Is it possible to use soap for constipation and which one is better to choose: household or children's (fragrant). Facial soap for washing


Note that today we will not touch on laundry soap, but we will talk about ordinary, toilet soap. So it's used:

1.To protect indoor plants from bacteria and some insects. Treat the leaves of the plant with soapy water and insects will be less likely to bother you.
If midges have already attacked you, then try adding a little soap to the water to water the plants. This will help expel the insects.

2. A small piece of fragrant soap can repel insects. Place it on your windowsill to keep pesky insects out of your home.

3. If you have some difficulties when fastening a jacket with a zipper - it is difficult to do, the lock does not slide well, then just grease the zipper with soap and it will be much easier for you to fasten the jacket.

4. Need matte paint, but only glossy? It doesn’t matter, because if you add soapy water to glossy paint, it will become matte.

5. As a remedy for acne in combination with activated charcoal. Melt the soap in a water bath and add activated charcoal powder to it. Pour the soap into a mold so that it freezes and now wash your face with it regularly.

6. If you are engaged in sewing, then soap will be useful to you as a substitute for a standard, tailor's chalk. It leaves a clear mark and can be easily removed after washing.

7. To make it easier to screw a screw into a tree, try lubricating it with soap - everything is easy and simple.

8. Is the desk drawer difficult to pull out? And here it was helpful - just lubricate the supports along which the box moves and it will become easier to push it out.
As you can already conclude, for some things soap is a good lubricant.

9. Seal windows. Of course, if you have Euro-windows, you do not need it, but not everyone can afford them, so you have to seal the windows for the winter, and soap will help for this. Simply grease the paper tapes with soap and seal the windows with them.

10. To wash linoleum or tiles, it is enough to add a little ammonia to the soap solution. It can also be used to remove some stains on clothing, such as deodorant stains, but before doing this, check the solution on the inside of the clothing fabric to see if it will damage it.

Korney Chukovsky, with the lines “Long live fragrant soap ...”, called on children to cleanliness and hygiene, which was especially relevant at the beginning of the 20th century, as well as in post-war Russia.

Do I need to use soap today, is it safe to wash my face with it every day, and what are the main functions of soap?

An analysis of more than a dozen studies conducted in scientific laboratories around the world showed that daily handwashing with soap reduces the incidence of viruses during epidemics by 21%, and gastrointestinal infections by 31%.

This once again proves to us that you need to wash your hands with soap. A piece of solid toilet soap today is a necessary hygiene product that every family has, it is used by adults and children.

Interestingly, the first soap in our country was only a luxury item. In the XIV-XV centuries, soap was given on special occasions: on birthdays and weddings. But what can I say, if 80 years ago (in the childhood of our grandmothers) soap was in short supply. Hair was cleaned with water with bread and ashes, linen was washed with coastal clay or soda.

The very hard soap that is sold in stores today was invented in the 8th century by the famous Arab alchemist Gabir ibn Khaen. It took almost 9 centuries until the Russian Empire first began to produce industrial soap. But despite this, until the middle of the 19th century, only nobles used soap.

At this time, the first washbasin appeared, and in aristocratic circles, ladies gathered for a fashionable action - washing with soap. The 20th century greatly changed the areas of use of soap, since it was at this time that synthetic detergents and various chemical additives to it appeared. It is interesting that it was in Russia in 1912 that the first synthetic surfactants without fats were invented, but they did not find wide distribution. Subsequently, already in 1930, the production of these substances was launched by the Americans, thanks to which today we have washing powders, shampoos, and liquid soaps.

To understand how safe it is to use soap, we will analyze its composition.

Soap composition

Solid soap:

  • a mixture of salts of higher fatty acids (lauric, oleic, stearic, palmitic),
  • glycerol,
  • flavors,
  • dyes.

Solid soap is obtained by the reaction of saponification of oils and fats with sodium hydroxide (alkali). Solid soap is always alkaline because it contains sodium hydroxide residues.

Liquid soap: almost always obtained on the basis of synthetic surfactants (surfactants).

Difference from solid soap: gives good foam due to surfactants, less alkaline pH, the presence of various softening and moisturizing additives.

Basic functions of soap

  • Cleansing dirt and hand hygiene

The soap molecule consists of two parts: hydrophobic (afraid of water) - contains long organic radicals and thus copes with pollution, and the hydrophilic part contains a carboxyl group, which is responsible for the interaction of the molecule with water.

  • Soap antibacterial function

Specialists are developing new components to combat pathogenic bacteria on the surface of the skin. There are currently two of the most commonly used antibacterial ingredients: triclosan and triclocarban, which are registered by the US Environmental Protection Agency as ingredients in hazardous pesticides. The worst thing is that these components are very persistent, and when we wash them down the drain, they end up in rivers and lakes.

A study of the composition of water in the Great Lakes, located in Canada and feeding the Atlantic Ocean (the most famous Lake Michigan), showed that triclosan was found in 90 percent of water samples and in many fish. What we use every day and pour into the sewer, as a result of the cycle, will certainly return to us. Triclosan is even found today in samples of breast milk. In our country, triclosan and triclocarban are permitted soap components.

According to dermatologists, excessive use of antibacterial soap can lead to unpleasant consequences: allergies and disruption of the skin microflora.

The well-known dermatologist Irina Skorogudaeva in many of her interviews has repeatedly emphasized that ordinary solid soap, and even more so antibacterial, destroys beneficial microorganisms on the surface of the skin along with harmful ones. In addition, triclosan soap, with constant use, can be addictive, as it leads to the resistance of microbes and even their mutation. Studies have shown that hospital bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa is generally resistant to its action.

There are several works devoted to the acquisition of microbial resistance to antibiotics under the influence of triclosan. Doctors advise using such soap only in unsanitary conditions. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2016 issued a ban on the use of triclosan in soap for general production. You can now buy triclosan soap in America only by prescription in pharmacies.

  • Cosmetic function of soap

In modern conditions, soap products are used as a cosmetic or facial cleanser. Specialists introduce into the composition of the soap components that are gentle on the skin, nourishing, healing, moisturizing and giving it radiance. However, dermatologists advise using only soaps for the face made from natural oils (olive, coconut) or special foams and mousses containing mild surfactants.

Is it safe to use soap?

To answer this question, we turned to specialists, as well as to the scientific literature. It is known that a person needs skin in order to limit the body from an aggressive external environment. As an aggressor, sudden changes in temperature, humidity, various sources of pollution, UV radiation, pathogenic microorganisms, as well as cleansers such as soap can act. The protective function of the skin is performed by the upper lipid layer, located in the stratum corneum. The lipid layer is composed of free fatty acids, ceramides and cholesterol, and has an acidic pH of about 4.5-5. Maintaining pH at this level is essential for healthy skin and microflora (LambersH.Int.Cosmet.Science 2006, 28,p.359).

In dermatology, there is even such a thing as the acid mantle of the stratum corneum. The physiological role of such an acid mantle is to protect against the effects of various microorganisms. It is very easy to break such a mechanism. For example, frequent washing of the face with hot water and ordinary solid soap or liquid cleansers containing sodium laureth sulfate or other harsh surfactants.

The lipid layer is extremely easily soluble with solid soap, as well as various hard surfactants.

If the lipid barrier leaves the skin, then water leaves the skin, and at the same time, the acidic environment on the surface is disturbed and the pH rises. Scientists have calculated that normal skin with a slightly acidic environment (pH5-5.5) can be in contact with soap for no more than 10-15 seconds without consequences. It will take about an hour to restore the protective layer of the epidermis after washing with such soap.

There are many reports in scientific articles from Australia, Germany, Japan that the continuous use of soap or alkaline cleanser significantly increases the pH of the skin (Duncan C.N. The effect of anacid icclean server sus soap on the skin pH and micro-flora of adult patients : anon-randomized two group crossover study in anintensive care unit Intensive Crit Care Nurs 2013;29, 291). Korting et al. have reported that the pH of the skin surface increased to as high as 8.5 with continuous use of soap on the face and forearm (Korting H.C.Int.J.Cosmet.Science 1991; p.91).

Studies conducted in America have shown that the pH level also affects the protective function of the skin. The skin of hairless mice was exposed to acetone and then the pH was measured. It was found that the protective barrier function of the skin was restored faster in the presence of an acidic solution compared to a neutral one. In an article in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, Hatano et al showed that keeping the lipid layer acidic with alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) and beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) prevented the development of dermatitis in mice. Scientists have found that acidic external agents are able to treat various dermatoses (HatanoY.J.Invest.Dermatol., 2009, 129: 1824-1835).

These acids are now part of many pharmaceutical cosmetics, as well as products used in the treatment of skin diseases.

About handmade soap

When choosing a beautiful handmade soap, you should pay attention to its composition, as well as information about the manufacturer. Some manufacturers use a chemical alkaline base as the basis for handmade soap. At the same time, the composition of such soap will practically not differ from ordinary bar soap. Often, a lot of dyes and flavors are added to hand-made soap, and the word “natural” is also written in order to attract the buyer. The best natural soap is brewed by hand using only natural vegetable oils. For example, coconut, olive, palm. It is worth saying that the cost of such soap in Russia cannot be less than 150-250 rubles.

skin pH in various diseases

The lipid layer, when working properly, is able to withstand various microorganisms, as well as external factors. Normal flora growth is optimal at acidic pH values, while pathogenic bacteria such as S. staphylococcus thrive at a neutral pH level (Körting H.C. ActaDerm. Venereol. 1990). Elevated pH has been observed in skin studies for various diseases. The study involved 100 children with atopic dermatitis. It was recorded that the pH of their skin is significantly higher than that of healthy children. Dermatologists have also found that skin pH is higher in patients with ichthyosis vulgaris (5.3 ± 0.7) than in healthy individuals (4.5). The enzymes responsible for ichthyosis desquamation are dependent on pH, which interferes with the normal desquamation process. Therefore, drugs with lactic acid are used all over the world to treat this disease (ActaDermVenereol 2013, 93, Skin pH: From Basic Science to Basic Skin Care, SabaM. ALIandGil Yosipovitch)

In people suffering from contact dermatitis, as well as athlete's foot, higher pH values ​​were recorded compared to healthy ones.

And finally, a study on teenagers with acne. In vitro acne-causing bacteria at pH 6.5 actively multiplied, and at pH values ​​less than "6" growth was markedly reduced. In a four week study , acne lesions increased in the bar soap group. The pH of the skin of adolescents who used liquid cleansers containing acids decreased.

All these works prove once again that patients suffering from skin diseases should not use hard soaps or other alkaline cleansers. This will only make their illness worse.

Problematic skin is often alkaline, so it needs to be acidified on a regular basis, and not further alkalized with soap. To do this, it is desirable that the facial cleanser contains natural and synthetic acids (lactic, grape, malic, tartaric, citric acids, salicylic acid), as well as prebiotics.

Tips for using soaps and cleansers for the face and body

Solid or liquid soap?

Since ordinary solid soap, as a rule, contains alkali residues in its composition and its pH is always too high, it is best to use such soap only for hands and feet. If possible, purchase a solid soap made from natural oils.
Liquid soap, as well as various shower gels, give good foam due to surfactants. Therefore, their pH is less alkaline. However, the presence of "hard" surfactants (for example, sodium laureth sulfate) makes such an agent difficult to wash off the skin. Some people note that after using shower gels, they have a persistent feeling of "chemistry" on the skin. Therefore, when choosing a liquid soap or gel, you need to pay attention to the composition of the product.

  1. First of all, you need to choose soap depending on which part of the body we want to use it for and for what (cleansing from dirt, bacteria or for cosmetic purposes).
  2. Bar soap is recommended only for washing hands and feet, where the skin is less sensitive. This soap is good to use for disinfection and cleansing of dirt every day. Hands should be washed in warm water with soap.
  3. As a solid soap, it is better to choose baby soap. All its components undergo strict quality control. Often the composition of such soap includes natural plant extracts, which gives it antiseptic properties.
  4. Liquid soap and cream soap, in which the pH is from 5.5 to 6-7, can be used to wash the body, but not daily, but 2-3 times a week in combination with warm, but not hot water.
  5. When choosing liquid soap, as well as facial cleansers, carefully read its composition. It is better to choose products containing mild surfactants: any glucosides, Decylpolyglucose, betaine, polyglycosides, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, sodium cocoylisethinate, Sodiumcoco-sulfate, sulfosuccinate, Sodium sulfosuccinate, Glythereth Cocoate, Disodium Cocoamphodiacetate, Magnesium lauryl sulfate. The less the product foams or lathers, the less surfactant it contains, the better.
  6. Do not buy liquid soap containing dyes and a large amount of fragrance. In general, it is better that liquid soap does not even have a transparent color, but is slightly cloudy. This once again indicates that complexes of correctly selected “soft” surfactants have been added to it.
  7. If your facial skin is problematic, then choose products with an acidic pH (less than 6).
  8. For cleansing delicate or sensitive facial skin, intimate hygiene products are also suitable, which are non-allergenic, but at the same time remove dirt well.
  9. In order to correctly choose a facial cleanser, it is better to contact a dermatologist who will select it for your skin type.
  10. Do not use soap containing triclosan and its analogues, even for hand washing. Only in emergency unsanitary cases.
  11. If you have time, try to cleanse your face and neck using natural ingredients prepared at home.

Natural Facial Cleanser Recipes

Recipe number 1. Remedy for any skin type, simple preparation

Cleansing with natural yogurt without additives is suitable for any skin type. If the skin is oily, then mix 1 tablespoon of yogurt and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply the mixture on your face, avoiding the skin around the eyes. Wash off with warm water.

Recipe number 2. For oily skin, based on honey

  • ¼ cup water
  • ¼ cup lemon juice
  • ½ cup oatmeal
  • ½ tablespoon honey
    Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix. Apply the mixture on a damp face and leave for 15 seconds, rinse with warm water.

Recipe number 3. Summer based on cucumber

  • ½ cup yogurt
  • ½ cucumber
  • 5 mint leaves

Place all the ingredients in a blender, grind and apply on a pre-moistened face, rinse with warm water.

Despite the fact that now the chemical industry offers a huge range of cleaners and detergents, the rough-looking, tart-smelling, "rare" laundry soap, which our grandmothers used, is still in demand.

There are a number of reasons for this:

  • laundry soap, which contains only natural, harmless components (counterfeits and low-grade products do not count);
  • does not cause allergic reactions (with the exception of individual tolerance of individual components);
  • the product has excellent fat-splitting and antiseptic properties: launders, washes, disinfects;
  • used in everyday life, cosmetology, traditional medicine;
  • it is very cheap (about 15 rubles), while the expense of funds is economical.

When buying laundry soap, be sure to pay attention to its composition: among the components there should be no artificial colors or flavors, as well as sulfates. Keep in mind that a good bar smells good, not rancid fat. It does not crumble and does not break into pieces.

Composition of laundry soap

Unlike standard toilet soap, this “household” soap consists only of natural ingredients. No fragrances, dyes or fragrances. The classic composition includes:

  1. Refined natural fats (usually beef or pork).
  2. Sodium. The alkaline compound is effective in fighting dirt and grease.
  3. Kaolin (or white clay) softens the action of aggressive substances well.
  4. Fatty acids allow the product to foam well.
  5. Water is a standard ingredient.

72% - the highest quality laundry soap, there is no higher concentration of fats

The percentage of fat varies from 64 to 72%: the corresponding mark is "knocked out" on the bar. The higher the value, the better the selected soap handles dirt and disinfects. Also, the composition of the soap may contain various additives, for example, tallow, rosin, caustic soda.

The benefits of laundry soap

Laundry soap is a good helper in the kitchen: you can safely wash vegetables and fruits with it (of course, after rinsing them with clean water).

If you need to wash the dishes, and the gel is over, use laundry soap. Soak greasy pots and pans for a couple of hours in a hot strong solution - there will be no trace of carbon deposits.

Wipe dirty tables, kitchen appliances (refrigerator, stove, microwave) with a cloth dipped in hot soapy water, and then with a clean, dry sponge - the sticky coating will disappear.

Laundry soap is also used for washing floors, plumbing, windows (both frames and window sills), radiators, tables, country furniture. Copes with cleaning carpets, washable wallpaper.

A bar rubbed into shavings will replace washing powder. It is noteworthy that the product is equally well suited for washing clothes and textiles from delicate fabrics, as well as children's clothes.

If you need to disinfect personal items (combs, toothbrushes, washcloths), just rinse them with hot soapy water and then with running water.

Laundry soap is indispensable if there are animals in the house (suitable for washing their clothes, trays, bedding) or indoor plants: the solution is detrimental to some types of pests, but safe for planting.

And finally, this natural soap is actively used as a cosmetic product (to reduce rashes, hair care) or therapeutic, for example, to disinfect wounds.

Harm from laundry soap

If we talk about the use of funds in everyday life, then it is completely harmless. Due to the “naturalness” of the composition, laundry soap does not have a harmful effect on people, animals, or the environment.

Meanwhile, cosmetologists, if they recommend the use of laundry soap, then with a caveat: the measure is important in everything. Antibacterial components "deplete" the natural protective barrier of the skin, and alkali takes away moisture: if you wash yourself with such soap constantly, the skin becomes dry, loses freshness and elasticity.

You should not "prescribe" yourself a treatment course on your own - check with a specialist if it is possible to use laundry soap in your case.

Constipation is a condition of difficult bowel movements caused by improper diet, sedentary work, psychological factors or possible diseases. The problem can be dealt with with proven pharmacy or folk remedies. You can try using soap for constipation, if used correctly, the method will be safe and effective.

Soap quickly and effectively solves the problem of obstipation (the medical name for constipation). It is available, almost has no contraindications.

Contacting with the walls of the rectum, the agent irritates the epithelium, starting the process of pushing out the contents of the intestine. There is no need to take medications, forcing the kidneys and liver to process foreign chemicals.

The tool has contraindications, it can not be used often.

What soap to use

Not all types of soap are suitable for the role of a laxative. Different levels of alkali content in the composition, aromatic fragrances, chemical and biological additives, dyes limit the choice. Even a strong body of an adult can suffer from the introduction of such a cocktail, what to speak of a child.

In recipes for candles and solutions for enemas, laundry, baby soap is used.


Consists of natural components: animal fatty acids, sodium salt. Hypoallergenic components exclude swelling of the epithelium, skin rashes, and other acute reactions.

Despite being safe as a hygiene product, laundry soap contains alkali. Its contact with the rectal mucosa causes irritation. Frequent solution of the problem of constipation in this way will lead to chronic diseases, mechanical damage to the anus, epithelium.

Having decided to get rid of obstipation with laundry soap, pay attention to the extruded marks: 72%, 70%, 65%. This is the percentage of fatty acids it contains. Accordingly, the smaller it is, the softer the product based on it will work.


Children's is almost no different from economic. Having a similar composition that prevents harmful effects on the delicate skin of a child, it is produced with low acidity. The Ph level fluctuates at around 7-8, when the household acidity is 10.

Some manufacturers add moisturizer to baby soap for a double effect. This is indicated on the packaging.

For constipation in children, adolescents, it is advisable to use such a mild remedy to minimize intestinal irritation.

How to make a soap candle

Applying laundry soap for constipation is simple, just cut off a small piece from it and stick it into the rectal cavity. The method has disadvantages:

  • prolonged dissolution time;
  • angular shape, sharp edges;
  • solid structure.

This will weaken the effect, cause inconvenience during the introduction. An unfinished cut will cause physical damage.

To turn the bar into a full-fledged medical device, candles are made.

  1. Grate it on a fine grater. For one candle - 10-15 grams of chips.
  2. Cut a piece of strong woolen thread, 5 centimeters long.
  3. Warm the chips in the palm of your hand, roll it into threads.
  4. Run in until a smooth cylinder comes out, one and a half centimeters long and half a centimeter wide.
  5. You will get a reduced copy of a feminine hygienic tampon. Make sure the thread hangs freely.

After insertion, do not hold the candle for more than 5 minutes. This time is enough for the soap to act on the intestinal mucosa, it is not enough for the appearance of chemical burns.

The soap melted from body heat will create a lubricant that will help you remove the candle without difficulty. Wait for the result within half an hour.

To mitigate the effect of the agent on the intestinal walls, sparing suppositories are prepared. Their difference from ordinary candles is that it is made from a decoction that includes soap and other ingredients. This reduces acidity, causticity, improves the solubility of the drug. Against the background of weakened acids and alkalis, such suppositories do not need to be removed on their own, they leave the intestines during defecation.

  1. In a steam bath, mix: 50 g of dark laundry soap, 10 g of olive or vaseline oil, half a glass of water.
  2. Cover with a lid, cook for two hours over low heat.
  3. At the end of cooking, pour the mixture into a mold to cool. It is better to use silicone for baking - it is easier to extract the frozen mass from them.
  4. After the final cooling, make candles.

Soap suppositories are used no more than once a quarter, so as not to harm the gastrointestinal mucosa. If constipation becomes chronic, it's time to go to the doctor.

Laundry soap, like a laxative, works in dissolved form. Bowel lavage liquid has advantages over candles:

  • softens fecal masses, facilitating their exit;
  • alkali dissolved in water does not have the same aggressive effect on the intestinal mucosa as in the form of suppositories;
  • microclysters can help with a large accumulation of feces, unlike suppositories, which will cause ineffectual bowel contractions and new suffering.

The flushing solution may consist of warm water and soap. This is enough for a laxative effect. But you can always add a few ingredients to irrigate the intestinal walls with healing substances. This will speed up tissue repair, relieve inflammation of the stretched walls.


  1. Put 0.5 l of water on a low fire, pour into it: 60 g of dried chamomile, 30 g of nettle, 15 g of mint.
  2. Boil the herbs for one hour, then strain the broth.
  3. Add 10 g of linseed oil, 20 g of soap chips to the solution, mix, cool.

The solution is drawn into an enema or Esmarch's mug, injected into the rectum. Lubricate or lather the tip of the hose beforehand to avoid friction damage to the skin. Once inside, its ingredients envelop the intestinal walls, relieving inflammation, healing microdamages. Reduced Ph loses its aggressiveness, causing contractions without much irritation of the mucous membrane. The herbal-based solution preserves the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

Contraindications and possible risks

With constipation, laxatives are used only at first. When the intestines are clogged and fecal stones are formed, you can not cause it to contract - this will lead to inflammation, deterioration of well-being.

Soap as a laxative should not be used for skin lesions on the sphincter and around it. Caustic alkali will inflame wounds, which is fraught with the formation of hemorrhoids.

The remedy, as a carrier for newborns, is controversial. There is a limitation on the frequency of its use for adults - due to the caustic properties, the mucous membranes must be restored. In infants, contact of the delicate intestinal epithelium with alkali can lead to serious consequences.

For this age, it is worth abandoning this method of relaxation, it is necessary to study the list of pharmacy laxatives. It is better to spend money than to risk children's health.

The most common consequences of frequent use of soap for constipation are:

  • inflammation or burn of the rectum, flowing into an ulcer;
  • tenesmus is a reflex contraction of the sphincter. The anal muscles will begin to work for no reason, the urge to defecate can catch the patient anywhere. It is treated with difficulty;
  • pregnant women should consult a doctor before using this method of relief.

The tool helps with single constipation, but chronic bowel disorders should be treated by a doctor. To avoid harm, do not abuse it.

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