The national character of the French. National and cultural features of the French


If you look closely, the women of each nation are somewhat different, or rather, have their own distinctive features. Slavic girls, despite hard work, have always been pretty. Their simplicity draws attention. German women are famous for their delicate physique and tightly braided hair. In England, women prefer a strict classic style. As for the French women, this is a different story. They bring together charm, lightness, elegance and charm.

You can talk about the weaker sex forever. After all, every woman is unique and inimitable. her manners, character, behavior are one single image that drives men so crazy.

What are French women like?

It is hard to imagine that a girl from France did not love life. The girls of this country are unfamiliar with depression or hysteria. They love to express themselves and be active. The weaker sex here is famous for its recklessness in actions. They do what they want.

In difficult situations, French women do not fight in despair, but continue to behave calmly and easily. French women do not like to open their problems in front of everyone. another interesting point is that the girls are always ready to start again. They can easily forget old grievances and worries. This also applies to older women. French blood boils in the heart of every girl, regardless of age. This can be called the reason for the frequent change of image.

Girls love dynamics, movement. It depends on their mood. Even a washed head can be a deliverance from bad thoughts. They take everything very simply.

This ease may seem strange and even depressing to us, but for them it is a way of life.

If you look at modern French women, you can see one negative thing. They like to work more than stay at home with children.

Their ardent pursuit of the new all the time manifests itself in a successful career.

What does food mean to French women?

The issue of cooking in France is very interesting. Local women believe that a small snack is huge thighs for the rest of their lives. Therefore, you will have to work hard to find at least one chubby Frenchwoman. Slimness is the standard of beauty.

Because of these beliefs, most women do not know how to cook at all. Although if we talk about dinner, then everyone treats it with great respect. This has been the case since the Middle Ages. All friends and relatives necessarily spend time at the table, talking about life.

French women are characterized by the fact that they know how to enjoy life. And that includes the love of food. Women do not like to limit themselves to their favorite treats. They prefer tasty and refined food.

French women enjoy not the quantity of what they eat, but the taste itself. Such a vision helps them not only always be slim, but also happy.

Taste in France develops from childhood. Their cuisine is unique in every detail. Subtle aromas and flavors enable French women not only to eat up, but also to feel the difference between products, to understand the “language of food”.

Portions in French cuisine are very small. In one meal, they can try many dishes, but in total there will not be so much food.

French women reject fat-free or unsweetened foods. Only natural products are always on their tables. They don't eat standing up or at the computer. They don't eat on the go.

In France, food is a kind of cult. Women often drink dry wine, but only during dinner and not more than one glass. They do not have diets, as this only spoils the mood.

In general, girls in France know the measure in everything, so they are not afraid to get better.

The character of French women

The character of any French woman can be described in one word - self-respect. If a man did not pay attention to a girl, then she already feels humiliated and offended. The fact is that France is famous for its gallant men. Girls are not used to being treated differently.

French women never stoop to scandal in a public place. Even if they raise their voice, they never use obscene language.

Politeness comes first. Women love to smile and be a little frivolous. They are always ready to help, to regret. But there are also disadvantages. French women are not punctual and do not hold back emotions well. If a person of a different nationality communicates with them, then, most likely, he will take them for unceremonious persons.

How girls dress in France

We all know that Paris is famous for its fashion, but in the whole country it is difficult to find colorful dresses, pairs of perfumes or bright makeup. Girls do not use false eyelashes, do not build up nails.

All fashionable novelties immediately after the shows flew to other countries, and French women prefer gray, brown and brown colors.

All young girls are dressed the same. There is a huge scarf around the neck. In the hands of a bag that looks like a sack. From clothes you can often find jeans, leggings, ballet flats, shirts.

The hair is always natural color and collected in a tight ponytail. Older women love classic clothes: simple skirts and trousers, short haircuts, discreet jewelry.

It is believed that if you can immediately determine the brand of clothing, then this is a bad form. They have a developed sense of proportion. French women attract with their simplicity and naturalness. They have a duty to always be beautiful.

French women and love

Many believe that French women are already born with the ability to flirt. This is not just a manner of communication, but a vital necessity. Every girl sharpens her skills from a young age.

They flirt anywhere and with anyone. It doesn’t even matter to them that a person has a family or a girlfriend. French women are not afraid to approach in a public place. If they like someone, then they immediately go into battle and do not think about the consequences.

Women do not wait for proposals from men. For them, the main role is played by the passion of the relationship. Even if it's just one night, it's enough for them.

And here is another interesting fact. The most beautiful French women were named Michel Mercier, Catherine Deneuve and Eva Green.

And the conclusion is that French women love themselves so much that they attract the attention of the whole world.

French girls - charm, lightness, elegance - VIDEO

Listen to a beautiful song performed by a young French singer and dancer Alizée (fr. Alizée Jacotey)

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France is a country with diverse natural resources and favorable conditions for economic development and people's lives. The French are one of the oldest European nations known for their cultural and historical wealth. The ancestors of the French were predominantly red-haired Celts with a cocky character. The Romans called them Gauls, which in translation means both "gall" and "rooster". Until now, the Gallic rooster remains one of the national French symbols.

The mentality of the French over time has acquired a huge number of stereotypes. The French are prone to being late, they do not really like to work, and therefore, at any moment, they are happy to break away from their workplace to drink a cup of coffee, take a walk or make love. After the weekend, when they come to work, they swing for a long time. On Monday, even many shops are closed until lunch. But, on the other hand, internally every Frenchman is very structured. Wife, mistress, there may be several, but .... All this with a clear view of the final results and without extra costs.

The French are true patriots of their language. They really like it when foreigners try to explain themselves in French. They will always stop, smile and gladly explain everything. Many, of course, know English, but they do not like this language, so they rarely and reluctantly speak it. Even the staff in French hotels and restaurants do not speak foreign languages ​​well. This suggests that France is too proud of itself.

The French are distinguished by politeness and the ability to speak beautifully and quickly. They skillfully negotiate and defend their positions. Often the French are generous and enthusiastic, but at the same time very cunning and prudent. The rationalism of this nation is beautifully illustrated by the following statement: for the Germans and Greeks, the main thing is to discover the world, for the Russians - to feel, for the Romans - to conquer the world, and for the French - to think. The French have an inner need to realize themselves in society, because for the completeness of sensations they simply need to share ideas, feelings, thoughts and emotions with others. Accuracy and punctuality are not honored here, it is believed that the higher a person's social status, the later he is allowed to come.

Traditionally, a Frenchman has lunch at 20.00, so if you are invited to dinner, know that you are expected at this time. At the end of the dinner, cheese is served for dessert, usually several varieties at once. Cheese is washed down only with red wine, and nothing else, neither Coca-Cola nor juice. This should not be forgotten even in an expensive restaurant.

The French sense of humour, which is more caustic than English and German, is more intellectual. At the right time, a witty comment can defuse even the most difficult conflict situation, so the French very rarely make scandals and fights. They are always and in everything neat, but this does not mean that they have a measured and calm character. Passionate hearts are hidden under the external gloss, at times the French are capable of daring and thoughtless, but extremely emotional actions. To seduce a woman for a real Frenchman is considered a pleasant honor. Moreover, if a man invited a woman to visit him, then she can be sure that the Frenchman will do everything to seduce. Any other situation is considered simply abnormal.

One of the striking features of the national character of the French is their amazing craving for various experiments. They are madly in love with fantasizing, inventing innovations, even if it requires destroying something established. The French are more interested in the process of change, a journey into the unknown, well, what it leads to is not important. The main thing for them is to never fall behind in anything, meeting the latest fashion requirements, and both clothes and technical inventions, films and language expressions should be fashionable. They are attracted by the frantic pace of life.

Despite the attachment to city life, many feel a deep and inextricable connection with the land, many of them are true peasants at heart. Their rural life is romanticized, for every plot of land the Frenchman will fight to the last in order to increase the amount of his land area. The mind causes admiration and true admiration among the French. Most of all, they respect in a person the combination of mind and feelings at the same time.

The French do not like to stay at home, because they feel like prisoners in the house. They are simply created for various events, celebrations, where you can show off not only with an elegant outfit, but also with intelligence, showing your eloquence. The French love to flaunt themselves, not only in offices, but also in cafes, airport lounges. But at the same time they are very correct, they try to ensure that all norms, rules and regulations are observed. Despite the fact that they revere sacredly the Constitution, Law and Law, they tend to exaggerate the importance of something without taking things too seriously.

The desire for sophistication of external forms, a lively mind, a penchant for amazingly elegant novelties and experiments made the French a kind of standard of style and taste, trendsetters in various areas of European fashion. A characteristic sense of taste is also manifested in the culinary arts, when very small portions, and often tiny pieces of food, are served for a long time, laid out in cardboard boxes and tied with a ribbon - if only everything looked beautiful.

Difficulties in defining and comparing national characters cause long scientific discussions that have been going on for more than a century, but have not yet led to final conclusions. Some scientists believe that the national character is a reality that manifests itself in the history, lifestyle, culture, and psychology of the nation. The other part believes that the national character is just a myth, a stable psychological stereotype, others think that the national character is both, i.e. myth and reality. Without pretending to resolve these complex issues, let us turn to those traits of the national character of the French that are most often found in literature.

The nature of France is very diverse. The climatic features of individual parts of France affect the nature of their population. The southern provinces are distinguished by the brightness of colors and the expressiveness of landscapes. Their inhabitants are also famous for their bright emotionality. In the north, there are endless pastures, fields, orchards. French northerners are calmer and more respectable than southerners. It is no coincidence that when meeting the French, they try, first of all, to find out the place of birth. Outwardly, stocky, dark-skinned southerners also differ from thin, blue-eyed northerners.

Knowing the origin of a person plays such an important role because stereotypes about the inhabitants of various provinces are extremely strong in France. In accordance with this, the Frenchman will build a model of his behavior. Normans are considered cautious, reserved, preferring vague ambiguous answers. The Bretons are famous for their stubbornness, which few people manage to overcome. Marseilles are reputed to be braggarts, and Lyons are stingy. Corsicans are spoken of as proud, sacredly faithful to family ties, not forgiving insults.

The unifying feature for all the French is patriotism. They deeply respect their history and culture. The French believe that it was in their homeland that the standards of democracy, science, philosophy, military art, gourmet cuisine, high fashion, etc. arose. Treating foreigners with friendliness and invariably kindness in French, the French do not lose the feeling of their exclusivity.

Another characteristic quality of the French is a sharp mind and rationalism, an attraction to a clear, precise, logical, elegantly formulated thought. The founder of French rationalism, Rene Descartes, demanded that nothing be taken for granted, that his opinions be clearly stated and strictly proved. From the natural version of the name Descartes - Cartesius - the expression "Cartesianism" came, i.e. rigor, clarity, logic, which are highly characteristic of the Frenchman. In France they like to repeat: "He who thinks clearly, expresses clearly"; "unclear - it's not in French."

Along with logic and rationalism, a skeptical mindset, combined with freethinking and unwillingness to obey the authorities, authorities and established norms of behavior, is considered a characteristic feature of the French character. Criticism and self-criticism are a kind of "national sport" in France. The French admit, not without pleasure, that they, unlike the Germans, are undisciplined, self-willed, like to argue, prone to opposing the authorities. The tendency of the French to criticize and protest is often associated with the quality that they call individualism.

Thrift is one of the national qualities of the French. They strive to secure a dignified old age and are afraid of humiliating poverty. The French do not like risky financial transactions, and they always have a desire to save more than earn. Often, French thrift develops into some form of stinginess.

Oratory is highly valued in France. The form is no less important than the content. French speech is rich in epithets, hyperbole and comparisons. The speaker himself expects not only that the listeners will accept his positions, but also that they will appreciate the beauty of speech.

Another hallmark of the French is a sense of humor. Wit in France is considered the most valuable quality of a speaker. However, French humor is not self-critical, and usually its edge is directed at the interlocutors. Very often a French joke borders on mockery. At the same time, the Frenchman is most afraid of being in a ridiculous situation himself. Therefore, for the Frenchman, humor is a kind of form of defense. Foreigners also note some cynicism: for a Frenchman, there are no forbidden topics for ridicule.

The French are great snobs. Their snobbery is manifested, for example, in what breeds of dogs they prefer to have. In the UK, these breeds have long gone out of fashion, and the French stubbornly continue to keep just such dogs (in France, the Cocker Spaniel, Scotch is still considered “chic”). The snobbery of the French is also felt in the clothes they wear, in the choice of the area where they intend to live, or the school in which their children will study. The snobbery of the French manifests itself in where they buy things and products, where they eat and play tennis, where they take dance lessons, where they spend their holidays and what kind of church they attend. French snobbery is perceived more easily than the snobbery of other nations due to the fact that it is based, rather, on good taste, and not on old-fashioned principles of what is right and what is not.

The French tend to be overly expressive. If, for example, when signing a letter, an unfamiliar Frenchman assures you of the most cordial feelings, it should not be taken literally in the same way as assurances of readiness to be a most obedient servant, common in the 19th century. It's just a desire to be kind. The French language itself is lively and expressive. The abundance of synonyms that carry a semantic and emotional load makes it possible to express the slightest shades of a polysemantic concept. The number of French epithets is comparable only with the Russian language: in various situations, such words as Parfaitement, Divinement, Magnifiquement, Drflement, Remarquablement, Parfaitement, Parfaitement bien (beautiful, divine, magnificent, wonderful, wonderful, etc.) are used. This makes it possible to express one's thoughts clearly enough both in speech and in writing. French is a good tool for arguing and defending one's own point of view. For the French, this is a kind of game - mastering the art of discussion, confusing and, if possible, cornering your opponent, not allowing him to rest and object. The French education system encourages clarity and eloquence of expression from childhood. French was once the internationally recognized language of diplomacy and was widely spoken on four continents. This is clinically accurate language; many foreigners find it also wonderful.

In addition to the language, the French actively use gestures. During a conversation, the hands of a Frenchman are never calm. It is the hands that give his thoughts shape, shape, volume. By the movements of the hands, you can guess the state of mind of your interlocutor, the level of his intellect and heartfelt attachments. In cases where others manage with intonation and voice modulation, wanting to better express their feelings and experiences, the French also use eyes, hands, lips and shoulders, thus exposing the whole richest range of human feelings. They kiss the tips of their fingers if something really pleases them. They bring their palm to their forehead, as if intending to scalp themselves when they are full. They mournfully raise their shoulders if some absurdity has jarred them. They pat their cheeks with the back of their hand when they are bored. They take a long breath when irritated. Even without knowing a word of French, you can understand that you are being insulted, because. the French at the same time play a whole diplomatic act, using obscene gestures and disgusting grimaces. The French are great at using insults. They have gestures for everything in the world - for disapproval, distrust, superiority, apologies and regrets, mild bewilderment and extreme surprise, for confusion and longing. That is why the French consider it terribly impolite if you talk to them with your hands in your pockets. Such liveliness of languages ​​once again confirms that the French are emotional.

The French are sociable, it is difficult to embarrass them with anything, and they are downright created for all sorts of solemn banquets, weddings, festivals, holidays that turn into real performances. It is festivities, entertainment, spectacles, wines, cuisine, love affairs that occupy a large place in their lives. At the same time, the French are sure that they have common sense, are practical, economical, committed to property, know how to count, save money.

All these contradictory qualities are difficult to combine into a common picture: some of them give grounds for respect, others for criticism. Nevertheless, all these qualities give an idea of ​​the nature of the nation and make it possible to reveal the specifics of French communication at the social and business level.

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The reverse side of the coin of the French character is fussiness, frivolity, lack of restraint; in general, they prefer external gloss to solid qualities, pleasant to useful. A direct consequence of these properties is their ability to be carried away at first by any new enterprise and cool off just as quickly, easily moving from one extreme to another.

The French, unlike the British, are brought up in such a way that, getting into a foreign country, they easily assimilate both the life of others and other people's customs.

The French are rather gallant than polite, skeptical and prudent, cunning and resourceful. At the same time, they are enthusiastic, trusting, generous. I. Kant noted that the Frenchman is "courteous, polite, amiable... inclined to joke and easy to communicate", but he "becomes familiar very quickly". The English diplomat G. Nicholson wrote: “The French combine the subtlety of observation with a special gift of clear persuasiveness. They are noble and precise, but also intolerant. The average Frenchman is so sure of his intellectual superiority, so convinced of the superiority of his culture, that it is often difficult for him to hide his irritation with the barbarians who inhabit other countries. This offends ... Their admirable intellectual integrity gives them reason to consider insincere all the confused statements of less clear minds, and they often show irritation and arrogance at a time when it is only necessary to be a little more condescending.

These reviews, given many years ago, have not lost their relevance today. If, for example, in England the art of conversation often comes down to the ability to remain silent: the English see restraint and correctness in this, then in France, where they love and know how to flash a word, a silent person socially kills himself. If in England all hints concerning personal life are carefully avoided, then in France - on the contrary. The conversation among the French is relaxed and proceeds with exceptional speed. Their speech speed is one of the highest in the world.

The British have taught the world how to properly behave at the table, but the French do it more skillfully. The British have introduced the handshake procedure into the official protocol, but the French shake hands. Moreover, the handshake in England for a thousand years has taken an almost standard form, while among the French it has endless shades. It can be hot, friendly, condescending, cold, casual, dry, etc.

The French style of business communication is greatly influenced by the education system, which is focused on educating independent and critical citizens. The upper strata of society pay special attention to the study of philosophy, art history, French history and culture.

As a result, the foreign partner is fascinated by the charm of the French, but finds it difficult to maintain business relations with them.

In the business life of France, personal connections and acquaintances are of great importance. They seek to find new partners through intermediaries connected by friendly, family or financial relations. Scrupulous French pay attention to conducting business contacts at the proper hierarchical level.

French businessmen are carefully preparing for the upcoming negotiations. They like to thoroughly study all aspects and consequences of incoming proposals. Therefore, negotiations with them are taking place at a much slower pace, for example, than with American businessmen.

Modern American researcher M. Harrison, describing the French style of negotiating, emphasizes their adherence to principles while distrusting compromises. When solving their internal problems, the French are reluctant to resort to negotiations, preferring to ignore conflicts or look for ways to resolve them other than negotiations. The negative attitude towards compromise is reinforced by the French sense of intellectual superiority.

They skillfully, even with grace, defend this or that principle or their position, but they are not inclined to bargain. As a result, it turns out that the French are quite tough in negotiations and, as a rule, do not have a “spare” position. Often, representatives of the French delegation at the negotiations choose a confrontational type of interaction. Behavior can change drastically depending on who they discuss problems with.

Compared to US representatives, French negotiators are less free and independent. The competence of the direct participants of the French delegation are questions of negotiating tactics, where they often demonstrate a rich variety of means and techniques. Therefore, the French pay great attention to preliminary agreements, prefer to determine in advance, if possible, issues that may arise during an official meeting, and hold preliminary consultations on them. French entrepreneurs do not like to face unexpected changes in positions during negotiations. Contracts signed jointly with French firms are extremely correct and precise in wording and do not allow discrepancies.

Since the French love their history, country, culture, language, an important factor in negotiations and during business meetings with them is the use of French as an official language. It is desirable to prepare materials for discussion at the negotiations in French. It should be borne in mind that the French are quite sensitive to the mistakes of foreigners in French. Issues of rhetoric are given great importance. However, if your French partner suddenly spoke in English or Russian, consider that you have received the biggest concession for that day.

An hour and a half after the start of negotiations, all participants can be offered a typical French breakfast with an aperitif. Any enthusiastic comments about the quality of food and drinks on the table are possible, since for the French the cuisine is a matter of national pride. During a business reception, business is only talked about after coffee is served, until then the French prefer to talk about culture and art. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the French do not like to immediately touch on the issue that interests them most in a conversation. They approach him gradually, after a long conversation around the bush on various neutral topics and touch on the main issue as if in passing, without pressure, that is, by the end of dinner. Doing the opposite is considered a sign not only of bad taste, but also of a small mind: demonstrating your interest, you find yourself in the role of a petitioner, and running into a negative answer, you put both yourself and your partner in an uncomfortable position.

The French are not precise and not always punctual. At receptions, they follow the rule: the higher the status of the guest, the later he arrives. If you are invited to dinner with the president of a French company, you run the risk of sitting at the table half an hour later than the appointed time.

An invitation to dinner is an exceptional honor for the French. Arrive for dinner should be a quarter of an hour later than the appointed time. Of the gifts that are customary to bring with you are chocolates, champagne, flowers (only not white and not chrysanthemums, which are considered a symbol of sorrow in France). The most important requirement is moderation in the use of alcoholic beverages.

Great importance is attached to various forms of politeness. When they receive you and, escorting you into the room, they let you go forward, do not bow at the door, go first. But during important meetings, meetings, the leader of the highest rank enters first.

The requirements for the appearance of a business person in France are basically the same as in other European countries. But there is one important rule: clothes must be of high quality from natural material.

In general, speaking about the French national character and style of business communication, one cannot fail to emphasize the diversity of behavior, way of thinking, and perception of the French. One of the modern researchers of the French T. Zeldin writes that, perhaps, the most characteristic feature of the modern French nation is the uniqueness of its individuals: “There are no two Frenchmen who would equally define their essence and who would have a similar combination of such elements as education, culture , aspirations. The differences between the French are constantly growing.”


Each nation has social and cultural characteristics that are completely unique.

The basic features of the mentality of Russians are: the predominance of moral components and, above all, a sense of responsibility and conscience, as well as a special understanding of the relationship between the individual and society.

The mentality of the Russian people is often associated with the concept of the "Russian soul". "Russian soul" - is a symbol of openness, simplicity, a certain gullibility and generosity. To give the last shirt for the benefit of another person is exactly what characterizes the features of the Russian national character to the fullest.

Reflecting on the future of Russia and Russians, A. Solzhenitsyn writes: “Long-standing traits of the Russian character, which good ones have been lost, and which vulnerable ones have developed, they made us defenseless in the trials of the 20th century. And our everlasting all-openness - didn’t it turn into an easy surrender under someone else’s influence, spiritual spinelessness? But it’s not enough just to restore people’s health, Solzhenitsyn believes, “in order to mean something among other peoples, we need to be able to rebuild our character to the expected high intensity of the 21st century. And in our entire history, we are not accustomed to intensity.”

The main sign of our time is the weakening of the role of the state in determining the national ideal and the path of Russia's further development. All major processes and decisions occur at the level of the individual. Everyone chooses ideals and values, determines for what and how he should live and work. This is an extremely important and hidden from the eyes of contemporaries process, the results of which can be seen in the new generation that has matured in the last decade of the twentieth century.

For any Frenchman, it is very important to be one, that is, not just anyone, but a True Frenchman. After all, they are so sure of superiority over other peoples - both social and individual. The French are very proud of their culture and history, they are passionate patriots. They are in love with their country and consider it the best in the world, they are insanely proud of their culture. To win over a Frenchman, it is enough to speak to him not in English, but in French, even if you know only a few words in it.

The characteristic French sense of taste, the prevalence of the aesthetic over the material is manifested in many things, for example, in the culinary arts, when small portions, and sometimes very tiny pieces of food, are served for a long time, laid out in cardboard boxes, tied with a ribbon - if only it looked stylish and beautiful! The desire for innovation is perfectly combined with a love for strict standards of behavior. The French are very “correct” people, they try to comply with all norms, regulations and rules. They sacredly honor the Law, the Law, the Constitution, and love to introduce any unwritten rules in all areas of life - literature, art and etiquette. But at the same time, the French do not tend to exaggerate the importance of anything and never take things too seriously.

It is important to emphasize that the mentality, when expressing a national character, acts spontaneously, without realizing it, manifesting itself in a set of principles and habits reflected in character traits. Thus, the structure of the mentality is a complex multi-level pyramid of mechanisms and modes of action directly related to the centuries-old culture of the people.

To understand, preserve and increase the features of each national character means to preserve all the uniqueness of your people. This does not require much effort and effort. You just need to respect your cultural values, maintain traditions, remember national holidays, be a patriot of your country and live for the benefit of its development. Only then will the mentality of any people develop harmoniously in parallel with the development of the country, and be the backbone of the cultural values ​​of the people.


Course project “National character of Russian and Frenchmen” by Nadeeva K., third-year student, DGL-301.

The course project is devoted to studying of Russian and French mentalities, revealing the basic features of their national characters. This course project consists of introduction, main part, which consists of three chapters, conclusion, annotation and the list of literature.

The Russian national character often associates with the concept of “Russian soul”. It is a symbol of an hospitability, naivete, a trustfulness and generosity. To give last shirt for the good of other person is the gesture which characterizes the Russian national character to the full extent.

Frenchmen have the reputation of cheerful, fast and, light-minded people as they recognize. The delicate taste, sense of proportion, grace, wit are considered as truly French traits.

In this course project I tried to highlight the main features of Russian and French national characters. I think it will be interesting not only for students of humanitarian specialties, but also for the people who speak Russian and French languages, who wants to visit these countries.


  1. A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Russia in the Collapse", 29 chapter "The character of the Russian people in the past." Moscow: Russian way, 1998.
  2. BUT. Lossky "Character of the Russian people". M.: Key, 1990.
  3. K. Kasyanov "On the Russian national character." Moscow: Institute of National Model of Economics, 1994.
  4. Article by S.L. Frank "Die Russische Weltanschauung". 1926.
  5. F. Engels “The situation of England. Eighteenth century. T. one.
  6. F. Engels "The situation of the working class in England." T. 2.
  7. V.A. Iontsev, N.M. Lebedeva, M.V. Nazarov, A.V. Okorokov "Emigration and Repatriation in Russia". M.: Guardianship of the needs of Russian repatriates, 2001.

What features are not attributed to the French - they are too frivolous, lazy, unpunctual, depraved, too kind and mercantile. And also gallant, sociable, playful and cheerful. As in any stereotypes, there is some truth in this, but behind all the above features lies a rich, deep, subtle national character. Penetrating into the secrets of the French mentality, foreigners are beginning to be more tolerant of lateness, stinginess, talkativeness of the French - after all, this is only one side of the coin, and on the other hand, they are easy-going, prudent and smart, polite and courteous.

The first thing that immediately catches your eye when meeting any Frenchman is is the ability to speak well. The French are distinguished by easy and fast speech with elegant verbal turns (this beautiful French language is impossible not to fall in love with), interesting and beautifully expressed thoughts, the ability to convince and charm interlocutors, a subtle sense of humor. Those who believe that the inhabitants of France are fond of idle chatter, apparently do not know the language: conversations are about politics, about philosophy, about literature, about culture. Largely The French are smart and well-read, it's not for nothing that there is a common saying that the Romans were created to conquer the world, the Russians - to feel, and the French - to think. Born philosophers, they are able to analyze their thoughts and actions and constantly feel the need to express their feelings and share their ideas.

The French have a reverent attitude towards the national language. They can be charmed by one attempt to speak French. True, they will immediately switch to English for convenience, which, however, for the most part, they do not know very well and do not like. The same careful attitude is expressed by the inhabitants of France to all national: history, culture, literature, cuisine. They are distinguished by pride in their country, the desire for national isolation.

french temperament can not be called calm, but thanks to their desire to follow the rules of etiquette and the ability to defuse the situation with witty comments, scandals and disputes rarely happen. Although they often act too impulsively, boldly and at first glance thoughtlessly - this is how the french propensity to experiment, for which they are often called frivolous. Flirting between a man and a woman- a common thing, even if they are unfamiliar. Moreover, the absence of even a hint of seduction is perceived as impolite.

Because of the tendency to fantasize and experiment, the French, unlike the British, love everything new. It was they who became trendsetters both in clothing and in other areas of life. Passionate fans of any innovations, they are eagerly awaiting novelties in cinema, technology, and design. Fashion in France is changing rapidly, but the French like such an active pace of life. It is surprising that with such a desire for everything new, they love old houses (they are specially restored to a minimum), antiques, aged wines, cheeses, cognac, old houses. They have a special relationship with food.- A self-respecting Frenchman will never eat on the go, will never wash down cheese with juice or Coca-Cola, will never forget about the rules of table setting. But some culinary and eating habits, on the contrary, seem unacceptable to foreigners, for example, in restaurants they put bread directly on the table, and diligently soaking a piece of bread in the remnants of sauce or dipping cookies in coffee is not considered indecent. .

The French are less law-abiding than the Germans or the British, although social norms and rules of etiquette are always followed strictly. But punctuality is not included in the list of these norms, being late- this is national habit, and the higher the social status of a person, the later he can come. They treat work just as frivolously, the French are slowly attuned to a businesslike mood, they often drink coffee during working hours, and on Monday they can be significantly late. The lunch break is not one, but two hours, because lunch is not a quick snack, but a whole ceremony.

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