Male portrait in stages. The proportions of a person's face when drawing a portrait: a diagram


Depicting a person on a piece of paper will help you easily draw friends and acquaintances. This art is not as difficult to learn as it seems at first glance, because everyone made their first sketches in childhood, the main thing is to hone your skills. Before the invention of photography, many people drew portraits, so the main thing to learn is to remember these skills.

How to learn to draw portraits with a pencil? This question is asked by many novice artists, it's very simple, you don't need to graduate from art institutes, but simply become a student of our drawing studio.

With us you can quickly learn the skills of drawing a portrait. Our specialists work according to the author's program, which allows you to hone your skills in practice, because this is the main thing in learning to draw with a pencil. We accept people of all ages and it is not necessary to have professional skills, the main desire is to learn how to draw, and we will help you make your dream come true.

How to draw portraits with a pencil?

In order to start learning to draw a portrait correctly, you must first choose a special paper that is suitable for sketching with a pencil. It has a porous structure and strokes fit better on it. And it is worth picking up a soft pencil, if it is hard, then traces will remain on the paper after removing an unnecessary stroke. In our studio you can learn the art of drawing at a professional level, and you will be provided with all the necessary tools and equipment for work.

To begin with, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the proportions of the human head. If you immediately look at the face, it seems that the eyes are located at the top of the head, but this is not at all the case, they are located in the middle, and the feeling of incorrect placement creates congestion with other details. In order to correctly depict all the elements, it is necessary to draw several vertical and horizontal lines on a blank sheet of paper. The horizontal line will be the eyes, and the vertical nose.

Step by step learning to draw a portrait

To begin with, you need to pay special attention to the shapes of the parts of the face that you depict. After all, each person has his own individual characteristics, the eyes can be round or elongated, and the nose can be of different shapes. The main thing is the elaboration of details, because the portrait should look like a certain person. Then you need to work in stages and learn to draw the following elements:

  • Eyes - to depict them, you need to draw three lines. In the central part there will be pupils. You must first sketch the eyeball and eyes and do not hatch. After the image of the pupil, the eyelids and existing wrinkles are drawn. At the final stage, eyebrows are drawn;
  • Lips - also drawn in three lines. To make it easier, you need to start with the lower lip, then proceed to the upper part. It is divided in half by a hollow. Using the addition of shadows, you can make folds and bulges;
  • Nose - they begin to draw it above the upper lip. Artists depict it in the form of a tick. And from this checkmark, draw several large arcs on both sides.

After drawing all these details and sketches, the main difficult work is done. In the final stage, shadows are superimposed on the drawing. This is a rather important stage, which should be given great attention, because it is they who enliven the face. Particular attention is paid to the eyes, because it is worth refreshing the look, it will greatly decorate the portrait. The final step will be drawing the oval of the face along with the shadows.

The main benefits of studying at Matita's drawing studio

If you have a desire, learn to draw portraits with a pencil, but you don’t have any skills and experience at all, this is not a problem. We can quickly teach you all the subtleties and details, and soon your family and friends will admire your portraits. Many people ask the question, why is it better to study in a drawing studio, and not on your own using a video lesson? Because when you come to our studio, you get a number of the following benefits:

After completing the course, you will be issued a certificate that confirms the knowledge you have gained. To try your hand, you can sign up for the first free lesson.

Probably every child loves to draw. This is an exciting, exciting activity in which children can express themselves, reveal themselves as a person. As they grow older, the drawings of small artists also change.

They become meaningful, childish negligence is replaced by realistic images. Perhaps it's time to teach children how to draw a portrait. The right approach will give a good result, because drawing a portrait in stages is not difficult at all.

Step by step instructions

After making sure that the mood of the children is suitable, you can begin to be creative. To do this, you need to prepare a sheet of paper, a well-sharpened simple pencil and an eraser, with which you can eliminate minor errors in the future masterpiece, completed in stages.

We draw a portrait in stages:

  • First, take a sheet of paper and mark its center. Then we draw an oval of the future face. It should resemble an inverted chicken egg. After that, the oval will need to be divided by dotted lines so that children have the opportunity to navigate when depicting parts of the face.

Therefore, we put on the drawing one vertical line and 2 horizontal lines. With the help of a vertical line, we delimit the left and right parts of the face, and horizontal marks divide the face into 3 parts: forehead and eyebrows, eyes and nose, mouth and chin.

  • Let's move on to the next step, where we draw the eyebrows and eyes. Eyebrows are two arches located parallel to each other. They are displayed above the upper horizontal line. At the next stage, the eyebrows can be given any shape.

Under the same line, draw the eyes, the shape of which can be chosen arbitrary. The eyes are depicted as two mirror arcs, between which there is a round iris and pupil.

In order for the drawing in children to turn out realistic, it is necessary to draw eyelashes on the lower and upper eyelids. The length of the eyelashes on the upper eyelid should be longer than on the lower.

  • We draw a nose. This stage must be given special attention, since it is the nose in children that in most cases does not work. In order to give it the correct shape, to make it proportional, it is recommended to start depicting the nose from the inside of the eyebrows. A thin arc is drawn down, the top of the nose is indicated.

After that, the wings of the nose, nostrils are drawn, all unnecessary is erased with an eraser, and the lines are drawn with a pencil.

  • In the lowest part of the face we draw a mouth. It will be depicted as a lower arcuate line and two arcuate lines located on top. The upper and lower parts of the mouth are connected and guided with a pencil. With a slightly curved horizontal line, draw a line separating the upper and lower lip.

  • The stage at which the portrait, depicted in stages, will be completed with finishing touches, provides for the image of ears, shoulders and hair. In order for the drawing to turn out correct, and all parts of the face to be proportional, it is necessary to follow the recommendations for their image.

So, the ears should be at the same level as the nose. After finishing the shoulders, you can move on to the hair. If the portrait depicts a man, then the hair will be short, if a woman, then you can come up with any haircut, hairstyle, hair length.

Having drawn a portrait in stages, minor errors are erased with an eraser, lines are aligned with a simple pencil, and all marks that were made at the initial stage of drawing are removed. If desired, the portrait can be supplemented with elements such as freckles, birthmarks.

The given step-by-step instruction is simple for children. It allows you to master the basic skills of depicting a person's face, learn how to draw its parts correctly, observing the recommended proportions. The portrait turns out to be realistic, because it is made according to all the rules.

It is not difficult to instill in children a love of creativity if you approach this issue correctly. If you share the desire of young artists to draw, support their undertakings, they will certainly master their favorite pastime, because the support and understanding of parents in this matter, above all.

Today we will try to draw a person's face from a photo. In part, we will sketch - that is, the background, tonal relationships, angle - all this is the same when you draw from a photograph.
But we still need some knowledge: when we draw a face, we use the same approach as when drawing from nature.

So, you will need a sheet of drawing paper, a tablet, a 3B dash, in the last stages of the drawing - 5 or 8B.

1 step. Choose a photo from which you will draw a person. It is better if you know this person well, so you can choose a photo in which this person is captured most expressively, which will help to draw a similar portrait from the photo.

2 Outline the main provisions of the future drawing. Pay attention to the line of the eyes - the eyes should be located symmetrically, taking into account the angle. The height of the ears is equal to the height of the nose.

3 Under the skin and a layer of muscles are the bones of the skull. outline the cheekbones and lightly mark the eye sockets: this will allow you to draw the eyebrows and eyes correctly.
Despite the fact that you are drawing from a photo, if you do not do this, the picture may "spread", and as a result, the drawing will not look like this person.

4 Constantly check the ratios and sizes, as well as the angles: see at what angle the neck goes, how narrow the head is at the top, at what angle the nose of the person in the photo is located.
Enter tone: shadows draw objects. Softly shade the shadows, separate the areas of light from the shadows. This will allow you to understand the form. Otherwise your drawing will be flat.
Constantly refine the details, check with the original, especially in tone and angles.

5 If the drawing turns out to be dark, that is, you lost the light areas or made the midtones (middle areas of the drawing) too dark, take a piece of loaf and crumble the crumb onto the drawing. Wipe the pattern with the crumb in light circular motions: it will absorb some of the graphite and the pattern will become noticeably lighter.

6 Our drawing is almost ready. But it looks uniform, and in some places the shading is rough. Now we need to finish all the little things. At this stage, there is already a similarity with the original, but there is no completeness.
To begin with, put accents: brighten the lights, tighten the shadows. To do this, use the softest pencil. Draw the eyes and face brighter and more contrast than the hair and clothes. Blend the background if it takes on too much. make it more uniform. All contrasts should emphasize the face. Next to the light areas are always the darkest. In our drawing and photograph, for example, this is the hair and forehead: against the background of a light forehead, the hair is especially contrasting, they emphasize the oval of the face. At the bottom of the portrait, the hair draws the neck.

A portrait is a universal gift. You can please a loved one and a loved one by giving a painted portrait. Such a gift will say that you are ready to try for your loved one, often think about him. Of course, learning how to draw a portrait is not enough, you also need to practice a lot.

You can give a portrait at any age. Even small children draw their mother on their first drawings and give her this first portrait drawn in their life. Drawing from nature is difficult, but useful. However, to make a pleasant surprise, you need to draw from a photo - after all, there will be no surprise from nature, the person will know that you are drawing him.

But you can take a beautiful photo in the right angle, and then all that remains is to carefully draw an image from it on canvas or paper.

This is one of the most difficult types of art. The physique must be studied in detail in parts. We have already considered some elements. Before you start, be sure to read these few recommendations from professional artists:

  1. First you need to think about the approximate location of all elements
  2. For sketching, take a sharpened pencil of medium hardness (I used HB and 2B, write in the comments which pencils you used), which will allow you to sketch thin lines.
  3. Do not erase the sketch lines until the desired result is clearly visible.
  4. Keep Proportions
  5. Note that the face has a pointed shape at the bottom and a more rounded one at the top.
  6. Practice! The more you train, the better you will learn to convey the necessary emotions and nuances of human facial expressions.

And now let's move on to the lesson.

How to draw a person's face step by step:

Step one. The face of this oval shape. First, make an oval and divide it with lines. The vertical line exactly in the middle crosses it, and the horizontal lines are arranged as follows. The first divides the face just below half, and the second still half from the remaining lower part of the face. We can't give exact measurements because everyone's faces are different. But the task of these lines is to outline (this is vertical), as well as the location of the lips (horizontal bottom line). Keep in mind that these will need to be erased later, so don't press too hard on the paper with the stylus. If you press hard on the paper, it will deform, and the drawing will look like a girl who is preparing for plastic surgery. (Will be ) Step two. Make indicative strokes at the place where. And also add lines for , and halfway between the nose and chin. Make the line that represents the lower lip wider. Step three. Let's move on to drawing. They are located just above the nose. The outer edges of the nose indicate where the inner corners of the eyes will go. Make a sketch as shown in the picture. There is another important factor to consider here. Human anatomy is arranged so that the distance between the eyes is equal to the size of another eye. This is indicated by the red arrow in the figure. Now let's add the eyebrows. Tip: even if one eyebrow is raised and the eyebrows are the same height, start drawing from the inside (points closer to the nose). To get an idea of ​​how high the brows are, add another imaginary eye above the left eye - this should give you more or less the correct height for the brows. Step 4 Let's add a mouth. In the previous lesson, we already covered some points. For example, we tried to depict . But there is another important point, a lot of questions from novice artists about how big should the mouth be? Draw mentally two lines from the inner corners of the eyes down. This will be the approximate size of the company, with a smile it can be a little wider. Step 5. Now we erase the auxiliary lines that we made in the first two steps. Let's see what we got. In principle, the sketch is ready. Now it remains to decorate, add shadows. Step six. Give the shape of the face more specificity. Pay attention to the cheekbones and the shape of the chin. This woman has a strong chin, but try not to make it too strong or she will turn into a man. Draw black pupils, and add eyelids. requires focus. This is the mirror of the soul. Look closely at the animation. You will see in what sequence it is best to do this. Step last. With a simple pencil, add shadows to give the drawing volume and make it more realistic. That's all. We will look at other parts of the human body in more detail in the following lessons. Leave also your work, and write comments about how, Only we have such lessons, see for yourself.

As you know, in order for a person to look like himself in a portrait, you need to correctly convey the proportions of the face. The recognition of the picture and the transfer of character depend on this. But before setting such serious tasks, novice artists must first learn how to draw a human head correctly. To help beginners, various methods and schemes are created. In academic drawing, students hone their skills in drawing a plaster head, study plastic anatomy. Without these skills, mastery will not work. And there are no such "miracle techniques" in which a person masterfully draws a portrait the first time. However, to help beginners, I want to offer a simple scheme that will help at the initial stage of learning. In this head drawing scheme, there are a few simple principles that will help to understand the essence. If a novice artist learns how to apply them in a drawing, then the question will never arise: “Where to start drawing a portrait or a plaster head?”. Drawing a human head will be much easier and beginners will feel much more confident. So what do you need to learn?

1. The shape of the head is more like an egg than a ball. From the side of the chin, the head is narrower, from the side of the back of the head - wider.

2. Eye level is located approximately in the middle of the head.

3. The level of the tip of the nose is approximately in the middle between the eyebrows and the chin.

4. Lips will be located approximately slightly above the middle between the tip of the nose and the chin.

5. To make it easier to draw, always draw a midline or axis of symmetry. This line divides the drawing of the head in half. It will be easier for you to draw the left and right sides of the head evenly. The axis of symmetry will help to avoid curvature in the drawing, when either the right eye is not in its place relative to the left, or something similar is obtained.

Well, in conclusion, I will add that the above patterns are approximate. Each person has his own unique face: someone has a shorter and higher nose, someone has lower and wider eyes ... The transfer of character depends on these features. But no matter how different our faces and characters may be, the laws of the “rule of the middle” are the foundation on which the portrait of a particular person is “built”.

Alexey Epishin

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