Can bailiffs block the card. Can bailiffs seize a salary card


The Federal Law "On Enforcement Proceedings" states that more than 50% of the amount of his income cannot be withheld from the debtor's accounts. Withholding funds will stop only after all requirements are met (for more details, see the executive document of the bailiff). There are cases where these restrictions do not apply:

  • When collecting alimony;
  • When claiming compensation for damage as a result of damage to a person's health;
  • If necessary, compensation for harm, the result of which led to the death of the breadwinner of the family;
  • In case of compensation for material damage or compensation for stolen funds as a result of a crime.

In such cases, up to 70% of the amount of income can be withheld from the debtor.

Can bailiffs seize a salary card, and what to do if this happens?

Judicial proceedings, as a result of which cards and accounts may be blocked, are initiated in several cases:

  • the presence of a solid debt for utilities;
  • non-payment of the appointed alimony;
  • failure to pay a fine;
  • large loan debt, etc.

In any case, the blocking of the card is preceded by a sequential process, when the institution or company sues to collect the debt. If the court recognizes the claim as legitimate, then an appropriate decision is made.

On its basis, enforcement proceedings begin with the search and seizure of the debtor's property. Legal regulation The procedure for seizing the debtor's funds kept in the bank is regulated by Federal Law No. 229 dated 10/2/2007 (as amended on 12/28/2016), namely Art. 81.

Can bailiffs block a salary card and what to do?


So, often, salary accounts and cards of non-payers are arrested. Back to Contents Amount of deductions Can only a certain amount on the card be blocked? Seizure is possible for an amount equal to the amount of the debt. If the debt is less than the balance on the card, its size will be removed from the card accordingly.

Can bailiffs withdraw the entire amount from the card? Usually, the cardholder is the last to know about the blocking, when the money has already been debited. And it often happens that not 50% are blocked at all, as required by law, but all 100%.
It is usually quite problematic to receive excessively withheld money, as well as to unblock a bank card account. The amount of money to be recovered is specified in the writ of execution.
Legal acts provide for the recovery of all financial resources located on salary accounts, except for the last amount received.

Can bailiffs seize a payroll card? powers of bailiffs

When submitting all types of documents, it is important to have duplicates marked by the receiving party. In the event that a mistake is made, this will help to prove that the cardholder has filed a complaint.

How to avoid Arresting a salary account is not uncommon today. There may be several reasons for this. The difficulty lies in the fact that for a large part of the citizens the salary card is the main source of income.
In search of a source of debt repayment, bailiffs can contact:

  • directly to the employer. In this case, the plastic bank card will not tolerate any manipulations, but the amount received on it will significantly decrease, since, on the basis of the writ of execution, the accounting department will send part of the salary to the debt.
  • To a banking institution with subsequent blocking of funds on the card.
  • to the debtor's property.

What to do if bailiffs have arrested a salary card?

The crisis in the country, low wages, job loss are one of the many reasons why an ordinary person often cannot pay utility bills or pay debts on loans, loans and alimony. But bailiffs will not understand the reasons for non-payment of the debt - they will simply arrest the financial accounts that the debtor has.
We will talk about what to do if the bailiffs blocked the salary card in the article. The content of the article:

  • Right to collect funds
  • Hold size
  • How to find out about blocking?
  • For what reasons can this happen?
  • What to do?
  • How to remove the arrest?
  • What is not subject to arrest?
  • How to avoid card arrest?

Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique.

The arrest of a salary card by bailiffs. how to unlock?

Current accounts are opened for all citizens who are not engaged in entrepreneurial activity. A more detailed list of all types of bank accounts can be found by carefully studying the instructions of the Bank of Russia dated May 30, 2014 No. 153-I. The Federal Law on Enforcement Proceedings does not oblige bailiffs to find out the history of the origin of the accruals of funds during the arrest of bank accounts. In other words, the bailiff does not have information at all on which particular account, whether it be salary or another, he imposes restrictions, debits money from it. How much money can be withheld The Federal Law "On Enforcement Proceedings" empowers bailiffs to write off money from the debtor's salary account in full. The only exception is the last periodic payment. The rules on the limiting amount of deduction of 50 percent apply to him.

Can bailiffs block a salary card

Even the court has no right to collect debts from:

  • card salary in an amount equivalent to more than 50% of monthly income;
  • from cards for crediting social assistance (child-rearing allowance, alimony, maternity capital).

Additional questions may arise in a situation where money of different origins is credited to one card by a bank. Such an account can be arrested with subsequent recovery of funds if the cardholder does not amend the case in time.


To do this, you need to apply to the court with a statement, as well as to the prosecutor's office to verify proper compliance with the law. It is not uncommon for borrowers of credit funds not to familiarize themselves with all the clauses of the loan agreement.

The loan agreement contains information about the possibility of writing off interest, as well as debt from the salary account.

Do they have the right to block a salary card

In addition, it is important to remember that the arrest will not be lifted immediately, but after a certain time. Part of the amount If the debtor does not have property that can be seized, and he does not have his own source of income, then the bailiffs most often close the enforcement proceedings.

But how is the debt repaid if a person works in a certain place and receives a salary? In this example, the bailiff transfers the document to the enterprise where the debtor works. After receiving the writ of execution, the accountant sends an official confirmation of receipt to the employee within three days. In the future, the amount of debt is already withheld as a percentage of the person's income. That is the order. It should not be forgotten here that, according to the law, no more than fifty percent can be withheld from salaries to pay off existing debts.

Can bailiffs seize a salary card

What other cases are there? Almost everyone knows that the property that is acquired by spouses during a legal marriage is considered their joint property and is divided in half upon divorce. But what about debt? What to do if the bailiff seized the wife's salary card because her husband did not pay the loan to the bank? In accordance with the current legislation, such an action of bailiffs is unlawful, because the debts of one of the spouses are only his debts.

Especially if the funds taken from the bank were spent not for the needs of the family, but for personal purposes. In such a case, it is best to file a complaint with the court against the actions of the bailiff. Conclusion So, what can be summed up here? Do bailiffs have the right to seize a salary card? In essence, the current law, these persons can block any account belonging to the debtor.

Can bailiffs seize a payroll card?

Debt cancellation When a card is seized, the cardholder may have a question about the absolute debiting of funds from the account. The absolute deprivation of the debtor of all means of subsistence has no legal basis.

It is possible to write off debt from the payroll card if the debtor has no other income to pay off the debt. This is possible if:

  • If the owner of the salary card has a loan in this bank, namely debt under a loan agreement. Write-off is possible if this condition is specified in the loan agreement.
  • The creditor went to court to force the debtor to fulfill debt obligations. The court must issue an order for the possibility of debiting money from the debtor's card.
  • Categories
  • Enforcement proceedings
  • Hello. The situation is this, I have 2 Sberbank cards (salary and credit), today when I went to Sberbank online, I found -97500r on them (the balance was 0 on the salary, 2500 on the credit). Calling the bank, they told me that it was the arrest of the bailiffs. Write-off of funds, as I understand it, for a debt for an apartment where I have not lived for more than 5 years but is registered, 4 more adults are registered there, but only my father works. Do they have the right to block my salary card and write off all the money from it, if I have 2 small children and a non-working wife ... And what part do they have to write off if my salary is 11,500, and the salary itself is 20,000 (but everything is transferred to the card ).

Can bailiffs seize a salary card, and what to do if this happens?

How does it work in practice? If enforcement proceedings are opened against a person, first of all, the bailiffs send a request to the bank to establish whether the citizen has any accounts, funds that could be sent to pay off the debt. If the answer of the credit organization is positive, then all available cards of the person will be arrested. The funds from them are transferred to the creditor. In this situation, many citizens are wondering if bailiffs can arrest a salary card? Of course, a person's sole source of income cannot be blocked under any circumstances.

Nevertheless, banks do not provide bailiffs with information about which card is open in the name of the debtor (salary, savings or credit). Therefore, the latter impose an arrest on all active accounts.

Can bailiffs block a salary card and what to do?

In addition, in some cases, the debtor has the opportunity to negotiate with the recoverer, and the latter does not transfer the writ of execution to the bailiffs for work. In this case, the funds are also transferred by the person voluntarily. Terms After the initiation of enforcement proceedings, bailiffs send a decision to the person with a proposal for voluntary repayment of the debt.

As a rule, the latter is given five days for this. If during the specified period the funds are not paid voluntarily, the bailiffs will begin to do their usual work - to find out if the debtor has property and money to enforce the court decision. Interesting The bailiffs arrested the salary card - what should the debtor do in this case? If it is possible to repay the debt in full, then you can deposit this amount to a blocked account.

Can bailiffs seize a payroll card? powers of bailiffs

What to do if the arrest from the salary is still not removed In the case when the removal of the arrest from the salary card account is delayed, you have the right to file a corresponding complaint in the order of subordination, to the prosecutor's office or to the court. The procedure for challenging is described in Article 128 of the Law "On Enforcement Proceedings" Do not rush to send complaints about the blocking of all funds from the salary account to various authorities. In order to save time, the first thing to do is contact the bailiff, since your complaint filed with the court or the prosecutor's office will still be transferred to the bailiff in accordance with chapter 18 of the IP Law.

What to do if bailiffs have arrested a salary card?

What should I do if all funds have been debited from the card? If one fine day you find that the bailiffs have withdrawn all funds from the card, you need to:

  1. Contact the bank to find out the reason for the withdrawal of money.
  2. Meet with the bailiffs and study the documents of your case.
  3. Ask your employer for proof of your income for a few months.
  4. Get a certificate from the bank's accounting department that your card is a salary card.

Based on these certificates, the bailiffs are required to send a notice to the bank about the cancellation of the arrest of the card. Submitting an application to release the arrest In order to release the arrest from your payroll account, you need to apply at the reception of the bailiff service.

The arrest of a salary card by bailiffs. how to unlock?

If the terms for the cancellation of the arrest are delayed, you have the right to write a complaint to the higher authorities:

  • territorial department of the prosecutor's office;
  • regional SSP;

You can file a complaint:

  1. Take it in person to the office.
  2. Send by registered mail.

According to the law, the period for considering a complaint is 30 days. After this time, a written response will be sent to you. How to avoid card arrest? Bailiffs are increasingly ordering the arrest of the card.
But you may not be one of those "lucky ones" if:

  1. Tell the bailiffs the address of your work. In this case, the bailiffs will send a writ of execution to your employer, and he will monthly transfer half of the salary to the creditor's account until the debt is fully repaid.

Can bailiffs block a salary card

Thank you salary card, does the bank have the right to block the salary card Collapse Victoria Dymova Support worker Try to look here:

  • Do they have the right to block a salary card and withdraw all funds from it?
  • Do they have the right to block a credit and salary card?

You can get an answer faster if you call the free hotline for Moscow and the Moscow region: 8 499 705-84-25 Free lawyers on the line: 8 Lawyers' answers (2)

  • All services of lawyers in Moscow Collection of debts under a writ of execution Moscow from 7500 rubles. Release of property from arrest Moscow from 30,000 rubles.

Do they have the right to block a salary card


Sample complaint about the inaction of the bailiff to remove the arrest from the salary card Download the sample application (DOC, 37kb) Is it the responsibility of the bank to notify the client about the arrest of his account? Here you need to carefully read the terms of the agreement for the issuance and servicing of a credit card. The document states that the holder, by signing it, automatically agrees that the Bank has the right to write off from other accounts that have residual funds, overdue debt in the amount of the second mandatory payment without additional consent of the cardholder, if such a condition is provided for in the terms of the agreement .The holder authorizes the bank to convert the finances available on his accounts into the currency at the rate set by the bank on the date of the operation in case the client fails to fulfill financial obligations to him. This means that the bank's actions on write-offs are legal.

Can bailiffs seize a salary card

Unfortunately, things sometimes happen in life. Therefore, almost no one is insured against debt obligations. But what happens if a person took a loan from a bank, and then stopped repaying the debt, does not pay alimony to his child, or has other debts to other persons? In such a situation, the case often ends with the bailiffs entering the work, who carry out their activities according to the decision of the judicial authority that has entered into force.

Based on the current writ of execution, civil servants begin to search for property and accounts of debtors. But can bailiffs seize a citizen's salary card if this is his only income and he simply does not have another? And what should a person do in this situation? The answers to these questions will be written in this article.

Can bailiffs seize a payroll card?

To restore the violated right, it is necessary to collect the following documents:

  1. certificate from the place of employment on the amount of the transfer;
  2. an extract from a banking institution on all deductions from accounts.

If, upon reconciliation of these documents, an excess of the write-off of 50% is established, it is necessary to contact the bailiff who conducts enforcement proceedings. In the application, it is necessary to point out the illegality of the actions and demand the return of the money. If the specified appeal did not bring results, it will be necessary to prepare a complaint and submit it in one of the following ways:

  1. to the head of the FSSP;
  2. to the judicial institution at the place of enforcement actions.

In practice, only judicial intervention allows you to properly restore the right and return the debited money.

The bailiffs blocked the salary card: what to do, to whom and how to contact in order to solve this problem as soon as possible? The answers to these and other questions will be discussed in detail in this article.

Reasons for blocking a salary card

Very often, people who receive wages for plastic ask themselves whether bailiffs have the right to block a salary card. Indeed, after all, the card is yours, the money on it is also yours, so on what grounds are funds debited unilaterally (that is, without your consent)?

If the bailiffs blocked the salary card, it is likely that this happened for one of the following most common reasons:

  • the presence of overdue debt on a mortgage or consumer loan,
  • utility bills,
  • unpaid fines
  • obligation to pay child support on time.

Arrest can be imposed not only by the courts, but also by tax, customs authorities, and the federal financial monitoring service.

How is the card blocked?

In fact, if the bailiffs blocked the card, this happened in accordance with the current legislation. The procedure for seizing a card is as follows:

  1. The issuance of a court decision, according to which the borrower must fully repay the existing debt,
  2. A notice in the form of a writ of execution is sent to the bank that issued and services the card,
  3. Based on the writ of execution, the issuing bank blocks the plastic,
  4. Funds are debited (one-time or monthly), and after repayment of debts, the funds are released.

Thus, the answer to the question whether bailiffs can block a salary card will be in the affirmative.

Options for solving the problem of blocking a salary card

Consider options for what can be done if bailiffs have blocked a salary card.

Personal meeting with bailiffs

First you should go to the bank that issued your card, find out the reason for the arrest of funds, and also get a certificate confirming the fact of blocking and the fact that funds were debited from the salary card. After that, you can go to the bailiffs and write a statement regarding unlocking. Beforehand, you can familiarize yourself with the materials of your case - for this you also need to write an application. From the file you will find out the exact amount of the debt, and by whom it is collected. If more than 50% are written off, you also need to write a statement asking you to sort it out.

Contacting a lender

If it is possible to promptly pay off all the existing debt that caused the blocking of the card, the creditor will withdraw the claim, and the absence of a statement of claim will automatically lead to the release of funds on the salary card.

Going to court

The bailiffs blocked the card, but you do not agree with this? Then you can appeal the court decision by filing a counterclaim.

There is also such an option as a temporary solution to the problem - to agree with the boss that you will be given wages in cash, bypassing plastic. However, let's be honest - few leaders will do this.

Therefore, it is better to borrow money from friends or acquaintances (or give away part of the property to pay off debts), close the debt, after which the card will be automatically unlocked.

But don't panic. A positive answer to the question of whether bailiffs can block a salary card should be clarified with an amendment that no more than 50% (in individual cases - 70%) of all funds received for plastic can be written off.

Keep in mind that the amount of deductions can be reduced to 30% if the debtor has a minor child, and up to 25% if the child is raised by a single parent.

How to write an application for unlocking funds

So, the bailiffs have blocked the card, but what do you not know to do? If you managed to pay off or restructure the debt and need to urgently remove the arrest, you must write an application that must include the following information:

  • The name of the bailiff service, their address,
  • Name of the applicant and the bailiff himself,
  • The address at which the applicant is registered
  • Case number and date when enforcement proceedings were opened,
  • Name of the issuing bank of the salary card,
  • And, in fact, the card number.

If more than 50% of accruals have been debited from the card in the last month, you should immediately file a lawsuit in court. So it will be possible to find out on what basis more funds are blocked than expected, and at the same time it will be possible to reduce the amount of penalties.

It often happens that all debts have already been paid off, and it is not possible to fully use your salary card. In the absence of debt, the bailiff must transfer to the bank servicing your card a decision to cancel the block. If the terms for the cancellation of the arrest are unreasonably delayed, you have every right to apply to higher authorities:

  • to the prosecutor's office
  • to court,
  • to the local bailiff service.

You can file a complaint in person or by mail. The review period is up to 30 days, after which a written response must be received.

In the process of unlocking the card, the court and the bank can send the debtor to each other, so lawyers recommend that all applications submitted be made in several copies and that all documents related to the case be kept.

Sooner or later, every debtor is faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as the arrest of a bank account. Unfortunately, if you have debts on loans, utilities, or just fines from the traffic police, you are guaranteed to freeze your account in any case, at least if any bank account or deposit is opened in your name. But often one has to face such a situation as the arrest of credit cards, and this is a doubly unpleasant phenomenon for the debtor, he is not only deprived of funds, but will also have to repay the loan in accordance with the bank agreement. Can bailiffs seize a credit card, this is the question that worries every debtor.

What does the law say

Indeed, within the framework of enforcement proceedings, the bailiff has the right to seek and seize debtors' accounts in Russian banks. That is, after receiving a court order to collect debt from an individual, the bailiff makes inquiries to various banks in order to search for his bank accounts. After that, he, within the framework of a legal requirement, provides the bank with an order to seize and recover funds.

To say the same in simple words, that is, the bailiff has the right to demand from the bank the debtor's money, namely the money that is stored in the accounts of an individual and belongs to him. This implies the question of whether the bailiffs have the right to arrest a credit card, because it does not have the debtor's personal finances, but the funds of the banking organization that it provided to the borrower under the terms of the loan agreement.

In fact, bailiffs really do not have the right to block the borrower's credit funds insofar as they do not belong to him. And according to the law, only the personal property of the debtor, in respect of which enforcement proceedings were instituted, is subject to recovery. That is, within the framework of enforcement proceedings, the bailiff has the right to recover funds and property belonging directly to the debtor.

Importantly, bailiffs do not have the right to seize credit cards insofar as the funds are the property of the bank and do not belong to the debtor.

The process of freezing bank accounts

In fact, the initiation of enforcement proceedings should not be an unpleasant surprise for the debtor, because each of them has a real chance to pay off debts before the start of the process of forced collection of debts. The bailiff is obliged to send a letter to the address of the debtor and inform him of the initiation of enforcement proceedings within 5 days, if there was no voluntary return of the amount of money according to the executive document.

The procedure for freezing bank accounts is as follows:

  1. The bailiff-executor receives a decision on the collection of debt by force against an individual.
  2. The bailiff sends a notice to the address of the debtor about the enforcement of debt collection or the fulfillment of other obligations.
  3. In the event that the debtor has not fulfilled his obligations, the bailiff sends a request to commercial banks in order to search for the debtor's funds.
  4. The bank sends a response to the request to the bailiffs and indicates whether there are accounts of the debtor in a particular commercial bank.
  5. If such accounts are searched for, they are seized for the purpose of subsequent write-off of funds to pay off existing debts.

Please note that the arrest is imposed for the purpose of subsequent recovery, that is, the funds, if any, on the account are immediately transferred to the account of the bailiff, who, in turn, transfers them according to the executive document.

But this issue has another side. If you own a credit card, you must imagine that it has a negative or zero balance, because you are using borrowed funds from the bank. Accordingly, in practice, bailiffs cannot write off money from her, and this is primarily not in the interests of the bank. But by court order, bailiffs send a request to the bank specifically for the purpose of finding an account. That is, the bank directly transmits information in the form of numbers of those same accounts. And after that, they are arrested. It follows that the bank can write off either the borrower's personal funds stored on the credit card account, or write off money at the time of replenishment of the account.

But even a perfect and safe bank system can give technical errors, it is at this moment that funds can be debited from enforcement proceedings by a bailiff. By the way, one cannot but say that such a situation is very rare. Indeed, money is debited from credit accounts on account of enforcement proceedings, and there is definitely no clear reason for this phenomenon, otherwise, the debtors would not have such a question whether bailiffs can block a credit card.

And, finally, one more fact cannot be ignored: the bailiffs receive only the debtor's accounts from the bank, that is, they do not know what their purpose is, that is, they can arrest a credit account, credit card, debit card, deposit, salary card and account to which the debtor receives pension payments and state benefits, alimony and others. In accordance with the law, they should not deal with this issue and immediately seize all the accounts of the debtor.

What action should the debtor take?

What to do if he found that his credit card was blocked on the initiative of bailiffs. Today, detecting the arrest of a bank account is as easy as shelling pears, because the bank notifies its customers of any changes in its account using SMS messages. Therefore, if you receive a notice from a bank stating that the account has been seized, you need to immediately visit a financial institution. Your task is to find out who blocked the account and for what reason. Undoubtedly, the bank will not tell you the reason for the arrest of the account, but it can give you an extract indicating the last name, first name and patronymic of the bailiff, his business phone number and the reason, that is, the reason for the arrest and his number.

Next, you should contact the bailiff service and find out the reason for the blocking, because it happens that the account was arrested by mistake of the bailiff and the money is debited illegally, but this is a separate issue here, of course, you can count on a full refund. If the funds were debited from the credit account, then you must write an application for the return of borrowed funds.

There is one more nuance. You may be denied the return of borrowed funds insofar as bailiffs are interested in repaying the debt as soon as possible, but the debtor himself can go to court and recover his money.

How to sue a bailiff

So, if the bailiffs deducted money from a credit card and refused to return the money to you, you can challenge their actions in court. Only before going to court, you definitely need to resolve the issue of overdue debts, perhaps you can agree with the plaintiff on your enforcement proceedings and determine the procedure for repaying the debt, that is, conclude an agreement and provide the court with evidence that you are not evading payment debt, and determined the course of action with the plaintiff.

Further, you can go to court and demand from the bailiff to return the borrowed funds of the bank. On the other hand, you may not do this, because the funds were written off to pay off your debt. And, therefore, you owe the bank from whose card the funds were debited, here you simply pay off the loan and forget about your debts.

If the two previous options do not suit you, then in any case you can file a lawsuit and demand that the bailiff return the loan funds. To do this, you need to apply to the court of general jurisdiction and draw up a statement of claim. By the way, it is better to turn to professionals, because in this matter there are many nuances and subtleties, at the same time, you will receive competent legal advice.

Verification of enforcement proceedings in the FSSP database

Once your claim is ready, you can file it with the court. In court, you will need to insist on the return of funds to the card account insofar as they do not belong to you and are the property of the bank. You have a chance of a positive court decision, but again, you will need to determine the procedure for repaying the debt, for example, you can agree with the bailiff to repay the debt in installments or a certain percentage of your monthly income.

Please note that if credit funds were debited from a bank card, then before they are credited to your account, you will have to pay off the loan with the bank and here you should not evade your obligations, because you signed a loan agreement, according to which you are required to make monthly payments to debt repayment account.

To summarize, bailiffs have every right to seize the debtor's bank accounts, this action is within the framework of the current legislation on enforcement proceedings. But on the other hand, the bank is not obliged to pay for you, and you can demand the return of illegally debited credit funds from your bank card. In another option, you can leave everything as it is and pay further with the bank, although in this case you will have to pay interest for this specified by the agreement.

Article 81

1. The decision to seize the debtor's funds held in a bank or other credit organization, the bailiff sends to the bank or other credit organization.
2. In the event that the details of the debtor's accounts are unknown, the bailiff sends to the bank or other credit organization a decision to search for the debtor's accounts and seize the funds on the debtor's accounts in the amount of the debt determined in accordance with part 2 of article 69 of this federal law.
(As amended by Federal Law No. 389-FZ of December 3, 2011)

3. The bank or other credit organization immediately executes the decision to seize the debtor's funds and informs the bailiff in writing or in the form of an electronic document signed by the relevant official with an enhanced qualified electronic signature, the details of the debtor's accounts and the amount of the debtor's funds, arrested on each account.
(Part 3 as amended by Federal Law No. 41-FZ of March 8, 2015)

(see text in previous edition)

4. The bailiff shall immediately take measures to remove the arrest from the debtor's funds excessively arrested by a bank or other credit organization.
5. The provisions of this article shall also apply to the debtor's funds held in a special account of a professional participant in the securities market or in a nominal bank account owned by another person.
(As amended by Federal Law No. 379-FZ of December 21, 2013)

(see text in previous edition)

6. If there are no or insufficient funds, the bank or other credit institution shall suspend operations with the available funds on the accounts of the debtor and (or) continue further execution of the decision to seize as funds are received on the accounts of the debtor until the execution of the said decision in full or until the removal of the arrest by the bailiff.
(Part 6 was introduced by Federal Law No. 389-FZ of December 3, 2011)

7. From the date of revocation of a banking license from a bank or other credit institution, enforcement documents on the seizure of the debtor's funds held on his accounts with such a bank or such credit institution are subject to execution subject to the provisions of the Federal Law "On Banks and Banking activities” and Federal Law No. 127-FZ of October 26, 2002 “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)”.
(Part 7 was introduced by Federal Law No. 144-FZ of July 28, 2012, as amended by Federal Law No. 432-FZ of December 22, 2014)

(see text in previous edition)

8. The provisions of this article shall not apply to funds held in special electoral accounts, special accounts of referendum funds.
(Part 8 was introduced by Federal Law No. 66-FZ of March 9, 2016)

In accordance with Article 99 of the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings”, bailiffs have the right to arrest up to 50% of the salary

If there is a fact of seizure in the amount of more than 50%, write an immediate complaint to the senior bailiff or the head of the department.

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