Many useful things for the development and education of children: funny children's games, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, tongue twisters, fairy tales, outdoor games, educational games, finger gymnastics, graphic dictations, etc. Fabulous Images in the Works of Modern Composers


It's about the main character's fiancee. Whether he is Ivan Tsarevich or Ivanushka the Fool, he will certainly find Vasilisa the Wise or Vasilisa the Beautiful. The girl is supposed to be saved first, and then to marry - all honor by honor. It's just that the girl is not easy. She can hide in the form of a frog, have some kind of witchcraft and abilities, be able to speak with animals, the sun, wind and moon ...

In general, she is clearly a difficult girl. At the same time, it is also some kind of "secret". Judge for yourself: finding information about her is much more difficult than about any other fairy-tale character. In encyclopedias (both in classical, paper, and in new ones, online) you can easily find lengthy articles about Ilya Muromets and Dobryn Nikitich, about Koshchei the Immortal and Baba Yaga, about mermaids, goblin and mermen, but there is almost nothing about Vasilisa . Only a short article in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia lies on the surface, which reads:

"Vasilisa the Wise is a character in Russian folk fairy tales. In most of them, Vasilisa the Wise is the daughter of the sea king, endowed with wisdom and the ability to transform. The same female image appears under the name of Marya the Tsarevna, Marya Morevna, Elena the Beautiful. Maxim Gorky called Vasilisa the Wise one one of the most perfect images created by folk fantasy. Another by nature is a destitute orphan - Vasilisa the Beautiful in Afanasiev's unique text. "

Let's start, perhaps, with Vasilisa Sr., with the one that Gorky identified with Marya the Tsarevna, Marya Morevna and Elena the Beautiful. And there were good reasons for that. All these characters are very similar, for example, in that nothing is really said about them in fairy tales. Like, a red maiden, which the world has never seen - that's all. Neither a detailed description of the appearance, nor any character traits. Just a female function, without which a fairy tale would not work: after all, the hero must win the princess, and who she is there is a tenth matter. Let there be Vasilisa.

The name, by the way, hints at a high origin. The name "Vasilisa" can be translated from Greek as "royal". And this royal maiden (sometimes in fairy tales she is called the Tsar Maiden) begins to put the hero to the test. That is, sometimes it is not she who does this, but some fabulous villain like Koshchei the Immortal or the Serpent Gorynych, who kidnapped the princess and keeps her captive (at best) or is going to devour her (at worst).

Sometimes the father of a potential bride acts as a villain. In the fairy tale, where Vasilisa appears as the daughter of the water king, the lord of the sea creates obstacles for the hero in order to destroy him, but loses, because the enemy suddenly turns out to be dear to the heart of his daughter, and no witchcraft can overcome him. But here everything is more or less clear: there is some kind of evil force (a dragon, a sorcerer or the girl's evil parents), and the hero must fight the enemy. In fact, that's how he becomes a hero. And the princess, princess or princess (it doesn’t matter) is a reward for the hero.

However, it also happens that Ivan Tsarevich or Ivan the Fool or some other central fairy tale character is forced to undergo trials not because of dragons or sorcerers - he is tormented by the bride herself. Either the hero needs to jump on horseback to the windows of her room and kiss the beauty on the lips of sugar, then recognize the girl among twelve friends who look exactly like her, then you need to catch the fugitive - or demonstrate enviable cunning to hide from the princess so that she did not find him. At worst, the hero is invited to solve riddles. But in one form or another, Vasilisa will check it.

It would seem that unusual in the tests? Testing a man is generally in the female character: is he good enough to connect his life with him or give birth to offspring, does he have the strength and intelligence to be a worthy spouse and father? From a biological point of view, everything is absolutely correct. However, there is one small detail. If the unfortunate Ivan does not complete the task, then death awaits him - and this is repeatedly emphasized in dozens of Russian fairy tales.

The question is, why does the beautiful princess demonstrate bloodthirstiness, which is more likely to face the Serpent Gorynych? Because she doesn't really want to get married. Moreover, she is the enemy of the hero, the famous researcher of Russian folklore Vladimir Propp believes in his book "The Historical Roots of a Fairy Tale":

"The task is set as a test of the groom ... But these tasks are still interesting to others. They contain a moment of threat:" If he does not, cut off his head for a fault. "This threat gives another motivation. Tasks and threats reveal not only the desire to have the best groom for the princess , but also a secret, hidden hope that there will be no such groom at all.

The words "perhaps I agree, just complete the three tasks in advance" are full of deceit. The bridegroom is sent to his death... In some cases, this hostility is expressed quite clearly. It manifests itself outwardly when the task has already been completed and when more and more new and more and more dangerous tasks are being set.

Why is Vasilisa, she is Marya Morevna, she is Elena the Beautiful, against marriage? Perhaps in fairy tales, where she constantly intrigues the main character, she simply does not need this marriage. She either rules the country herself - and she does not need a husband as a competitor in power, or she is the daughter of a king who will be overthrown by her potential husband in order to seize the throne. Quite a logical version.

As the same Propp writes, the plot about the intrigues that the future father-in-law repairs to the hero along with his daughter or in defiance of her could well have real grounds. According to Propp, the struggle for the throne between the hero and the old king is a completely historical phenomenon. The tale here reflects the transfer of power from father-in-law to son-in-law through a woman, through a daughter. And this once again explains why fairy tales say so little about the appearance and character of the bride - this is a character-function: either a prize for the hero, or a means of achieving power. Sad story.

Meanwhile, in the Russian tradition there is a fairy tale that tells about the childhood, adolescence and youth of Vasilisa. Gorky just mentioned her, saying that she does not look like the usual image of a princess that the hero is trying to conquer. In this tale, Vasilisa is an orphan girl. Not sure if it's the same character. Nevertheless, this Vasilisa, unlike other fairy-tale namesakes, is an absolutely full-blooded heroine - with a biography, character, and so on.

I'll sketch the storyline with a dotted line. The merchant's wife dies, leaving him a little daughter. The father decides to marry again. The stepmother has her daughters, and all this new company begins to tyrannize Vasilisa, loading her with overwork. In general, it is very similar to the fairy tale about Cinderella. It seems, but not really, because Cinderella was helped by a fairy godmother, and Vasilisa was helped by a creepy witch from the forest.

It turned out like this. The stepmother and her daughters said that there was no more fire in the house, and they sent Vasilisa to the forest to Baba Yaga, of course, hoping that she would not return. The girl obeyed. Her journey through the dark forest was scary - and strange: she met three riders, one white, one red, and a third black, and they all rode in the direction of Yaga.

When Vasilisa reached her dwelling, she was met by a high fence of stakes, seated with human skulls. Yagi's house turned out to be no less creepy: for example, instead of servants, the witch had three pairs of hands that appeared from nowhere and disappeared from nowhere. But the most terrible creature in this house was Baba Yaga.

The witch, however, accepted Vasilisa favorably and promised that she would give fire if Vasilisa completed all her tasks. Completing difficult tasks is an indispensable path of a hero. Unlike the fairy tales mentioned above, in this one, a woman passes by, and therefore her tasks are female, there are simply too many of them: to clean the yard, and sweep the hut, and wash the linen, and cook dinner, and sort out the grain, and that’s it. - for one day. Of course, if the tasks are performed poorly, Baba Yaga promised to eat Vasilisa.

Vasilisa washed Yaga's clothes, cleans her house, cooked her food, then learned to separate healthy grains from infected ones, and poppies from dirt. After Yaga allowed Vasilisa to ask her a few questions. Vasilisa asked about three mysterious horsemen - white, red and black. The witch replied that it was a clear day, a red sun and a black night, and all of them were her faithful servants. That is, Baba Yaga in this tale is an extremely powerful sorceress.

After that, she asked Vasilisa why she does not ask further, about dead hands, for example, and Vasilisa replies that, they say, if you know a lot, you will grow old soon. Yaga looked at her and, narrowing her eyes, said that the answer was correct: she does not like too curious and eats. And then she asked how Vasilisa manages to answer her questions without mistakes and how she managed to do all the work correctly.

Vasilisa replied that her mother's blessing helped her, and then the witch pushed her out of the door: "I don't need the blessed here." But in addition, she gave the girl fire - she removed the skull from the fence, whose eye sockets were blazing with flames. And when Vasilisa returned home, the skull burned her tormentors.

Creepy tale. And its essence is that Vasilisa the Beautiful, performing the tasks of Baba Yaga, learned a lot from her. For example, while washing Yaga's clothes, Vasilisa literally saw what the old woman was made of, writes the famous fairy tale researcher Clarissa Estes in her book "Running with the Wolves":

"In the symbolism of the archetype, clothes correspond to the person, the first impression that we make on others. The person is a kind of camouflage that allows us to show others only what we ourselves want, and no more. But ... the person is not only a mask behind which you can hide, but a presence that overshadows the familiar personality.

In this sense, a persona or mask is a sign of rank, dignity, character and power. It is an external pointer, an external manifestation of mastery. When washing Yagi's clothes, the initiate will see firsthand how the seams of the person look, how the dress is tailored.

And so it is in everything. Vasilisa sees how and what Yaga eats, how he makes the world revolve around him, and the day, sun and night walk in his servants. And the terrible skull, blazing with fire, which the witch gives to the girl, in this case, is a symbol of the special witchcraft knowledge that she received while she was in Yaga's novices.

The sorceress, by the way, might have continued her studies if Vasilisa had not been a blessed daughter. But it didn't work out. And Vasilisa, armed with power and secret knowledge, went back to the world. In this case, it is clear where Vasilisa's magical skills come from, which are often mentioned in other fairy tales. It is also understandable why she can be both good and evil.

She is still a blessed child, but the school of Baba Yaga is also not going anywhere. Therefore, Vasilisa ceased to be a meek orphan: her enemies died, and she herself married the prince and sat on the throne ...

Mikhail Pasechnik

“Oh, the Russian word, holy! For the best Future Tenses Verb you, Life and Enlightenment!

F.I. Tyutchev

What are fairy tales? Magic stories about princes and princesses from fairy kingdoms? Yes and no. In fact, fairy tales can do a lot, their potential is huge: with the help of them you can awaken the ancestral memory, tell about the legend of our Ancestors, they can simply interest the child, put him to sleep at night, induce him to change, produce an educational effect and even solve any problem. psychological problem. Fairy tales and the inner world of a child are inseparable from each other. In any society, fairy tales gather a large audience of small listeners. There are good reasons for this.

If we, adults, want to acquire some knowledge, we have many ways and channels for this. Internet, books, in the end, you can consult a specialist in this field, get information from newspaper and magazine articles, listen to lectures, take part in seminars. Finally, talk to friends and exchange information and thoughts. Children, especially small ones, cannot acquire knowledge in the same ways, and yet the problems that occupy them are no less important. How can you help them acquire knowledge?

For a child, the world appears new and unknown. It needs to be explored, discovered, studied, mastered. Fortunately, children are born with an irresistible desire for knowledge. Research has shown that when children are presented with two role models - one "successful" with a positive result, the other unsuccessful - they prefer the first one. It is this moment that is taken into account in many fairy tales - unobtrusively in a fabulously magical canvas, they offer a positive example of behavior, and there is nothing surprising that the child will behave in the same way as his favorite fairy tale hero. We, adults, should remember that if we want to teach a child something or convey some important thought to him, we need to do it in such a way that it is recognizable, digestible and understandable. When communicating with children, try to speak with them in a language that they understand and to which they respond best - in figurative language, in the language of children's fantasy and imagination.

Fairy tales have always been the most effective means of communication with children. Fairy tales have been passed down and passed down from generation to generation for centuries and are reflected in the cultures of different peoples. Fairy tales raise important problems for children's worldview. Fairy tales contrast good and evil, altruism and greed, courage and cowardice, mercy and cruelty, perseverance and cowardice. They tell the child that the world is a very complicated thing, that there is a lot of injustice in it, that fear, regret and despair are as much a part of our existence as joy, optimism and confidence. But most importantly, they tell the child that if a person does not give up, even when the situation seems hopeless, if he does not change his moral principles, although temptation beckons him at every step, he will eventually win. Listening to fairy tales, children involuntarily find in them echoes of their own lives. They seek to use the example of a good hero in dealing with their fears and problems. In addition, fairy tales instill hope in the child, which is extremely important.

A child who is deprived of hope or who has lost it, refuses to fight and will never succeed. The method of communication through a fairy tale is also valuable because in this case, in the knowledge of a new child, he feels independent to a certain extent. He can spend as much time as he needs to assimilate the content of the tale and grasp its idea. He can listen to a fairy tale again and again and focus on what is especially important for him at the moment - nothing is forced on him. And, most importantly, everything new that he learns is perceived by him as his own achievement, as a result of independent efforts. If he wants to overcome fear, as the hero of a fairy tale does, he does so because he decided to do it himself, and not because his mother ordered so. In this way, the child gets the opportunity to experience a sense of his own importance, his ability to weigh the situation and make his own decisions.


"Where there is a riddle, there is a saying..."

“It was on the sea, on the ocean. On the island of Buyan there is a tree - golden domes, the Cat Bayun walks on this tree: it goes up - it sings a song, and it goes down - it tells fairy tales. That would be interesting and fun to watch! This is not a fairy tale, there is still a saying, but the whole fairy tale is ahead. This saying will be felt from morning to dinner, after eating soft bread. And the evening will come - here we will lead a fairy tale ... ".

Who among us in childhood did not listen to grandmother's tales? Who hasn't read them late? I was fascinated by the ancient language, excited by wonderful images - ancient, strange, mysterious and so, at the same time, understandable to the children's imagination and mind. We began to believe in the Far Far Away Kingdom - the Thirtieth State, in Ivan Tsarevich and Vasilisa the Wise, in mighty heroes and talking animals. In familiar simple things, they began to look for the wonderful properties of a flying carpet, a self-made tablecloth, walking boots, a self-horned pipe .... Where did he go, where did he disappear - this magical world of children's fairy tales, dreams and dreams - as soon as we grew up? Maybe we just stopped seeing him, stopped hearing him, maybe we just stopped believing in him and noticing him next to us?

But here’s a miracle: there are adults, grown-up children who still talk to Domovoi, greet Leshy in the forest, see the dancing Ognevushka on the embers of a fire ... And they tell other people who have forgotten how to see and hear that there is another one next to us world, and its inhabitants live next to us - the service Spirits of Nature. These service spirits have always lived next to a person, helping him, and sometimes both educating and punishing him. This world of the spirits of Nature is called - Light Nav. Its inhabitants are Beregini, Brownies, Banniks, Senniks, Leshy, Water, Mermaids, Forest and Field spirits, Summer and Winter elements and all sorts of other creatures - our neighbors and helpers. You and I live in the world of Reveal - a clear, manifest (that is, visible and felt by a person) world. There is also the world of the Dark Navi, where creatures hostile to man live, trying to lead him astray: ghouls, swamps, demons, larvae, fevers, fornications, evildoers, igoshes, anchutkas and others - there are also a lot of them. Clairvoyants, if necessary, can see these entities. And modern digital cameras can even capture some entities while taking pictures.

For example, larvae that feed on gavvakh, the energy of human negative emotions, look like jellyfish in the photo.

An image of a settler (spatial larva) recorded by a crownoscope diagnostic device at the time of energy withdrawal from the patient.

Larvae, like other entities of the Dark Navi, can stick to energy channels through biologically active points and take energy from a person.

Our ancient Ancestors - the peoples of the Slavs and Aryans - knew how to live in harmony with the elements and spirits of Nature, were friends with Domovoi, talked with birds, fish, animals and trees. It even happened that they went to visit each other. People necessarily celebrated special holidays associated with honoring the elements of Nature - the days of glorifying the Earth, Water, Air, Fire and their coasts, guardian entities. And before two special holidays - Kupala and Kolyada - the Russians in the old days prepared refreshments for all the service spirits, since these days our worlds are drawing closer. And it is still believed that on these holidays the Spirits of the worlds of Navi and the Souls of our Ancestors are present among living people, participating in a common festival.

Service Spirits of Nature and House Spirits live according to their own laws and rules, which differ from human ones. But if a person understands them, knows how to communicate, respecting their peculiarity, behaves correctly within their limits (habitats), these entities will always help him both in work and in trouble. That is why they are called "serving spirits". Gets from them only lazy and spiteful. Living next to a person for the inhabitants of Bright Navi is a great blessing, since the biggest, greatest reward and value for them is a kind people's word, spiritual prayer and warm memory. When people tell each other about amazing and mysterious creatures in folk tales, legends, true stories and bylichka, the heroes of these tales themselves rejoice. Home spirits bring great joy to the warmth and comfort of the family hearth, cheerful children's laughter, harmony in the family and household. Without a person, home spirits live alone.

It is hard for Domovoi to live in an empty and cold house, for Ovinnik to live in an empty barn, for Bannik to live in a bathhouse that no one takes care of. Household ministering spirits need human presence and participation. And in the forest Leshy with Bereginy is always glad to a person with a kind word and an understanding soul. People, in their turn, without the ministering spirits of Nature find it difficult to preserve the purity and beauty of forests and rivers, crops in the fields, orchards and orchards, to find the riches of the bowels of the earth and roads in unexplored places.

Let's get to know each other again, turn again with our children and grandchildren to the inhabitants of the not so forgotten and not so distant fairy world, to our neighbors from the world of Light Navi! Re-read our folk tales to re-remember the images familiar from childhood ...

Fairy tale is different. Let's learn to treat our fairy tales as a large and very important part of the cultural heritage of the Russian people. In any ancient fairy tale, information was encrypted in the images. And this information, in order to pass on from generation to generation, the wise men gave to the people, because they knew that the old people would pass it on to the young without distortion. It is now grandparents telling fairy tales to children, they can embellish them, add something from themselves. And how was it before? That's how the grandfather told, so his grandson, when he grew up, passed word for word to his children and grandchildren. Grandchildren will pass on to their great-grandchildren, etc. That is, the information was transmitted without distortion. Wisdom was transmitted not only orally in tales, fairy tales, sayings, proverbs, but they were also sung, that is, bayali. And when is it? Before going to bed: "Bayu, bayushki, bayu ...". And in order for the child to fall asleep, they will also try a fairy tale. Remember from A.S. Pushkin: “People play or lie, this is such a miracle in the world ...”. That is, BAYUT - they say correctly or LIE - they distort some information, that is, they perceive it superficially.

Remember how many ancient Russian fairy tales end: "The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, who knows - that's a lesson." And who knew? Boys and girls. And the Christians said that girls should not be taught at all, this is the vessel of the Devil, the fiend of Satan, and so on. Therefore, they not only remade all the fairy tales for their religion, but also made the ending of the fairy tales: “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows.” The girls don't seem to need a lesson at all. And the lesson is the knowledge of fate, which is necessary for both young people and girls. How does our Old Russian, Old Slovenian, Old Slovenian language differ from other foreign languages? It differs in that the semantic image in our country goes in depth, while in them it goes in breadth. In order to understand, you need to understand when and in what the substitution of concepts occurred.

Fairy tale Lie, but in it - Hint,
Who knows - the Lesson.

“The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it” - what is the hint about?

“A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, whoever knows is a lesson” - old fairy tales usually end with such a saying. What did our ancestors put into this statement? Why did they call the story a lie? What lesson were they hinting at? Today you will find out the answers to all these questions, which are closely related to the topic of the language and writing of our ancestors. Today we will only touch on those linguistic foundations that relate only to the topic of the question asked.

You and I have already discussed in the last lesson that in the pre-Christian era in Rus' there were about a dozen varieties of writing, the main and most popular of which was the Old Slovenian Letter of 49 symbol-images, and the language and writing (and, accordingly, the thinking of people) were figurative . (And the imagery, in turn, passed to them from even more ancient Runes). In the 9th century, for the needs of the Christianization of the Slavic peoples, Cyril and Methodius simplified the initial letter, turning it into Cyrillic, which is also called the Church Slavonic alphabet. Then Peter I removed 5 characters, Nicholas II - 4 more, and after 1917, at the insistence of Lunacharsky, the “yat” sign was removed from the Russian language. The result was an alphabet of 33 characters with babbles and babbles, since the figurativeness of our writing was also canceled, i.e. figurative names of initial letters were abolished.

It should be noted that the Russian tsars (and are they Russian?) with the Church Slavonic alphabet did something that even Cyril and Methodius did not do with the Initial letter - they removed the images of the spirit and soul from the alphabet, i.e. symbols (letters) "Ksi" and "Psi", in order to deprive the Slavic peoples of their native Russian spirit and spirituality and instill in them an alien culture of the West. But, as subsequent events show, they did not succeed in doing this to the end. In our language, the use of these symbols remained in terms: Xenophobia - fear of spirits and PSYchology - the science of the soul. The figurativeness of the Russian language was preserved by another 30-40%.

Our subconscious, reacting to the signals of the second signal system (to the word), "pulls out" Images from the collective field - one of the billions of realities among which we live. If there is no component of the Image, nothing can be imagined. For example, this is a fabulous Image: “Go There, no one knows Where, Bring That, no one knows What.” Can your imagination imagine something like that? - For the time being, no. Although, our Wise Ancestors had a quite adequate answer to this question.

“Lesson” among the Slavs means something that stands at Rock, i.e. some fatality of Existence, Fate, Mission, which any person incarnated on Earth has. The lesson is what needs to be learned before your evolutionary Path continues further and higher.

Thus, a Fairy Tale is a Lie, but there is always a hint of the Lesson that each of the people will have to learn during their Life.

So what is the lie of fairy tales?

“Lie” among the Slavs was called incomplete, superficial Truth. For example, you can say: “Here is a whole puddle of gasoline,” or you can say that this is a puddle of dirty water, covered with a film of gasoline on top. In the second statement - Truth, in the first one it is not quite True, i.e. Lie. "Lie" and "bed", "lodge" - have the same root origin. Those. something that lies on the surface, or on the surface of which one can lie, or - a superficial judgment about the subject.

And yet, why is the word “lie” applied to the Tales, in the sense of superficial truth, incomplete truth? The fact is that the Fairy Tale is really a Lie, but only for the Explicit, manifested World, in which our consciousness now resides. For other Worlds: Navi, Slavi, Rule, the same fairy-tale characters, their interaction, are the true Truth. Thus, we can say that a Fairy Tale is still a True Story, but for a certain World, for a certain Reality. If the Fairy Tale conjures up some Images in your imagination, it means that these Images came from somewhere before your imagination gave them to you. There is no such thing as fantasy out of reality. Any fantasy is as real as our explicit life.

The phonetic reading of the text present in our time is only a superficial perception of information. Although oral speech used to be richer than it is now, the first level of perception of recorded information always occurred at the level of oral speech, and not at the level of images hidden in writing. And small children who cannot read, perceive fairy tales only by ear. It turns out that they perceive only the first level of information contained in fairy texts. “Lie” and “bed”, as we have already said, are words of the same root origin. They both mean what lies on the surface, or on the surface of which one can lie, or a superficial judgment about the subject. And that, on the surface of which you can lie, is also called the base. In "Righteousness", an ancient textbook on the foundations of the Universe for children aged 7-12, it is so directly stated that a lie is the basis for knowledge. Today, the basis of any science is a set of facts.

On the other hand, today lies are opposed to the truth, which is also fundamentally wrong. Lies are part of the truth. Falsehood is also not the opposite of the truth. This is distorted, perverted (i.e., distorted) information and actions, actions of people justified by it. But the opposite of truth is untruth.

Now, as it were, such concepts as FALSE - FALSE - FALSE have been brought into one line. But these are absolutely three different images that are not even connected with each other. These are the Greeks, who brought Christianity from Byzantium, began to lump everything together. It was not clear to them that superficial information is a lie, that FALSE does not belong to the world of Rule. The same as Krivda - this is altered information, that is, distorted, twisted, not belonging to the world of Rule either. So these three words are all different information. And our Ancestors distinguished: lies and falsehood, falsehood and falsehood, truth and falsehood.

So, returning to the topic of our question, the most important thing should be said: the ancient texts written with the help of the Initial Letter had at least 4 levels of reading or, more precisely, extracting information:

1) phonetic reading according to the sounds of the initial letters as phonemes (now - according to the sounds of the letters), giving the existential, i.e. superficial reading of information:
a, b, c, d, e, f, e, f, s, h ;

2) reading the images of the capital letters by their names and the perception of their meaning:
az, Gods (beeches), lead, verb, good, eat, am, belly, green, earth ...

3) connecting the images of the capital letters in pairs and recreating the meaning of their combinations, i.e. creation of new images:
I know God, speaking good, saying good is being, life is great on earth ...;

4) extracting the deep essence of figurative writing, as from a hologram, in all the variety of many synonyms of images:
I know a lot, multiplying information about being, which is a form of existence of diverse life on earth (i.e. on planets)...

I gave only a piece of the alphabet (only 10 characters) with the decoding of the images according to the Initial Letter, and how the perception of the information that was hidden in it changed.

Children in the family of our Ancestors were brought up by their father, and his grandfathers and great-grandfathers helped him. Note that they did not teach children, but they brought them up. Now what? The main thing is to educate or, as they say now, to educate. Think about EDUCATION, that is, to teach to speak figuratively. And our so-called education system does not teach images, they EDUCATE there: the 1st year of study, the 2nd year of study ... Parents now say that education should be done by the school, and at school they say that parents should be involved in education. That is, in fact, no one is engaged in the upbringing of children in the right way. As a result, an entity grows up for which the concepts of CONSCIENCE and RESPECT do not exist at all.

« Hey, amuse you with a fairy tale? And that fairy tale is wonderful: there are marvelous divas and marvelous miracles in it!.».

So, S-KAZ-KA, according to the images of Initial Letters, is incomplete, superficial information about the distant past, expressed through the word, containing a rational grain. So the lesson of fairy tales is to understand their essence and see the existence of deeper knowledge.

In turn, the word "true" came from the ancient Slovenian verb - "to be", that is, what was and happened in the World of Reveal. Fiction (fiction) - something that was not in Reveal, but happened in the Worlds: Navi, Glory or Rule, that is, in a different form of being.

Based on all the above, we can conclude that now all people use only the first, i.e. children's level of perception of written information and do not understand either the deep meaning of words, or the laws and methodology of word formation, i.e. creating new images for a compact and correct record of knowledge.

And now let's turn to the original, original text of the ancient fairy tale "Kolobok", where "kolo" is a circle and "side" of a circle. That is, we see the side of a circle, which itself is still walking in a circle. Look, reading a fairy tale, at the shield of Numbers and you will understand everything.

Ras Deva asked:

- Bake me a Gingerbread Man.
The maiden swept through the barns of Svarozh, scraped along the barns of the Devil and baked Kolobok.
The Gingerbread Man rolled along the Path. Rolling, rolling, and towards him - Swan:

And he plucked a piece from Kolobok with his beak.
Kolobok rolls on. Towards him - Raven:
- Kolobok-Kolobok, I'll eat you!
Kolobok pecked at the barrel and ate another piece.
Gingerbread Man rolled further along the Path. Here the Bear meets him:
- Kolobok-Kolobok, I'll eat you!
He grabbed Kolobok across his stomach, and crushed his sides, forcibly Kolobok took his legs away from the Bear.
Rolling Kolobok, rolling along the Svarog Way, and then towards him - the Wolf:
- Kolobok-Kolobok, I'll eat you!
He grabbed Kolobok with his teeth, so Gingerbread Man barely rolled away from the Wolf. But his path is not over yet.
He rolls on: a very small piece of Kolobok is left. And then the Fox comes out towards Kolobok:
- Kolobok-Kolobok, I'll eat you!
“Don’t eat me, Foxy,” only Kolobok managed to say, and the Fox said “am”, and ate it whole.

A fairy tale familiar to everyone since childhood takes on a completely different meaning and a much deeper essence when we discover the Wisdom of the Ancestors. The Slavic gingerbread man was never a pie, or a bun, or “almost a cheesecake,” as they sing in modern fairy tales and cartoons, the most diverse bakery products that they give us as Kolobok. The thought of the people is much more figurative and sacred than they try to present it.

Kolobok is a metaphor, like almost all the images of the heroes of Russian fairy tales. It is not for nothing that the Russian people were everywhere famous for their imaginative thinking. The Tale of Kolobok is an astronomical observation of the Ancestors over the movement of the Month (Moon) across the sky: from the full moon (in the Hall of the Race) to the new moon (the Hall of the Fox). The "kneading" of Kolobok - the full moon, in this tale, takes place in the Hall of the Virgin and the Race (roughly corresponds to the modern constellations Virgo and Leo). Further, starting from the Hall of the Boar, the Moon is waning, i.e. each of the meeting Halls (Swan, Raven, Bear, Wolf) - "eat" part of the Moon. Nothing remains from Kolobok to the Hall of the Fox - Midgard-Earth (in modern terms - the planet Earth) completely closes the Moon from the Sun.

Our Ancestors, taking the children outside, showed them that there is such and such a constellation (hall), there is such and such ... And the children saw how the bun rolled across the sky and how it disappeared. The image of this fairy tale was clear to the child. With the help of this fairy tale, children received initial knowledge in astronomy: they saw the Sun during the day, and now they were shown the night sky, the Moon, the heavenly Halls (i.e. constellations) and they figuratively studied the star map of the World. Other fairy tales also revealed images of various natural phenomena to children.

Slavic children, in contrast to Christian children, intimidated from childhood, were not afraid of Nature. Why weren't you afraid? Because they knew that we were born by the ROD, and everything that is with it is NATURE and every phenomenon of Nature is subject to the will of the Gods. And since we are children of God, it means that these phenomena are also subject to us. But the concept of domination meant to KNOW.

We find confirmation of just such an interpretation of Kolobok in Russian folk riddles (from the collection of V. Dahl): A blue scarf, a red bun: he rolls on a scarf, grins at people. - This is about Heaven and Yarilo-Sun. I wonder how modern fairy-tale remakes would portray the red Kolobok? Did you mix rouge into the dough?

You can compare our fairy tale with modern data on the gradual change in the illumination of the moon. Nowhere you will find a connection with the halls (constellations), as if only the illumination of the moon and that's it.

Earth-Moon-Sun system

The moon, on its way around the Earth, is illuminated by the Sun, it does not glow itself.

1. new moon, 3. first quarter, 5. full moon, 7. last quarter.

Consistent change of the visible moon in the sky

The moon goes through the following phases of illumination:

new moon - a state when the moon is not visible (state 1 in the figure)
The first appearance of the Moon in the sky after the new moon in the form of a narrow sickle.

first quarter - the state when half of the moon is illuminated (state 3 in the figure)
full moon - a state when the entire moon is illuminated (state 5 in the figure)
last quarter - the state when half of the moon is again illuminated (state 7 in the figure)
To distinguish the first quarter from the last, those in the northern hemisphere can use the following rules: If the crescent moon in the sky looks like the letter "C", then this is the "Aging" moon, that is, this is the last quarter. If it is turned in the opposite direction, then, mentally putting a wand to it, you can get the letter "P" - the moon "Growing", that is, this is the first quarter.

Growing Moon is usually observed in the evening, and aging - in the morning.

It should be noted that near the equator, the Moon is always seen “lying on its side”, and this method is not suitable for determining the phase, and in the southern hemisphere, the phases of the moon pass in the reverse order.

For the kids, a couple more puzzles:

The white-headed cow looks into the gateway. (Month)

He was young - he looked good, he was tired in old age - he began to fade, a new one was born - he cheered again. (Month)

A spinner is spinning, a golden bobbin, no one will get it: neither the king, nor the queen, nor the red maiden. (Sun)

Who is the richest in the world? (Earth)

We have already said that the Slavic constellations (Halls) do not correspond exactly to modern constellations. There are 16 Halls (constellations) in the Slavic Krugolet, and they had other configurations than the modern 12 Zodiac Signs. The Hall of the Race (the Feline family) can roughly be correlated with the zodiac sign of Leo.

Our Ancestors could not do without the knowledge of star reading in everyday life. This knowledge was needed not only for their use in agricultural activities. The birth of a child under a certain constellation determined his character, inclinations and abilities for a certain type of labor activity. All this was taken into account in the upbringing of children. In the Asgardian Spiritual School, Pater Diy Alexander reads the subject “Stars and Earths”, where he talks about this in detail. So far, we are only getting acquainted with the Basics of the Secret Knowledge of our Ancestors, that is, so far we are like first-graders. Even in modern schools, astronomy is studied in the tenth and eleventh grades. We will not violate the principle of sequence and consider other fairy tales that told about natural phenomena.

An example is the Tale of the Serpent Gorynych.

Many fairy tales have a plot with the Serpent in their narrative. Let's analyze what our ancestors meant by these images:

“A black cloud flew in, hid Yarilo the Red, a great wind rose. The Three-Headed Serpent Gorynych flew in that black cloud. He broke the huts, scattered the haystacks, carried away people and cattle in full.

This is a figurative description of Tornado. It is round like a Serpent, but the size of a mountain - that's why Gorynych. Here it is - a thunder cloud with three tornado trunks. The sword, of course, does not cut the head of the Serpent Gorynych. And our Ancestors knew that only a forged mitten, or a hat, or a shield could cut off the Serpent's head, i.e. block the flow of tornado energy. Only such wide and flat objects of our knights as a shield are able to disrupt the system of ascending and descending flows of a tornado, which stops its action. As a rule, this deed was accompanied by a peculiar sound “Uh”, which received the expression in fairy tales: “And gave up the Spirit.” And only later, thoughtless plots appeared, where the Ivan Tsarevich famously cut off the heads of the Gorynychs with one sword, once again “simplifying” and depriving these tales of meaning.

In ancient times, our Ancestors noted that tornadoes appear more often when the land of Viy (Pluto) is closest to our Earth. In summer, you can watch how small serpentines, like tornadoes, spin dust and leaves. Knowing the nature of these phenomena, our ancestors were not surprised when frogs and fish suddenly began to fall from the sky. So, the tornado passed through the lake, river or swamp. There are even cases when ancient gold coins fell from the sky. A tornado somewhere from the ground raised a chest with money.

No less interesting and informative are other folk tales, if they are correctly understood. So, in the fairy tale “Little Khavroshechka”, it is told about the orphan Khavroshechka, whom everyone offended, and she received help from a cow, climbing into one of her ears and crawling out of the other. As you know, part of our ancestors arrived from the planets of Ursa Minor, which in ancient times was called Cow Zimun.

It is among the people that the memory has been preserved that through the Gates of the Interworld, which we will talk about later, you can get into the hanging ear of the Zimun Cow, i.e. into a loop hanging like an ear, formed by this constellation, and receive the necessary knowledge, help and protection of the Ancestors there.

The modern perception of this tale is not far removed from this caricature.

What else can be added?

Therefore, in order to understand the ancient tales and the meaning inherent in them, it is necessary to abandon the modern worldview and look at the world through the eyes of people who lived in ancient times. The key to tuning into the ancient perception is the immutable figurative roots of a particular fairy tale.

Another example showing the space travel of our Ancestors is the tale "Finist - the Bright Falcon". The tale tells about the journey of the girl Nastenka on a large trading spaceship - Vaitmar, far away to the thirteenth kingdom to her fiancé. Beyond the distant Earth - this is beyond the solar system, in which it was then distant, i.e. 27 planets. And not in the thirtieth, but in the thirteenth kingdom, i.e. in the 13th constellation, which was called in ancient times the Hall of Finist. Her fiancé is Finist Yasny Sokol, and this name was used to call the knights, the defenders of their native lands. Remember the name of the book by A.V. Trekhlebov - “Koschuny Finista”.

During Nastenka's journey, 6 intermediate landings were made on various Earths near the most unusual Suns. During this time, Nastenka wore out 7 pairs of iron shoes and ate 7 iron loaves. In a modern way, the batteries of her shoes with metal soles for moving around a metal ship in zero gravity were recharged 6 times during Whitemara landings. And iron breads are tubes of food, which cosmonauts still use today. These are the miracles, even in modern times, were told in an ancient tale.

Even in ancient times there was the God of the seas Niy - an egregor of one of the most powerful elements, i.e. water. Niy watered the earth with rain, giving birth to rivers, i.e. he sowed the don, because in ancient times the river was called don. (For example, the Quiet Don is just a quiet river). Thus, among the ancient Greeks, Niy was fixed under the name of Poseidon, i.e. giving birth to rivers. On the other hand, Niy "walked" in the clouds, as in clothes, i.e. Niy was in Tune, which the ancient Romans turned into Neptune. It follows that ancient Roman and Greek mythology is a borrowing of images of more ancient Slavic gods and fairy-tale characters. One of the largest Earths of the Yarila-Sun system was also named Neptune, i.e. our solar system. Interestingly, in ancient tales, Niy had 8 daughters. Until the middle of the 20th century, only 2 moons were known around the planet Neptune, i.e. 2 satellites of the planet, and only in 1989 the American research ship Voyager 2 discovered 6 more moons. Thus, they became 8. But even in our ancient fairy tales, children were told that Neptune had 8 daughters, i.e. moons!

Here you have fairy tales in which there are lies! And the key to understanding a fairy tale is the unchanging image of its root. Therefore, they tried to convey fairy tales verbatim.

The text of the fairy tale "Turnip", for sure, everyone remembers from childhood. Let's analyze those gross distortions of imagery and logic that were imposed on us.

Illustrations for the fairy tale "Turnip" in a modern presentation.

Reading this, like most other supposedly “folk” (i.e. pagan: “language” - “people”) fairy tales, we pay attention to the obsessive absence of parents. That is, completely single-parent families appear before children, which instills the idea from childhood that an incomplete family is normal, “everyone lives like that.” Children are raised only by grandparents. Even in a complete family, it has become a tradition to “surrender” a child to be raised by old people. Perhaps this tradition was established in the days of serfdom, as a necessity.
Many will tell me that even now times are no better. democracy is the same slave-owning system. “Demos”, in Greek, is not just a “people”, but a prosperous people, the “top” of society, “kratos” - “power”. So it turns out that democracy is the power of the ruling elite, i.e. the same slaveholding, only having an erased manifestation in the modern political system. In addition, religion is also the power of the elite for the people, and is also actively involved in the education of the flock (in other words: herds), for its own and the state elite. What do we bring up in children, telling them fairy tales to someone else's tune? We continue to "prepare" more and more serfs for the demos? Or prepare the servants of God? From an esoteric point of view, what picture appears in the modern "Turnip"? - The line of generations has been interrupted, the joint good work has been violated, there is a total destruction of the harmony of the Kin, the Family, the well-being and joy of family relationships. What kind of people grow up in dysfunctional families? .. And this is what newly-minted fairy tales teach us. Specifically, according to "REPKA".
The two most important heroes for a child, father and mother, are missing. Let's consider what Images make up the essence of the fairy tale, and what exactly was removed from the fairy tale on the symbolic plane. So the characters are:

1) Turnip - symbolizes the Roots of the Family. It was planted by the Ancestor, the most Ancient and Wise. Without him, there would be no Turnip, and joint, joyful work for the Benefit of the Family.
2) Grandfather - symbolizes Ancient Wisdom.
3) Grandmother - Tradition, Home.
4) The father - the protection and support of the Family - is removed from the tale along with the figurative meaning.
5) Mother - Love and Care - removed from the fairy tale.
6) Granddaughter (daughter) - Offspring, continuation of the Family.
7) Bug - protection of wealth in the Family.
8) Cat - a blessed atmosphere at home
9) Mouse - symbolizes the welfare of the House. Mice start only where there is an excess, where every crumb is not counted.

In the original form of this fairy tale, where there were all nine characters, the fairy tale pointed to the relationship of generations, the interaction of temporary structures, forms of life and forms of existence. Why do you think they did the circumcision of parents in a modern fairy tale? Because in Christianity there are seven elements, everything is built on the septenary. Therefore, they reduced both the week from 9 days to 7, and the number of images in this fairy tale. And the parents were removed, because from childhood they were inspired by Christian priests that protection and support is the church, and love and care is Christ. These figurative meanings are interconnected like a nesting doll - one without the other has no meaning and completeness. So think about whether Russian fairy tales were changed, knowingly or unknown, and for whom they “work” now.

Lecturer: Voiloshnikova L.V.

Plan - abstract of an open lesson in the discipline "Composition"
Theme: Fairy tale character

Discipline: composition (2 hours) group: 2B

Purpose: To create a certain image of a fairy-tale character based on the knowledge gained
Expand knowledge in the field of composition on the topic "Fairy-tale character".
Develop communicative competence, creativity, skills in creating an artistic image of a composition by means of expressiveness;
To form visual literacy by performing compositional searches.

Literature: Anikin, V.P. Russian folktale. A guide for teachers. - M.: "Enlightenment", 1977. Grushko, E.A., Medvedev, Yu.M. Russian legends and traditions. - M.: Eksmo Publishing House, 2004.
Visual range: Reproductions of illustrations by artists: V. Korolkova, S. Kovaleva. Works of students of previous years.
Equipment for students: Graphic materials, paper.

Lesson plan:

I. Organizational moment

II. Message of the new material: "Typification of the image in art"

A conversation about fairy-tale characters in Russian folk epic
The use of means of artistic expression when creating a fairy-tale character.
Analysis of reproductions of paintings by artists, illustrations of children's books and students' works.
The sequence of execution of the composition on the theme "Fairy-tale character".

III. Practical work

Performing linear searches for fairy-tale characters;

IV. Summary of the lesson

Protection of the created image of a fairy-tale character.
Assignment for independent work of the student.

In the previous lessons, you studied the laws, rules and techniques of composition, as well as performed various compositional exercises. Performing work on today's and subsequent topics, you will apply the studied theoretical aspects of composition in practice.
Today I would like to start our lesson with a literary work:
Once upon a time there lived an orphan girl. Her stepmother did not like her and did not know how to get rid of the world. One day she says to a girl:
- Enough, you have free bread! Go to my forest grandmother, she needs a day laborer. You will earn your own living. Go right now and don't turn anywhere. As you see the lights - there is a grandmother's hut.
And it’s night outside, it’s dark - even gouge out your eye. The hour is near when the wild beasts will go hunting. The girl was scared, but there was nothing to do. She ran, not knowing where. Suddenly he sees a ray of light ahead. The farther it goes, the brighter it becomes, as if fires were kindled not far away. And after a few steps it became clear that it was not the bonfires that were glowing, but the skulls impaled on stakes.
The girl looks: the clearing is studded with stakes, and in the middle of the clearing stands a hut on chicken legs, turning around itself. She realized that the stepmother, the forest grandmother, was none other than Baba herself, the yaga.
She turned to run wherever her eyes looked - she heard someone crying. He looks, large tears are dripping from empty eye sockets in one skull. “What are you crying about, human?” she asks.
- How can I not cry? the skull answers. - I was once a brave warrior, but I fell into the teeth of Baba Yaga. God knows where my body has decayed, where my bones are lying. I yearn for the grave under the birch tree, but, apparently, I don’t know the burial, like the last villain!
Then the rest of the skulls began to cry, who was a cheerful shepherd, who was a beautiful girl, who was a beekeeper. Baba Yaga ate everyone, and planted skulls on stakes.
The girl took pity on them, took a sharp branch and dug a deep hole under the birch. She put the skulls there, sprinkled earth on top, covered it with turf.
- Thank you, kind soul, - hears voices from under the ground. - you have put us to rest, and we will repay you with kindness. Pick up a rotten one - it will show you the way.
The girl bowed to the ground to the grave, took a rotten one - and, well, run away!
Baba Yaga came out of the hut - and in the clearing it was dark dark, even gouge out her eye. The eyes of the skulls do not glow, she does not know where to go, where to look for the fugitive.
And the girl ran until the rot went out, and the sun rose over the earth. Here she met on a forest path with a young hunter. He liked the girl, he took her as his wife. They lived happily ever after.
? I think you guessed what genre of oral folk art (narrative literature) is? (Story).
? And what is a fairy tale in your understanding? Explain?
This is one of the types of oral folk art. Indeed, among the people there are also songs, proverbs, sayings, epics, tales, legends, traditions. The main thing that a fairy tale differs from them is that it contains fiction, fantasy.
A fairy tale (Slide) is the oldest folk genre of folklore of a predominantly fantastic nature, aimed at moralizing and entertainment. In fairy tales, the character of the people, their wisdom and high moral qualities are manifested. Some have Proto-Slavic roots and reflect ideas about the world and man of our distant ancestors.
“Tales, wrote A. N. Tolstoy, are the remains of ancient beliefs in the pagan deities of Perun, Stribog, Veles. Almost every fairy tale depicts the struggle of evil with good; the struggle of the forces of nature harmful to man with the useful ones; good always triumphs, evil remains deceived or defeated. Beautiful tales about Ivan Tsarevich and the Firebird, Vasilisa the Wise, Baba Yaga, trying to ruin her granddaughter, or a good sorceress are taken from life, from the people's faith in the truth.
The fairy tale reveals to the child the complexity of human relations, warns that in the world there is ingratitude, deceit, rotosey, stupidity, lies, cruelty, in a word, human sins, but as well as virtues: devotion, honesty, diligence, kindness, etc.
And who just does not inhabit the ancient, keeping thousands of secrets and mysteries, exciting the world of fairy tales, myths and legends. “There are miracles, the goblin roams there ..” and not only him: good brownies and dangerous mermen, seductive mermaids and insidious witches, miracle birds and talking animals, mighty giants and beautiful swan maidens, werewolves, field workers, coastlines.
(Slide) The topic of our lesson is “Fairy-tale character”, it is designed for 18 hours of study. During this time, you will have to complete two fairy-tale characters or mythical heroes.
In fairy tales, positive characters act: the main character is active, enterprising, performing bold deeds. This is either Ivan Tsarevich, a hand-written handsome man, or the third, stupid son - Ivan the Fool. To match them, female images - Elena the Wise, Vasilisa the Beautiful, the king - a maiden, Marya Morevna. They are so beautiful that "neither in a fairy tale to say, nor to describe with a pen."
The main characters are opposed by sharply negative characters: insidious, evil, envious, cruel - Koschey the Immortal, Baba Yaga, Serpent Gorynych, famously one-eyed. They are monstrous and ugly in appearance, insidious, cruel in the confrontation with the forces of light and good.
In difficult times, assistants come to the aid of the main characters: magical animals, kind old women, wonderful uncles, strong men, walkers. Magical wonderful objects are distinguished by a great variety: a flying carpet, a self-assembled tablecloth, walking boots, an invisibility cap, living and dead water.
Despite the fact that the description of the appearance of the heroes of a fairy tale is very conditional (“such a beauty that the eye would not take away for a century”), everyone visibly imagines them. Famous illustrations for Russian folk tales play an important role in this.
All these images are connected with the origins of the folk epic, legends that have their roots in ancient times.
Let's look at illustrations by artists, the origin and interpretation of the most common images.
? What is the most common image in fairy tales? Describe her appearance and character?
Baba Yaga. (Slide). Let us recall what features and what role Baba Yaga is endowed with. She lives in a dense forest in a strange hut on chicken legs, which stands on the edge of the forest, and then there is no way for the hero - only pitch darkness, nothing is visible.
According to the miraculous spell “Stand back to the forest, to me in front”, the hut turns to the hero, and he enters this strange dwelling. Baba Yaga meets him with the same grumbling and snorting: “Fu-fu-fu! Previously, the Russian spirit was not heard, the view was not seen; now the Russian spirit sits on a spoon, rolls itself into the mouth. Yaga is uncomfortable with the smell of a living person. “The smell of the living is also disgusting and terrible to the dead, just as the smell of the dead is terrible and disgusting to the living” (V.Ya. Propp). Baba Yaga is dead. She lies across her hut "from corner to corner, her nose has grown into the ceiling." The hut is cramped for Yaga, in it she is like in a coffin. That Yaga is a dead man, her bone-footedness also says. A living person meets Yaga - a dead man in that region where the raven does not bring bones. This is the realm of death. It brings death to all living things. Baba Yaga is blind: she does not see the hero, but smells him.
Baba Yaga is the mistress of animals, they are all subordinate to her. Gray wolves, geese, swans, fish and reptiles faithfully serve her.
From ancient times in Yaga, people saw an ancestor in the female line - the ancestor - an old woman who lived beyond the line that separates the world of living people from the dead.
Baba Yaga is a mythical image of the rulers of the natural world. The hut, reminiscent of a coffin in its tightness, testifies to the ancient custom of burying the dead on a platform (air burial).
Fairy tales say that Yaga reclines "on the stove, on the ninth brick", travels around the wide world in a mortar or on a broomstick, rests with a pestle. Yaga inspires disgust and horror. Such an attitude towards Yaga appeared at the stage of the destruction of matriarchy, and the establishment of the patriarchal system. The once respected being was reduced from his high place in the hierarchy of revered supernatural beings.
Indeed, in most ancient fairy tales, Yaga assumes the role of a donor of some wonderful object, gives wise advice - instructions on how to behave as a hero in the upcoming difficult trials. In numerous Russian fairy tales, Baba Yaga is found as an assistant to the hero, but more often as a hostile creature - an ogre. However, negative features were not the original property of the image of Baba Yaga. The role of Yaga - the giver is quite consistent with the fact that in this fantastic image they saw an assistant to anyone who fell into the world of death and death.
Later, the image of Baba Yaga acquired the features of medieval witches. We know her like this from later fairy tales. She is trying to roast the baby in the oven. Probably, originally it was about saving a child from death. There was such a custom in Rus', to “bake” a child: they put him in the oven, like bread, in order to restore his health.
When considering the image of Baba Yaga, attention is drawn to the means by which the expressiveness of the image is achieved (fabulousness, unusualness, expressiveness of the character, emotions (facial expressions)). What techniques were used in the work (techniques of typification and hyperbolization, elements of myth, creative imagination).
So, with the help of Baba Yaga, the hero enters a mysteriously creepy world - the kingdom of the dead. Terrible monsters rule the kingdom. The hero meets snakes with many heads, with which a person fights not to the stomach, but to death.
? Describe the snake.
(Slide) A multi-headed monster, a serpent is a fiery winged creature. When he flies, "a strong storm rises above the earth - thunder rumbles, the earth trembles, the dense forest bows down to the bottom." A fierce serpent flies towards the hero, scorches with fire, threatens with death.
In a fairy tale, the habitat is associated with the mountains - they say about it: "The Serpent Gorynych." "Gorynych" seems to mean "living in the mountains." Associating the Serpent with the mountains and calling him Gorynych, the people originally did not mean the mountains in the direct and exact modern sense of the word. "Gorynych" - this means "dwelling at the top", not necessarily on the mountains. Meanwhile, real mountains were called differently in ancient times.
The common Slavic word "mountain" at one time meant not mountains, but a forest. Consequently, "Gorynych" could also have the meaning of "forest", "derived from the forest, the tree."
Fire was produced by rubbing wood against wood. The tree was used for fuel. "Gorynych" could also mean the fire that arose as a result of a lightning strike in a forest tree. If the serpent is fire, then it is not difficult to understand why the fabulous serpent is endowed with many heads: these are numerous fiery tongues. In place of the felled heads, many others grow: the fire, badly extinguished in one place, flares up again; in place of one tongue of flame, many others arose.
The question arises: why did people liken fire to a snake?
The combination of the concepts of a snake and fire - “Serpent Gorynych” - could arise on the basis of a common symptom: with a snake bite, a person felt a sharp burning sensation, similar to a burn sensation. Also, fire crawls across the ground. It is noteworthy that the word "snake" is interpreted by linguists as crawling on the ground. THOSE. the words "snake" and "earth" are the same root. Such is the ancient mythical image of a powerful, insidious serpent-fire, in fairy tales nothing is said about its positive features.
Image analysis.

Koschey (Slide) - always appears in a fairy tale as a kidnapper of women, turning them into his slaves. In addition, he has untold wealth.
In the imagination of storytellers, he appears as an ugly old man, a rapist, an insidious killer, a miser, a soulless, cruel destroyer. There is nothing human in it. Koschei is an armed invader. The storytellers endowed Koshchei with the real-life and moral features of the military leaders who appeared.
Fairy tales depict Koshchei as a withered, bony old man with sunken burning eyes. He adds and diminishes people's age, but he himself is immortal. The fairy tale did not put up with injustice and ruined the immortal Koshchei.
In the Old Russian language, the word "koshchei" meant a slave, a captive, a servant. However, in fairy tales, Koschey is not a slave, but a lord. The word "koschey" is an adjective that replaces such words as "thin", "skinny", "bony".
A slave, a slave is called Koshchei because he belongs to Kosh. Kosh is the master, Koschey is the slave. This name was given to the old man, whom Marya Morevna defeated: he is really a slave - a koschey.
Image analysis.

Brownie (Slide - part of the mythical ideas about the power and strength of the ancestors passed into the relatively late concept of the brownie. - this is the keeper of the hearth, the invisible helper of the owners. He can tickle and rattle dishes in a dream, or tap behind the stove, but he does it more out of mischief.But his main business is to inspect the household.
Image analysis.

Vodyanoy (Slide) - "grandfather of the water - the head of the water." They represent the waterman - an old man covered with swamp grass. Rumor has it that this is a half-fish, half-man, he has a beard, like grass or mud. The hair is long, also from this mire. The body is smooth, iridescent, like fish scales. Sometimes he takes the form of an ordinary person and appears in a village or in a city, but the water owner could be recognized: water constantly drips from the left half of his clothes.
His favorite fish is catfish, on which he travels around the property. Mermen marry mermaids and beautiful drowned women. The Vodyanys also have their own houses: in the thickets of reeds and sedges they have built rich chambers of shells and semi-precious river pebbles.
Image analysis.

Leshy (Slide) - the goblin lives in every forest. He is dressed like a man - a red sash, the left half of the caftan is usually wrapped behind the right, and not vice versa, as everyone wears. The shoes are mixed up: the right bast shoe is worn on the left foot, the left one on the right. The goblin's eyes are green and burn like coals.
He has no eyelashes or eyebrows, as well as his right ear. The goblin can become a stump and a tussock, turn into an animal and a bird, because he is not only the spirit of the forest, he is also his essence: he is overgrown with moss, snores, as if the forest is noisy.
The Votyaks think that he has one leg and that one is turned upside down, heel forward, one big eye, dressed in an animal skin, with horns and hooves.
Image analysis.

(Slides). Various fairy tale characters.
Image analysis.
Look, all these images are endowed with features of the Russian national character, its way of life, imbued with love for Russian nature, and at the same time, they contain mystery and mystery.

So, we examined the fairy-tale characters, as they are described by storytellers and depicted by illustrators, we revealed their mythical origin. It can be concluded that to convey the image, its expressiveness, artists use various techniques and means of expression.

Agglutination is “gluing”, a way to create a new image by connecting, gluing completely different objects or their properties. connection of the human figure and the wings of a bird).

Analysis of students' work.
On the example of reproductions from children's books and students' works, analyze the characters, determine their image (positive, negative hero) and emotional state.

Any composition on a theme is performed according to the following algorithm:
- at the first stage, a lot of linear searches for an image in a pencil are performed (character is transferred);
- then the most successful of them are selected and placed in a certain environment (scene) - a swamp, a barn, a house, a forest, etc. It is possible that your character will perform some actions (teasing a cat, taking a bath, holding on to a bad tooth, dancing, crying, etc.), depending on this, the emotional state of the character is depicted; -those. song is searched.
- at the next stage - the search for a composition in color;
- and at the end of the work - transfer to the format and execution of the composition in the material.
Target setting for practical work:
You need to perform a linear search for one of the fairy-tale characters, convey his image, character, emotional state. Try not to make your image look like existing images.
At the end of the session, you will present your images to us. Protection schemes will help you with this.
Practical work.
Performing a compositional exercise by students (independent work).
Summary of the lesson
Exhibition of works. Individual protection of the created images.
Assignment for independent work

Fairy tale character protection scheme

Character name
Positive or negative character? Why?
What is the nature? (kind, evil, greedy, treacherous, formidable, two-faced, ungrateful, stupid, deceitful, cruel, devoted, honest, hardworking, fierce, etc.)
Describe the appearance of the character? (does the appearance of his essence, character, or is he hidden; what is his emotional state (cheerful, sad, playful, etc.)
How original, not similar to existing ones?
By what means is the expressiveness of the image achieved? (fabulousness, unusualness, expressiveness of the character's character, emotions (facial expressions)). What techniques were used in the work (techniques of typification and hyperbolization, elements of myth, creative imagination).


Hyperbolization is an exaggeration used to enhance the artistic impression.
Typification is an artistically generalized image of human individuality, the most possible, characteristic of a particular social environment.
A typical image is always collective.
A collective image is an image in which the best and characteristic features of the people are combined.
Mythical image. From the word myth - fabulous, fictional, implausible, fantastic.
Emotional state - transmitted through facial expressions.
Agglutination is “gluing”, a way to create a new image by connecting, gluing completely different objects or their properties (connecting a human figure and bird wings).


Folklorist Varvara Dobrovolskaya about two types of fairy-tale heroines, the ideal of a woman and the origin of Baba Yaga.

All female characters of Russian fairy tales are divided into two large groups: characters of this world, that is, the world of a fairy tale hero, and characters of another world, that world where the fairy tale hero goes, where there are wonderful curiosities, where enemies live, where the Serpent takes the beautiful royal daughters .

Varvara Dobrovolskaya- Candidate of Philology, Head of the Folklore and Ethnographic Department of the Center for Russian Folklore, doctoral student at the Institute of World Literature named after A.I. A.M. Gorky, Scientific Secretary of the State Republican Center of Russian Folklore.

Typology of female images in Russian fairy tales

In the world of the hero, women are innocent, oppressed by all heroines - these are stepdaughters who are offended by stepmothers; wives who are slandered by the husband's relatives; women being turned into animals by witches, and so on. Another group is made up of beloved royal daughters, clever and beautiful women, whom loving fathers protect from the harmful influence of the world. This excessive guardianship leads to the fact that sooner or later the king has to announce a competition for the hand of his daughter and come up with difficult tasks for potential suitors, the most famous of which is a horse jump to the princess's window. In another case, the girl turns out to be completely unprepared for the vicissitudes of fate, and she is kidnapped right from under the care of mothers and nannies by a large and terrible Serpent.

Of course, there are other, smaller varieties of women of this world, but they are all distinguished by their beauty and absolute unsuitability for life. The exception is devoted wives who go in search of their husbands, as, for example, the heroine of the fairy tale "Finist - the Clear Falcon", or with their all-consuming love revive the deceased lover, as in the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower". Finally, there are heroines who marry an alien creature and then, after his murder by relatives, turn into birds that mourn their beloved all their lives, as in the fairy tale "Cancer Husband".

The characters of the other world are significantly richer. They operate in the hero's world, but in fact they are creatures of another world. These are witches and sorceresses who somehow come into contact with the hero or heroine. This is a stepmother who is actually endowed with magical abilities and is even a relative of otherworldly creatures in a number of fairy tales. These are all sorts of wonderful virgins that somehow appear in the life of a hero. The king-maiden, who sails to the seashore, where the hero sleeps; this is a beautiful princess, whose existence the hero learns from a portrait brought from overseas countries, or from the words of a friend who, in combination, turns out to be the brother of such a girl.

The hero can find a wife at the border of the worlds, where she resides in animal form. So, the hero finds a frog in a swamp, which at night turns into Vasilisa the Wise, carrying out all the instructions of the hero's father with the help of her wonderful helpers. Another lucky man finds his wife in the forest, where she sits on a birch in the form of a dove. Taking the bird home, the hero receives not only three hot meals a day, but also a good adviser and assistant in the fight against the tsarist regime. Finally, Ivan the merchant's son, having shown some ingenuity, steals the duck girl's dress and agrees to exchange it only for a wedding ring, and with her help he not only deceives the sea king, but also safely returns to his kingdom-state.

But more often, the hero is simply told about girls from another world. Usually such heroines are the subject of a hero's search. He follows them into the thirtieth kingdom, descends into the underworld, descends to the bottom of the sea-ocean. These can be completely independent and wealthy heroines who have not only their own kingdom-state, but also a garden with wonderful rejuvenating apples and a well with living and dead water.

It should be noted that in fairy tales there is a small group of characters who live on the border between the worlds. First of all, this is Baba Yaga, a wonderful old woman, and all those various assistants to the hero, all sorts of old women who appear on the road and help him with advice.

The image of a girl in Russian fairy tales

In a Russian fairy tale, the age of the hero is often indeterminate. Speaking about the fact that the hero is a boy and the heroine is a girl, the storyteller will not necessarily talk about children. So, everyone is used to the fact that a girl acts in the fairy tale “Little-havroshechka”, but at the end of the fairy tale she marries the king’s son, that is, we are not dealing with a child, but with a marriageable girl. A similar story is with my sister Alyonushka, who also, despite her goat brother, is happily getting married.

Most likely, the girl heroine appears in a small number of fairy tales. The child hero is a rather rare type for Russian fairy tales, most often it is a boy. The girl can be found in several fairy tales: this is the Snow Maiden - a girl fashioned from snow and melted under the rays of the sun or from the heat of a fire. Probably, as a girl, one can consider the heroine from the tales of the reed on the grave, in which friends or sisters kill the youngest girl because of a jug of berries. Finally, most likely, the heroine of the fairy tale "Geese-Swans" can be considered as a child.

The girl is very rarely found in Russian fairy tales, which is understandable, because a child cannot be a hero as such. He can either be distinguished by a miraculous birth, and then the fairy tale is worried about the problem of what will happen next when he grows up and begins to perform feats, or this miraculous birth becomes the main one - the Snow Maiden melts.

The ideal of a woman in Russian fairy tales

The Russian fairy tale does not give detailed descriptions, this is not typical for the genre, respectively, and there is no ideal woman in the fairy tale. In fairy tales, a certain conditional portrait is given, that is, we can guess what kind of woman could be. Whatever you like at the moment, this is how she appears in the fairy tale. We don't even know her hair color. She is simply beautiful and, of course, smart - both Elena the Beautiful and Elena the Wise. This does not mean that one is beautiful and the other is smart. She is beautiful and smart at the same time, just depending on what the hero needs more at this particular moment: for the wife to be smart or for the wife to be beautiful - depending on the needs of the fairy tale plot, it is precisely this image of a woman that will be realized in a fairy tale.

Sometimes there are some wonderful elements of the portrait of the heroine, such as, for example, "she is so beautiful that her cerebellum shimmers from bone to bone." We can assume that her skin is so thin that we can see all her insides. It's hard to say if it's beautiful or not. But to the storyteller at the time of telling the tale, this seems to be an indicator of extraordinary beauty. If Western princesses are usually golden-haired, then our fairy-tale heroines can be dark-haired. But even such a detail as hair color is rarely mentioned in a fairy tale.

The origin and features of the image of Baba Yaga

This is a mythological character who got into a fairy tale already during the destruction of the mythological system. It is associated with the image of a priestess in initial and funeral rites. Its origin is usually associated with the chthonic characters of the underworld, the world of the dead, most often with snakes.

We can talk about it based on her name. The root "-yag-" in a number of dialects was used to designate snakes. One can speak about the snake origin of the yaga by some features of her appearance, preserved in fairy tales. For example, Baba Yaga never walks - she jumps. She has a bone leg. Most likely, this is the only leg of the character, and she does not have a second leg. If we understand in more detail, referring to the mythological origins of this image, it becomes clear that the only leg of the yaga is not a leg, but a snake's tail. Baba Yaga refers to the so-called snake deities who are the masters of the forest and the world of the dead. In some fairy tales, Baba Yaga is dominated by animals and birds.

Illustration by Ivan Bilibin (1876–1942)

She can be depicted as a corpse, she is in a hut, which in itself resembles a coffin, she "lies from corner to corner", "her nose has grown into the ceiling." In some tales, pieces of rotten flesh may stick out of her body. That is, she is a half-decomposed corpse. Being closest to the world of death, she acts as the first dead, the character who first passed through death, who knows how to get through the world of the dead. That is why she helps the hero-seeker to overcome the difficulties of another world, to obtain secret knowledge and treasures that are there.

But, as you know, they do not return from the world of the dead, and the hero arrives safely home. The reason for this is that the tale is associated not only with ideas about funeral practices, but also with rites of an initial nature, in which the participant goes through death in order to receive a new life and new social qualities. This is most clearly seen in the tales of the boy and Baba Yaga, when the hero, with the help of cunning, avoids falling into the furnace. The tale in this case involved the motif of the hero's rebirth through rebirth, since the stove in mythology is synonymous with the female womb. Baba Yaga helps the hero to be reborn in a new quality, to acquire new knowledge, that is, she, as it were, performs the rite of initiation.

Russian fairy tale

How was the fairy tale genre formed? What is the audience for a fairy tale? What are the origins of the image of Baba Yaga? And what myth underlies the image of the fabulous Serpent? Varvara Dobrovolskaya, candidate of philological sciences, tells about this.

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