Yekaterinburg. - NT). I, Fur and Mishka got on the plane. And Tina then came to the leadership (STS) and said something about how the hosts of the entertainment channel can engage in politics, be members of the Opposition Coordinating Council ... Mishin’s post, which he wrote then, was probably preserved on Facebook: “Wouldn’t you go , Tina, on ***". Right like this. Then we boarded the plane and flew away. And when we arrived in Sverdlovsk, there was already a universal scandal. There were still moments when Mikhail was told: “Your wife writes such garbage on Facebook. Could you? ..” He answered: “Guys, wait, are you talking to me or to my wife? Ok, my wife is writing, I don’t write anything, why are you? And that's it, the claw is stuck, and the bird is in the abyss.

E.A.: However, after the collapse of the Coordinating Council of the opposition, Navalny was elected mayor in Moscow, and you actively participated in them.

T.L.: Yes. And what: said A, say B, said B, say C. I remember these wonderful reproaches when they told me: who are you? You are a clown, where do you go to politics. Yes, I did not pearl in politics, politics came and went down. And, thank God that we see it around. Politics comes into the life of every conscious citizen at some point.

But, I think, we did not fully understand what we were going for. This is later, when we were kicked out, when we started to make "Television on the Knee" we discussed it.

We, two TV presenters, who know nothing but how to be TV presenters, who have lost this profession and the opportunity to be TV presenters. They still live at home together. They put the kids to bed in the evening, sit down in the kitchen, put on the camera and continue to be TV presenters, and continue to talk about what is bothering them. It's okay.


E.A.: Explain how it works in the television entertainment world: you appear on TV, you are invited to corporate parties, the more you appear, the more you are invited and the higher the fee. So?

T.L.: Yes.

E.A.: And if you stop appearing on TV, do you stop being invited to corporate parties?

T.L. A: Yes, over time. You just stop reminding yourself, and they forget about you.

E.A.: And all sorts of producers, agents?

T.L.: When we were super popular, we had a director who sold us, he is an excellent salesman, he sold us for the biggest money that was - € 25 thousand per evening, or even more. I understand that, of course, we are not Ivan Urgant and not Andrey Malakhov, but it was still some kind of inhuman money.

E.A.: And what were you supposed to do for that kind of money?

T.L.: Lead the evening. And it was simply due to the fact that we are well-known, we are famous. But look, host Ivan Urgant - € 50-75 thousand. Ksenia Anatolyevna (Sobchak) - € 50 thousand. OK, when we were at the zenith of fame, there was neither Sobchak nor Ugrant, and there were no such prices, but still I remember that there were times when December came and every evening - every evening we worked, and every evening it was tens of thousands of euros. Remember these years - these were the years of absolutely easy money.

E.A.: I can't remember either "these" years or "these" money - I never had any. It is all the more surprising that you decided to risk all this.

T.L.: It saves that life irony is inherent in Misha and me. And it also saves the fact that I, in any case, started out of poverty. Daughter Tosya is engaged in drawing with the teacher, the teacher tells me that we should buy pencils. They cost €50. I say, "No, I can't afford €50 pencils right now." And Tosya knows this, and Tosya and I are discussing this: “Tosya, I have something to spend €50 on.” And I don’t suffer from this at all, that is, I suffer, but I take this completely calmly.

When Misha and I got sick, when we realized that the money was over and we would never have it again, we gathered our three children and said: “Guys, our savings are enough to pay for your higher education. But only one higher education for everyone, and you need to take this as seriously as possible. And I am absolutely happy that our older children understood this.

E.A.: How quickly after the dismissal from STS did the corporate parties end?

T.L.: Look, in 2014 there were 16 of them at the old prices, in 2015 - 8, in 2016 - 4, and in 2017 - one work per year.

Just the other day I was offered a casting for the series. My friend, an old friend, a creative producer, says: “We are doing a big series on Channel One, there are just two roles for you, choose which one you want, please come, casting. I say: cool, I like the idea terribly. But just, I say, wait, ask just in case. She went and asked. And she was told, perhaps, well, fuck her, Lazarev, let's find someone else. Seven years have passed - seven! And Misha is not even taken in voice-over on Match TV. Even offscreen!

E.A.: Is there YouTube?

T.L.: My son Styopa has an expression "to get sick." He says, "Guys, you should keep in mind that if you come to YouTube, it's very easy to get screwed there." We say: what do you mean? He says: “Well, this is not your box for you, where if they call, then they call. On YouTube, if you mess up, everyone will tell you: goodbye, next one. And it's completely honest. When we did TV on the Knee, we had 200 thousand views maximum: it didn't work, it couldn't be monetized. Today on YouTube we would probably have a million views. But time has gone.

Do you know what I remember? I remember the video of Galich, who performed in our Akademgorodok. He sang:

And still, it's not easier
Our century tries us:
Can you go to the square?
Do you dare to go to the square?
You can go to the square
Dare to go to the square
At that appointed hour?

I listened to this text for some reason and thought: Lord, this is absolutely about our merged protest. You can go to the square, you dare to go to the square ... We could, and we dared. But to stay on the square, as on the Maidan, is not. We all left for Courchevel in the winter... And what about those people who came to Red Square in 1968? Why did they go out? It was an internal movement, they did not count on publicity.

E.A.: Yes, they had only the price they paid by going to prisons and camps, payments - in the form of success, publicity, fame - there was none of this. Only - the price.

T.L.: And they went out ... You ask me, would you go to the Coordinating Council? Okay, we - but here they are, why did they go to Red Square? They absolutely knew where they were going. It was for a slaughter, it was a guillotine. Why did they go there?

E.A.: I think, for the same reason that you went to perform at Bolotnaya. They saw the end of the cannibalistic Soviet power they fought against. I'm afraid we won't be so lucky.

T.L.: The best memories in life are Garden Ring, "White Ribbon".

This was the highest point, we could do nothing more. We were able to unite on the size of the Garden Ring, wishing to fit one sixth of the land into this Garden Ring. But no. But at least we tried something.


E.A.: Do you communicate with Navalny?

T.L. A: Sure, all the time. Rzhem.

E.A.: And you have no resentment against him - what drew you into the Coordinating Council?

T.L.: It is Alexei who has the wildest sense of guilt. He talks about it all the time: “I feel terribly guilty in front of you because you lost everything because of me.” I love him dearly, Julia Julia. - NT) I love children dearly. We meet all together, with children, but rarely now.

I am not disappointed in them. I never had any illusions about Ksyusha. I love her terribly, we knew each other back in those fat times, we had one campaign.

And she was doomed to politics. Ksenia is very honest. But she is honest in what she is doing now and here. We are very similar in fact, she is such an absolute truth-lover to herself, but she is weighed down by her history. She has her own life story. And she absolutely always does what she needs. In this sense, she is honest. In front of. And what she needs, I'm sorry. Here I need one thing, and she needs another.

E.A.: What is the goal of Sobchak?

T.L.: Become the president of Russia.

E.A.: Come on!

T.L .: Understand, she has no other option, given the history of her family. Mishka and I discussed this a lot. Even when I was a star on STS, Tina and Ksyusha appeared. They gave interviews only with the condition of the cover. Cover - Ksenia, next - Tina, Tina, next - Ksenia. They were everywhere, in all glamorous publications. Even then, I said to Mishka: “Listen, go nuts, how will they monetize it later?” They achieved maximum popularity. How does a person act with his capital? He invests it. Tina has invested her name in money, in business. Tina got her way. I donated my name to charity Tatyana Lazareva is a trustee of the Sozidanie Charitable Foundation, which collects money for low-income families. - NT).

This was not enough for Ksyusha. Of course, she needs power, and there could be no other outcome with such parents. It is quite obvious that Ksyusha chose this path. And there, excuse me, only the President of Russia.

I think that's her goal.

It will not be bought with money. It can be bought for promises. But she's here too, you know...she won't trust anyone. She understands very well that this something can't be trusted. She grew up with these She doesn't trust anyone but herself. And what she wants, she knows. She will shove. No illusions. How she trampled Navalny under her. There will be more.

What, you don't like Ksenia Anatolyevna as president?

E.A.: Not.

T.L.: After eight years. Why?

E.A.: They won't let her even close - she is a stranger to the KGB corporation.

T.L.: I think you underestimate the integrity of her character. Ksyusha has a rich experience, at the age of 12 she ran away from her parents and washed cars. Mother ( now Senator Lyudmila Narusova. - NT) told her at her birthday - Misha and I happily had two birthdays of Ksenia Anatolyevna back in those days - and my mother said: “I’m going to work by car with a driver, I stop at a traffic light and suddenly I see two teenagers running out to wash my glass , and I recognize one of them as a daughter. I grab her, throw her into the car, and she resists, rests: Mom, leave me. It is a fact. She grew up with it, she resisted it all. She has a very difficult life, very. And she has such a fuse, and she will not sell this life of hers for any millions of dollars. It's not about money, it's about power. As a person who at one time had some kind of power over millions of people on television, I understand this. And you, too, perfectly understand that this is power. It's more than money. And for this, people will go to great lengths. See, I have a great reputation. Ksyusha has a very bad reputation. But she will overcome it, because she has somewhere to go. I, with my excellent reputation, can I be the president of Russia? Sure I can. I am a philanthropist, a wife, a mother-to-be. But I'll never go there, because it's not about me. And Ksenia will go. She learns from you and me, she looks, she dissects and examines us, and this is terribly right. Ksyusha - her strength is that she knows how to admit her mistakes. Then she says: yes, I was wrong, I admit, I was a fool, but now I am already different. And this is the most important way for every person - to accept their mistakes and move on forward, only forward.


E.A.: Tell me, Tanya, do I understand correctly that Misha is in Moscow, and you are in Spain? That this whole story went like a skating rink not only in your professional, but also in your personal life?

T.L.: Listen, we have been together for more than twenty years. We treat each other very well. But our creative, professional union was the most important thing that united us, and we have lost it. What is family for me? These are children and joint creativity. But the children grow up, and joint creativity has suddenly disappeared. Let's say we still have 20 years ahead - either we find the motivation to spend these 20 years together, or we don't. Misha is now trying himself as a stand-up artist. In Moscow, this is very developed, and it is interesting to him. He is an absolutely brilliant formulator, he is interested in it. I went the other way.

Tatyana Lazareva and Mikhail Shats on the set of a New Year's program for the STS TV channel, November 14, 2005

E.A.: In which?

T.L.: I'm interested in children, it worries me a lot. I want to be a mentor, I want to be a tutor, I want to be a person that children and teenagers come to.

And I am also grateful to Vladimir Vladimirovich for the fact that I now live in Spain. And I received a kick that I would not have received. Leaving the comfort zone is impossible on your own, you will never leave the comfort zone. Freedom is loneliness. Loneliness is freedom. You cannot live and be free, you will always lose something. Do not feel sorry for Lesha and Ksyusha, they go their own way. Yes, we lose, but we find ourselves in doing so.

Have a request for Ksenia Anatolyevna? There is a request. And there is a request for Navalny. And if there was someone else, there would be even more requests. But Vladimir Vladimirovich simply concreted the site. Navalny ten years ago was just a blogger on LiveJournal. We all subscribed to him and thought: what a brave dude. Dude, a blogger from LiveJournal, has come a long way in ten years and now claims the title of president of the country.

Ksenia Anatolyevna went this way shorter, because she had leverage, of course. But there are these 86%, on which we all work. Even the Decembrists said: do not throw pearls in front of pigs. Necessary. Let's go to hard labor, but we will continue, because our task is to wake up these 86%.

E.A.: Great ending.

T.L.: No ending. There is no ending.

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