School museums (photo). Features of the activities of school museums


Project for schoolchildren on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory

On the paths of war "(work on the creation of a school military history museum)

Author of the project: Teacher of history and social studies of the MBOU "Novoogarevskaya secondary school No. 19" Kirakosyan Melanya Andreevna.
What to teach and how to educate, how to teach a child to love the Fatherland? This question has long been faced by the teaching staff. The task was to reveal the meaning of the words "Motherland", "patriot", "patriotism", "citizenship". Therefore, in our school, the patriotic education of students is a systematic and purposeful activity to form a high patriotic consciousness in children through various forms of work with the student. But for a child, there is nothing more interesting than touching history himself, becoming a participant in it.
The modern social development of Russia has sharply set the task of spiritual rebirth of the nation. This issue has acquired particular relevance in the field of patriotic education of youth. The program of patriotic and civic education of youth is increasingly defined as one of the priorities in modern youth policy.
Project goals:
education of a patriot-citizen of Russia
increasing students' interest in studying the history of their small homeland
development of creative and research potential of students
Project objectives:
To acquaint students with the work of the search squad "Heritage".
Involve students in the collection of material about the Second World War.
Organize systematic work with veterans of the village.
The ideas of patriotism, especially in their highest manifestation - readiness to defend the Motherland, have always occupied one of the leading places in the formation of the younger generation. And now, more than ever, the history of the heroic past of the peoples of Russia is becoming a particularly important factor in patriotic education.
The education of patriotism is the education of love for the Fatherland, devotion to it, pride in its past and present. But this is impossible without creating a system for the formation of interest in the history of one's country and not just interest, but cognitive activity. The school museum becomes the center for the implementation of such a system.
The school museum is traditionally one of the means of patriotic education, since it has a huge educational potential.
The school museum has specific, unique features of the educational impact on students. Contacts with the museum enrich the educational process, expand the range of tools used by the school. The museum is necessary for the full-fledged teaching of such subjects as the culture of the native land and history, which contribute to the education of patriotism. That is why we decided to open a military history museum at Novoogarevskaya School No. 19.
The guys are quite actively collecting material for our future museum, they are interested in studying the military history of the village and the Shchekino region as a whole. The school has its own traditions. Every year, meetings are held with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, class hours, lessons of courage, conversations at which the children learn about the facts, events, dates associated with the immense suffering of the great courage of the people during the Great Patriotic War.
Also, together with our teacher, head of the “Heritage” detachment Andrei Petrovich Marandykin, students constantly participate in the opening of the Memory Watch. Thanks to this, we have a lot of information about the dead soldiers.
Continuing search engines organize exhibitions of their findings for the past season. Our guys took part in the burials of the remains of soldiers in the villages of Zakharovka, the village of Krapivna and other places in the Shchekino region, as well as in the Belevsky region, the Oryol and Kaluga regions.
The results of this work should become system-forming in educational work, and museum pedagogy should become a powerful educational tool. Our idea of ​​creating a museum was preceded by the painstaking work of the Heritage squad.
For the students of our school, the creation of the museum will be a new opportunity for their creativity, self-realization and socialization.
The creation of our museum is divided into several stages:
1. Collection of information about the work of the club "Heritage", about the historical facts of the Second World War on the territory of the Shchekino region.
2. Organization of meetings with veterans - residents of the village.
3. Formation of the main fund of the museum from materials provided by the search team "Heritage"
4. Documentation of the museum.
5. The opening of the hall, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.
To date, the first three points have already been successfully implemented. The work continues.

Project "School Museum" The composition of the creative team for the project: 1. Mayorova OA - history teacher 2. Blokhin Svetlana - student of the 6th grade. 3. Knyazeva Elena - a student of the 6th grade. 4. Konkov Igor - a student of the 6th grade. 5. Pashkina Elena - student of the 6th grade. 6. Puchkova Svetlana - student of the 6th grade. 7. Ruchkin Ivan - student of the 6th grade. Creative Group

School Museum Project Organize a meeting. Acquaintance with the concept of "project", "project activity". Determining the theme of the project Drawing up a work plan for the group. Identification of the problem, setting goals and objectives of the project. Collecting information on the topic Primary processing of the information received Visiting the Voznesensky Historical Museum of Local Lore Intermediate results of the project. Determination of the structure of the organization of the school museum Collection of materials of historical value for the school museum of local lore. Description of the history of the collected materials Making a presentation on the project. Summing up the results of the work Drawing up a cost estimate for the creation of a school museum of local lore. Museum layout Key events

Project "School Museum" The main goal of the school museum: To form in students a sense of love for their native land and its past; The objectives of the museum: to study the history and culture of the native land; to acquaint with Russian national traditions and customs, with the interesting fate of fellow villagers. The areas of the museum's work include: Local history and search: search, processing, preservation of materials and information on the history and culture of the native land; Research: preparation and conduct of search expeditions in the vicinity of the native land; Excursion-cognitive: the use of the collected data and exhibits in the educational work of the school; Information and publishing: development of lectures, scenarios, methods; Methodical: creation of lecture groups on sections, expositions and themes of the museum; Editorial work

Project "School Museum" Questionnaire Dear participant of the survey! Our creative team is working on the theme "School Museum". We are very interested in your opinion on the following questions: Full name.____________________________________ 1. Does the school need a museum? 2. What direction should the school museum be: a). local history; b). museum of education; in). historical Museum; G). other ______________. 3. Would you like to have information about you in the school museum? 4. Are you ready to help in finding museum exhibits for the school museum? Indicate how your specific assistance will be expressed: a). photographs, photo albums; b). the documents; in). materials on the history of education; G). household items; e). other _________________. Thank you for your cooperation! Sociological survey

Sooner or later, this question arises in every school in which the director and the teaching staff strive to approach work not formally, but with love for their students. Of course, you can make a museum. .for check. in terms of activities for reporting, but you can put your soul into it and do it. for all students and parents one of the favorite places to visit.

So don't rush to buy. museum equipment until you decide on the theme of the school museum. Although at first glance. it's very simple, on the second. there are so many options and possibilities to use that you just get confused with the choice.

Well, first of all, traditionally. You can make a museum of the history of the school. This option is suitable for a school that, of course, already has this same story. That is, the school is already at least 20 years old. To collect historical material, history teachers and the children themselves can be involved. These are both assessments and interest. especially now there is the Internet and it is not so difficult to find former students. This is a big separate area. It can be supplemented or expanded by ethnos. That is, the history of the region in which the school is located. In this case museum equipment may be needed for some unique products, for example, folk crafts or for an exhibition of products made by students, say, in art classes.

Another variant. this is the allocation of premises for temporary thematic expositions with the subsequent selection of the best exhibits for a permanent future museum. This is generally a very interesting direction, since the children themselves will create the history of their school. And themes for expositions. they are endless. You can simply take each item and go beyond it by adding a note of creativity. For example, within a couple of months to collect materials for an exposition on history. It can be paintings, photographs, crafts. And everyone will talk about his exhibit himself. for example, at the opening of the exposition: it will already be a whole celebration of history. Gradually museum showcases will be filled with the most interesting specimens and preserve the history of school events for future generations.

Story. it's just one item. But there is biology, physics, chemistry, even physical education. for any of the subjects, you can come up with a theme and prepare a fascinating exposition, in which the work of all interested students will take part. The main thing. start and approach it with responsibility and love. And then your school museum can even become a center for children's creativity.

The future of Russia depends on the civic position of its inhabitants, adults and children. It is impossible to become a real citizen of the country without realizing oneself as a resident of the "small Motherland" - one's own street, city, region. The formation of historical memory is also facilitated by the work of school museums, which play a huge role in patriotic, civil, and adolescent education.

The work of the school museum is included in the educational process: through its collections and forms of activity, it is connected with the teaching of various school subjects and with additional education. A similar connection exists between schools and museums of other types, but it will never be as close and productive. more than any other is included in the life of the local community, and the "quality of life" of him is directly related to the attitude towards him on the part of the local administration, nearby enterprises and organizations.

Thus, a museum in a modern school is such an integrated educational environment where it is possible to implement new forms of organizing the cognitive and communicative activity of students.

Conceptual foundations of the work of the school museum

The social project "Creation and work of the school museum" is a program of real actions, which is based on an urgent problem of society that needs to be addressed. The implementation of the project will contribute to the improvement of the social situation in a particular area, society. This is one of the ways to be included in public life through the practical solution of existing social problems. So the first thing we did was to identify the problem.

Problem: loss of interest among adolescents and young people in the study of the history of the Fatherland, the Great Patriotic War, the traditions of generations. Now this problem is one of the most urgent in our society.

Relevance: the study of the history of the Fatherland, the military and labor traditions of generations, the culture and moral foundations of one's own people is of great importance in the life of every person. Love for the "small Motherland" and its study lead to the knowledge of one's Motherland, the whole world. The museum significantly concretizes and deepens knowledge about the native land and its glorious heroes and workers.

One of the traditions of our school is organizing and holding meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War and labor veterans. The day before, students under the guidance of class teachers visit their homes, write down memories of wartime, collect documents, artifacts of the era. This is how interesting material accumulates. And since our school is located on the street named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Mikhail Alekseevich Guryanov, it was decided to collect material about M.A. Guryanov and his associates and present everything collected in the school museum.

The purpose of the project: to create and organize the work of the school Museum of military and labor glory named after the Hero of the Soviet Union M.A. Guryanov, which will contribute to the civil-patriotic, moral education of schoolchildren.

Project objectives:

  • development of civic initiative and civic responsibility among students;
  • acquisition by students of practical experience in research work;
  • carrying out work on collecting material and exhibits for the museum, classifying materials, creating an exposition.

Methodology for the implementation of the social project "Creation and operation of the school museum"

In our work on the creation of the museum, we used various methods:

  • conversation,
  • questioning,
  • collection of information,
  • expeditions
  • excursions,
  • work with the Council of Veterans of the region.

Before starting work, we held conversations in classes, wanting to know “should there be a museum?”. The results showed that the museum in the school is needed and interesting for schoolchildren. The guys supported the proposal, and many wanted to contribute to the creation of the exposition.

We have decided on the algorithm for working on the project:

  1. Definition of the thematic field and the theme of the project. Clarification of contradictions, search and analysis of the problem, goal setting.
  2. Collection and study of information. Development of an algorithm for solving the problem in each specific case. Implementation of the action plan.
  3. Execution of planned technological operations. Current step-by-step quality control performed.
  4. Preparing to defend the project. Project presentation.
  5. Analysis of the results of the project, quality assessment.

Stages of work on the project "Creation and operation of the school museum"

1. Organizational stage of work on the creation of a school museum.

At this stage, only the main areas of work and activities are planned. The plan helps to systematize, direct the work, but does not make it formal, does not fetter the initiative and does not place unjustified restrictions. First we did:

  • creation of an initiative group of 5-6 students (preferably older ones) under the guidance of an adult (the head of the museum). This is the Council of the Museum, each member of which takes on one of the areas of its activity (search work, exhibition design, lecture and tour work, the creation of a data bank, the creation of a museum page on the school's website on the Internet);
  • since it can be difficult for children to start from scratch, at least a small backlog is needed, so the head of the museum first creates a mini-base. In our case, such a backlog was the materials collected at meetings with war veterans, the Council of Veterans of the Pechatniki District, letters of inquiry to various archives of Moscow, the Moscow Region, the Kaluga Region to search for information about the partisan detachment of the Ugodsko-Zavodsky District (now the city of Zhukov ), which was led by the commissar of the partisan detachment M.A. Guryanov.

At the first stage, it is most reasonable to involve high school students in the work, dividing them into small groups according to areas of activity and working with each of them separately.

Motivation of activity is of decisive importance for the fate of the entire project at the first stage of work. The head of the museum should pay special attention to this issue. Children should see the results of their efforts and be confident in the importance of the work being done. In our school, trips to the place of death of M.A. were of great importance. Guryanov in the city of Zhukov, Kaluga region. Children visited the grave of the hero, the museum of the famous commander G.K. Zhukov.

2. Search stage

In search work on this topic, gradation is also needed. For example, you can select sections such as "Compatriots-Veterans", "Home Front Workers", "Children and War", etc. To begin with, it is important to choose one topic of search work, gradually adding new ones. We started with the topic “Veterans - residents of our region during the Great Patriotic War”, since there are fewer and fewer participants and witnesses of those events every year, the risk of irretrievably losing the opportunity to find out the real facts of those difficult and heroic times is growing. Biographical material, memoirs, personal belongings, photographs of 40 participants in the Great Patriotic War were collected; their battle path is described. The guys received valuable material about the fate of fellow countrymen who died at the front on the Memorial website of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

3. Stage of systematization of material and documentation of exhibits

The collected search material must be systematized and properly formatted. Documentation of exhibits is carried out in three forms:

  • acquisition of funds;
  • stock work;
  • creation of a museum exposition.

The work of the school museum: acquisition of funds

Acquisition of funds is one of the most time-consuming types of work of the school museum. It can be conditionally divided into 4 main actions.

The first step is planning the acquisition.

The choice of theme and objects is carried out depending on the intended profile and capabilities of the museum. There are several ways to complete:

  • Thematic - a method associated with the study of any historical process, event, person, natural phenomenon and the collection of sources of information about them.
  • Systematic - a method used to create and replenish collections of the same type of museum items: dishes, furniture, clothes.
  • Current - receiving individual museum items from the donor, purchases, random finds.

The second step is the direct search and collection of material.

The following methods are used:

  • collection of oral evidence (survey of the population, questioning, interviewing);
  • correspondence with people;
  • meeting interesting people;
  • receiving gifts from family collections;
  • work with information in libraries, archives;
  • expeditions.

One of the basic principles of any search and research work is the principle of complexity. Following it, students strive to explore the topic from all sides, try to connect the events under study with general historical processes, identify their characteristic features, find out the reliability of the information received, the role of individual participants in these events. It is very important to teach children to collect and record information about those processes that are the subject of search and collection work.

The third step is to identify and collect objects for exposure.

Each participant involved in the organization and work of the school museum must remember the responsibility for the safety of the found and collected monuments of history and culture: it is important to preserve not only the object itself, but also the information collected about it, about its origin. Also, the children must comply with the legal requirements related to the collection and preservation of historical and cultural monuments, i.e. they do not need to take from the owners those items that the museum does not have the right to store: jewelry, orders, weapons, even if the owners want to transfer them to the museum .

The fourth step is the inclusion of the collected material in the museum fund.

It is important to determine the historical value of the exhibit, its emotional and educational impact on the viewer. For accounting and scientific description of the collected materials, as well as for obtaining versatile information about them, field description and accounting documents are used. These include:

  • "Deed of Acceptance"
  • "Field Diary"
  • "Field Description"
  • "Notebook for recording memories and stories",
  • books of account of museum items ("Inventory book").

The inventory book is the main document for accounting, scientific description and storage of school museum exhibits. It can be made by the schoolchildren themselves from a large thick notebook or book in a strong binding. The book is graphed, stitched along the spine with strong threads, the sheets are numbered in the upper right corner of the front side of each corner. At the end of the book, a confirmation inscription is made about the number of numbered sheets. Recording and firmware of the book are sealed with a school seal.

4. Stage of organization of work on the museum exposition

Exposition in the work of the school museum

The exposition of the museum is presented on display in a certain system of museum exhibits. The procedure for organizing work on it was developed in 2004 by the Federal Museum of Vocational Education. The result of the exposition should be the achievement of maximum awareness in combination with imagery and emotionality.

If we compare the work of the school museum with an iceberg, then the exposition is only a small visible part of it. Therefore, we can confidently assert that the creation of an exhibition is a complex creative and technological process that requires a creative approach, experiment, and the efforts of a whole team of like-minded people.

The design of the exposition and work on the individual stages of its creation can be represented as follows:

  1. Concept: thematic structuring of the exposition, development of an extended thematic structure and drawing up a thematic exposition plan. We have developed the content and sketches of stands for the design of the premises. The expositions reflect the main stages and battles of the Great Patriotic War: "The Beginning of the War". “Get up, huge country, get up for mortal combat”, “Battle for Moscow”, “Battle of Stalingrad”, “Kursk Bulge”, “Liberation of Europe. Battle for Berlin”, “Partisan Movement”, “Hero of the Soviet Union M.A. Guryanov", "Divisions of the people's militia", "Youth, scorched by the war", "War does not have a woman's face", "Veterans of our region", "To remember ..." (in memory of the terrorist act in 1999 on Guryanov Street ).
  2. Drawing up an art project: preliminary layout of materials.
  3. Implementation of the technical project: installation of the exposition.

According to the form of presentation, expositions are stationary and temporary, and according to the principles of the structural organization of the displayed material - thematic, systematic, monographic and ensemble.

  • Thematic exposition includes museum items that reveal one theme.
  • Systematic is an exposition series created on the basis of homogeneous museum objects, in accordance with a specific scientific discipline.
  • monographic the exposition is dedicated to any person or group, natural phenomenon or historical event.
  • Ensemble involves the preservation or recreation of an ensemble of museum items, objects of nature in the usual environment: "open-air museum", "peasant's hut".

The choice of one or another form of exposition, the principles of systematization of exposition materials depends on the concept of the museum, on the composition of the funds, on the creative imagination of the museum staff.

The basis of the exposition is a museum item, and its structural unit is the thematic-exposition complex. So, on the theme of the Great Patriotic War, the basis of the composition are soldier's helmets, shell casings, a sapper's shovel found near Moscow. Thematic composition - "Battle near Moscow".

Not individual exhibits, different in content and subject, not continuous rows of the same type of materials, but a complex of clothing, documentary and other monuments, united thematically, becomes the main link in the exposition. For a more complete understanding of the events displayed in the exposition, scientific and auxiliary materials are introduced into it.

To enhance perception in the work of the school museum, you can use works of art, music, fragments of newsreels or films, lighting effects and color schemes, presentations and videos independently edited by schoolchildren. We have accumulated not only photographic material, but also video clips, dictaphone recordings of veterans' speeches.

The principle of thematic selection of exposition materials is most often used.

  • Firstly, this is the inclusion in the exposition of those museum objects that are associated with certain phenomena and characterize their essential aspects.
  • Secondly, the use of other exhibition materials of a scientific auxiliary nature for a comprehensive reflection of the essence of the phenomenon.
  • Thirdly, the placement of thematically related exposition materials.

To implement the principle of logical connection of all sections of the exposition, a clear, elaborated route, concise headings and accompanying texts are needed. Not only a full-fledged scientific commentary can reveal the information potential of an individual object and the content of the exposition as a whole.

This role in the museum exposition is played by the headings that explain the texts, which are a holistic, well-thought-out system that reveals the content of the exposition. Each type of text has its own function:

  • leading texts express the ideological orientation of the exposition, section, topic, hall, thus reflecting the main provisions of the scientific concept of the exposition;
  • capital letters reflect the thematic structure of the exposition; their purpose is to give a guiding thread to its inspection;
  • explanatory notes reveal the content of the exposition, section, topic, reflect the history of the exhibited collections;
  • the label is attached to a separate exhibit, it indicates: the name of the item, the manufacturer of the work, the place and time of manufacture, a brief description of the exhibit, technical characteristics, original / copy.

To select materials for an exposition means to determine the composition of its exhibits in order to best reveal the topic.

The selection is carried out throughout the work on the exposition, and the final composition of the exhibits is fixed in the thematic and exposition plan. The systematic collection of materials makes it possible to obtain not isolated and fragmentary objects, but an organically interconnected exposition complex, reflecting a specific part of the entire exposition theme. The selection is preceded by the study of objects, the determination of their authenticity and reliability, authorship, etc.

Working conditions of the school museum

The selection of museum items is closely related to their grouping. You can group various items depending on the task. For example, showing family ties between phenomena, reflecting any events, comparing objects. One of the comparison methods is contrast display. The grouping of materials can also occur according to a systematic principle.

Grouping is also possible according to the principle of connecting various objects into logical groups as they existed in life, in their inherent environment of existence. It can be the interior of the room with all the objects characteristic of it. Such groupings in museum practice are called "ensemble exposition".

1. Technical and fire-prevention conditions for the functioning of the museum.

Preparing the premises for the museum is not an easy task. First of all, you need a room for expositions and a special room for storing funds.

When choosing an exposition area, you must be guided by the following rules:

  • the room or hall should be located on the shady side of the building, so that direct sunlight does not fall into it. Windows must be covered with curtains. Fluorescent lamps and various lighting for showcases should be positioned so that the light falls from the viewer and at a certain distance from the exhibit. If the room is located on the sunny side, the windows should be darkened from the outside with green spaces;
  • the room should be at a constant room temperature;
  • to prevent dusting of the exhibits, it is necessary to place them in hermetic showcases, regularly carry out wet cleaning of the premises;
  • the equipment must match the style of the exposition room,
  • dimensions and color;
  • the exposure should be placed at a safe distance from the heating system;
  • it is necessary to provide fire-fighting conditions (fire extinguishers, sand containers)

2. Aesthetic conditions

  • for school museums, we can recommend horizontal and vertical showcases fixed against the wall. Large things are located closer to the center, small things are closer to the viewer. In vertical display cabinets, small exhibits are located at eye level, and large items are placed above and below;
  • showcases should not occupy the main space and obscure other exposition complexes;
  • an exhibit placed on the floor is psychologically perceived as an inventory, so it is necessary to install it on a stand;
  • the desire of school museums to place all available materials in the exposition leads to its oversaturation and weakening of the emotional impact. The multitude of items diminishes the value of each one.

3. Organizational and information conditions.

The ability to correctly present information has become as important an aspect of museum work as the preservation of exhibits.

The attention of schoolchildren is inevitably scattered when examining monotonous objects. It is necessary to take into account the psychological side of perception. First, the attention of the children must be attracted. To do this, the introductory, starting complex should be exciting, promising, arousing interest in viewing the exposition. When the attention of the audience is dulled, they should approach an unusual object or complex that again attracts attention.

This is where the most attractive exhibits, unique items, working models, presentations, and videos are needed. Such switching of attention should be called several times, depending on the age of the viewers and considering that the examination of the exposition lasts no more than 45 minutes.

The final final part of the exposition should complete the whole theme so that the viewer has a desire to visit the museum several more times, to join in a new search.

The work of the school museum: functional purpose

In the phrase “the work of the school museum”, the main word is the word museum. Like any other, it has the functions inherent in this social institution. The Regulations on the Museum of an educational institution define educational and documenting functions. The documenting function consists in the purposeful reflection in the museum collection of objects of those historical, social or natural phenomena that the museum studies in accordance with its profile.

The educational influence of the school museum on children and adolescents is most effectively manifested in the implementation of museum activities. The participation of schoolchildren in search and research work, the study, description of museum objects, the creation of an exposition, the holding of excursions, evenings, conferences contributes to filling their leisure time, mastering various techniques and skills of local history and museum work, helps to feel the history and problems of their native land "from the inside", to understand how much strength and soul their ancestors invested in the economy, culture, and defense of the region. This brings up respect for the memory of past generations, without which it is impossible to instill patriotism and love for one's Fatherland.

Museum historians distinguish the following museum forms of work with visitors:

  • lecture;
  • excursion;
  • consultation;
  • scientific readings;
  • mugs;
  • clubs;
  • historical and literary evenings;
  • meeting interesting people;
  • holidays;
  • concerts;
  • contests, quizzes;
  • historical games, etc.


1. Goals and objectives of school museums

The school museum, like any other, has a number of characteristics and functions. Its traditional functions include: acquisition, study, accounting and storage of collections, as well as their use for education and upbringing. The school museum must have a fund of museum objects sufficient for the implementation of these functions and an appropriate exposition and exhibition space.

But the specificity of the school museum is that it should least of all resemble a traditional museum institution. This is a museum of a special type, it is, firstly, an educational museum, where the tasks of education and upbringing, including after school hours, are of decisive importance, and, secondly, a targeted museum, for which the children's audience is a priority. Only in a school museum can the idea of ​​co-creation of students, teachers and parents be most consistently embodied. Involving students in search and research activities makes it possible to make children interested participants in the process, i.e. subjects, not objects of education. It is the school museum that is able to fully implement the principle of "Museums for children and by the hands of children", transferring the main center of gravity from the process of perception of collections to the process of creation, doing, which, in essence, is permanent and should not have an end.

The work of school museums inevitably goes beyond school life. In rural areas where there are no state museums, the school museum is one of the most important factors in the expansion of education, in the education of young people; today it acquires a new face, a new quality - the quality of a cultural center.

2. Profiles of school museums

The profile of the school museum is determined by the scientific discipline on the basis of which its exposition is built.

Museums of the following profiles can be organized in educational institutions:

a) HISTORICAL - (military history, history of regions, settlements, educational institutions);

b) LOCAL HISTORY - these are museums of a complex profile, which contain collections of monuments not only of history, but also of nature;

c) ETHNOGRAPHIC - engaged in the study and preservation of monuments of folk culture;

d) ARTISTIC - (literary, art criticism) are based on genuine works of painting, sculpture, graphics and other types of art

e) NATURAL SCIENTIFIC - (geological, biological, zoological, ecological) are created for the purpose of a more in-depth study of the nature of their region.

f) TECHNICAL - museums dedicated to the history of the development of technology, associated with outstanding events or figures in the field of science and technology.


The school, as a social institution, with its main purpose to teach and educate, has to ensure that various museum-type formations (local history corners, halls, exhibitions and museums) in their own way could enliven the educational process, introduce children to the history of their small homeland, which means and Fatherland, to instill the skills of research work.

Three main areas of local history work of the school should be singled out: family, school, native land.

A family

Regardless of the profile of the museum, the theme of the family should become the main one in the local history work of the school, given that for many years this area of ​​local history activity was, if not in complete oblivion, then in thorough neglect. For various reasons, the archives of their ancestors (letters, documents, personal files, awards, etc.) were practically not preserved in many families. Today it is extremely important to introduce elements of museum culture into the life of the family, to assist in the formation of family collections, home archives, thanks to which love for one's home (in the broad sense of this concept) could be brought up.

The main areas of research activity can be:

family tree

Drawing up the simplest scheme of a kind in the form of a family tree is a feasible task for any student. The simplest techniques allow you to teach research techniques with genealogical sources. Joint activities in this area will help save many valuable relics from the home archive, unite people of different generations.

The fate of the family in the fate of the country

Many schoolchildren do not know where their parents, grandparents work, they have never been to the places of their childhood, to family cemeteries, this is another factor that separates people. But getting acquainted with the streets of the city, where the years of the life of loved ones have passed, young residents get to know their native land more deeply, sincerely, closer to their relatives. These good feelings will be further strengthened by joint photography, sketches of the places where loved ones live.

family archive

Revealing objects of interest from the point of view of a local historian, young researchers, together with older family members, begin to form a family archive: they start and sign envelopes, thematic folders, fill small boxes with gizmos, and make up “legends”. Gradually, the basis for a small home museum is being created. It would be good if the home museum becomes the first museum for each person.

The school museum could select the most interesting materials for exhibitions (with subsequent return to the family). Approximate subjects of exhibitions: "Our family heirlooms", "Order in my house", "Old photography", "Photos tell", "Professions of our parents" and others. cultivate a sense of pride in their ancestors.


Every person goes through a school that could become a repository of memory of the people who studied in it. The collected materials about the school will eventually become an invaluable asset of a bygone era. To some extent, the school can serve as an archive. Here it is appropriate, first of all, to talk about the creation of the history of the school itself. And then no one, except for teachers and students, will make up its full-fledged chronicle. In this regard, it is recommended to collect the following materials:

Images of the school in different years of its existence (drawings, photographs, plans, layouts);

Evidence of school life as a process (a kind of chronicle of education);

Attributes of school life at different times (textbooks, notebooks, diaries, pens, etc.);

Children's compositions, creative works.

Such a form of literary creativity as a literary almanac (handwritten or typed on a computer) has not lost its relevance. It may contain the following sections: “Day by day”, “The most - the most”, “From the history of our school”, “News from the classes”, “Tribune of the teacher”, “In my family”, “I ask for words!”, “ Laughter from under the desk”, etc. The editor of such an almanac can be the most active local historian of the school, a member of the museum asset.


When developing a plan for collecting activities on the history of the native land, one should not strive for “omnivorousness”. It is necessary to develop a real concept of the museum for the next few years. It is desirable that the museum has a complex character (reflects the history, nature and culture of its region), can be used as much as possible by teachers in the educational and educational process, and help students discover their creative potential during museum activities.

At the first stage, it is necessary to identify the circle of possible informants. This can be done through students, with the help of bright leaflets, appeals for help to the museum. After some time, the first finds will appear. However, it can be difficult to determine the degree of their value. In this regard, the primary fixation, the correct description of the document, is of great importance. It is not always advisable to pluck a single item from someone's collection, keeping in mind the principle of indivisibility of personal funds.

When organizing the local history work of the school museum, one should be guided by the following principles:

Comprehensive nature of research;

Variety of research methods.

Comprehensive nature of research

The complex nature of the collection of material (which means not collecting everything in a row without any selection, but the diverse nature of the study) and, as a result, the local history profile of the museum suggest its widest possible inclusion in the educational process. In this case, the museum will not become a foreign body in the body of the school. This will be the key to its long existence. It is advisable to designate the territorial boundaries within which the museum intends to carry out research and collection work. The closer to the school, the deeper the study. At the same time, one should not focus only on one's own, purely local material, but try to go to a wider territorial background (city, region, Russia as a whole). The juxtaposition of the particular and the general, the presentation of the particular against the background of the general is an important aspect of museum activity. Subject teachers can provide all possible assistance in collecting materials. The geographer, for example, will help to draw up a section related to nature, the economy of the region, select the necessary illustrative material, and prepare charts and diagrams with the children.

The chronological framework of the exposure may be different.

Variety of research methods

Main forms and directions of research:

· Excursions and walks around the native land. They arouse the children's interest in different parts of their region, help to identify an interesting and promising topic for research work for the future.

· Work in libraries, archives and scientific institutions. This creates a solid base, without which it is impossible to competently organize local history activities.

· Survey of the population, questioning. In each locality there are old-timers, local experts in the history of the region, whose memories should be recorded. Even if they contradict historical facts, they can be treated as "legends" or evidence of how the event was imprinted in people's memory. Questioning will help in the system to collect extensive information on various issues of local history, to get a kind of cut at a certain historical stage.

· Meeting interesting people. This will help expand the circle of contacts, include more people in the museum's sphere of interest, who can gradually become friends of the museum.

· Watching TV shows, listening to radio shows. Sometimes, in the most unexpected way, interesting information will flash, told about your area, for example, by a famous historian. Or a young poet will read poems about a nearby river. So the usual media become sources of the most unexpected information.

· The main methods of forming the fund of the school museum are expeditionary collection of material (expeditions, hikes, excursions), as well as receiving gifts.

· Expeditionary collection of material. Local history expeditions are carried out in the course of research on a specific topic. The setting and sequence of topics put forward for study (further - for acquisition) should be planned and dictated by local history tasks, exposition requirements and the need to create systematic collections. Expeditions should be coordinated with state museums and specialized scientific institutions. It is possible to conduct joint expeditions in accordance with the developed museological methodology, which provides the necessary scientific character of the search, selection of material, and its documentation.

The sources of acquisition of monuments can be very diverse. First of all, these are family collections, which were mentioned above. In addition, you should use antique and second-hand bookshops, attics, sheds (with the permission of the owners), recycled items. The search can be conducted at industrial enterprises, government agencies, creative unions.

During the expedition, the group prepares the following field documents:

Field diary. It fixes the progress of the search work, its main stages, analyzes the first results and outlines the prospects for further research.

Field description. This is the primary document in which the main information about the finds is entered (later they will be transferred to the Book of Records of the Main Fund). Entries are arranged horizontally along the spread of the notebook. The field inventory has the following columns:

1. Order number of receipt.

2. Date and place of discovery.

3. The name of the monument of history and culture.

4. Quantity.

5. Material and manufacturing method.

6. Appointment of a monument of history and culture.

7, Usage and preservation.

8. Brief description with indication of features. The size.

9. Owner or source of income.

10. Item legend.

11. Note.

Notebook for recording memories and stories. Here, the stories of eyewitnesses of the event, old-timers, local historians are recorded, indicating their personal data, (it is advisable to later give the narrator a printed or handwritten text to sign. In this case, the material takes the form of documentary evidence.

Notebook of photographs. Young photographers record information about each shot taken (Date and place of shooting. Content of the frame. Shooting conditions. Author of the frame). This will help to avoid mistakes in the future when including photos in funds or exposure.


1. Funds of the school museum

All materials exhibited and stored in the school museum constitute the fund of the school museum. The fund of the school museum consists of the main museum and scientific auxiliary funds.

The main fund includes all types of authentic materials suitable for long-term storage, which are primary sources for studying history, culture, nature and serving to create an exposition (in accordance with the profile of the museum) and use them in the educational process.

The main fund includes:

a) material monuments: tools, household items, agricultural tools, handicrafts, samples of factory products, weapons, numismatic materials, clothing, rock samples, archaeological finds;

b) visual: works of fine art, cartographic materials, cartoons, posters, photographs;

c) written: newspapers, books, magazines, leaflets, government documents, official documents, memoirs, letters, diaries, notebooks.

The scientific auxiliary fund includes materials made for the needs of the exposition: schemes, dioramas, dummies, models, texts, reproductions of works of art, photographs of mass production, samples of perishable agricultural crops and other exhibits that are subject to deterioration and require quick replacement.

2. The main groups of accounting museum documentation

For the competent organization of research work, local historians should use three groups of documents.

Scientific and accounting documentation

This includes:

a) acts of acceptance and delivery of documents;

b) book of accounting for the main fund;

c) accounting book of the scientific auxiliary fund.
The reference apparatus consists of a system of cards (possibly in a computer version) that allow you to quickly find out the existence of a monument in the funds, its location.

The main types of auxiliary file cabinets:

inventory (with basic information corresponding to the inventory book, indicating the ciphers and storage location).

thematic (on the subject of collections).

nominal (with the characteristics of specific persons).

chronological (according to the chronology of events).

geographical (with geographical names).

A reference card usually contains the following information:

item name (with a brief description), account number, storage location.

The accounting system for museum items includes field documents, acts of accepting museum items for storage in the museum, expedition diaries, reports based on museum materials, and creative works.

Accounting in the school museum should serve two purposes:

ensuring the safety of the item itself;

ensuring the safety of information available about the subject.

The main document for the accounting and protection of museum items is the Book of Accounting for the main fund (inventory book). It is filled in in the form of a table, in which the following data is entered:

1. Ordinal inventory number. Simultaneously with putting down the serial number in the book, the same number is put on the registered item;

2. Date of entry, i.e. adding an item to the inventory book. The date must be complete, without abbreviations;

H. Time, source and method of receipt. The full date (year, month, day) is indicated, where the item came from, from whom. The full names and patronymics of donors, the names of institutions (address, telephone number, etc.) that donated the item to the museum are recorded;

4. Name and brief description of the subject. It is written in the generally accepted literary expression, indicating variants of local dialect names. Authorship, place of origin, material from which it is made are indicated. For a photograph, you must give a brief description of the plot or event. The last name, first name, patronymic of the people depicted, the year of shooting, the author of the picture should be mentioned. In written sources, including magazines, newspapers, diaries, albums, etc., the number of pages or sheets is indicated. Photo albums contain the number of photos. All inscriptions, stamps, signatures are recorded;

5. Number of items. It is usually written "1 copy", but if two or more identical museum items are registered, then the corresponding number is put;

6. Material and manufacturing technique. The type of material is indicated: stone, metal, wood, fabric, cardboard, paper, cotton wool, etc. The manufacturing method is fixed: casting, embossing, stamping, engraving, manuscript, typewriting, knitting, weaving, appliqué, etc.;

7. Size. It is indicated only in centimeters: height, width (thickness for bulky items). For round objects - diameter;

8.Safety. All damage to the item is recorded: stains, dirt, rust, punctures, tears, abrasions, chips, bruising, folds, loss of parts;

E. Cost. Fixed in case of purchase of items in prices at the time of purchase in rubles;

10.Note. Location (written in pencil). Acts on transfer, withdrawal, write-off, etc.;

Only authentic items or original items (copy with the author's autograph, author's layout, rare photograph, etc.) are entered in the Inventory Book.

The inventory book is numbered (in the upper right corner of each sheet), stitched, certified with a signature and seal. When the book is completely filled, a final entry is made at the end of it:

"The present inventory book contains items (in figures and in words) from No. to No."

In the next inventory book, the numbering continues, the inventory book is kept at the school. It is included in the nomenclature of cases of permanent storage.

H. Encryption and marking of museum objects

Each item is labeled with a code. The cipher consists of an abbreviation of the name of the museum and the corresponding number in the inventory book.

On voluminous objects, the cipher is affixed with ink or oil paint from the invisible side and in such a way as not to damage the object.

On drawings, photographs, documents, ciphers are written in the lower left corner with a simple soft pencil.

If it is impossible to write a cipher on an object, a cardboard tag with a cipher should be attached with a thread (to medals, orders, stuffed animals). Pieces of fabric with a cipher are sewn onto fabrics and clothes.

The storage of museum objects is carried out according to the type of materials. Items made of metal, wood, fabric, paper, etc. are stored separately. Combination of items by type is not allowed. It is impossible to store paper and metal, metal and fabric, etc. together in the same storages (cases, folders, boxes, envelopes), as this leads to deterioration of museum objects (corrosion, rust).

In the premises of the school museum, stable temperature and humidity must be maintained, because. temperature fluctuations, humidity differences lead to damage to museum items.

Museum items should not be exposed to direct light exposure. Light sources should not be located near museum items. Paper, cardboard, and fabric are most strongly exposed to light. Therefore, items made from these materials are placed in boxes, folders, envelopes, shifting each copy with clean paper.

The museum must comply with the biological regime: to prevent the appearance of moths, wood-boring bugs, cockroaches, mice and other pests. To carry out sanitary and disinfection work, specialists from state museums should be involved.

The school museum does not allow any kind of gluing of museum items. Restoration work can only be carried out by specialist restorers of state museums.

The fastening of museum items during the installation of the exposition is carried out without any deformations and damages. They cannot be glued, cut, folded, pierced, laminated, painted over, cleaned. All types of conservation work are carried out with the participation of specialists from state museums.


If we consider the museum as a center of museum and pedagogical work, which takes on the task of “museumizing” education, then it is necessary, firstly, to recognize its responsibility for creating an aesthetically significant and aesthetically educative environment in the school. The school museum can deploy its exhibitions in any space, including school corridors, classrooms, workshops.

Secondly, the task of the school museum may be to collect and make available to subject teachers or teachers of additional education a fund of visual aids (objects of museum significance, copies, dummies, illustrated materials, etc.), organized according to the “museum in a suitcase” type.

There are several genres of school museum expositions.

· Museum-exposition (exhibition) The exposition of the museum is more than or m e it is an established complex of objects that is inaccessible for interactive use (closed showcases and cabinets, rigid hanging). The exposition space is strictly localized, it is used mainly for conducting excursions on a certain, rather limited topic. Museum material is involved in the educational process, mainly as an illustration. This school museum genre needs a number of features added. With the initiative of the leader and school activists, he undoubtedly has great prospects.

· Museum-workshop

· The exposition space is built in this museum in such a way that it necessarily contains working areas for the creative activity of students. Sometimes such a museum is located in classrooms where classes are held, or in art workshops. Expositions can also be dispersed in separate rooms. All this contributes to the organic inclusion of the museum in the educational process, as well as in the field of additional education.

· Museum-laboratory

· This genre is very close to the museum-workshop. The difference lies in the nature of the collection, on the basis of which museums carry out their activities. These are collections of natural science and technical profile. Some of them are placed in subject rooms. The exposition space includes research laboratories and equipment.

· Toy Museum

· It can be a museum of games and toys, some of which are brought from home, but the main ones are made by children. On the basis of these collections, the museum asset and teachers can conduct theatrical classes with elementary school students, after-school groups, as well as field performances in kindergartens and nearby schools. A necessary component of the activity of such a museum is the study of the history of the production and existence of toys. An important role is also assigned to the scenario and production aspect, i.e. creation of special scenarios for conducting thematic classes.

Text in the exposition of the school museum

A necessary part of the preparation of expositions and exhibitions of school museums is the selection and compilation of texts. The correct use of texts enriches the content of the exposition and increases its impact.

The texts in the exposition are a holistic and systematically organized set of headings for sections and topics, annotations, labels, and indexes.

The system of texts is created during the design of the exposition, taking into account the fact that they should be clear, unambiguous and accessible to everyone. The text should contain all the necessary information, be understandable, and sometimes emotionally influencing. One of the most important requirements that determine the approach to the text is conciseness. Overloading the exposition with textual material only reduces its cognitive value.

Texts in the exposition are usually divided into the following types:

headings (capitals);




Titles (title) texts help to navigate the exposition. Their task is to give a "guiding thread" to the examination of the exposition, to reveal its thematic structure. The title texts include the names of all departments and halls of the museum, exposition themes, sections or complexes.

The explanatory text is a commentary on the hall, topic, complex. It contains information that complements and enriches the visual range,contributes to a holistic perception of the exposition image.

The leading text can be compared with the epigraph to a literary work. Its meaning is to express the main idea of ​​the exposition in a bright, clear and concentrated form, to reveal the meaning and content of some of its sections, topics or complexes. Excerpts from memoirs, letters, diaries, notes made by the heroes of the exposition are widely used as leading texts. materials that have a pronounced personal character.

Labeling in the museum is the totality of all the labels of a given exposition. Each label is an annotation to a specific exhibit. Its content depends on the profile of the museum, the tasks of the exposition and the nature of the museum object itself.

In museum practice, a certain form of placing information in the label has developed. Each label includes, as a rule, three main components:

The name of the subject;

Attribution data (information about the material, size, method of manufacture, authorship, social and ethnic environment, historical and material significance);

The date.

Label examples


Used for arable work in the peasant farms of the Kama region at the end XIX - early XX centuries.

The factory was founded in 1868. Equipped with English machines. In 1890, the number of workers exceeded 5,000 people.

Pupils of the 5th grade of the village of Zyukayka In the last row (far right) Andrey Mokhov. Perm region, 1934

Hero of the Soviet Union A.V. Ivanov (1907-1943).

January 1942

Photo by B. Petrov.

On the back there is an inscription: “Dear, beloved mother. We drive the enemy away from Moscow"

Design and layout of the label

The font, color, size, location of annotations to the exhibits are determined in the process of working on the exposition. The entire text comment, including labels, should become an organic part of it. Therefore, the authors of the exposition, developing the content of any text, simultaneously solve artistic problems.

Texts must be stylistically coordinated between themselves and other exposition materials, designed and placed in such a way that they perform their functions in the best possible way. There are also rules arising from the external features of exhibits of various types and label requirements. You should not, for example, put labels on exhibits. They are placed next to material exhibits on a stand, on a shelf, on the wall of a showcase. To the edged material - on the mat under the exhibit, to the framed one - they are attached to the frame. If the exhibits are located high above the exposition belt, then below, at eye level, you can place a diagram of their location with all the necessary data. Small exhibits attached to the tablet or located in the showcase are numbered, and under the corresponding numbers their list and description are given in the general annotation.

It is necessary to avoid obtrusiveness and variegation of labels, to sharply distinguish them from the general background of the exposition, but it is also impossible to level them, to make them completely invisible. We must not forget about the texture and color of the labels. They are tinted in accordance with the background of the stand, showcase. They are written or printed on good paper, and for exhibits located on stands, podiums, on dense material (cardboard, plexiglass, etc.).

In a school museum, where the priority is the idea of ​​creating, “doing” a museum, where it is especially important to activate the attention of visitors, the so-called “intriguing” labeling is appropriate, along with traditional information, it may contain questions or tasks such as: “Find ...”, “ Compare...”, “Choose...”, “Guess...”, “Think why...”, etc. Thanks to this etiquette, viewing the exposition turns into an exciting and at the same time serious game that will adults, and children.


The content of cultural and educational activities is expressed in the forms of work with the audience. The main ones include: lessons in the museum, lessons in the classroom using museum objects, thematic lectures, excursions (theatrical), exhibitions, scientific readings (conferences), consultations, seminars, methodological associations, clubs (circle, studio), themed evenings, lessons courage, days of mercy, professions, open doors, historical, folklore holidays, museum olympiads, competitions, historical games.

All events held by the school museum should be recorded in a special notebook (book of mass events), which is filled out according to the following scheme:

All correspondence of the museum must be accounted for, for which a special notebook is assigned, in which the date of writing the letter, the serial number, the address where it is sent, and its brief content are noted.

For letters accepted by museums, another notebook is assigned, which is also divided into columns: date of receipt of the letter, date of departure, address, author, summary of the letter.


The status of "school museum" is assigned by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Requirements for an exposition claiming the title of "school museum":

Availability of a fund of genuine materials registered in the book of accounting for the main fund (inventory book);

The presence of a designed exposition, with sufficient completeness and depth revealing the content of the chosen topic;

Ensuring the conditions for the safety of the collected material;

The presence of a permanent asset of students conducting systematic search-collecting and research work under the guidance of a teacher;

Protection and promotion of historical and cultural monuments, nature of the native land;

Cultural and educational activities of the museum.

Museum documentation:

· Order of the director of the educational institution on the opening of the museum and the appointment of the head of the school museum

· Current and long-term plans of the museum

· Fixed asset accounting book (inventory book)

· Book of accounting of the scientific auxiliary fund

· Thematic exposition plan

· Card file

· Book of accounting of mass events

· Guest book

· Texts of excursions, lectures, conversations, scenarios of mass measures.

The work plan of the school museum consists of the following sections:

1. General tasks and directions in the forthcoming work of the museum in the new educational water.

2 Work with the school asset of the museum.

Organization and procedure for teaching the asset the basics of museology Participation of activists in museum work on the scale of the district (city), region, Russia. Planned tasks for each activist within the assigned area of ​​work.

3. Research work.

What topics and by whom will be studied and developed in the current academic year. For example: according to the history of an educational institution, street, microdistrict, or about a specific person - the director of an educational institution, a teacher, a former student; about the combat operations of a unit, unit or individual hero. Topics can be varied depending on the profile of the museum.

4. Search and collection work.

A specific plan for the participation of schoolchildren and teachers in tourist and local history expeditions to search for and collect museum materials during the autumn-winter and spring-summer holidays; what museum items are supposed to be found in the city, district, where or from whom; with whom the correspondence will be tied to search for materials, work in archives or in specialized ones, museums, etc.

5. Scientific exposition work

What exhibits will be put on display or replaced, what temporary or permanent exhibitions will be prepared, etc.

6. Working with funds

Drawing up scientific documentation, filling out an inventory book, rules for maintaining field documentation, compiling cards for museum objects, studying, researching and describing each item; creation of conditions for the storage of museum collections, the procedure for processing incoming historical monuments, etc.

7. Methodical work

Compilation or addition of review and thematic lectures. Education and preparation of museum activists for excursions, etc.

8. Publishing

Compilation of a booklet on the school museum. List of proposed information for publication in periodicals and other information sources about events held at the museum, etc.

9. Excursion-mass work

Schedule for student visits to the museum. List of events. The use of museum objects in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. Development of excursion themes, selection and systematization of excursion materials.

In cities where there are state museums, district (city) commissions are created for reviewing and certification of school museums, which include representatives of educational authorities, specialists from state, museums, institutions of additional education, public organizations, associations of local historians. The district (city) commission gets acquainted with the activities of the school museum, fills in the relevant documents (survey certificate, registration card) and sends them to the regional center for children and youth tourism

Every five years, the museum must confirm the title of "school museum", about which the commission makes appropriate entries in the passport and registration card.

"Organization of the work of the school museum" // Methodical recommendations. / Compiled by O. V. Starkova. / Regional center for children and youth tourism. - Perm, 2002.

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