The world is small but beautiful.


    My homeland is the city of Kolomna. There are many large cities in the world, May fate be favorable to them. But in truth, in the heart of love, Awakened in me only - Kolomna. Passing along the Marinka tower, Under the azure of a beautiful sky. The prince will point his hand to me from the horse, Where Russia's victory was forged! Before the enemy you were adamant, At the confluence of Moscow and the Oka. My homeland is the city of Kolomna, Kolomna and I are fellow countrymen forever. Your walls, over the years, only more beautiful! Blossom your heart bottomlessly, I'm not afraid of anything with you, My homeland is mother Kolomna, The noise of trees with the breath of churches, We are greeted with a smile from the threshold. Weeping fountains in the mosaic of lights There are not many cities like Kolomna. There are many large cities in the world, May fate be favorable to them But in truth in the heart of love, Awakened in us, our Kolomna. Lik Dmitry Sergeevich (poet-author-performer)

  • On February 10, 2019, as part of a group of vacationers in the Aksakovskiye Zori sanatorium, we were lucky enough to visit the Museum of Folk Art Crafts in Fedoskino. The Museum of Folk Art Crafts in Fedoskino was founded in 2003. For more than 10 years the museum has been restored and only in 2014 it opened its doors to the first visitors. Recreated from fragments of photographs of the 19th century, it opened up a whole world of what happened in those days. Fedoskino is rightfully considered the birthplace of Russian lacquers, it was here that Russian lacquer art was born and the year 1795 is considered to be the year of the creation of the Fedoskino lacquer craft. Pyotr Korobov, a Moscow merchant of the 2nd guild, bought the Danilkovo estate and opened the production of lacquered paper products here. The first thing they began to make was papier-mâché visors for men's headdresses, secular and military. Papier - mache - the material is durable, with proper processing it is not inferior to wood. The visors could be removed, washed, cleaned and they did not lose their properties. Cigarette cases, snuff boxes, boxes for beads, tea boxes, wall panels were also made here ... In 1810, Pyotr Korobov married his daughter to the merchant Pyotr Vasilyevich Lukutin. As a dowry, Ekaterina Petrovna Korobova received a lacquer factory in Danilkovo. Lukutin also moved here from Moscow the foil factory that belonged to him. In the history of the development of the craft, a new round begins - the merchants Lukutin began to own the craft, and they later became the last owners of this production, WHICH WAS PASSED FROM GENERATION TO GENERATION. "500 ARTISTS WORKED AT THE TIME AT THE FACTORY, the orders were millions, - say the old-timers of the craft, - they worked without raising their heads, all the products were exported." Now the factory has a chic company store where you can come and buy a box with your favorite story and other products made of papier-mâché and not only ... Although it is expensive, but you can choose. Previously, this was not the case, it was possible to acquire something only by pull, as they said then, i. by acquaintance. It was inexpensive, but it was impossible to get... - To learn about the Fedoskino masters - great talents in art, - to see the Fedoskino casket, to find out why it glows with a warm light inside. - To get acquainted with the culture, traditions of the past, the wonderful history of our craftsmen, enterprising people - you can learn a lot of interesting things by visiting the Museum of Folk Art Crafts in Fedoskino. And our video clip is small excerpts from a wonderful tour conducted by Victoria Smirnova, the museum guide.

  • The key business event of the 9th international multidisciplinary exhibition of organic, natural and environmentally friendly products EcoGorodExpo Autumn 2018 was the 5th practical conference "Eco bio organic products in retail: the way to the consumer". The conference lasted all day and included two sections dedicated to food and non-food products. The word food in English is both a noun and an adjective with a range of meanings that are synonymous with food. In addition, representatives of different countries take part in the exhibition - it is international, therefore in English. The first section of the conference, as stated, was devoted to the product line, and the second - not to the product line of assortments. Presentations were made by: Director of the Union of Independent Networks of Russia Sergey Kuznetsov, Chairman of the Board of the Union of Organic Farming Sergey Korshunov, Executive Director of the National Organic Union Oleg Mironenko, Chairman of the Board of the Russian Perfume and Cosmetic Association Tatyana Puchkova, Representative of the Association of Natural Cosmetics Stores MaNaCo Svetlana Sergeeva, International expert on natural and organic cosmetics Elena Koval, Brand Manager of the Azbuka Vkusa retail chain Lidia McShane, Head of Sales Department Oksana Bondarenkova and Head of Purchasing Department of the Eco.Bio.Vegan Department Svetlana Pavlenko from the Hyper Globus retail chain, Executive Director of the Buteka retail chain » Alexandra Tsoi, representatives of manufacturers and importers of organic and natural products. A number of socially significant and environmentally responsible events were held at the EcoCityExpo Autumn 2018 exhibition. Charitable foundation "Rodom iz detstva" held a fundraising campaign to help sick children. The technical partner of the exhibition, the Megapolisresurs company, organized the collection of used batteries and small equipment. Separate waste collection was provided by Synergetic. Educational eco-master classes were held for children. All printing materials of the exhibition were traditionally printed in the FSC-certified printing house "Polygraph Media Group" without harm to the environment. Our video from the conference about the section dedicated to the food sector. The organizing committee of the exhibition thanks the partners, participants and visitors of EcoCityExpo Autumn 2018 and invites everyone to the 10th anniversary exhibition EcoCityExpo Spring 2019, which will be held on April 19-20, 2019! Contacts: Tel: +7 495 778 36 01 E-mail: info @ ecogorod - expo . ru Website: www. ecogorod-expo. en

  • "In one of the remote streets of Moscow, in a gray house with white columns, a mezzanine, a crooked balcony, there once lived a lady, a widow, surrounded by numerous servants." - so begins the story of I. S. Turgenev "Mumu". Everyone calls this house Mumu's house. It was about the opening of the House - Museum of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev (Mumu House) after the restoration that they spoke on November 1, 2018 in the Presidential Hall of the International Multimedia Press Center of the MIA "Russia Today", where a press conference was held for the media dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of I .FROM. Turgenev. About the history of the house, about restoration, about archival documents that formed the basis of the project for the restoration of the memorial house, about what was restored and what was recreated in the mansion, what valuable Turgenev memoirs the museum was enriched with before the writer’s anniversary, about preparations for the anniversary, about events dedicated to this important event, which allows you to look at the writer with different eyes, and much more was discussed here. Participated in the press-conference: Head of the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow Alexander Vladimirovich KIBOVSKY; Deputy Head of the Department of Cultural Heritage of Moscow, Chief Archaeologist of the City of Moscow Leonid Viktorovich KONDRASHEV; Director of the State Museum of the History of Russian Literature named after V. I. Dahl (GLM) Dmitry Petrovich BAK; Director of the State Museum A.S. Pushkin Evgeniy Anatolyevich BOGATYREV We invite you to watch our video from the press conference.

  • It was May 9, 2018. An immortal regiment marched along Leningradsky Prospekt. Not far, next to a very interesting house, decorated with some kind of openwork ornament, a woman with carnations stood at the obelisk to the participants of the Great Patriotic War. She just put carnations on the obelisk... "I'll ask her if I'm here - I had to go to Begovaya Street, but here everything is built up like this. , a ground crossing is a building or some kind of building, there was such an answer that simply fascinated me with the knowledge and attitude of this wonderful woman to her home, to her district, city ... So we met Madame Kado. Madame Kado is not only a person who knows and loves her area, she is also responsible for every bush, tree, for order in the house, in the yard, in the area ... We are sitting in a small square in the courtyard of the "Openwork" house. A guy passes by - he went straight along the lawn, although there is a path two steps away: "Excuse me, please, could you go along the path, and not trample the lawns," Madame Kado stopped him. It is raining heavily, a car drives by - watering the streets. I walk in silence, although I thought: why water it .... and suddenly I see Madame Cadot asking the driver to stop with her hand. He stops: "Excuse me, please, because it's raining like buckets, you could save water ..." Like this at every step, comments, I think, are superfluous here. And today our audio page is enriched, the Lighthouse Light becomes brighter with the advent of treats from Madame Kado. Cado in French means a gift. We learn about a very interesting romantic origin of this surname from a video filmed in a small square in the courtyard of house 27, which is along Leningradsky Prospekt. Madame Kado tells not only about the origin of her surname... watch and listen for yourself. So "Treat from Madame Kado - part 1" Emma Eskenderova told about Madame Kado

On September 21, 2010, at the presentation of the book "Prison Odyssey of Vasily Shulgin" in the House of Russian Abroad named after Alexander Solzhenitsyn, I made a speech, after which Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Evgeny Innokentevich Datsko approached me and presented his book "Journey to Russian America" ​​(Moscow: LLC "Skanrus Publishing House", 2007. - 161 pages - Circulation 1000). And he invited me to the opening of the exhibition “Evgeny Datsko: Painting. Graphic arts. Poster /Soviet period, Russian America, 1994-2010/”, which will take place today, October 25, 2010 at the State Specialized Institute of Arts near the Studencheskaya metro station on Reserve passage 10/12 at 17.00 in the Great Hall. He was born on November 26, 1940, in a month he turns 70 years old, and in the same year marks 40 years of his creative activity. The exhibition is dedicated to these significant milestones. It is important for me that the artist's creative life is largely connected with my native Kaliningrad region, where I spent my childhood years, which was led by my uncle Nikolai Semyonovich Konovalov for many years. It is necessary to identify and proclaim the "Russian trace" on the planet in order to better comprehend the universal-all-human mission of the Russian people. Wherever the Russians left their mark on Earth (that is, almost everywhere) - there continues to smell of the Russian spirit, there is the last of the Russian land. Yevgeny Datsko and a number of other modern "missionaries of Russianness" spread the Russian presence in the world. Globalization in Russian is gaining momentum...

In a note dated July 14, 2010, I already mentioned the performance of Evgeny Datsko at the House of Russian Abroad, took note of it. Under the cover of the book presented to me are not only reproductions of paintings and diary entries of the artist, but also excellent photographs of the general director of the SKOL company, the most authoritative specialist in decorative materials and the original designer Leonid Vadimovich Esipovich. He is also a member of the Creative Union of Photographers of Russia (TSHR) and a member of the International Federation of Artists (IFHR). On the introductory page of the 3rd edition, he writes:

“Interest in the history and culture of Russia, the fate of compatriots who did not leave their homeland of their own free will, but who preserved the traditions of their ancestors, customs and faith for two centuries since the first settlers of Fort Ross and other places associated with the development of the American continent by Russian people, prompted us to publish travel diary impressions of the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, traveler and devotee Yevgeny Datsko. The description of the expedition to the shores of Russian America - from Vladivostok through Alaska to San Francisco, numerous meetings with the descendants of the pioneers - all these impressions Evgeny Datsko reflected in graphic drawings and paintings, which were included in the pictorial series accompanying the diary texts. The work of the artist, traveler and publicist has caused us the need to support this publication by making it public.

A lot of attention is being paid to the Russian abroad today: scientific research is being published, memoir literature is appearing, revealing to the modern reader unknown or hidden pages of the life of our compatriots, who due to political circumstances were cut off from their homeland, but retained their national appearance, originality, way of life, religion and devotion to Russia. In this regard, the modest but worthy contribution of Yevgeny Datsko to the restoration of historical justice, the invisible connection between the past and the present, deserves attention and respect. Therefore, we decided to take part in popularizing the work of this enthusiastic person, who, like a prospector at a mine, bit by bit collected the gold of the Russian spirit and culture scattered all over the world”

“The photographs of Leonid Esipovich presented on the pages of this book,” writes Anna Ilyina, head of the Pilgrimage Gallery of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Pilgrimage Center, “are not just a documentary chronicle of traveler’s notes, they are highly artistic samples created by a sensitive, caring master. Each photograph is marked by the author’s personal involvement in facts and events that he witnessed.

Esipovich skillfully selects a special angle of the image, light and shade modeling, captures the nuances of moods, either emphasizing the eventfulness of the moment captured by the camera, or giving a specific object a poetic sound. The ability to feel and convey an exciting and joyful feeling of contact with the majestic beauty of nature, to capture animals resting serenely in their natural habitat are the characteristic moments that distinguish Leonid Esipovich's photographs.

As a traveler, photographer and true artist, he looks at the world in a creative and meaningful way, therefore his works have a historical, documentary and aesthetic appeal, fascinate, make you escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and, frame by frame, feeling your involvement, follow in the footsteps of the wanderings of brave sailors.

For Esipovich, photography turned from a hobby into a professional job, but a job for the soul. He treats the matter as demandingly and responsibly as his main occupation. Leonid Esipovich strives not only to capture, but also to convey through a photograph the subjective perception of what he sees, therefore his works are especially expressive. This is evidenced by the photographs presented in the album of the artist and traveler Andrey Datsko.

“I was born in the Primorsky Territory,” Evgeny Datsko’s notes begin (p. 4). “Already in the era of the Jurgens, these places reached a high level of civilization. I learned about this when in 1960, as part of the expedition of A.L. Neolithic times at Cape "Sandy".

Vladivostok and Primorsky Krai began to be populated at the end of the 19th century. These wonderful places and local residents - Orochs and Golds - were described by Nikolai Przhevalsky and Vladimir Arseniev. One of them, Dersu Uzala, a hunter and professor of the taiga, Arseniev made famous all over the world.

I am a third generation Primorsky. On the mother's side from the Don Cossacks, and on the father's side from the Chernigov province of Ukraine. My ancestors at the time of the Stolypin resettlement of people, in order to defuse the revolutionary situation and populate the rich and uninhabited places of the Far East, moved into the depths of Primorye. Having previously crossed on ships from Odessa, going around Africa, the settlers with their belongings and children reached Vladivostok, having suffered in sea rolling along the way. Then they moved deeper on the bulls /p. 5: / and horses, chose a place they liked near a river or lake and organized a settlement. Each family was supposed to develop a tithe of land, sow rye, wheat, oats, plant potatoes, lay out a garden, build a house with outbuildings. It was supposed to be a loan. The farms did not develop in the same way: those who had more sons, those grew larger faster.

In the taiga there were a lot of animals, birds, pine nuts, grapes, sultanas and other wealth. Just do not be lazy to collect!

By the revolutionary events of 1917, it was a rich prosperous region. The villages were built according to the plan, a church was erected on the highest and most beautiful place. Many started threshers, steam engines and the first tractors (farzones). My grandfathers began to live in the village of Dmitrievka, and I was born in the neighboring village of Chernigovka, near Lake Khanka.

But a troubled time has come: the revolution has come to our lands. Japanese, Americans, Czechs, whites and reds, partisans and gangs appeared. Everything that was built with such difficulty was quickly destroyed, valuables were stolen. Break not build! The Soviet government has arrived.

/page 8:/ Destroyed all the churches. Industrialists, intellectuals, officers of the White Guard, priests, Old Believers went abroad. You can name a number of names of that period that became famous during the years of emigration: Vertinsky, Sikorsky, Zworykin, etc. Many moved to China, to the "Russian city" Harbin, through about. Khanku or taiga. Before the revolution, a railway was built from Moscow to Vladivostok, and in the summer of 1898, Russian pioneers began building the CER. Harbin, the administrative center in China, also became the center of Russian emigration in the 1920s. In the middle of the twentieth century, almost two hundred and forty thousand Russians lived here. My aunt's husband served in Harbin as a telegraph operator on the railroad (he was shot in the 1930s).

The writers organized the Green Lamp association. The city lived a rich cultural life until 1960.

/page 9: / In 1959, with a group of students from Primorsky Krai, for good academic performance, I was awarded a trip to the cities of China. We saw Harbin and spent several hours there. I remember a beautiful Orthodox church and a monument to Soviet soldiers who died during the liberation of China from the Japanese. We met a Russian emigrant on the platform, but the conversation did not work out. In 1991-94. I met Harbin emigrants in San Francisco and Old Believers from the Primorsky village of Yakovlevka in Alaska.

To live life is not a field to cross. Especially went to our grandfathers and fathers. They were supported by women, preserving the Orthodox religion and traditions. During the Soviet period in Russia, people gathered and prayed in secret. On Easter, they baked Easter cakes, pretzels, cooked Easter, painted eggs. During the war, my mother wondered, wanting to know what happened to her son at the front. She put bread, salt, coal on the table. A needle and thread was stuck into a piece of wax, putting a hand with this plumb line to the head, the mother held the thread and whispered something. The wax swayed and showed in which direction - such was the news: good or bad.

My birth six months before the start of World War II did not bode well. We lived near the famous airfield./p. 10:/ Normandia Neman was there, many future astronauts served, and during the war there were anti-aircraft guns from which women fired. As children, we played, imitating the "hawks", - they depicted planes, arms spread out to the sides, buzzing. There were no toys.

When the war ended in the West, the theater of operations spread to the East. We have settled two young cheerful pilots. They flew to bomb the Japanese in China, returning, they brought fragrant apples, eggs, silk from there. There were captured Japanese. They lazily sawed firewood and did various hard work. They had outlandish hats with flaps for the ears, detachable sleeves. For three years I went to school in Japanese cloaks. Large, not in size, but in winter it was convenient to skate in them from the hills and along the roads. Everything was homemade. They played hockey on the river: they made sticks and drove a tin can. In the summer they swam, herded goats and played football with a rag ball. In winter, they rode from the mountains on planks from a “riveting” barrel. During the war, they used homemade lamps from shells. I still keep one. When the film "Tarzan" appeared, all the boys adopted his cry and shouted "in Tarzan" everywhere. The Three Musketeers also inspired feats: the boys fought furiously, imitating the heroes of the film. There was a radio. The voices of Babanova and other artists were mesmerizing. Classical music entered village houses. There were gramophones in everyday life. The guys made detector receivers and listened to music through crackling.

But food was tight. The queue for bread has been occupied since the evening, but only until you get an unfortunate bun, so in the crowd they will break your sides! And then you will leave empty-handed.

My older brother went into the army before I was born, and it was only in 1947 that I met him. Two other brothers sailed, transported goods from America, Canada, Japan, Korea. Father received the medal "For Valiant Labor during the Second World War." All for the front, all for victory!

As schoolchildren, we worked in the fields and on the current: weeded, dug potatoes, and in the evening we danced to the accordion until the morning. They slept in attics and haylofts. We went for haymaking. Mowers gathered on the Lefu River (now Ilistaya), in the evening /p. 11:/ told different stories around the campfire. I remember the case of Kaida, small, with a pipe in his mouth, he lost one eye in the first war with the Germans in 1919. On the fire, he cooked, as he said, "krutyak" (rice with potatoes, fish and meat). We immediately put fishing rods, lines. There were plenty of fish, and even more mosquitoes that kept us awake. Smoky fires were maintained at night, protecting horses from mosquitoes. In youth, everything was perceived with enthusiasm.

I started drawing, I saved my first drawings. When I found out that there is such an art school, I decided to enter. It was 1956. The brothers dissuaded: “You better go to study as an engineer!” - in those days it was fashionable. And the mother said: “In life you need to take risks. If you want to become an artist, go and do it!”

So I've been drawing all my life. Graduated from the Vladivostok Art College and the Art Institute. IN AND. Surikov, worked as an artist for more than a dozen years.

But at the age of 50, grandiose changes took place in my destiny, and life opened up from a new, previously unknown side.


In 1974, at the Chelyuskinskaya art house, I met F. Konyukhov, who was preparing to go alone to the North Pole. Fedor lived for some time in my studio in Moscow. In 1990, we met again in Vladivostok, and he introduced me to Mikhail Poboronchuk, his own correspondent for the newspaper Sovetskaya Kultura, who went on a yacht to the island of V. Bering.

1991 was declared the year of Bering by UNESCO. It was the 250th anniversary of the discovery of Alaska by Bering and Chirikov. Poboronchuk planned to conduct a historic expedition on three packet boats: "St. Peter", "St. Paul" and "St. Gabriel", and invited me to join the team. The 1991 expedition was supposed to follow the path of the 1741 campaign. It was assumed that F. Konyukhov would also participate, but he was used to traveling alone and refused.

/page 13: / Mikhail Poboronchuk introduced me to Leonid Lysenko, who was supposed to be the chief captain on the expedition. At that time, L. Lysenko was already a well-known yachtsman, he taught at the nautical school. to me
offered to be the expedition's artist and boat designer. In Moscow, I made sketches of a pennant, badges, costumes from the time of Bering. I went to the shipyard in Petrozavodsk, where they made boats for Mosfilm. Poboronchuk could make ships in Vladivostok, but it turned out to be cheaper in Petrozavodsk, then they were transported to Vladivostok by rail in a month.

Throughout April, May and until June 29, work was in full swing on all fronts. The main sponsor of the expedition was the shipping company, but M. Poboronchuk managed to involve others as well - societies and cooperatives that spring up like mushrooms after rain.

The boats were unloaded on the shore of the Amur Bay, next to the nautical school; students helped us. The children learned how to glue boards and do different jobs. They sheathed the sides with copper sheets and nails so that sea worms would not destroy the ship. They made masts, three for each boat, sails, checked the auxiliary motors of the inverter (40 horsepower, weight 960 kg.). /page 14:/ In the Bering Sea they saved us. We dried our wet clothes on them. Ten days passed this place to the first island of Attu.

I made sculptures of saints right on the shore as nose decorations. The windows were decorated with wooden carvings, wooden carved handrails were made along the sides and small ones on the superstructures. It is known that the inhabitants of Arkhangelsk decorated their ships in the same way as their wooden houses in order to feel at home in the long harsh conditions of the sea.

With us were to go the Cossacks of the Ussuri Cossacks, led by the future chieftain Vitaly Poluyanov. Now he is a Cossack general and heads this organization. As a former military journalist, he publishes /p. 15: / articles in a Cossack magazine, writes stories, and in the 90s was published in the literary magazine "Far East".

The boys were all around us. One of them, ten-year-old Romka Borisov, was persuaded to go to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. His father worked in the port as a loader. We talked with him, in the end, the parents agreed to let him go.

The expedition went from the Vladivostok school of travelers with an emblem on the stern of the boats. The motto M. Poboronchuk came up with: "Well, let's go!". All this designer camarilla alone I was not able to do in such a short time, so I invited assistant artists. In addition, sometimes circumstances interfered with me. Somehow I almost cut down a two-meter log from a linden, but there was a hollow inside the tree. I had to throw the marriage away and start over.

As a result, the work was completed on time. They loaded the ships onto the platforms of the car and, holding them with ropes on both sides,
members of the expedition kept them; slowly this motorcade moved to the place of launching. They smashed champagne on the sides - according to tradition. And the running of boats in the Amur Bay began. Then, on June 29, in a solemn ceremony, Bishop Gregory consecrated the ships and handed the icon to Romka Borisov, who carried it to the flagship St. Peter's boat.

I had to fly to Moscow, apply for a visa and start my journey from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.


Having safely reached Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and having completed the first stage of the expedition, the cabin boys received their first sea baptism. We left Vladivostok in a difficult, memorable way. Participants of the first stage and new arrivals gathered on the pier near the boats. The leader of the expedition M. Poboronchuk congratulated the cabin boy (there were girls among them), presented pennants, medals, certificates and gifts.

The same days marked the 250th anniversary of the discovery of Alaska. Columns of demonstrators passed through the city, the speeches of the city administration were heard, in the Bay - a parade of ships: the Frigate "Palada", yachts and our boats.

The participants of the main crossing were finishing their gathering. There were also sponsors who wished to participate in the transition. A descendant of V. Bering arrived in the seventh generation - Vladimir Maslov-Bering from Donetsk, chemical engineer, mountaineer. He and I were assigned to the "St. Peter", the flagship packet boat 17 meters long, 4.5 meters wide, 1 meter draft and 21 tons in weight. Started /p. 17: / prepare for the campaign. Before the start, we managed to make an amazing journey on a corncob plane, fly around the Kamchatka volcanoes and look into their vents.

I drew these giants. Everyone's impression was unforgettable. Snowy beautiful peaks in hot summer July. In the days of Bering, it was impossible to see such beauty from above!

Peter I instructed Vitus Bering, an officer of the Russian fleet, a Dane by birth, to look for new islands and lands on the way to Japan and America. There was a blank spot on the map, and no one knew where and how America connected with the Far East. The expedition lasted 10 years, during this period a huge amount of work was done. The islands of the Kuril chain, the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the Kamchatka Peninsula were surveyed and mapped. In 1728, the participants of the first Kamchatka expedition led by Bering, sailing on the boat "Saint Gabriel", proved that there is a strait between Asia and America (later called the Bering Strait). Members of the expedition of Fedorov and Gvozdev (1732) were the first to see the shores of Northwestern America. Expeditions were sent from Yakutsk to explore the shores of the northern seas and the rivers flowing into them. And the most famous was the expedition of V. Bering and A. Chirikov. The sailors of the ship "Saint Paul" under the command of Lieutenant Chirikov on July 15, 1741 saw the American shores at a latitude of 55 ° 20 "and rose to a latitude of 58 °.

Fifteen people landed on the shore and their fate is still unknown. They did not return to the ship. Captain-Commander V. Bering's ship "Saint Peter" reached the shores of America at 58 ° 14 "N on July 20, 1741. Lack of food and the onset of scurvy, constant /p. 18:/ debilitating storms undermined the health of the commander. On the way back passed by the island of Kodiak, where they first met the Aleuts. On November 5, a strong storm threw the ship onto an unknown island and crashed it near the coast of Kamchatka. On December 8, V. Bering died (later the island was named after him, and the group of islands was named Komandorsky). The ship " Saint Paul "returned to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky on October 12; they began searching for Bering. They went to the island of the victims from the other side. Not finding the ship, they returned. The remaining 46 crew members of V. Bering (31 people died during the voyage and wintering) built a new ship from remnants of a packet boat and a fin, and in the summer of 1742 returned to the Peter and Paul Harbor of Kamchatka.

Having finished all the preparations and passed the customs inspection, the frigate "Pallada", a training sea vessel, and a large research vessel with a huge number of all kinds of people: artists, athletes, and our boats "St. Peter", "St. Paul" and "Saint Gabriel". This whole squadron was supposed to go through the path of V. Bering and A. Chirikov. A ten-year expedition led by V. Bering revealed to the world new outlines of the Far Eastern shores and showed where the coasts of America begin in the northern latitudes. This was the greatest feat of the Russian discoverers and a world achievement.

So we decided on small boats, similar to the ship of Bering and Chirikov (ours were five meters shorter, but with an auxiliary motor, without which they would not be released into the sea), to go this way along the Aleutian Islands, / p. 19:/ feel what it is. Back in Vladivostok, a captain of the first rank asked: “Are you going to pass the Bering Sea on these shushlaikas? Do you know what it is?”, and I answered him: “I don’t know, but everything will be fine.” There was some certainty.

In Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, a squadron was lining up for the last Soviet holiday, Navy Day, and we set off on a long voyage, and no one knew what awaited us. We had old Soviet charts, apparently experienced yacht captains: V. Krechko, navigator L. Lentarev, captain of the St. Paul, a handsome man of small stature with a strong voice, who showed himself in swimming from the best side. The rest is a hodgepodge. Eleven people on each boat. Many were on board for the first time - and on such a voyage!

Gave up the ends. People and houses gradually decreased, and volcanoes increased. Their snowy peaks were mesmerizing. Everyone fell into a sad silence, especially the newcomers. Gradually they left the Peter and Paul harbor; the last lighthouse - and now the well-known brother rocks. We begin to get used to the sea, into the small space of the boat, we begin to act according to the ship's schedule. Watch at the helm, watch on deck and sleep - four hours each. I got in at eight o'clock. This is my first duty not as a sailor - as an artist. Within each member of the team there was excitement before the unknown upcoming voyage. A headwind was blowing, "St. Paul" and "St. Gabriel" were going on different sides, and the yacht "Admiral Nevelskoy" was sailing, on which the cadets of the naval school were walking with their teacher. The wind was getting stronger. The waves were getting bigger. On July 29th we covered 140 miles. Broke on July 30 /p. 26:/ "Saint Paul." They walked in the fog. Then the "Gabriel" broke down, they lost the propeller. I had to pull it on a trailer. We met killer whales. The seagulls disappeared, a huge albatross appeared: it flied between the waves. Many got sick. A descendant of V. Bering was lying on the deck, not going down. Everyone was in a bad mood. Silently, wet, we did everything that was required. He saved the motor, on which it was possible to dry wet clothes.

The Bering Sea is gray, the waves are large, and the depth is up to 6 kilometers. A deep depression runs along the Aleutian Islands. We go by caravan. A headwind is blowing continuously. It became cold. The wind died down, on the morning of August 2 we saw the ground. Cape Chirikov lit up in the dawn rays. Only when you yourself feel what “I see the earth!” means, having passed an exciting dangerous section, will you understand this delight. Everyone was happy and shouting. The captain allocated one hundred grams. The sea calmed down, and the descendant of V. Bering, Vladimir Maslov-Bering, recovered. The guys joked about him: "Let's rename the Maslov Sea." The snowy peaks of the island were approaching. I painted a sketch from nature and a portrait of a Descendant. The sun was kindly warm.


On the island of Attu, the first in the chain of the Aleutian Islands, owned by the United States, there is a military base of the Coast Guard. We requested entry into the bay "Ubiennaya".

The entry turned out to be difficult, because there are many pitfalls, and we did not have modern maps. Little by little, we made our way, /p. 27: / dropped anchor. A motorboat approached, the captains talked and went to the island. We sat in anticipation, looking at the mountains, overgrown with grass. On this island, we are told, 3,000 people died on each side during the 1941-45 war. There were bloody battles with the Japanese.

The "scientists" who studied the mollusks swam up: in red and black suits they looked like Martians. Our view was terrible, and even soaked mattresses and clothes were pulled out to dry, which made the boats look like a bazaar. Our captains and the American military in surveyors have returned. Acquaintance began, fraternization. Who knew English, translated for everyone. The rest were explained on the fingers. In a word, they understood each other. We treated them to vodka. The Americans helped us fix the problems. I gave a pencil portrait to the eldest of them, and he gave me his baseball cap. I reached Seattle in it, but in the strait between Canada and America the wind blew it away.

In the evening they caught flounder and halibut. In the morning, after resting, we moved on. Agattu Island loomed ahead. Having put the screw on the Gavriil, repaired the engine on the Pyotr, and patched up the upholstery on the Pavel, we were again in perfect order. The Americans gave us beer, sausages, water, fruit for the journey.

Day and night were beautiful, and then everything was mixed into a fog. The wind blew, the weather deteriorated, and we took refuge in the bay of Kiska Island. There were many unafraid sea otters, a duck with ducklings, an eagle in the sky, small birds. The wind died down in the morning, and we took off from the parking lot.

It was interesting to watch the sea otters: the mother and the cub were eating sea kale, the curious muzzle was looking at us without stopping its activity. /page 32:/ They broke the shells on the stomach with a stone. Mustaches and beady eyes stuck out in different directions; they seemed to be smiling and in a good mood all the time. The weather was constantly changing. We, soaked like ducks, moved in a monotonous rhythm. The motor sucked water out of the boat, so it was more fun on deck. And below - very cramped rooms for recreation; 11 people - too much for such boats. Subsequently, the three of us went from Fr. Kodiak to Los Angeles. We were often accompanied by dolphins. Several times, due to bad maps, they fell into shallow water, into thickets of grass, and then got out of there for a long time. Rescued meter draft of the boat. One day we came across whales. At first we were afraid that they would take it into their heads to attack us and capsize the boats. But the whales were peaceful. Then we met them more than once and far to the south. Dolphins accompanied us every evening. The flock effortlessly walked along with the boats. Funny boys!

Off the coast of the Aleutian Islands there is a lot of different game. In one place, near about. Unalaska, a millionth flock circled over the sea, swayed on the water surface. We walked past for a long time, but we could not understand what kind of birds.

We traveled 380 miles to Kodiak, then another 450. Passing the most dangerous section of the strait and crossing into the western hemisphere, they saluted with a rocket.

On the eighth of August /1991/ there were no signs of a storm. Off the coast of Amla Island, in Svechnikov Bay, we were supposed to meet with the yacht and pour fuel. The passage to the bay was beautiful. The harbor of Svechnikov was bordered by high sheer mountains, overgrown only with thick grass, with grottoes and waterfalls. An eagle's nest was spotted on one of the mountain peaks.

When we had already entered the bay, a sharp strong wind suddenly blew. An American ship moored nearby. We also began to drop anchors, but we were blown away, and we were forced to go straight into the shore. Fixed for lying /p. 33: / a log covered with pebbles. There was a calm under the mountain, we decided to spend the night here.

In the midst of a storm, an exhausted seagull sat on the stern. Mikhail Poboronchuk took it in his hands. They fed her with fish, since the fish were caught well, there were a lot of gobies and lenoks. During the entire time of our stay in the bay, the foreign ship did not show any signs of a desire for contact.

In these places, sudden and very large ebbs and flows, which would be worth considering. But we did not take into account; tired, went to bed. All night the wind blew at a speed of about 30 m/s. The next morning our boats were on their side. The water receded, and the ebb tide left us on the shore.

On the "Pavel" they began to patch up the copper plating, soldered lead to the propeller. While the repair was going on, the group - the cameraman and director of Dalnelenfilm, I and a few other people - went to explore the island. We set foot on land for the first time during our trip. Therefore, during the movement, we were slightly staggered, so we were already used to boats and constant pitching.

Through the grass as high as a man they made their way to the waterfall. At its foot a wonderful panorama of the harbor of Svechnikov opened up. The operator filmed this beauty, and I sketched it.

The Aleutian Islands, all except Kodiak Island, are overgrown with grass; there are almost no trees, but many flowers. In a short summer, everything grows quickly and fades just as quickly. The vegetation of the island is moist and juicy. Sweet-voiced birds chirp in the thickets. We found some berries - black, watery.

Having survived the storm, sea otters swarm in the water, gulls and cormorants soared into the sky; an eagle soared, whose nest, obviously, we noticed on a high rock. A molesting seagull flew up to him, and he maneuvered and left her.

Our expedition climbed to a waterfall about eighty meters high. At the foot of the mountain, from the river, ships usually collect drinking water.

Having explored the shore, we returned to the base. By then, the repair work on the boats had been completed and the tide had brought them back to the water. I had to climb aboard on a log floating in the water. It spun underfoot, we slid and fell to the general laughter.

/page 38:/ Wet, but happy, they left this bay. The shore, illuminated by the rays of the sun, beautifully said goodbye to us, an eagle circled over a high rock.

We did not wait for the yacht. "Pavel" waited out the storm in another bay, and the yacht left with a good fair wind for Dutch Harbor.

It was rumored that in the storm that overtook us, 12 ships were wrecked in this area. Now, however, a fair wind helped us: before nightfall, we covered 12 knots under sail.

The next morning began with the celebration of the birthday of the expedition navigator L. Lentarev. I drew a greeting. Against the backdrop of volcanoes, our boats approached each other, and everyone congratulated the navigator.

The night greeted us with mist. We passed a volcano with a height of 2109 meters. Our propeller broke and we had to be towed on a trailer.


On the evening of August 12, we entered the beautiful bay of Dutch Harbor Island - Unalaska. The Orthodox Church appeared on the shore, which was built by the priest I. Veniaminov, later the Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna. A lot is connected with him on this island, he did a lot to educate the local population: he translated sacred texts into the Aleut language, he was the first bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church in America.

At the pier we were greeted by the thirty-year-old deputy mayor of Glen, television, the press. Everyone went down to inspect the ship. Two old women (one of whom is an eighty-eight-year-old Yugoslavian) brought a whole car of treats for us. Abby, the owner of the store, was also among those who met, and with her a large dog, which stood in the back of the car, and rolled around Unalaska, along with the owner. Dogs in America are kind. It speaks about the level /p. 39: / life and about the relationship to nature and animals. In America, wild animals are not afraid of people, they live their own lives. People don't touch them, don't beat them, don't kill them. Nature is used wisely - it came through strict laws.

From September 6, the Museum of the World Ocean at the Warehouse exhibition complex presents amazing paintings by Yevgeny Datsko. Together with himself, Evgeny Innokentyevich invites the guests of the exhibition to make an exciting and bright journey to the shores of Russian America. These paintings have an amazing fate. All of them were written by Evgeny Datsko during the expedition dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the discovery of Alaska by Vitus Bereng and Alexei Chirikov. In 1991, on three small wooden boats, a team of Russians set off from Russia to Russian America. The ships were assigned to the Vladivostok Children's School of Travelers, thanks to which ten cabin boys were included in the expedition. The youngest, Roma Borisov, was ten years old. Evgeny Innokentyevich Datsko became the author of the design of the boats that participated in the journey and at the same time the artist of the expedition. In addition, as part of the expedition, he traveled 8,500 miles as a helmsman from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to Los Angeles.
For almost three years, Evgeny Innokent'evich lived and worked in America as an itinerant artist. He drew inspiration from the history, traditions, and art of Russian Orthodoxy in America. He collected extensive material on Russian America in the form of sketches, paintings, sketches, and photographs. As a result, E.I. Datsko created a whole gallery of artistic images and landscapes dedicated to Russian America from sixty works. Leaving the United States, the artist had to smuggle out his creations, which the customs service could seize as objects of artistic value.
In the 90s, the exhibition "Journey to the Shores of Russian America" ​​captivated the Americans. Kaliningrad will become the third Russian city, after two capitals (St. Petersburg and Moscow), where you can get acquainted with the world of Russian America, which is so distant and so close at the same time.

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Graduate of the Moscow Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov. Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR and the Moscow Union of Artists. He was awarded a diploma and a silver medal of the Russian Academy of Arts and a gold medal of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia. In 1993 - 1994 - s. personal exhibitions were held in the USA (Santa Rosa, Russian Consulate in San Francisco, Fort Ross Museum, San Francisco, Cadet Corps, San Francisco, Russian Center, San Francisco Francisco.In 1994 - a personal exhibition at the exhibition center "Small Manege", Moscow.E. I. Datsko's works are in the museums of Moscow, Kaliningrad, Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Krasnoyarsk, in private collections in Russia and abroad (in Germany , Poland, Bulgaria, USA, Canada, China, Australia).

At the opening, you will be able to talk with Evgeny Innokentevich, who is an excellent storyteller and get acquainted with the fascinating story of the journey firsthand!

The great thing is the case. He then brought Nina and me to Moscow, to the crossroads of the main roads, where we stood in thought: Where can I find the Post Office? The wave of technical progress has now driven it into such nooks and crannies that not all even native Muscovites know. Here we are standing at a busy crossroads and thinking about how to send a parcel to Khabarovsk.

Countless people are scurrying around in different directions, but their gaze, in the majority of their slanting eyes, hints to us that the Chinese, Japanese, Tajiks will not be able to help us.
And then the gaze settled on a man of respectable appearance, of respectable age, with a proudly planted head, seven spans in his forehead, with a powerful beard and attentive, with a squint, gray eyes.

Hello, - I tell him, - an inner voice tells you that you are not a random person in Moscow and will help us decide where the post office is here?
Intuition did not fail, we got to talking, got to know each other and during the conversation did not notice how our Muscovite escorted us to the post office, told and showed everything. The parcel was sent, and the conversation goes on by itself.

And further - more, it turned out that we are both artists and the circle of our interests intersects, and here we also found common acquaintances. So fate brought us together with the famous artist and traveler Evgeny Innokentevich Datsko, a holder of many awards and honorary titles of the USSR and Russia. He invited us to an exhibition of his works, here, nearby.

Today, fabulous luck is on our side: Even in the morning no one could have dreamed of an exhibition where the author himself and the Honored Artist of Russia will be the guide!

At the entrance to the exhibition hall, we are greeted with information about the creative path and the main milestones in the life of the artist. He, a native of the Far East, graduated from the Far Eastern Art School, worked, then studied at the Moscow State Art Institute. Surikov. He devoted the rest of his life to art, working and traveling across the expanses of the country from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad.
And already in our time, Evgeny Innokentievich traveled the world, saw and creatively transferred the world he saw to the canvases of paintings and described on the pages of the books he wrote.

Most of his works have spread throughout Russia and the world, but even those presented at the exhibition speak of great opportunities, skill and a wide range of interests of the artist.
Among the works at the exhibition there are a number of paintings dedicated to the native Far East - these are the revolutionary events of the twenties - the formation of the Red Army soldiers poorly dressed, shod and armed, but ready to fight and give their lives for a better share. And then the Far Eastern landscape is already of our time: a large-scale construction site in the valley in front of the mountain range. In an unusual manner, in a very colorful palette of autumn colors, he reflects the dynamics of changes in the life of the Far East against the backdrop of a picturesque landscape.

In the center of the hall there are paintings in which the artist refers to the theme of the revolution. Taking advantage of the artist's right to think and create freely, Yevgeny Innokent'evich places in one black-and-red space paintings of Nicholas II and Vladimir Lenin, separated by a pyramid of human skulls. All this is straightforward, without prettiness and halftones, only red and black, which is conducive to a philosophical understanding of the events of the revolution. Accept it or not.

And here is a meeting with an unusual painting in an original carved frame resembling an old window casing. In this frame, the viewer is met by Fedor Konyukhov, a personality both unusual and well-known. The picture depicts the most difficult moments of his hectic life: Here is a round-the-world balloon flight full of drama, conquering the oceans on the muscular strength of his hands alone, conquering mountain peaks and traveling to the North Pole on dog sleds and many other feats, united by the common crown of the tree of life across the entire earth.

Evgeny Datsko and Fedor Konyukhov are in a long-standing friendship of interests and just like strong, talented people. It is interesting that our fellow countryman, scientist and inventor Florian Shestachenko is also their associate - they once discussed together plans to conquer the water and air elements that Konyukhov managed to implement.

The breadth of interests of the artist Yevgeny Datsko is simply amazing: Primorsky porcelain, Kaliningrad porcelain, the Sculpture Park in Kaliningrad, teaching, and also the expedition of 1991-95 on the occasion of the discovery of Alaska. Therefore, the theme of Russian America has been deeply studied by him and has taken a worthy place in his work.

Life constantly brought together with the great people of this world. Great veracity emanates from his group portrait: "Great Musicians of the 20th Century", which depicts S. Richter, D. Shostakovich, D. Oistrakh.
And a completely different campaign in the picture - a cut of the nineties, where the talent of the artist on one canvas brings together people who in one way or another influenced the fate of Russia, from Yeltsin to Tsereteli. Their role is shaded by the central figure of Bulgakov's Sharikov, playing the balalaika in his underwear, and emphasized by the expressive silhouette of Charlie Chaplin, looking from the side at the common farce.

There is an amazing feature in all the works of this master: no matter what technique he works with, one can feel the “Poster” approach developed over the years - discard everything secondary, leave only the essence of the phenomenon, the hero, emphasize it by means of art and convey it to the viewer.
Such is his drawing of the singer, poet and actor V.M. Vysotsky, where he is depicted a month before his death. The pencil drawing is all imbued with movement, anxiety and tension, foreboding and drama, at the moment the singer sings the song, which is called “to rupture the aorta”. You can't tell this, you have to watch and see it.

But in the "Red" corner of the exhibition hall, against the backdrop of a luxurious autumn forest, a portrait of a stately lady, in which royal dignity is emphasized by thoroughbred dogs of extraordinary beauty creeping in front of her. The picture is written in such a way that even an inexperienced viewer freezes in front of it, realizing that everything is not simple here. At that moment, we also fell silent, and Yevgeny Innokentevich explained that we had a portrait of his recently departed wife. A worthy monument - we thought.
The artist also responds to the events of today: On the canvas, a bonfire of a military fire is flaring up, the place of which is not difficult to guess from the small sparks-swastikas.
Parting, we wholeheartedly thanked our friend for the warm welcome, wished Russia and him personally new successes and prosperity.

Evgeny Datsko was born in 1940 in the village of Chernigovka, Primorsky Krai. This year the artist celebrates not only his 75th birthday, but also 50 years of artistic activity. Evgeny Datsko, member of the Union of Artists of the USSR since 1972, member of the Moscow Union of Artists since 1981, awarded the Silver Medal of the Russian Academy of Arts, the Diploma of the Russian Academy of Arts, the Gratitude of the Russian Academy of Arts, the Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Arts.

Against the background of the exposition of his personal exhibition "Nostalgia. Dedicated to teachers of the 60s of the Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov ..."
The artist will talk about the themes, history and technique of the author's posters,
and also reveal the secrets of linocut technique

The master class is free.
Bring paints, brushes, pencils and paper
Time: from 12.00 to 14.00
Venue: Moscow, Lavrushinsky pereulok, 15 (metro: Tretyakovskaya, Novokuznetskaya, Polyanka), in the building of the Moscow State Academic Art Institute. IN AND. Surikov (entrance from the courtyard).

(Linocut is a letterpress printing technique similar to woodcuts. The image is cut out on linoleum or other polymer base and printed on a sheet of paper. This technique first appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, when artists tried to use linoleum instead of a wooden board to print large posters)

Anniversary exhibition by Evgeny Datsko "Nostalgia. Dedicated to teachers of the 60s of the Moscow State Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov ..."

Datsko Evgeny Innokentievich

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation

Awarded with a Silver medal,

Diploma and Gratitude of the Russian Academy of Arts

Gold medal of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia

Evgeny Innokentyevich Datsko is a well-known travel artist of the older generation, who belongs to the artists of the seventies of the Soviet period. Boy of the Great Patriotic War. In 1956 he entered the Vladivostok Art College. In the third year, for good studies and participation in the construction of a new school building, he was included in the delegation of students from Primorsky Krai to travel to cities in China and visit educational institutions in the country. After graduating from the art school, he was recommended by the directorate for admission to the Moscow State Art Institute. VI Surikov in 1961. In 1962 he was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet army. After serving 3 years, he returned to the institute again.

In the institute years, reading literature, exhibitions of foreign artists, architects, watching the best films, performing on the squares of poets, musicians, singers - all this formed the creative concept of E.I. Datsko.

The first works with which he participated in exhibitions belong to his student days. 1967-1968 the creative life of the artist E. I. Datsko began. In 1968, for good academic performance, he was included in the delegation of students for the exchange of experience between the Moscow State Institute of Arts and the Sofia Academy of Arts in Bulgaria. Participated in exhibitions of the country's institutions and exhibitions of Moscow graphic artists. After graduating from the Vladivostok Art College and the Moscow State Institute. IN AND. Surikov, received excellent knowledge in the 50s and 60s of the last century from famous masters: Ponomarev N.M., Reiner Yu.P., Motorin V.M., Savostyuk O.M., Usnensky B.A., art critics Alpatov M. V., Tretyakova V.M.

After graduating from the institute, he was assigned to the Vladivostok Art College as a teacher of special disciplines in 1970. In 1972, changes took place in the structure of art schools, a new design department was opened. E. I. Datsko was appointed to lead this department (now "designer"). Thus, he is the first teacher who prepared the release of this department from scratch. I went on business trips to Moscow and the Baltic states to get acquainted with the new direction. He was appointed to this position in connection with the end of the graphic faculty and the workshop of political posters.

In addition to teaching at the Art School and the Vladivostok Institute of Arts and performing work in the workshops of the art fund, he actively participated in the life of the Primorsky organization of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR. On the recommendation of the Primorsky organization of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR, he traveled to art houses: Chelyuskinskaya, Senezh, Palanga to graphic and poster groups: youth, republican, All-Union and international.

During these years, graphic works and posters were printed in the magazines Artist 1972, Art 1974, Creativity 1975, Decorative Arts 1975. The theme of the work is connected with the native Primorsky Territory, its history, people and nature.

His graphic works: "Dersu Uzala", "V.K. Arseniev", "Fishermen of Primorye", "Crab Fishermen", "Whalers", "Banka", "Sports Harbor", "Shikotan", "Navy Day" , "Portrait of the artist V. Fedorov", "Port of Vladivostok", "Vladivostok". Posters: "S. Lazo", "50 years of the Soviet Primorye", "Victory!", "30 years of Victory", "V, Stenberg", "To the Heroes of Father Hasan", "Give cowsheds", "Give the 3rd labor semester", "Victor Hara", "Vietnam will win!", "Theatre Competition", "Amateur Arts Competition", "Take care of the environment!". These works were participants in many exhibitions traveling around the Union and abroad, and were acquired by the Primorsky Art Gallery, Khabarovsk, Norilsk, Astrakhan Museum, Krasnodar Gallery, Sochi, Rosiso, Union of Artists of the RSFSR and Union of Artists of the USSR.

On the recommendation of the Poster Commission of the RSFSR, he was unanimously accepted as a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR of the Primorsky Organization in 1972. After the successful design of the central square of Vladivostok for the arrival of the presidents: USA Ford and L.I. Brezhnev for negotiations, was recommended by the Board of the Union of Artists of Primorye for the position of chief artist. At this time, it was necessary to fulfill orders for large objects: the construction of a new theater, the museum of the heroic submarine, the main post office, the festive decorations of the city and the region. In 1975 at the general meeting of members of the Union of Artists of the Primorsky organization E.I. Datsko was elected a member of the Board of the Union of Artists, a member of the exhibition committee of the "Far East" zone and the poster commission of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR. In 1977 was re-elected to the board of the Union of Artists of the Primorsky organization.

E.I. Datsko, as Secretary of the Union of Artists of the Primorsky Organization, in Vladivostok, at the military porcelain factory, established a department for the production of Primorsky porcelain by the artists of the Primorsky Organization, including the production of creative tapestries for art exhibitions at the new factory. Primorsky porcelain and tapestries appeared at the exhibitions of the country, and with the union of artists, a section of arts and crafts was formed.

In 1977, for family reasons, he moved to Kaliningrad. A new period began in the work of E.I. Datsko. The city was still going through the destruction of the Great Patriotic War. A new city was being built and historical monuments were being restored. Artists in their work depicted military events and modern life. In the Union of Artists of Kaliningrad, a young group of poster artists was formed, which was organized and led by E.I. Datsko, thanks to which the Kaliningrad poster appeared. Artists from this group participated in all exhibitions in Russia and abroad. E.I. Datsko in 1977 for the anniversary of Soviet power, he completed the design of the central square by November 7.

For good design, he received a letter from the city, and from local authorities he received an offer to work as the main artist of the city. The proposal was accepted, and in those days it was necessary to supervise such main objects: the reconstruction of the “Hall of Organ Music” in Kirche, a motel on the outskirts of the city, a memorial sign to the Kaliningrad Cosmonauts, a memorial sign to the heroes of torpedo boats during the Great Patriotic War, to monitor the architectural and artistic environment of the city, make expositions of flower shows in the city and hold annual festivals. His merit was an idea that was supported by the city authorities, and he brought it to life - to create an outdoor sculpture park in the city center on an island around the Cathedral. The Union of Artists of the RSFSR handed over sculptures by various authors from the storerooms. In 2014, the Kaliningrad Sculpture Park celebrated its 30th anniversary. The sculptures are located in the park and are the property of the city. During these years, E. Datsko actively participates in exhibitions in the country and abroad. For the I. Kant Museum of Kaliningrad University, he created a series of etchings from the life of the philosopher, a series of monotypes, linocuts about the Kaliningrad port. For the publishing house "Amber Skaz" he designed the book "The Adventures of Odysseus", with a circulation of 200,000 copies, posters: "OSV-2", "Protect the atmosphere of the earth" (property of the Historical and Art Museum of Kaliningrad). "The Soviet Army Born of the Revolution!", "The Threepenny Opera" by B. Brecht.

Since 1981, E. Datsko has been a member of the Moscow Union of Artists of the graphic section and the subsection of "unique graphics".

Exhibitions and works of E. I. Datsko are the history of the country in concrete images. Evgeny Innokent'evich is both an artist and a traveler. In 1982, he passed the entire Baikal on a boat with buoy attendants, on a dry cargo ship along the river. Angara from Irkutsk to Bratsk. He did a lot of work, collected a lot of material and participated in many exhibitions of marine painters.

In 1983, he made a 4x14 m wall painting at the Technological Institute at the Department of Physics in Vladivostok "Great Scientists - Transformers of the World", which lasted for 17 years until 2000.

In 1984 Yevgeny Datsko, by decision of the Board of the Union of Artists of the USSR, was recommended to work as the artistic director of the All-Union House of Creativity and Rest "Senezh". This is an international House of Creativity, which hosted 80-100 artists from all republics and foreign countries every 2 months. Yevgeny Datsko needed to organize a clear artistic process for the work of artists: designers, graphic artists, painters, theatrical, muralists, sculptors, art historians. The House of Creativity was in a neglected state, and E. Datsko needed to organize the repair of workshops, open and equip a new lithographic workshop, silk-screen printing, an exhibition hall, an engraving room, select and invite masters, and equip the territory of the House of Creativity. All this has been done. And also in memory of that time he grew an oak from an acorn and planted it on the territory of the house of creativity.

In 1991, E. Datsko was invited as an artist and member of the expedition team dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the discovery of America by V. Bering and A. Chirikov. An expedition consisting of 33 people on three packet boats: "St. Peter", "St. Paul", "St. Gabriel" met the collapse of the Soviet Union in the Pacific Ocean. By decision of the captain-commander and organizer of the expedition, Mikhail Poboronchuk, it was decided to leave 8 people who were willing to stay if possible. 4 foreign students were invited to continue the expedition to the places of the Russian-American Company of the 18th century.

This journey opened up new creative themes, passing as a helmsman of the team 8500 thousand miles along the West Coast of America to Los Angeles. E.I. Datsko spent a year and a half on a packet boat, lived among the Russian diaspora in San Francisco. While the ships were being repaired in Seattle, E. Datsko visited the Russian village of Nikolaevsk in Alaska for the Old Believers-fishermen. He collected a lot of material in drawings, sketches, paintings and photos about the life of Russians who left their homeland, preserving their language and traditions. At all stops of the expedition, he showed his work and painted people, landscapes, everything related to Russian America. Exhibitions in villages, yacht clubs, galleries, sisterhoods of Orthodox churches, maritime museums, schools, associations of artists, Veterans of the White Guard, Fort Ross, Russian Center, Russian Consulate in San Francisco, Norwegian, Swedish and Spanish clubs. And also during the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Discovery of America by Columbus and the 200th anniversary of Orthodoxy in America. He helped to hold holidays in the Russian Center and the Club of Veterans of the White Guard. Participated in a funeral service in memory of the sailors who died in the fire of San Francisco in 1862. This ceremony was attended by cadets of the first wave of emigrants, historians, responsible persons of America, the Russian consulate in San Francisco and members of the expedition: Leonid Lysenko and Evgeny Datsko. In the Russian Center in San Francisco, he helped to equip the Museum of the White Guard and worked on the collected material in the premises allocated by the administration. During this time, he showed works made on the expedition and in America in the cities of Kodiak, Anchorage, Unalaska, Yakutat, Juneau, Seattle, Fort Ross, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Berkeley, etc. In 1994, he participated in the days of culture Russian exhibition in San Francisco.

He brought to Russia an exhibition of American landscapes, portraits of Russian emigrants, 7 albums of drawings, photographs, published materials in American newspapers.

At the Academy of Sciences at the Institute of World History in Moscow, he read a report on the expedition and showed his work.

In 1994 in Vladivostok, with an exhibition, he was invited to an international symposium on the Old Believers by the Rodina magazine. Local television made a program about the exhibition and travel. There were publications in newspapers.

In 1994 he showed the exhibition "Russian America" ​​in Moscow, at the Institute named after V.I. Surikov, in 1995 at the International Slavic Center of Literature and Culture, in 1999 at the Museum of the World Ocean in Kaliningrad, at the invitation of the administration, an exhibition was held during the days of the international symposium of oceanologists. In 2000, in the Kaliningrad Art Gallery, on the occasion of the 60th and 30th anniversary of his creative activity, he showed drawings, graphic sheets, paintings, posters, and then a solo exhibition was opened in Moscow in the exhibition hall of the Moscow Union of Artists on Kuznetsky Most 20. The exhibition has covered creativity since 1968 to 2000 Works in all graphic materials, painting, poster. All the work of Yevgeny Innokentyevich Datsko is historical. Specific people in the Soviet era, specific people in America, specific events in the poster, specific landscapes. The exhibition made an impression on many viewers, and a lot of good kind words from the audience were written in the guest book.

Museums of Kaliningrad acquired works from these exhibitions: the Museum of the World Ocean, the Kaliningrad Art Gallery and the Local Lore Museum of the Kaliningrad Region and the Museum of Cosmonautics in Moscow: “Vestnik Rossii” oil on canvas 80x120, a portrait of the People's Artist I.P. Obrosov oil on canvas 90x70, “The Grave of V. Bering”, “April 12, 1961.” oil on canvas 90x100, two portraits of S.P. Queen, oil on canvas 100x90, 100x50, colored linocuts: S. Korolev, Yu. Gagarin, V. Tereshkova, A. Leonov, “S. Korolev. The Beginning” oil on canvas 80x90, V. Mayakovsky Museum, Kuskovo Museum “Portrait of the artist B.A. Smirnov”, “Portrait of the President of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR A.P. Aleksandrov” acquired the Union of Artists of the USSR.

In 2003, he was awarded the honorary title "Honored Artist" of the Russian Federation. This award was presented by the governor of the Kaliningrad region V. E. Egorov. In the same year. I. Datsko was awarded the Silver Medal of the Russian Academy of Arts.

E. Datsko actively participates in the artistic life of Moscow and especially in the formation of the young branch of the Russian TSH in Kaliningrad. He was one of the organizers and was its vice-president, participating in all exhibitions of the young union. Living in the village of Soldatovo, Pravdinsky district, Kaliningrad region, he actively participates in the social and artistic life of Kaliningrad and the region. In the village he teaches children to draw. In the village workshop, he made significant works: "Great Musicians of the 20th Century", "Vitus Bering", "For the Land, for Freedom, for a Better Life!", "Russia in the 20th Century", "In the Bering Sea", "The Capital of Alaska Juneau", "Portrait of the wife", "Portrait of the granddaughter", "Unalaska". The magazine "Young Artist" published an article about the most distant children's studio in the village of Soldatovo, Kaliningrad region.

Since 2000, he has been actively participating in exhibitions with the Belgian artist Vic Buys. With him, they held 5 exhibitions on an agricultural theme in the city of Verne and the nearby towns of Belgium and one in Moscow at the Intercolor Gallery, which was attended by the secretary, the consul of Belgium and our representatives of the Union of Artists and PAX. For the first time, a Russian artist participated in an international exhibition on the theme "Procession", dedicated to the history of the life of Christ, which was held in Verne annually for 350 years and continues to this day.

In 2000, the three-volume "Modern Russian Realism", Art of Russia 2002, 2003, 2004 and the author's book "Journey to Russian America" ​​in 2007 were published in Moscow. E.I. Datsko participated in the anniversary exhibitions of the 850th anniversary of Moscow in the Manege with the work "Great Musicians of the 20th Century" and in the exhibition of the 750th anniversary of the city of Kaliningrad-Königsberg of a series of works from the life of I. Kant.

Also participated in the international symposium in Poland from the city of Pravdinsk, Kaliningrad region. In the Kaliningrad region, he also made personal exhibitions for the anniversary of the border guards at the Shirokaya outpost. On the days of the 200th anniversary of the memorable events in the city of Pravdinsk (Friedland), the battle with Napoleon of the Russian and German troops, and in the city of Bagrationovsk (Preussish Elau) in 2007, he made a medal and a commemorative postcard for guests from Germany, Poland and neighboring countries.

He developed a model of the monument "To the Cossacks of these events". An article and a project were published in the newspaper "Cossack of the Baltic" in 2007. By the 1st holiday "Herring" held annually on the territory of the Museum of the World Ocean, he made a medal. Participated in exhibitions of Kaliningrad artists in Moscow in the hall of the TSH of Russia and in St. Petersburg at the exhibition of the North-Western District in St. Petersburg. received a diploma from the Russian Academy of Arts for the portrait "Yu. Vasilyev" and a portrait of the honored artist "P. Sour cream." These works were acquired by the Kaliningrad Art Gallery. The House of the Russian Diaspora named after A. Solzhenitsyn, is doing a great job in collecting materials about the Russian diaspora: writers, historians, military figures about the life and preservation of the language, culture in emigration of Russians of the first wave after the 1917 revolution. In 2010 E. Datsko showed his material on this topic, collected by him in America in photographs, drawings, portraits, and paintings. He donated 5 portraits, 2 paintings, 18 drawings and 30 photos of prominent figures: writers, historians, priests, engineers, etc. Russian America. A large personal exhibition was held in 2011 in Moscow in the exhibition hall "New Manege". The exhibition was dedicated to the 270th anniversary of the discovery of America by V. Bering and A. Chirikov in 3 rooms: Journey to Russian America; Russia 20th century; Old Believers living in Alaska. The author invited artists from the "Religious Section" of the TLC of Russia and the "Russian America" ​​society, who supplemented the exhibition with icons and museum material about the life of the Russian-American Company in Alaska, in order to more clearly imagine the life of those years. The exhibition was opened by the American priest Hieromonk Zacchaeus, historians, scientists, the Russian consul in Washington, representatives of the Union of Artists and PAX. The exhibition was published in the magazine "Union State" in the newspaper The Moscow Artist was shown on television in the Central District of Moscow. The audience left many entries in the guest book. The same exhibition was held in the gallery "Belyayevo" of the Southern District, dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of Russian statehood" in 2012. by February 23rd. E.I. Datsko participated on the recommendation of the Cossacks in the jury of the All-Russian competition of children's drawings "Forest - the soul of Russia, the soul of the people" in Salekhard and St. Petersburg 2012. And in 2013 was invited as chairman to hold a competition for children's drawings of the Yamalo-German Autonomous Okrug in Novy Urengoy. For participation in the organization and conduction, he was awarded the PAX Gratitude. March 2013 to the sound of bells, during the meeting of the Maritime Board under the Government of the Russian Federation in St. Petersburg on the icebreaker Krasin, an exhibition of E. I. Datsko dedicated to V. Bering and A. Chirikov. Members of the Board headed by the Commander of the Baltic Fleet visited the exhibition. Good relations in the TLC of Russia have developed with the Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the transport of the Central Federal District of Moscow. Vice-President of the TSHR N. Chibisov and E. Datsko held meetings with employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Customs and meetings at the last exhibition "Easter Week" in the socio-cultural center of the Council of Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. E.I. Datsko in 1986, painted a portrait of Lieutenant General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs N.M. Bulanova, which is in the museum of Krasnoyarsk. In 2009, he participated in organizing a trip to the boat “St. Peter the Metropolitan of Moscow” from Moscow to Astrakhan with cadets of navigation schools in 2009. conducted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the year of the 20th anniversary of the withdrawal of Russian troops from Afghanistan, and in 2012. as part of the crew of this ship, he participated in a campaign from Montenegro, the city of Kotor, around Italy to the city of Brest, France, to the festival of ancient ships. The Mediterranean Sea was followed by Fedor Ushakov, where his squadron liberated Greece and Italy from the Turkish yoke. Cadets of the navigation school of Moscow also took part in the expedition. E. Datsko conducted master classes with them and collected material for the upcoming exhibition. In 2013, an exhibition dedicated to Vitus Bering, A. Chirikov was held on the icebreaker "Krasin" of the branch of the Museum of the World Ocean. This exhibition also presented material, in sketches and drawings, about the journey of the ship "St. Peter the Metropolitan of Moscow" that passed through the places of military glory of F. Ushakov. Then it was transported to the Museum of the World Ocean in Kaliningrad. Works dedicated to Vitus Bering, A. Chirikov acquired the World Ocean Museum for a traveling exhibition. Creativity E.I. Datsko is multifaceted and made in different materials. Specific romantic landscapes, historical places, portraits, paintings are taken from travels. A whole historical galaxy of scientists, philosophers, sailors, military men, priests, writers, poets, artists, Russia in different periods.

In 2013, he participated in an exhibition dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the opening of the Kaliningrad Art Gallery. And in the same year he participated in the traditional exhibition of the graphic biennale, where 9 foreign countries took part, with a portrait of the art historian A. I. Rozhin. The author, along with time, creates specific images of the country. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Evgeny Innokentyevich Datsko was awarded the silver medal of the Russian Academy of Arts in 2003. Diploma of the Russian Academy of Arts in 2007. "Diploma" of the International Art Fund for participation in the competition named after the artist V. Popkov in 2009. "Gold medal" of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia in 2011. Gratitude of the Russian Academy of Arts in 2013. Order "For the Service of Russia" by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on May 7, 2013.

Participated in 2014 in the Easter exhibition of the religious section of the TSHR.

In May 2014, he participated in the first symposium of artists organized by the Russian Academy of Arts in the city of Zaraysk.

To the day of the city of Moscow in the exhibition hall on the cross-country portrait of PP Maltseva.

In November, the traditional exhibition of sculptures Moscow and graphics in Kuznetsk 11 3 works: Portrait of Obrosov (village), Drobitsky, A. Rozhina.

January 2015 - Christmas exhibition of the religious section of the TSHR 2 studies of Zaraysk and Valaam.

In 2015 E.I. Datsko participates in a large project of the TLC of Russia “Get up, huge country”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. and exhibited in the cities of the Republic of Crimea, with a portrait of brother A.I. Datsko, a participant in the Second World War, and in St. Petersburg, with a portrait of B. Bobrov, a participant in the Second World War, and the work "July 21, 1941". On the Day of the City of Moscow, he participated in an exhibition with a portrait of the art historian A. Rozhin and the work “Glass Space by Lyubov Savelyeva”.

October 22, 2015 in the exhibition hall of the Volga region branch of the Russian Academy of Arts "Lavrushinsky`15" opens a personal exhibition of graphics and posters Datsko E.I., dedicated to the teachers of the Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov of the 60s.

A monograph of E.Datsko's work is being prepared with articles by art historians: Honored Art Worker, editor-in-chief of the Art magazine M.P. Lazareva, L.A. Konstantinova, M.V. Khabarova, Academician, People's Artist I.P. Obrosov, Honored Art Worker G.I. Boitsova, Honored Art Worker L.A. Konstantinova, Honored Art Worker M.V. Khabarova. The monograph will include all periods of E.I. Datsko.

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