The most complete information about the lands of recreational purposes. What are recreational lands for?


An overview of land legislation allows us to identify such areas as recreational land. The definition of this concept is given in.

These territories include land masses, which are intended only for the organization of recreation areas, tourist centers, routes and campsites, as well as for the purpose of carrying out sports and recreational activities.

Recreational lands are classified as territories requiring the establishment of a special legal regime of operation and .

Composition of recreational lands

The composition of this category of areas is strictly defined. The group includes sections of the following intended use:

  • for the arrangement of places of recreation for the population and certain categories of citizens;
  • for the purpose of laying tourist routes and setting up campsites, camps;
  • as a territory for accommodation of tourist centers, boarding houses, rest houses;
  • for the construction of sports and recreation facilities;
  • territories for the device of children's camps, parks, houses of the fisherman or the hunter.

the only limitation, which the legislation establishes regarding this group of territories - the lands must be located.

Previously, this group included arrays of suburban green areas, however, later they were excluded from this category.

Recreational land use

The operation of allotments of recreational equipment takes place under an agreement concluded with managers (owners or users by or urgent operation) lands. The use takes place on the basis of the concluded ie. land is not taken. The easement is public.

Recreational lands are intended and used for arrangement of recreation areas, tourist routes and conducting sports and recreational work.

With regard to such lands, a special legal regime of use has been introduced, according to which allotments are not withdrawn from owners and temporary managers, however, a procedure for free access for everyone is established for them.

The lands can participate in any legal transactions not prohibited by the current legislation - purchase and sale, donation, exchange. Responsibility for the safety and initial state of the land lies with the administrators of the territories. According to , the penalty can be from 0.5 to 1% from the cadastral value of territories, but at least 10 thousand rubles for citizens and from 1 to 1.5% from the cadastral index for officials, but not less than 20 thousand rubles. As for organizations, the fine will be from 1.5 to 2% cadastral value, but at least 100 thousand rubles.

Features of the legal regime of this category of lands are that any citizen can visit these areas, subject to the regime of use of the territories.

The law prohibits the performance of works in areas of recreational significance that do not meet their intended purpose. The transfer of land from one group of plots to another is also prohibited.


In conclusion, a number of conclusions can be drawn:

  1. Recreational type areas are used for organizing tourist and sports and recreational activities.
  2. The lands should be located behind and have a certain natural potential for exploitation.
  3. Such territories include places for organizing campsites, hiking trails, camp sites and sports facilities.
  4. The use of areas is permitted only in accordance with the intended purpose of the land. Transfer to another category of allotments is prohibited.
  5. Concerning the plots, a special regime of use is established and an easement agreement is concluded with the owners or temporary users.

The most popular questions and answers to them on recreational lands

Question: Hello, my name is Petr Vasilyevich. I am the owner of a plot on the shore of the lake in recreation area. The territory was recognized as such only a year ago, and I acquired the land about ten years earlier.

Now there is a situation where I am forced to provide access to the lake through my site for everyone. The corresponding order was issued by the local administration, and now I am forced to provide my site for access to the lake.

Unfortunately, this causes significant damage to the land, although I have installed all the necessary information signs that determine the procedure for using the site.

Tell me, do I have the right to prohibit citizens from using my site or not? Where can I go for this?

Answer: Dear Petr Vasilievich. According to the current legislation, since your site is located within the recreational zone, a certain land use regime is established for the allotment. However, regarding the provision of a passage through its array to the lake, with you, as with the owner of the land, the regional department must conclude service agreement (Art. 98 ZK RF).

Also, by law, the owners are required to ensure appropriate protection of these lands during operation. In the event that such use of the territory leads to a deterioration of its condition, you have the right to apply to the authorized body (administration) and demand termination of the easement agreement.

If your application is denied, you will need to expert analysis condition of the site, and if it is found that it has deteriorated significantly, you can apply to the court with a statement of claim. In court, you will have to confirm your position with the data of the examination. If your requirements are met, the easement will be removed by court order.

Regardless of this, you yourself have the right to operate the allotment only within permitted use, which prohibits the breakdown of gardens, orchards and other activities. Don't forget about it.

2. Recreational lands include land plots where rest houses, boarding houses, campsites, physical culture and sports facilities, tourist camps, stationary and tented tourist and health camps, children's tourist stations, tourist parks, educational and tourist trails, tracks, children's and sports camps, other similar facilities.

3. The use of educational and tourist trails and routes established by agreement with land owners, land users, land owners and tenants of land plots may be carried out on the basis of easements; at the same time, these land plots are not withdrawn from use. Recreational areas also have recreational purposes as part of the lands of settlements, including land plots occupied by urban forests, squares, parks, city gardens, ponds, lakes, reservoirs used for recreation of citizens and tourism (p.

9 st. 85 ZK RF)

Recreational use of the territory as a geographical problem

Determination of specific indicators of the cadastral value of recreational land. Thus, recreational comfort is an indicator that determines the possible state of a person in the implementation of recreation and the quality of possible recreational services. 5. Tourism geography as a section of recreational geography. Tourism geography is a discipline that studies countries and regions of interest to tourism. Tourism geography is a section of recreational geography that studies the patterns and factors of the territorial organization of tourism as one of the types of recreation and the corresponding industry.

Article 50

The geography of tourism explores the territorial distribution of natural and anthropogenic resources (climate, beaches, landscape, mineral water reserves, history, culture, etc.), studies the nature and structure of the use of free time and related leisure, as well as the direction of tourist flows.

Definition of recreational lands. Recreational lands include lands used for public recreation, tourism and sporting events. Article 51 sports, tourist bases, campsites, yacht clubs, stationary and tent tourist and health camps, houses of fishermen and hunters, children's tourist stations, children's and sports camps, other similar facilities, as well as land plots provided for summer cottage construction and construction of other facilities stationary recreation.

Article 52

Recreational activities: types, essence and features

  1. the process of recreating human forces (both physical and psychological), which people spend in the course of their labor activity;
  2. rest after working days or studies and between them, etc.
  3. pastime during the allotted annual leave;
  4. improving health and working capacity;

In other words, this is the set of actions that helps a person to stay in an active working condition throughout the year.

From this it becomes clear that recreational activities directly depend on the availability of time free from the performance of their work (or other) duties. The concept of recreation, in fact, was born back in antiquity (V-I centuries BC), when the first resort towns began to appear on the shores of Greece and Rome.

Recreational use is

Or here's another: In 1957, the Moscow Canal created two garden partnerships for its employees: Rechnik in Krylatskoye and Vodnik in Khimki.

Both were located on the banks of the Moskva River, both received land under an agreement for unlimited use with the right to build houses. Now "Rechnik" is being demolished, not recognizing for its inhabitants the right to either houses or land. "Vodnik" successfully passed the "dacha amnesty", its residents registered their houses and plots according to the same documents from 1957. — There is a lull in Rechnik, but they decided not to demolish the elite Fantasy Island — FSSP: Abramov’s house in the village of Rechnik was demolished by court order — Attack on Sokol continues — artists accused of illegal rental income More than 20 million Russian summer cottages have not been registered anywhere for a long time.

Recreational lands: category, use, restrictions

Once upon a time, vacations, a school break or a room where you could relax were called recreation.

Later, recreation began to be called various activities that are designed to help tired people restore their health. The term "recreational" expanded even more when it became one of the definitions of the Land Code of our country.

Articles of "land" laws clearly classify all territories according to their existing and / or potential purpose, use.

Some areas are classified as specially protected.

This is the subject of chapter 18. The lands we are considering are referred to in Article 98. Recreational lands are intended and used to create opportunities for tourism, sports, as well as recreation and health improvement for everyone (needy). Also, Article 98 stipulates the composition of recreational lands, as well as everything that can be built there. There is an interesting feature: recreational zones can be identified in cities, towns, and so on.

Recreational use is

One of the important functions performed by national parks is their use for recreational purposes (recreation, tourism, aesthetic human needs).

To date, in most countries of the world there is a "Recreational explosion". This is due to demographic reasons (the emergence of free time, transport opportunities) and an increase in environmental pollution in industrial centers and urban agglomerations.

Thus, the attendance of protected areas in the United States increases annually by 10-12%.

In many countries, the recreational use of landscapes has acquired national importance. The use of this or that territory for recreational purposes brings more income than could be obtained from any other exploitation of its resources.

recreational purposes

Gone are the days when the word "vacation" came to mind mainly trips to Egypt or Turkey on the all-inclusive system.

For example, tourists visiting national and local parks in California bring the state more than 300 million dollars.

I want something else: fresh, clean, without noise and fuss, interesting and at the same time health improving.

All this can give recreational rest. This name is not yet very common, and even scares someone, but a few years will pass, and this word will be on the lips of everyone who is going on vacation. The name "recreational resources" means special natural areas that combine uniqueness, the opportunity to improve health and at the same time see something interesting.

In general, this can be called an ideal pastime when you take a break from the bustle of the city, do sports that you enjoy, whether it is leisurely walks or rock climbing, sightseeing, gaining impressions and health for the year ahead.

What is recreational activity

Recreation (recreatio) in Latin means "recovery" and includes those types of life activities that are aimed at improving and maintaining the normal performance of a person tired of work or study. It is carried out in free time, and its purpose cannot be to obtain material benefits.

This is primarily spa treatment, tourist trips, as well as sports, entertainment and other events that take place outside the home.

Recreational activities are focused not only on recreation and physical recovery, but also on personal development, the disclosure of a person’s creative potential, the satisfaction of his spiritual and cultural needs, the formation and development of communication skills, perception of nature.

RECREATIONAL LAND - according to the land law of the Russian Federation, lands allocated in accordance with the established procedure, intended and used for organized mass recreation and tourism of the population (land plots occupied by the territories of rest houses, boarding houses, sanatoriums, parks, etc., outside the lands of recreational purposes). To Z.r.n. also includes lands of suburban green areas, i.e. land outside the city limits, occupied by forests, forest parks and other green spaces that perform protective and sanitary-hygienic functions and are a place of recreation for the population. On Z.r.n. activities that prevent their use for their intended purpose are prohibited.

Big legal dictionary. - M.: Infra-M. A. Ya. Sukharev, V. E. Krutskikh, A. Ya. Sukharev. 2003 .

See what "RECREATIONAL LAND" is in other dictionaries:

    Plots of land intended and used for organized mass recreation and tourism of the population (Land Code of the RSFSR.) EdwART. Terms and definitions for environmental protection, nature management and environmental safety. Dictionary … Ecological dictionary

    RECREATIONAL LAND- lands allocated in accordance with the established procedure, intended and used for the organization of recreation, tourism, physical culture, recreation and sports activities of citizens. The composition of Z.r.n. includes land on which houses are located ... ... Legal Encyclopedia

    Plots of land intended and used for organized mass recreation and tourism of the population Dictionary of business terms. 2001 ... Glossary of business terms

    Recreational lands- 1. Recreational lands include lands intended and used for organizing recreation, tourism, physical culture, recreation and sports activities of citizens. 2. The composition of recreational lands includes land ... ... Official terminology

    Recreational lands- land plots as part of the lands of specially protected territories and objects that are intended and used for organizing recreation, tourism, physical culture, recreation and sports activities of citizens, there are rest houses on them, ... ... Big Law Dictionary

    Land allocated in accordance with the established procedure, intended and used for organized mass recreation and tourism of the population. These include land plots occupied by the territories of rest houses, boarding houses, sanatoriums, campsites, sports … Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

    recreational land- according to the land law of the Russian Federation, lands allocated in accordance with the established procedure, intended and used for organized mass recreation and tourism of the population (land plots occupied by the territories of rest houses, boarding houses, sanatoriums, parks, etc ... Big Law Dictionary

    Recreational lands- 1) type (subcategory) of the category of lands of specially protected territories and objects; 2) lands intended and used for organizing recreation, tourism, physical culture, recreation and sports activities of citizens; in the composition of Z.r.n. are included... ... Russian Environmental Law: Dictionary of Legal Terms

    Agricultural land- a separate category of land that is used for agricultural needs and intended for these purposes. Consist of agricultural land and land occupied by roads, forest plantations, buildings, structures and structures, ... ... Big Law Dictionary


Recreational lands are a type of category of lands of specially protected territories and objects intended and used for organizing recreation, tourism, physical culture and recreation and sports activities of citizens.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of article 98 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, recreational lands include land plots on which rest houses, boarding houses, campsites, physical culture and sports facilities, tourist camps, stationary and tent tourist and health camps, fishermen's houses and hunter, children's tourist stations, tourist parks, forest parks, educational and tourist trails, tracks, children's and sports camps, and other similar objects. Recreational lands also include lands of suburban green areas.

The procedure for classifying lands as recreational lands of federal significance, the procedure for their use and protection by federal legislation is not established.

The lands of the category under consideration can be both in state and private ownership, without restrictions on participation in circulation, since Article 27 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, which contains an exhaustive list of land plots seized or limited in circulation, does not mention recreational lands.

At the same time, any activity that interferes with their intended purpose is prohibited on recreational lands. At the same time, a change in the purpose of using land plots belonging to the category under consideration may serve as a basis for refusing to provide a land plot.

The Civil Code (clause 2, article 260) restricts the right of ownership to land plots, establishing that the use of a land plot can be carried out within the limits determined by its purpose.

Articles 285 - 286 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provide for liability for improper use of a land plot.

In addition, Article 8.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation establishes administrative liability in the form of a fine for the use of land not for its intended purpose, as well as failure to comply with established requirements and mandatory measures to improve land and protect soil from wind and water erosion and prevent other processes that worsen the quality of land .

According to Article 86 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, suburban areas may include lands located outside the boundaries of urban settlements, constituting a single social, natural and economic territory with the city and not included in the lands of other settlements.

In the territories that are part of the green fund, economic and other activities that have a negative impact on these territories and impede the implementation of their functions of ecological, sanitary-hygienic and recreational purposes are prohibited.

5. Lands of historical and cultural purpose

Lands of historical and cultural purpose is a type of category of lands of specially protected territories and objects, these include lands:

1) objects of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation (monuments of history and culture), including objects of archaeological heritage;

2) places of interest, including places of historical crafts, industries and crafts;

3) military and civil burials.

The main source of information about cultural heritage objects and their territories, as well as about the zones of protection of cultural heritage objects in the formation and maintenance of the state land cadastre, the state urban planning cadastre, is the Unified State Register of Cultural Heritage Objects (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

The identified objects of cultural heritage include objects that are of historical and cultural value and in respect of which a conclusion of the state historical and cultural expertise has been issued on their inclusion in the register as cultural heritage objects, from the date of receipt by the federal body for the protection of cultural heritage objects or the executive body. authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, authorized in the field of protection of cultural heritage objects, relevant documents.

Objects of archaeological heritage are considered to be identified objects of cultural heritage from the day of their discovery.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated February 20, 1995 N 176 "On Approval of the List of Objects of Historical and Cultural Heritage of Federal (All-Russian) Significance", historical and cultural heritage objects of federal (All-Russian) significance should include historical and cultural monuments subject to protection as monuments of national importance in accordance with a number of acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Lands of historical and cultural purpose are used strictly in accordance with their intended purpose. The purpose of the regime for the use of historical and cultural lands is to ensure the safety of cultural heritage objects located on them (in them), objects of historical development, urban and natural landscapes. Namely, the prevention of their damage, destruction or destruction, changes in appearance and interior, violation of the established procedure for their use, movement and prevention of other actions that could harm cultural heritage sites, as well as protection from the adverse effects of the environment and other negative impacts.

Article 54 of the Federal Law "On objects of cultural heritage" establishes liability for improper fulfillment of obligations for the intended use of land plots.

Lands of historical and cultural purpose are included in the lands of specially protected territories and may be of federal, regional and local significance.

Zones of protection of cultural heritage objects are established in order to preserve the historical, landscape and urban environment in accordance with federal laws, laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Within the lands of historical and cultural purposes outside the lands of settlements, a special legal regime for the use of lands is introduced, prohibiting activities that are incompatible with the main purpose of these lands. The use of land plots not classified as historical and cultural lands and located in the specified protection zones is determined by the rules of land use and development in accordance with the requirements for the protection of historical and cultural monuments.

The main normative acts regulating these relations are the Federal Law "On objects of cultural heritage" and the Law of the RSFSR "On the protection and use of monuments of history and culture."

One of the important functions performed by national parks is their use for recreational purposes (recreation, tourism, aesthetic human needs). To date, in most countries of the world there is a "Recreational explosion". This is due to demographic reasons (the emergence of free time, transport opportunities) and an increase in environmental pollution in industrial centers and urban agglomerations. Thus, the attendance of protected areas in the United States increases annually by 10-12%.

In many countries, the recreational use of landscapes has acquired national importance. The use of this or that territory for recreational purposes brings more income than could be obtained from any other exploitation of its resources. For example, tourists visiting national and local parks in California bring more than 300 million dollars to the state. in year. Income from foreign tourism in some countries is the third, and sometimes the second most important item in the state budget.

However, in most economically developed countries, the growing demand for natural recreational resources is faced with a decrease in the number of natural landscapes that are not touched or slightly affected by human activities.

At the same time, an increase in the need for recreation resources with a reduction in potential areas suitable for recreation causes an increase in the load per unit of recreational area and often leads to irreversible changes in natural complexes. Thus, most of the national parks in Great Britain suffer greatly from mass tourism. In the Peak Diction National Park with an area of ​​about 140 thousand hectares, 12 million visitors annually, and in the Canadian Banff National Park - 2.5 million, despite the fact that its territory is almost 5 times larger.

In general, in many countries, the recreational use of landscapes has led to environmental pollution and the destruction of soils and vegetation, the deterioration of living conditions and the destruction of wild animals, and the disruption of connections in biogeocenoses. As a result, recreational areas become unsuitable for recreation.

In a number of countries, measures are being taken to limit the access of tourists to national parks and other protected areas. So, in the national parks of Poland it is planned to develop only educational and local history tourism. The development of these forms of tourism is carried out according to the plans of tourist development, based on the calculations of the tourist capacity of the main types of national parks. Protected zones are created around each national park, provided for by the country's environmental legislation.

There are several natural parks in Ukraine, including the Carpathian State Natural Park, the Dniester, Cherkassky Bor and others.

For the purpose of territorial differentiation of different modes of use in the natural park, environmental zoning is carried out. On the territory of the park, sections of the protected regime, closed to the public and sections of the custom regime for a certain period, as well as natural monuments, should be allocated.

The area of ​​protected areas closed to the public, according to international recommendations, should be more than 1000 hectares. In the zone of the custom regime, only a pedestrian form of visiting (along strictly limited routes) a small number of people for a short time is allowed. Protected and custom-made territories should make up 90-95% of the park area.

In general, the possibility of visiting and recreational use of the territories and objects of the NRF depends on the objectives of protecting these territories and objects, as well as their category. Recreation is subdivided into medical resort, sports and recreational and cognitive.. Thus, the recreational resources of the territories and objects of the NRF are either natural or historical and cultural. All the impact of recreational activities on natural complexes can be divided into direct and indirect. direct consists in the destruction of representatives of flora and fauna in the process of hunting, fishing, households. activities; in intervention in the natural processes of animal life by feeding them, breeding in artificially created conditions; in the introduction and spread of infections, diseases through human waste products, etc.

mediated the influence consists in changing the natural habitat, in the anthropogenic influence on the components of the epigeosphere, in the artificial breeding of animals, in the creation by man of animals and plants with specified characteristics, the impact of which on the environment and humans has not yet been established.

A promising form of modern recreation is ecological tourism is an integrated form of recreational activities aimed at harmonizing the relationship between tourists and the environment through the greening of all types of tourism activities and education.

In this way, ecotourism criteria the following:

    Implementation of tourism activities in well-preserved natural areas of the world.

    Compliance with the rules of behavior in the environment.

    Minimization of negative impact on the environment.

    Ensuring the balanced development of ecotourism regions.

Special routes that pass through various natural objects that have a certain environmental, aesthetic and cultural value, and are also accompanied by descriptions of these objects, are called ecological trails. These are specially laid routes for excursions in nature, in which special attention is paid to the study of the connections between the components of nature. Such trails are laid in national natural parks, landscape regional parks, wildlife sanctuaries, within the boundaries of the buffer zones of nature reserves, within the boundaries of territories that are distinguished by a variety of natural conditions and educational value. They mark the trail with special signs, establish its scheme. Ecological trails differ in the length of the route, its duration, difficulty of passing, etc.

According to their purpose, ecological trails are cognitive-walking, educational-tourist and educational.

Conclusion: This lecture introduces the history of the development of protected areas and reveals the concept of the main forms of protected natural areas.

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