Draw on the cells different beautiful. Ideas for decorating checkered notebooks


It can be difficult to surprise children, but this does not mean that it is impossible to do it. And after a whole day of running, jumping, dancing, playing, everyone should calm down a little and do something creative and developing. Small drawings by cells come to the rescue. When you need to keep the kids busy, pull out a large piece of checkered paper so the kids can draw together.

Small grid drawings, a good idea or a bad idea?

Of course, small drawings on the cells in a notebook are also a good idea, especially when you are on the road with a child and there is nothing to keep him busy. Small and cute, they will help your child have a good time, they will get the most out of such activities. Small drawings on the cells in a notebook is a simple artistic activity that combines art and mathematics.

Lollipops by cells photo

French fries by cells

Kitten in cages photo

Tools for drawing small pictures by cells

Don't tell the kids too much, make a surprise, take different types of paper, markers or colored pencils and pens and let the kids start drawing. Drawings can be arbitrary, sometimes it is useful to allow the child to develop imagination through drawing. But you can choose specific ones for 5 years.

If you have a home printer, then that's great. You can customize and create your own graphic paper in a dedicated application. They have many options for graphic paper - regular square, triangle, and more. But decide on this step after the children have mastered drawing by cells. It's still easy to choose the size of the shape you need, the thickness, the color of the lines, and more in the app. Then the layout is simply saved as a pdf and you can print it immediately.

Using regular checkered paper, you can make simple repeating patterns, checkerboard patterns. You can merge squares to make big shapes and split squares into triangles and smaller squares and even octagons to make all sorts of interesting images.

Triangles and hexagons also work well for patterns and paintings. For those who already cope well with different shapes and are well versed in the basics of geometric shapes, you can take emoticons from VK as a template. Let your child choose their favorite emoticons and redraw them in their notebook. Animals are a good idea too.

Drawing them for the first time may not be so easy if you use cells, but in fact, children will quickly pick up this idea and after some time they will be able to embody the most daring ideas on a sheet in a cell.

Even though it's a simple idea, it leaves a lot of room for creativity, which with lots of random math concepts is a big bonus for a child's development.

Watermelon in cells photo

Minions in cages photo

Superheroes by cells

Anime cat by cells

Graphic dictation

It is worth noting that tasks with graphic paper are popular in kindergartens. One of the common tricks is to create a drawing without a sample. This is a kind of graphic dictation. This task is easy to reproduce at home with your child. For this exercise, we will use 4x4 sheets of paper. Starting from the top left corner, we will begin to fill in the squares using simple instructions. These instructions include:

  1. move one square to the right;
  2. move one square to the left;
  3. move one square up;
  4. move one square down. This is how we will write the algorithm to instruct the child (who will fill in the cells).

Choose a simple pattern, such as a checkerboard, to be used as an example. This is a good way to enter all the characters in a key. To get started, complete the chart for your child, square by square, then ask them to help describe what you just did. First, you can speak the algorithm out loud, then you can turn your verbal instructions into a program. Algorithm example: “Move right, fill square, move right, move down. Fill square, move left, move left, fill square.

If the child copes well with this exercise, then this is an occasion to come up with an alternative task with a similar essence, but more difficult. If there is still confusion, save this activity and try again the next day, but in the meantime, work on another example.

If the child understands the algorithm and can identify the correct symbols for each step, he is ready to move on. Depending on your child and their age and development, you can either try to make a complex grid together or move on to having the child work in pairs with a friend. They will enjoy playing together, giving each other such tasks. This is a great way to get your child to get creative by coming up with their own fun pictures and breaking them down into algorithms for moving around the cells and filling them in.

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Hi all. Today I have a creative topic in which I will tell you and show you step by step what drawings are by cells in a notebook, they will be easy and complex, on different topics and for different ages.

These graffiti in notebooks are suitable for the youngest schoolchildren, starting from 7 years old. Basically, interest in children wakes up at the age of 9-13, girls start first, boys repeat looking at them.

Using the example of a table, I will show a scheme of a smiley face with a detailed description of the work. Each line contains a number with a letter, the number is the number of cells, and the letter is the color of the cells. For example, b stands for white, g for yellow, k for red, and h for black.

Line Number - number of cells / letter - color
1 11 b, 8 f
2 9 b, 12 f
3 7 b, 16 f
4 6 b, 18 f
5 5 b, 20 f
6 4 b, 22 f
7 3 b, 24 f
8 2 b, 4 f, 2 k, 3 f, 2 k, 4 f, 2 k, 3 f, 2 k, 4 f
9 2 b, 3 f, 4 k, 2 f, 4 k, 1 f, 4 k, 3 f
10 1 b, 4 f, 9 k, 2 f, 9 k, 4 f
11 1 b, 4 f, 9 k, 2 f, 9 k, 4 f
12 1 b, 5 f, 7 k, 4 f, 7 k, 5 f
13 1 b, 6 f, 5 k, 6 f, 5 k, 6 f
14 1 b, 7 f, 3 k, 8 f, 3 k, 7 f
15 1 b, 28 f
16 1 b, 28 f
17 1, b, 28 f
18 2 b, 26 f
19 2 b, 6 f, 14 h, 6 f
20 3 b, 5 f, 14 h, 5 f
21 3 b, 6 f, 12 h, 6 f
22 4 b, 6 f, 10 h, 6 f
23 5 b, 6 f, 8 h, 6 f
24 6 b, 18 f
25 7 b, 16 f
26 8 b, 14 f
27 11 b, 8 f

According to this principle, you can draw a simple drawing by cells for a child, or a complex one for an adult. The most popular are emoticons from VK, New Year's, summer, animals and food. Transport for some reason is not popular. But cars, planes, and so on are often used in graphic dictation by cells.

I propose to get acquainted with emoticons that smile, wink, laugh, with pigtails and glasses.

And this is the most joyful emoticon with a big smile.

Drawings by cells in a notebook for girls

Among young beauties, inscriptions in notebooks, namely the names of girls, are very popular. But just imagine, if I show you a diagram of each name of a girl or boy, only with the letter A, you need to write at least 40 names.

I will not waste time, I will show beautiful schemes for beginners, perhaps you will like them.

I will start my selection with a cute kitten, or rather Hello Kitty, this cute face is a symbol of my site for the whole family.

This pattern is a bit more complex, but will do for a 10 year old.

All girls love ponies, why not draw this little animal in a notebook, based on a ready-made template.

And here is another cute kitten in a hat.

See what cats can show off in checkered notebooks.

Drawings by cells in a notebook for boys

Boys like to draw minecraft drawings more, but I decided to show you some other interesting schemes.

All children have played or are playing spinner, this is such a thing with bearings that spins. Catch the boys templates of this unit.

For boys of 10 years old, an android by cells is suitable, and even the Boss is a sucker.

You can make your creations in color, in the absence of a palette, draw by cells with an ordinary simple pencil, then you will get them in black and white.

Drawings by cells in a notebook are complex

It is difficult to choose the most complex drawings, because in this case it is necessary to take into account the age of the artist. Animals by cells are not easy jobs, all bulky ones also fall into this category.

For you, I picked up beautiful drawings by cells in a notebook, but at the same time complex and cartoonish.

Such wonderful Minions can get into your collection.

Drawings by cells in a notebook - food

Well, how to do without food, especially without fruits, because they have a lot of useful substances. We eat vitamins, but drawing such products improves brain activity, develops memory, thinking and finger motor skills.

Chupa candy - chups.

Beautiful and complex strawberries.


Eskimo on a stick.

Slices of watermelon.


Kiwi cut.

Juicy pear.


A pineapple.

Which template to choose for a girl, boy or adult is up to you, they are all very beautiful, cute and new.

Drawings by cells in a notebook - animals

Animals are small, cute, beautiful and big, that's all I have collected in one category. Complex drawings with animals are suitable for adults or children from 12 years old.




Little mouse.


The cat on the moon.







All sketching templates are free to download.

Drawings by cells for the New Year

If you want to do work in a large format, then you need to take two cells for one, or vice versa. I propose to acquaint you with photos and diagrams of beautiful complex and simple New Year's drawings for notebooks.


Drawings by cells - summer

By the summer, you can depict a graphic drawing, both for boys and girls. For children 7-9 years old, choose a light and beautiful pattern, for example, a palm tree or popsicle ice cream.


For children 10 - 12 years old, more complex cell patterns will fit, for example, a dolphin, sunglasses.

Drawings by cells in a notebook - flowers

Patterns of flowers by cells are most often used by girls or women needlewomen, because such patterns are suitable for embroidery and knitting. Here are some graphic roses.

Friends, if you like to draw, you have free time, try to repeat my drawings by cells in a notebook, for you I analyzed one emoticon in detail, showed diagrams and templates, divided all the images into categories. If you find it difficult to cope with difficult tasks, start with drawing for beginners, I advise you not even to look at the category for girls or boys, it is important that you like it.

Nina Kuzmenko selected drawings for you by cells in a notebook.

I never thought that the popular student fun to draw pictures in the cells means not only while away the time at the lecture!

This, of course, is not very good not to listen to lectures, but sometimes (in rare cases and with a good reason) it is permissible.

Then we did not think at all that this is not a simple pastime, but an action that also has psychological significance, and it will be so popular in our time!

It turns out that drawing by cells in children develops fine motor skills, imagination, and the logic of thinking. However, all this can be attributed to adolescents and adult representatives of humanity, well, maybe with the exception of motor skills. Now this fun (drawing by cells) has even received a beautiful name - pixel art.

The benefits of drawing by cells in a notebook for children and adults

In addition to killing time and curing boredom, the development of fine motor skills and imagination. drawing by cells helps in asserting one's self.

How does self-affirmation happen? Everything is simple. There are people who like to draw, but they are not good at it. Well, God did not give them talent! And this is where pixel art comes to the rescue. You can draw! You can transfer your vision of the world to a sheet of paper and illustrate your thoughts!

It is also a great way to focus and calm down, which is very important in our fast-paced age of stress and passion.

Drawing by cells is very simple, you can do it in two ways:

  • on a piece of paper in a box (it can be a simple piece of paper from a mathematics notebook)
  • apply cells of a certain size to the drawing you like and then systematically transfer it to another sheet

Of course, the second method is akin to plagiarism, but no one claims the authorship of this or that copied picture, but you get great moral satisfaction from your work.

The first method is great not only for children of all ages - from preschoolers to teenagers, but also for adults.

In addition to all the listed "utilities", drawing by cells helps to develop a sense of color. The drawing can be made in color using the entire palette of colors.

Pixel art does not require any expensive accessories - every person can find a checkered piece of paper, a pencil or a pen. If you want to add colors - take colored pencils, pens, crayons (although they are not very convenient for drawing small details).

If the paper or sheet you have taken is thin, or felt-tip pens are printed on the other side, place a thick sheet of paper or cardboard in order not to spoil the surface of the table at which you work or another clean sheet of paper.

Graphic dictation

Let us explain to those who first read this phrase - “graphic dictation”. This is drawing by cells according to a predetermined algorithm. For example, you dictate to the child in which direction (right, left, up, down) how many cells to draw a line.

It is necessary to prepare in advance for such a dictation. You should have a sheet with a clear plan, a dictation algorithm and the end result (what kind of drawing the child should end up with).

Positive aspects of such a dictation:

  • mindfulness development
  • development of logical thinking, orientation in space
  • preparation of the hand for writing (development of fine motor skills)
  • development of perseverance (which is important for today's hyperactive children)

You need to start graphic dictations with simple drawings (for example, from a ladder) and gradually move on to more complex drawings.

At the very beginning of the dictation, clearly say from what point we start the drawing, for example, 9 cells on top, 9 cells on the left and put a point. She is the starting point.

An example of a graphic dictation Key.

Retreat 5 cells from above and to the left, put a point - it will be the starting point.

  • 1 cell right, 1 cell up, 1 cell right, 1 cell down, 1 cell right, 1 cell down
  • 8 cells to the right

one cell at a time:

  • up
  • right
  • up
  • right
  • right
  • right

12 cells to the left and one cell each:

  • to the left
  • to the left
  • up
  • to the left

3 cells up.

The drawing is ready!

If you have the skills of drawing by cells or a great imagination, you can draw a drawing yourself and then draw up an algorithm. You can do it differently - buy a collection of graphic dictations. Such collections can be for children of a certain age, for girls or boys. Drawing by cells and graphic dictations is an interesting game that helps develop the skills a child needs.

Examples of drawings for a simple graphic dictation.

Watch a video example of a graphic dictation.

Drawings by cells in a notebook are easy and complex

You need to start drawing by cells with light drawings, gradually moving on to more complex options. Light drawings are easy to perform and accessible to young children. Below are easy options for drawings that are on the shoulder for young children.

Having mastered the technique of drawing by cells, you can proceed to more complex options.

Well, and finally, having learned "cellular" drawing, begin to master the color scheme of the picture.

Drawings by cells in a notebook for children

When a little man is born, the parents add to the hassle and worries. Raising a child is not only about feeding, dressing and shodding him. Education is also the development of his abilities.

Now many different methods and techniques have been developed for this, but all experts agree that it is best to engage in child development in a playful way. The method with elements of the game teaches basic knowledge in mathematics, native language and much more, what is necessary for the harmonious development of the child.

One of the ways to develop the logical abilities of a child is drawing by cells. You need to start with the simplest drawings, for example, such as a Christmas tree, a steamer, a flag.

Drawings by cells will help you in learning the letters. Having drawn a letter by cells, the baby not only perceives it by ear, not only sees its spelling, but also, as it were, feels it. All types of memory are included - auditory, visual and mechanical (draws a letter).

In addition to the letter, you can write sticks, ladders and other figures, thereby training the child's hand and preparing it for writing. Such exercises will help the child in school.

What does a child learn by drawing in cells? It is correct to hold a pencil, the correct algorithm of actions, counting, creative approach to business, attentiveness and perseverance.

Gradually, it is worth complicating the graphics of the drawing and introducing colors. The child can choose colors himself, thereby developing a sense of color and color combinations. By the way, such drawing helps to reveal the creative abilities of children.

Cell drawings are easy and complex for girls and boys

The fact that drawings by cells or art pixel is a useful activity you have already understood. When choosing drawings, they can be selected according to interests, separately for girls and separately for boys. With the help of this drawing technique, you can, even without drawing skills, embody whatever you want on a piece of paper.

Here are some examples of drawings for boys.

And any girl can draw such drawings on a piece of paper in a box.

Drawings for a personal diary

What is a personal diary? For some, this is a way of self-expression, for someone, fixing the events taking place in his life, a personal assessment of these events, people, incidents. Someone writes down ideas and thoughts that suddenly visited him. Many people keep personal diaries - boys, girls, adult women and men.

Some of the events taking place in the lives of great people became known from their personal diaries. Often entries in personal diaries were accompanied by illustrations drawn by the authors. By the way, such illustrations of great people often became rare and helped to reveal more deeply the personality of this person.

And if there is no talent for drawing, but you want to express your emotions not only through words, but also through a drawing? And how do you illustrate your notes in this case? In this case, cell drawings can come to the rescue. They are easy to draw and do not require anything other than a piece of paper in a cage and a pencil. You can use ready-made drawings. Transfer them to your personal diary in the following way:

  • make a grid of cells in the selected picture
  • in a notebook (diary) draw the same grid by the number of cells (cells can be of a different size - more or less)
  • start transferring the image from each cell in the selected figure to the same cell on the sheet

There are many examples of cell drawings on the Internet - you just need to choose and draw.

What drawings to “revive” a personal diary is up to you. Below are some interesting cell drawings.

Let the children draw, create, fantasize! Not every one of them will become an artist, but drawing will give them pleasure, they will know the joy of creativity, learn to see beauty in the ordinary. Let them grow with the soul of an artist!

Not everyone managed to graduate from art school in order to learn the technique of drawing. If you want to make a creative postcard or fill a diary with original drawings, learn to draw by cells. Small pictures by cells even beginners can do it. The main thing is to buy a notebook for mathematics with light paper.

How to draw by cells

Many people like to solve Japanese crossword puzzles, which are based on drawing by cells. If you have ready-made crossword puzzles or answers to them, you can simply redraw large figures in your notebook.

The best way is to use ready-made diagrams that have been specially designed for those who cannot draw. You can paint over the cells in your own notebook according to the scheme, and then surprise your loved ones with beautiful images.

Among the templates you will find

Look original fruits by cells. If you paint over the drawing well with bright felt-tip pens, then you can cut it out and use it for interior decoration or applique decoration.

If you want to make a postcard or describe a romantic story in your diary, then draw a heart by cells.

Sweets, bouquets, flowers - all this can be drawn in the cells.

If you master the principle, then you can draw anything you want in your own notebook.

Would you like to come up with your own drawing? Then make a light sketch, and then start turning it into a drawing by cells. It's best to start with an outline. Then you can highlight small details. Do not forget to note what color, what detail should be highlighted so that the drawing turns out to be bright and beautiful.

3D drawings by cells- this is a good way to spend interesting leisure time and realize your creative abilities.

Have you ever drawn by cells? Then be sure to try it. This activity will appeal to both young children and adults. Experts noted that this hobby develops creative thinking, coordination of movements when writing, concentration and logic. Spend your leisure time usefully, inventing new 3D schemes, simple and complex for drawing by cells.

Complex pattern by cells

We offer photos of several popular schemes for beginners

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