Mercy and Compassion in F. Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment


Mercy and Compassion in Crime and Punishment

Mercy consists not so much in material help as in the spiritual support of one's neighbor.

L.N. Tolstoy

Mercy and compassion.

I want swans to live

And from the white flocks

The world has become better...

A. Dementiev

Songs and epics, fairy tales and stories, stories and novels by Russian writers teach us kindness, mercy and compassion. And how many proverbs and sayings have been created! “Remember good, but forget evil”, “A good deed lives for two centuries”, “As long as you live, do good, only the path of good is the salvation of the soul,” says folk wisdom. So what is mercy and compassion? And why does a person today bring another person sometimes more evil than good? Probably because kindness is such a state of mind when a person is able to come to the aid of others, give good advice, and sometimes just regret it. Not everyone is able to feel someone else's grief as their own, to sacrifice something for people, and without this there is neither mercy nor compassion. A kind person attracts to himself like a magnet, he gives a particle of his heart, his warmth to the people around him. That is why each of us needs a lot of love, justice, sensitivity, so that there is something to give to others. We understand all this thanks to the great Russian writers, their wonderful works.

Truly merciful and compassionate people are the heroes of the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". The appearance of the novel "Crime and Punishment" was the result of the writer's generalization of the most important contradictions of the 60s. Dostoevsky thought about his work for 15 years. Even at the engineering school, the future writer was interested in the theme of a strong personality and its rights. In 1865, when Dostoevsky was abroad, the idea for a future novel was taking shape. The original plot is based on the dramatic story of the Marmeladov family, then the story of the crime came to the fore, and the theme of moral responsibility became the central theme. "Crime and Punishment" is an ideological novel, socio-philosophical in subject matter, tragic in the nature of the problems posed, adventurous-criminal in its plot. The focus of the writer's attention is the terrible reality of Russia at the end of the 19th century, with its poverty, lack of rights, corruption and disunity of the individual, suffocating from the consciousness of his own impotence.

The protagonist of the novel, half-educated student Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, commits a terrible crime - taking the life of another person - under the influence of theories popular among young people in the 60s of the 19th century. Rodion is a dreamer, a romantic, a proud and strong, noble personality, completely absorbed in the idea. The thought of murder causes him not only moral, but also aesthetic disgust: "The main thing: dirty, dirty, disgusting, disgusting! ..". the hero asks questions: is it allowed to commit a small evil for the sake of a great good, does a noble goal justify a criminal means? Raskolnikov has a kind and compassionate heart, wounded by the spectacle of human suffering. The reader is convinced of this by reading the episode in which Raskolnikov wanders around St. Petersburg. The hero sees terrible pictures of the big city and the suffering of people in it. He is convinced that people cannot find a way out of the social impasse. The unbearably hard life of poor workers, doomed to poverty, humiliation, drunkenness, prostitution and death shocks him. Raskolnikov perceives someone else's pain more acutely than his own. Risking his life, he saves children from the fire; shares the latter with the father of a deceased comrade; himself a beggar, gives money for the funeral of Mameladov, whom he barely knew. But the hero understands that he will not be able to help everyone, being a simple student. Raskolnikov comes to the realization of his own impotence in the face of evil. And in desperation, the hero decides to "break" the moral law - to kill out of love for humanity, to commit evil for the sake of good. Raskolnikov is looking for power not out of vanity, but in order to really help people who are dying in poverty and lack of rights. Mercy and compassion - these are the moral laws that inspired Raskolnikov to commit a crime. The hero takes pity on everyone: his mother, sister, the Marmeladov family. For them, he went to the crime. The hero wanted to make his mother happy. She helped her children all her life, sending her last money to her son, trying to make life easier for her daughter. Raskolnikov wanted to save his sister, who lives as a companion with the landowners, from the voluptuous claims of the head of the landowner's family. Rodion meets Marmeladov in a tavern, where Semyon Zakharovich talks about himself. Before Raskolnikov appears a drunken official, the destroyer of his own family, who deserves sympathy, but not indulgence. His unfortunate wife evokes burning compassion from Raskolnikov, but she is also guilty of the fact that, although “in illness and crying children did not eat,” she sent her stepdaughter to the panel ... and the whole family lives on her shame, her suffering. Raskolnikov's conclusion about the meanness of people looks inevitable. Only one thing stuck like a thorn in the mind of the hero: what is Sonya guilty of, sacrificing herself to save her sisters and brother? What is their fault - this boy and two girls? For the sake of these children and all other Raskolnikov decides to commit a crime. He says that children "shouldn't be children". The hero tells the frightened Sonya: "What to do? To break what is necessary, once for all, and only: and take the suffering! What? to all the anthills!.." What kind of suffering does Raskolnikov speak of? Probably murder. He is ready to step over himself by killing a person so that future generations live in harmony with their conscience.

The tragedy of Raskolnikov is that, according to his theory, he wants to act according to the principle "everything is permitted", but at the same time, the fire of sacrificial love for people lives in him.

In the novel, almost every character is able to sympathize, sympathize and be merciful. Sonechka transgresses through herself for others. To save the family, goes to the panel. Sonecha finds love and compassion, a willingness to share his fate, Raskolnikov. It is to Sonechka that the hero confesses his crime. She does not judge Raskolnikov for his sin, but painfully sympathizes with him and calls on him to "suffer", to atone for his guilt before God and people. Thanks to the love for the heroine and her love for him, Rodion is resurrected to a new life. "Sonechka, Sonechka

Marmeladova, eternal Sonechka, while the world stands!" - a symbol of self-sacrifice in the name of one's neighbor and endless "insatiable" compassion.

Raskolnikov's sister, Avdotya Romanovna, who, in Rodion's opinion, "would rather go to the blacks to the plantation owner or to the Latvians to the Baltic German, than to sap her spirit and moral sense with a connection with a person whom she does not respect," is going to marry Luzhin. Avdotya Romanovna does not love this man, but by this marriage she hopes to improve the position not only of her own, but of her brother and mother.

In this work, Dostoevsky showed that it is impossible to do good, relying on evil. That compassion and mercy cannot coexist in a person along with hatred for individual people. Here either hatred displaces compassion, or vice versa. In Raskolnikov's soul there is a struggle of these feelings, and, in the end, mercy and compassion win. The hero understands that he cannot live with this black spot, the murder of an old woman, on his conscience. He understands that he is a "trembling creature" and had no right to kill. Every person has the right to life. Who are we to deprive him of this right?

Mercy and compassion play a significant role in the novel. They build the relationship of almost all the characters: Raskolnikov and Sonya, Raskolnikov and Dunya, Raskolnikov and the Marmeladov family, Pulhiria Alexandrovna and Raskolnikov, Sonya and the Marmeladovs, Sonya and Dunya. Moreover, mercy and compassion in these relations were manifested from both contacting parties.

Yes, life is hard. Many of the human qualities of the heroes were tested. Some in the process of these tests were lost among vices and evil. But the main thing is that among the vulgarity, dirt and depravity, the heroes were able to preserve, perhaps, the most important human qualities - mercy and compassion.

In my opinion, compassion is the ability to provide support, share the sorrows and sorrows of a person in need. It helps to survive difficult moments, and sometimes saves lives. It is important to be able to use this quality, because it contains humanity and humanism, without which human life would be in jeopardy.

Many writers have touched on this issue in their works. The novel by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" was no exception.

Rodion Raskolnikov is a poor student who is dissatisfied with his position in society.

He is oppressed by the inequality between the rich and the poor. Under the pressure of constant problems, Rodion suffers. He wants a better life, so he creates a theory that, in his opinion, gives him the right to take people's lives. He is unable to accept money from his sister, because for this Dunyasha wants to enter into a marriage of convenience. For Raskolnikov, the only way out is crime. The protagonist brutally kills an old pawnbroker and her sister Lizaveta, with an unborn child.

Let's imagine if there was a person who could understand and share the hardships of Raskolnikov's fate, would a crime be committed? I think not.

Support and compassion can remove the shackles of hopelessness from a person. Rodion needed this, but, alas, no one could help him before the murder.

After the crime, Raskolnikov realizes the failure of his theory. Torment and remorse become worse than any punishment. It is almost impossible to live normally with such a burden on the soul. Sonechka Marmeladova, a girl with a “yellow” ticket, but with an incredibly pure, unspoiled soul, helps the hero to revive spiritually. She wants to help Rodion with all her heart. In the episode where Raskolnikov confesses to her a crime, Sonya does not condemn him for sin, but sympathizes with him, calls for popular repentance. She makes the student pray to be cleansed before God. Recognition by the people gives Raskolnikov a chance for a new life. He is relieved and ready to be punished.

Sonya saw in Rodion, first of all, a person, and only then a criminal. She really knew how to sympathize and this saved the student.

I believe that being compassionate is about being human and treating others the way you would like to be treated. And this is so important in our world.

Updated: 2015-04-06

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Mercy is the ability to sympathize, to sympathize with someone, to perceive someone else's grief as one's own, it is an all-forgiving love that condescends to a person, even if he does not deserve it. According to H. Keller, "true mercy is the desire to benefit other people without thinking about reward." A merciful person has a kind pure heart. Such a person will never pass by the unfortunate and destitute. Mercy saves a person not only physically, but also spiritually. It can resurrect the human soul.

In the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment, thoughts about the saving power of mercy are associated with Christian motives.

Sonya Marmeladova - a young girl of eighteen years old, is the daughter from the first marriage of a drunken official Semyon Marmeladov. She used to work as a seamstress, but after her stepmother Katerina Ivanovna fell ill, there was not enough money, the family was starving.

This forced Sonya to take a desperate step - to go on the "yellow ticket". However, despite the fact that Sonya is a harlot, her sin did not affect her pure soul. It combines a vicious lifestyle and innocence of thoughts and feelings.

The purity of Sonya's soul is conveyed in the description of her appearance: "slender, but rather pretty blonde, with wonderful blue eyes." When they revived, "the expression on their faces became so kind and simple-hearted that they involuntarily attracted to her." She is childishly innocent, even outwardly she looks like a child: “she seemed almost still a girl, much younger than her years, almost a child, and this sometimes even showed up funny in some of her movements.”

The image of Sonya Marmeladova embodies the idea of ​​Christian sacrifice, humility and compassion.

She, like Mary Magdalene, chooses the path of repentance.

It is to Sonya that Rodion Raskolnikov comes for support and understanding, who kills an old pawnbroker and her sister Lizaveta in order to test his theory about two types of people.

Sonya and Raskolnikov are doubles because they are both criminals. They are two complex natures that do not find understanding in the world. However, despite the similarities, they have differences. Sonya becomes a criminal for the sake of her family. She sacrifices herself, honor and dignity, in order to feed her family: “She even got a yellow ticket, because my children disappeared from hunger, she sold herself for us!” Sonya is selfless and noble.

She is kept from committing suicide by the thought of the fate of “a miserable, half-crazy stepmother and her poor little children.

Raskolnikov later confesses that he killed the old pawnbroker for his own sake.

Sonya retains her faith in God despite what she's been through. She believes in the possibility of human rebirth. The episode in which Sonya reads Raskolnikov's parable of the resurrection of Lazarus is considered one of the climaxes in the novel. She will also read Raskolnikov a spiritual rebirth.

Having learned about the crime, she is not afraid and does not condemn him. On the contrary, it gorges him and calls him to confess his crime and atone for sin before God. When Raskolnikov goes to confess to a crime, Sonya puts on a green scarf, which is a symbol of compassion. She experiences Raskolnikov's difficulties with him, and when he is sent to hard labor, she follows him, does not send him away at a difficult moment in life.

By the power of her love and mercy, Sonya saves Raskolnikov, helps him to be reborn. Thanks to her, he rethinks his views, abandons his theory. After all, a truly strong, extraordinary person is not the one who was able to step over the lives of others, but the one who stepped over himself for the sake of others.

The power of Sonya's mercy helped Raskolnikov to take the true path and be reborn. She saved him from moral destruction.

Thus, mercy helps a person to find moral guidelines and not perish spiritually. It is able to revive the soul of a person when it seems that there is no hope. A world without mercy is a cruel, vicious world in which there are no moral values. Based on this, we can say that mercy is the only force that can return a person to the true path.

Mercy and Compassion in F. M. Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment

I want swans to live
And from the white flocks
The world has become better...

Songs and epics, fairy tales and stories, stories and novels by Russian writers teach us kindness, mercy and compassion. And how many proverbs and sayings have been created! “Remember good, but forget evil”, “A good deed lives for two centuries”, “As long as you live, do good, only the path of good is the salvation of the soul,” says folk wisdom. So what is mercy and compassion? And why does a person today bring another person sometimes more evil than good? Probably because kindness is such a state of mind when a person is able to come to the aid of others, give good advice, and sometimes just regret. Not everyone is able to feel someone else's grief as their own, to sacrifice something for people, and without this there is neither mercy nor compassion. A kind person attracts to himself like a magnet, he gives a particle of his heart, his warmth to the people around him. That is why each of us needs a lot of love, justice, sensitivity, so that there is something to give to others. We understand all this thanks to the great Russian writers, their wonderful works.

Truly merciful and compassionate people are the heroes of the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". The appearance of the novel "Crime and Punishment" was the result of the writer's generalization of the most important contradictions of the 60s. Dostoevsky thought about his work for 15 years. Even at the engineering school, the future writer was interested in the theme of a strong personality and its rights. In 1865, when Dostoevsky was abroad, the idea for a future novel was taking shape. The original plot is based on the dramatic story of the Marmeladov family, then the story of the crime came to the fore, and the theme of moral responsibility became the central theme.

Crime and Punishment is an ideological novel, socio-philosophical in subject matter, tragic in the nature of the problems posed, adventurous-criminal in its plot. The writer focuses on the terrible reality of Russia at the end of the 19th century, with its poverty, lack of rights, corruption and disunity of the individual, suffocating from the consciousness of his own impotence.

The protagonist of the novel, half-educated student Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, commits a terrible crime - taking the life of another person - under the influence of theories popular among young people in the 60s of the 19th century. Rodion is a dreamer, a romantic, a proud and strong, noble personality, completely absorbed in the idea. The thought of murder causes him not only moral, but also aesthetic disgust: “The main thing: dirty, dirty, disgusting, disgusting. ". the hero asks questions: is it allowed to commit a small evil for the sake of a great good, does a noble goal justify a criminal means? Raskolnikov has a kind and compassionate heart, wounded by the spectacle of human suffering. The reader is convinced of this by reading the episode in which Raskolnikov wanders around St. Petersburg. The hero sees terrible pictures of the big city and the suffering of people in it. He is convinced that people cannot find a way out of the social impasse. The unbearably hard life of poor workers, doomed to poverty, humiliation, drunkenness, prostitution and death shocks him. Raskolnikov perceives someone else's pain more acutely than his own. Risking his life, he saves children from the fire; shares the latter with the father of a deceased comrade; himself a beggar, gives money for the funeral of Mameladov, whom he barely knew. But the hero understands that he will not be able to help everyone, being a simple student. Raskolnikov comes to the realization of his own impotence in the face of evil. And in desperation, the hero decides to "break" the moral law - to kill out of love for humanity, to commit evil for the sake of good. Raskolnikov is looking for power not out of vanity, but in order to really help people who are dying in poverty and lack of rights. Mercy and compassion - these are the moral laws that inspired Raskolnikov to commit a crime. The hero takes pity on everyone: his mother, sister, the Marmeladov family. For them, he went to the crime. The hero wanted to make his mother happy. She helped her children all her life, sending her last money to her son, trying to make life easier for her daughter. Raskolnikov wanted to save his sister, who lives as a companion with the landowners, from the voluptuous claims of the head of the landowner's family. Rodion meets Mareladov in a tavern, where Semyon Zakharovich talks about himself. Before Raskolnikov appears a drunken official, the destroyer of his own family, who deserves sympathy, but not indulgence. His unfortunate wife evokes burning compassion from Raskolnikov, but she is also guilty of the fact that, although she “did not eat in illness and crying for children,” she sent her stepdaughter to the panel ... and the whole family lives on her shame, her suffering. Raskolnikov's conclusion about the meanness of people looks inevitable. Only one thing stuck like a thorn in the mind of the hero: what is Sonya guilty of, sacrificing herself to save her sisters and brother? What is their fault - this boy and two girls? For the sake of these children and all other Raskolnikov decides to commit a crime. He says that children "shouldn't be children." The hero tells the frightened Sonya: “What to do? To break what is necessary, once for all, and nothing more: and to take upon oneself the suffering! What? Do not understand? After you understand... Freedom and power, and most importantly - power! Over all the trembling creature, over all the anthill. What kind of suffering is Raskolnikov talking about? Probably murder. He is ready to step over himself by killing a person so that future generations live in harmony with their conscience.

The tragedy of Raskolnikov is that, according to his theory, he wants to act according to the principle “everything is permitted”, but at the same time, the fire of sacrificial love for people lives in him.

In the novel, almost every character is able to sympathize, sympathize and be merciful.

Sonechka transgresses through herself for others. To save the family, goes to the panel. Sonecha finds love and compassion, a willingness to share his fate, Raskolnikov. It is to Sonechka that the hero confesses his crime. She does not judge Raskolnikov for his sin, but painfully sympathizes with him and calls on him to "suffer", to atone for his guilt before God and people. Thanks to the love for the heroine and her love for him, Rodion is resurrected to a new life. "Sonechka, Sonechka Marmelladova, eternal Sonechka, while the world stands still!" - a symbol of self-sacrifice in the name of the neighbor and endless "insatiable" compassion.

Raskolnikov’s sister, Avdotya Romanovna, who, according to Rodion, “is more likely to go to the blacks to the planter or to the Latvians to the Baltic German, than shed her spirit and moral sense with a connection with a person whom she does not respect,” is going to marry Luzhin. Avdotya Romanovna does not love this man, but by this marriage she hopes to improve the position not only of her own, but of her brother and mother.

In this work, Dostoevsky showed that it is impossible to do good, relying on evil. That compassion and mercy cannot coexist in a person along with hatred for individual people. Here either hatred displaces compassion, or vice versa. In Raskolnikov's soul there is a struggle of these feelings, and, in the end, mercy and compassion win.

The hero understands that he cannot live with this black spot, the murder of an old woman, on his conscience. He understands that he is a “trembling creature” and had no right to kill. Every person has the right to life. Who are we to deprive him of this right?

Mercy and compassion play a significant role in the novel. They build the relationship of almost all the characters: Raskolnikov and Sonya, Raskolnikov and Dunya, Raskolnikov and the Marmeladov family, Pulhiria Alexandrovna and Raskolnikov, Sonya and the Marmeladovs, Sonya and Dunya. Moreover, mercy and compassion in these relations were manifested from both contacting parties.

Yes, life is hard. Many of the human qualities of the heroes were tested. Some in the process of these tests were lost among vices and evil. But the main thing is that among the vulgarity, dirt and depravity, the heroes were able to preserve, perhaps, the most important human qualities - mercy and compassion.

True and false compassion in the novel "F. M. Dostoyevsky "Crime and Punishment"

Many Russian writers, creating their works, considered in them the pressing problems of our time, exposing the vices of their time. Each era was marked by a new pleiad of questions, the comprehension of which was devoted to the work of more than one generation of poets and writers. With the development of society, the development of literature also took place, topical topics changed, new tasks arose before creative people, but one theme remained unchanged, perhaps in all ages and times - denunciation of social injustice, protection of the dignity of the “little man”. This question was raised in the works of Gogol, Pushkin, Nekrasov. One of the leading places is occupied by this theme in the works of Dostoevsky. A vivid example of this is the novel "Crime and Punishment", where the protest against the social and moral humiliation of the individual is associated with the search for a force that could lead a person out of the spiritual and social crisis, from the prudent world of profit into the world of kindness and truth that opposes him.

Human suffering, injustice reigning in the world, prompted the writer to search for various ways to save mankind, but Dostoevsky unequivocally rejects violent and revolutionary methods of influence, he does not accept the right of one person to interfere in the fate of other people, to decide them at his own discretion, to justify the unlawful with a good purpose. funds. Universal happiness, which is based on the sacrifices of individual people, according to the great writer, is the same evil, ennobled by lofty words. The idea of ​​the inadmissibility of this "good" is fully disclosed by the great writer in the novel about the "poor" student Raskolnikov. After all, the protagonist of the novel justifies his crime - murder, with compassion for all the "humiliated and insulted", allowing him "blood according to his conscience." But is it? What is compassion? Co-suffering means to suffer together. And Raskolnikov's suffering is directed exclusively deep into himself. What he feels can be called more sympathy. The thought of murder gradually matured in his mind. Six months before the events described in the novel, Raskolnikov writes an article “On Crime”, where he “considered the psychological state of the criminal throughout the entire course of the crime,” and at the same time raised the question of such a crime that is permitted in good conscience, and therefore is not a crime as such. . In the future, he creates a theory about two categories of people: "trembling creatures" and "having the right." And, of course, he wonders about his own belonging to one category or another. That's the motive for the murder. But no one recognizes himself as a criminal. Everyone is a fighter and sufferer for the truth. Raskolnikov follows the same path. At first, he hides from himself the wrongness of his goals, convincing himself that he kills only in order to "later devote himself to the service of all mankind and the common cause." But from the very beginning he foresees his self-deception. “We invent our own casuistry, we will learn from the Jesuits. let's convince ourselves that this is necessary, really necessary for a good purpose, ”he says this about his sister’s decision to marry Luzhin, but these words can also be attributed to his own internal state. The words heard in the tavern that “dozens of families saved from poverty, from decay, from death” are worth killing and robbing “an insignificant, evil old woman” are perceived by him as salvation, as an excuse for his terrible plan. “I didn’t want to lie about it even to myself. ', but still he 'lies'. He tries to replace one goal - "self-affirmation" with another - "universal happiness". “I myself wanted good things for people,” Raskolnikov says to Dunya. “I killed for myself, for myself alone,” he admits to Sonya. And this self-deception only increases the subsequent suffering of the hero. “Suffer together,” but Raskolnikov “cut himself off from everything and everyone, as if with scissors,” opposing everyone else. And his suffering is greater due to the fact that he could not overcome himself, that "he is a trembling creature." Although he convinces himself that the suffering of a criminal is an indispensable sign of his rightness and greatness.

The complete opposite of Raskolnikov is Sonya Marmeladova. it is she who, according to the author's intention, is the embodiment of true mercy and compassion. Trying to save her family from starvation, she goes out into the street to sell her own body. Raised according to the Christian commandments, she realizes that by committing such a sin, she dooms her soul to eternal torment. But compassion for hungry children, a sick stepmother, an unfortunate father turns out to be stronger than the desire to save one's soul. At the same time, Sonechka remains true to her convictions, maintaining infinite philanthropy, faith in herself and in people. “You also crossed. You laid hands on yourself, you ruined a life. your own (it doesn't matter!). ”, Raskolnikov tells her. But he himself feels that it is not "all the same." She is for others, and he is for himself. Her "crime" did not touch her soul. In essence, Sonino's "crime" is a feat, while Raskolnikov wants to pass off his crime as a "feat". Sonya is having a hard time with her fall, she is also visited by thoughts of suicide, which could save her from shame. But the images of hungry, helpless children make you forget about your suffering.

Just as selflessly, Sonechka rushes to save Raskolnikov's soul. There is no condemnation of his crime in it, boundless mercy is manifested in it in relation to his moral suffering. And here it is just appropriate to recall that to sympathize means "to suffer together." Sonya sincerely suffers along with Raskolnikov, trying to find a way to save his soul. And only thanks to her efforts Raskolnikov comes to the idea of ​​the inconsistency of his theory. It is Sonya who awakens him to life, leads him to the salvation of his soul. In the epilogue, Raskolnikov kneels before the girl: ". he was resurrected, and he knew it, he felt it completely with his whole renewed being, and she - she, after all, lived only his life! No theory in the world is capable of defeating true mercy and human compassion. This is what life is all about.

True and false Mercy and compassion in the work (Dostoevsky F.M.)

In my opinion, compassion is the ability to provide support, share the sorrows and sorrows of a person in need. It helps to survive difficult moments, and sometimes saves lives. It is important to be able to use this quality, because it contains humanity and humanism, without which human life would be in jeopardy.

Many writers have touched on this issue in their works. The novel by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" was no exception.

Rodion Raskolnikov is a poor student who is dissatisfied with his position in society.

He is oppressed by the inequality between the rich and the poor. Under the pressure of constant problems, Rodion suffers. He wants a better life, so he creates a theory that, in his opinion, gives him the right to take people's lives. He is unable to accept money from his sister, because for this Dunyasha wants to enter into a marriage of convenience. For Raskolnikov, the only way out is crime. The protagonist brutally kills an old pawnbroker and her sister Lizaveta, with an unborn child.

Let's imagine if there was a person who could understand and share the hardships of Raskolnikov's fate, would a crime be committed? I think not.

Support and compassion can remove the shackles of hopelessness from a person. Rodion needed this, but, alas, no one could help him before the murder.

After the crime, Raskolnikov realizes the failure of his theory. Torment and remorse become worse than any punishment. It is almost impossible to live normally with such a burden on the soul. Sonechka Marmeladova, a girl with a “yellow” ticket, but with an incredibly pure, unspoiled soul, helps the hero to revive spiritually. She wants to help Rodion with all her heart. In the episode where Raskolnikov confesses to her a crime, Sonya does not condemn him for sin, but sympathizes with him, calls for popular repentance.

She makes the student pray to be cleansed before God. Recognition by the people gives Raskolnikov a chance for a new life. He is relieved and ready to be punished.

Sonya saw in Rodion, first of all, a person, and only then a criminal. She really knew how to sympathize and this saved the student.

I believe that being compassionate is about being human and treating others the way you would like to be treated. And this is so important in our world.

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Dostoevsky Fyodor "Crime and Punishment", Dostoevsky Fyodor "The Idiot" (crossover)
Rating: G- fanfiction that can be read by any audience.»> G Size: Drabble- an excerpt that may or may not become a real fanfic. Often just a scene, a sketch, a character description.”> Drabble, 3 pages, 1 part Status: completed
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Reader Awards:

Award fanfic "The theme of mercy in the works of F. M. Dostoevsky"

Having recently re-read some of the works of Fyodor Mikhailovich, my favorite writer, I decided to reflect a little on the theme of mercy and compassion in his magnificent works.

The article is written on the example of the novels "The Idiot", "Crime and Punishment", an excerpt from "The Brothers Karamazov" - Boys and the story "Poor People"

It's enough to think about yourself alone,
live for yourself alone, look around,
will you not see an object for your worries
more noble than their boots.
F. M. Dostoevsky "Poor people"

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky is a humanist writer, a psychologist of human souls, a patriot of his homeland. Yes, yes, a patriot, and his patriotism rested on a deep faith in the spiritual strength of the people. “I do not want a society where I could not do evil, but such a society that I could do any evil, but did not want to do it myself ...” - said the writer himself.
All the great novels of Fyodor Mikhailovich from Crime and Punishment to The Brothers Karamazov are full of faith, compassion and mercy.

The main positive characters of his novels, starting with Sonya Marmeladova and Prince Myshkin and ending with the elder Zosima and Alyosha Karamazov, preach these Christian commandments to their neighbor, whether friend or foe.

We see human tragedy, moral and physical death of people in the novel Crime and Punishment. And only one single force can change the order of things - it is mercy and compassion. The main character Raskolnikov himself, his family, as well as the Marmeladov family, revealed by the author with amazing depth and psychoanalysis, expect understanding and compassion from society. The poverty of these people threatens to finally become a thing that can be exchanged, sold or simply thrown away, as an old sofa is thrown away, the springs of which have already crawled out over time. Each of them needs moral support, a drop of mercy in a sea filled with tears of loneliness and sadness, a simple, but at the same time, such an important feeling of closeness of a stranger. And in the cruel world of the novel, we see that not everything is lost, there are enough examples not only of human indifference, but also of active sympathy. Rodion Raskolnikov himself helps the Marmeladov family, leaving the last money at the window, while the visitors of the tavern, who heard the confession of the poor official, greet him with ridicule. The policeman helps the girl on the boulevard, and after all, random passers-by did not even stop nearby (and they looked with obvious disgust and contempt, where could there be mercy?!). The repentant Svidrigailov could not look at the needy children of Katerina Ivanovna. So what is compassion? Compassion means “to suffer together,” and Svidrigailov’s suffering was not directed exclusively into himself. Even Lebezyatnikov cannot stand the sight of human humiliation and rescues Sonya, who is falsely accused of theft. And these are not single, random scenes. We see that the feeling of mercy is inherent in a person, the relationships of almost all heroes are built on it, it determines the beauty of the human soul, saves the world from complete collapse and is the main belief in the best.

Dostoevsky himself said: “The human heart has become clouded...” - these reflections pushed him to the consciousness of a completely new image of the hero, different from all, not like those who preceded him. The image of Prince Lev Myshkin is the center of the whole novel and a truly “positively wonderful person”, the embodiment of kindness, naivety and honesty. This hero, having once said, “Now I am going to people,” was preparing himself for a certain mission and was ready to “do his job honestly and firmly” - he had to suffer, because suffering, in his own words, “is the most important and, perhaps, to be the only law of the existence of all mankind. He had to go through the earthly path with all people together, take them all into his soul with all their anguish, sins, become a brother to all. His activity and participation in human destinies should awaken in people the dormant desire to "do" good. He fulfilled his mission: he loved everyone and suffered for everyone. Recall the episode with a slap in the face from the proud Ganya Ivolgin. "Oh, how you will be ashamed of your act!" - says the hero to a man who tramples on his own dignity, such a person exposes himself to humiliation. Is this not mercy? Lev Myshkin can calmly, on an equal footing, talk with a footman, not paying attention to unequal origin and position in society, he is full of "purity of moral feeling", and therefore his conversation is courteous, quivering and polite. The hero put aside all conventions and principles. Isn't that what you call mercy? The prince wants to help all people - with a kind word, compassion, participation, he forgives human egoism, realizing that its causes are misunderstanding and loneliness.
With his love and suffering, the prince awakens in each of those he meets the highest, purest and noblest. He spiritualizes people, yes, yes! people who are accustomed to falsehood, selfishness and cruelty, self-interest and greed are reborn. these are the miracles it can work - mercy.

Let's take the "Boys" section. Here, as in other works, the world of the human soul is revealed, in particular the theme of childhood, childhood suffering and worldviews. We hear the pain and despair of the author in these lines, which he is trying to convey to us, the readers. The main characters - Alyosha, Snegiryov, Ilyusha, Kostya Krasotkin - undergo changes in their souls, develop, follow their own life paths. They discover joy, bright feelings, empathy, sympathy, the ability to forgive and love. Alyosha Karamazov is on a real path to compassion, mercy, kindness, the ability to appreciate not only the outer beauty - the shell, but also the true beauty of the soul of people through suffering, pain and loss. We can say that he is a ray from paradise, foreshadowing a bright future, even if he himself is a “small-adult” child in his soul. The hero personifies peace, goodness, mercy, for example, protecting Ilya from flying stones. This man played a role in the life of each of the boys, uniting them and instructing them on the path of goodness, justice and happiness.

Speaking of mercy, one cannot fail to recall the story "Poor People", the originality of which lies in the fact that the work consists of letters. This allows the author to reveal the theme of the “little man”, to sympathize with his grief, to rejoice in his little joys. The hero of the story is Makar Devushkin, a semi-poor official who lives his own inner life. His letters are the only opportunity to open up to the girl Varenka. In them, he writes about his modest way of life, about thoughts and inner feelings. His money is barely enough to live on, but this poor, but with a big soul, a man begins to help Varya, who has become a victim of social unhappiness. Makar realized how difficult it must be for her to be all alone in Petersburg. It turns out that the poor will help the even poorer, this is the heroism of the hero's mercy. He cut all his expenses to the bare minimum in order to buy her geraniums or grapes, completely oblivious to the fact that he took the salary ahead and now there is nothing to live on. And the hero does not at all expect some kind of reward for good, on the contrary, he believes that the world is not perfect. In the person of this noble man, Dostoevsky shows us how much beauty, pure and good lies even in the most limited human nature. Sometimes a person who has absolutely nothing himself gives this very “nothing” without a trace, knows how to compassion and love.

In the image of human suffering and injustice reigning in the world, F.M. Dostoevsky expresses his own pain and suffering. The author is looking for his own ways to save mankind, he longs for happiness for people who are humiliated and offended by fate, he reverently, with compassion treats any, even the most humiliated person. This is the humanity of all his works. This is the greatness of the task that the writer set himself: "the restoration of a dead person, crushed unfairly by the yoke of circumstances ... the justification of the humiliated and all rejected parties of society"

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Many Russian writers, creating their works, considered in them the pressing problems of our time, exposing the vices of their time. Each epoch was marked by a new pleiad of questions, the os-thinking of which was devoted to the work of more than one generation of poets and writers. With the development of society, the development of literature also took place, topical topics changed, new tasks arose before creative people, but one theme remained unchanged, perhaps in all ages and times - exposing social injustice, protecting the dignity of the “little man”. This question was raised in the works of Gogol, Pushkin, Nekrasov. One of the leading places is occupied by this theme in the works of Dostoevsky. A vivid example of this is the novel "Crime and Punishment", where the protest against the social and moral humiliation of the individual is associated with the search for a force that could lead a person out of a spiritual and social crisis, from a prudent world of profit into an opposing one. world of kindness and truth.

Human suffering, injustice reigning in the world prompted the writer to search for various ways to save mankind, but Dostoevsky unequivocally rejects violent and revolutionary methods of influence, he does not accept the right of one person to interfere in the fate of other people, to decide them at his own discretion, for a good purpose justify illegal means. Universal happiness, which is based on the sacrifices of individual people, according to the great writer, is the same evil, ennobled by lofty words. The idea of ​​the inadmissibility of this "good" is fully disclosed by the great writer in the novel about the "poor" student Raskolnikov. After all, the main character of the novel justifies his crime - murder, with compassion for all the "humiliated and insulted", allowing him "blood according to his conscience." But is it? What is compassion? Co-suffering means to suffer together. And Raskolnikov's suffering is directed exclusively deep into himself. What he experiences can be called rather sympathy. The thought of murder gradually matured in his mind. Half a year before the events described in the novel, Raskolnikov writes an article “On Crime”, where he “considered the psychological state of the criminal during the entire course of the crime”, and at the same time raised the question of such a crime, which is resolved according to conscience and therefore is not a crime as such. In the future, he creates a theory about two categories of people: "trembling creatures" and "having the right." And, of course, he asks himself the question of his own belonging to one or another category. That's the motive for the murder. But no one recognizes himself as a criminal. Everyone is a fighter and sufferer for the truth. Raskolnikov follows the same path. At first, he hides from himself the wrongness of his goals, convincing himself that he kills only in order to "later dedicate himself to the service of all mankind and the common cause." But from the very beginning he foresees his self-deception. “We invent our own casuistry, we will learn from the Jesuits ... we will convince ourselves that it is necessary, really necessary for a good purpose,” he says about his sister’s decision to marry Luzhin, but these words can also be attributed to his own internal state. The words heard in the tavern that "dozens of families saved from poverty, from decay, from death" are worth killing and robbing "an insignificant, evil old woman", are perceived by him as salvation, as an excuse for his terrible intent. “I didn’t want to lie about this even to myself ...”, but still he “lies”. He tries to replace one goal - "self-affirmation" with another - "universal happiness". “I myself wanted good things for people,” Raskolnikov says to Dunya. “I killed for myself, for myself one,” he admits to Sonya. And this self-deception only increases the subsequent suffering of the hero. “Suffer together,” but Raskolnikov “cut himself off from everything and everyone, as if with scissors,” opposing everyone else. And his suffering is greater because he could not overcome himself, that "he is a trembling creature." Although he convinces himself that the suffering of a criminal is an indispensable sign of his rightness and greatness.

The complete opposite of Raskolnikov is Sonya Marmeladova. it is she who, according to the author's intention, is the embodiment of true mercy and compassion. Trying to save her family from starvation, she goes out into the street to sell her own body. Brought up according to Christian commandments, she realizes that by committing such a sin, she dooms her soul to eternal torment. But compassion for hungry children, a sick stepmother, an unfortunate father turns out to be stronger than the desire to save one's soul. At the same time, Sonechka remains true to her convictions, preserving her infinite philanthropy, faith in herself and in people. “You also stepped over ... You laid hands on yourself, you ruined your life ... yours (it doesn’t matter!) ...”, Raskolnikov tells her. But he himself feels that it is not "all the same." She is for others, and he is for himself. Her "crime" did not touch her soul. In essence, Sonino's "crime" is a feat, while Raskolnikov wants to pass off his crime as a "feat". Sonya is having a hard time with her fall, and thoughts of suicide also visit her, which could save her from shame. But the images of hungry, helpless children make you forget about your suffering.

Just as selflessly, Sonechka rushes to save Raskolnikov's soul. There is no condemnation of his evil deed in it, boundless mercy is manifested in it in relation to his moral suffering. And here it is just appropriate to recall that compassion means “to suffer together.” Sonya sincerely suffers with Raskolnikov, trying to find a way to save his soul. And only thanks to her efforts Raskolnikov comes to the idea of ​​the inconsistency of his theory. It is Sonya who awakens him to life, leads him to the salvation of his soul. In the epilogue, Raskolnikov kneels before the girl: "... he was resurrected, and he knew it, he felt it with his whole renewed being, and she - she, after all, lived only his life!". No theory in the world is capable of defeating true mercy and human compassion. This is what life is all about.

See also "Crime and Punishment"

  • The originality of humanism F.M. Dostoevsky (based on the novel Crime and Punishment)
  • Depiction of the destructive effect of a false idea on human consciousness (based on the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment")
  • Image of the inner world of a person in a work of the 19th century (based on the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment")
  • Analysis of the novel "Crime and Punishment" by Dostoevsky F.M.
  • Raskolnikov's system of "doubles" as an artistic expression of criticism of individualistic rebellion (based on the novel "Crime and Punishment" by F.M. Dostoevsky)

Other materials on the work of Dostoevsky F.M.

  • The scene of the wedding of Nastasya Filippovna with Rogozhin (Analysis of an episode from chapter 10 of the fourth part of F.M. Dostoevsky's novel "The Idiot")
  • The scene of reading Pushkin's poem (Analysis of an episode from chapter 7 of the second part of F.M. Dostoevsky's novel "The Idiot")
  • The image of Prince Myshkin and the problem of the author's ideal in the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "The Idiot"

1. Objective reality in the novel.
2. Moral purity of Sonya.
3. Love of Sonya and Raskolnikov.

The novel by F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" is to some extent a great textbook of life. Where else can you find a similar intensity of passions, where else do heroes expose all the most secret corners of their souls, and where human reality is shown so truthfully and severely.

Sonya Marmeladova, one of the main characters of the novel, is perhaps the most ideal example of self-sacrifice and mercy. She does not consider people from the point of view of intellectual sophistication, for her every living being is necessary and valuable for God, and therefore for life. Perhaps, as a test, she is given love for a person whose reasoning at the beginning of the book sounds exactly the opposite.

Rodion Raskolnikov, a poor student, driven to despair by his unenviable position, develops a whole theory according to which everyone in such an imperfect society, one way or another, is a criminal. The world is imperfect and cruel, which means that each person has the right to dictate his own conditions to him, if there would be enough vitality and stamina. In accordance with this, there is a division into “the right of those who have” and “louse”. Like any impulsive young man, Raskolnikov seeks to prove, and above all to himself, that he belongs precisely to the category of the powerful of this world. Therefore, Rodion's act cannot be considered a spontaneous and thoughtless action. He hatches his idea for several weeks. Preparing the murder of the old pawnbroker, the young man is sincerely sure that this will only bring benefit to others. In the murder of a worthless old woman, Raskolnikov's rebellion against the order existing at that time is manifested. But often life makes its own adjustments to the course of events: “Lizaveta stood in the middle of the room, with a large bundle in her hands and looked in a daze at her murdered sister, all white as a sheet and as if unable to scream.”

Getting rid of an involuntary witness, Raskolnikov kills the relative of the old woman, and with her her unborn child. The young man is incredibly lucky: he leaves the crime scene almost unnoticed. Rodion was never able to step over himself and use the things of the pawnbroker he killed, moreover, doubts begin to torment her soul, he suddenly realizes that he will not be able to continue to live with this burden. He needs to tell someone about everything. Sonya acts as a confidant, who believes that only sincere repentance will help her beloved be reborn to life: "Suffering to accept and redeem yourself with it, that's what you need." Scolding himself for cowardice, Raskolnikov nevertheless comes to the police with a confession. The murder of the old woman and her sister completely "cuts off" the protagonist from the past. A new awareness of what has been accomplished leads to the fact that Rodion, feeling like the most miserable and insignificant person in the world, does not even dare to hug his sister and mother when they meet. Sonya Marmeladova is the exact opposite of Raskolnikov. Her image absorbed Dostoevsky's idea of ​​"physical dirt" and "moral dirt". Sacrificing her girlish honor and dignity for the sake of her family, the girl is forced to trade her body. She can't feed her stepmother and half-sisters and brother any other way. Being in the "physical dirt", she nevertheless retains her moral purity. Sonya meekly resigns herself to her unfortunate fate. Her suffering only strengthens her faith. The girl is sure that God will not allow her little sisters to suffer the same fate. Here, the desire, and most importantly, Sonya's readiness for self-sacrifice, is manifested as strongly as possible. At the same time, her soul and heart do not harden. She does not hide in her resentment of fate and is open to kind people and deeds, perhaps even more than before. The girl does not push away her unlucky drunken father, because of whom in many respects this is how her fate developed, and even sometimes gives him money. She takes pity on her stepmother and her children, realizing how hard it is for them in this world.

Sonya is ready to lend a hand to anyone who turns to her for help. Perhaps that is why she so closely converges with the God-fearing and reliable Lizaveta, reading the lines of sacred books with her. Of course, others cannot fail to notice the moral purity of the girl. That is why the stepmother so passionately stands up for Sonya when Luzhin accuses the girl of stealing. She, understanding the whole baseness of the nature of the failed Dunya groom, declares that he is not worthy of her little finger. Katerina Ivanovna, perhaps more than anyone else, knows what a great sacrifice her stepdaughter made for the sake of other people's children, and how hard it is for her to put up with the surrounding reality. Raskolnikov, listening to the story of his casual acquaintance Marmeladov, in absentia imbues Sonya with sympathy and sympathy. Even among hardened criminals in prison, the girl evokes only bright feelings, although she does not do anything specifically for this. Undoubtedly, it is infinitely far from Rodion's reasoning about the human role in the existing society. She is an integral nature and perceives the world around her as something harmoniously united, where each creature is in its place. And above all this there is only one judge and defender - the Lord. She is perplexed, earning the reasoning of the young man: “Is this man a louse?”

For her, man is a creation of God, and only God can control his fate. Upon learning of Rodion's crime, the girl is not offended by him for the death of her friend, she is imbued with sympathy for him, seeing how hard it is for this person to bear such a sin in his soul. Sonya, who perceives the unjust laws of this world only as tests that temper the soul and make a person only better, cleaner, pities the young man: “What have you done to yourself?” She begs him to go to the crossroads, bow and repent of his deed. In her moral purity and kindness, Sonya cannot alienate the main character, because she feels that in the depths of Raskolnikov's soul a completely different person than he seems to others. Analyzing other actions of the young man and believing that Rodion is essentially not an evil person (he gave his last money to Katerina Ivanovna, saved two children during a fire, kept a sick classmate for about a year), Sonya understands that her new acquaintance is simply confused. And the idea pursuing him is something like a disease, which, like any other ailment, sooner or later will surely pass. The girl loves Raskolnikov, and with all her soul longs for his recovery. She feels that only by repenting can her lover find peace and harmony in this life. After the end of the novel in the epilogue, Dostoevsky briefly tells the readers about the later life of the main characters. Of course, attention is drawn to Raskolnikov and Sonya, who went to hard labor for her lover. Rodion does not feel guilty for a long time, he reproaches himself only for being weak and turning himself in. His illness became the turning point that determined all his further attitude and understanding of the world. A serious spiritual internal confrontation took place in Raskolnikov when he rushed about in delirium. It seemed to him that the whole world was inhabited by microbes or spirits that infect people. These harmful creatures make those around you crazy and demon-possessed. People simply do not understand how susceptible they are to infection, many are already simply sick, considering their opinion to be the most correct. It seemed to Rodion that the sick person himself begins to kill, devour those around him. Having overcome the disease, the young man feels his renewal. He is frightened by the news of Sonya's poor health.

He longs to see her. After making sure that the girl is no longer in danger, Rodion suddenly realizes that he loves her. He understands how much suffering because of him this little fragile girl endured. In a fit of surging feelings, Raskolnikov rushes to her feet and cries. Repentance for everything he has done comes to him, which brings him spiritual relief and allows him to be reborn to a new life. A considerable merit in this is precisely Sonina. Her self-sacrifice and kindness paid off.

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