Draw a winter sport with a pencil step by step. Winter sports - how to draw a biathlete


Yesterday we took up the topic, figured out how to portray a shooter from a rifle and touched on the topic of depicting skiing. Today's topic is entirely devoted to cross-country skiing. Consider a picture where two biathletes are depicted approaching the viewer. How to understand that these are biathletes? Of course, on the rifle fixed on the back. Take a closer look at the rest of the sports equipment at the same time - how does the length of the parts of sports equipment compare with the height of a person? Ski poles are long, skis are short! In general, both of them are about the same length, approximately corresponding to the height of the skier. Let us clarify that in each case, skis and sticks are chosen individually. I just want to warn children against the temptation to pretend, as often happens, sticks as long as an arm, if not less, and skis two human heights. Next: the manner of movement of our skiers is called skating.

I myself used to like to walk like this before - the skating track is wide and without ruts, and when skating, the legs are not placed in parallel, but in a herringbone pattern, as when skating, hence the name. So the skis seem to move apart - this is very clearly visible in the photograph and in our drawing. When we look at a skier from the front, of course, we understand that the angle hides part of the length of the ski. So picture it. As for the sticks, as you can see, they are not parallel to each other, but, like skis, they diverge towards the ground, moreover, every single moment the skier holds them differently. Now pay attention to the figures of biathletes themselves. The legs are almost straight, but not quite (the leg is slightly bent when skidding), the body is long and wide, the shoulders are broad, the head is tilted. How is such a skier different from a normal person? I don't know how to explain it better, but understand that the skier is walking with his whole body. The pedestrian walks with his feet, he can, of course, wave his arms and shrug his shoulders, but this is not necessary. A skier, understand and imagine, leans on his hands (in the end - on sticks), his whole body is constantly turning, he is all involved in the movement and therefore dynamic. Only when you understand this and can show it, your picture will become believable!

Here is another example of skiers drawn in stages:

Figures are outlined.

We draw the structure of the body of athletes.

In general, the drawing is done. It remains to add some details and color.

This concludes today's lesson, but tomorrow we will continue the topic of “drawing a skier”.

Even the image of a woman and a man is not easy to draw, let alone a pencil drawing of a person in motion. Whether it is the action of an athlete, a gymnast, or an ordinary student going to school or home from class, reproducing a sketch from a step-by-step master class will take a lot of time. And although the process is interesting, post with patience, a few sheets of paper and an eraser, you still have to.

Man in motion pencil drawing, how to draw?

Before you start drawing, you need to think over the idea well, or at least choose the most successful option for sketching with a pencil. It is best if the sketch is not complicated, but the phased work is understandable, not requiring observance of anatomy.

The article below demonstrates several step-by-step MKs for sketching, which are suitable for people of different ages, with and without the skills of drawing a person in motion with a pencil.

Girl from the cheerleading group (cheerleading) with pom-poms, photo

A schoolgirl with pom-poms cheering for her favorite team is also called cheerleading. She performs with other girls in a single tandem, demonstrating bewitching dances, distinct movements and gymnastic figures. In the USA, there is even a competition between cheerleading groups for prizes and the title of American champion. It is not surprising that many artists prefer to depict this character on a white sheet in motion. This allows you to revive the drawing, making the person on it not just drawn, but “free”.

Step by step photo tutorial:

1) Make a sketch of the girl so that a real “framework” is obtained on a piece of paper. To do this, use a simple pencil and an eraser to correct errors.

Important! In order for a person to turn out in motion, it is necessary to focus on the curve of the spine, one raised arm, the other - laid back, and the foot brought to the second leg.

2), highlight and chin.

3) Finish lips, neckline, and pompoms.

4) Finish the sketch by drawing clothes, legs and shoes, select all the lines.

5) Color the picture with colored pencils and felt-tip pens.

Skier in motion, photo

Drawing with a pencil of a person and part-time skier is much easier to draw than a girl from a support group. A step-by-step master class allows you to reproduce a beautiful and at the same time easy picture in 3 step-by-step steps.

  • Step #1

Draw the main features of the image, which will help create a masterpiece from interconnected straight lines.

  • Step #2

Bring the sketch to completion by giving the skier proportions, clothing and ski poles.

  • Step #3

Color the finished picture with pencils, paints or felt-tip pens.

Girl in motion, photo

Drawing a child is much easier than drawing an adult. A small person in motion with a simple pencil is suitable not only for the creativity of adult beginners, but also for school-age children who decide to devote their free time to drawing.

  • Step #1

Mark a dot in the middle of the sheet. Draw a straight vertical line from it, and draw the legs, head, arms and head to it.

  • Step #2

Draw ponytails, facial expression, clothes, bag and shoes.

  • Step #3

Erase the extra lines, completing the outline of the drawing.

  • Step #4

Color the finished picture by choosing the right colors for the color scheme.

Running man, photo in motion

If our readers have not yet found a suitable option on how to draw a person in motion pencil drawing, then it's time to look at more complex MK. They require strict observance of proportions, while not forgetting about the volume, outlines and all kinds of details.

The photo below shows several solutions, although they are all complex and require detailed implementation.

Video tutorial: how to draw a person in motion

Many people remember more visually when they are shown all the actions by example. So why not take this as an example by watching a detailed video tutorial that allows you to learn how to depict the movement of the torso and arms, walking, running, a person in a sitting position or with a load.

Man in motion pencil drawing, finished work on the photo:

How to draw kids skiing

This is another drawing lesson from the Winter Fun for Kids series.

Consider walking or skiing. . And now here's the topic - the fun of CHILDREN and champions racing at record speeds, we don't need yet. The idea is to convey the peculiarities of the children's figures and the fact that the kids are far from skiing so skillfully, it’s good, if they move at all. Right now, in our school, physical education lessons are held at the school stadium and, while conducting classes, I sometimes look out the window - the guys run along the ski track in all sorts of ways. Someone has already mastered skating, someone walks along the paved ski track, and someone else barely moves his legs and makes sure that the sticks do not get tangled in their feet. Legs are parting ... Oh! So he fell into a snowdrift and is glad to have the opportunity to lie around.

Okay, but we're going to draw. How do children usually draw skiers? If full face, how to show the skis? Elementary - depict skis vertically and put the skier on stilts. But in fact, we see the skis in perspective - very much reduced. Here is an option:

First, we outline the schemes of figures in order to understand the movement itself and maintain balance. Now we draw the young skiers themselves:

In this picture, I want to draw your attention to the proportions of the figures - children have large heads, a relatively short body, legs and arms are also short. These guys are wearing tight trousers and very loose jackets - a fairly common option, so be aware - at first the child walks slowly and dress him warmly, no need to portray children in tights.

Here is another very reliable picture of a boy skiing and turned in profile towards the viewer:

The approach to drawing is the same - first we draw up a diagram of the figure, and after making sure that the proportions are observed, you can draw the skier himself and move on to the details. By the way, here is another feature of this method of movement - the legs are walking, but the hands are carried forward BOTH TOGETHER, and not so that one forward, the other behind the back, as we often see in the drawings of children.

I note that the boy's sticks are very long, as expected - up to the shoulder, so that the arms with the sticks are not lowered, but just raised.

And lastly, let's admire the mass skating.

Drawing a skier in stages for children

Drawing on the sports theme "Skiers". Master class on drawing a skier with children 6-7 years old

Drawing a skier with a step by step photo.

Bodnar Svetlana Viktorovna, teacher, gymnasium No. 1551.
Description: the master class is intended for children 6 years and older, as well as teachers and parents.
Purpose: consolidate children's knowledge of skiing, learn to draw the figure of a skier in motion.
Target: image of a figure of a skier in motion.
1. Learn to convey the characteristic features of a skier's figure (posture, costume, attributes).
2. Consolidate children's knowledge of skiing.
3. Continue to teach how to subordinate various expressive means (color, shape, technique, composition) to achieve the integrity of the image.
4. Develop: visual-figurative thinking, visual-effective thinking in the process of creating an image.
5. Continue to cultivate accuracy when working with visual materials and tools.

When drawing with older preschoolers a skier or a person in general in motion, it is necessary to teach children the ability to make quick sketches of a person's figure in various positions. This skill appears in children with systematic exercises. To achieve a more successful completion of the task, it is necessary to select the appropriate illustrations. On the eve of the image of an athlete, it is good to have a conversation about different sports and athletes.

Material for work:
1 Gouache paints.
2 Watercolor paints.
3 Colored pencils.
4 Sheet of white watercolor paper A4
5 Elastic band.
6 Simple pencil.
7 Paint brush
8 Water jar.
9 Schematic representation of a skier.
Working process:
Reading of Lev Kvitko's poem "Skier".
Can't see
Completely each other
Cheeks are cold
On the run
Let's overtake
We are a blizzard!
Everything is faster
skis flash,
The goal is getting closer
Through the spruce
Through the bushes
From the pass
From high.
No for skiers
Who will rush
Earlier then others?
On the way to
We're rushing
Everything forward.
Let it be dangerous
Let the paths
Very cool
Lifts -
We don't give up!
Up and down
Whirlwind run!
Fur tree, pine tree,
Step aside!
Let it rage
Freezing -
will take place
Ski cross!

The teacher invites the children to draw each of their skiers with a number (negotiate the number in advance), so that after drawing they can gather all the skiers and organize the Ski Competitions at the exhibition.
Let's get to work.

1. For a more successful explanation of the athlete's position to children during skiing, it is very good to use special puppets in which the elbows and knees are bent.

2. At preschool age, visibility is very important.

3. We arrange the sheet vertically. With a simple pencil, we outline the lines of the mountains.

4. Making the background: top (sky) - light blue; bottom (mountains) - white.

5. Now we make a sketch of the skier: draw a circle (head) in the upper right corner.

6. With the help of lines, we sketch the location of the torso, arms and legs in motion.

7. Next, draw a large circle - the torso to the waist, a smaller circle - the pelvic part. Then we draw ovals - arms to the elbow and after the elbow, ovals - legs to the knees and after the knees.

8. With the help of smooth lines we draw a neck, also with the help of smooth lines we collect the whole drawing: connecting the torso - circles, ovals - arms and legs.

9. Now that our pencil sketch is ready, we erase the auxiliary lines with an elastic band and dress our skier, draw the details: face, hair.

10. Add skis and sticks to our image.

11. We finish the landscape with fir trees and a bush.

12. We take watercolors and start working in color: a tracksuit and a cap can be offered to children to model in any color.

13. Add a scarf, mittens, boots to the image.

14. We color the skis, sticks, and cover the spruces and bushes with white gouache, making them snowy.

15. To highlight the lines of the mountains, add a drop of black paint to the white gouache, achieving a slightly gray tint, and shade the mountains.
Our skier is ready!
Now you can arrange a competition!

3-8 years old, who is just taking the first steps on skis, then this type of drawing will do.

First, sketch out the figure of the baby. An oval or circle is his future face. Since it is winter, the young child is dressed in a warm jacket, overalls, or loose pants.

Start with a jacket. From the chin, draw a rectangle, slightly extended down. Round its 2 upper lines - these are the shoulders. The neck does not need to be drawn, as it is hidden under a collar or scarf.

From the bottom of the jacket, schematically depict the lower part of the garment - these are warm trousers. If one leg of the child is slightly bent, then draw a small angle on one of the knees.

Now mark the trousers with a pencil on the part depicting the legs. The back is semi-circular as the skier is leaning forward and descending the mountain. The arms are bent at the elbows and hold the ski poles.

Using a pencil, draw strokes on the figure of the skier so that it is clear that he is in motion.

Draw a helmet on the head. The drawing of the boy on skis is ready.

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A novice artist, passionately desiring to comprehend the science of drawing, must train a lot in the image of the same type of objects in order to master certain skills and techniques. You need to start with small shapes and objects, and when you have already learned how to draw a ball, ellipse, brick and cone, practice complicated tasks. To make the process a little more fun, we invite you to relax and draw ... skiing.


Draw skiing- a very useful activity. Here you will practice perspective and vanishing points.
start skiing from the erection of the foundation, which our friend will serve you with a brick or a box, as you like. Draw this one as if you are looking at it from an angle - from above and from the side at the same time. The height of the front side should correspond to the height of the skis from the base to the top of the curved nose. And the side is the length skiing. Find a vanishing point. Draw a vertical line that matches your eye level. Continue the guide lines from the main sides of the brick to one point. You have identified a vanishing point, hold on to it.

Move on to adjusting your brick to the height of the base skiing. Based on the gathering, draw an auxiliary line that will determine the thickness of the base skiing us. Now, using the top plane of the brick, determine the width of the base of your item.

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