Musical entertainment in the preparatory group dhow. "Visiting a fairy tale" Musical entertainment for children of a group preparatory to school


Musical and thematic leisure for children of the senior and preparatory groups of the kindergarten called: "Matryoshka fun"

Material Description: The scenario of this event will be of interest to music directors, educators, parents, teachers of additional education working in the field of music.

Target: Acquaintance of children with Russian folk and modern games and toys; creating a cheerful, joyful mood.

Raise interest in different games and toys;
Formation of skills of cultural behavior.
Cultivate attention, speed of reaction, endurance.

Develop rhythmic ear;
To promote the further development of dance movement skills, the ability to move expressively and rhythmically in accordance with the nature of the music, conveying emotional and figurative content in the dance.

Teach children to coordinate movement with the word;
To learn to hear and accurately convey in motion the beginning and end of the sound of musical phrases;
To acquaint children with different restructurings depending on the change in the nature and rhythmic pattern of music.
To teach children to perform the movements of the spring step and the polka step.

Educational areas:"Cognition", "Music", "Communication".

Material: Russian folk toys of various crafts (Bogorodskaya, Dymkovskaya), as well as toys made from straw and fabric; nesting dolls, various in design; diamonds; flags; "broken mirror" for the attraction; music Center; audio recordings for dance compositions; riddle book.

Preliminary work: learning musical - rhythmic movements for dance compositions, word games, finger and musical - didactic games.

Leisure progress:

Children run into the hall and, dividing into two lines, stand at the side walls facing each other.

Child(1 line) We were in a hurry, we were in a hurry,
It's time to start the games.

Child(2 lines) Tell me where you've been
What have you been doing since morning?

Child(1 line) We woke up early, early,
Together with golden dawn.
Run to the meadow
We looked into the dense forest.

Child(2 lines) Tell me how you walked,
And what did you play there?

Child(1 line) In the yard we all walked
And the glass pieces were collected:
Different, different
Blue, red.

Child: You take the glass,
You look through them.
colorful rays
Everything sparkles before us.

Dance: "Colorful game" B. Saveliev. (g\z)
Children sit on chairs.

Vedas: Guys, today we celebrate not a simple holiday, but a day that you probably love very much - this is the day of your favorite dolls. After all, each of you has favorite dolls or some other toys and you like to play with them.
Today two nesting dolls are due to visit us: Masha and Dasha. Hear... it must be them. (the teacher in a nesting doll costume enters)

Masha: Hello guys, my name is Masha. I came to visit you. Didn't my friend Dasha come here? She should be here by now. I'll follow her. (leaves)
Enter Dasha.

Dasha: Hello guys! My name is Dasha! My girlfriend Masha came here? (yeah) well, I'll run after her. (leaves)
Enter Masha.

Masha: I searched, searched for my girlfriend, but did not find it. If she comes here, you call me louder, and I will come running. (leaves)
Enter Dasha.

Dasha: Did Masha come? (Yes) let's call her. (children call. Masha enters. Girlfriends hug and greet)

Masha: We are funny nesting dolls
amazing people,
From big to tiny
The whole family will fit into one.

Dasha: Masters we are round dances
Cheerful to drive.
Well, what a Russian holiday
Maybe without nesting dolls.

Masha: You guys get up,
Become friendly in pairs
Let's dance the polka now
We'll have fun.

Pair dance:"Funny Children" cast.common chalk
(Coll. “Music and Movement”. (Exercises, games and dances for children 5-6 years old) Author-compilation S.I. Bekina, T.P. Lomova, p. 167)

Masha: We did not come alone,
They brought different toys with them.

Dasha: (shows Russian folk toys)
In Russia, dolls have always been treated with respect. It was believed that a handmade doll brings happiness to the house. Dolls were made from rags, thread, yarn, straw, clay, wood.

Masha: And I will tell you about other wooden dolls. What do you guys think, which Russian dolls are the most popular in the world? Of course, this is a matryoshka. (shows different nesting dolls) The Russian master came up with the idea of ​​making several dolls of different sizes that would be inserted one into the other. This doll immediately fell in love with the children. It looks like a surprise box. You open one, and there is another in it, and so on ad infinitum. The new wooden doll was called Motei, and affectionately - Matryosha. And so our Russian matryoshka was born.

Dasha: And we came not just like that, but to have fun, to amuse, to play with you.
Masha: I'll be the first to play with the guys.
Dasha A: No, I'm the first.
Masha: Let's count.
Our Dasha got up early,
She counted all the dolls:
Two nesting dolls on the window,
Two Arinka on a featherbed,
Two Tanyas on a pillow,
And Petrushka in a cap
On an oak chest.

Dasha: I'm the first to play. In the old days, boys and girls gathered in one hut for gatherings. The girls spun yarn, sang songs, danced round dances, and, of course, played with the guys. So we will play one of these games, which is called "Brook".

Game: "Brook"

Masha: Russian fun is very good,
Adults and kids love them.
We connect the word with the movement
We play a word game.

A game with the word: “Lambs are cool” and “Vanya is simplicity”.
Children stand in a circle, one after another, elbows bent in front of the chest, fingers clenched into fists. In the middle sits on a chair "Vanya".

Lambs, krutorozhenki: - walking with a simple step in a circle.
Hands joined in front of the chest
sway like horns from side to side.
They walked through the forests - they move in a circle, performing a stomping step.
Wandered through the mountains.
They played the violin - they depict playing the violin, turning
face in a circle.
Vanya was amused. - a playful bow to "Vanya", with a spread of hands
to the sides.
Vanya, Vanya simplicity - they narrow the circle to Vanya.
I bought a horse without a tail - they are expanding it.
Sat back to front - take "by the bridle", 3 springs and jump
with the back turned in a circle.
And went to the garden. - 4 "plates" in the palm of your hand with a spring.
"Vanya" catches up with the offenders.

Dasha: And now we'll rest,
We will read poems about toys to everyone.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Masha: We played Russian folk games, and now there are many new games.
I suggest playing new games,
Dexterity, show your attention.

Child: Deftly we play with a flag,
We never get tired.
Even if we lose
We don't fight, we don't cry.

Game: "Take the flag" arr. N. Metlova.
(Sat. "Music and Movement" (Exercises, games and dances for children 6-7 years old) Ed.-compiled by S.I. Bekina, T.P. Lomova, p. 165)

Baba Yaga enters, very sad. (music "Separation, you are separation")

Dasha: Baba Yaga, why are you so sad? Look how many guys, play with them.

Baba Yaga: I can't play, I'm in great sorrow. Kashchei the Immortal gave me two rejuvenating mirrors for my birthday. Look at them and look 200 years younger. But I dropped them and broke them, and now I can’t collect the fragments.

Dasha: Baba Yaga, don't worry, the guys will help you collect the pieces.

Attraction: "Collect a Mirror"
(Two sheets of silver cardboard are cut into 4 parts. Two children are called. Their task is to assemble the pieces of cardboard so that a rectangle is obtained.)

Baba Yaga: Oh, thank you, Iris, they made my grandmother happy. I even wanted to dance. I have a favorite dance, I'll teach you to dance it now.

Dance "Grandma-Ezhka" music T. Morozova. (g\z)

Baba Yaga: Well done, you dance well. Do you know how to solve riddles? Then listen.
1. They beat him with a hand and a stick,
Nobody feels sorry for him.
Why are they beating the poor guy?
Because he is inflated. (ball)

2. I roll her in a stroller,
I never offend.
Dress up and love
Baby - my daughter. (doll)

3. Plush paws,
plush belly,
Red and mustachioed
My favorite cat)

4. Growth different girlfriends,
But they look alike
They all sit next to each other
And just one toy. (matryoshka)

Masha: Baba Yaga, you guessed riddles for the guys, and I want to guess a riddle for you. Can you do it?
"He rings like a rattle,
He is a fun toy.
In the dance he amuses us,
It’s not a call, but it rings ”(tambourine)
Baba Yaga cannot guess, the children help her.

Masha: And the guys know the game with a tambourine, play with them.

Game: "Who will hit the tambourine sooner?" music L. Schwartz.
(Sat. "Music and Movement" (Exercises, games and dances for children 6-7 years old) Ed.-compiled by S.I. Bekina, T.P. Lomova, p. 163)

Baba Yaga: Oh, what an interesting game. I'll run into the forest to Leshem and Kikimore and show you.
Masha: Baba Yaga, but you don’t have a tambourine. Here you go, play for your health.
Baba Yaga: Thanks. (starts to leave) Oh, I completely forgot. Magpie in the forest on a stump found a book and brought it to me. I looked - a children's book. So I give it to you guys. Goodbye. (leaves)

Dasha: (takes a book and leafs through it) Guys, yes, this is a book with finger games. And what kind of games are these?
Children: And we'll show you.

Game: "Between spruce soft paws"
Children sit on their knees on the floor.

Between spruce soft paws - stroking their knees with their palms.
Rain cap, cap, cap. - "shake off water from the palms"
Where the twig has dried up for a long time - raise both hands up
Moss, moss, moss grew. - clench and unclench fists.
Where the leaf is stuck to the leaf, they lower their hands down
A mushroom has grown, a mushroom, a mushroom - they clench and unclench their fists.
Who found it, friends? - with the right hand bend the fingers of the left along
queues, starting with the little finger.
It's me, me, me! - showing the thumb of the left three times
hands, clenching all other fingers into a fist.

Game: "On the floor"

On the parquet in eight pairs - index syllables are connected to stressed syllables,
Flies danced, middle, ring and little fingers of both hands
(in turn) with thumbs.
They saw a mosquito ... - unclench their fingers, relax their hands.
They fell into a faint. - lowering hands with a sharp movement.

Dasha: Very good games, and most importantly - useful.

Masha: Children, look at the toys,
They sit in a row.
Bored, sad
They want to dance.

"Dance with toys" sl. and music. M. Kachurbina ("Bear with a doll")

Dasha: That's the end of the fun,
It's time for us to part.
You take care of toys
Don't break them, don't tear them.

Masha: Have fun, don't be bored,
Remember us more often.

Musical director: Dubrovskaya E.Yu.

Educator on Self-knowledge: Omelchenko G.A.

The role of the Prince: Osipova T.L., the rest of the characters are children.

Dance staging: Dubrovskaya E.Yu.

Target: to form positive emotions and benevolent attitude towards peers. To instill interest in musical and rhythmic activities.

Event progress

To the music of V. Shainsky for the song "Smile", the children enter the hall in pairs and turn to the audience.


    Look, it's early in the morning

    A telegram was sent to the kindergarten

    Come on, come on, let's read

    What's in it - we'll find out now

    "We are flying from Astana,

    To hold a competition.

    Get ready, wait, soon

    Prince and Cinderella


Cinderella and the Prince enter the hall


    Ah, what a wonderful dream!

    He won't wake up

    Like I was in a fairy tale

    She dreams that she came to the ball.


    The sun shines with bright light

    You stand in this outfit

    In the middle of the golden palace

    Everything is ready for the competition.


    Oh my friend, I almost forgot

    I myself invited you

    Tell the guests

    Where did you come from to us?


    On Khimenko street

    Worth a beautiful house

    Boys and girls

    They live wonderfully in it.

Children perform the song-dance "Kindergarten" music and lyrics by A. Filippenko

Prince: Today they are taking part in the dance competition. (He calls couples, children sit on chairs, everyone clap) You have to show us your skill. How to invite to dance?

Cinderella: After the dance - spend.

Prince: Stomp, clap, run.

Cinderella: Wrap around beautifully.

Prince: Dance quickly, cheerfully, show your talent to everyone.

Cinderella: And yet, and also come up with your own dance.


    We suggest you don't be shy

    Smile heartily to everyone

    Show top class

    Your friends are waiting for you.

    I announce the first competition.


Prince:(Turns to the teacher) Galina Arkadyevna, and I ask you to help us today to identify the most, the most. (Cinderella, the Prince and the teacher sit at the table on the side)

Musical director: Dear contestants, I ask everyone to get together, you have a difficult path ahead. Boys, invite the girls, let's start the warm-up.
Children perform the song-dance "True Friend" music. V. Shainsky (everyone sits down)

Prince: And the next competition should show how rhythmic you are.

Musical director: Guys, in order to demonstrate to the Prince and Cinderella how rhythmic you are, I propose to energetically walk through the hall with clapping and line up in three columns through the center of the hall. (Children walk around the room). And now we listen to music and we all clap together. (Music is playing, everyone is clapping).

And now the first column shows their skills, they clap for one, two, three, four after the entry. The second column on one, pause, three, pause.
The third column on one, two, three, four, pause. And now they are all together, but each has its own rhythmic pattern.

Prince: And in the next competition, I really want to know if the guys are friendly with musical brothers, one of whom loves loud music, and the other quiet.

Musical director: Now we will show it to you. I propose from three columns to rebuild in three circles.

    1. loudly - we go in a circle

    Quiet - squat

    2. loud - let's go

    Quiet - let's jump

    3. loud - let's go

    Quiet - we threaten

And now it does everything together in order (everyone stands)

Prince: Guys, can you show us in the next contest how attentive you are.

Musical director: Of course they can, but for this, dear Prince, we need your help. If light music is played, all the guys will easily run loose. As soon as the music disappears, you need to stop and freeze. If you hear the Prince playing the tambourine - Quickly line up; hear the Prince clapping his hands - line up in a circle. And if you hear the sound of a rattle - line up in a column. We got ready, started (two, three times, everyone sits down).

Prince: The next competition for the best partner. Dear Cinderella, take a closer look at this contest. We dance the Polka. Girls invite boys.

Children perform the Polka dance, music. E. Mokshantseva

Musical director: Girls, now show your partners to the place and thank them for the dance.

Prince:(Turns to the guys) While Cinderella and Galina Arkadyevna are summing up the results of this competition, I suggest taking a break. Guys, do you know Cinderella's favorite song? (answers). Let's join hands, make a circle and sing it.
Children sing the song "Good Beetle" from the movie "Cinderella"

Prince: Would you like me to teach you how to dance to this music? (answers) For the verse, we all move to the right in a side gallop in a circle, holding hands, and for the chorus we take four steps in a circle, stomp four times to the right, three times to the left, then move away from the circle and make stomps to the right and left. Get ready, start.

The children and the Prince dance three times, then the Prince unhooks his hand and leads the children to the chairs, everyone claps.

Prince: We rested a bit and I propose the next contest. Competition "For the best partner" And now, dear Cinderella, I ask you to pay attention to the boys. Boys, invite girls, dance "The Only One".

Children perform modern dance to F. Kirkorov's song "The Only One"

Musical director: Guys, do you feel that you have a holiday today? (answers). Do you want your festive mood to be transmitted to everyone who came to visit us? (answers). But how we will do it, I will tell you, but in such a way that it comes as a surprise to everyone. Please come to me. (Children approach the music leader in a flock, then make three circles).

Children sing the song "Toy bastar" and the round dance "Aynalaiyn". Children do the rite "Shashu" and sit down

Prince: Guys, answer me this question: “Why does a person need a smile?” (answers). Wonderful. I'm announcing a competition "For the most smiling dancer".

Children perform a modern dance "Smile" to the music of V. Shainsky (everyone sits down)

Prince: But the next competition should show us whether you can quickly and accurately repeat dance movements without a verbal explanation (looks around, whispers with Cinderella and Galina Arkadyevna)

Musical director: What happened? Why a hitch?

Prince: We announced the competition, but we didn’t think over who will conduct it.

Musical director: Don't worry, I'll run this contest. And the guests will help me, I ask all the guys to stand freely around the hall and turn to face me. I show the movements to the girls, and the boys and guests clap (then reverse). Thank you all, you can sit down.

Prince: And now the most responsible competition. You will have to come up with your own dance. Who is brave and dares to start this competition? (calling two boys and two girls)

Children perform the dance "Invitation" to the Russian folk music "Lady" (everyone sits down)

Cinderella: The atmosphere in the hall is extraordinary, you all danced wonderfully.

Prince: Folk and circle dances, variety and newfangled dances.

Musical director: Guys, I have an offer. While Cinderella, the Prince and Galina Arkadyevna are conferring, let's present a musical gift for our guests and dance the barrel organ dance for them.

Children perform a dance to the song "Street organ" performed by N Baskov


    Let your house be a full bowl -

    Hope, faith and love

    So that you and your children

    You can always drink it...

Children sit on chairs.

Prince: You know there's been a problem. We have lost all the prizes and awards. We just don't know what to do.

Page enters the hall with a beautiful box in his hands.

Page: I'm not a magician, I'm just learning to do good and miracles. And today my heart, the heart of a kind wizard, told me that the very happy day has come when I can help someone. Let's all join hands, I will wave my magic wand and a miracle will happen.

All the children join hands, and the Page puts the box on the table.

Page: One, two, three (touches the box) And here are your rewards (opens the box).

Prince: Thank you, our young friend. Stay on our holiday. The awards ceremony begins. In the nomination "The best partner" is awarded

Prince: The following guys won the "Most Smiling Dancer" contest.

Prince: The most rhythmic dancers are announced:


    Receive from the heart

    These gifts are modest.

    Accept wishes


    For your heart to bloom

    The soul of disease, so as not to know

    So that all wishes come true

    And all dreams came true.

Prince: I want all the winners of the competition to make a lap of honor (everyone walks in a circle).

Page: Dear Cinderella and Prince. I have a magic bell. He will show us the way to the "Tea Hall".

The page gets ahead of the children.

Prince: Good luck guys. See you soon!

Cinderella and the Prince clapped their children out of the hall.


- teach to stage a song, improvise dance movements that correspond to the nature of the music and words;

- to develop in older preschoolers the ability to transfer - the use of drawings in theatrical and game activities;

- learn to convey the content of the song in the drawing, apply a combination of colors and shades to depict the character;

- create elements of costumes, hats for the characters of fairy tales, heroes of songs;

- develop imagination, the desire to make the attributes of the costumes beautiful.

Preliminary work:

- stories about the theater and artists;

- work on costumes.







Cat Leopold

There is a big hat on the wall. The children are greeted by the Queen of Hats.


Fanfares, sound louder!

I am glad to all the guests today.

Come to my throne room,

You are waiting for the beginning of the hat parade.

Children to the solemn music enter the hall.

I greet you my friends! I am in awe of your outfits, and especially the amazing headdresses. There is no such splendor and variety even in my hat kingdom. All this is wonderful! But... I have gathered you today not by chance. As the saying goes: "It's all in the hat."

A "Fairytale round dance" is being organized (music by M. Protasova). The song “This is a miracle theater” is performed (lyrics and music by I. Ponomareva).

We have many theatres.

There are many artists in the city.

And we grow to replace them -

We will grow up very quickly.


There is a miracle in the world.

It's hard to believe in fairy tales.

It's a miracle, children know

It's called theater.

We put on our own hats.

We will cry and laugh.

And in costumes we are heroes

We start to transform.

Lots of music on stage

Lots of dances, lots of songs.

Children love their theater

He is always interested in them.

The children take their places. The princesses take their emblems.

Where are my assistants - little princesses?

princesses. We are here, sweet Queen.

Queen. Are you ready to go to my kingdom?

1st Princess

I grew this flower myself.

I gave this flower to my friends.

2nd Princess

I was in a hurry for this holiday,

At night I sewed these outfits.

3rd Princess

The good fairy loved me so much

That she immediately turned a pumpkin into a carriage.

Each Princess has an emblem on her chest: a pumpkin, a rose, an outfit.

Queen. I see you are ready to go. I'll see who gets to my kingdom first.

The game "Good luck" is organized (music by A. Spadavecchia).

I see that all my guests are assembled.

Kikimora enters the hall.

Kikimora. Hello, please! Appeared, not dusty, my dears! And you know that this is now my kingdom. I, colorless Kikimora, have bewitched everything here. Not a single paint will live here anymore. Everything will become so gray, colorless, like myself.

Queen. Kikimora, but we really need paints - they are the beauty of our headdresses and costumes.

kikimora. Here's another! I need your colors. I can't stand this color scheme. I'll make you colorless too.

Queen. Well, I do not! We don't want to be so gray. Really guys?

Children. Yes!

Kikimora. Whether you like it or not, you will have to obey me. Because as long as I don’t have a single bright paint on me, my power is limitless. Now I'm going for a bucket with my witchcraft colorlessness. I will anoint you, and you will be so gray and colorless with me - you will admire! I now! (Exits.)

Queen. My dear guests, this cannot be allowed. We can not turn into dullness. Did you notice that Kikimora let it slip: she said that as long as there is not a single bright paint on her, her power is unlimited. So, you need to color it, then witchcraft will disappear. Invented! We also have magical multi-colored ribbons.

Hide them behind your back, and when Kikimora appears, start waving them together. I don't think she will like it.

kikimora. So my colorlessness is ready. And you guys, well done, are already waiting for me.

Performed "Dance of Kikimora and children with colorful ribbons."

Oh oh oh! What kind of disgrace is this?! Remove it quickly! My eyes are blind. Ay-oh-oh! I don't see anything!

Queen. It's good that you don't see anything. We'll get you up and running in no time. (Seats Kikimora on a chair, ties her with colored ribbons.)

kikimora. What else have you come up with? I don't want-o-o-o-o!..

Queen. We also do not want to see colorlessness around us. We want to give you back your colors and dress you up. Get to work guys.

Children attach colorful leaves to Kikimora's clothes and untie them.

Admire how beautiful and elegant you have become.

kikimora. Beautiful, elegant! And how will I now conjure, colorless? However, the truth is, why bother. Avon, what have I become. Now I will be the first beauty in my swamp.

Performs "Kikimora's Couplets" (lyrics and music by E. Sokolova).

In the evening I will sit on a bump,

We will sing a song with the frogs.

Buzz and croak the night.

And in the morning we'll go under the water.


What a miracle this song is.

It's just a joy to listen...

Zhu-zhu-zhu! Qua-qua-qua!

Ah, dizzy!

Performed "Dance of the Frogs" (music by S. Kastorsky).

I wish I had a hat too.

Queen. Guys! Let's help Kikimore find her hat. What color is her hat?

Children. Green!

The children find Kikimora's hat, she puts it on.

kikimora. Whose hats are these?

Children show and tell Kikimora who owns hats and headgear: Dunno, Malvina ...

Games are organized: “Find and put on a hat” and “Turnip” with hats made by children.


Someone is rushing towards us again.

We will welcome the guest from the heart.

Leopold the Cat appears in a straw hat.

Cat Leopold

I received an invitation

And I hurried to your holiday.

I see the hat ball in full swing.

And you didn't call me for nothing.

Queen. Dear Cat Leopold, we have long known that you are an inventor and an entertainer. I have no doubt that you have prepared something funny and interesting for us this time as well. Tell me what's in your bag?

Leopold cat. You're right. What could I bring to the hat festival? Of course, hats! Here they are. I have small, medium and large. (Pulls them out of the bag.)

Kikimora. And I know what to do with these hats. (Spreads them out on the carpet.)

And now, kids

I have a game for you.

The attraction “Hats, line up!” is being organized. Two players arrange their hats by size.

Queen. Thank you, Leopold, for your interesting idea. I ask you to take your place as a fairy-tale hero at our hat festival. And I announce the start of the main event in my kingdom:

Let, flashing your outfit,

Heroes in hats will parade here.

1st child

Everything was so wonderful and beautiful.

2nd child

We will say to the hats to everyone: "Thank you!"

3rd child

We don't say goodbye.

After all, the fairy tale is back.

Performed "General Dance" (music by M. Protasova).

Oksana Kuznetsova
Synopsis of musical entertainment "Journey to the Musical City" for children of the preparatory group

Target: Promote patriotic education children instill love for one's own city through artistic, aesthetic and cognitive child development.


Help children learn the features of this type of singing, such as "echo".

Involve the child in musically- game and dance creativity. To the improvisation of songs, while conveying in movements the images of different characters in accordance with the text of the song and character music.

Encourage attentive listening music, to distinguish the character piece of music;

encourage children to the correct sound extraction, rhythmic playing on children's musical instruments, as well as coordinated execution piece of music.

Cultivate Interest children to their hometown, cultural places of our cities.

Nurture desire children play musical instruments.

Form at children communication skills to facilitate their interaction with each other.

+Develop sense of rhythm in all forms musical activity.

+ develop musical(rhythmic, melodic, intonation) memory in the process of memorization and repetition in the exercise "echo".

+ develop musical imagination in perception music, artistic images of which are accessible to children.

+ develop musically- attracting creativity children to dance improvisation music.


1. Music on entry« Music» music G. Struve

2. Valeological song-chant with wellness massage "Good morning" O. N. Arsenevskaya.

3. Chanting « musical echo» M. Andreeva

4. Chanting "We are funny guys" Y. Kartushina

5. Playing on DMI "Polka Anna" I. Strauss

6. Musically

7. Drawing music"In the cave of the mountain king" E. Grieg

Musical the leader appears before the children in the form of a Fairy Music.

1Music input« Music» G. Struve

SLIDE #1 "Background"

M. r. Hello guys, I'm Fairy Music. Hear music calls us to the hall want to see what awaits you there? Which music sounds? Hearing music, how would you like to enter the hall, maybe a march? Or similar music is easy, beautifully run on toes? Then go ahead, and so that everyone can be seen, we will build a big circle with you!

Children run into the hall on their toes and build a circle.

M.R.: Guys, how are you? Good? Let's wish each other and guests a good morning? Look carefully and repeat the movements.

Valeological song-chant with wellness massage

2 "Good morning"

M.R.: Now I see that everyone is in a good mood. Guys, I live in this room and have been watching you for a long time. I know how much you love music. Therefore, I prepared a gift for you - musical chest with your favorite tunes. Do you want to open it? (Trying to open, nothing happens).

M.R.: No way, it's magical music box how can we open it? Let's sing very interesting musical reception, which is called "Echo". Guys, what is an echo? (Sound reflection) Will you be my echo? Try to accurately repeat after me both the melody and the words. Let's try!

chant « musical echo» M. Andreeva unaccompanied.

M. R .: Something is missing, music. let the echo become musical.

chant "We are funny guys" Y. Kartushina

The casket opens.

M.R.: Guys, it worked. Oh, where are all my tunes? Guys, look - this is the evil wizard Dissonance.

An evil wizard, Dissonance, appears on the screen.

SLIDE №2 Video "Evil Wizard"

Dissonance: “Ha ha ha, glad you recognized me. I took all your melodies and scattered them to your city. Ha ha won't have it anymore music

SLIDE #3 "Background"

M.R.: Guys, what to do? How can we be? How can we defeat evil?

And in what city ​​to look for? In which the city you live in?

But where do we start? I know.

Strength music Come on, help us.

Sharp, flat, treble clef,

Specify the path dispel our sadness.

M.R. pays attention children on the map slide

SLIDE #4 "Map"

M. R.: Well, friends, let's see what kind of card this is!

Let's study in more detail. How many places are shown on the map?

Where do we go first?

What are the symbols of this place?

Well, let's go. Spin around, spin around in the right place.


SLIDE №5 photo "DMSh No. 1 im. Scriabin"

M. R.: What kind of building is this?

What do the kids in this school do?

This place is just full music. Guys, do you want to play musical instruments. What tools do you see? (metalphone 1pc, triangles 3pcs, maracas 3pcs, bells 3pcs, bells 3pcs, Tambourines 1pc). take musical instruments. Musicians in an orchestra they play by notes, right? Since we have a children's orchestra, we will also have unusual notes, in the form of rhythmic patterns. Look at the pictures carefully. Which instrument is drawn, that instrument should play. What instrument should you play now? Notice the flowers. If the flowers are the same, even, we play with an even sound. How many times? Let's try. Well done, now that we got acquainted with the notes, we don’t yawn, we are under we play music.

SLIDE №6-12 "Rhythmic Drawings"

Slide No. 13 Playing at the DMI "Polka Anna" I. Strauss

M.R.: The first melody has returned to the casket. Are we going further? Let's look at the map.

SLIDE #14 "Map"

M. R.: Jump higher, don't be lazy, be in the right place.

STOP#2 photo FOK Oka

SLIDE #15 "Fok Oka"

M.R.: Where did we end up?

Why is the sports and recreation complex called Oka?

What are the kids learning here?

Can music live here?? Let's check.

Opens the chest and turns on music.

M. R .: Here guys, we are waiting for music play charger.

Hands up, forward and down

Here is a big surprise for you.

Get in order

On the "animal charge"

Come on, brothers, don't be lazy

And turn into animals.

And I'll see which of you best conveys the image of the animal.

4 Musically-didactic outdoor game "Funny animals"

Spin around, spin around

Everyone turned into penguins

Sit down, get up, two claps

Now we dance like a snake.

Swayed right to left

They turned into funny tigers.

And now kids

We dance like monkeys.

M. R.: What sports guys you are! It turns out that charging can be musical. Here is another melody returned to the casket, let's move on!

SLIDE #16 "Map"

M. R.: Make a spring, don’t be lazy, be in the right place.


SLIDE №17 photo "Art school"

M.R.: Look, what an interesting building. Where are we? What are the guys doing here? The guys here become real artists. Can art school really music? Can an artist be inspired music? Can music help set the mood? Create different looks? Let's check. I suggest you draw music. And the work of Edvard Grieg "In the cave of the mountain king" will help us to reveal the image. Guys, please take the felt-tip pens, go to the easels. To draw music you have to listen to it very carefully. Tell me if music will be bright, joyful, what colors are you will use? And if disturbing, angry, gloomy, what kind. Who remembers the name of the piece that we will listen to?

"Drawing music»

5 E. Grieg "In the cave of the mountain king"

During creativity children discreetly put a cd disk in the casket.

M. R.: Why did you choose these colors? What was the nature music playful or dark? What other words can describe it? Is the pace fast or slow? Smooth or fast?

Guys, did the pictures turn out the same? Of course not, because you heard everything music in different ways. Well done boys. Here comes the last tune back in music box.

SLIDE #18 "Background"

M. R.: Look, guys. Something is happening. All melodies are collected. Here it is, your gift.

Opens the casket, and in it is a disk.


M. R.: Guys, did you like our travel? What do you remember the most? What was difficult for you?

Guys, did you notice that at every stop there was waiting for you music?

And if next time you go to other places, for example, to the library, there may sound music? And in the park, sounds music?

So how is our city ​​can be called? We can say that our musical city? Every corner of our the city can hear the music. You just have to try to listen to it. And in each of you lives music, here. Listen and you will definitely hear it. And today I say goodbye to you, and I want to spend in group.

1 Under music« Music» G. Struve

children leave music hall.

Scenario of musical and educational entertainment for children "Journey to the village of Lozhkino"

musical director of MBDOU No. 6 of the town. Yashkino, Kemerovo region

Target: Formation of rhythmic abilities of children of senior preschool age in various types of musical activity.


1. Contribute to the development of children's metrorhythmic skills.

2. To develop the ability of children to compose greeting songs.

3. Develop fine motor skills, rhyming declamation with the help of finger games.

4. Continue to form the ability to move and change the sequence of movements in accordance with the parts of the music, finish it at the end of the music, clearly switch from one movement to another.

5. Develop a sense of rhythm when playing on spoons and in a musical and didactic game.

6. Teach children to sing to the soundtrack smoothly: listen to the accompaniment, coordinate movements with singing

7. To achieve expressiveness of movements, friendly joint performance of communicative exercises

8. Develop creative skills, imagination in inventing imitative movements and static poses.

9. Contribute to the development of the emotional sphere.

10. Cultivate a sense of tolerant behavior towards each other.

11. To form a desire to discover new opportunities in oneself, showing creative activity, curiosity

Children enter the hall, greet the music director

M. R. Guys, in the morning I went to kindergarten and thought how interesting it is to say hello to you and came up with. Look.

◆ Show the rhythm pattern "Good afternoon",

(at the end he says the word hello, breaking it into syllables).

M. R. And how else can you say hello with gestures, who will show us?

◆ Children follow the rhythmic pattern suggested by the child

M. R. now let's say hello to the guests and get to know them.

(Children greet adults and get acquainted with a song, return to duty, walk in a circle, pass in pairs through the center of the hall and stop in two lines).

How friendly you are!

You probably play the same way?

Do you solve riddles the same way?

Do you even sing and dance together? (Conspiratorially).

And tell me, are you just as friendly and naughty?

I have guessed it! Are all friends in this room?

Well, we'll check it out now.

Come on, repeat after me.

(The guys repeat all the movements after the music director)

1. All friends are in our gym!

(children clap their hands - 1-2-3, 1-2-3).

You and we, and you and me!

Yes Yes Yes! (1-2-3, 1-2-3).

Hello friend on the right!

(Turn to the right, nod your head).

Hello friend on the left!

(Turn to the left, nod your head).

We are a family!


2. In our hall, all friends -

You and we, and you and me!

Give your hand to the one on the right!

Give your hand to the one on the left!

We are a family!

3. In our hall, all friends -

You and we, and you and me!

Smile to the one on the right!

Smile to the one on the left!

We are a family!

4. In our hall, all friends -

You and we, and you and me!

Scare the one on the right!

Scare the one on the left!

We are a family!

5. In our hall, all friends -

You and we, and you and me!

Push the one on the right!

Push the one on the left!

We are a family!

6. In our hall, all friends -

You and we, and you and me!

Have pity on the one on the right!

Have pity on the one on the left!

We are a family!

7. In our hall, all friends -

You and we, and you and me!

Hug the one on the right!

Hug the one on the left!

We are a family!

8. In our hall, all friends -

You and us, and you and me!

Kiss the one on the right!

Kiss the one on the left!

We are a family!

M.R. I see, I see, I hear, I hear! You are really friendly guys.

Today I dreamed of an amazing city, very beautiful and unusual. I visited the store "Amazing things" in it. You do not believe? Look, I bought this hat there. Now I will try it on the teacher.

Educator.“Attention, attention, a fast train is leaving from the kindergarten station “Rodnichok”. Next on the route is the village of Lozhkino. The train leaves in a few minutes.

M.R: Have you ever been to the village of Lozhkino? Do you want to visit? Then we need to hurry. The train leaves in a few minutes.

1. "Walking with a stop on the step" Hungarian folk melody

(Children scatter around the hall, taking seven clear steps, starting with the right foot. On the count of eight, the children turn around in the other direction).

M. R. Guys, we're already late. Let's hurry up.

2. "Running and jumping with claps." "Pizzicato" music by Delibes

(Children perform four running steps, then three jumps in place with hand claps).

M. R.: well, we got to the station, here is our train. Conductor? Where is the conductor? There is a train, but no conductor. How do we get inside. Guys, think...

(Children suggest that you need to put on a "transforming hat" on the teacher. The teacher puts on a hat and turns into a guide. She speaks, changing her voice).

Educator: hello fellow passengers! Here are your tickets, take your seats according to the tickets.

(Children are given cards with a graphic image of various rhythms, exactly the same images are attached to the chairs. The children sit on the appropriate chairs and slap their rhythms. The music director checks that the children have taken their places correctly.

If desired, the children lay out their rhythmic pattern on the flannelograph with large and small bells and slap it).

M.R. You can hit the road.

(musical accompaniment sounds).

M.R. It's boring just to go and I suggest you play with our fingers.

Flower (finger game model)


The flower is always laughing

The left hand rests on the palm of the right in the form of a bowed bell. Open your palm to the word "laughs"

If the rain falls on him

the right hand rises over the left with clicks

If a butterfly sits on it

the right hand is moved to the side and, moving the fingers, approaches the left

If the wind strokes him.

right hand, without touching the left, strokes the flower

The flower is always laughing

make a bell with your right hand

The flower does not fight with anyone,

wrists and elbows join, hands turn

He is obedient, not at all stubborn

clench and unclench fists

It's good to be his mom.

palms turn towards themselves and lie on the chest

M.R.:- let's listen to the sound of the train wheels. The big wheels knock like this (slaps quarters) and the small wheels knock like this (eighths).

(The teacher invites the children to clap the proposed rhythmic patterns: boys on plastic sticks, and girls on castanets).

M.R:- now, our wheels will sound at the same time. This group of children will represent the big wheels, and this one will be the small ones.

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