The musician-sorcerer is a Belarusian folk tale in Russian. Musician-sorcerer - Belarusian folk tale


Once upon a time there lived a musician. He started playing from an early age. She used to graze oxen, cut off a vine, make a pipe for herself, and as soon as she plays, the oxen will stop plucking the grass - they will prick up their ears and listen. The birds in the forest will be quiet, even the frogs in the swamps will not croak.

He will go to the night - it's fun there: the lads and girls sing, joke - a well-known thing, youth. The night is warm and soaring. The beauty.

And then the musician will take it and play his pipe. All the boys and girls instantly, as if on command, will subside. And then it seems to everyone that some kind of sweetness spilled over his heart, some unknown force picked him up and carries him higher and higher - into the clear blue sky to the clear stars.

The night shepherds sit, do not move, they forgot that their hands and feet, which have been working hard during the day, hurt, that hunger is pestering.

They sit and listen.

And I want to sit like this all my life and listen to the musician play.

The piper will be silent. But no one will dare to move from their place, so as not to frighten this magic voice, which tickled through the forest, through the oak forest and rises to the very sky.

The pipe will play again, but something sad. And then such melancholy-sadness will seize everyone ... Late at times, men and women come from the panshchina, they will hear that music, they will stop, they will listen. This is how their whole life rises before their eyes - poverty and sorrow, an evil pan da tiun with clerks. And such melancholy will attack them that they want to cry, as if over the dead, as if they are seeing off their sons to the soldiers.

But here the musician will play cheerfully. The men and women will drop their braids, rakes, pitchforks, put their hands on their hips and let's dance.

People are dancing, horses are dancing, trees are dancing in the oak forest, stars are dancing, clouds are dancing - everything is dancing and having fun.

Such was the musician-sorcerer: whatever he wants, he will do with his heart.

The musician grew up, made himself a violin and. went to walk the world. Wherever he comes, he will play, they will feed him for this, give him a drink, as the most welcome guest, and even give him something for the road.

For a long time the musician walked around the world like that, amused good people. And he cut the heart of the evil lords without a knife: wherever he comes, the people of the lords cease to obey there. And he became them across the road, like a bone in the throat.

The pans decided to kill him from the world. They began to persuade one, the other to kill or drown the musician. Yes, there was no such hunter: simple people they loved the musician, and the clerks were afraid - they thought that he was a magician.

Then the pans agreed with the devils. And it is known: lords and devils are of the same wool.

Once a musician is walking through the forest, and the devils sent twelve hungry wolves at him. They blocked the musician's path, they stand, they click their teeth, their eyes burn with hot coals. The musician has nothing in his hands, only a violin in a knapsack. “Well,” he thinks, “the end has come for me.”

The musician took out a violin from his knapsack to play it again before his death, leaned against a tree and ran his bow along the strings.

As a violinist spoke alive, a tickle went through the forest. The bushes and trees froze - the leaf does not move. And the wolves, as they stood, their mouths open, froze.

They listen with all ears and forget the hunger.

The musician stopped playing, and the wolves, as if sleepy, stretched into the forest.

The musician sat down on the river bank, took out a violin from his knapsack and began to play. Yes, it is so good that both the earth and the sky were heard. And when he played the polka, everything around went into a dance. The stars are rushing about like a blizzard in winter, the clouds are floating in the sky, and the fish are so rampant that the river boils like water in a pot.

The water king could not stand it either - he started dancing. Yes, so dispersed that the water flooded the banks; the devils were frightened and jumped out of the river backwaters. Everyone is angry, gnashing their teeth, but they can’t do anything with the musician.

And the musician sees that the water king has done trouble to people - he flooded the fields and gardens, and stopped playing, hid the violin in a knapsack and went on.

He goes, goes, suddenly two panichs run up to him.

We have a game now, they say. - Play us, pan musician. We will pay you handsomely.

The musician thought - it's night in the yard, there is nowhere to spend the night, and there is no money.

Okay, he says, I'll play.

Panichi brought the musician to the palace. Look - and there are panichs and pannocheks at least a dime a dozen. And there is some big and deep bowl on the table. Panichi and pannochki run up to her in turn, stick their finger into the bowl and smear their eyes.

The musician also approached the bowl. He wet his finger and anointed his eyes. And as soon as he did this, he sees that these are not pannochki and panichi at all, but witches and devils, that he is not in the palace, but in hell.

“Aha,” the musician thinks, “this is the game that the Panichi dragged me to! OK. I'll play for you now!"

He tuned the violin, hit the live strings with a bow - and everything in hell shattered into dust, and the devils with the witches fled in all directions.

Once upon a time there lived a musician. He started playing from an early age. She used to graze oxen, cut off a vine, make a pipe for herself, and as soon as she plays, the oxen will stop plucking the grass - they will prick up their ears and listen. The birds in the forest will be quiet, even the frogs in the swamps will not croak.

He will go to the night - it's fun there: the lads and girls sing, joke - a well-known thing, youth. The night is warm and soaring. The beauty.

And then the musician will take it and play his pipe. All the boys and girls instantly, as if on command, will subside. And then it seems to everyone that some kind of sweetness spilled over his heart, some unknown force picked him up and carries him higher and higher - into the clear blue sky to the clear stars.

The night shepherds sit, do not move, they forgot that their hands and feet, which have been working hard during the day, hurt, that hunger is pestering.

They sit and listen.

And I want to sit like this all my life and listen to the musician play.

The piper will be silent. But no one will dare to move from their place, so as not to frighten off this magical voice that tickled through the forest, through the oak forest and rises to the very sky.

The pipe will play again, but something sad. And then such melancholy-sadness will seize everyone ... Late at times, men and women come from the panshchina, they will hear that music, they will stop, they will listen. This is how their whole life rises before their eyes - poverty and sorrow, an evil pan da tiun with clerks. And such melancholy will attack them that they want to cry, as if over the dead, as if they are seeing off their sons to the soldiers.

But here the musician will play cheerfully. The men and women will drop their braids, rakes, pitchforks, put their hands on their hips and let's dance.

People are dancing, horses are dancing, trees are dancing in the oak forest, stars are dancing, clouds are dancing - everything is dancing and having fun.

Such was the musician-sorcerer: whatever he wants, he will do with his heart.

The musician grew up, made himself a violin and. went to walk the world. Wherever he comes, he will play, they will feed him for this, give him a drink, as the most welcome guest, and even give him something for the road.

For a long time the musician walked around the world like that, amused good people. And he cut the heart of the evil lords without a knife: wherever he comes, the people of the lords cease to obey there. And he became them across the road, like a bone in the throat.

The pans decided to kill him from the world. They began to persuade one, the other to kill or drown the musician. Yes, there was no such hunter: ordinary people loved the musician, and the clerks were afraid - they thought that he was a magician.

Then the pans agreed with the devils. And it is known: lords and devils are of the same wool.

Once a musician is walking through the forest, and the devils sent twelve hungry wolves at him. They blocked the musician's path, they stand, they click their teeth, their eyes burn with hot coals. The musician has nothing in his hands, only a violin in a knapsack. “Well,” he thinks, “the end has come for me.”

The musician took out a violin from his knapsack to play it again before his death, leaned against a tree and ran his bow along the strings.

As a violinist spoke alive, a tickle went through the forest. The bushes and trees froze - the leaf does not move. And the wolves, as they stood, their mouths open, froze.

They listen with all ears and forget the hunger.

The musician stopped playing, and the wolves, as if sleepy, stretched into the forest.

The musician sat down on the river bank, took out a violin from his knapsack and began to play. Yes, it is so good that both the earth and the sky were heard. And when he played the polka, everything around went into a dance. The stars are rushing about like a blizzard in winter, the clouds are floating in the sky, and the fish are so rampant that the river boils like water in a pot.

The water king could not stand it either - he started dancing. Yes, so dispersed that the water flooded the banks; the devils were frightened and jumped out of the river backwaters. Everyone is angry, gnashing their teeth, but they can’t do anything with the musician.

And the musician sees that the water king has done trouble to people - he flooded the fields and gardens, and stopped playing, hid the violin in a knapsack and went on.

He goes, goes, suddenly two panichs run up to him.

We have a game now, they say. - Play us, pan musician. We will pay you handsomely.

The musician thought - it's night in the yard, there is nowhere to spend the night, and there is no money.

Okay, he says, I'll play.

Panichi brought the musician to the palace. Look - and there are panichs and pannocheks at least a dime a dozen. And there is some big and deep bowl on the table. Panichi and pannochki run up to her in turn, stick their finger into the bowl and smear their eyes.

The musician also approached the bowl. He wet his finger and anointed his eyes. And as soon as he did this, he sees that these are not pannochki and panichi at all, but witches and devils, that he is not in the palace, but in hell.

“Aha,” the musician thinks, “this is the game that the Panichi dragged me to!

Help with a fairy tale musician sorcerer, you can briefly write pzh.
Here is the text if necessary: ​​somehow in the world a musician. He started playing from an early age. She used to graze oxen, cut off a vine, make a pipe for herself, and as soon as she plays, the oxen will stop plucking the grass - they will prick up their ears and listen. The birds in the forest will be quiet, even the frogs in the swamps will not croak.

He will go to the night - it's fun there: the lads and girls sing, joke - a well-known thing, youth. The night is warm and soaring. The beauty.

And then the musician will take it and play his pipe. All the boys and girls instantly, as if on command, will subside. And then it seems to everyone that some kind of sweetness spilled over his heart, some unknown force picked him up and carries him higher and higher - into the clear blue sky to the clear stars.

The night shepherds sit, do not move, they forgot that their hands and feet, which have been working hard during the day, hurt, that hunger is pestering.

They sit and listen.

And I want to sit like this all my life and listen to the musician play.

The piper will be silent. But no one will dare to move from their place, so as not to frighten off this magical voice that tickled through the forest, through the oak forest and rises to the very sky.

The pipe will play again, but something sad. And then such melancholy-sadness will seize everyone ... Late at times, men and women come from the panshchina, they will hear that music, they will stop, they will listen. This is how their whole life rises before their eyes - poverty and sorrow, an evil pan da tiun with clerks. And such melancholy will attack them that they want to cry, as if over the dead, as if they are seeing off their sons to the soldiers.

But here the musician will play cheerfully. The men and women will drop their braids, rakes, pitchforks, put their hands on their hips and let's dance.

People are dancing, horses are dancing, trees are dancing in the oak forest, stars are dancing, clouds are dancing - everything is dancing and having fun.

Such was the musician-sorcerer: whatever he wants, he will do with his heart.

The musician grew up, made himself a violin and went to walk around the world. Wherever he comes, he will play, they will feed him for this, give him a drink, as the most welcome guest, and even give him something for the road.

For a long time the musician walked around the world like that, amused good people. And he cut the heart of the evil lords without a knife: wherever he comes, the people of the lords cease to obey there. And he became them across the road, like a bone in the throat.

The pans decided to kill him from the world. They began to persuade one, the other to kill or drown the musician. Yes, there was no such hunter: ordinary people loved the musician, and the clerks were afraid - they thought that he was a magician.

Then the pans agreed with the devils. And it is known: lords and devils are of the same wool.

Once a musician is walking through the forest, and the devils sent twelve hungry wolves at him. They blocked the musician's path, they stand, they click their teeth, their eyes burn with hot coals. The musician has nothing in his hands, only a violin in a knapsack. “Well,” he thinks, “the end has come for me.”

The musician took out a violin from his knapsack to play it again before his death, leaned against a tree and ran his bow along the strings.

As a violinist spoke alive, a tickle went through the forest. The bushes and trees froze - the leaf does not move. And the wolves, as they stood, their mouths open, froze.

They listen with all ears and forget the hunger.

The musician stopped playing, and the wolves, as if sleepy, stretched into the forest.

The musician sat down on the river bank, took out a violin from his knapsack and began to play. Yes, it is so good that both the earth and the sky were heard. And when he played the polka, everything around went into a dance. The stars are rushing about like a blizzard in winter, the clouds are floating in the sky, and the fish are so rampant that the river boils like water in a pot.

The water king could not stand it either - he started dancing. Yes, so dispersed that the water flooded the banks; the devils were frightened and jumped out of the river backwaters. Everyone is angry, gnashing their teeth, but they can’t do anything with the musician.

And the musician sees that the water king has done trouble to people - he flooded the fields and gardens, and stopped playing, hid the violin in a knapsack and went on.

He goes, goes, suddenly two panichs run up to him.

We have a game now, they say. - Play us, pan musician. We will pay you handsomely.

The musician thought - it's night in the yard, there is nowhere to spend the night, and there is no money.

Okay, he says, I'll play.

Panichi brought the musician to the palace. Look - and there are panichs and pannocheks at least a dime a dozen. And there is some big and deep bowl on the table. Panichi and pannochki run up to her in turn, stick their finger into the bowl and smear their eyes.

The musician also approached the bowl. He wet his finger and anointed his eyes. And as soon as he did this, he sees that these are not pannochki and panichi at all, but witches and devils, that he is not in the palace, but in hell.

“Aha,” the musician thinks, “this is the game that the Panichi dragged me to! OK. I'll play for you now!"

He tuned the violin, hit the live strings with a bow - and everything in hell shattered into dust, and the devils with the witches fled in all directions. That's the end of the fairy tale Musician-sorcerer, and whoever listened - well done!

Once upon a time there lived a musician. He started playing from an early age. She used to graze oxen, cut off a vine, make a pipe for herself, and as soon as she plays, the oxen will stop grazing - they will prick up their ears and listen. The birds in the forest will be quiet, even the frogs in the swamps will not croak.
He will go to the night - it's fun there: the lads and girls sing, joke - a well-known thing, youth. The night is warm and soaring. The beauty.
And then the musician will take it and play his pipe. All the boys and girls instantly, as if on command, will subside. And then it seems to everyone that some kind of sweetness spilled over his heart, some unknown force picked him up and carries him higher and higher - into the clear blue sky to the clear stars.
The night shepherds sit, do not move, they forgot that their hands and feet, which have been working hard during the day, hurt, that hunger is pestering.
They sit and listen.
And I want to sit like this all my life and listen to the musician play.
The piper will be silent. But no one will dare to move from their place, so as not to frighten off this magical voice that tickled through the forest, through the oak forest and rises to the very sky.
The pipe will play again, but something sad. And then such melancholy-sadness will seize everyone ... Late at times, men and women come from the panshchina, they will hear that music, they will stop, they will listen. This is how their whole life rises before their eyes - poverty and sorrow, an evil pan da tiun with clerks. And such melancholy will attack them that they want to cry, as if over the dead, as if they are seeing off their sons to the soldiers.
But here the musician will play cheerfully. The men and women will drop their braids, rakes, pitchforks, put their hands on their hips and let's dance.
People are dancing, horses are dancing, trees are dancing in the oak forest, stars are dancing, clouds are dancing - everything is dancing and having fun.
Such was the musician-sorcerer: whatever he wants, he will do with his heart.
The musician grew up, made himself a violin and went to walk around the world. Wherever he comes, he will play, they will feed him for this, give him a drink, as the most welcome guest, and even give him something for the road.
For a long time the musician walked around the world like that, amused good people. And he cut the heart of the evil lords without a knife: wherever he comes, the people of the lords cease to obey there. And he became them across the road, like a bone in the throat.
The pans decided to kill him from the world. They began to persuade one, the other to kill or drown the musician. Yes, there was no such hunter: ordinary people loved the musician, and the clerks were afraid - they thought that he was a magician.
Then the pans agreed with the devils. And it is known: lords and devils are of the same wool.
Once a musician is walking through the forest, and the devils sent twelve hungry wolves at him. They blocked the musician's path, they stand, they click their teeth, their eyes burn with hot coals. The musician has nothing in his hands, only a violin in a knapsack. “Well,” he thinks, “the end has come for me.”
The musician took out a violin from his knapsack to play it again before his death, leaned against a tree and ran his bow along the strings.
As a violinist spoke alive, a tickle went through the forest. The bushes and trees froze - the leaf does not move. And the wolves, as they stood, their mouths open, froze.
They listen with all ears and forget the hunger.
The musician stopped playing, and the wolves, as if sleepy, stretched into the forest.
The musician went on. The sun has already set behind the forest, it only shines on the very tops, as if flooding them with golden streams. So quiet that at least this poppy.
The musician sat down on the river bank, took out a violin from his knapsack and began to play. Yes, it is so good that both the earth and the sky were heard. And when he played the polka, everything around went into a dance. The stars are rushing about like a blizzard in winter, the clouds are floating in the sky, and the fish are so rampant that the river boils like water in a pot.
The water king could not stand it either - he started dancing. Yes, so dispersed that the water flooded the banks; the devils were frightened and jumped out of the river backwaters. Everyone is angry, gnashing their teeth, but they can’t do anything with the musician.
And the musician sees that the water king has done trouble to people - he flooded the fields and gardens, and stopped playing, hid the violin in a knapsack and went on.
He goes, goes, suddenly two panichs run up to him.
“We have a game today,” they say. - Play for us, pan musician. We will pay you handsomely.
The musician thought - it's night in the yard, there is nowhere to spend the night, and there is no money.
“Okay,” he says, “I’ll play.
Panichi brought the musician to the palace. Look - and there are at least a dime a dozen of panichs and pannocheks. And there is some big and deep bowl on the table. Panichi and pannochki run up to her in turn, stick their finger into the bowl and smear their eyes.
The musician also approached the bowl. He wet his finger and anointed his eyes. And as soon as he did this, he sees that these are not pannochki and panichi at all, but witches and devils, that he is not in the palace, but in hell.
“Aha,” the musician thinks, “this is the game the panichs dragged me to! OK. I'll play for you now!"
He tuned the violin, hit the live strings with a bow - and everything in hell shattered into dust, and the devils with the witches fled in all directions. That's the end of the tale, and who listened well done!

Young lover of literature, we are firmly convinced that you will be pleased to read the fairy tale "The Magician Musician" and you will be able to learn a lesson and benefit from it. Of course, the idea of ​​the superiority of good over evil is not new, of course, many books have been written about it, but every time it is still pleasant to be convinced of this. It is amazing that with sympathy, compassion, strong friendship and unshakable will, the hero always manages to resolve all troubles and misfortunes. Folk tradition cannot lose its relevance, due to the inviolability of such concepts as: friendship, compassion, courage, courage, love and sacrifice. Domestic problems - incredible good way, with the help of simple, ordinary examples, to convey to the reader the most valuable centuries-old experience. Thanks to the developed children's imagination, they quickly revive the colorful pictures of the world around them in their imagination and fill in the gaps with their visual images. All descriptions environment created and presented with a feeling of deepest love and appreciation for the object of presentation and creation. The fairy tale "Musician-sorcerer" to read for free online is certainly useful, it will bring up in your child only good and useful qualities and concepts.

Once upon a time there was a musician in the world. He started playing from an early age. She used to graze oxen, cut off a vine, make a pipe for herself, and as soon as she plays, the oxen will stop plucking the grass - they will prick up their ears and listen. The birds in the forest will be quiet, even the frogs in the swamps will not croak.
He will go to the night - it's fun there: the lads and girls sing, joke - a well-known thing, youth. The night is warm and soaring. The beauty.
And then the musician will take it and play his pipe. All the boys and girls instantly, as if on command, will subside. And then it seems to everyone that some kind of sweetness spilled over his heart, some unknown force picked him up and carries him higher and higher - into the clear blue sky to the clear stars.
The night shepherds sit, do not move, they forgot that their hands and feet, which have been working hard during the day, hurt, that hunger is pestering.
They sit and listen.
And I want to sit like this all my life and listen to the musician play.
The piper will be silent. But no one will dare to move from their place, so as not to frighten off this magical voice that tickled through the forest, through the oak forest and rises to the very sky.
The pipe will play again, but something sad. And then such melancholy-sadness will seize everyone ... Late at times, men and women come from the panshchina, they will hear that music, they will stop, they will listen. This is how their whole life rises before their eyes - poverty and sorrow, an evil pan da tiun with clerks. And such melancholy will attack them that they want to cry, as if over the dead, as if they are seeing off their sons to the soldiers.
But here the musician will play cheerfully. The men and women will drop their braids, rakes, pitchforks, put their hands on their hips and let's dance.
People are dancing, horses are dancing, trees are dancing in the oak forest, stars are dancing, clouds are dancing - everything is dancing and having fun.
Such was the musician-sorcerer: whatever he wants, he will do with his heart.
The musician grew up, made himself a violin and. went to walk the world. Wherever he comes, he will play, they will feed him for it, give him a drink as the most welcome guest, and even give him something for the road.
For a long time the musician walked around the world like that, amused good people. And he cut the heart of the evil lords without a knife: wherever he comes, the people of the lords cease to obey there. And he became them across the road, like a bone in the throat.
The pans decided to kill him from the world. They began to persuade one, the other to kill or drown the musician. Yes, there was no such hunter: ordinary people loved the musician, and the clerks were afraid - they thought that he was a magician.
Then the pans agreed with the devils. And it is known: lords and devils are of the same wool.
Once a musician is walking through the forest, and the devils sent twelve hungry wolves at him. They blocked the musician's path, they stand, they click their teeth, their eyes burn with hot coals. The musician has nothing in his hands, only a violin in a knapsack. “Well,” he thinks, “the end has come for me.”
The musician took out a violin from his knapsack to play it again before his death, leaned against a tree and ran his bow along the strings.
As a violinist spoke alive, a tickle went through the forest. The bushes and trees froze - the leaf does not move. And the wolves, as they stood, their mouths open, froze.
They listen with all ears and forget the hunger.
The musician stopped playing, and the wolves, as if sleepy, stretched into the forest.
The musician went on. The sun has already set behind the forest, it only shines on the very tops, as if flooding them with golden streams. So quiet that at least this poppy.
The musician sat down on the river bank, took out a violin from his knapsack and began to play. Yes, it is so good that both the earth and the sky were heard. And when he played the polka, everything around went into a dance. The stars are rushing about like a blizzard in winter, the clouds are floating in the sky, and the fish are so rampant that the river boils like water in a pot.
The water king could not stand it either - he started dancing. Yes, so dispersed that the water flooded the banks; the devils were frightened and jumped out of the river backwaters. Everyone is angry, gnashing their teeth, but they can’t do anything with the musician.
And the musician sees that the water king has done trouble to people - he flooded the fields and gardens, and stopped playing, hid the violin in a knapsack and went on.
He goes, goes, suddenly two panichs run up to him.
“We have a game today,” they say. - Play for us, sir musician. We will pay you handsomely.
The musician thought - it's night in the yard, there is nowhere to spend the night, and there is no money.
“Okay,” he says, “I’ll play.
Panichi brought the musician to the palace. Look - and there are at least a dime a dozen of panichs and pannocheks. And there is some big and deep bowl on the table. Panichi and pannochki run up to her in turn, stick their finger into the bowl and smear their eyes.
The musician also approached the bowl. He wet his finger and anointed his eyes. And as soon as he did this, he sees that these are not pannochki and panichi at all, but witches and devils, that he is not in the palace, but in hell.
“Aha,” the musician thinks, “this is the game the panichs dragged me to! OK. I'll play for you now!"
He tuned the violin, hit the live strings with the bow - and everything in hell shattered into dust, and the devils with the witches fled in all directions.

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