Are all means good in war? Electronic textbooks on the Russian language.


Introduction: What could be worse than war for humanity? Of course, both natural disasters and epidemics are terrible, but they do not depend on human will. War is the concentration of hatred and anger in the people, their destructive outburst. How much grief and tears it brings, how many human lives it takes, how many destinies it destroys!

It is terrible that innocent people, civilians and children are dying. Our people had to endure many wars, but the first world, civil and second world wars were especially destructive and cruel. Many writers, both Russian and foreign, addressed this topic. They condemn the war, its stinking breath, they talk about its perniciousness. But it also happens, as in a patriotic war - an enemy has come, you need to defend your homeland. War is inevitable. Are all means good? What is possible in war, what is not?

Arguments: in the epic story "War and Peace" shows the illusory nature of military glory. Andrei Bolkonsky, having come into contact with the abomination of war, understands its inhumanity. As a person with high moral principles, he considers not every means justified. Napoleon, on the other hand, goes to glory, covering the road with the corpses of soldiers.

Mikhail Sholokhov wrests a tragic moment from the civil war. Ilya Bunchuk seeks to defeat the bourgeoisie at any cost, believing that in war all means are good. His reprisals against the opponents of the revolution are extremely cruel. But the price turned out to be too expensive for him - Ilya lost his mind. The highest value on earth is human life. The death of a person is equivalent to the death of the whole universe. You can not take the life of your own kind and remain without punishment.

War awakens and reveals low human feelings, the animal fear of death often becomes the cause of betrayal and betrayal. A vivid example of this is Alexei Shvabrin from "" Pushkin. The fear of death makes him a traitor, there is nothing left in him worthy of the title of a nobleman and just a man.

Unnecessarily, the United States detonated nuclear bombs over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to assert their positions. Many civilians were killed, including children. There is no justification for this kind of warfare; nothing threatened the life of the American people. This is just a sadistic reprisal of the winner over the vanquished, the strong over the weak.

The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people against Nazi Germany left us with terrible scars and scars in memory of how terrible the means of warfare can be. Mass extermination of the population, concentration camps, burned villages, young people taken prisoner, looting and violence - these are the means. Who will return the ruined lives of young people, will collect the shed tears of widows, mothers, orphans? Who has the power to do this? In the Soviet army, reprisals against the civilian population, looting were prohibited, there was a high military discipline. For me personally, this is a sign of moral and ethical superiority.

Conclusion: There are inevitable wars when our consent is not asked. Often our people had to wage wars of liberation, and the main thing in war is to be able to remain human. Massacres against the civilian population, especially cruel methods of conducting military operations are unacceptable. Above all, human life should be valued.

  • A sharp ringing burst into the semi-darkness, and she stepped to the telephone...

  • Live in such a way that people will smile when they encounter you ...

  • Our earthly path is deceptive, you go there and then back ...

  • Freedom is not about not holding back...

  • Soul, it's a sail. Wind is life...

  • Well, why are you not sleeping and waiting stubbornly? ..

    Well, why don't you sleep and wait stubbornly?
    No need. Forget your worries.
    I'm not sixteen anymore, Mom!
    I have more! And this, perhaps, is the point.

    I know it's the way it is in the world
    And I even anticipate your answer
    That children are always children for the mother,
    Let them be at least twenty, at least thirty years old

    And yet, over the years, the old means
    Somehow it has to change.
    And the former supervision and control, as in childhood,
    Already offensive and not needed.

    After all, there is, well, very personal something!
    When they force: say yes say! -
    This is often in addition to hunting
    You are being forced to lie.

    My dear, do not look tired!
    Our love is stronger even now.
    Well, did you raise me badly?
    Trust me, please, trust me!

    And let your heart not beat in fear,
    'Cause I'm not foolishly falling in love
    I will not go out to meet anyone,
    I will not deal with a bad company.

    And I will not climb somewhere into the hole,
    If I meet trouble along the way,
    I will immediately come for advice, mother,
    I'll feel it right away.

    Sometimes you have to be bolder
    And if sometimes I do wrong,
    Well, then I'll be smarter later,
    And a bruise is better than a glass cap.

    Let me kiss your hands
    The kindest in the whole world.
    No need, mom, to be jealous of me,
    Children, they are not forever children!

    And you do not sit stubbornly by the window,
    Cooking in the shower question after question.
    I'm not sixteen anymore, Mom.
    Understand. And take me seriously.

    I ask you: throw sadness out of your heart,
    And don't let your anxiety wear you down.
    Don't be afraid, dear. I'll be back soon!
    Sleep, mom. Sleep tight. Goodnight!

  • War, without a doubt, is one of the most terrible trials that can befall a person. Nothing brings so much misfortune, so much sorrow and suffering, as their wars bring. From petty tribal skirmishes to the cataclysmic conflicts of the 20th century, they have haunted humanity throughout history. In addition to the enormous risk to life, war is also the hardest test of the human psyche. To remain a man at the front, when comrades are dying around him every day, or in the rear, when you constantly live in fear for your loved ones, afraid to receive a fatal letter from the front - only a truly strong-willed person can withstand this. I believe that the consequentialist principle "all means are good in war" is a fundamentally wrong view of the world, especially in the conditions of real military operations.

    Talking about the war, it is hard not to recall one of the greatest works of Russian and world literature - "War and Peace" by L.

    N. Tolstoy. Tolstoy's ideas of non-violence made a huge contribution to Russian philosophy, and were also reflected in the characters of many of the heroes of this work. The highest manifestation of moral qualities and philanthropy is the episode in which Natasha Rostova, a man with an extremely rich inner world, in tears persuades her parents to give all the carts that were at the disposal of the Rostov family to the wounded soldiers, who otherwise would have faced inevitable death in French captivity. In this scene, the goal is to evacuate Moscow at the lowest possible cost, but to achieve this goal, the Rostovs would have to refuse help to the soldiers. This did not happen only thanks to Natasha, who was able to convince the whole family and dispose of the carts fairly.

    We meet another episode, incredibly difficult for both the reader and the characters, in the epic novel Quiet Flows the Don by Mikhail Sholokhov.

    Here, the heroes face an even more difficult test - a civil, "fratricidal" war. Ilya Bunchuk is an example of a person who is ready to do anything for the sake of the party and the "fight against the bourgeois system." He is engaged in agitation at the front, preparing militias in the rear, making every effort to suppress the white movement. However, even he is unable to withstand the work of the commandant of the revolutionary tribunal. After a week of constant executions of the White Guards, Bunchuk's psyche was finally shaken. He suddenly realized what a terrible sin he had committed, "bringing the revolution to the masses." The death of his beloved finally breaks him: death for him becomes a happy occasion, deliverance from suffering.

    Thus, on the example of two different works, we were convinced that, in spite of any circumstances, the most important thing is to maintain basic moral guidelines and not turn from a man into a beast. I would like to finish with a quote from a textbook on philosophy: “A person who violates fundamental moral principles undoubtedly acts against himself, since he destroys his psyche due to the constant conflict of consciousness and subconsciousness. He cannot avoid this conflict, even if he convinces himself that he does not care about high morality.

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    Updated: 2017-09-25

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    In this war, the rivalry of the clans became especially acute. The appearance of fighting clans, their prestige, and, especially, their control over the territories have led to the fact that the clans are ready to wrest victory from each other at a high price. But at what cost?

    Someone takes organization and coherence, intra-clan work and strengthening morale. And someone...

    Today, members of the Elfius and Titan clans will be subjected to our own investigation!

    At the beginning of the war, the Far Far Away Kingdom and the Horde fought for leadership in the clan standings. But then the Titans unexpectedly overtook and overtook all the clan, and now they are increasing their advantage. And Elfius is not far behind. What is the secret of their success? In coordinated work? But with an equal number, it is extremely difficult to win back 10 million from the Horde and Far Away in a few days, and in the same Far Away and the Horde, the organization is also not lame. Both in Elphius and in the Titans, they found a way out - to bypass the rules set for BC. Why fight on equal terms when these conditions can be improved!

    The principle works simply - "mercenaries" are accepted. After 7 battles, on the same day, the "mercenaries" are immediately expelled and others are taken in, and so on. That is, with the number of clans at each moment of time being the same 250 people, up to 300 people can fight for the clan per day!

    That is, the overlap over other clans is about 10-20%. (For the last 2.5 days, the titans had 27 "receptions-deductions", and the elfius had about 130!). And sometimes this advantage is enough to snatch victory for a sector on the flag, for each of which all clans throw their best forces!

    I know people who did not sleep at night, sitting in the world or Skype, spending their energy on organizing in order to capture and hold sectors in an incredible struggle. And sometimes they lacked quite a bit!

    Yes, in other clans, the process of expelling old clanmates and accepting new ones is also underway, but this is a work routine, and not a planned, purposeful policy. Yes, and they try to take on a permanent basis, for a long time - and not for one day.

    And others simply throw away a lot of money, creating an advantage of a different kind! What do you feel sorry for other people's money? Are you jealous? - say in these clans. We have found a way that no one has forbidden to gain an advantage over others - and, perhaps, they will be right in their own way.

    Perhaps this is not a violation in the letter, but in spirit? Is it in the spirit of a fair fight? We do not know - and let the readers express their opinion with their comments!

    When fighting clans appeared, the administration clearly spelled out the condition - 250 people in a fighting clan. For what? Obviously - to create equal conditions for the clans in the struggle for the palm, so that the most organized and friendly clan can win this struggle. The clan where each person could show their best qualities in the team.

    But, apparently, many, having found a loophole, decided to use it. And many said - no, we want to fight honestly. And they did not start to drive "pseudo-mercenaries" into the clan in order to achieve an advantage over others, which, in fact, should not be!

    Is this a violation? From a fair play point of view, no doubt! From the point of view of the laws of the GVD, it is debatable, since the charter for military clans contains only the final limit on the number of clans. And what principles of playing the game to adhere to is already the business of each clan and its head personally.

    And what do members and heads of other martial clans think about this problem? What do you think - does the strategy with an invitation for several hours to the clan of "mercenaries" have the right to life? I would like to emphasize once again that the editors expressed their opinion, based on the ethics of the world of the GVD, and having talked with the heads and members of several clans. The editorial board does not pretend to be a judge and the ultimate truth, and even more so does not want to pronounce a guilty verdict!

    Dear players - members and heads of other military clans, do not stand aside, speak out on the pages of our newspaper!

    One of the members of the clan Elfius (Skilord) decided to express his opinion on the above. We also give the opinion of the Titans clan.

    Opinion Skilord (Elfius).

    In my response to the article "All means are good in war", I would like to show arguments in opposition to what was said in it.

    I will make a reservation right away that I am for the prohibition of rotation, because this is not correct in principle. But…

    I was confused by the naming of the victory of the clans who made the rotation - dishonest. The rules of war were set by the administrators:

    1. Limitation of 250 people - at the same time.

    2. 4500 - for accepting a new clan member.

    3. 7 battles of one clan member.

    4. Points are credited for battles fought under the sign of the clan!

    Not a single rule was violated during the war, rotations were not prohibited. Some clans have decided to use this opportunity to achieve their goals. After all, the end justifies the means. And this technique is no worse than the method of gathering people of 13+ lvl into a clan, for example.

    Saying rotation is a bug. A priori incorrect. We do not have a battle of psychics, and we do not know what the admins are up to. Yes, rotation is an oversight of this war, but to say that this is not honest is not correct. Everything was within the rules and assumptions.

    I will also add. Rotation was and is available to all clans. If you do not like the method, then do not talk about its dishonesty. It's like saying that we don't like crowds of high level people, let's limit the number of highs in clans.

    The opinion of the Titans clan.

    In the last few days, there have been a lot of inductions in the Titans clan and a lot of exclusions from the clan. Let me explain what it is.

    It's simple - people were excluded by activity and level, so that instead of them they would come, those who could bring more points to the clan. Regarding the "rotations" there were 4 entrances and exits of their own free will and initiative, the rest, excuse me, is far-fetched.

    It seems to me, friends, that everything we have already seen performed by Real Madrid and Barcelona in the spring of 2011 was nothing more than a warm-up before the main battles of the year for them. From a draw in the championship, no one felt cold or hot.

    Champions League. 1/2 finals. The first match

    Referee: Wolfgang Stark (Ergolding, Germany).

    Bookmaker quotes: 2.64 – 3.40 – 2.80.

    The victory of Madrid in the Cup, of course, amused the vanity of the capital, but nothing more. Cup he is a cup - to him, not only in Spain, the attitude is condescendingly cool.

    Whether it's the Champions League. This is where genuine passions and significant fees are. That's where the prestige is! It's probably even good that at first they warmed up at home - now they are guaranteed to "light up" in Europe. There was simply no point in hiding something from each other and normalizing the load. Everything went by the wayside - even the ending. The third round of Clasico is on the agenda. The climax is near...

    The coaches of the teams, long-time acquaintances in cooperation with Barça of the last century, were already strong enough not to say nonsense to each other before the last games, but before today's meeting they still could not restrain themselves. And in absentia they exchanged barbs.

    Mourinho, in particular, said that his young Catalan colleague is the only specialist of his kind who scolds the judges for the right decisions and caustically reminded the guest how his team overcame Chelsea at one time, and this year - Arsenal. The hint is clear. In both cases, according to the English fans, there were effective referee errors in favor of the Blaugrand. In Barcelona, ​​of course, there is a different opinion on this matter. However, Jose is not interested in it.

    Guardiola also did not get into his pocket for a word. “In this room, he’s the damn boss, the damn master,” the guest coach irritably threw in the press center of the Santiago Bernabeu stadium. And I'm not going to compete with him in this. But as soon as he allows himself to address me familiarly, well, then I will do the same.

    Cristiano Ronaldo and Marcelo are preparing for the battle with Barcelona

    It was evident from the excited state of the Catalan that Mourinho's remarks had achieved their goal. Perhaps this is what the cunning Jose wanted - to sow nervousness in the enemy camp. We already know: in war, all means are good ...

    Although, to be honest, I doubt that Barça's leaders can be pissed off with such things - tea, not the first time in Clasico. Much more guests are concerned about personnel problems. Here they are just at the "Blaugran" are really big. Guardiola must have already forgotten those blessed times when he had no problems in defense. Now they are chasing him literally on the heels. Didn't have time to recover Carles Puyol how a tumor in the liver was found in Erica Abidal. Recovered long-suffering Gabriel Milito- broke Adriano. Remains out of the game Maxwell. And this means that in Madrid the Barca coach will again have to sculpt the defense “from what was.” He doesn't have much. Puyol is likely to move to the left, and his place in the center will be taken by a nominal defensive midfielder Javier Mascherano.

    Guardiola is even more worried about injury Iniesta. Damage to the calf muscle, apparently, will not allow Andres to go to the Bernabeu lawn. Consequently, Pep will also have to rebuild the attack group. This is already more serious.

    Mourinho also has losses - moreover, approximately equivalent to the Catalan ones. Disqualification left stopper out of work Ricardo Carvalho, injury - central midfielder Sami Khediru. But Jose, unlike the enemy, has a significant replenishment. The championship game with Valencia, in fact, was “made” by two people - Kaka and Gonzalo Higuain. The Brazilian scored four points in the "goal + pass" system, the Argentine - five! And this extravaganza ended with a score of 6:3 in favor of Real Madrid. Meanwhile, neither one nor the other has played with Barcelona this year. With such a “golden reserve”, Mourinho can look to the future with optimism. And even make jokes about the opponent ...

    Statistics also speak in favor of the hosts. Twice the Spanish giants faced off in the European semi-finals, in 1960 and 2002, and both confrontations ended in favor of Madrid. Real Madrid, in the end, took the main trophy to their hands: in the first case, the Champions Cup, in the second, the Champions League.

    If Real Madrid does the same, Mourinho will become the first manager in the world to win the Champions League with three different teams. Guardiola, as you understand, will try to prevent this. Trying very hard...

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