Music genres list. What are the genres of music? Genres of instrumental and vocal music


The song genre is a favorite of almost every person. People began to sing long before the advent of music as such. No wonder the human voice is the most ancient of musical instruments, which is always stored inside each of us.

First came the song, then everything else.

So what are the genres of songs?

Term and brief history

The song is the simplest type of vocal music, but perhaps the most popular, which arose many years before our era. e. For the first time, its use was required in ancient rites and rituals. Only after a long time the song sounded differently, namely from the artistic side, and the consumer attitude receded into the background.

The original compositions were of a religious nature, when there was faith in the forces of nature and the gods corresponding to it. The compositions were quite simple, they could even be limited to three words.

In the ancient period, music and poetry were considered inseparable partners, therefore they were combined into a single art.

In the Middle Ages, songs were common among musicians such as troubadours, minnesingers, trouvers and mastersingers. They felt the inseparable thread between music and text, they felt the connection between the poetic form and the musical stanza.

A characteristic feature of the songs is the dominant melody performed by the voice throughout the entire accompanying background. The word, floating in the musical river, is like a boat, in which all the most necessary and important things are concentrated.

Types of songs

From a single musical trunk, with each century, many branches grew, stretching in completely different directions.

There are 2 types of songs:

  • folk, or folklore;
  • copyright.

Their main difference from each other lies in the names themselves. Art presupposes action, and action is performed by the subject or subjects.

Definition one

Folk song refers to a variety of folklore (oral folk art). This art does not have a single creator. Folk music is a consequence of the contribution of a large number of people. The song was passed from mouth to mouth, acquiring new nuances, intonations, words, and even a different meaning.

Traditional works were directly connected with the people and their everyday life: work, holidays and rituals.

The genre of Russian folk song is distinguished by its beauty and melody. It is not in vain that even abroad foreigners sing the favorite of all "Kalinka-Malinka".

Genres of folk songs

There are many genre divisions according to the type of events. For example, ritual (calendar and family).

Calendar implied Slavic holidays:

  • winter - carols ("A carol was born on the eve of Christmas"), schedrovki ("Good evening, generous evening"), oats ("Ovsey, Ovsey walked along the path");
  • Christmastide - podblyudnye;
  • Shrovetide ("Oh, pancakes, my pancakes");
  • spring - stoneflies, Easter ("From under the forest");
  • summer - Kupala.

Family described everyday scenes and holidays:

  • birth and nurturing;
  • wedding;
  • funeral (weeping and lamentations);
  • cradle.

There are also such genres of folk songs:

  • labor - united workers and did hard work with the help of a song, merging into one force, much easier;
  • comic - ditties, refrains, satire;
  • round dance and dance;

  • epic (narration) - epics, historical, ballads, fairy tales, fables;
  • drawn-out lyrical (often associated with a description of the heavy female share, which had to be put up with because of the traditions accepted by society);
  • otkhodnik (the time when it was necessary to leave the house and go to peasant work outside the village) - barge haulers, coachmen, soldiers, workers.

Some of the best songs of the folklore genre:

  • "Oh, frost, frost."
  • "Ah, it is not yet evening".
  • "Soldiers".
  • "Will I go, will I go out?"
  • "Felt boots".
  • "Thin rowan".
  • "Hey, let's go."

Genres of composer songs

An incalculable number of musical compositions in various song genres have been written. We will talk about them below.


Several features can be distinguished:

  • the composer who wrote the song reproduces it himself;
  • in addition to music, the author also composes text;


The composition carries the task of praising someone or something. In all countries, it is considered the "main song" and occupies one of the three state symbols of the country (along with the coat of arms and flag).


This type of song belongs to the genre, one of the most popular at the present time. The term first appeared at the beginning of the 20th century.

Main features:

  • rhythm plays an important role;
  • main focus on vocals;
  • the composition is built according to a certain scheme - a verse and a chorus repeating after it;

Offshoots of pop songs:

  • europop;
  • disco;
  • classic;
  • electro;
  • indie;
  • country;
  • latina;
  • dream;
  • baroque;
  • soul;
  • blues;
  • jangle;
  • bubblegum and many other subsections that have grown in all directions.


In France, the term was coined as a song in the style of a cabaret (a place for relaxation with small concert performances).

As a genre of Russian song includes a collective image of:

  • card songs;
  • thieves;
  • lyrical songs, as well as urban romance.


It is the second type (along with pop) of popular music at the present time. The direction originated at the beginning of the 20th century.

Includes a huge number of subgenres and their varieties. Just some of them:

  • alternative;
  • garage;
  • glam;
  • grunge;
  • indie;
  • mathematical;
  • instrumental;
  • punk;
  • fast;
  • progressive;
  • surf;
  • software;
  • folk;
  • hard;
  • pop rock;
  • rapcore, and it is also worth emphasizing metal as a kind of rock music, with all the subspecies that follow from it.


The direction was born thanks to the merits of African rhythms and European harmony. It includes, in addition to vocal compositions, a purely instrumental look.

An interesting fact: jazz instrumental and song genres are the most difficult types of music to perceive, which require the brain to analyze the harmonic construction. Virtuosos undoubtedly have a high intellectual level, since improvisation requires even much deeper work.

Other types

In addition to the above, there are still a huge number of song genres:

  • blues - African American secular music;
  • folk - it combines folklore with modern trends;
  • rap - recitative to a rhythmic beat.

The world is full of vocal creativity, and everyone can find their favorite genre.

Music genres(genres of music) - a list and a brief description of musical genres and trends.

Music genres

1. Folk music - music of various peoples of the world.

2. Latin American music- a generalized name for the musical genres and styles of Latin American countries.

3. Indian classical music- the music of the Indian people, one of the most ancient genres of music. It takes its origins from the religious practices of Hinduism.

4. European music- a generalized concept that characterizes the music of European countries.

5. Pop music Disco (from the word "disco") is a genre of dance music that originated in the early 1970s. Pop (from the word "popular") is a type of mass musical culture. Light music (from “easy listening” - “easy to listen to”) - music that covers different styles, the common thing in such music is simple, catchy melodies. The singer who performs music in the genre of Pop - Madonna.

6. Rock music - the generalized name of the direction of music, the word "rock" means - "swing, rocking" and indicates the rhythm of the music.

country rock - a genre that combines country and rock, and became part of rock and roll after Elvis Presley performed at the 1955 Grand Ole Opry.

southern rock - "southern" rock, was popular in the USA in 1970.

heartland rock - "rock from the outback", founded in 1980 on "country" and "blues".

garage rock - founded in the United States of America and Canada in 1960, the forerunner of "punk rock".

surf rock - (from the English "surf") - American beach music, was popular in the early 60s.

instrumental rock - this is a genre of rock music, the music of this genre is dominated by music, not vocals, was popular in the 1950s and 1960s.

folk rock - a genre that combines elements of folk and rock, was formed in the UK and the USA in the mid-1960s.

blues rock - a hybrid genre that combines elements of blues and rock and roll, began its development in England and the USA in 1960.

Rock'n'roll - (from the word "roll") the genre, born in the 1950s, in the United States, is an early stage in the development of rock music.

Merseybit - (the meaning of the genre comes from the name of the bands from Liverpool, which is located near the River Mersey)—the genre originated in the UK in the 1960s.

Psychedelic Rock - musical genre, it originated in Western Europe and California in the mid-60s, is associated with the concepts of "psychedelia" (hallucinogens).

progressive rock - a genre that is characterized by the complication of musical forms and the introduction of dialogue.

experimental rock - a style that is based on experiments with the sound of rock music, another name is avant-garde rock.

Glam rock - (from the word "spectacular" - "glamorous") - the genre originated in the UK in the 1970s.

pub rock The forerunner of punk rock, a genre of music that arose in the 1970s as a protest by British rock representatives against the excessive purity of sound in American AOR and prog rock.

hardcore - the genre appeared in the UK and the USA in the late 1970s. The sound is faster and heavier than the traditional punk rock sound.

skiffle - singing with accompaniment. The instrumentation included a washboard, a harmonica, and a guitar as a rhythm instrument.

Hard rock - ("hard rock") - a genre that is characterized by the release of the sound of percussion instruments and bass guitar. The genre originated in the 1960s and took shape in the early 1970s.

Punk rock - a musical genre that was formed in the USA in the 1970s, a little later - in the UK. The meaning that early bands put into this genre is "the desire to play dominates the ability to play."

bard rock - a genre that appeared in the "Soviet Union" in the 1970s. Developed under the influence of poetry: Viktor Tsoi, Okudzhava.

J-rock ("Japanese rock") is the name for the various styles of rock music that originated in Japan.

Metal - a genre that was formed and hard rock in England and the United States, in the 1970s.

post-punk - a musical genre that was formed in the late 1970s in the UK. It was a continuation of punk rock and was distinguished by a variety of self-expression in music.

new wave - a direction that includes different genres of rock music, ideologically and stylistically broke with all previous rock genres. It emerged in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

no wave - direction in cinema, music and performance art. Developed in New York in the late 1970s. This is a kind of response of free musicians and artists to the commercial "New Wave".

stoner rock is medium tempo or slow music with low frequency musical instruments such as bass and guitar.

The genre originated in the 1990s, based on the work of the Kyuss group.

Alternative rock - this term refers to various styles of rock music. Appeared in the 1980s and covers many styles and trends that originate in post-punk, punk rock and other styles and musical genres.

post-rock is an experimental musical genre of rock music. The genre is characterizedthe use of instruments that are usually used in rock music and chords that are not characteristic of rock (traditional).

7. Blues - a musical genre that originated at the end of the 19th century, in the Southeastern United States in the African American community, among the rebels of the Cotton Belt.

8. Jazz - a genre of music that arose in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the United States as a result of the synthesis of European and African cultures.

9. Country - (“country music”) is one of the most widespread varieties of North American music.

10. Chanson - (translated from French - chanson, which means song).

Has 2 meanings:

1. French cabaret song.

2. Soviet song in French, Renaissance and late Middle Ages.

The first composer and poet who performed songs in the chanson style was Guillaume de Machaux.

The peculiarity of the genre is that the performer, author of the song, music and words is one and the same person.

12. Romance - ("romance" means - "in Spanish") - a short poem that has a lyrical content, sung to the music. The term itself originated in medieval Spain and meant a Soviet song sung in Spanish.

13. Blatnaya song - a genre of a song in which it is sung about heavy morals and life in a criminal environment. Since the 1990s, the Russian music industry has called the thieves' song "Russian chanson", although it has nothing to do with chanson.

13. Electonic musicis a musical genre denoting music that has been created using electronic musical instruments. Often, various computer programs are used to create it.

14. Ska - a style that appeared in the late 1950s, in Jamaica.

The style is characterized by a 2 by 4 rhythm: when the bass guitar or double bass emphasizes odd drum beats, and the guitar emphasizes even ones.

15. Hip-hop - a genre of music that originated in New York, among the working class - on November 12, 1974. Hip-hop was founded by DJ Kevin Donovan.

The above list includes only the most popular musical genres.

Currently, new musical genres (genres of music) and directions are constantly emerging.

Lady Gaga - Judas (combines electronic music and dance rhythms).

Each of us loves music in our own way. A large number of works of various genres are released monthly. Everyone downloads and listens to their favorite songs in different ways. Player, radio, TV, phone - all this and much more helps to play music.

Musical notes are with us both in reality and during sleep. Even the wind and the waves of the sea create their own sound that you want to listen to. There is a type of people who live only for music, they don't go anywhere without it. The other type, on the contrary, creates musical masterpieces.

Types and genres of music

Song types cannot be limited to a couple of categories. At a minimum, they are divided into:

  • Russians.
  • Foreign.
  • Slow.
  • Dance.
  • Merry.
  • Sad.

These groups can merge with each other. The types of Russian songs are different: it can be a cheerful dance composition or a slow and sad motive. Music is used to cheer up and dance, although not everyone uses it just for fun. Often a melody can cause a storm of emotions, up to tears.


Fans of listening to the new watch the release of albums of their favorite artists. Indeed, in our time, almost everyone can record their song, and the types of songs are different, one half of the audience likes it, the other does not approve and generally does not see talent in the performer. To better understand what types of songs and music are, you should pay attention to this list:

  1. Classical music.
  2. Pop music.
  3. Hip-hop.
  4. Electonic music.
  5. Jazz.
  6. Blues.

Fans of a particular genre sometimes get so sick of music that they form groups and go out to showdown. Hip-hop fans prefer to compete with each other using battles. In them they show their devotion to this style of music. Rockers are often seen sitting on bikes and drinking alcohol. Pop musicians are ordinary people who most often perform romantic types of songs that speak of love.

Classical, electra and jazz

Classical music was very popular a couple of decades ago, but even now it is not forgotten. There are not many real connoisseurs of this style who, at the opportunity, come to any corner of their country to attend a concert with live sound and hear the works of Tchaikovsky, Mozart, Bach and other great composers.

Electra music is played using a synthesizer, electric guitar. There are simply no sad motives in these melodies. Electronic playback and fun lyrics keep the younger generation moving rhythmically in the disco. In the modern world, this style occupies the first place, which uses old-style songs performed in a youthful way.

Jazz and blues are very similar to each other, sometimes it is impossible to distinguish between them. Jazz is performed by a group of musicians playing different instruments, with the main ones being wind elements. In the blues, only one instrument plays, while others create a certain color, playing along with the main performer. The songs are sung with a strong voice that can draw out and muffle the heaviest notes.

Pop, rock and hip hop

Pop songs are listened to by both children and adults. This music is considered the most popular, it is performed by famous singers and singers. This style can be sad, romantic, it will "melt" any heart. Pop music most often demonstrates feelings, love, indifference. The voices of the performers are mostly gentle and pleasant to the ear, gossip and high-profile scandals constantly curl around the stars.

The yellow press persecutes performers and sometimes publishes articles in which information does not coincide with reality. Pop lyrics are usually meaningful. Cheerful and danceable notes cheer up.

Types of songs in hip hop music are combined together with the style of RnB and rap. The first texts were written by African Americans, they told a story about a difficult life and abandoned places in America, where chaos and complete devastation are happening.

Rap, as the performers themselves say, is not sung, it is read. Wide jeans, long T-shirts, baseball caps - this is how rappers look, both black and white. Rap performers hang wide chains with various pendants around their necks.

As for rock, there are divisions within the style itself - the usual and the blues-based style. The first songs came out in the 60s. At the present time, rockers have their own traditions, which manifest themselves in the form of fights on stage, broken guitars, bottles, dousing musicians from head to toe with water. This was not the case in the last century. Rockers of the past sang about love.

Choose what you like the most. If you want, listen to everything at once. The choice is for everyone. In any case, without music, nowhere. She plays everywhere and everywhere.

musical genres.

Music(Greek μουσική, adjective from Greek Μούσα - muse) - art, the means of embodying artistic images for which are sound and silence, organized in a special way in time.

Musical genre- a kind of music, musical works, distinguished by special stylistic features peculiar only to it. The concept of a genre in music stands on the border between the categories of content and form and makes it possible to judge the objective content of a work based on the complex of expressive means used. Characterizes, as a rule, the historically established genera and types of musical works. In musicology, various systems for classifying a musical genre have developed, which depend on which of the genre-causing factors is considered as the main one. Often the same work can be characterized from different points of view, or the same genre can be attributed to several genre groups. It is also possible to single out “genres within genres”, for example, various genres of vocal and instrumental music included in the opera. Opera, on the other hand, is essentially a synthetic genre that combines various art forms. Therefore, when classifying, it is necessary to keep in mind which factor or combination of several factors is decisive. Genre features can be intertwined: for example, song and dance genres. The composition of the performers and the method of performance determine the most common classification of genres. This is, first of all, the division into vocal and instrumental genres. Some genres have a complex history that makes them difficult to classify. Thus, a cantata can be both a chamber solo work and a large composition for a mixed composition (xop, soloists, orchestra).

Genre- a kind of model with which specific music is correlated. It has certain conditions of execution, purpose, form and nature of the content. So, the goal of a lullaby is to calm the baby, so “swaying” intonations and a characteristic rhythm are typical for it; in the march - all the expressive means of music are adapted to a clear step.

The simplest classification of genres is by way of execution. These are two large groups:

instrumental(march, waltz, etude, sonata, fugue, symphony);

vocal genres(aria, song, romance, cantata, opera, musical).

Another typology of genres is related with performance environment. It belongs to A. Sohor, a scientist who claims that the genres of music are:

1. Ritual and iconic(psalms, mass, requiem) - they are characterized by generalized images, the dominance of the choral principle and the same mood among the majority of listeners.

Psalm(Greek "praise") - hymns of Jewish and Christian religious poetry and prayers from the Old Testament.

Mass- the main liturgical service in the Latin rite of the Catholic Church. Consists of opening rites, Liturgy of the Word, Eucharistic Liturgy and closing rites

Requiem(lat. “dead”) - a funeral service (mass) in the Catholic and Lutheran churches, corresponds to the funeral liturgy in the Orthodox Church.

2. Mass-household genres(varieties of song, march and dance: polka, waltz, ragtime, ballad, anthem) - they are distinguished by a simple form and familiar intonations;

3. Concert genres(oratorio, sonata, quartet, symphony) - characteristic performance in a concert hall, lyrical tone as the author's self-expression;

Oratorio- a large piece of music for choir, soloists and orchestra. It differs from the opera by the absence of stage action, and from the cantata by the larger size and branching of the plot.

Sonata(ital. sound) - a genre of instrumental music, as well as a musical form called sonata form. Composed for chamber composition of instruments and piano. Usually solo or duet.

Quartet- a musical ensemble of 4 musicians, vocalists or instrumentalists.

Symphony(Greek "consonance", "euphony") - a piece of music for the orchestra. As a rule, symphonies are written for a large mixed orchestra (symphony), but there are also symphonies for string, chamber, wind and other orchestras; a choir and solo vocal voices can be introduced into the symphony.

Folk music, musical folklore, or folk music (English folk music) - the musical and poetic creativity of the people, an integral part of folk art (folklore), which exists, as a rule, in oral (non-written) form, passed down from generation to generation.

Spiritual music- musical works related to texts of a religious nature, intended for performance during a church service or at home.

Classical music(from lat. сlassicus - exemplary) - exemplary musical works of outstanding composers of past years, which have stood the test of time. Musical works written according to certain rules and canons in compliance with the necessary proportions and intended for performance by a symphony orchestra, ensemble or soloists.

Latin American music(Spanish música latinoamericana) is a generalized name for the musical styles and genres of Latin American countries, as well as the music of people from these countries who compactly live on the territory of other states and form large Latin American communities (for example, in the USA).

Blues- This is a musical style that was created by black musicians living in the United States of America. The blues was first played at the end of the nineteenth century in the southern states, in the vicinity of the Mississippi River Delta. The music of this style is very diverse, many musicians have created their own style of performance.

Jazz(English jazz) - a form of musical art that arose in the late XIX - early XX century in the United States as a result of the synthesis of African and European cultures and subsequently became widespread. Characteristic features of the musical language of jazz initially became improvisation, polyrhythm based on syncopated rhythms, and a unique set of techniques for performing rhythmic texture - swing. Further development of jazz occurred due to the development of new rhythmic and harmonic models by jazz musicians and composers.

Country(English country music from country music - rural music) - the most common variety of North American folk music, in popularity in the United States is not inferior to pop music.

Romance in music- a vocal composition written on a short poem of lyrical content, mostly love.

Electonic music(German Elektronische Musik, English Electronic music, colloquially also “electronics”) is a broad musical genre that refers to music created using electronic musical instruments and technologies (most often with the help of special computer programs).

Rock music(Eng. Rock music) - a generalized name for a number of areas of popular music. The word "rock" - (translated from English "rock, rock, swing") - in this case indicates the rhythmic sensations characteristic of these directions associated with a certain form of movement, by analogy with "roll", "twist", "swing ”, “shake” and so on. Some distinctive features of rock music, such as the use of electric musical instruments or creative self-sufficiency (it is typical for rock musicians to perform compositions of their own composition), are secondary and often misleading.

reggae(English reggae; another spelling is "reggae") - Jamaican popular music that appeared in the 1960s and became popular since the 1970s.

Pop music(English pop-music from popular music) - the direction of modern music, a type of modern mass culture. It is a separate genre of popular music, namely, an easy-to-remember song.

Music is an integral part of most people's lives. Musical works are listened to in all corners of our planet, even in the most remote ones. Despite the huge popularity and importance of this art direction, many people do not think about what kind of styles and genres of music. This article discusses the TOP 10 musical directions that have not lost their popularity to this day.

Due to the variety of different genres, many of you are wondering: What styles of music are there? We tried to answer your question and organize the main styles of music into a separate list, which, according to experts, will always be popular despite many years.

1 Pop music

This style belongs to the modern direction of music. This genre is characterized by simplicity, interesting instrumentation and a sense of rhythm, while vocals are far from being the main focus. The main and practically the only form of musical compositions is the song. "Pop" includes the characteristic features of Europop, Latin, synthpop, dance music, etc.

Music experts highlight the following features of pop music:

  • conservative scheme for constructing songs "verses + choruses";
  • simplicity and ease of perception of melodies;
  • the main instrument is the human voice, the accompaniment plays a secondary role;
  • the rhythmic structure plays an important role: most of the compositions are written for dancing, so they are distinguished by a clear, unchanging beat;
  • on average, the length of the songs is from 3 to 5 minutes, which is fully consistent with the format of modern radio stations;
  • lyrics are usually dedicated to personal emotions and experiences (love, sadness, joy, etc.);
  • The visual presentation of works is of great importance.

2 Rock

As the name implies (rock - “download”), this genre of music characterized by rhythmic sensations that are associated with a certain movement. Some signs of rock compositions (electromusical instruments, creative self-sufficiency, etc.) are secondary, which is why many music styles mistakenly attributed to rock. Various subcultures are associated with this musical direction: punks, hippies, metalheads, emo, goths, etc.

Rock is divided into several directions or styles, ranging from "light" works of danceable rock and roll, pop rock and Britpop, to brutal and aggressive death metal and grindcore. This genre is characterized by "musical expression", in particular, increased dynamics (loudness) of performance (some compositions are performed at 120-155 dB).

Rock bands usually have a vocalist, a guitarist (who plays electric guitar), a bass player, and a drummer (sometimes a keyboardist). The rhythm section is made up of bass guitar, drums and rhythm guitar (not always).

3 Hip-hop

it direction of music consists of several genres: from "light" styles (pop-rap) to aggressive ones (hardcore, horrorcore). Lyrics can also have different content - from light and casual (memories of childhood, youth, etc.) to complex social problems.

Hip-hop is based on styles such as funk, jazz, reggae, soul and rhythm and blues. Quite often, hip-hop is confused with rap, which is fundamentally wrong. Rap is a recitative performance of musical compositions, while hip-hop may not have recitative at all. In the USSR, this music style appeared in the 1980s.

The following subgenres of hip hop exist:

  • old school: relatively simplified recitative, lines of the same length, unchanged direction of rhythm and beats;
  • newschool: relatively short tracks, more soulful motives (in the direction of pop music);
  • gangsta rap: songs about hard life, hooliganism, crime, etc.;
  • political hip-hop: the lyrics contain a call for anti-social activities, the unification of society to resolve various internal and external threats;
  • alternative hip-hop: this direction is based on funk, jazz, pop-rock, soul styles, and the compositions are a combination of music with recitative;
  • g-funk: this style combines pi-funk melodies and deep funk basses (synthesizer fill, thin flute sound and recitative), diluted with male or female backing vocals;
  • horrorcore: this direction is distinguished by the greatest "rigidity" and brutality of the tracks;
  • southern hip-hop: this style has southern motives of African and Latin American countries;
  • Grime: Characterized by the track's dark atmosphere, booming basses, and fast-paced, aggressive rapping.


Rap is a rhythmic recitative that is usually read to the beat. The performers of such compositions are rappers or MCs. Rap is one of the main components of hip-hop. But this style is also used in other genres (drum and bass, pop music, rock, rapcore, nu metal, etc.).

The origin of the word "rap" is based on the English "rap" (beats, knocks) and "to rap" (talk).

Rap - music is quite diverse. Compositions can be simple, but at the same time interesting and melodic. They are based on the beat - the rhythm of the songs. Often, each bar will have some emphasis on the clap (clap), snare (clear and short drum beat), percussion (whistles, chains, etc.) or bass drum.

Keyboards, brass and computer sounds are usually used as musical instruments.

5 R&B

R&B (rhythm and blues) refers to the song and dance genre of music. This style is based on the blues and jazz trends of the first half of the 20th century. A distinctive feature of the genre are dance motifs that encourage listeners to dance uncontrollably.

The R&B style is dominated by cheerful melodies that do not carry any special philosophical or mental themes.

Many music experts associate rhythm and blues with black people, since all the “black” genres are based on, with the exception of classical and religious motifs.


This musical direction arose at the end of the 19th century in the United States. This style of music combines African and European cultures.

Distinctive features of this direction are improvisation, sophisticated rhythm (syncoped figures) and unique techniques of rhythmic textures.

Jazz also refers to dance music. The compositions are cheerful, give vivacity and a good mood. But unlike R&B, jazz melodies are calmer.

7 Instrumental music

Compositions of this music directions are performed with the help of musical instruments, and the human voice does not take any part in this. MI can be solo, ensemble and orchestral.

Instrumental music is one of the best "background" styles. Melodies based on live instruments and modern hits are ideal for calm radio stations, and listening to them gives harmony while working and relaxing.

8 folk music

Quite a popular style is folk music related to musical folklore. Compositions are the musical and poetic creative ideas of the people, which are passed down from generation to generation. Traditional melodies are usually created by the rural population. Such direction of music a weighty opposition to popular and academic singing.

The texts are based on various motives, ranging from warm love relationships to terrible and terrible military events.

9 Electro

Electronic music is a fairly broad genre, the melodies of which are created using electronic musical instruments and computer technology. This style has various directions, ranging from experimental academic songs to popular electronic dance tracks.

Electronic music combines the sounds generated by electronic technology and electromechanical musical instruments (telarmonium, Hammond organ, electric guitar, theremin and synthesizer).

10 Trance music

Trance is a type of electronic music characterized by an artificial sound, emphasis on harmonics and timbres, and a relatively fast tempo (between 120 and 150 beats per minute). Usually trance is used for various dance events.

If you start to continue this list, it will be endless, as hundreds of different styles and sub-styles appear from year to year. We also wanted to note that our list did not include such styles of music as:

  • disco
  • techno
  • country music
  • lounge
  • trance

We will be glad if you leave your comments and add to the list!

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