Music and technology. technology in music


Health-saving technologies in musical education

Music is an integral part of human life, and therefore it should be diverse, like the world that is around us. An innovative approach to the pedagogical process in kindergarten expands the possibilities of using a variety of musical genres. Music has a positive effect on preschoolers. Sometimes aggressive children, entering the music room, change, listen to the music and calm down.

During the stay of children in the kindergarten, it is necessary to create the most optimal conditions. This is the main task of the teaching staff, because Kindergarten for a child is his second home. In the morning, when receiving children, you can turn on recordings of classical and modern works with a major, sunny sound. At the moment, the music will correct the psychophysical state of the child.

Continuing the theme of the health-improving and preventive orientation of musical accompaniment, it is necessary to use the technique of musical reflex awakening of babies after sleep. Here you should consider the type of nervous system of the child. This takes 10 minutes. For badly sleeping children - 1-2 minutes and 6-8 minutes - for those who slept soundly. Such an individual awakening has a great corrective and preventive effect. To wake up children, it is necessary to use quiet, gentle, light music so that the awakening does not recognize negative emotions. It is necessary to use a constant musical composition, which will develop a kind of reflex in children. After a month, the musical composition can be replaced with another one.

During the awakening of children, attention should be paid to the text spoken by the teacher against the background of music. The teacher should pronounce the words gently and softly.

Speaking about non-traditional forms of using music, it should be remembered that music does not always have to sound constantly, from the first to the last minute of the session.

1. Not all classes need to be necessarily voiced by means of live accompaniment or phonograms.

2. Musical accompaniment can be partial:

To create an appropriate associative background at the beginning of the lesson;

To organize children, increase their attention, concentration;

Music can sound at the end of the lesson as a final final fragment and carry a certain attitude for the future;

Musical accompaniment can also be used during the "functional peak" to stimulate the emotional activity of children.

3. Musical accompaniment can be combined, combining both live accompaniment and independent playing of children on the simplest musical instruments, listening to records and audio recordings.

Characteristics of health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions

Today, doctors are not able to cope with the problems of deteriorating health, so the question arises of preventive work, the formation of a conscious attitude to health and a healthy lifestyle (HLS). Propaedeutic work in this direction falls on the shoulders of teachers.

To what extent are modern teachers ready to implement the principles of health-saving technologies in the educational process?

How open are they to cooperation with doctors?

Are they able to conduct a dialogue with parents and take joint actions to preserve and improve the health of children?

An analysis of the current situation gives very sad answers to the questions posed.

Most teachers adhere to the definition of health, often referring to its physical component, forgetting about the socio-psychological and spiritual and moral. It is important to reverse this trend and be guided by the definition of health as a multifaceted concept that includes the physical, socio-psychological and spiritual and moral aspects.

The choice of health-saving pedagogical technologies depends on the program on which teachers work, the specific conditions of the preschool educational institution (DOE), the professional competence of teachers, as well as indications of the incidence of children.

Health-saving educational technologies are the most significant among all known technologies in terms of the degree of impact on children's health. Their main feature is the use of psychological and pedagogical techniques, methods, approaches to solving emerging problems. They can be divided into three subgroups:

Organizational and pedagogical technologies that determine the structure of the educational process, contributing to the prevention of states of overwork, physical inactivity and other maladaptive conditions;

Psychological and pedagogical technologies associated with the direct work of a teacher with children (this also includes psychological and pedagogical support for all elements of the educational process);

Teaching and educational technologies, which include programs to teach health care and the formation of a culture of student health.

Modern health-saving technologies

Types of health-saving pedagogical technologies. Time of the day. Features of the methodology. Responsible.

1. Technologies for maintaining and promoting health

Stretching not earlier than 30 min. after meals, 2 times a week for 30 minutes. from middle age in a gym or music room or in a group room, in a well-ventilated area Recommended for children with sluggish posture and flat feet. Be wary of disproportionate stress on the muscles Head of physical education.

Rhythmoplasty not earlier than 30 min. after meals, 2 times a week for 30 minutes. from middle age. Pay attention to the artistic value, the amount of physical activity and its proportionality to the age indicators of the child. Head of physical education, music director.

Dynamic pauses during classes, 2-5 min., as children get tired. Recommended for all children as a prevention of fatigue. May include elements of gymnastics for the eyes, breathing exercises and others, depending on the type of activity. Educators.

Mobile and sports games- as part of a physical education lesson, on a walk, in a group room - small with an average degree of mobility. Every day, for all age groups, the Games are selected according to the age of the child, the place and time of its holding. In the preschool educational institution we use only elements of sports games. Educators, head of physical education.

Relaxation. Any suitable location. Depending on the state of children and goals, the teacher determines the intensity of the technology. For all age groups You can use calm classical music (Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov), sounds of nature Educators, head of physical education, psychologist.

Aesthetic technologies. They are implemented in the classes of the artistic and aesthetic cycle, when visiting museums, theaters, exhibitions, etc., decorating premises for holidays, etc. For all age groups. It is carried out in the classroom under the preschool educational program, as well as according to a specially planned schedule of events. Of particular importance is work with the family, instilling aesthetic taste in children. All preschool teachers.

Finger gymnastics - from a younger age individually or with a subgroup daily. Recommended for all children, especially those with speech problems. It is carried out at any convenient time interval (at any convenient time). Educators, speech therapist.

Gymnastics for the eyes. Daily for 3-5 minutes. at any free time; depending on the intensity of visual load from a young age. It is recommended to use visual material, showing the teacher. All teachers.

Breathing exercises. In various forms of physical culture and health work. Provide ventilation of the room, the teacher instructs the children on the mandatory hygiene of the nasal cavity before the procedure. All teachers.

Gymnastics is invigorating. Daily after daytime sleep, 5-10 min. The form of carrying out is different: exercises on beds, extensive washing; walking on ribbed boards; easy running from the bedroom to a group with a difference in temperature in the rooms and others, depending on the conditions of the preschool educational institution.

Corrective gymnastics. In various forms of physical culture and health-improving work The form of carrying out depends on the task and the contingent of children. Educators, head of physical education.

Orthopedic gymnastics. In various forms of physical culture and health work. It is recommended for children with flat feet and as a prevention of diseases of the supporting arch of the foot.


"Health-saving technologies in musical education"

Prepared by: Music Director

MDOU No. 377

Emelyanova Tatyana Mikhailovna

Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution of higher professional education


General Economic Faculty

Abstract on the topic:

Information technology in music

St. Petersburg 2009


1. New technologies and music

2. Sound recording

3. Prospects for the development of information technologies in music



One of the main characteristics of the post-industrial period should be considered the rapid development of electronic technologies that contributed to the automation of the storage and processing of information using computers.

The emergence of sufficiently powerful computers and new computer technologies has had a huge impact on the formation of modern musical culture. The capabilities of modern computers are increasing every day in parallel with advances in the scientific and technical field and developments in the field of programming.

The time has come for a mature constructive relationship, a time for the construction of a common building, where both parties will feel an increasing need for mutually enriching projects. So different and once seemingly distant spheres of human intellectual activity over the last decades of the past century have not only been imbued with mutual respect, but one can already safely predict the brilliant fruitful development of their cooperation.

The obviousness of the fundamentally new opportunities provided by the musical computer in the development of the professional thinking of a musician in all areas of musical creativity will inevitably lead to the increasing introduction of music and computer technologies, which will significantly supplement and even change the very nature of the work of a composer, musicologist, performer and teacher.

Numerous experiments with electronic (and not only) machines capable of producing sound have led to the emergence of various ways of writing music, and hence to the emergence of various styles and directions. The new sound, unusual and unaccustomed to the ear, became an innovation in music. Many well-known modern composers, for example, K. Stockhausen, O. Messiaen, A. Schnittke, despite the complexity of working with technology, created works using new electronic instruments or only on them.

The development of electronic computing itself already at an early stage led her to "invasion" of music. Already in the 50s, using the very first computers, scientists made attempts to synthesize music: to compose a melody or arrange it with artificial timbres. This is how algorithmic music appeared, the principle of which was proposed back in 1206 by Guido Marzano, and later applied by V.A. Mozart to automate the composition of minuets - writing music according to the loss of random numbers. Algorithmic compositions were created by K. Shannon, R. Zaripov, J. Xenakis and others. In the 80s, composers had the opportunity to use computers equipped with special programs that could memorize, play and edit music, and also made it possible to create new timbres, print scores of their own creations. It became possible to use a computer in concert practice.

So, today the computer is a multi-timbral instrument and an integral part of any recording studio. Undoubtedly, the very word "studio" for many people is associated with the concept of "mass culture" or "third layer", that is, with manifestations of pop culture and modern show business. Perhaps this is one of the main factors that attracts applicants when entering sound engineering or any other faculties, one way or another related to music and computer technologies. The question arises: what role does the introduction of computers play in the education of future music teachers?

It is quite possible that a certain timbre-rhythmic code of computer music will help to cure some diseases. The availability of computer technology and the convenience of software will create unprecedented conditions for musical creativity (musical “needlework”), comparable in part to the current avalanche-like spread of amateur music-making in pop and rock styles. The expressions: “my music”, “my home studio”, “my CDs”, “my video clips”, “my music site” (everywhere “my” means “created by me”) will also become familiar mass concepts. Everyone will be able to try himself as a composer, arranger, sound engineer, composer of new timbres, sound effects.

1. New technologies and music

The influence of new technologies on music can be traced from ancient times. Music has evolved along with the development of the means of its performance, that is, musical instruments. It is impossible to imagine, for example, Mozart's fortieth symphony played, say, on a branch sticking out of a stump. And that's where the music comes from. Some kind of troglodyte there in the Mesozoic era sat and pulled a branch from nothing to do. Another troglodyte walked by, heard sounds, caught some harmony in them and decided to try too. The third, the most intelligent troglodyte, guessed that it was better to pull not a branch, but some kind of fiber, for example, horsehair, made a frame for him from wood and pulled this same hair across it. This is approximately the story of the birth of the first stringed plucked musical instrument. I note that if the third troglodyte had not known the technology of wood processing, then nothing would have come of it.

In the future, with the development of mainly woodworking and metallurgical technologies, people began to notice the dependence of sound on the type of wood from which the frame is made. Also, the fragile horse hair gave way to a metal string. And somewhere in the two thousand years before our era, such instruments as the lyre or harp appear.

Over the entire period of human history from the invention of the lyre to the present day, a huge number of musical instruments have been created. But three groups have been most influenced by new technologies over the past one hundred and fifty years - keyboards, drums and strings (mainly guitar).

When electricity was discovered, people began to try to apply it in almost all areas of their activity. The classical piano was no exception. People tried to make string vibrations undamped, that is, they wanted the volume of the sound not to decrease over time, like wind instruments. As a result, the following design was invented: a contact was established under the key, which turned on the electromagnet. At the same time, as in an ordinary piano, the hammer hit the string, it began to vibrate, and when it reached the magnet, it was turned off by pressing the string on another contact. When the string, under the action of elastic forces, deviated back, the contact opened, and the magnet again began to work and attract the string to itself. Due to the fact that the string periodically touched the contact on the electromagnet, this instrument had a very sharp sound and therefore was not widely used.

Another keyboard instrument - the organ - suffered from another problem: its high cost and size. After all, each frequency needed its own pipe there, so classical organs occupied entire halls. Yes, and the furs for him had to be pumped continuously. With the invention of the electric generator, the question arose about its use in musical instruments - after all, if you rotate it at different angular speeds, then when you connect it to a speaker, you can hear sounds of different frequencies. The first instrument using this principle was invented in Chicago in the late eighties of the last century. It was named Telharmonium. Since there was a separate generator for each frequency, it occupied a whole basement. In this cellar, a musician, usually an experienced organist, sat and played. At the same time, the telephone was invented, and the first speakers.

And so, to listen to music, Chicagoans called a certain number and connected to the Telharmonium. Due to its bulkiness and complexity of manufacture and adjustment, telharmonium has not received a sufficiently wide distribution. However, later, on the basis of telharmonium, in the thirties of the last century, an American engineer Hammond created an instrument that very much resembled the sound of an organ. They called it the Hammond organ. It has become very popular due to its low cost and good sound. Also, the Hammond organ began to be used not only in classical music, but also in rock music, which was gaining momentum at that time.

Modern keyboard instruments - synthesizers - originated, in principle, from the Hammond organ. With the development of electronics, people tried to somehow improve its sound. Gradually, mechanical oscillators were replaced first by multivibrators and then by integrated circuits.

Also, with the further development of microelectronics, it became possible to obtain almost any timbre. In modern popular music, the synthesizer is king and god today. Because of its ease of use, it is now used by anyone who can play the piano even a little bit. Three classes of an ordinary music school are enough to play it more or less tolerably.

In the last decade, the synthesizer has gained a powerful ally - the computer. Modern computers, as you know, allow you to do whatever your heart desires. With the invention of sound cards for a computer, it became possible to insert chips with a bank of instruments from any modern synthesizer onto them. With the help of special sequencer programs, you can drive any melody into your computer and play it. It looks like a synthesizer. More recently, so-called software samplers have appeared. A sampler is a device that allows you to record a sound sample (in English sample, where the name comes from), indicate which note it corresponds to and, by connecting it to a synthesizer, play this timbre. Hardware samplers were expensive and difficult to handle, so writing a software sampler created a sensation among musicians. Now, in general, it was possible to get by only with a computer, knowing a little musical literacy and not being able to play on anything. The price-to-sound ratio of synthesizer and computer made them indispensable instruments for rock and pop musicians.

2. Sound recording

Since ancient times, people have tried to somehow perpetuate musical works.

After all, for a composer to play some of his compositions every time is the same as for an artist to re-paint his picture every time. Therefore, the musicians somehow thought about perpetuating their own works. The most technically simple, and therefore the most ancient method is musical notation.

It does not require any technical devices, except for a pen with ink and a piece of parchment, and then paper. Musical notation consists in the conventional designation of musical sounds on a sheet. An experienced musician, seeing these signs, immediately plays a melody in his head, and he can reproduce it almost the same as the original.

The invention of musical notation, of course, greatly contributed to the development of music as an art, but at first it was naturally different in different countries. In the process of spreading a civilized people over the earth, musical writing came to a certain standard. However, the writing that we now use is suitable for recording music, the roots of which lie entirely in classical European music. It is difficult for them to record, for example, Chinese, Indian or African music.

In the process of the formation of music as an art, a need arose for a more perfect method of sound recording than notes. After all, not everyone who loved music knew how to play something. Of course, rich people could afford to keep a court musician, or go to the theater to the concerts of some famous musician. And what about the poor, who can not afford either one or the other? It was they who invented the first devices that made it possible to play music without being able to play anything. These were hurdy-gurdies. In fact, in order to play the barrel organ, no musical knowledge and skills are required, just turn the knob.

The mechanical method of sound recording has been used over the past few centuries. They could, for example, record a piece for organ. Slits were made on a roll of paper in certain places, then this roll was scrolled between the organ pipes and bellows. Where there were slots, air passed into the pipes and sound was made. However, this method of sound recording had a number of disadvantages, in particular, the complexity of manufacturing such a roll, the unevenness of its movement caused an uneven sound. This method is not widely used.

At the end of the nineteenth century, the American Thomas Edison invented the phonograph. This invention is considered a turning point in the history of sound recording. A new method of recording sounds was applied - wave, that is, due to the fact that sound is a mechanical wave, it causes vibrations of the membrane, which are recorded on any medium. During playback, the recorded vibrations from the carrier are transmitted to the membrane, which oscillates and vibrates the air in which the waves arise.

The invention of wave sound recording made it possible to record any instrument, but what is there an instrument, in general, now any sound could be recorded. However, a lot of time passed from the invention of the phonograph to the invention of high-quality players and tape recorders. At first, the phonograph did not find recognition because of the terrible sound quality. But the further improvement of this method of sound recording and the invention of high-quality electric players and tape recorders dotted the i. They appeared in the forties and fifties of the last century.

It was in these conditions that rock music arose - the first truly mass music. It became massive precisely thanks to the invention of simple, high-quality and cheap sound recording devices. Do not confuse rock music and pop. Pops, also a product of new technologies, I devoted a separate chapter. Rock music is first and foremost an art. To create a quality work in this genre requires no less skill and talent, as well as for another art form.

The development of rock music is most closely associated with the introduction of new technologies in instruments and sound recording. One vivid example I have already given is the improvement of the lead guitar to the level of the Fender Stratocaster or Gibson Les Paul. Another impressive example is the invention of stereo players and stereo tape recorders. Monophonic players did not allow to achieve such sound quality, even if a rock band created something truly grandiose, it could not be conveyed to the masses, much was lost.

Approximately immediately after the invention of the stereo player, such masterpieces of rock appeared, The Beatles' album “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band”, the rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar is the first and so far the only successful project to merge rock with the classics. Also at that time (the end of the sixties) the so-called "gadgets" for electric guitars appeared, which made their sound truly fantastic for that time, and to some extent contributed to the emergence of new styles, such as heavy metal. In principle, heavy metal is the same rock, only very loud and faster.

Sometimes rock is unfairly called the music of the sixties-seventies generation, evil tongues say that it is already dead. Actually it is not. With truly great works of rock, approximately the same thing will happen as with Mozart's Fortieth Symphony, Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata or Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake - they will never be forgotten. Due to the fact that the heyday of rock did not last long, new technologies are again partly to blame. Approximately in the mid-seventies, a new generation of musical instruments began: microprocessor - basically these were all sorts of different synthesizers, and a little later, computers. The next generation of youth has changed, and, as you know, youth is the mover of everything new and denies everything old. Rock became the music of the fathers, and therefore unfashionable. However, that new generation did not offer anything new, but stubbornly asserted that “rock and roll is dead, but I am not yet” (B.B. Grebenshchikov). The ease of use of synthesizers and computers has made them accessible to every fool, and now, perhaps, if in about fifty years to look at today's music, then maybe some masterpieces will be found that are now tightly clogged with pop.

3. Prospects for the development of information technologies in music

Nevertheless, we will try to "foresee" the directions that seem to be the most promising from the point of view of the future application of a musical computer. The most realistic for us is to assume that the technology of distance music education will be widely used. This means that, first of all, the history and theory of music, but, in part, practical advice, will become available at any geographical point remote from reputable educational institutions. Consequently, we can count on the fact that a much larger number of people who are passionate about music, this beautiful and powerful art, will possess scientifically reliable and practical musical knowledge. The computer is already ready today to offer a lot of things that will finally make it possible to realize the historically and socially mature slogan "Music for everyone!".

Easily and excitingly, all people will master musical literacy, as if learning their native language, as if adopting the tunes of her favorite songs from their mother, and the music computer will become a reliable guide for every inquisitive traveler to the World of Sounds. Thanks to a computer equipped with musical training programs based on medical and pedagogical methods, the deaf and dumb, for example, will hear music and, in the end, even speak (there are already methodological developments in this direction today).

Thanks to a computer equipped with musical training programs based on medical and pedagogical methods, the deaf and dumb, for example, will hear music and, in the end, even speak (there are already methodological developments in this direction today). It is quite possible that a certain timbre-rhythmic code of computer music will help to cure some diseases.

The availability of computer technology and the convenience of software will create unprecedented conditions for musical creativity (musical “needlework”), comparable in part to the current avalanche-like spread of amateur music-making in pop and rock styles. The expressions: “my music”, “my home studio”, “my CDs”, “my video clips”, “my music site” (everywhere “my” means “created by me”) will also become familiar mass concepts. Everyone will be able to try himself as a composer, arranger, sound engineer, composer of new timbres, sound effects.

Against the background of such a mass enthusiasm, the prestige and quality of music education will increase many times over, the content of which, thanks to the computer, will change significantly, become more high-tech and intensive, flexibly customizable for any specific tasks. Each music teacher in a special lyceum or a general school (it doesn't matter) will be fluent in music and computer technologies. Of course, he will be able to lead his subject in an interesting and exciting way, it will not be difficult for him to compose a song or dance, make full-sounding arrangements, form a bright school concert, record it on a digital disc with high quality and then give his pupils such a record as a memory of the wonderful time of childhood and youth .

It is possible that music-computer technologies will even more squeeze the labor-intensive musical professions, due to which, under the coercion of parents, not too diligent boys and girls are often deprived of their childhood happiness for 10-15 years in a row. The joy of momentary direct music-making will be brought to them by even more ingeniously designed synthesizers and musical computers. And only truly talented, enthusiastic and patient musicians will become virtuosos (violinists, pianists, clarinetists, trumpeters).


1. Informatics and computer intelligence / A.V. Timofeev. - M. Pedagogy, 1991.

2. Information technology. Yu.A. Shafrin. - M. Lab. basic knowledge, 1998.

3. Informatics: textbook. for students of tech. directions and specialties of universities / V.A. Ostreikovskiy. - Ed. 2nd, sr. - M.: Higher. school, 2004.

4. Continuous course of informatics / S.A. Beshenkov. - M. BINOM. Lab. knowledge, 2008.

5. S. Kastalsky. Rock Encyclopedia / M. Peer, 1997.

irina biryukova
Modern educational technologies in the work of the music director of the preschool educational institution

Municipal Autonomous Preschool educational institution

urban district of Korolev MO kindergarten No. 39 of a general developmental type

"Sunny city"

"Modern educational technologies in the work of the music director of the preschool educational institution. "

Muses. hands Biryukova I. A.

g. o. Korolev 2015


List of literary sources



Pursuing the methodology musical development of preschool children, I found that the child and the music is remarkably similar, spaces of childhood and music are inextricably linked with the concept of play. This conclusion became a starting point for me, defining the essence of pedagogical musical technologies education and development of children of early and preschool age. The path that the baby makes, discovering the world for himself music, and with its help, himself and the world around him, is extremely important for him. This is a very interesting and unusual route, it helps the child in his musical achievements and artistic search, in the accomplishment of numerous and various discoveries.

Keeping up with modern educational processes, preschool teacher education need to be able to navigate diversity integrative approaches to child development, in a wide range modern technologies. Usage modern technologies in music development of a preschooler require new approaches to musical education.

Music and play is the source of children's joy. Applying on musical classes, various game methods, I solve the important problem of early musical raising children - I develop emotional responsiveness to music. In his work, I use new programs and technologies in various types of musical activity.

The use of information and communication technology in music classes allows me, as a teacher, to significantly revive joint educational relationship with children, expanding the possibility of presenting musical and didactic material. Classes with the use of ICT activate the attention of a preschooler, increase cognitive interest in music. Classes become more meaningful and harmonious.

Tasks musical education is carried out through several types musical activity: hearing music, singing, musically- rhythmic movements musical - didactic games, games for children musical instruments. Means of new information technologies I include in all kinds musical activity:

In chapter "Hearing music» - computer presentations are used to enrich the process emotionally - figurative cognition of the child, causing a desire to repeatedly listen musical composition.

In chapter "Singing"- singing skills are acquired in the process of learning songs (playing with the sounds of your voice, intonations of speech). Showing a computer presentation for a song helps to interest children in having a conversation that matches the theme of the song.

In chapter « Musically- rhythmic exercises- the process of learning dances using educational videos becomes exciting and interesting for the child.

In chapter « Musically– didactic games»- the use of voiced presentations ( "Good Master", "Forest Orchestra", "Whose house", "Guess the melody and mood", "Yablonka" etc.) help the child first learn the task, and then check the correctness of its execution.

The use of ICT allows the teacher to clearly and clearly convey to the child information about different types of art, such as theater, ballet, opera.

Shaping the foundations musical culture of preschoolers, accumulation of experience musical perception contributes technology development of perception music Oh. P. Radynova. Application algorithm technology in practical activities:


1st stage: listening setting (talk about a piece of music, acquaintance with the author, title);

2nd stage: performance musical works by a teacher or listening to an audio recording;

3rd stage: definition of emotional - figurative content of music("What feelings does music);

4th stage: highlighting features of software and figurativeness, if any("What does he talk about music)

5th stage: defining the expressive means by which the musical image("As he tells music);

Moreover, these stages can be layered on top of each other at each subsequent lesson. The first stage is pivotal.

6th stage: Perception Combination music with practical and creative actions that help the preschooler to express their experiences in external manifestations, to feel the character more deeply music to actively experience their experiences.

Use in the classroom technology formation of motor skills by A. I. Burenina suggests variable game forms of organization of the pedagogical process based on the cooperation of a child and an adult and includes the following stages:

1st stage: children imitation exemplary execution of movements by the teacher ( "engaging show")

2nd stage: development of the ability to independently perform individual movements, exercises and entire compositions. (The reception is used we: showing performance by a child, showing conditional gestures and facial expressions, verbal instructions, "provocations", i.e. special errors of the teacher to activate the attention of children).

3rd stage: creative self-expression.

(Formation of the ability to independently select and combine familiar movements and invent their own, original ones).

gaming technology the formation of creative music-making skills by T. E. Tyutyunnikova allows you to preserve and develop the natural musicality preschoolers on the basis of equal, interpersonal, creative, joint game interaction, non-judgmental musical process.


1st stage: teaching the simplest elements of the game on musical tools and the ability to apply them in practice;

2nd stage: creative music making - improvisational appeal with familiar material, the ability to use it in your own way, combine it in various ways, experimenting and fantasizing;

3rd stage: concert music - performance by an ensemble of children of some works of classical, children's and folklore music.

Usage technology musically- theatrical activities (A. S. Burenina, M. Rodina, M. D. Makhaneva, E. G. Churilova) on the musical classes helps to introduce children to theatrical culture, arouses interest in theatrical and gaming activities.


1st stage: Expansion and systematization of children's knowledge about the theater topics:

Features of theatrical art,

Types of theatrical art,

The birth of the play

Theater inside and out

The culture of behavior in the theater.

2nd stage: "Theatrical Game"- is aimed not so much at acquiring professional skills and abilities as a child, but at developing playful behavior, aesthetic sense, the ability to be creative in any business, to be able to communicate with peers and adults in various situations. Includes:

Games for the development of auditory attention, creative imagination and fantasies

Games with improvised noise instruments;

Finger game training;

Games for the development of the perception of the nature and content of music. works

Games for the development of visual attention

Games with household items and toys

Exercises with attributes for the development of fine motor skills, attention, memory, imagination

Action games with imagined objects or memory of physical actions

Exercises for the formation of expressiveness of performance (development of facial expressions, pantomime)

Etude games for the development of emotions

Sketch games for the development of creativity imagination

Games-etudes for communication

Exercises and games for the development of culture and speech techniques(breathing and articular exercises)

Tongue Twisters

Exercises for the development of intonational expressiveness

Creative word games

Dramatization of poems

Preparation and acting out various mini-dialogues, nursery rhymes, songs, poems, varied fairy tales and dramatizations

3rd stage: Work on the play(nine basic steps):

1. Choosing a play or dramatization and discussing it with the children.

2. Dividing the play into episodes and retelling them by children.

3. Work over individual episodes in the form of sketches with improvised text.

4. Quest musically- plastic solution of individual episodes, staging of dances. Creation of sketches of scenery and costumes with children.

5. Transition to text plays: working on episodes. Clarification of the proposed circumstances and motives for the behavior of individual characters.

6. Work over the expressiveness of speech and the authenticity of behavior in stage conditions; consolidation of individual mise-en-scenes.

7. Rehearsals of individual paintings in different compositions with details of scenery and props (can be conditional, with musical arrangement.

8. Rehearsal of the entire play with elements of costumes, props and scenery. Specifying the tempo of the performance. Appointment of persons responsible for changing scenery and props.

9. Premiere of the play. Discussion with the audience and children, preparation of an exhibition of children's drawings based on the performance.

Application modern educational technologies at the OD in music education solve the problem of the overall development of children by means of music, enrich the inner and spiritual world of the child, develop emotional responsiveness, form an elementary idea of ​​the arts, national traditions and holidays. Application of these technologies correspond to GEF DO in educational educational process.

The use of game techniques and methods in non-standard, problematic situations that require a choice of solutions from a number of alternatives, in children forms flexible, original thinking. For example, in the classroom, writing musical stories, fairy tales, pupils gain experience that will allow them to then play games - inventions, games - fantasies. So way, modern gaming technologies are closely connected with all aspects of educational and educational work kindergarten and the solution of its main tasks.

Conclusion: Usage modern educational technologies undoubtedly gave a positive result. Children have a desire to musical activity, and not only sing, dance, but also listen musical works. They speak quite skillfully about the character, genre of the work, know and use a special musical terminology(within your age). Children independently monitor their posture during classes, observe the protection of their voices, and are active during games and exercises.

musical entertainment

"Trip to "Play - city"

(for children of the middle group)

Target: encourage children to actively participate in all activities.


Educational: to develop the ability to perform movements in accordance with the character music; sing expressively, conveying the character of the song.

Educational: to consolidate the ability to perform the simplest rhythmic pattern with claps; play on musical instruments; continue to learn to sing in a natural voice, without tension, start and end the song together, hear the intro; perform dance movements together as shown by an adult.

Educational: develop interest in music.

preliminary Work: reading a fairy tale "Teremok"; step-by-step learning with children on the roles of a fairy tale; hearing musical works, of a different nature; card making "Emotions".

Equipment: musical instruments, cards with emotions, multimedia equipment, music Center, Puppet Theatre, "quest box".

The course of educational activities:

Children are free to enter the hall with the teacher.

Muses of hands: Hello guys!

Children: hello!

Muses. hands: I'm glad to see you! Today we have guests in class, let's say hello to everyone.

Children: Good morning!

Good afternoon!

That's how nice we live! Hello!

Muses. hands: Guys, I would like to know if you like to play?

(children's answers)

Muses. hands Q: What games do you like to play?

(children's answers)

Muses. hands: I asked you about the game is not accidental. This morning I received a letter from my friend musician who lives in magic "Play City". Its inhabitants love to play, sing and have fun. The funniest of them all is Princess Igrul. But lately she has become sad, does not play with anyone, but only cries. The inhabitants of the city were upset because of this and also sad. My friend asks us to help, cheer up the princess and return laughter and joy to the city. Let's help the residents "Play - cities"? But only friendly and kind guys can do this. How do you think you will cope with this task? Why do you think so?

(children's answers)

Muses. hands: then you can go. I know the way and I will lead you. Unfortunately, in "Play - City" only kids can get in, so you guys need to slam (scheme of rhythmoslogs) and say magic syllables so that I turn into a child. And so ready.

Scheme of rhythmoslogs (Game technology

Children: (clap)

(music hand puts on a bow)

Muses. hands: Well, I'm ready! Let's go now to the city in which the main guest is the GAME! Went…

Dance - warm-up "What is Kindness" (Technology

Muses. hands: guys, look, and here is the gate "Play - cities". The gates are closed. My friend musician warned that there is a castle on the gate, and there should be nearby "Chest of tasks". The lock will open if you complete the task.

They find a chest with music in it. tools and puppets. Open and complete tasks.

1 task:

Tell a story with these musical instruments, and the dolls will help you (the fairy tale "Teremok")

(Technology development of creative abilities of preschoolers in musically-theatrical activities of A. S. Burenin, M. Rodin, M. D. Makhanev, E. G. Churilov)

Muses. hands: well done! The gates are open, you can enter the city. And here is "Emotion Lane". Residents live here "Play - Cities" and look out the windows, and their mood is different. Let's determine together what mood someone is in, this will help us music. Let's listen to 1 melody and choose the right card.

Children are listening music D. Kabalevsky "Rezvushka"

We listen to 2 melody and select the desired card.

Children are listening music D. Kabalevsky "Crybaby"

We listen to 3 melody and select the desired card.

Children are listening music D. Kabalevsky "Evil"

(Technology development of perception music Oh. P. Radynova)

Muses of hands: well done, we guessed the mood of the residents "Play - Cities". And so that the mood of all the inhabitants was joyful, let's teach them the game "Mouse and mice"

The game "Mouse and mice" (rhythm game)

Musical hands .: we continue our journey. And here is the area "Joys" and "Palace of Happiness". And the princess of Igrul herself. But look, she's sad. Let's cheer her up and dance "Polechka".

Dance "Polka"

(Technology formation of motor skills by A. I. Burenina)

Muses of hands: look, our princess smiled and the inhabitants "Play - cities" rejoice too! Clap for you! Let's take musical instruments and together we will all rejoice, play them.

(Gaming technology formation of skills of creative music-making by T. E. Tyutyunnikova)

Muses. hands: guys, we cheered princess Igrulya, and now in "Play - the city" everyone is having fun again. And it's time for us to return to kindergarten, we were late. And the autumn song will help us with this. We will sing it and find ourselves in kindergarten.

Song "Autumn"

Muses. hands: Here we are at home. Oh guys, they forgot about me, I need to turn into an adult. Rather turn me where our musical schemes, you need to clap and say magic syllables. Ready?

(scheme of rhythmoslogs)

Muses. hands takes off the bow.

Muses. hands: Thanks. Tell me, where have we been today? What good did they do?

Well done boys. Our journey has come to an end. Let's say goodbye to our guests. Goodbye, guys!


1. Merzlyakova, S. I. "The role of integrated classes in the development of preschoolers" //« Musical director» 2010.- No. 2.- p. 2

2. Radynova, O. P. “Preschool age: how to shape the foundations musical culture» // « Musical director» 2005.- №1. -With. 3

3. Radynova O.P. "Preschool age - tasks musical education» // Preschool education 1994.- No. 2, p. 24 - 30

4. Skopintseva, O. A. Development musically- artistic creativity of older preschoolers " / Skopintseva O. A. - Volgograd, 2010

5. Tarasova, K. V. “Development musical abilities in preschool childhood" // « Musical director» 2010 - No. 1. - With. ten

6. Tyutyunnikova, T. E. "Simple, fun, easy" // « Musical director» 2009.- No. 5.-p. four

7. A. I. Burenina "Rhythmic Mosaic" 2012 « musical palette» St. Petersburg.

Methodological development "The use of music and computer technologies in the activities of a music director"

A modern educational institution needs a teacher who owns all the capabilities of a modern computer sound “canvas”. A music director who is proficient in information technology in the same way as a piano keyboard is able to captivate children with various forms of working with the musical repertoire, not only thanks to their vocal abilities, academic knowledge, but also computer technology. Obviously, the technical principle should not suppress either the teacher or the pupil of the artist-creator with a delicate ear for music and uncontrollable imagination.
Not every teacher who uses ready-made multimedia tools in his practice is satisfied with their quality, construction, management, level of content, etc. The educational process is highly individual, requiring a differentiated approach, depending on a large number of variables.
Therefore, a preschool teacher, a music director, who thinks quite freely and creatively, should be able to independently prepare multimedia material for classes, holidays, etc.
Along with the traditional musical instruments that music education is focused on, music-computer technologies (MCT) with a wide range of possibilities are becoming more widespread. The musical computer is becoming indispensable in the activities of a composer, arranger, musical designer, music editor, and is increasingly being used in teaching. These technologies open up new opportunities for creative experimentation, expanding the musical horizons, the artistic thesaurus of students, and this makes learning to master them especially relevant.
New information technologies focused on modern music education create conditions for the training of a musical figure who, in addition to traditional musical disciplines, owns a musical computer as a new musical instrument.
The most important areas of application and development of ICT today are:
MCT in professional music education (as a means to expand creative possibilities);
ICT in general education (as one of the means of education);
ICT as a means of rehabilitation of people with disabilities;
ICT as a section of the discipline "Computer Science", "Information Technology";
MCT as a new direction in the education of technical specialists, associated, in particular, with the modeling of elements of musical creativity, sound-timbral programming, which leads to the emergence of new creative technical specialties.

The use of MCT in the music education of a preschool organization solves the following tasks:
1. Significantly intensify the development of musical ear and thinking, which is due to their intensive learning capabilities based on the integration of logical-perceptual forms of activity. Understanding the elements of the musical language occurs with the help of sensations and visual representations, which complements the possibilities of verbal communication. Non-creative forms of teacher's work are transferred to the computer, which makes it possible to demonstrate
2. expressive possibilities of harmony (primarily constructive logic), observe the patterns of musical morphology and syntax, simplifies the acquisition of orientation skills in the intonation-semantic plane, hearing and understanding the content-figurative plan, contributes to the convergence of educational material with artistic practice, and finally enriches the timbre the hearing of pupils, their ideas about the colorful and multidimensional quality of sound;
3. Musical training programs can be widely used in those cases when intensive restoration of skills is required after a long break in training or when it is necessary to quickly and firmly form special musical skills.


When creating a multimedia program, it is necessary to clearly imagine for whom and for what it is being created. The content of information slides can be compiled on any topic of the curriculum of the subject, or be of a developmental nature for classroom and / or extracurricular activities.
A multimedia program is a combination of dynamics with reasonable amounts of transmitted information. This is a synthesis of computer technologies that combines sound, video clips, information, still and moving images. Unlike video films, they need a much smaller amount of information to be transmitted.
The creation of multimedia programs, telecommunications projects involves the development of a script, concept, directing, editing, editing, sound design (if necessary).
To create a multimedia program, first of all, a script is developed and the sequence of presentation of the material is determined, taking into account the percentage of use of the text, visual and sound range. It is quite obvious that it is not practical to create a multimedia program including only textual information. Such material can be prepared within the Microsoft Word program. When searching for information, you can use links to collections of educational sites, sites with a selection of images.
When selecting material for a multimedia program, it must be remembered that we are talking about creating such information that will flow and grow in dynamics as the student progresses in the proposed material. This is especially important for individual learning, when the user can stop, write down the main thing for him, go back to clarify concepts and move on (such options are provided).
It must be remembered that the presented material is a capacious presentation of the accumulated material, where the textual presentation is often replaced by symbols, tables, diagrams, drawings, photographs, reproductions.
Selected video and sound for your program.
All this provides the user with the most comfortable conditions for the perception of the material. Multimedia elements create additional psychological structures that contribute to the perception and memorization of the material.
Benefits of music lessons using multimedia presentations in the Power Point program:
- the use of animation and surprise moments makes the cognitive process interesting and expressive;
- children receive approval not only from the teacher, but also from the computer in the form of pictures-prizes, accompanied by sound design;
- a harmonious combination of traditional means with the use of presentations in the Power Point program can significantly increase the motivation of children to study.

Designing classes using multimedia technologies is a completely new direction in the activities of a teacher, and it is here that you can apply all the accumulated experience, knowledge and skills, and a creative approach. Classes held in schools using electronic educational publications will be remembered by children for a long time. At the same time, of course, the role of the teacher, which cannot be replaced by any computer, remains the most important in the education of musical taste.
Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that the creation and use of multimedia lesson scenarios is one of the promising areas for the use of information and communication technologies in schools. However, it is necessary not to forget about the scientific nature, expediency, logic of presentation of multimedia information.

Educational interactive games with triggers

What is a trigger? A trigger is an animation tool that allows you to set an action on the selected element, the animation starts on click.
It is the use of triggers in educational presentation games that makes them interactive.
Consider the algorithm for recording animation time using a trigger.
1. We will select the necessary pictures and think over the questions, if any. It is better to rename the names of the pictures to convenient ones before placing them in the presentation. The object of animation and triggers can be both pictures and text objects with which, according to the plan, the action will take place.
2. On the slide, place the objects to which the animation and trigger will be applied. Think about the content of the use of animation, for example:
Selection: Rotate or Resize;
Travel paths: Direction of travel or Draw custom path. (Fig.1)
Important: Do not take animation Entrance

3. Bind the animation effect to the object so that it starts on the slide on click. We want the object to disappear when clicking on incorrect answers, for example, and when clicking on the correct answer, it will increase with a sound signal. To do this, select the object or “click” the arrow next to the effect in the task pane (circled rectangle) to open the drop-down menu and select the Time command (Fig. 2).

In the open window, activate the Switches button, it is responsible for the operation of the trigger. Select - Start effect on click. Attention! Select from the list on the right required an element from the proposed options for animation effects created by us. (Fig.3).
After this action, we will see the word “trigger” above the object in the Animation settings task area (Fig. 4). The trigger has been created.

When showing a presentation, the arrow cursor on the object with the trigger turns into a palm cursor.
4. Repeat all actions with the remaining objects.
5. You can check yourself in the Animation Settings: each object with the same name has an animation, a trigger and a music file (if any).
6. Now let's set up the objects for the appearance of sound. Attention! The sound file must be small! Insert a sound (applause, etc.) through the menu Insert - Sound - select the desired file (from a file, from the organizer of clips, own recording) and play the sound on click (Fig. 5).

Drag the sound to the desired object. We set the microphone icon to invisible mode (Fig. 2) (Effects parameters - Sounds parameters - Hide the icon during the show, set V).
7. Adjust the sound: select the "sound" object or "click" the arrow next to the sound in the animation area (circled rectangle) to open the drop-down menu, and select the Time command (Fig. 2).
8. Attention! (Fig.6)

Beginning - After the previous one.
Start effect on click - find the object with which the music will sound.
9. Add a button to go to the next slide. We select in the menu Insert - Shapes - Control buttons (Fig. 7). We draw below (the cursor became +) the selected figure. The Action Settings window opens.

10. Perform the Action settings (Fig. 8): On mouse click - Follow the hyperlink - Select the slide to go to in the window that opens - OK.
11. When the presentation is shown, the arrow cursor on the Control button turns into a palm cursor, just like on the object with a trigger.
Applying triggers is not always convenient, for example, to WordArt objects. In them, only the surface of the letters is active and it is difficult to get into it with the cursor. In such cases, the method of transparent triggers is used, when the trigger is assigned not to the object itself, but to a transparent figure superimposed on this object.
1. Insert menu - Shapes - select, for example, a rectangle and draw it on the WordArt object. Select it, right-click and select the "Shape Format" line: Fill - Color white, transparency 100%; Line color - No lines.
2. We apply animation to the WordArt object, and in it - a trigger to the object. The surface of the rectangle is active, which means it is easier to hit it with the cursor.
For some games, it is convenient to use moving triggers, for example, “shooting” at a moving target, “Bubble Pop”, etc.
- Objects start moving automatically when changing slides: Animation Paths of movement - Start of the first object On click, subsequent ones - With the previous one.
- Add animation to objects. The speed of the object movement in Animation is set (Fig.3) in the Time tab.
- To prevent unintended slide transitions when you accidentally click past during the game, uncheck the “On click” slide change and set a control button or an object with a hyperlink to the next slide.

A hyperlink is a highlighted object (text or picture) that is linked to another document or location within that document and responds to a mouse click.
First, we create the required number of slides: we recommend using themes or layouts "Title Only" or "Blank Slide".
To create one level of an interactive game, we need three slides (one - with a task; the second - with the value of an incorrect answer and returning to the slide with the task; the third - with the value of the correct answer and moving to the next level) (Fig. 9).

On the slide with the task we place objects that we will link with a hyperlink to another slide (place in the document)
Select the object, go to the "Insert" tab, select the "Hyperlink" command (Fig. 10)

In the window that appears (Fig. 11), in the "Link to" field, select "Place in the document". In the "Select a place in the document" field, click "Slide Title", find the slide that you want to use as the target of the hyperlink (you can see it in the "View Slide" window). Click "OK".

If there is a need to remove a hyperlink, in the same window (Fig. 11) there is a button "Delete hyperlink", click "OK".
We connect each object on the slide with the task with a hyperlink to the slide that is necessary in meaning.
In order to return to the slide with the task or go to the next level of the game, you can create a text hyperlink, as in Fig. 9, or you can use the Control buttons. Select the menu Insert - Shapes - Control buttons (Fig. 12).

We draw below (the cursor became +) the selected figure. The Action Settings window opens. We perform the Action Settings (Fig. 13): By clicking on the mouse - Go to the hyperlink - Select the slide to go to in the window that opens (we recommend SLIDE) - a window will open where you can see the slide you are going to - OK.

We can drag the control button to any place on the slide, reduce or increase its size, use the Drawing Tools to change the color, fill, write text, etc.
We create the number of game levels we need in a similar way and we can start the game. Additionally, you can attach sound files.


You can record and edit an audio file in a professional studio with special programs, or you can use improvised tools - standard programs and utilities of the Windows operating system. In addition to this, we need ready-made files with different resolutions, a microphone for voice recording and some skills.

sound recording

You can record a small sound file using the Sound Recorder program, which is a Windows system program designed for recording, mixing, playing and editing sound recordings. In addition, the Sound Recorder program allows you to link sounds to another document or insert them into it. Sound source - microphone, CD-ROM drive or external device.
Open the program: Start Menu - All Programs - Accessories - Entertainment - Sound Recorder. To record audio, select the New command from the File menu. To start recording, click the Record button. To stop recording, click the Stop button. We get a file with WAV resolution, the sound duration is no more than 60 seconds.

To mount several sound files into one or paste one file into another, choose File - Open. Find the file you want to edit, move the slider to the location where you want to paste the other file. On the Edit menu, choose Insert File and double-click the file you want to open. The duration of the sound can be increased in this way.
The file can be played in reverse order, for this we enter the Effects menu - Invert and click the Play button, in the Effects menu, change the file - the Add echo command.
You can overwrite a music file using a karaoke player. The KAR or midi file is adjusted at the desired tempo and key, then turn on Playback of the entire file or its fragment on the player and at the same time Record in the Sound Recorder program. We get the output and save the file with WAV resolution.

Windows Movie Maker

Another option for recording and editing files (sound and video) using Windows Movie Maker.

Audio recorded with a microphone is saved as a Windows Media format audio file with a .wma extension. By default, the audio memo file is saved in the "Comment" folder located in the "My Videos" folder on your hard drive. The program allows you to add sound effects: the volume of the sound gradually increases to the final playback level or gradually decreases until the sound disappears completely.
To edit the sound, open the file through Record video - Import sound or music, a note will appear in the central field, which we drag to the timeline below.
On the right in the window, turn on Play, use the Split clip into parts button (Fig. 3) when listening. Unnecessary fragments remove Del on the keyboard, pull up the remaining fragments and end up with a potpourri, which we then save on the computer in the Windows Media Audio File format.

The same thing happens with a video file, only through Import Video.

Trim mp3 file online

Your attention is presented to the online cutting of music on the Internet. ( . In the past, we have been looking for sophisticated audio file editing programs. With the free service of the site, cutting has become easier, faster and more convenient (Fig. 4).

Step 1. Click the "Download mp3" button, select the required file from your computer and wait for it to load. Once the file is editable, the track will turn pink and the play button will turn red.
Step 2.Now you can cut the mp3 file. Runners-scissors expose the desired segment of the composition.
Step 3. Click the "Crop" button, the download will start instantly.

Features of the on-line program for cutting music

Music cutter supports most audio formats: mp3, wav, wma, flac, ogg, aac, ac3, ra, gsm, al, ul, voc, vox, which allows you to use the online service as a converter of audio files to mp3: wav to mp3, wma to mp3, ogg to mp3, flac to mp3, etc.
The presence of the function of amplifying / attenuating the sound at the beginning and at the end of the selected segment. Thanks to this option, you can create a ringtone yourself that will not scare you with a sudden start or suddenly end at the end.
Double the cut volume. The function allows you to increase the volume of cutting, which is often necessary, especially when creating a ringtone.
The duration of cutting has no limit. And the segment is selected exactly to the milliseconds. Using the keyboard (left / right arrows), you can set very precisely the beginning and end of the musical segment.
Possibility of multiple trimming of one audio file without additional download. those. it is possible to create several ringtones from one song, melody, musical composition.
File size is almost unlimited

1. Altshuller, G.S. Creativity as an exact science: The theory of inventive problem solving / G.S. Altshuller. - M., 2008. - 84 p.
2. Gorbunova I.B. The Phenomenon of Music and Computer Technologies as a New Educational Creative Environment // Izvestiya RGPU im. A.I. Herzen. 2004. No. 4 (9). pp. 123–138.
3. Graphic editor Paint. PowerPoint Presentation Editor (+ CD) /under. ed. Zhitkova O.A. and Kudryavtseva E.K. - M.: Intellect-Center. 2003 - 80 p.
4. Ermolaeva-Tomina, L.B. The problem of development of children's creative abilities / L.B. Ermolaeva-Tomina // Questions of psychology. - 2009. - No. 5. - P.166-175.
5. Krasilnikov I.M. Electronic musical creativity in the system of art education / I.M. Krasilnikov. - Dubna, 2009. - 496 p.
6. Plotnikov K.Yu. Methodical system of teaching informatics using music-computer technologies: monograph. SPb., 2013. 268 p.
7. Tarasova K.V. Musicality and its constituent musical abilities // Musical director. - 2009. - No. 5.
8. Teplov B.M. "Psychology of musical abilities" - M., 1978.
9. Ulyanich, V.S. Notes on computer music / V.S. Ulyanich // Musical life. - 2008. No. 15.
10. Creating presentations in Power Point - [Electronic resource]

Recently, there has been a significant public interest in electronic music and, in particular, in music and computer technologies. This is due to several reasons.

Firstly, computer technologies penetrate into all spheres of activity, bringing new opportunities for self-realization.

Secondly, the versatility, fantastic infinity in improvement, the global applicability of electronic music raise learning to a new level, stimulate the rapid development of the intellect, make music lessons in demand among a wide range of art and creativity lovers.

Thirdly, the compatibility of electronic music with traditional musical technologies creates conditions for the continuity of musical eras and styles, their interpenetration and synthesis, thus contributing to the development of the creative potential of students and strengthening interest in musical culture in general.

Anyone who is not indifferent to what will happen in our country with musical education in the coming decades will agree that one of the directions in which modern musical education is already going today is not only theoretical, but even performing education - this is computer training and computer communications. In recent years, computer and communication technologies have increasingly affected the sphere of culture and especially music.

Only about a decade has passed since the computer appeared in our lives, and today it is already impossible to imagine how many professional and everyday problems can be solved without it. Digital technologies have also touched the sphere of musical activity, both professional and amateur, and the transformations taking place in it are striking in their scale and radicalness.

A professional composer today does not need a symphony orchestra or soloists to voice his music - whether it be an experimental piece or a piece of song and dance genre, an accompaniment to a play, movie, television and radio program or a computer game. A musician of any, including an elementary level of training, today can create detailed, diverse in nature of sounding electronic compositions, and the spread of such activities among adolescents and young people in its mass character has no historical precedents.

Digital tools are gaining more and more confident positions in music education. In children's music schools, art schools and other institutions of additional education, classes and departments of electronic music are being opened; this activity is increasingly resorted to in the classroom in a comprehensive school; music festivals for electronic musical instruments are held in different cities of Russia. At the same time, many educators have conflicting feelings about digital tools. The questions that arise are similar. What is the purpose of a synthesizer and a computer in music classes - are they designed to facilitate the process of mastering the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities in traditional areas of musical activity or are they needed for electronic musical creativity? To use computerized instruments in musical activity - doesn't this mean that it is deliberately limited to the framework of electronic music of an experimental, in fact, elitist direction? Within the framework of pop or rock music, in most cases built on primitive clichés? After all, such genre or stylistic restrictions will inevitably lead to a decrease in the level of musical culture of students.

Active processes of modernization of youth education are taking place in educational institutions in many regions of Russia. In the near future, electronic musical instruments and music-making will take a firm place not only in mass - primary musical education, but also in modern professional education, in particular, its middle level.

In recent years, music and computer technologies have become very attractive for a huge number of music lovers who, unfortunately, do not have enough education to professionally engage in musical creativity, but have a desire to compose, experiment with sounds, and devote all their free time to music making. These are truly noble aspirations. Among such amateurs there are many people with technical professions: engineers, specialists in the field of computer science, acoustics, sound recording, computer technology. A number of modern computer programs for creating and arranging music, indeed, are designed for the fact that their users do not have a professional musical education. For the most part, these programs are focused on modern song and dance genres in European and Latin American mass cultures.

Of course, when a composition is born from a set of blanks-samples or rhythmic-textural elements of certain genre patterns, this kind of "creativity" can only be a kind of intermediate stage on the way to comprehending the foundations of real art. But here, too, the creative nature is able to overcome clichés, extract for itself either intuitively or meaningfully defined laws, the rules of composing technologies, so that as a result, a music lover can find his own creative techniques.

Work in sequencer programs such as Cakewalk, Cubase, Ableton Live, FL provides much more room for composer's imagination. studio. Later versions of these software products, designed for powerful high-speed computers, integrate various functions of MIDI sequencers, multi-track digital audio studios, and virtual synthesizers.

For musicians, these programs are difficult due to the multiplicity and "tricks" of their options; from music lovers, on the contrary, they demand an unconditional professional musical education.

It is obvious that the problem of moving towards each other two vectors of educational technologies in music has been put on the agenda: to teach musicians all the intricacies of computer programming of the modern sound "canvas", and to teach specialists in the field of information and computer technologies, sound design to competently understand the laws of musical creativity. The issues of teaching music in secondary schools deserve a separate serious discussion. It is known with what eager curiosity teenagers (especially boys) are drawn to technical innovations, to what delight they are led by the sight of radio equipment on the stage (microphones, camera consoles and speakers), the groovy rhythms of loud dance music, on the one hand. But, on the other hand, how difficult it is to teach them at this age an understanding of the masterpieces of eternal classics and respect for truly great musicians.

Perhaps the presence of a musical computer in the classroom of a comprehensive school, an enterprising singing teacher who owns such a computer as freely as a piano keyboard. Able to captivate his class with various forms of work with the musical repertoire thanks to computer technology, all this will transform music lessons.

To introduce computer technologies into the process of music education, a music teacher needs the following technical means: a multimedia projector or an interactive whiteboard, and all kinds of musical programs, a computer, a synthesizer. Synthesizer-instrument with limitless electronic possibilities. According to P.L. Zhivakin, he has a great future. He rightly notes: "In recent years, computer and communication technologies have increasingly affected the sphere of culture and especially music. At one time, the piano revolutionized music education. The day will come when the synthesizer will play a similar role."

For example, a necessary type of musical activity in traditional music lessons was and remains listening, which involves familiarity with the works of composers of various eras and peoples. The teacher, having chosen a piece of music, can use the comparison method, which consists in performing the piece on the piano, then on the synthesizer and listening to the same piece in the electronic version of the arrangers. Students, having perceived the same work in different performances, can make a comparative analysis, highlight the positive aspects and advantages of each instrument.

An important activity in music lessons is choral singing. In this case, we assume the use of synthesizer accompaniment or the Karaoke program. Having recorded the "backing track" of the song, the teacher will be able to direct all his attention to working with the children's choir. Karaoke will be able to perfectly integrate into extracurricular activities. Such arrangements will be an excellent background for musical and rhythmic games, etc. The teacher himself can come up with a lot of techniques and methods for using karaoke in his work on the musical education of children.

The appearance of educational computer programs, games, game questions and answers, multimedia crossword puzzles allows you to study musical notation and gain elementary knowledge about music.

In music classes where music lessons are held, there is a need to install a multimedia projector or an interactive whiteboard. These technologies will enrich the musical process of lessons with bright and interesting events in the art of music, and the demonstrated material will be absorbed by students more deeply.

Finally, in professional music education, if we bear in mind the difficulty of familiarizing a talented musician with the intricacies of modern computer technology, then it should probably start at an earlier stage, even at a music school or college. But here it is important for the teacher to show a sense of proportion so that the technical principle does not suppress the artist-creator with a fine and well-educated ear for music in the young musician.

The musical computer opens up the widest possibilities in the creative development of the space of music, both at the level of professional art and amateur creativity.

Musical computer technologies have created an evolutionary new period of technical reproduction of musical products: in musical notation, in the genres of applied music, in recording media, in the quality capabilities of sound reproducing equipment, in theatrical and concert activities, in sound design and music broadcasting (including over the Internet) .

One of the main trends in the field of music pedagogy of the 21st century is to familiarize students with information and computer technologies. Their development is necessary:

First, for the professional training of composers and performers;

Secondly, for use as a source of auxiliary educational material (reference, training, editing, sound recording, sound reproducing, etc.).

The methods discovered in electro-acoustic music form a new composing technique. Modern professional requirements for a composer require knowledge in the field of acoustics, electro-acoustics, sound recording. For future composers, it is important to study software, sound synthesis methods, sound programming language. It is necessary to familiarize him with the methods of controlling individual parameters of sounds, modeling resonance, and the consciousness of textured layers. Computer technologies also enable the composer to carry out technical work: to make a sound collage, to "reduce" different fragments, to edit the recorded material.

The conservatories have already accumulated some experience in teaching students of the specialty "composition" academic disciplines of the corresponding direction. In a number of universities (Moscow, St. Petersburg), electronic technologies in relation to musical creativity are studied optionally, and as a subject of the curriculum - in the Ural Conservatory (course "Electronic and computer music"). The practical work of students, as well as Yekaterinburg composers (T. Komarova, V. Galaktionov, O. Payberdin, etc.), is carried out in the studio of electro-acoustic music. Here, on the basis of computer systems, sound "dictionaries" are developed, musical compositions are created with the involvement of light and flower special effects, film and video sequences, actor's pantomime. (T. Komarova. "Autumn Reflections" for voice and electronic instruments; "Reflections", "Sensations" for synthesizers and computer. O. Payberdin. "Civilization" for synthesizer and computer).

Computer programs are applicable in teaching to play instruments, in developing an ear for music, in listening to musical works, in selecting melodies, in arranging, improvising, typing and editing musical text.

The computer also makes it possible to learn pieces with an "orchestra", perform the functions of a "simulator" in conducting (using television equipment), conduct musical and auditory analysis of melodies in the course of music history. For many disciplines, the computer is an indispensable source of bibliographic and encyclopedic information. Finally, the computer is widely used as a means of musical typing of a piece of music.

The use of computer technology is focused on the individual nature of the work, which generally corresponds to the peculiarities of music lessons. A personal computer makes it possible to regulate the individual mode of the musician's work in accordance with his tempo-rhythm, as well as with the amount of work performed. And, despite the fact that not all methodological problems have been solved yet, various methodological manuals are published in a different system of musical notation and not all educational institutions of the country conduct classes on a synthesizer and a musical computer, electronic musical instruments in the educational process prove their right to independence. .

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