«musical images of autumn in various art forms. Autumn in music, painting and poetry Works of composers about autumn


MKOU "Goryaynovskaya basic comprehensive school"

Ponyrovsky district, Kursk region.

Extracurricular educational event on the subject "Art" (Music)

for students in grades 1-4:

Prepared and hosted by: music teacher

Leushina V.P.

The purpose of the event: To educate the culture of listening through the perception of classical music by Russian and foreign composers. To give an idea of ​​the diversity and richness of music, poetry, painting, their common life basis, mutual influence and complementarity on the example of the work of P.I. Tchaikovsky, G.V. Sviridov, Antonio Vivaldi.

- broaden the horizons of students;
- to form an elementary listening experience based on music;
- to learn to compare the musical and artistic image, relying on the means of musical expression.
- develop creative imagination;
- develop vocal and choral skills;
- develop imagination.
- cultivate a love for music;
- arouse interest in music and the subject being studied;
- educate their musical, artistic and aesthetic taste;
- educate imaginative thinking; emotional and aesthetic responsiveness to a work of art;
- to form in schoolchildren the ability to perceive the beauty of their native nature;
- improve the expressive reading of a poetic work;
- to enrich the spiritual world.

Georgy Vasilievich Sviridov. Antonio Vivaldi. P.I. Tchaikovsky. 1915-1998 1678-1741 1840-1893

Lesson progress: Children enter to the music of E. Dog "Waltz"
Teacher: Hello guys! Guys, having guessed the riddle, you will find out the theme of the event that I have prepared for you. Listen carefully!

The field is empty, it's raining.
The wind rips off the leaves.
Fog is creeping in from the north
Terrible clouds hung.
The birds are moving south
Slightly touching the pines with a wing.
Guess, dear friend
What time of year? - ...
(Autumn) slide 1
Today we will talk about the music of autumn. So autumn has come to us imperceptibly. It can be different - cheerful and sad, sunny and cloudy, with rain and sleet, with cold winds and frosts. What are the signs of autumn?
Children: It's getting colder, the birds are flying south, the sun isn't shining as brightly. slide 2
Teacher: Good. Well done, tell me, do you like autumn?
Children: Well no.
Teacher: Why do you love autumn?
Children: For what becomes beautiful around.
Teacher: Can you name any proverbs or sayings about autumn?
Children: Children's answers
Teacher: let's look at the screen (on the screen proverbs about autumn). Read them and give a semantic explanation to these proverbs.

Children: Take turns reading and commenting. slide 3

1. Autumn - eight changes.
2. You feed me in the spring, and in the fall I will be full myself.
3. Autumn will come, but he will ask for everything.
4. October does not like wheels or runners.
5. In autumn, the cat also has feasts.

Teacher: All these proverbs are about autumn, its weather and the fact that it is at this time of the year that people harvest and stock up for the winter.

slide 4

Autumn is a beautiful time, despite the fact that the weather is often capricious. This time of the year has attracted and continues to attract the attention of poets, artists, and of course composers. So is our Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, who lived in the 19th century. He created a cycle of piano pieces "The Seasons", there are 12 of these pieces. Why do you think 12?

Children: By the number of months in a year. slide 5

Teacher: Correctly. Tchaikovsky lived in St. Petersburg for a long time, a magazine was published there called "Nuvellist" - from the word "novella", which means - a short story. The magazine was published every month, and in each of its issues a pleasant surprise awaited readers: notes of musical pieces for the piano composed by Pyotr Ilyich. Each had the name of one of the months of the year. 12 months a year, 12 issues of the magazine and 12 musical plays: January, February, March... All of them were then combined into an album of colorful, musical sketches, which was called "The Seasons".
Tchaikovsky loved autumn very much. He spent a lot of time walking, watching how the colors of nature change, breathing in the smell of wet earth. He walked even in rainy weather, finding beauty in the rain. And this is no coincidence, because autumn is such an amazing time!

Now we will listen to 3 autumn pieces from the piano album "Seasons".

    The first one is called "September". "Hunting".

The first days of autumn bring with them the opportunity to indulge in their favorite pastime, both masters and commoners - hunting. And the epigraph to this work was the quatrain by A.S. Pushkin, who emphasized the passion of hunting, the loud hum of horns and the barking of a pack of greyhounds.

"It's time, it's time! The horns blow:

Psari in hunting gear

Than the world is sitting on horseback;

Greyhounds jump on packs."

As if echoing him, Tchaikovsky begins the piece with loud chords - the call of hunting horns. The fast tempo (allegro) in the middle of the piece imitates the chase and lathered horses, impatient horsemen leaning in the saddle. The passion of the September hunt flares up with the joy of catching prey and preparing supplies for the winter. Unprecedented excitement only manages to capture the listeners, as the lyrical melody draws in the imagination of the hounds stalking in the wake of the hare, a cheerful and noisy chase and the final - catching the fugitive and the end of the hunt.

I remind you that we listen to music in silence.

    The second play is called "October". "Autumn Song".

As an epigraph for the poetic description of October, Tchaikovsky chose a short couplet by A.N. Tolstoy, in which yellow leaves fall from the trees in the wind

“Autumn, our whole poor garden crumbles,

Leaves yellow in the wind fly ... "

The sound of ripe apples falling on the roof is heard, the sad rustle of leaves and the sadness of fading nature convey quiet chords, and in the middle of the piece, light trills remind of the warm rays of the sun slipping into the garden and illuminating the gold decoration of trees. A quivering feeling, embracing the soul, gives the last hope for warmth, and then nature sighs, the pace freezes and calms down. The lyrical sketch of the play is very sincere, it allows you to enjoy the smell of a fire and the transparent autumn air with the freshness of the first, evening frosts.
(Listening and watching the video on the screen)

    The third autumn play from the album "Seasons" is called "November". "On a trio".

As a poetic epigraph for this work, Tchaikovsky took a poem by N.A. Nekrasov.

"Do not look longingly at the road

And do not rush after the three

And sad anxiety in my heart

Shut it down forever."

Nekrasov wrote about November, the eve of the Russian winter, as about the first powder, on which the troika leaves a mark, ringing from afar with a cheerful bell, dispersing anxiety in the soul. Tchaikovsky also devoted the play "November" to a primordially Russian plot - a fast ride on a troika of horses, joy at the first snow and the still not prickly wind blowing over the cheeks. The frosts are already invigorating, but the sun is shining brightly, and the snow glitters on the hooves of racing horses. The winter landscape is beautiful, it is emphasized by the gait - the tempo taken in the middle of the work, and the sad echoes of high and thin notes are replaced by the approach of the sound of a bell, the lingering song of the coachman - a melody that fades away.
(Listening and watching the video on the screen)

Teacher: And now let's rest a little, get up and leave the desks.
Grisha walked - walked - walked, (We walk in place.)
Found white mushroom. (Clap hands.)
Raz-fungus, (Tilts forward.)
Two - fungus, (Bends forward.)
Three - fungus, (Bends forward.)
He put them in a box. - children imitate the movements of the mushroom picker: they walk, bend down and put the mushrooms in the container. Movements should be slow, rhythmic.

Teacher: We continue our conversation about the music of Autumn in the works of Russian and foreign composers.

Probably nowhere in the world there is such a beautiful autumn as we have in Russia. Another Russian composer who turned to the theme of autumn is Georgy Vasilyevich Sviridov. slide 11

He was born in the small town of Fatezh. Kursk province. From the age of nine he began to learn to play the piano, but much more than the piano, the young music lover was attracted by the balalaika. Soon Sviridov learned to play by ear in such a way that he was accepted into an amateur orchestra of Russian folk instruments. A little later, Georgy Vasilyevich received a musical education and became an excellent composer. For his talent, he was awarded many state titles and awards. Let's listen to a fragment of a musical work by G.V. Sviridov,
called "Autumn". And answer the questions: Slide 12-13

Teacher: What musical instruments did you hear? Student responses.
- What was the nature of the music to choose from the suggested answers on the screen.

(Joyful, tense, solemn, mysterious,
affectionate, enthusiastic, poetic, impetuous, calm, mysterious, excited, restless, tender, sad, graceful)
slide 14.
What would you draw while listening to this music?
Children: Autumn.

teacher: Many creative people devoted their works to the seasons: poets - poems, artists - paintings, composers - music. One such great composer was Antonio Vivaldi. He was the first to create a concert cycle dedicated to all seasons. Antonio Vivaldi was born in Italy. He was an abbot (that is, a priest), received a musical education - as a violinist and composer. Vivaldi created many musical works, but the most famous of them is the Four Seasons cycle, consisting of 4 concertos for violin and orchestra. We will listen to a fragment of the concert "Autumn". And we will answer questions. What is the mood of this autumn? What feelings does this music evoke in you? Listening to "Autumn"

Teacher: What is the mood of this autumn? What feelings does this music evoke in you?
Children: Children's answers.
Teacher: What do you think, if the composer painted an illustration for this work, what colors would he use?
Children: Children's answers.

Of course, the music of the Italian composer is different from our music, and our autumn is different, so the autumn works are permeated with the moods and feelings of their people.
And at the end of our event, we will also perform the autumn songs learned in the lessons. Think about the mood with which we will perform these songs?

1-2 class "Autumn in a golden scarf" sl. and muses N.B.Bobkova Slide 16.

Grade 3-4 “Leaves are falling, falling” sl. M. Ivensen, music. M.Kraseva. slide 17.

Grade 1-4 "Starling says goodbye" sl. M. Ivensen music. T. Popatenko Slide 18.

Teacher: Well done boys. What season are we talking about today?
Children: About autumn.

Teacher: Watch and answer the autumn quiz questions. slide 18.

    When is Teacher's Day in Russia?

    What month is Mother's Day?

    What date is the last day of autumn?

    The season between summer and winter?

    How is the earth covered in autumn?

    Color - a symbol of autumn?

    Which tree leaves turn red in autumn?

    Who are Khmuren, Gryaznik and Leafy?

(Prizes for correct answers)

Teacher: With the work of which composers did you meet?
Children: P.I. Tchaikovsky, G.V. Sviridova, A. Vivaldi.
Teacher: Our lesson is over, I hope that you learned a lot of interesting and useful things at our event today. Thank you bye! (Exit to the music)

Integrated lesson of music and fine arts

on this topic:


music teacher - Dzhabarova T.O.

Section: Teaching music.

Lesson type : combined

The purpose of the lesson

To reveal the interrelationships and interactions of the arts - music, literature and painting. Emotionally perceive and evaluate works of art.



    enrich the spiritual world of students.

    To instill a love for music, literature and works of fine art.


    Generalize and consolidate knowledge of the works of the great Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky and Vivaldi.

    To reflect by means of artistic expression, one's vision of the world around;

    Develop skills to convey mood with the help of color and musical tonality.

    To acquaint with outstanding world works of music and painting and literature.


    To develop observation, the ability to analyze, compare, generalize;

    To develop creative imagination, thinking, independence of students;

    Learn vocal choral singing.

Lesson equipment:

presentation, phono-chrestomathy, collection of songs by G. Ponomarenko based on poems by S. Yesenin, CDs, notebooks, watercolor paper, watercolor paints, collection of poems by S. Yesenin

Formation of universal learning activities (UUD)

Personal UUD:

    increasing the level of motivation for educational and creative activities;

    development of aesthetic feelings on the basis of acquaintance with works of art;

    spiritual and moral development of children through the formation of a special relationship to nature - the source of beauty and inspiration.

Regulatory UUD:

    develop the ability to accept and maintain a creative task, planning their actions in accordance with it;

    set new creative and educational tasks in cooperation with the teacher.

Cognitive UUD:

    develop the ability of semantic perception of music and works of art.

    analyze objects, establish analogies.

Communicative UUD:

    adequately use communicative (speech) means to solve various communicative tasks, master the dialogical form of communication;

    adequately assess their role in collective creative activity

During the classes:

Musical greeting.

1 slide. Autumn Mystery.

Guess what the lesson will be about?

Epigraph to our lesson (Slide 3)

What is an epigraph?

An epigraph is a short statement hinting at the main content of the lesson.

How do you understand this statement?

The task of our lesson is to determine in what language each type of art reveals the image of autumn.

Many artists and composers have addressed this topic.

Analysis of pictures:

Isaac Levitan "Golden Autumn"

Autumn is the favorite season of Isaac Levitan. He dedicated more than 100 works to her. All the artist's work is imbued with light sadness, light sadness, tenderness. "Golden Autumn" stands out from the general series of paintings by the master, because it has a more playful mood.

In the foreground, the artist depicted the golden decoration of birches, which stand out for their white trunks. The reddish grass contrasts with the blue river running into the distance. A transparent light blue sky with a white cloud indicates a fine day, a real autumn festival. One glance at the canvas is enough to feel the cold spring water and clean, fresh air.

Igor Grabar. "Pock"

In the foreground of the picture, the artist depicted the main character - a mountain ash. It is autumn, the tree is ready to shed its leaves. Red berries are poured with juice, this color represents the arrival of the time for summing up, harvesting.

Next to the main character of the picture - mountain ash, there are two birch trees, which are not inferior to her either in beauty or grace. Such beauty is difficult to convey in words, and then the means of fine art come to the rescue, which Igor Grabar mastered to perfection.

And now we will listen to what means the composers used to depict the beauty of the autumn decoration of nature.

Hearing"Autumn Song" Pyotr Tchaikovsky.

What kind of autumn did Tchaikovsky paint with musical colors?

What are the composer's intonations?

What is the mood of the music?

What's the tune?

What can be said about the state of mind of the music itself?

HearingAntonio Vivaldi "Autumn"

-What do you Can you tell me about the music of Antonio Vivaldi?

Student responses.

Let's compare two pieces of music.

Major - Autumn by Vivaldi

Minor - Tchaikovsky's Autumn Song.

Design activities in the visual arts.

Working with watercolors and notebooks in the programPaint.

Autumn in the visual arts and music: listening to music;

Autumn in the visual arts: an introduction to creativity

artists - landscape painters, viewing their works;

Autumn in music: fulfillment of a creative task:

“I am a composer, artist”, acquaintance with the work of composers, artists, listening to musical works;

The practical part of the lesson: the image of the autumn landscape in watercolor and in a graphic editor.

What do you guys think the meaning of the word is"landscape" or

what is the meaning of this word?

Students explain the meaning of the word "landscape"

"Landscape" - translated from French - locality, country, homeland - a genre of fine art, the subject of which is the image of nature.

Learning new material .

Image of a landscape in different seasons: WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER, AUTUMN.

Everything in nature has its own specific color, which can change under the influence of lighting, location in space, the impact of the color of other objects, and the state of the air.

A vivid example of conveying the mood, the beauty of the autumn landscape with the help of color are the paintings of great artists.

Usually autumn - the time of withering of nature - causes a feeling of sadness and melancholy. But if warm and dry weather sets in for some time, and the forest is dressed in bright golden colors, then the very beauty of autumn nature evokes a feeling of cheerfulness, a cheerful mood.

And it is no coincidence that, looking at Levitan's painting "Golden Autumn", we recall the words of Pushkin

I love the magnificent nature of wilting,
Forests clad in crimson and gold,
In their vestibule there is noise and fresh breath...

The practical part of the lesson.

P Let's move on to the practical work.

Students are given a task to complete an autumn landscape.
- For some, autumn is joy, for others it is sadness.
- Try to show it in your drawing

Of course, you understood that today we will draw an unusual landscape.

Graphics editorPaint will help us draw a simple landscape.

I will show the work in a graphic editor.

On the possibilities of the work of the graphic editor.

Program launch paint.

To start the graphic editorPaint just click on its icon, which is located in the menuStandard , under the menu all programs main menu .

At the top of the screen is a palette that shows the current image and background colors. Creating an image in the programpaint, you use the tools to place in the workspace (like on canvas ) various graphical objects.

This process is very similar to regular painting.

4. Physical education minute

5.Practical work .

Students work in groups (in pairs) in a graphic editor.

The teacher advises students.

After completing the work, students can protect their project (optional) Here we are with you and captured the moment of the outgoing autumn.

Let's show our work.

Autumn turned out to be different, but for the most part you painted a bright, solemn autumn.

If there were no sadness and sadness, then we probably would not appreciate the joyful and pleasant moments of life so much.

Children's work:

Poets did not remain indifferent to autumn either.

Do you know poems about autumn

The children read the verses they have learned.

The history of the creation of the poem "Golden autumn dissuaded ..." S. Yesenin.

Do you know these words?

We learned the song of the Soviet songwriter Grigory Fedorovich Ponomarenko.

Performance of the song by G. Ponomarenko “Golden autumn dissuaded”


Today at the lesson we talked to you about music and paintings depicting autumn.

What do you think inspired composers, artists and poets to create these masterpieces?

What do their works have in common?

(Nature is always beautiful)

And musicians and artists and poets teach us to notice the beauty of nature that surrounds us.

Let's go back to the epigraph of our lesson.

What is autumn for you, a dull time or eye charm?

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Integrated lesson

Topic: "The image of autumn in music, poetry, painting."


educational : to create conditions for a holistic perception of the image of autumn by means of music, poetry and painting. Create conditions for improving musical skills Create conditions for the development of students' speech skills. Consolidation of knowledge about the means of expression (epithets, metaphors, comparisons, personifications).

Developing: create conditions for the development of creative thinking of students, imagination, fantasy.

aesthetic : to create conditions for the ability to see in music, poetry, painting the most important thing - beauty and wealth, to be able to express one's emotions and mood.

Educational: create conditions for the development of interest in the figurative system of native nature.


God! Truly your world is wonderful!

Silently gathering the dew of the field,

Your heart, heart full of songs,

I will bring it to you without splashing.

V. Nabokov

Music teacher:In these lines of Nabokov, a poet of the 20th century, admiration for the beauty and perfection of the world, and above all, admiration for nature, the feeling of being part of nature, the acquisition of wealth from communication with it, i.e. purity and reverence, kindness and love for everything that we surrounds.

We find these thoughts in poems about native nature in the poetry of X I X century, Polonsky, Tyutchev, Fet, Tolstoy and in the music of Russian and foreign composers: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninov, Antonio Vivaldi.

Music teacher:Nature is a mirror of the human soul. Anyone who knows how to see and observe nature cannot but love her, for him she will always remain his homeland, a part of himself.

Music teacher:

Vasilisa Bortsova

I will mix miracle colors on the forest palette,
The fragrant smell of pine needles and the sun's warm light
And I'll write you a fairy tale about Autumn-Goldilocks,
Crimson, gilding I will create her portrait.

I will weave a shepherdess wreath from fallen leaves
And I will decorate a sundress with a berry pattern,
Her face will warm cheerful freckles,
A caring fog will fall like a cloak on your shoulders.

The rowans will put ruby ​​beads on her,
Pomegranates will string a bracelet out of seeds for her,
Wheat ears are slanting blond,
A cloudless dawn will flash in her smile.

Soft moss covers her fluffy boots
And the aroma will give pine resin,
Her outfit will be complemented by acorn earrings
And the meek face will be remembered by mirror lakes.

goal setting

Music teacher:So, friends, today we have an unusual lesson. What do you think we will talk about today?

Children-About autumn

Music teacher:Very good. We are looking at the image of autumn. What kinds of art do you think will help us to tell about autumn?

Children-Painting, music, poetry, cinema.

Music teacher:Formulate the topic of the lesson

Children- The image of autumn in painting, poetry, music.

Music teacher:Guys, what are we going to do today in our unusual lesson?

Children-Listen to music, read poetry, look at paintings by artists (we will talk about how a poet, painter, musician manages to show the image of autumn.)

Teacher of Russian language and literature:

We do not always know how to see and hear the beauty of our native nature. And often artists help us in this, teach us to peer and listen to the world around us. Moreover, they not only convey their own mood, feelings in a work of art, but also convey sounds, colors, aromas, beauty and harmony to the viewer or listener.

As the philosopher Helvetius said

The task of art is to excite the hearts .

Music teacher: All kinds of art excite the hearts of people, awaken the best feelings in them. And each art form does it with its own language. Painting draws an image with line and paint, music with sound, literature with words. The depiction of nature in art has never been a mere copying of it. No matter how beautiful the forests and meadows are, no matter how the elements of the sea attract artists, no matter how the moonlit night enchants the soul, all these images, being captured on canvas, in poetry, in music, evoke complex feelings of emotion, mood. Nature in art is spiritualized, it is sad or joyful, thoughtful or majestic; She is what a person sees her.

Music teacher:Autumn... A lot of poems, paintings, musical works are devoted to this season. It is the subject of admiration, reflection, description, image.

Let's remember the composer, who in his work turned to the seasons.

Children - Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Music teacher: Correctly, Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky.Great is the contribution of P.I. Tchaikovsky to the treasury of Russian and world musical culture. Operas, ballets, symphonies, romances, piano pieces belong to his pen.

And what is the name of the work of P.I. Tchaikovsky, in which he referred to the seasons?

Children - Cycle “Seasons”

Teacher of Russian language and literature:

Cycle- (from gr. circle) a work that consists of several parts that are united by a single plan, one idea.

Let's pick up single words. Cyclic, cyclogram.

Tell the story behind the creation of this piece.

Children's answers

The publisher of the popular St. Petersburg magazine "Nuvellist" N.M. Bernard turned to Tchaikovsky with a request to write twelve plays - according to the number of months in a year - especially for their monthly publication in this magazine during 1876. Tchaikovsky gave his consent.

Music teacher:

P.I. Tchaikovsky lived and worked in the era XIX century. Namely, this era is characterized by an appeal to the inner world of man. Each artist strove to reflect in his work the perception of the surrounding reality in a purely subjective way. In P.I. Tchaikovsky, the perception of nature is deeply personal, nature in plays acts as an impetus for a certain direction of thought and mood. That is, the main place in music is occupied by those emotions, thoughts, memories that nature has prompted. And each part of this work is a small miniature of mood inspired by a picture of nature.

Teacher of Russian language and literature:

Miniature- (red paint used in the design of handwritten books) - works of small forms.

Each play was prefaced by Tchaikovsky with a small poetic epigraph, borrowed from the poems of Russian poets by the epigraph by the autumn season, by the month of October, Alexei Tolstoy's lines "Autumn Song" became.

“Autumn, our whole poor garden crumbles,
Leaves yellowed in the wind fly ..... "

Thus, the composer's idea is revealed not only by means of music, but also by the name and epigraph - that is, a literary preface. This kind of music is called software.

Music teacher:

Guys, do you like to travel? Let's close our eyes and take a trip to the autumn forest

We listen : P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons" October .

What did you imagine? What picture of nature? - What did you feel? What mood does the music convey? (children's answers)

By what musical means does the composer convey the image of autumn? Children's answers.

Now look at the sheet music on your table.

(Working with musical material)

Teacher of Russian language and literature: -Everyone is well aware of the feelings that autumn awakens. Guys, what trees in autumn?

Children:The trees throw off their yellowish leaves, shining with gold, which are picked up and whirled in their dance by a light breeze.

Music teacher:How is the earth changing?

Children: The ground is covered with a colorful, multicolored carpet. Flowers, grass - everything is already withered.

Teacher of Russian language and literature: What is the sky like in autumn?

Children:There are fewer sunny days, gray skies and low clouds make us sad.

Music teacher:And how do animals and birds behave in autumn?

Children: Animals and nature are preparing for hibernation. But despite this, we rejoice at this wonderful time of the year.

Teacher of Russian language and literature: It is in autumn that we admire the crisp rustling of leaves under our feet and colorful leaf fall. The way the thin rays of the sun break through the almost bare branches of trees. The chirping of the birds has subsided, they are already ready to say goodbye to us for the long winter months. The transitional state of nature left neither writers nor poets indifferent. Many poems are dedicated to this beautiful time of the year. Let's remember them

Children read poems by heart about autumn

Very well. And what Russian poet loved autumn very much. Why did he love autumn. (Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin)

Let's read an excerpt from the poem "Autumn". You have texts on the tables.

What is the mood of this poem? Why does the author say "eyes charm"? Find lines in which the author's attitude to autumn is also felt? What colors does the author use to create the palette?

Take colored pencils and underline these words with the appropriate color. Let's try to find colorful adjectives that create an image of an autumn landscape.

Teacher of Russian language and literature: How would an artist express these feelings? Look at the reproduction of the painting, what mood arises when you look at the canvas Author

Guys take a look at these pictures.

Music teacher:

The musical language of Tchaikovsky reminds us of the modest, dimly colored Russian nature, also very “laconic”. And if we turn to a musician from another country and a completely different time? Before us is the Italian composer A. Vivaldi.

What do we know about this amazing musician?

Children: An Italian composer, a brilliant violinist, in his youth he took the priesthood (a red-haired monk). He led the church orchestra, taught at the Academy of Music in Venice.

Music teacher:

A. Vivaldi wrote mainly secular music and by performing it in the temple he earned great popularity among the parishioners. His music was very understandable and close to people. Thanks to his music, a huge number of city dwellers, far from religion, were drawn to the temple, not for boring sermons, but for the magnificent concerts of the brilliant Vivaldi.

Antonio Vivaldi adored the violin, he masterfully owned it himself, and wrote most of his works for this instrument.

Guys, what is the difference between Vivaldi's The Four Seasons and Tchaikovsky's cycle?

Children: « The Seasons" by Vivaldi is 4 independent concertos for violin and orchestra.

Teacher of Russian language and literature:

Concert - (compete) 1) public performance of the muses of the work according to a pre-compiled program 2) a musical work of complex form

And these are the only program works in his work.

Music teacher:

And now let's close our eyes again and listen to what kind of autumn does Vivaldi have?

Sounds like: Seasons concerto for violin and orchestra "Autumn" part 1.

Can we see this music?

What is the difference between the musical language of Tchaikovsky and Vivaldi?

Children's answers.

Teacher of Russian language and literature:

Today we talked about music, poetry, painting, and now let's imagine ourselves in the artist's studio. We have templates in front of us that you will color in the way you feel autumn today.

Music teacher: And another piece of music by A. Vivaldi "Autumn" part 2 will help us in this

Children draw and compose a landscape on the blackboard.

Lesson analysis:

What have we learned today? With what mood do we leave the lesson?

Have we achieved our goal?

D/Z: write a fairy tale about autumn

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Theme of the lesson "Music of autumn"

Material Description: I offer you a summary of my educational activities for children in grade 4 (9-11 years old) on the topic "Autumn Music". This material will be useful both for teachers of additional education and music teachers. This synopsis is aimed at expanding the horizons of children and improving vocal and choral skills.
Target: to give an idea of ​​the diversity and richness of music, poetry, painting, their common life basis, mutual influence and complementarity.
Deepening the topic on the example of the work of P.I. Tchaikovsky, G.V. Sviridov,
Antonio Vivaldi.

-Expand children's horizons
-Create an elementary listening experience based on music
-To learn to compare the musical and artistic image, based on the means of musical expression
- develop creative imagination
- develop vocal and choral skills
- develop imagination
-To promote the development of interest in art through creative self-expression, manifested in reflections on music, participation in musical dramatizations.
-Develop singing skills and horizons of students
develop a love for music
arouse interest in music and the subject being studied
educate their musical, artistic and aesthetic taste
educate imaginative thinking; emotional and aesthetic responsiveness to
piece of art;
to form in schoolchildren the ability to perceive the beauty of their native nature;
improve the expressive reading of a poem
enrich the spiritual world of children.
Lesson progress
Teacher: Hello guys! I'm glad to see you at our lesson! Guys, guessing the riddle, you will find out the topic of the lesson.
The field is empty, it's raining.
The wind rips off the leaves.
Fog is creeping in from the north
Terrible clouds hung.
The birds are moving south
Slightly touching the pines with a wing.

Guess, dear friend
What time of year? - ...
Today we will talk about the music of autumn. So autumn has come to us imperceptibly. It can be different - cheerful and sad, sunny and cloudy, with rain and sleet, with cold winds and frosts. What are the signs of autumn?
Children: it gets colder, the birds fly south, the sun doesn't shine so brightly.
Teacher: OK. Well done, tell me, do you like autumn?
Children: Well no.
Teacher: why do you like autumn
Children: for the fact that it becomes beautiful around.
Teacher: Can you name any proverbs or sayings about autumn?
Children: children's answers
Teacher: let's look at the screen. (Proverbs about autumn on the screen).
1. Autumn - eight changes.
2. You feed me in the spring, and in the fall I will be full myself.
3. Autumn will come, but he will ask for everything.
4. October does not like wheels or runners.
5. In autumn, the cat also has feasts.
Guys, choose 1 proverb and explain it.
Children: express opinions.
Teacher: all these proverbs about autumn, about its weather and that it is at this time of the year that people harvest, just like in summer, stock up for the winter.

Autumn is a beautiful time, despite the fact that the weather is often capricious. This time of the year has attracted and continues to attract the attention of poets, artists, and of course composers. So is our Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, who lived in the 19th century. He created a cycle of piano pieces “The Seasons”, there are 12 of these pieces. Why do you think 12?
Children: by the number of months in a year.
Teacher: right. Tchaikovsky lived in St. Petersburg for a long time, a magazine was published there called "Nuvellist" - from the word "novella", which means - a short story. The magazine was published every month, and in each of its issues a pleasant surprise awaited readers: notes of musical pieces for the piano composed by Pyotr Ilyich. Each had the name of one of the months of the year. 12 months a year, 12 issues of the magazine and 12 pieces of music: January, February, March ... All of them were then
combined into an album of colorful, musical sketches, which was called "The Seasons". Tchaikovsky loved autumn very much. He spent a lot of time walking, watching how the colors of nature change, breathing in the smell of wet earth. He walked even in rainy weather, finding beauty in the rain. And this is no coincidence, because autumn is such an amazing time. Now we will listen to one of the autumn plays, listen and think, which month corresponds to this music?
What did the composer want to represent? I remind you that we listen to music in silence.
Listening to the play “October. Autumn song»
Teacher: what month corresponds to this music? What did the composer want to portray?
Children: October.
Teacher: a why do you think so?
Children: because the music prompted, it is like raindrops, which often falls in October.
Teacher: What did the author want to portray?
Children: autumn, nature.
Teacher: what is the melody of this piece?
Children: smooth, lyrical, calm.
Teacher: Probably nowhere in the world is there such a beautiful autumn as we have in Russia, which Pyotr Ilyich portrayed in his work. And another Russian composer who turned to the theme of autumn is Georgy Vasilyevich Sviridov.

He was born in the small town of Fatezh. From the age of nine he began to learn to play the piano. But soon the classes stopped: much more than the piano, the young music lover was attracted by the balalaika. Soon Sviridov learned to play by ear in such a way that he was accepted into an amateur orchestra of Russian folk instruments. A little later, Georgy Vasilyevich received a musical education and became an excellent composer. For his talent, he was awarded many state titles and awards. Let's listen to a fragment of a musical work by G.V. Sviridov,
called "Autumn". And we will answer the questions:
What musical instruments did you hear?
-What was the music in character (Joyfully tensely solemnly mysteriously
affectionately enthusiastically poetically swiftly calmly mysteriously agitated restlessly gently gracefully)
What would you draw while listening to this music?
Listening to "Autumn"
Children: Children's answers
Teacher: and now let's rest a little, get up and leave the desks.
Grisha walked - walked - walked, (We walk in place.)
Found white mushroom. (Clap hands.)
Raz-fungus, (Tilts forward.)
Two - fungus, (Bends forward.)
Three - fungus, (Bends forward.)
He put them in a box. (We walk in place. When reciting a poem, the children imitate the movements of a mushroom picker: they walk, bend down and put mushrooms in a basket. Movements should be unhurried, rhythmic.)
Have a seat.
teacher: Many creative people devoted their works to the seasons: poets - poems, artists - paintings, composers - music. One such great composer was Antonio Vivaldi.

He was the first to create a concert cycle dedicated to all seasons. Antonio Vivaldi was born in Italy. He was an abbot (that is, a priest), received a musical education - as a violinist and composer. Vivaldi created many musical works, but the most famous of them is the Four Seasons cycle, consisting of 4 concertos for violin and orchestra. We will listen to a fragment of the concert "Autumn". And we will answer questions. What is the mood of this autumn? What feelings does this music evoke in you?
Listening to "Autumn"
Teacher: What is the mood of this autumn? What feelings does this music evoke in you?
Children: children's answers.
Teacher: What do you think, if the composer painted an illustration for this work, what colors would he use?
Children: children's answers.
Teacher: of course, the music of the Italian composer is different from our music, and our autumn is different, so the autumn works are permeated with the moods and feelings of their people.
Now we will listen to another song about autumn and learn it. It's called "Squidward". Think about how we will sing this song?
Song learning.
Teacher: Well done boys. What season are we talking about today?
Children: About autumn
Teacher: With the work of which composers did you meet?
Children: A. Vivaldi, P.I. Tchaikovsky, G.V. Sviridov.
Teacher: our lesson is over, thank you, goodbye!

Ludmila Shmakova
Lesson with children of senior preschool age "Autumn in the works of Russian composers, poets, artists"


Autumn in the works of Russian composers, poets and artists.

Target: To cultivate love for native nature, to develop an aesthetic perception of the surrounding reality and works of art, to acquaint with the work of Russian poets and writers. composers


To teach to perceive the works of poets and composers as a reflection of reality

Develop interest and love for Russian folk culture

Develop a sense of ownership, understanding the feelings of the authors of works, musical, literary and artistic

Encourage attentive listening and perception of music


What season is it now? What can you say about autumn, do you like it? (children's answers)

Indeed, autumn seems to many to be dull and boring. Well, yes, the sun is not so warm anymore, it often rains ...

And, nevertheless, it is impossible not to admit that autumn is very diverse and multifaceted.

Today we will try to look at autumn through the eyes of poets, artists and composers who sang this season in their works.

Guys, what do you think, what phenomenon characterizes autumn most brightly? (children's answers)

That's right, leaf fall ...

Here, too, leaf fall, leaf fall of mood, leaf fall of emotions, leaf fall of discoveries will swirl with us today.


Choose autumn leaves depending on your mood, red - you like autumn, yellow - you don't. (The guys attach the leaves to the drawing paper "Autumn mood").

The song DDT "Autumn" sounds. (Slide 3)


Autumn, with its unique colors, is the most favorable time for creativity and has always inspired and inspires artists, composers, poets, writers to create beautiful works.

This time of the year in their works is many-sided and very multi-colored. With the richness of its colors, autumn attracted the attention of the great Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky who in 1876 wrote the music album "Seasons". In Tchaikovsky's melodious melody, one can clearly hear the sadness of parting with the passing summer, regret for the fading nature. (Slide 4).

Autumn is the season that leaves no one indifferent. Therefore, such wonderful lines were dedicated to autumn by poets and writers.

Reading poems about autumn by children.

A. S. Pushkin.

Sad time! Oh charm!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -

I love the magnificent nature of wilting,

Forests clad in crimson and gold,

In their canopy of the wind noise and fresh breath,

And the heavens are covered with mist,

And a rare ray of sun, and the first frosts,

And distant gray winter threats.

Alexey Pleshcheev

Boring picture!

Clouds without end

The rain is pouring down

Puddles on the porch.

stunted rowan

Wet under the window

Looks village

Gray spot.

What are you visiting early

Autumn, come to us?

Still asks the heart

Light and warmth.

Sergey Yesenin

The fields are compressed, the groves are bare,

Fog and damp from the water.

Wheel behind the blue mountains

The sun went down quietly.

The blasted road is slumbering.

She dreamed today

What is very, very little

It remains to wait for the gray winter.

The romance "The golden grove dissuaded ..." sounds.

Educator. One of the most famous artists who was very fond of writing autumn is Isaac Ilyich Levitan(1860-1900). ( slide 7)

Autumn was Levitan's favorite season, and he devoted more than a hundred of his paintings to it.

Reproductions of paintings. (slide 8)

The painting "Golden Autumn" is one of the best creations of the artist. (slide 9) A modest stream, more like a stream, runs under a low hill. And on it is a group of birches, shimmering with gold in the cool rays of the sun. This thoughtful simplicity is surprisingly sweet for a Russian person. Bright colors, solemn peace create a feeling of the greatness of nature. Looking at all these pictures, I just want to exclaim: “It's a sad time! Eyes of charm! ”,“ Lush nature withering ”,“ Forests clad in crimson and gold. How accurately and aptly Pushkin described his favorite season in famous poems, and the artist depicted autumn, putting a flurry of feelings and experiences into his paintings.

The landscape of autumn with the same name gave fans of painting and another outstanding master of the brush - Polenov. (slide 9) His "Golden Autumn" also captured a river and a grove of green, orange and yellow trees. (slide 10) White-trunked birches are covered with gold. There are light clouds in the sky. In the foreground, a narrow path winds, it follows the line of the bend of the river. Polenov's autumn landscape is filled with air, an immense space that opens before our eyes. Here are other canvases of this master, reflecting autumn.

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin painted many pictures of the autumn forest, which are masterpieces and never cease to delight us. (slide 11-12)

Look at the paintings of Russian artists "Golden Autumn" (slides 13-14).

An excerpt from the composition of P. I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons" "Autumn Song" sounds.


Why do you think there are so many paintings called "Golden Autumn"? Each season has its own signs and characteristics, and so does autumn. Let's remember them. (children's answers)

Educator. Everyone knows Pushkin's unique lines about autumn, his favorite season. How much light sadness and philosophical depth are in them! The poet endows the time of "eyes of charm" with the properties of a living creature that can be sad, breathe. The poet devoted most of his work to autumn, revealing to us, the readers, the extraordinary poetry of this season. Autumn is for everyone. Each autumn landscape - picturesque, poetic or musical - is, first of all, the soul of a person, his perception of the world around him. The artist reveals his feelings and impressions of autumn nature. But, thanks to his talent, he knows how to find consonance with his feelings in the hearts of viewers, readers or listeners. And ordinary autumn becomes an artistic phenomenon for us. Poems, painting and music help us to discover the beauty of our native land, call to protect all living things, teach us to understand the language of nature. The art world is a great wonder. But it will not be revealed immediately and not to everyone, but only to a smart and kind, sensitive and attentive person. Try to be like that!

Reflection. Choose autumn leaves depending on your mood after what you saw and heard, red - you love autumn, yellow - you don’t.

(The guys attach the leaves to the drawing paper "Autumn mood").

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