What to hang pictures on the wall. What subtleties do you need to know in order to hang a picture on the wall correctly? Application of double-sided tape


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More recently, the main requirement for the design of your own house or apartment was limited only to properly selected wallpapers: color, pattern, texture. Today, designer accessories have entered our lives as an integral part of the interior of residential premises. One of them that has become very popular today is modular paintings. In this article we will talk about them and how to properly hang a modular picture on the wall using different technologies.

Modular painting on the wall

This is a composition consisting of several elements, which depict a part of a drawing or a fragment of one common canvas. When the parts are joined, a general plan is formed, so it is very important to correctly arrange the modules by comparing them with each other.

The number of modules must be at least two. By the number of elements, modular paintings are called differently:

  • a picture consisting of two elements is called diptych;
  • in three parts - triptych;
  • out of five penaptych;
  • more than five elements polyptych.

However, a large number does not always mean a larger size of the picture. Elements can be of small width, which makes it possible to more effectively display a piece of the overall picture on them, writing small details on it.

This is where you can end the conversation about the modular paintings themselves and go directly to the main topic of the article - how to hang modular paintings on the wall.

How to hang pictures on the wall

Let's start with the fact that modular elements are pieces of one large canvas. They are a purely structurally separate picture that can be hung in any convenient way. The main requirement is the strength of the fastener, which would allow it to withstand the weight of the object being hung. The second requirement is the exact location of the modules among themselves and in the required plane. For example, in the photo below you can see that the parts of one whole are not located on the same level. So this dimensional arrangement on the wall must be precisely determined.

It is not easy to do this right away. Anyone who is faced with the task of mounting paintings on the wall with their own hands for the first time must understand that the modular version differs from the usual one precisely in that it is not one painting, but several that must be assembled on the wall surface in a certain order. The easiest option is if the modules are arranged either horizontally or vertically. In this case, you just need to put all the parts on the same line, even if they have different sizes.

In all other respects, this is the usual hanging of framed photographs or paintings. But there is another nuance, determined by the title of the next section.

Distance between modular paintings

In this regard, there are no strict standards, no one has ever defined them. Just purely visually, large gaps between the modules reduce the visibility of a holistic canvas. Therefore, the shorter the distance, the better. Although experts note that it is also not worth installing parts close to each other, it will be difficult to mount to the wall. Therefore, the optimal parameter is 2−4 cm.

Therefore, there is such a recommendation - before attaching a modular-type picture to the wall, it is necessary to lay out its parts on the floor near the wall in the order in which they will be installed one by one. At the same time, it is necessary to lay them out exactly relative to each other so that there is a single canvas of one horizon. Then the bottom or top edge of the largest part is taken as the basis for the installation. And already from it the markings of all elements are carried.

The photo below shows the layout of the modules on the floor. It is in this order and in this arrangement that they should be on the wall.

Please note that the photo shows a composition consisting of five elements, as one of the frequently used ones. Therefore, the question of how to hang a modular picture of 5 parts is quite common. It should be noted that such an arrangement of elements relative to each other is not the most difficult, because they are almost on the same line. It's just that some of them are shifted up or down relative to the main horizontal. Therefore, the middle element is taken as the basis for the installation, its canvas is the main one in terms of uniform location relative to the axis of the entire picture. It is he who must be hung first. The rest take turns to the left or right side.

Now it’s clear how to start the hanging process. We turn to the main topic of the article - how to properly hang modular paintings on the wall, or rather, to the methods of attachment.

How to attach modular paintings to the wall

There are quite a few ways to ensure that the paintings do not fall and sag on the wall surface for a long time. Consider some of them as the simplest and most reliable.

Fasteners for modular paintings

Let's designate all the fasteners at once, and then consider how you can use the help to fix the modular picture on the wall:

There is no point in considering the first two, these are ordinary fasteners that have been used for a long time. They can be classified as classic fasteners. But with others it is necessary to understand thoroughly.

Liquid Nails

This adhesive composition is known as strong and reliable. But when using it, care must be taken to ensure that the surface of the wall is very even. The thing is that the rest of the fasteners can smooth out some of the unevenness of the plane. The adhesive composition is applied in a thin layer, in addition, the paintings are pressed tightly against the wall. This means that surface irregularities will immediately be transferred to the mounted modules in the form of distortions that will be visible to the naked eye.

As for the process itself, depending on the size and weight of the picture, liquid nails are applied either to the entire perimeter of the frame on the reverse side, or in sections.

After that, it is applied to the wall along the marked area and pressed with hands. Within a few minutes, the element can be moved, leveling. It should be noted that in this way it is possible to install paintings in any intended premises, because the adhesive composition does not change its strength properties either under the influence of temperature changes or changes in humidity. So the pictures in the kitchen or in the bathroom, glued with liquid nails, will hang for more than one year.

This fastening material appeared on the market relatively recently, but many home craftsmen have rightfully rated it as one of the most reliable and easy to use. In principle, this is a fabric base treated on both sides with an adhesive composition. From above, the adhesive tape is closed on both sides with a protective polymer film. You remove the last one, apply the strip to the required place, and it is immediately firmly attached to it.

It is on this quality of adhesive tape that the method of its use for hanging modular pictures is based. How it's done:

  • The sticky material is cut into several pieces up to 10 cm long.
  • A protective film is removed from one side.
  • The adhesive tape is pressed with the adhesive side to the frame of the picture.
  • So all segments are established, evenly spaced from each other. Be sure to install at the corners of the object.
  • The top protective films are removed.
  • The module is pressed in place of its installation.

Expert point of view

Dmitry Kholodok

Technical director of the repair and construction company "ILASSTROY"

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“Regardless of the texture of the wall (drywall, plaster, wallpaper with different surfaces, etc.), double-sided tape is easily attached to it. Therefore, it is not necessary to do additional manipulations related to increasing the adhesion of the wall plane.


These fasteners are called the "Command" system. In their use, they resemble double-sided tape, but only these are two parts, each of which has one side - this is a sticky adhesive, and the opposite is Velcro. That is, one of them is attached to the wall, the second - to the picture. Then the latter is applied to the wall so that both parts of the Velcro are joined to each other.

The most unique thing about this whole variant is that the Velcro is also easy to separate from each other. Of course, when connected, they firmly hold the picture on the wall. But not very much effort allows you to separate them. So, if I may say so, this is a reusable fastener.We add that you can install ordinary plastic hooks on Velcro, which come complete with fasteners, and modules are already hung on them. Also a simple option with the ability to take a picture.

There is exactly the same fastening system, which is called "Kreps". How to use it, you can see in the video below.

Hook-spider for pictures

This fastener got its name from its resemblance to a spider. This is a plastic hook, in the design of which there are two or four carnations sticking out in the form of insect legs. Carnations are made of durable steel, their ends are sharp, so with the help of a hammer they are driven into almost any building material. The main requirement for the latter is strength in the sense that it does not crumble under the influence of shock loads.

Using spider hooks is simple:

  • Pull the cloves towards the front of the fastener.
  • Put it at the place of installation.
  • The legs are hammered with a hammer to the plane of the hook.
  • If it is necessary to remove the fastener, it is simply pulled out of the wall with pliers. 2-4 small holes will remain on the surface, which are easy to disguise.

Smart retainer

These are polyurethane rectangles that are easily attached to any surface. These are reusable products that, after dismantling, you just need to rinse with warm water, and they are ready for use again.

To understand what we are talking about, we suggest watching the video below.

Video: how to hang modular paintings and other household items on the wall

What else can you hang a modular picture on

Another rather interesting option is a hanging system for paintings and photographs. In fact, this is a rail (wooden, metal or plastic) that is attached to the wall under the ceiling. Vertical rods are fixed on it, to which the modules of the picture themselves must be attached. In this case, the parts can be moved along the rods, lowering or raising.

Threads with hooks at the ends can be used as guides. This is a more complex design, because it has a built-in mechanism by which the elements of the modular web are lowered and raised.

How much do they cost and where can I buy mounts for modular paintings

Today, all of the above fasteners are not in short supply. They are traded by both ordinary construction stores and Internet services. Let's just denote their average prices across the country.

How to hang a picture on a concrete wall

The last question of the article concerns the most common wall, or rather, the material from which it is made. Concrete is the most durable of all wall materials. Previously, in order to hang a picture, you had to drill it, hammer in dowels or wooden "chops", and only then screw screws into them. It is reliable in terms of withstanding heavy loads, but it is long and dusty, and the process itself cannot be called simple.

Therefore, all the fasteners that were described above can be used for concrete walls. The main thing for the first is a clean and even surface.

Bare walls create an unattractive look and are associated by many with an office space. Paintings or photographs will enliven a boring interior and add a drop of warmth. However, many are afraid that the artistic composition will not fit into the decor of the room and in the future it will have to change its position. There are fasteners for frames and paintings that do not damage the walls and are easily dismantled. Let's look at different installation methods.

Classic way

The easiest way to attach a picture is with a nail or screw. But a lot depends on what kind of camps are in the room. Wood in this respect is an excellent material, it can easily withstand the heavy weight of the product. The home master will only need a hammer and a nail; the picture itself or the rope on which it is hung is attached directly to it. In order for the illustration to hang straight, without a slope, the fasteners should be located at the level of the top edge of the picture or slightly higher. If you want to hang an art canvas at an angle, the nail is hammered into the wall a little below its upper part.

However, modern apartments rarely have wooden walls, most often people live in houses made of brick and concrete. Brick also copes well with the load, but it is a fragile material and can easily crack if handled carelessly. To avoid this, cement mortar is first poured into the drilled hole and only then the selected part is attached.

Concrete is a fairly durable material, so it is recommended to make a hole in the wall with a drill or puncher. A dowel is first inserted into the puncture, and then a hook or screw.

Drywall is not particularly durable; only light canvases or photo frames can be hung on such a wall. To prevent the picture from falling, the hole is strengthened with a special butterfly dowel, which has spacers that prevent the product from slipping off.

This is a simple and cheap method of fastening, but not all owners are willing to sacrifice the smoothness of the walls. To minimize the number of holes in the walls, you can purchase the so-called spider hook. It allows you to attach any product without nails to the door, wall, interior partition.

Toly Hooks vs Regular Hooks

Toly spider hooks are sold at a hardware store for a small price. They are a plastic product with sharp hardened steel nails at the base. A few strokes of the pullet - and the product hangs on the wall. Initially, they were designed for fastening to concrete and brick walls, but in practice they can be used on any surface. The spider hook is easily dismantled, leaving behind 4 small punctures. The defect can be masked by rubbing the wall with your finger.

Products of several sizes are produced, the smallest hook can withstand a load of 2 kg, and if the picture is massive, then you can buy a large “spider”. According to the manufacturers, it will cope with a load of 9 kg.

If it is not possible to visit the store (for example, you decide to update the design of the room in the evening), you can hang the picture using a regular hook. It must be bent in such a way that a loop is obtained. Fasteners are applied to the wall, and wallpaper is glued on top of it.

Command wall clasps

Looking for a way to hang photo frames? Fasteners on adhesive tape will come to the rescue, they can be used without the help of a drill and a puncher. Products are easily removed and do not spoil the surface of the wallpaper and walls. They are Velcro, covered with a protective film on top. The set contains 4 pieces, before use they must be separated from each other. Then follow the instructions on the package:

  • connect 2 Velcro together and peel off the protective film from one of them;
  • fix the sticky layer on the back of the frame and press firmly;
  • repeat these steps to secure the remaining strips to the frame;
  • remove the films from all Velcro and attach the frame to the wall;
  • press firmly and hold for 30 seconds.

To remove the fasteners, it is enough to move the bottom edge of the frame away from the wall, then pull the tab of the strip strictly vertically until the Velcro is completely peeled off.

Hanging a frame in this way can be quite quick and convenient, but there are some drawbacks. As the reviews show, the fasteners do not adhere well to vinyl and non-woven wallpaper, but they are firmly attached to paper coatings. The price of the product is also quite high and is about 200 rudders. The fasteners can withstand a weight of 450 grams, therefore, they are not designed to fasten more massive paintings.

Various Velcro

A picture with a small weight can be hung with double-sided tape. The mount is suitable for any surface, but there is an important condition - the walls must be even and smooth. It is better to choose fabric-based masking tape: it is more reliable. The principle of its use is about the same as sticky fasteners.

Attach a strip of tape around the perimeter of the back of the painting and peel off the protective layer. Press the canvas firmly against the wall. This method is suitable for all walls, including drywall. However, after removing the tape, there is a danger that a piece of wall covering will peel off along with it.

Miss Clean magazine advises: in order not to damage the walls during dismantling, use a little trick: tear off the tape at an angle of 90 degrees.

An alternative to tape are Velcro from a sewing store. They are designed to fix shoulder pads, pockets on clothes, but can also be used for other purposes. One side of the tape is glued to the photo frame with glue, and the other side is glued to the wall. The method is convenient in that you can change the location of the picture as much as you like. The number of Velcro depends on the size of the canvas.

This method allows you to securely attach the artwork to the wall, but it’s worth noting right away that you won’t be able to change the location of the picture without damaging the surface.

If you decide that the canvas will hang in this place for many years, follow the following algorithm.

  1. Outline the intended location of the product with a pencil on the wall using a level.
  2. Before using glue, the surface of the wall and the picture must be degreased.
  3. Apply "Liquid Nails" around the perimeter of the frame, there should be a gap of 5 cm between the points.
  4. Glue the picture according to the applied markings and press firmly. Hold for a better hold until the glue dries.

Instead of "Liquid Nails" you can use polymer glue, "Superglue". If there is a need to dismantle the picture, you need to remove it very carefully. There is a high probability that you will have to change the wallpaper or re-plaster the surface.

The original way is offered by home craftsmen. You can hang the product not on the wall itself, but on a bottle cap. It is carefully cut across to get even rounded parts 0.5-0.9 cm thick. They are glued to the wall, and then the screw is fixed.

Paintings from modules

A modular picture is an important element of modern design, it can decorate the interior of a living room, bedroom, kitchen or children's room. Consists of two, three, four or more parts. To hang a modular picture, it is necessary to determine the sequence of placement of its parts. Start mounting from the main module. It is easy to define it - the main composition is shown here.

In order for the picture to hang smoothly, it is important to take into account some nuances.

  • Attach the main module to the wall and outline its borders with a pencil.
  • The upper part of the picture should be placed parallel to the floor, otherwise the whole composition will hang at an angle, which will not add aesthetic water to the room.
  • Between the parts of the composition there should be an indent 1.5-4 cm wide, it should also be noted in advance.
  • Attach the rest of the details to the wall and also mark their corners.
  • Clean the surface of dirt.
  • Attach the parts in the chosen way.
  • Evaluate the result and make adjustments if necessary.

Mounting on rails

Art galleries often use this method of displaying paintings. At home, rails are attached to the ceiling itself or to the border of its connection with the wall using special brackets. The ceiling cornice looks beautiful too. A small hook is threaded here, on which a transparent fishing line or other fastening rope is suspended. The method is convenient in that you can move the paintings along the wall and adjust the height of their placement.

There are many ways to hang a canvas in a room. The key point in choosing fasteners is the weight of the photo frame or picture, the type of material that the walls are treated with. You can choose both the most original and the easiest way. It all depends on the design of the room and your imagination.

The question of how to hang a picture on the wall is of interest to many. And not just hang it, but so that the concrete is not drilled, and even the wallpaper is not damaged. After all, if you want to move it to another place, then what to do with the wall?

During the period of Soviet history, there was only one way to hang a picture on the wall. For its implementation, a hammer was required. And a nail. Then, in some apartments, the walls became concrete and it became impossible to drive in a nail.
Then came the time of drywall, it is easy to drive a nail into these walls, but it will not hold. Is it technically so difficult to solve this problem?
In fact, everything is much simpler if you know the different methods and choose the right one. Pictures, applications, embroideries and other decor are not difficult to fix on the walls. It is more difficult to choose and place them correctly. Here are the main ways to attach paintings and other decorations.


Pins and buttons. The easiest (school) way is to use pins or pushpins. The pins cling to the wallpaper at an angle, leaving behind the thinnest hole, and the buttons are equally easy to attach to the wallpaper and to the painted plasterboard wall. One minus: only posters and drawings can be hung in this way. Although modern wallpapers are much stronger than old paper ones, they cannot withstand a lot of weight. I’ll make a reservation right away: you can’t overcome a concrete wall with a button.
Double-sided tape. Hanging a lightweight A4 size painting on the wall without drilling is pretty easy with double sided tape. Almost the most common. Just make sure it's fabric-based, as it can hold more weight. This method is very popular on plasterboard walls, which are sensitive to any violation of the integrity of the surface. With the right approach, neither pasting nor removing tape will spoil the color or wallpaper. A word of advice: you need to remove the adhesive tape without a trace at an angle of 90 degrees. That is, the corner that you have already peeled off must be kept at a specified angle in relation to the wall.
Hook glued to the wall. If you do not know how to hang a picture weighing about 1 kilogram, take a hook without decorative ornaments. We align the metal base so that it fits as close as possible to the wall. We glue the hook on the wall and hide the base behind a piece of matching wallpaper. Only the loop remains visible, on which it is easy to hang what you want. Hook-spider. This simple device is sold in stores. Instead of a screw, which is indispensable without drilling, the hook is attached with four sharp metal “legs”, clinging to the wall with them. After dismantling it, 4 small holes remain, which you just need to rub with your finger to eliminate. On such a hook, you can hang a frame already weighing up to 2 kilograms.
sewing needle. An unusual but effective method. From the sewing needle (it is steel and durable), we bite off the ear with pliers, drive the needle into the wall with a sharp end. And without nails, and almost no traces remain, and it is easy to hang a picture.


Liquid Nails. This is one type of glue. It is suitable for a situation in which two uneven surfaces need to be firmly glued to each other. A picture on “liquid nails” can be hung in the bedroom overhead (not scary) and in the kitchen (it won’t fall from dampness). You can also hang a heavy picture on the wall in this way, but it will hang there for a long time.
polymer glue. It, unlike silicone, does not leave greasy marks. We glue the heavy product around the perimeter, the light one - according to the mood. You need to press a little and leave it overnight, propping it up with a stick or mop.
Foam double sided tape. Will not stick to textured wallpaper. Such adhesive tape is glued to the wall, not to the frame. Mark out the place where your artwork will hang, and then stick strips of tape there. When you press them well against the wall, remove the protective top layer and press the picture.


If you are deciding how to hang a picture on the wall with a minimum of effort, if your wall is flat and not covered with textured wallpaper, then try special strips for attaching pictures. They come in different sizes, with and without hooks. Convenient to use and reliable. These are Velcro for pictures that do not spoil the walls and do not leave traces afterwards.
The whole operation will take a few minutes, but according to the instructions, it takes about an hour for the connection to stabilize. One part of the Velcro is glued to the wall, and the other to the picture. Then these parts are connected, securely fixing the picture in its place. The chance of falling on your own is negligible, but if you want to move the picture to another place, dismantling takes a second: just pull the white strip out of the system. This method is best if you often change the decor of your home, re-arrange paintings or decorate walls for parties and holidays.

Beautiful paintings, reproductions, engravings, prints or photographs can transform any home, give it individuality and comfort. Hanging pictures correctly is a skill on the verge of art, because it is very easy to destroy a single style with the wrong combination of elements and details of the situation. When choosing a picture, you need to remember that it will not just take up empty space on the wall, but will give the room a new sound.

Paintings in the interior play an important, and sometimes the main role. In some design solutions, it is around the picture that other furnishings line up, and it serves as the center of the interior. In this article we will talk about how to properly and beautifully hang a picture on the wall.


For the home, choose paintings with a positive theme, do not buy canvases depicting scenes of violence, war, and other horrors. Even if you are a fan of Karl Bryullov, you can see the "Death of Pompeii" in the State Russian Museum, and it is not at all necessary to hang this catastrophe at home, creating an oppressive atmosphere in the room.

Pictures of flowers, animals, landscapes or positive scenes from life will look good in the living room.

People relax in the bedroom, so paintings depicting a storm and a storm should not be hung there. Although a calm seascape is quite suitable, it has a calming effect on the nervous system.

The picturesque nature of the kitchen will give an appetizing still life with its harmony of abundance.

For an office, Feng Shui suggests placing a picture depicting nature on the wall. An office in a classic style will decorate a hunting scene, it does not have to be Perov's famous painting "Hunters at Rest", you can hang your own enlarged photograph with a hunting trophy. A mountain landscape, if hung behind the back of an office chair, will symbolize support, reliability and stability. Images of a river, waterfall or lake placed in front of the desktop will bring good luck and prosperity, but they should not be hung behind your back.

Landscapes by seasons are arranged as follows: spring - on the eastern and southeastern wall, summer - on the south, autumn - on the western and northwestern, and winter - on the northern wall.

Family portraits are a priceless legacy that should not be placed in front of the front door, stairs or in the basement.

You can hang several pictures on one wall, making up a composition. Symmetry makes this easier. When creating an asymmetrical composition, you need to remember that its balance is easily disturbed by improper placement. With a sense of space and natural taste, it is quite possible to cope with this task.

Now you can choose a frame for any, even the most sophisticated taste, by visiting a framing workshop. The frame is chosen in combination with the furniture, but at the same time it must be in harmony with the plot of the picture. So, a massive carved baguette is suitable for an oil painting, and a photograph or watercolor can be inserted into an aluminum or plastic frame.

If the walls of the room are covered with patterned wallpaper, then the frame of the picture should be wide.


  1. To fix the picture on the wall, you need to take into account its weight and size. A light, small picture can be hung on a single bracket in the form of a hook. To do this, mark the place where the picture will hang. Using a drill or puncher, a hole is drilled in the wall with a concrete drill bit with a victorious tip. The drill is selected with a diameter of 6 mm. A plastic dowel is inserted into the drilled hole, like a drill, with a diameter of 6 mm, into which a hook is screwed. Fixing the picture on the wall is obtained by simply hanging the picture on this hook. If there is no drill, then a small, light picture can be hung on a concrete wall in this way: a nail is driven into the cork, and the cork itself is glued to the wall with superglue. Then the picture is hung on a nail. Cork can be replaced with a piece of wood.
  2. How to hang a picture on the wall , if it's heavy? To do this, you can use two flat hanging plates, they are attached with short screws to the back of the picture, closer to its edges. Then the picture is attached to the wall, on which holes are marked. The marks are drilled with a drill with a pobedite drill with a diameter of 8-10 mm, dowels corresponding to the size of the drill are inserted into the holes, in which the picture is fixed with screws.
  3. How to attach a picture to the wall using trellis hanging? In this way, you can hang several paintings of the same size and theme. Under the ceiling, along the entire length of the wall, a metal rod is fixed in the form of a pipe with hooks put on it. A double thick nylon fishing line is attached to them, on which the pictures are hung one under the other. The outer edges of the composition should form a rectangle, then the whole composition will look harmonious.


A good picture is hung in a lighted place, but not under direct sunlight, otherwise the colors of the picture will quickly fade. If the wall is not well lit, then you can install additional special lighting, which will give the entire interior a modern, sophisticated look.

Medium and small paintings are hung at eye level, while large-format paintings, especially oil paintings, are hung higher and slanted.

In order for the room to be harmonious, vertical paintings are balanced by a low wide vase placed on a table, bedside table or wardrobe, and horizontal ones by a tall vessel placed on the floor.

Since ancient times, people have sought to decorate their home with a variety of decorative things: panels, photographs, masks, decorative hanging figurines, amulets, paintings.

Pictures have always been hung on the walls, and sometimes situations arise when there is no way to drive a nail into the wall or screw in a screw, or there would be no one to do it.

About the paintings, more precisely, about their mounting on the walls, we will talk further. Shall we consider ten options? how to hang a picture using different fasteners.

As a rule, nails and screws leave behind rather large holes and even chips that look unaesthetic and the holes from them subsequently need to be sealed and painted over.

And then simple but effective ways of attaching pictures come to the rescue. There are several of them, and you will definitely find the right option for yourself.

No. 1. Paperclip or hook

This method is suitable for walls covered with wallpaper. On the wall, in the place where you want to hang the picture, make an incision horizontally. Fill the incision with superglue and insert a paper clip there, after bending it in the form of a hook. You can also use a clothes hook as a fastener. The place where we glued the paper clip or hook is covered with wallpaper. This mount is suitable for not very heavy paintings.

No. 2. Button

Fastening with a button is done as follows: make an incision on the wallpaper, pour glue in there, stick the button in there and hide the base of the button under the wallpaper. All fasteners are ready! Such a mount is able to withstand not a heavy picture.

No. 3. Spider hook

Such fasteners are sold in hardware stores, it is called a "spider hook". The mount has four sharp ends that are well attached to the wall with a hammer. The hook will withstand a picture weighing about two kilograms and is securely fixed to any wall.

No. 4. Needle

What interior item is this fastener designed for?

This type of fastener is able to withstand a light picture or drawing.

To do this, take a sewing needle and stick it into the wall. You can also carefully drive a tailor's pin into the wallpaper. They also break off the eye of the needle and carefully drive it into the wall with a sharp end. The hole from the needle is small and invisible, unlike screws and nails. Since the needle is made of steel, it has good strength and will hold the picture securely.

No. 5. Double-sided tape

Such fasteners are suitable for walls that are pasted over with thin paper wallpaper and for partitions made of. The adhesive tape just needs to be glued to the edges of the frame and pressed against the wall, so that the picture sticks well to the wall surface. But this method has a minus, the double-sided tape used after removing the picture leaves sticky marks. To avoid this, you need to hold the tape at an angle of 90 degrees with respect to the wall when you shoot the picture.

No. 6 Velcro Command

Such a mount can be glued to any surface, they can withstand paintings up to two kilograms.

Velcro Command is very easy to remove from any surface. Velcro sold in a set of several pieces. The principle of operation of Command Velcro is as follows: one Velcro is glued to the frame of the picture, the other to the surface of the wall. The weight of the picture depends on the number of strips, that is, the more Velcro, the greater the weight of the picture.

No. 7. Wine cork

An ordinary wine cork is cut into washers 1 cm thick and glued to the wall with glue that dries quickly. After the cork washer is glued, a small carnation is driven into it, and it will serve as a mount for the picture.

No. 8. Ceiling plinth

This method is suitable for those who want to hang a lot of pictures and not damage the walls. Moldings () are sold in hardware stores or markets. They are usually simply glued to a wall or ceiling, and then a strong fishing line is hooked to it, and pictures are hung only on the fishing line.

How to hang a picture without drilling. Chemical methods

No. 9. Liquid nails

This is a special adhesive that sticks surfaces together. Liquid nails are applied pointwise to the surface of the frame (in the event that the weight of the picture is large, then the entire frame is smeared). Then the picture is pressed against the wall and held for a few seconds. If necessary, place a support so that the picture adheres well to the wall surface.

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