Can theater tickets be returned? How to return tickets to the Bolshoi Theater Mariinsky Theater how to return an electronic ticket.


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Going to the theater is a significant event for a connoisseur of classical or modern productions. We should not forget about children: for them, attending puppet shows is often the first step towards getting to know the culture. But cases are different, and not all plans are destined to come true.

Simply put, sometimes you have to refuse a planned visit to the theater. And it’s good if you, finding yourself in such a situation, have not yet managed to buy a ticket, then your losses will be limited to annoyance from the inability to get to the long-awaited premiere or the annual replay of your favorite performance.

If the ticket was purchased in advance and lay with you, waiting in the wings, you can choose: either without making an effort to leave everything as it is (and lose the money paid), or try to return the ticket and receive material compensation for it.

Note! Under no circumstances will anyone return the entire amount spent to you: even if you contacted the box office or the theater administration a few days in advance, the data processing fee will still be deducted from the ticket price, and possibly a fine in favor of the seller, which theoretically can reach up to 100% cost.

The conditions are strictly individual and are usually indicated in advance directly on the ticket or, if you purchase it electronically on the theater website, they are displayed in the appropriate window.

Always read them carefully and to the end: this will help to avoid further disputes with theater representatives and, therefore, unnecessary waste of time and nerves.

Attention! Our qualified lawyers will assist you free of charge and around the clock on any issues.

For example, in the conditions of the Mikhailovsky Theater it is clearly stated that even when buying an electronic ticket, you will be forced, instead of using the simple return form offered, for example, by the TicketLand aggregator site, to write a free-form return statement indicating the reason for your decision and send it by e-mail or fax.

Please note! But the Bolshoi Theater does not return money at all - this is how it is written in the conditions of the institution. However, in order not to overtly disregard the provisions of Article 782 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Article 32 of the Consumer Rights Protection Law (they clearly state that the acquirer has the right to withdraw from the transaction at any time by compensating the seller or contractor for the actual costs incurred), Big the theater offers buyers assistance in selling the ticket. It is impossible to calculate how much a citizen will lose in this way: it all depends on luck and real help from a theater employee.

But all these are special cases, we need a complete picture, and therefore we will give several reliable and generally binding statements regarding the return of a previously purchased paper or electronic ticket to the theater.

By law, it can be returned at any time up to the start of the performance. Good reasons are not needed: you have the right not to motivate your decision at all, although, in order to avoid unnecessary conflicts, you can refer to a real or apparent reason - the theater workers will not check it.

You will not receive the full amount spent.

Remember! Depending on the conditions of a particular theater, the following will be deducted from the face value of the ticket:

  • registration fee (usually 5-10% of the price) - in all institutions without exception;
  • an additional fine, fixed (for example, 200 rubles) or defined as a percentage of the ticket price (up to 50-100%) - in accordance with the conditions you accepted when purchasing.

The sooner you return the purchased paper or electronic ticket, the better. First of all, this is important for the theater: this way it has the opportunity to compensate for the lost profit by selling the ticket to another buyer.

Therefore, by contacting the box office or visiting the site of the seller organization a week, and not a couple of hours before the start of the performance, you are less likely to encounter obstacles created by the theater.

In addition, the theater may vary the penalty percentage charged depending on the time of your application: if you bring a ticket a couple of days in advance, you will receive the full price minus a commission and a small fine (for example, 10%); be late - and the compensation that the seller will keep for himself will grow to 40-50% or more.

If you are returning a paper ticket to the box office, be sure to take your passport and payment receipt with you. Most likely, you will need to write a free-form return application or fill out a special questionnaire.

Do not forget to insist that the administrator or cashier sign on the paper and indicate the time of registration on it: in the future, this will help prove that you returned the ticket before the start of the show.

Important! When refunding money for theater tickets, including those purchased via the Internet, the general rule applies:

  • paid in cash - get cash;
  • used a bank card or an electronic account for settlements - the money spent, with known deductions, will be transferred there too.

As a rule, the returned funds must be credited to the card or virtual wallet within 3 to 45 days. If after this time nothing has happened, you can make inquiries at the theater or contact your bank with a written request to track the transfer of funds.

If the theater administration refuses to consider your application and return the money, send a written complaint to Rospotrebnadzor and the Consumer Protection Society.

Do not forget to describe the situation in as much detail as possible: for which performance you purchased a ticket, and at what price, how long before the start of the performance you contacted the seller’s representative, how he motivated the refusal, and so on. Do not use rude and obscene words in the application: this will not help Rospotrebnadzor solve your problem faster.

Usually, the complaint is considered by the specified organization within 14 days, then the appropriate order is sent to the theater. If it is not observed and you have not received the money, it remains to go to court - in this case, the world one.

Since your request is processed by the system when you return a ticket through the website of a theater or an intermediary company, the incidents mentioned above should not occur.

Attention! If for any reason you cannot issue a refusal, use any available feedback form or contact the administration of the institution directly. Rejected there too? Use our previous advice: write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor!

That's all the features of a refund for a previously purchased ticket to the theater. Now let's move on to a specific example. Suppose you bought a ticket for a performance using the convenient TicketLand intermediary service.

In this case, there are only three return rules:

  • you must declare your decision (without any explanation) at least three working days before the start of the show;
  • your cell number must be registered in the system (why - will be discussed later);
  • you will be refunded the ticket price minus the issuance fee (service fee) and a 10% penalty.

Did you get acquainted? Then let's start!

Step 1

In any browser convenient for you, enter the link in the address bar and follow it by pressing the Enter key or clicking the left mouse button on the forward arrow.

Step 2

After waiting until the main page of the site opens, find in the upper right corner an icon that vaguely resembles a human silhouette, and click on it.

Step 3

Log in to the site by entering the previously set login (in this case, your email address) and password in the appropriate boxes. If the password is forgotten or lost, you can recover it by clicking on the link of the same name. Remember all authentication data? Then boldly press the red "Login" button.

Step 4

Great, now you can go to your personal account by clicking again with the left mouse button on the familiar silhouette.

Step 5

In the office you will immediately see all previously made (and paid) orders. If for some reason you have switched to another tab and cannot return, find the very first sub-item “Orders” in the left side menu and click on it. Now, having found the item to be canceled, left-click on the blue “Make a return” button located at the bottom and left of the main entry.

Step 6

Once again, read the terms of the "Online Return" service (we listed them just above) and confirm your agreement by clicking on the blue "Make a return" button.

Step 7

Now your registered mobile phone number will come in handy. It will receive a confirmation code for the operation in a text message, which must be entered in the appropriate field on the new page of your personal account. Ready? Click the red OK button!

Step 8

Please wait a bit while the Internet service processes your request. Usually, the waiting time does not exceed a few seconds, but sometimes, with a heavy workload, it reaches up to a minute. Most importantly, do not close the tab, otherwise you will have to repeat all the steps again.

Step 9

And then, finally, you saw an additional pop-up window "Your order was successfully returned." Congratulations! You canceled the ticket, and the money will be credited to your account within the period set by the system - no more than 45 days from the date of return.

Note! You can no longer undo your decision. If the opportunity to go to the performance suddenly appears again, you will have to re-search and redeem a ticket for the full price, without any discounts.

Step 10

If you do not plan to perform other actions on the site, you can leave your personal account by selecting the sub-item of the left side menu "Exit" and closing the browser.

You bought tickets to the Alexandrinsky Theatre, but your plans suddenly changed and you couldn't go? Then you probably remembered the announcement stating that “tickets purchased cannot be returned or exchanged.”

But is it really so? Is it possible to return tickets to the theater, and what are the deadlines for this?

The procedure for returning tickets to the theater is legally regulated by the following legislative acts:

  • Regulations of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation on theatrical and entertainment enterprises;
  • Law on Consumer Protection;
  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 782).

They say that the buyer has the right not only to refuse the services of a particular theater organization (for example, from going to the Mariinsky Theater), but also to return the ticket to the box office. The return period is no more than 5 days before the start of the performance.

In 2019, the main condition for the return of theater tickets is the reimbursement of expenses incurred by the performer. These include printing the ticket itself, booking a seat, etc.

Return step by step

How to return a theater ticket purchased through the box office? This procedure is carried out in several stages. Let's consider each of them.

To return a ticket at the box office, you must have:

  • Addressee data - full name and position of the head of the theater;
  • Applicant's data - full name and passport data;
  • A request to return money for an unused ticket (it is not necessary to indicate the reason for the return);
  • Ticket details (series and number);
  • The amount of payment;
  • Contact phone number or address for contacting the applicant (for example, the Mossovet Theatre, Moscow, Bolshaya Sadovaya st., 16);
  • Personal signature with decryption;
  • The date the application was made.

Tickets must be original. If there is corrected, corrected or sealed information, they are considered invalid and cannot be accepted for return.

Having collected all the necessary documents, the consumer must contact the box office of the theater where he bought the ticket (for example, the box office of the Sovremennik Theater).

In this case, it is imperative to register the application by asking the receiving employee to put his signature on it and indicate the date of receipt. This will help you prove the fact of timely appeal in case of a dispute.

If you are unable to apply for a ticket refund in person, send it by registered mail with notification.

It is better to do this in advance - the letter must be delivered to the addressee no later than the date of the performance. And do not forget to make photocopies of the ticket and check - they will be needed for safety net.

The theater management has from 10 to 30 days to consider an application for a ticket refund. At the end of this period, the administration is obliged to inform the applicant of its decision.

If it is positive, the consumer can count on full or partial compensation of funds.

The percentage of retention is from 5 to 50% and depends on the term of contact with the administrator:

Refunds can be made both in cash and non-cash.. It all depends on how the payment was made.

Each theatrical organization sets its own rules for the delivery of tickets. In order for everything to be in accordance with the law, check whether the conditions for the return are fixed in the Charter or any other legal document of the institution.

Otherwise, the buyer may claim a full refund.

Can I return tickets to the theater on the day of the performance? Most of the time it's impossible. Remember, the minimum period for contacting the cashier is 3-5 days, so in all other cases the application will be rejected.

If you want to return at least part of the funds spent, try reselling the ticket to another spectator or exchanging it for another date.

This period is individual in each case, so do not forget to clarify the nuances with the organizers of the event.

Delivery of electronic tickets

With the advent of new technologies, more and more people prefer to shop online. Theater tickets are no exception to the rule either.

In this case, the consumer receives an electronic version, which must be printed on the printer.

How to return an e-ticket to the theater? In this case, in addition to the traditional package of documents, the buyer must provide a photocopy of the internal passport of the Russian Federation. The return period is no more than 5 days before the start of the event.

Refunds will be made within 3-45 days to the same bank card from which they were debited. The size of the commission is from 2 to 8% - it all depends on the conditions of the electronic wallet or bank.

Knowing how to return theater tickets purchased online, remember one more thing. Almost all organizations involved in the remote sale of theater tickets charge a fairly large service fee. It's impossible to compensate.

The purchase of tickets is an agreement between the viewer and the organizers of the event. The terms of this transaction (including information about the possible return of the ticket) must be reflected both on the ticket itself and on the theater’s Internet portal or in a special brochure provided by the cashier.

For example, on the official website of the Mikhailovsky Theater it is clearly stated that the return or exchange of tickets is not possible in any form. This rule also applies to the Bolshoi Theatre.

By making a purchase, both the seller and the consumer agree with all clauses of the contract and cannot violate them. It follows from this that the obstacle to the return of funds for an unused ticket is a strict violation of the norms of Russian legislation.

What to do if this or that organization persistently refuses to accept the ticket back to the box office?

To resolve the situation, the buyer needs to write a statement either to the Consumer Protection Society or to Rospotrebnadzor. You can also make an appropriate entry in the Book of Complaints - it should be issued at the first request of the client.

Since a witness is needed to confirm the fact of contacting the theater administration, it is better to come to the box office with a relative or friend.

Consideration of the complaint takes about 2 weeks. If the documents are drawn up correctly, and the fact of refusal to provide funds is fully confirmed, the buyer can count on 100% compensation for damage. If the application was ignored, you need to go to court.

There are situations in which the organizers of a theatrical performance have the right to refuse to return a ticket to a client.

These situations include:

Such foresight will avoid problems and litigation in the future.

And remember, the sooner you contact the organizer of the event (for example, the management of the Musical Comedy Theater), the higher your chances of making a positive decision on a refund.

Signs have contributed greatly to spreading this opinion - many of them indicate that tickets cannot be returned or exchanged. It would be natural to believe that if such a warning is given, then the buyer, by purchasing a ticket, agrees to the conditions and takes the risks.

But in reality, to determine whether they are subject to return and exchange or not is beyond the competence of theaters. It is worth being guided here first of all by the legislation, which indicates the opposite. If for some reason attending a performance or other mass event turned out to be impossible, then returning tickets to the theater (or cinema) and then getting back the money paid for them is a normal practice.

But first you need to purchase a ticket, and there are two main ways to do this: at the box office or via the Internet.

Through the cashier

If you live nearby or the theater is located on the road, then nothing prevents you from purchasing a ticket directly through the box office. This can be done both in advance and on the day of the performance. Since in the second case there may not be enough places, it is also possible to reserve a coupon in order to redeem it already before the start of the show - in this case, in case of unexpected circumstances, you will not have to deal with the return.

Through the Internet

Now the purchase of tickets through the site has become commonplace, mostly they are bought using the Internet. It can be either the site of the cinema itself or a specialized service. For example, the service is popular, and a movie ticket can be purchased on the Kinomax website.

Unlike the cinema, when going to the theater there are many nuances that may be unknown to neophytes. To spend a theater evening properly, you can use the services of a specialized theater agency that will select a performance with good directors and performers, as well as convenient places. But for this, in addition to the usual price of visiting the production, you will have to pay a commission for the work of the agency, usually within 10-15% of it.

Return and its possible reasons

Sometimes an unforeseen situation may arise - tickets have already been bought, but the free evening turned out to be busy with something, for example, there was an urgent call to work. In this case, the purchased tickets can be returned. Sometimes the cashier is refused - often he is motivated by paragraph 24 of the Rules for Film and Video Services, which states that the cost of tickets must be reimbursed to viewers in the following cases:

  • cancellation of viewing;
  • replacing a movie or theatrical production;
  • demonstration of low quality, the fault for which lies with the organizers;
  • the viewer could not attend the screening due to age restrictions, and information about them was not provided on the movie poster.

Based on these rules, cashier workers may declare that since none of these points has been fulfilled in your case, then there can be no talk of a return. Customers had to deal with such an attitude more than once or twice. However, this paragraph of the Rules provides for the return of the ticket without conditions, and therefore is valid only if the organizers are at fault. But for cases in which the buyer returns the ticket due to reasons not related to the setting, article 32 of another law is provided - “On Protection of Consumer Rights”.

According to it, the client has the right to change his mind and refuse the service at any time, namely, film screenings, concerts, and theatrical performances. But he will have to compensate for the costs incurred by the contractor in the implementation of obligations under the contract. At the same time, the reasons why the buyer decided to return tickets for the session remain his business - they can be anything.

In addition to attempts to refuse with reference to the Rules for Film and Video Services, other violations can sometimes occur: for example, at the box office they say that you can only leave tickets for sale, and if they are sold, then only then will you be compensated for their cost.

A common option is to compensate for only a small part of the price, sometimes a third or a quarter. Yes, the legislation states that the seller must be compensated for the costs incurred by him, but not in the same amount! If this happens, you must request information about the costs incurred. The seller must do this.

If one of the above violations has occurred, the buyer can only defend his rights by contacting the Consumer Protection Society or Rospotrebnadzor, having warned the employees of the institution that violates his rights.

Return policy

But usually they do without it, and they manage to get their money back. As for the expenses that the organizers will have to compensate, they include the following:

  • Hall rental;
  • seat reservation;
  • ticket printing.

As a rule, these costs are a small part of the amount paid by the client.

The procedure for returning a ticket will be as follows:

  • contact the cashier;
  • present your passport and ticket;
  • write a return request;
  • wait for your funds to be returned.

Sometimes the money is returned immediately after the appeal, but if they were not at the cash desk at that moment, then they are ordered to be issued within a month.

We looked at the procedure for applying and returning if tickets are purchased at the theater box office, but now it is increasingly being bought through ticket agencies. With this method of purchase, it is imperative to read the return conditions in advance, having learned what nuances there are when working with this agency. In general, there should not be significant differences from the usual ones, because agencies are also required to focus on legislation.

If an electronic ticket was purchased online, then the funds paid out, respectively, will be returned to a bank card or to an account in an electronic payment system - usually in such cases you have to wait longer than when paying cash through the cashier. You will have to pay a certain percentage of the transferred amount for servicing transactions, usually no more than 6-8%.

If you do not have the opportunity to attend the event for only one day, but at the same time you have not lost your desire to go to it, then instead of returning the ticket, you can exchange it. Usually at the box office they are much more willing to cooperate in such a request.

Making an application

When drawing up an application, you can focus on the sample attached to the article. The document must contain the following:

  • The series and number of the ticket, the ticket itself is also attached to it.
  • Your contacts for communication.
  • The reasons why the return was required - we note that it is not necessary to indicate them.
  • The amount to be refunded and the name of the event, as well as the date and place of the event.
  • Date of application.

Two copies are made, one is handed over to the representatives of the organizer, the second is kept by the buyer. It must be stamped with the date of receipt. If acceptance is refused, the application is sent by mail - by registered mail with an inventory and acknowledgment of receipt.

How many days before the ticket can be returned

The period for which you can return tickets usually differs depending on the event: in cinemas there is an opportunity to return almost before the start of the show, in an hour or two, in the theater it is usually customary to do it in five days or more, and the return of tickets for a concert is usually limited for a period of 10-15 days before its start. However, these rules are set by the organizers themselves, and although it is desirable to be guided by them so that everything goes quickly and without problems, it is still not necessary.

The situation is similar with the amount: since the organizer’s chances to make a sale are falling every day, often in the return conditions you can find a rule according to which the amount paid when returning the ticket decreases depending on how many days are left before the event.

For performances, for example, the standard deductions from the cost of a ticket are: up to 20% upon delivery two weeks before the performance, up to 40% - 7-10 days, up to 70% - five days. But it should be noted that this is illegal and, if desired, you can challenge such a rule. All that the organizer can keep is the amount of expenses incurred by him to ensure that the buyer of the ticket attends the event. The costs must be clearly justified, and usually do not reach even 10% of the amount paid by the visitor.

Is it possible to return on the day of the show?

As stated in the legislation, a return is allowed at any time up to the moment the performance begins.

That is, an exception is not made even directly for the day of the show. Please note: when returning a ticket on the same day as the event to which it provides the right to pass, it is necessary to fix the exact time of delivery.

But despite the fact that the legislation provides for the possibility of a return on the day of the show, it’s better not to bring it to such a point and return it in advance: it’s difficult for the institution to sell the ticket again, that is, you will cause him trouble. Therefore, in theaters, such a return is reluctant, and you may have to contact other authorities, wasting your nerves and time.

What to do if you receive a rejection

If the organizer of the event for which you tried to return the ticket refuses to return the money, you can ask for a book of complaints and suggestions and leave a negative review in it. Of the more effective methods - contact the city committee for culture. To do this, you will need to make one more copy of the application and the cash receipt. Most often, the problem can be resolved already at this stage, but the proceedings can drag on and last a week or two.

Rules on film and video services for the population, it has been established that in cases of cancellation of watching a film, or its replacement, or poor-quality demonstration, reimbursement is expected full ticket price for each spectator.

At the same time, the Federal Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” allows citizens to refuse any service without explaining the reasons.

It turned out that the Rules infringe on the rights of the viewer, regulating only individual parties relations between the film and video entertainment enterprise and its customers, without giving the latter the opportunity to refuse an undesired service.

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, in its decision in 2009, explained that the absence in paragraph 24 of the Rules of information about the possibility of the viewer to refuse to perform the contract is not a reason to ignore it.

Thus, each person has right to return previously purchased tickets to the box office and receive their money in full, except for the deduction of expenses actually incurred by the enterprise.

Returning a movie ticket

There are situations in life when movie tickets bought in advance, but then it turns out that there is no way to go to the session.

Somebody will not return tickets, fearing in advance the resistance of the administration, presenting a serious paperwork.

In fact, it is not so difficult to refund movie tickets.

For example, let's see how issue ticket refunds to cinemas "Kinomax".

Already on the site in the Conditions for the purchase of tickets, they prescribed all the possible circumstances under which the viewer returns purchase price:

  • cancellation session;
  • film replacement;
  • poor quality demonstration;
  • failure to provide information about age restrictions;
  • rejection viewing.

To receive cash funds for returned tickets, the viewer needs to do a number of procedures:

  1. Write to the administration of the cinema.
  2. Enter the required information in the document.
  3. Submit an application to the administrator. The document must register and fix exact pick up time. This is especially important if the viewer came to sort things out on the day of the session. After all, a refund can only be made before the start of the show.
  4. The citizen must have a document confirming that his application has been accepted and is subject to consideration. Therefore, after registration, a copy is necessarily made, which is stored until the receipt of funds.

In paragraph 2. the necessary data and actions - the following:

  1. FULL NAME. buyer, his address, contact phone number.
  2. The reason why the session was denied.
  3. When and how tickets were purchased (at the box office, online, through intermediaries).
  4. The amount spent.
  5. Argument the text of the statement by referring to the regulatory document, on the basis of which the viewer demands a refund.
  6. Attach tickets.

The application is made in any form, but for all office work requirements:

  1. In the upper corner there is a cap with the name of the institution and FULL NAME. the person addressed by the viewer, the data of the applicant.
  2. The word "Statement" is written in the middle.
  3. Text appeals. As clearly and with facts as possible.
  4. List of attached documents.
  5. The date the application was written.
  6. Applicant's signature, his last name.

Usually, the administration already has ready-made application forms, where it remains only to enter your data and attach tickets.

By analogy, the return of tickets to cinemas is also carried out. caro movie»

In the case of buying tickets online, for example, in Afisha, a refund is made to a bank card.

In this case, the claim is usually accepted only in writing. in the administration of the cinema.

In some networks, it is possible to refuse an electronic ticket, the so-called automatic refund.

To the theatre

At the box office of many theaters there is an announcement that the purchased tickets not subject to exchange and return.

The administration rarely makes contact, violently resisting those who want to return the ticket.

But the viewer is in his right.

Whatever announcements are hung, so that the theater administrator does not speak in his defense - they legally required accept theater tickets issue a refund in accordance with the rules and reimburse the funds spent.

Considering that theaters are mostly state institutions and accountable The Ministry of Culture always has the opportunity to complain about the actions of the leadership, which refuses to obey the laws.

Return procedure is the same. with cinemas:

  1. A statement is being written.
  2. Tickets are included.

If the administrator does not want get in touch, then:

  1. A complaint is being made that the administrator refuses to accept the application. Signatures of witnesses will be needed, which it is advisable to take care of in advance. The document is addressed to Rospotrebnadzor, a copy to the Ministry of Culture and the Consumer Protection Society.
  2. Such a record is left in Book of Complaints and offers.

The claim is being considered in two weeks.

All laws are on the side of the consumer - his desire to return tickets must be satisfied.

A problem may arise with the determination of the actual costs incurred.

The viewer has the right to receive money with this amount.

But how to determine the size of the hold?

Whether it is 50%, maybe 10%, or maybe all 100%.

The administrator has local normative act, which explains the principle of determining the costs actually incurred by the theatre.

That is, the percentage is not taken from the air, but is documented.

No position - demand full refund.

To the concert

Good seats in concert halls are always sold out in advance: a month or even two before the premiere.

Plans sometimes do not coincide with the realities of life and cultural holidays have to be postponed.

Tickets are expensive and the desire of the buyer get money back for them.

The problem of returning purchased concert tickets is solved in an elementary way - by contacting the ticket office administrator who, by law, is obliged to accept it.

But what if the purchase was made not on the spot, but through the portal

Return of tickets to is standard, but subject to work specifics:

  1. Will have to apply to the head office OOO "Concert.Ru". Claims are not accepted on weekends, only on weekdays. But the application can be left in advance through the call center or e-mail. The circulation date is the billing period for calculating the refund amount. The earlier a person leaves an application, the more money for a ticket in the end he will receive.
  2. In addition to tickets and passports, the office will require show receipt about payment. FULL NAME. person in the receipt and in the passport must match. That is, only the person who directly bought it and no one else can count on the return of the ticket.
  3. If tickets were received via home delivery, courier services will not be refunded.
  4. The communication fee is also non-refundable.
  5. When transferring, replacing the event, the full cost will be refunded, taking into account the amount of delivery and booking.
  6. The refund amount depends how much time is left before the start of the event.

Time and amount of funds from 6 points are subdivided into four categories:

  1. More than 14 days- full cost, taking into account actual expenses (no more than 20%).
  2. 8-13 – 70%.
  3. 4-7 – 50%.
  4. If there are only 3 days left before the event, then money is not returned.

Changing tickets, returning money to the audience for them is a common thing for the administration of theaters and concert halls.

But they don't seek to satisfy common people's claims, if possible preventing the return.

It is unlikely that the problem is ignorance of the laws.

Rather, the administration hopes that bureaucratic troubles cool the ardor of those who wish.

But the viewer must know their rights.

Return a ticket can any time.

Money must be returned for it.

But how much the viewer will receive, what part of the money will be lost - it all depends on the timing of the return.

The rights of the buyer of theater services include the opportunity to return tickets to the theater 3 working days before the start of the performance. Dates may vary, but no more than 14 days before the actually purchased service.

Few ordinary citizens know about this. According to the law on the Protection of Consumer Rights (ZoPP) No. 2300-1 of 02/07/92 (as amended on 06/06/18), tickets purchased in advance at the Bolshoi Theater (or otherwise) are returned within a period of 2 weeks. The day of purchase does not count.

During the submission or after its completion, coupons of the offer agreement are not surrendered. The same applies to the situation when they want to return the ticket after the start of the session. It is customary to recognize that once a service has already begun to be provided, it is no longer possible to refuse it at that time.

How to return an e-ticket?

theater ticket- this is a coupon, a completed form of strict accountability, confirming the participation of the viewer in the public offer agreement, which the theater administration has the right to conclude in this way. This document allows you to make a refund and buy a new ticket, if necessary.

The electronic format of a ticket to an adult or children's (puppet) theater differs from a paper form only in the place and method of purchase - Internet sites. For example, one of the most popular portals in Moscow: A paper copy is not provided. It is issued in the form of an electronic copy. This file can be printed out and presented at the checkpoint.

To change tickets of such a plan, you will need to study in detail the instructions for the procedure, which are always posted on the sites where they are sold. The package of documents is submitted exactly the same as in the case of a return in real mode, it doesn’t matter the Bolshoi Theater or any other will return the amount to you. The main thing to consider here is that you will have to pay an additional service fee. And such commissions on sites, as a rule, are rather big - minus 10% of the price.

Important! Most often, a large number of ways to receive money are not provided. You can get it either to a card account, or you will have to contact the theater box office for cash. The funds will be returned to the account of the card with which the payment was made. If it is necessary that the receipts be made to another bank account, then this should be indicated on the application form.

How to return tickets purchased at the box office?

One spectator asks: “If I bought tickets for February 15 at the theater box office, but I can’t go to the performance, where do I start in order to return the purchase with a refund of my money?”

Legal specialists respond by offering to follow the standard algorithm of actions:

  1. First, contact the cashier of the same institution where the purchase was made.
  2. Submit the required documents.
  3. Write an application and attach the required papers brought with you.
  4. Give time to the cashier to recalculate. If, for example, you had an order for a balcony of 2 tiers, then refusing it can cost more than renting another spectator seat. A penalty for a simple area can be collected from the buyer on the basis of the law.
  5. Wait for 30 days. In practice, most often money is issued immediately at the cash desk, if they are available there.
  6. Get back the money you paid earlier.

The entire package of documents in order to freely return the ticket before the start of the performance:

Name Peculiarities Example
Statement A request is made to return the money for the unused service, and the details of the bank account where the amount should be transferred are indicated.
Civil identity card The passport can be of any nationality.
The ticket for the session One ticket is served, and its cost is fully refunded for the service, and not partially. If a ticket was purchased for 50,000 rubles each, but there are double seats (1 wide seat for 2 people), then the refund is not divided in half.
Receipt, check On demand. Petersburg Maly Theater does not always ask for a check.

Note! If the same woman from the example wants to see another performance, she can purchase a ticket for December 23 or another suitable date. But for this, you will probably have to pay extra if the opera or performance costs more. The surcharge may also include a seat reservation service.

Why isn't the full amount refunded?

Not the entire amount will be returned just because there is such a law. In Art. 32 of the ZoPP clearly states that the consumer is given the right to return the form of the contract-offer to the box office to the seller. But at the same time, he does not receive his money back in full. Exactly the amount that went to cover the costs during registration will be deducted, whether through the Internet Ticketland in Moscow or in real time. The same issue is covered in the same way in another legal provision - part 1 of Art. 782 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

These expenses include:

  • preparation, printing of the form;
  • reservation of the selected seat in the hall;
  • part of the lease.

If it is possible to purchase a ticket for another date, then the amount will be returned in the appropriate amount for previous coupons. And only after that make a new purchase.

Two payment options:

  1. In the case when the same tickets are purchased, only for a different number, it will be necessary to pay an additional amount exactly the same amount that was withdrawn to cover the expenses of the organization.
  2. If you buy a session of another performance, more expensive (where, for example, the Historical Stage will participate), then the surcharge will consist of two parts: 1) the amount of expenses incurred by the theater when issuing a returned ticket; 2) the amount that is not enough to fully cover the cost of the new ticket.

Note! The entire amount can be returned only when it turns out that the performance was canceled, and the fault lies with the organizers or the theater administration. Therefore, if the performance was canceled, then the return of tickets is carried out on the same day in a 100 percent volume. Or within 14 days to which the consumer is entitled, starting from the second day of ticket purchase.

How many days before a performance can I return my theater ticket?

The law on the protection of consumer rights states that the return of an online or offline purchase is only allowed within the first 2 weeks, which expire from the second day after the purchase.

For example, if a booking was ordered and paid through the website, then the procedure can be started if there are 14 days or less between the purchase and the actual start of the session.

Another, more illustrative example. A ticket was bought on December 16 with the start date of the musical performance on December 29 or 30 for the Nutcracker ballet. Then the viewer found a cheaper option for going to the same event, only in a different theater. He has the right to return the ticket with a refund of the money spent on any day until the performance session has begun.

But on the websites of many theatrical departments, you can see announcements stating that you can only return tickets to the theater only 3 or 5 days before the start of the event. This is true for an organization that during this time will be able to make up for losses, find another buyer, so that a simple spectator seat does not form.

Important! Terms of return must be specified in advance. You can read about this on the website of the theater, or by calling its administration by phone.

Can I change the purchased ticket for another date or performance?

You can change your electronic ticket or its paper version before the start of the performance or musical. In this case, the scheme is simple:

  1. Old ticket for rent.
  2. A new one is being made.

There may be different nuances regarding payment and the amount of refunds. Often the Opera and Ballet Theater (or another) put up a kind of forfeit. It is assigned depending on the time the document was submitted.

The table shows the gradation of the amount of return money as a percentage, taking into account the time according to the tradition established by the Mariinsky Theater (St. Petersburg).

The theater administration refuses to accept the ticket - what should I do?

All refusals of the administration to return the amount paid when returning the ticket must be justified.


  1. Returning the ticket right before the start of the show.
  2. Not all documents were attached by the buyer to the claim.
  3. The request for a refund was made after the event.
  4. The cost of courier services cannot be refunded.
  5. The ticket turned out to be forged.

The oldest Volkovsky theater in Yaroslavl practices the following norms of refusal, established on the basis of the internal regulations of the institution:

  1. Does not accept tickets back 1-2 hours before the session.
  2. Tickets will not be accepted after the show has ended.
  3. Courier delivery services are non-refundable.

People think that it is impossible to return a ticket to the cash desk of an arts institution until the play or concert begins. This is not true. If, for example, you visited the Mikhailovsky Theater in St. Petersburg and saw an announcement in the lobby that tickets cannot be returned, such actions by the administration are unreasonable and illegal. Each spectator, in accordance with the regulation No. 2300-1 of 07.02.92 of the "ZoPP", has the full right to return the purchased tickets without indicating a reason and in the period of time before the start of the session. This applies to both paper and electronic document formats.

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