Draw a picture on the theme of school life. How to draw a school and teachers with a pencil: step-by-step master classes with photos for children


School years, or rather memories of them, excite the souls of former students and first-year students of universities. They are the ones who miss you the most

  • native teachers;
  • familiar classrooms;
  • reckless classmates.

All this makes you download interesting pictures reminiscent of your fun school years. Images that show study and everything related to it are sure to interest every person and evoke nostalgic feelings.

Drawings about schoolchildren with inscriptions

Pictures about studies and lessons evoke nostalgia, which makes the soul warm and sad at the same time. In such confusion, one can look at drawings about the school for a long time, the best examples of its history. It is a pity that all the pictures or even your own moments from your youth cannot be remembered in the most vivid detail. But their charm lies in the fact that you can look at each image again and again, returning to your memories.

The illustrations of my own learning moments are especially dear to my heart. Surely everyone has such photos from the last call or graduation. With the advent of cell phones with good cameras, there were a lot more personal photos from school. Looking at these pictures makes me want to:

  • return to the past;
  • chat with classmates
  • meet the teachers, even if only mentally;
  • sit at your desk for 45 minutes of your favorite lesson.

Lessons dear to the heart used to seem so long, but now, it seems, they would fly by like one wonderful moment. All these stories of youth warm the hearts of former students and students. It remains to look at old photographs and wait for the meeting of graduates. None of us can walk the road back, but anyone who has a photo album and Internet access can resurrect fragments of the past in their memory.

Cool pictures about studying at school

It is often quite difficult for boys and girls to survive the difficult moments of the educational process, which, with the modern workload of children, is really very tiring. In order to somehow defuse the situation and improve your mood, you can look at funny pictures about students, teachers and the school as a whole. Now illustrations with inscriptions or memes are especially popular, which quickly cheer you up, touching on the funniest topics of school life.

In preparation for most school holidays or competitions, students are usually asked to draw a picture on the theme of the school. It can be an image of your favorite physical education teacher or a school of the future, your class, an assembly hall. Creating such images with pencils and paints is not difficult at all. To do this, you just need to study useful master classes and learn how to draw a school in stages. Children 7-8 years old can simply redraw the proposed options. But students in grade 5 can change or modify the proposed images. Using your imagination, it will not be difficult to figure out how to draw a teacher, your favorite school or your school friends.

How to draw a school with a pencil in stages - master classes for children 7-8 years old

The easiest solution when drawing a school with a pencil is to use geometric shapes. They are perfect for depicting a building with windows and doors. The following master class describes in stages the rules for creating such a simple drawing.

Materials for the phased creation of a children's drawing of a modern school

  • regular pencil;
  • eraser;
  • ruler;
  • colour pencils;
  • sheet A4.

Step-by-step master class with a photo on creating a drawing of a school for children

Video instruction for drawing your school by children

It is not necessary to create a school drawing only from geometrically correct figures. The next master class describes in detail the rules for depicting a beautiful school with a pencil in a more original form. This video will definitely appeal to a child who loves non-standard drawings.

How to draw a school of the future with a pencil and paints - step by step video tutorials

Quite often, interesting drawing competitions are held in schools, in which students are asked to portray an unusual school of the future. Such a task does not limit the imagination of schoolchildren and allows them to demonstrate all their talents. When choosing what can be drawn at school on a similar topic, it is recommended to pay attention not only to the educational building itself, but also to the image of the original classes. In the following master classes, it is considered step by step how you can draw beautiful and unusual pictures with a pencil or paints.

A selection of master classes with videos on creating drawings of the school of the future with paints and pencils

The proposed master classes will help the child to easily prepare for the drawing competition at school and draw unusual pictures with paints or pencil. Also, the instructions discussed can simply be used to select an interesting drawing for the image of the school or class of the future.

How to draw a teacher at the blackboard with a pencil - a master class with step-by-step photos for children

Choosing among the many options that can be drawn on the topic "school", many children want to portray their class teacher. Such work is quite complex and painstaking. But it is not necessary to accurately redraw the teacher's portrait. You can just draw a smiling teacher, your class. The next master class will tell you how to make such a drawing in stages.

Materials for creating a children's drawing of a teacher near the blackboard with a pencil

  • colored and regular pencil;
  • sheet A4;
  • eraser.

A step-by-step master class with the rules for drawing with a teacher's pencil at the blackboard for children

  1. Draw the "skeleton" of the figurine: head and dress. Mark on the face the location of the eyes, mouth, nose.

  2. Finish the board behind the figure, add a table next to it. Conditionally draw hands.

  3. Draw the chin and neck.

  4. Draw the teacher's face.

  5. Add hair to the figurine.

  6. Draw the sleeves of the dress.

  7. Carefully draw the hands.

  8. Draw the bottom of the dress and legs.

  9. Carefully draw a table and a cup on it.

    For many students, physical education is their favorite activity. Therefore, choosing what to draw on the subject of the school for a holiday or competition, some children come up with their own images of the school's sports ground or a portrait of the teacher himself. The following master class will help you learn how to depict these drawings easily and simply.

    Master class with step-by-step video images of a physical education teacher for children and beginner artists

    The following video will help elementary school students, grade 5, easily portray their favorite physical education teacher. This instruction is also suitable for young beginner artists who want to learn how to draw human figures.

    Using the proposed photo and video instructions, you can easily learn how to draw a school, your class or your favorite teachers. These master classes are great for children 7-8 years old, and for elementary and secondary school students. For example, 5th grade students will be able to learn how to draw a physical education teacher or draw their class teacher near the blackboard. The considered images can be slightly changed or supplemented, or you can simply use them to create completely new and unusual drawings for the competition, to decorate the classroom, the school assembly hall.

Step-by-step lessons and master classes will tell the child how to draw a school or a teacher at the blackboard with pencils for a creative competition or art show. The information is presented in a very accessible way and is provided with step-by-step photos and videos. Even children of 7-8 years old will calmly cope with mastering the material, and for students in grade 5 and older, it will seem very easy and will not cause any difficulties. If desired, pencil sketches can be painted with paints, making them more vivid, spectacular and viewing.

How to draw a school with a pencil - a simple lesson in stages for children 7-8 years old

The easiest way to draw a school building is described in the lesson below. The work is available for children of 7-8 years old and does not require serious efforts from the child or the presence of pronounced artistic talents. Some help from adults may be needed only at the stage of marking the location of windows. Boys and girls of grades 1-2 will cope with everything else on their own.

Necessary materials for a simple school drawing with pencils

  • sheet of paper for drawing
  • HB pencil
  • pencil 2B
  • eraser
  • ruler
  • colour pencils

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a school building with pencils for children 7-8 years old

How to draw the school of the future in stages with colored pencils and felt-tip pens - a lesson for beginners

This is one of the easiest tutorials to teach beginners how to draw the school of the future with pencils and markers. The beauty of the lesson is that the guys can not just copy the proposed version of the image, but show their imagination and put their own ideas on paper of how their favorite educational institution might look like in the distant future.

Necessary materials for creating a drawing of the school of the future by novice artists

  • A4 sheet
  • simple pencil
  • set of colored pencils
  • set of felt-tip pens
  • eraser

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a school of the future for a beginner

  1. Place a sheet of paper horizontally and divide it into two parts with a conditional line so that the top is slightly larger than the bottom.
  2. Closer to the left edge upwards from the horizon line, draw a high semicircle - the future school building.
  3. Draw another semicircle below it, only smaller. Draw 3 more semicircular lines inside it, each of which will be smaller than the previous one.
  4. In the upper part of the semicircle, draw an arched entrance and draw 2 more vertically curved side lines on one and the other side of the entrance.
  5. Draw two cross lines above the arched entrance.
  6. Draw the lower part of the sheet, symbolizing the surface of the planet, into sectors-tracks.
  7. Decorate the sketch with colored pencils of suitable shades.
  8. Then, in the sky, draw with felt-tip pens two small aircraft in which students fly to lessons.
  9. Write the word “School” on the arch above the entrance to the building.

A simple lesson for children in stages - how to draw a teacher with a pencil at the blackboard in the classroom

If for some school competition or review, children need to draw a teacher near the blackboard, this step-by-step lesson will help to cope with the task. For the smallest boys and girls, the matter will seem complicated, but students in grade 5 and older can easily do what is required.

Necessary materials for the phased creation of a drawing of a teacher at the blackboard

  • a sheet of A4 landscape paper
  • HB pencil
  • pencil 2B
  • eraser
  • ruler

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a teacher at the blackboard with a pencil in the classroom

  1. Place a sheet of paper horizontally. Determine the place where the teacher will be depicted and make a primary sketch with light strokes without pressure. First draw a vertical elongated oval (head), mark the middle of the face and a place for the eyes. Then mark the torso and circles highlight the shoulder joints.
  2. Schematically depict the hands, marking the elbow joints and wrists.
  3. Draw the figure more rigidly and shape the arms.
  4. Start working on the clothes. At the first stage, work on the collar of the jacket, having previously clearly outlined the lines of the neck. Then draw a sleeve and folds in the elbow area. Remove unnecessary auxiliary lines of the drawing with an eraser.
  5. Draw the second sleeve and the inside of the collar.
  6. Depict the hands in more detail, noting the compressed hands.
  7. Detail the drawing, highlighting each finger more clearly. Draw a pointer towards the board.
  8. Give a clear shape to the oval of the face and ear. Outline the eyes, mouth and nose.
  9. Draw eye sockets, nostrils and lips.
  10. To depict the missing details, making the face natural. Add eyebrows and eyelashes, refine the eyeball. With light strokes, highlight the hair gathered in the ponytail.
  11. Use the ruler behind the teacher to mark the blackboard and write an example or equation on it.
  12. Shade the teacher's jacket with a dark pencil or felt-tip pen. With the same color, make a few strokes on the hair and more clearly highlight the contours of the figure.

Step-by-step master class for school - how to draw a physical education teacher for beginners

A physical education lesson is one of the most beloved for many schoolchildren, and when given the task of drawing a teacher, the guys often prefer to portray a physical education teacher. Such work, made according to the advice of a phased master class, can then be hung in the gym where children work out or sent to a school art competition.

Necessary materials for the image of a physical education teacher on paper

  • A4 sheet
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • set of colored pencils

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a physical education teacher in stages

  1. Place the sheet vertically and draw a floor line with a light stroke at the bottom.
  2. In the upper right corner, freehand or with a ruler, draw a square, and in it - her one. Draw fasteners inside the second square - the holder of the basketball hoop and the net hanging on it. Color the square, holder and ring with a red pencil.
  3. Mark the location of the figure of the teacher, shifting it from the conditional center of the sheet vertically to the left.
  4. First draw sweatpants and a jacket. At the bottom, work out sneakers or sneakers in detail.
  5. From above, outline the lines of the neck and make an oval of the face. Sketch out the eyes, nose, mouth. Draw either hair or a sports cap on the head.
  6. Tinted the costume with a blue pencil or felt-tip pen. Draw a red stripe on the chest for beauty. Draw a whistle hanging on a string around the neck.
  7. Draw a basketball in one of the teacher's hands. Color it in with an orange crayon.

Drawing is a tempting and exciting activity. Everyone who has ever tried to reflect their own fantasies with a pencil or paints on paper will agree with this. Fine art is easier for novice artists, for ordinary schoolchildren it is more difficult. But for everyone who is full of inspiration and self-confidence, the drawing will turn out to be bright, interesting and unusual. It is always better to start art classes with what is familiar: with simple flowers, pets, or simple illustrations on the topic: "school". For children, they will be an excellent craft for memory, and for adults they will cause a warm nostalgic mood. But how to draw a school so as not to miss anything, and all the details were in place? The ideal option is to use our step-by-step instructions with photos and videos. See how to draw a teacher, classroom, school yard and more in our today's article.

How to draw a native school with a simple pencil step by step - instructions for children 7-8 years old

Drawing a school in stages with a simple pencil is not at all difficult. You can convey on paper your attitude to your favorite educational institution by depicting a classroom, the first teacher with a pointer in his hand, a bell with a ribbon, or a briefcase with a textbook. Or you can simply draw your city or village school with all its nuances and features: wide front doors, high window arches, traditional balustrades and a multi-stage porch.

Read and watch how to draw your own school with a simple pencil step by step, in the instructions for children 7-8 years old.

Necessary materials for drawing "Native school" with a simple pencil according to the instructions for children

  • sharpened pencil
  • eraser
  • ruler

Step-by-step instructions for creating a drawing "Native school" with a pencil for children 7-8 years old

How to draw a school of the future with paints for a child in grade 5

What does the school of the future look like in your imagination? What grades would you like to study in? What is the school yard filled with, in which new students will happily spend time? Have you already thought about it? It's time to reflect your fantasies on paper and paint the school of the future with paints for a child in the 5th grade. With a large and friendly front entrance and wide bright windows, with colorful curtains or flower pots, with a traditional low parapet or a colorful flower greenhouse. How to draw the school of the future with paints for a child in the 5th grade, the artist himself will decide.

Necessary materials for drawing "School of the Future" with paints

  • a sheet of white landscape paper A4
  • simple sharpened pencil
  • honey watercolor paints
  • artistic brushes
  • eraser

Step-by-step instructions on how to paint the school of the future child in grade 5

  1. Lay a sheet of landscape paper horizontally. In the middle, draw a small rectangle stretched to the sides. On both sides, add a narrow rectangle, protruding just below the central one. So you get the outline of a U-shaped school building.
  2. Draw two straight horizontal lines across the entire building, dividing the building into three even horizontal parts.
  3. On the lower "floor" in the very center, draw a double-leaf front door.
  4. Add details to the front doors: canopy, threshold, door handles and steps.
  5. On the central body of the building, erase the old lines and draw seven new ones that divide the wall into even horizontal stripes.
  6. In every second strip, draw small vertical stripes that form square windows. Erase the rest of the lines.
  7. Draw long horizontal stripes on the side cases in the same way.
  8. Add vertical lines to make windows. Erase all excess.
  9. In each window, hover over the window sill and window frame. Add a suitable roof to the school. On separate windows, you can draw curtains or flower pots with small plants.

Keep in mind! If desired, you can add a relief to the walls (tiled, brick, etc.). To do this, it is enough to draw a thin grid on the flat surfaces of the facades, barely pressing the pencil.

Detailed instructions on how to draw a PE teacher, schoolyard or classroom for beginners

Each novice artist depicts the school on canvas in his own way: someone - in the form of a cozy "watercolor" school yard, someone embodies it in the form of a little schoolboy with a heavy satchel. We offer all young talents to draw their own class with strict rows of old desks and a wide, neat board. For detailed instructions on how to draw a physical education teacher, a schoolyard or a classroom, for novice artists, look below.

Necessary materials for drawing "Native class" for novice artists

  • sharpened pencil
  • eraser
  • ruler not less than 10 cm

Detailed instructions for beginner artists on how to draw a school class

  1. To make the classroom fit perfectly on the landscape sheet, lay it horizontally on the table. Divide the canvas into several zones (floor, ceiling, wall, etc.), as in the photo, using a simple pencil and ruler.
  2. At the second stage, draw a diagram of the arrangement of rows with desks, windows on the walls, and a blackboard.
  3. Start drawing the contours of the desks with high legs, leaving the same distance between them. Do not forget! Objects closer to us always look larger than those in the background. Even if in reality their dimensions are the same.
  4. It's time to add chairs to the desks and place additional fields around the chalkboard.
  5. At this stage, take care of the windows: draw window frames, add curtains and cornices. Draw relief from the ventilation system, ceiling beams, etc. on the ceiling.
  6. Just below the window, place radiators with narrow oblong sections. Erase all auxiliary lines.
  7. If there is desire and inspiration left, depict two schoolchildren in the foreground leading a simple dialogue. With such detailed instructions on how to draw a physical education teacher, a schoolyard or a classroom, novice artists will not have any problems.

How to draw a teacher at the blackboard with a pencil step by step for high school children

Unlike adults, it is difficult for teenagers to realize the value of everyday teaching work and the global influence of educators on the fate of each of us. But it is not in vain that they say that a teacher is able to make a person out of a monkey. To appreciate the hard work of teachers is possible only at a conscious age, assuming responsibility for someone else. In the meantime, teenagers have to learn to read, write, craft and, of course, draw.

Don't waste your time, get creative! Use our instructions on how to draw a teacher at the blackboard with a pencil step by step for high school students.

Necessary materials for the drawing "Teacher at the blackboard" with a pencil

  • sharp pencil with soft tip
  • eraser
  • a sheet of white A4 landscape paper

On a note! Children in high school can draw the teacher at the blackboard on any tinted paper. An illustration of a teacher on a yellow, pale blue or light lilac background will look brighter and deeper.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a pencil drawing "Teacher at the blackboard" for high school students

  1. Lay the sheet of paper horizontally. In the central part, choose a place where the teacher will stand. Outline the outline of the body and head. On both sides of the torso, sketch out the shoulder joints in circles.
  2. Next, draw the arms in a natural position, depicting the elbow joints in circles, and the rest in straight lines.
  3. Add volume to the limbs. Insert the pointer into your left palm.
  4. Start detailing the image: draw the collar of the outfit and the right sleeve of the jacket.
  5. Draw the teacher's costume in detail - the second sleeve, folds and pockets on the jacket. Depict the hands, clearly drawing all the fingers.
  6. Point the pointer more brightly in your hands, erase all the auxiliary lines in the teacher's outfit.
  7. Start drawing the lower part of the head: depict the chin, nose, lips and a small labial cavity.
  8. Completely draw the face and ears. Pay special attention to the eyes and eyebrows.
  9. Give your teacher a neat haircut. Let the hair be collected in a tight bun at the back of the head.
  10. In the background, draw a blackboard with a large rectangle. Write a primitive mathematical example on the work area.
  11. Erase all remaining auxiliary lines, bring the drawing to the ideal. Shade the teacher's outfit with a soft pencil, add highlights to the eyes.

From our useful article, you probably learned how to draw a school, a teacher and a classroom with a pencil and paints. Detailed step-by-step instructions with photos and videos will be useful not only for children aged 7-8 or students in grades 7-11, but even for novice artists.

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