My impressions after reading the novel The Master and Margarita Bulgakov M. A


In this essay, I want to talk about one of the most famous works of Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov, “The Master and Margarita”, which I really liked. According to V.Ya. Lakshina, Mikhail Afanasyevich wrote his novel for more than ten years. He dictated the last insertions to his wife in February 1940, three weeks before his death.

The basis of this novel is the conflict between good and evil. Good is represented here in the person of Yeshua Ha-Notsri, close in image to Christ, and evil in the person of Woland, Satan in human form. However, the originality of this novel lies in the fact that evil does not obey good, and both of these forces are equal. This can be seen by considering the following example: when Levi Matthew comes to ask Woland for the Master and Margarita, he says: “Yeshua read the Master’s<..>and asks you to take the Master with you and reward him with peace.” Yeshua is asking Woland, not ordering him.

Woland does not come to earth alone. He is accompanied by beings who, by and large, play the role of jesters in the novel, arrange all kinds of shows. By their actions, they reveal human vices and weaknesses. Also, their task was to do all the "dirty" work for Woland, serve him, prepare Margarita for the Great Ball and for her and the Master's journey to the world of peace. Woland's retinue consisted of three "main" jesters - the Cat Behemoth, Koroviev-Fagot, Azazello and the vampire girl Gella.

One of the most enigmatic figures in The Master and Margarita is, of course, the Master, a historian turned writer. The author himself called him a hero, but introduced him to the reader only in the thirteenth chapter. I especially liked this character. Although the master could not pass all the tests unbroken, refused to fight for his novel, refused to continue it, but the very fact that he was able to write the same novel, elevates him above other people and, of course, cannot but arouse sympathy in the reader. Also, it should be noted that the Master and his hero Yeshua are similar in many ways.

The motive of love and mercy is connected with the image of Margarita in the novel. This can be confirmed by what she asks after the Great Ball from Satan for the unfortunate Frida, while she is clearly hinted at the request for the release of the Master.


Development of lessons for one of the sections of the curriculum, demonstrating the use of modern educational technologies by the teacher

Lessons designed by a literature teacher

MBOO "Udomelskaya secondary school No. 4" of the Tver region

Khakimova V.A.

Development of lessons using new technologies

based on the novel by M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita".

The potential of the novel by M.A. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita", a unique work of literature of the XX century. It is not easy to study at school, although high school students read the novel with enthusiasm. The amusement of the plot, fantasy, the presence of an adventure story, unusual characters - all this kindles reader interest in students.

But it can be difficult for schoolchildren to tie together the plot lines of the novel, to comprehend the author's ideas about life and death, good and evil, guilt and retribution.

To study the biography of the writer and the novel itself, it is necessary to allocate 6 lessons.

Lesson 1. Biography of the writer. Analysis of the reader's perception of the novel "The Master and Margarita".

The purpose of the lesson: to acquaint students with the biography of the writer, to reveal the reader's perception of the novel.

1. A word about a writer.

2. Do you believe that...

(using the technique of critical thinking technology).

M. Bulgakov was born in the family of a professor at the Kyiv Theological Academy?

By education, M. Bulgakov is a physician, he graduated from the Kyiv Medical

Honors University?

Had a private medical practice like A.P. Chekhov?

The first works of the writer - plays?

All the works that glorified the writer were written in Moscow?

M. Bulgakov wrote a letter to Stalin with a request to leave the USSR because of


Did you work as an assistant director at the Moscow Art Theater?

Staged a staging of the poem by N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

Based on Bulgakov's novel, the film "The Master and Margarita" directed by V. Bortko was made?

3. Messages from students on the biography of the writer.

1) Childhood and youthful years of M. Bulgakov.

2) The military service of the writer. The beginning of literary activity.

3) Literary activity of the writer.

4) Work on the novel "Master and Margarita".

5) The last years of the writer's life.

4. Match the assumptions made at the beginning of the lesson with the biographical data of M.A. Bulgakov.

5. Analysis of the reader's perception of the novel "The Master and Margarita".

Questions for discussion:

What impression did the novel make on you?

What pages stand out the most?

When reading which episodes of the novel did you find it difficult to keep from laughing?

What episodes were read with tears in your eyes?

What are your first ideas about the Master and Margarita?

What storylines can you name?

As homework for the second lesson, students reread the "Moscow chapters".

Lesson 2. Woland and his retinue. The satirical skill of the writer.

The purpose of the lesson: to test students' knowledge of the text of the novel, to analyze episodes related to Woland and his retinue, to reveal the satirical skill of the writer.

I. Test on the novel.

  1. The novel does not take place:

a) in Moscow

b) in St. Petersburg

c) in Yershalaim

d) in Yalta

  1. About whom does the Master write his novel?

a) about Ivan Bezdomny

b) about Woland

c) about Pontius Pilate

d) about Margaret

  1. Which hero is the main one in the "Yershalaim chapters"?

a) Yeshua Ga-Nozri

b) Pontius Pilate

c) Mark Ratslayer

d) Matthew Levi

  1. Which of the heroes is not included in Woland's retinue?

a) Behemoth

b) Koroviev

c) Azazello

d) Baron Meigel

  1. What unites the members of MASSOLIT, headed by Berlioz?

a) a writer's vocation

b) hard work

c) youth

d) receiving benefits

  1. What did the Master do with his novel?

a) sent to print

b) lost

c) burned

d) put it on the table

  1. Who was Margarita at Woland's ball?

a) hostess

b) a guest

c) Margarita was not at Woland's ball

d) a maid

  1. What character trait did Yeshua consider to be the worst vice?

A) greed

B) cowardice

B) meanness

D) arrogance

  1. What event is not connected with the heroes of the novel Koroviev, Azazello, Behemoth?

A) arson of Griboyedov's house

B) tricks of black magic

B) a carnival procession

D) replenishment of the clinic with new patients

10) The work of which writer resembles the chapters of a satirical

images of Moscow society?

a) M.E. Saltykov - Shchedrin

b) A.P. Chekhov

c) N.V. Gogol

d) A.S. Griboyedov

a, c

  1. "Immersion" in the text of the novel, work in groups.

Divide the class into groups, each group discussing its topic.

1 group. Woland and his retinue.

Issues for discussion:

Find portraits of Woland and his retinue;

What is the plot-compositional role of Woland in the novel?

How is Bulgakov's devil similar and different from his literary


What is the connection between Woland's actions and the author's choice of epigraph?

2 group. Black magic and its exposure.

Issues for discussion:

In what episodes of the novel does Woland's retinue act?

How do Muscovites behave in scenes related to black magic?

Why did Woland need such a performance?

Character typing?

3rd group. Ball with Satan.

Issues for discussion:

Why does Woland appear in Moscow?

What characters are the guests of the ball?

Why does Woland choose Margarita as the hostess of the ball?

What is the purpose of this episode?

  1. Speeches of representatives of groups with messages.

Summing up the lesson.

As homework, students should choose a description of the manners of Bulgakov's contemporary writing environment. Pay special attention to the history of the Master.

Lesson 3. Problems of literary creativity in Bulgakov's novel.

The purpose of the lesson: reveal the problems of literary creativity in the novel, invite students to search activities for the purpose of cooperation.

  1. Sample questions and tasks of problematic search when studying a novel:

Why did Woland punish Berlioz and not punish Ivan Homeless?

What should be a real writer? What problems are the writers concerned about in Bulgakov's novel?

Can madness become epiphany?

What is the similarity between the fate of the Master and the fate of Bulgakov?

Why and how did Ivan Bezdomny become the successor and spiritual heir of the Master?

The search method is based on the following forms of activity:

a) work with text;

b) selection of citations;

c) episode analysis;

d) comparative analysis;

e) revealing the artistic features of the text.

For each question, students collect the necessary material, the collected information is drawn up in the form of diagrams.

  1. Why did Woland punish Berlioz and not punish Ivan Homeless?


Ivan Homeless

thick magazine editor

Chairman of the Board


Proletarian poet;

Bears the name of a famous


Surname reminds

Surnames of proletarian poets:

Poor, Stray, Hungry


A typical representative of the Soviet



Talented poet;


- "hypnotized" by Berlioz.

The ideologue who fooled

Aspiring poets and writers.


Woland punishes Berlioz by uttering the famous words: "To each will be given according to his faith." But that's the trouble, that Berlioz doesn't believe in anything. Behind him is the inflexibility of a dogmatist, pseudo-scholarship, the highest school of hypocrisy. The editor of a thick magazine, managing literature, breeds his own kind. Therefore, Woland executes him with a terrible execution, and from his head he makes a cup for wine.

Ivan Bezdomny is "hypnotized" by the teacher, but he has a talent, it's not for nothing that Jesus is "like alive." Woland forgives him.

  1. What should a writer be like? What problems are the writers concerned about in Bulgakov's novel?

How should writers live?

What are the members of MASSOLIT concerned about?

1. Thoughts about the appointment of a person.

1. Expansion of your own living space.

2. Reflections on the ways of development of society.

2. Profitable business trips.

3. Searching for a person's place in the outside world.

3. High fees.

4. Country problems.

5. Social order.


The morals prevailing in the writer's environment are subjected to especially sharp and merciless criticism in the novel. Writers, called to think about the highest things in life, think only about personal well-being. None of them ever think about literature. Talentless and soulless philistines and townsfolk, dreaming of benefits and material benefits, are ready to slander and slander anyone for their sake.

  1. Can madness become epiphany?

Purification of Ivan the Homeless:

A different person comes out of the font, along with the clothes, the identity of MASSOLIT and the feeling of belonging to the workshop of writers disappear;

I am convinced that Satan is in Griboyedov's house;

Icon and candle in hand.


Losing his mind, Ivan Bezdomny begins to see clearly. He began to see the mediocrity of his fellow writers. Emotional shock - liberation from stereotyped thinking, from mind-binding dogmas, from Marxist ideology.

  1. What is the similarity between the fate of the Master and the fate of Bulgakov?




The master has the opportunity to work calmly. Bulgakov did not have such an opportunity.

The fate of the writer - satirist

The master renounced his novel, Bulgakov did not renounce his works.

Raging bullying from critics

The master betrayed love.

Burnt romance

Bulgakov wrote his works "on the table".

Love at sunset


In the novel, we observe a clear parallel of M. Bulgakov's own fate and the Master's, because, as you know, out of almost two hundred articles and reviews about the writer's works published during his lifetime, only two were positive.

5. Why and how did Ivan Bezdomny become the successor and spiritual heir of the Master?

Ivan Homeless

Comprehends the dialectics of life and absorbs

humanistic ideals;

Gains faith;

Shows intelligence;

Becomes enlightened.

Employee of the Institute of Philosophy and History;

The ideological successor and spiritual successor of the Master.


The history of the Master, his tragic fate led Ivan Bezdomny to the understanding that he lives in a country of arbitrariness and lawlessness.

As an artist, he is captured by the riot of fantasy, the psychological authenticity of the Master's creation. Now he will never come to Griboyedov's house. He knew the essence of creativity, the measure of the truly beautiful was revealed to him. An employee of the Institute of History and Philosophy Ivan Nikolaevich Ponyrev becomes the ideological successor and spiritual heir of the Master.

As homework, it is proposed to re-read the "Yershalaim chapters of the novel", to prepare individual messages on the Gospels.

In this essay, I want to talk about one of the most famous works of Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov, "The Master and Margarita", which I really liked. According to V.Ya. Lakshina, Mikhail Afanasyevich wrote his novel for more than ten years. He dictated the last insertions to his wife in February 1940, three weeks before his death.

The basis of this novel is the conflict between good and evil. Good is represented here in the person of Yeshua Ha-Notsri, close in image to Christ, and evil in the person of Woland, Satan in human form. However, the originality of this novel lies in the fact that evil does not obey good, and both of these forces are equal. This can be verified by considering the following example: when Levi Matthew comes to ask Woland for the Master and Margarita, he says: "Yeshua read the Master's<..>and asks you to take the Master with you and reward him with peace.” Yeshua is asking Woland, not ordering him.

Woland does not come to earth alone. He is accompanied by beings who, by and large, play the role of jesters in the novel, arrange all kinds of shows. By their actions, they reveal human vices and weaknesses. Also, their task was to do all the "dirty" work for Woland, serve him, prepare Margarita for the Great Ball and for her and the Master's journey to the world of peace. Woland's retinue consisted of three "main" jesters - the Cat Behemoth, Koroviev-Fagot, Azazello and the vampire girl Gella.

One of the most enigmatic figures in The Master and Margarita is, of course, the Master, a historian turned writer. The author himself called him a hero, but introduced him to the reader only in the thirteenth chapter. I especially liked this character. Although the master could not pass all the tests unbroken, refused to fight for his novel, refused to continue it, but the very fact that he was able to write the same novel, elevates him above other people and, of course, cannot but arouse sympathy in the reader. Also, it should be noted that the Master and his hero Yeshua are similar in many ways.

The motive of love and mercy is connected with the image of Margarita in the novel. This can be confirmed by what she asks after the Great Ball from Satan for the unfortunate Frida, while she is clearly hinted at the request for the release of the Master.

In my opinion, the essence of the novel lies in the criticism of many human vices of that time. According to, again, Lakshin, when Bulgakov wrote his novel, he had great difficulties with sharp political satire, which the writer wanted to hide from the eyes of censorship and which, of course, was understandable to people really close to Mikhail Afanasyevich. Some of the most politically open places in the novel were destroyed by the writer in the early stages of his work.

For me, the novel "The Master and Margarita" is a very important work that puts a person on a new stage of his spiritual development. After reading the same novel, one can easily understand why it has become a classic not only of Russian, but also of world literature.

Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" has been read by a huge number of people, it has been translated into many languages ​​and staged in theaters countless times. However, he, this novel, is still not fully disclosed, we are still far from comprehending all the truths directly or indirectly presented to us by the author. Critics and publicists are still struggling with endless riddles: who is Woland, where to look for the origins of the plot, who are the prototypes of the characters, can the novel be interpreted as a kind of remake of the Gospel? And each person, reading and rereading Bulgakov's immortal lines (after all, "manuscripts do not burn"), finds his own truth, experiences his feelings, so unlike the feelings of others and so unlike the feelings experienced for the first time when reading. In my opinion, in order to better understand Bulgakov's novel, it is worth re-reading it at least twice. Otherwise, the truth may slip away. The reader, having opened the pages of The Master and Margarita for the first time, follows the plot, reads the dialogues and tries to guess the denouement. But having picked up the book for the third time and knowing almost all the events, the inquisitive mind is now following the development of philosophical ideas, the author's ambiguous interpretation of eternal truths and the miraculous transformations of good into evil and vice versa. Then maybe a third or fourth time.

I was very interested in reading The Master and Margarita. I will not hide, sometimes the actions and words of the heroes seemed incomprehensible and meaningless to me, sometimes it seemed to me that the heroes should not cross the line separating vice from righteousness and madness from reason. But Bulgakov did not write his novel to please the public and critics. As we know, "The Master and Margarita" is interpreted by many as the writer's spiritual testament, and therefore, probably, many of his thoughts are sharply outlined in the novel. And from this all the lines are filled with sacred meaning.

I was very interested in the figure of Pontius Pilate, forgiven at the end by the Master, although in the course of the action it turns out that Pilate was not so guilty of the death of Yeshua, because he still tried to save him. We do not find this in the Gospel. And in general, everything in the novel is turned upside down, and Woland, this devil in the flesh, seems to us almost an angel: “Your novel was read,” Woland began, turning to the master, “and they said only one thing, that he, unfortunately not finished. So, I wanted to show you your hero. For about two thousand years he has been sitting on this platform and sleeping, but when the full moon comes, as you can see, he is tormented by insomnia. She torments not only him, but also his faithful guardian, the dog. If it is true that cowardice is the most serious vice, then, perhaps, the dog is not to blame for it. The only thing the brave dog was afraid of was thunderstorms. Well, the one who loves must share the fate of the one he loves. It turns out that Woland is almost an oracle, through whose mouth Yeshua, Jesus, who was crucified, speaks to us. But this Yeshua also loves Pilate, who crucified him, and forgives him, or is it the Master who forgives the procurator, or Woland?

The novel unwinds like an endless ball of threads, it seems that all events are interconnected, and, at the same time, there is no connection. Those who at first seem cruel and bad, in the end turn out to be merciful and good. At first, Woland is frightening, these countless murders and transformations, this terrible ball with a series of murderers and murderers, but he is Satan himself! But here he allows Margarita to forgive Frida, here he returns to the Master his apartment and lamp, here he takes out the burnt manuscript, and we involuntarily exclaim together with the Master: “All-powerful, omnipotent!” Sometimes Woland seems even more omnipotent than God, because it is so easy, casually, to manage the lives and souls of Mokvich people, occupy apartments and move individuals in space. But the Muscovites themselves are to blame, "the housing problem ruined them," and therefore Woland's power came.

It was very interesting for me to follow the adventures of Woland's retinue. It is from the replicas of Behemoth and Azazello that we learn about the main vices of that time, it is through the eyes of these heroes that we see the society of that time. And that is why there is so much satire in the dialogues of these heroes. After all, “The Master and Margarita” is, first of all, a social novel that ridicules human sins and draws attention to them, and, thanks to the skill of Bulgakov the writer, Moscow of those years very clearly appears before our mind's eye: “They, they! - the long checkered one sang in a goatish voice, speaking in the plural about Styopa, - in general, they have been terribly swine lately. They get drunk, enter into relationships with women, using their position, they don’t do a damn thing, and they can’t do anything, because they don’t understand anything about what they are entrusted with. The authorities are being rubbed points! There are a lot of funny moments in the novel, and sometimes you wonder why you can’t say “Shoot!” like this in real life. and move such Likhodeevs somewhere in Yalta or even further. In general, the adventures of the Wolandov retinue are like a fairy tale, because they punish the bad and encourage the good, but do not forget to play pranks. Without them, this color would not have been in the novel, reminiscent somewhere of the adventures of Ostap Bender from The Golden Calf and The Twelve Chairs.

I repeat, but it was very interesting to read the pages dedicated to Pontius Pilate. In the Bible, we find his image outlined very superficially, and in the novel all his feelings and thoughts are conveyed to us. Reading about him, I involuntarily imagined myself in his place, and everyone, probably, did the same. Here Bulgakov poses the age-old problem of responsibility for one's actions. Pilate is invested with authority, he can command and punish, and now the “criminal” Yeshua is brought to him, and he listens to him and is imbued with compassion for him. But why? “Ga-Notsri left forever, and there is no one to heal the terrible, evil pains of the procurator; there is no remedy for them but death. But it was not this thought that struck Pilate now. All the same incomprehensible longing that had already come on the balcony permeated his entire being. He immediately tried to explain it, and the explanation was strange: it seemed vaguely to the procurator that he did not finish something with the convict, or maybe he did not listen to something. Then what Pilate didn't listen to two thousand years ago, the half-mad writer Master will explain to him. That's how weirdly intertwined time is. While reading, I was constantly worried about the question: who is the main character of the novel, the Master or Pontius Pilate? Then I realized that this, probably, everyone decides for himself. For me, Pilate became a hero, he had to endure too much during his lifetime, and after, but he was nevertheless “released”. His suffering is so strong, and his heart is filled with such longing, because somewhere in his soul he understands that he will go down in history as a procurator who gave the order to kill God, no matter how paradoxical it sounds. And how then he repents, and this silent order to kill Judas, who betrayed Yeshua, is presented to us as another attempt to atone for his inexcusable guilt. According to Bilean laws, one cannot kill, even if murder is revenge, but in The Master and Margarita everything is upside down: “I, procurator, have been working in Judea for fifteen years. I began my service under Valeria Grata. I do not have to see a corpse in order to say that a person has been killed, and here I am reporting to you that the one who was called Judas from the city of Kiriath was stabbed to death a few hours ago. This is how the procurator tried to “save” Judas and do everything possible for the man whom he condemned to death: bury him and thank the people who helped Yeshua.

It is interesting to follow the development of women's destinies in the novel, and of course, first of all, the fate of Margarita. In the Gospel we also find her - this is Mary Magdalene, the holy harlot. But just as Mary Magdalene is sacred, Margarita plays her sacred role in Bulgakov's novel. She is more a mother than a wife, a queen than a beggar, a saint than a sinner, even though we see her as the ruler at the ball of all sinners. Margarita is an example of all-forgiving and all-consuming love. She is able to love everyone's cursed, insane Master, and this love regenerates her. She is probably not even Mary Magdalene, but rather the progenitor Eve, who gave rise to the entire human race on earth. In general, the motifs of death, rebirth and new life are very strong in the novel. The master is reborn in the hospital, meeting his mentor Bezdomny there, Margarita is reborn, anointed with a magic ointment, Pilate is reborn after “killing” Yeshua and Judas, and only Woland is eternal.

There is no doubt that The Master and Margarita is indeed a great work. For me, it is like a reference book, and I know that no matter how many times I re-read it, I will always find something new. It is probably possible to re-read the novel following, for example, only the life of the Master, or only the actions of Woland, but then you will have to re-read it a huge number of times, but maybe then we will still be able to understand who is the bearer of that power, “what always wants evil and always does good,” because, for example, it seems to me that this is not necessarily Woland. The novel “The Master and Margarita” is also a hymn to a simple person who, believing in himself, is capable of doing great deeds, just as he did it, believing in himself and in the words of the unfortunate prisoner, the cruel fifth procurator of Judea, the rider Pontus Pilate.


For the preparation of this work, materials from the site were used.

After reading Bulgakov's world-famous novel The Master and Margarita, I was impressed, in the good sense of the word. In the process of reading, countless mysteries, mysteries and ambiguities arise, about which literary critics argue to this day, because they cannot come to a common opinion. I believe that Bulgakov managed to create the greatest novel in the history of vast world literature. The novel covered a wide variety of topics that, despite everything, were "connected". The storyline is closely related to

Biblical history, as well as with events described in the New Testament. However, the narrative in The Master and Margarita; is conducted on behalf of Satan, as a result of which we can hear the second unofficial title of the novel - “The Gospel of Satan”.

The meaning of the novel is extremely deep. The first meaning is that the reader thinks about the good, looking at the light of the face of Yeshua Ha-Nozri. And the second meaning of the novel is evil - darkness in the guise of Woland. In the course of reading, the reader involuntarily comes across these two opposite characters and, accordingly, their philosophical reasoning.

"Meeting" with Woland every hero

survived in his own way. Personally, I do not consider Satan a dark person. In the novel, Satan appeared in the guise of a bearer of truth, just like Yeshua. . And the bribe-taker Bosoy, the financial director and director of the Variety Rimsky and Likhodeev, and the entertainer Georges Bengalsky, and the barman Sokov - all of them were severely punished by Woland's retinue. All these heroes have unpleasant, terrible memories of meeting with the retinue of Satan, or by himself.

Coming punishment for their actions - this is Bulgakov's main idea. There is truth in every line of the novel. Truth is something created by God and not defiled. In my opinion, Bulgakov still managed to write his masterpiece novel, in which only a true master could so smoothly connect the future and the past, light and darkness, good and evil.


  • master and margarita essay
  • essay on master and margarita
  • the image of margarita in the novel the master and margarita essay
  • my impression of the novel master and margarita
  • Essay on The Master and Margarita

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