Folk craft in which Sycheva worked. Omsk ministers wrote a large ethnographic dictation


    The Tula region has joined the All-Russian educational campaign Great Ethnographic Dictation. See how Tula people wrote this test.

    And if you want to try to answer the test questions yourself, then here are the questions themselves:

    1. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in Russia is:

A) President of the Russian Federation

B) State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

C) The multinational people of the Russian Federation

D) the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation

2. Russia has historically developed as a multinational state. Determine which territory was the first to voluntarily enter the Russian state, if it is known that the Republic of Khakassia celebrates its 290th anniversary this year as part of Russia, and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) celebrates its 385th anniversary.

A) Republic of Ingushetia

B) Republic of Khakassia

C) Republic of Sakha

D) Udmurt Republic

3. Wooden architecture has a long history in Russia and, thanks to skilled craftsmen, is known far beyond its borders. No wonder the oldest Russian monastery, founded in X century on Athos, is called "Ksilgurgu", which means "woodworker", "carpenter". Masterpieces of wooden architecture are preserved in open-air museums in many regions of our country: in the Irkutsk region - in Taltsy, not far from Veliky Novgorod - in Vitoslavitsy, in the Arkhangelsk region - in Malye Korelakh. In which region is the world-famous Kizhi Museum-Reserve located?

A) Republic of Karelia

B) Udmurt Republic

B) Moscow

D) Sevastopol

4. Correlate the names of sacred scriptures or sets of sacred texts, as well as the type of temples with the traditional religions of Russia (write your answer in the format A-1-IV, B-2-III, etc.):

A) Christianity 1) Tripitaka I) church

B) Islam 2) Tanaz II) stupa

C) Buddhism 3) Bible III) synagogue

D) Judaism 4) Koran IV) mosque

5. 65 years ago, Rasul Gamzatov wrote the poem "Soldiers of Russia" about the heroic crew of the T-34 tank, who accomplished a feat during the liberation of Crimea from Nazi occupation in April 1944. The dead crew consisted of seven Russians and a representative of one of the peoples of the North Caucasus - Hero of the Soviet Union Magomed-Zagid Abdulmanapov. Below is an excerpt from the poem:

They sleep in Simferopol in a mass grave

Seven Russians and _____, my countryman.

Above them is a tank, their monument is a soldier,

Still keeps traces of past attacks,

And gratefully brought the country

Their names are on the marble slab.

What word is missing?

A) Chechen

B) Avar

B) footer

D) Dargin

6. Many educators of Russia, who showed concern for the development of national languages, at the same time sought to familiarize the peoples with the all-Russian culture and history, taught love for both the small and the great Motherland-Russia. Among them can be called the great educator of the Chuvash people Ivan Yakovlev, the Bashkir people - Miftakhetdin Akmulla. For Altaians and Teleuts, the name of Mikhail Chevalkov means a lot. Determine the son of which people is the educator Kayum Nasyri:

A) Ingush

B) Tatars

B) Udmurts

7. In Yakutsk in 2005, an unusual monument to the family was opened, embodying the friendship of the Yakuts and Russians. The sculptural composition includes: father - Russian explorer and Cossack ataman, mother - Yakut beauty Abakayade Syuchyu, their son Lyubim. What is the name of the father of the family - the great Russian explorer:

A) Semyon Dezhnev

B) Vitus Bering

C) Nikolay Miklukho-Maclay

D) Petr Semenov-Tien-Shansky

8. Appaz Iliev is the oldest person in Russia. On March 1, 2017, he turned 121 years old. In his recent interview, answering the question of what is most important today for the inhabitants of multinational, multimillion-strong Russia, the long-liver said: “Russians must always tell the truth, live in justice, then there will be benefits. If today you live by the truth, then tomorrow there will be a normal life. Today we have a fair ruler in our country, take all the good out of this situation.” 43 families live in the native village of the oldest person, and they all have the same surname - the Ilievs. Name the region where this village is located:

A) Nizhny Novgorod region

B) Altai Territory

C) Orenburg region

D) Republic of Ingushetia

9. It is known that the outstanding Russian poet A. S. Pushkin was greatly influenced by his nanny Arina Rodionovna, who, according to one version, was of Finno-Ugric origin and was from the village of Lampovo in Ingermanland. Indicate in which regions Ingrians currently live:

A) Udmurt Republic

B) Republic of Karelia

C) St. Petersburg, Leningrad region

D) Kaliningrad

10. InXX century in our country, among the masters of folk crafts, who were previously considered "peasant", there appeared outstanding masters of women. Manaba Omarovna Magomedova became the first woman in Dagestan to devote herself to metal jewelry processing. The first female engraver in Chukotka was Vera Aromke Emkul. The first artist on the Palekh lacquer miniature was Sofya Mikhailovna Golikova (Vakurova). Name the well-known folk craft in which Maria Alekseevna Sycheva (Uglovskaya) worked - the first woman who was initiated into the secret of applying drawings from a special alloy for metal:

A) Dymkovo toy

B) artistic carving

C) Veliky Ustyug blackening on silver

D) soldered filigree

11. "Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern - a man and a ship" - the well-known words of the postman Pechkin from a favorite children's cartoon. Under the command of Admiral I. F. Kruzenshtern, there was absolutely the first Russian round-the-world trip. Ivan Fedorovich for the first time mapped most of the coast of Sakhalin and described the life and customs of the indigenous inhabitants of this island. Who are they :

B) Udmurts

B) Lezgins

12. Tatar craftswomen made izyu (or izu) cloth breastplates for women's clothing, skillfully decorating them with silk and gold-woven ribbons. Izya was worn only by married women. For what purpose:

A) for wind protection

B) hide the chest section of a woman's dress

B) just to show wealth

D) exclusively as decoration

13. One of the most famous military pilots of the Great Patriotic War, a Lak by his father and a Crimean Tatar by his mother, at the age of 25 became twice a Hero of the Soviet Union. In total, during the war, he made 603 sorties, conducted 150 air battles, in which he personally shot down 30 and as part of a group of 19 enemy aircraft. Say his name:

A) Alexander Pokryshkin

B) Vladimir Kokkinaki

C) Alexey Maresyev

D) Amet-Khan Sultan

14. The dances of every people of Russia have contributed to the culture of our country. At the same time, folk art has a lot in common, for example, circular dances: among the Buryats it is yokhor, among Ossetians it is simd, among Russians it is a round dance. What is the name of a similar dance among the Lezgins?

A) Karagod

B) yally yar

D) lady

15. During the Patriotic War of 1812, the French army called the representatives of this people "Northern Cupids" for their virtuoso archery. Who are we talking about?

F) Chechens

B) Karelians

B) Bashkirs

D) Russians

16. One of the most famous collectors of Russian fairy tales was Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasyev. He published more than 70 articles devoted to the study of the fairy tales of the Russian people, including "Grandfather brownie", "Zoomorphic deities among the Slavs", "Poetic legends about the heavenly bodies". In addition, A. N. Afanasyev published a collection of Russian folk tales. Indicate how many fairy tales are included in this collection:

17. Altai folk narrators, kaichy, accompany their narration with the accompaniment of an unusual instrument resembling domra - topshur. This instrument is made from a single piece of a tree sacred to the Altaians - cedar. What the strings for this instrument are made of (choose the correct option from the list below):

A) from the intestines of animals

B) nettle

B) leather

D) horse hair

18. In the traditional cuisine of many peoples of Russia there are drinks made from sour milk: the Tatars, Bashkirs, Kalmyks, Altaians and others - katyk, ayran, koumiss; Chechens and Ingush have yetshura. And what is the name of a fermented milk drink in traditional Russian cuisine:

B) Varenets

B) yogurt

D) suorat

19. The defense of this fortress - from the morning of June 22 until September 1941 - is an example of the fearlessness, valor and heroism of the Soviet people. It has been established that warriors of more than 30 nationalities fought to the death here, demonstrating loyalty to the friendship of the peoples of our multinational Motherland. What fortress are you talking about? :

A) Kronstadt fortress

B) Oreshek fortress

C) Peter and Paul Fortress

D) Brest Fortress

20. It is known that by the decree of Peter I, for the first time, the holy book of Muslims, the Koran, and the biography of the Prophet Muhammad were translated into Russian. And by whose decree the Quran was first published in a typographical way at public expense:

A) Catherine II the Great

B) Ivan IV the Terrible

B) Volodymyr the Great

D) Yaroslav the Wise

21. Saint Innokenty (Veniaminov), Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna, Archbishop of Kamchatka, the Kuriles and the Aleutians, spent many years in the Russian Far East, traveling on dogs and reindeer through the northern lands. With meekness and friendliness, he earned the love of the Aleuts, Koryaks, Chukchi and Tungus, built schools for them, taught children himself, and for the first time explored the life and traditions of these indigenous peoples. Specify the city, one of the founders of which was the saint and the name to which he gave:

A) Vladivostok

B) Blagoveshchensk

B) Vladimir

Moscow city

22. Traditionally, one of the most massive and popular holidays that are widely celebrated in Tula is the Trinity. In the Suvorov district of the Tula region, it is customary to “baptize the cuckoo” on Trinity. It means:

A) bake cakes

B) catch larks

B) fry an egg

D) weave baskets

23. In the 19th century, in the Moscow province, a very popular element of clothing were calicos, which were:

A) the type of shirt

B) light shoes made of birch bark

B) a knitted hat

D) a short sheepskin coat

24. What is the name of the collector of folk songs in the Voronezh province, the organizer of the first Russian folk choir:

A) Mitrofan Efimovich Pyatnitsky

B) Igor Alexandrovich Moiseev

C) Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky

D) Vitaly Grigorievich Kostomarov

25. Orthodox saints Peter and Fevronia are the patrons of the family and marriage. What city did they live in?

A) with Vladimir

B) with Murom

B) with Suzdal

D) with Moscow

26. About the Russian enamel enamel, known since the tenth century, enthusiastically spoke back in medieval Europe. Today, this “fiery writing” is one of the unique crafts of modern …

A) Myshkin

B) Rybinsk

B) Rostov the Great

D) Pereslavl-Zalessky

27. The tradition of burning a straw doll on Maslenitsa, a symbol of an ancient Slavic deity, has survived to this day. Specify one of the names of this straw doll:

A) Kostroma

B) Mokosh

28. In the Chernsky district of the Tula province, on the Ascension Day, the peasants baked special cakes smeared with eggs. What were the names of these cakes?

A) stairs

B) pies

D) cheesecakes

29. They said about the Ryazan people - "skew-bellied", because they always had a certain object behind their belt. Which?

“Forgetting my native language, I will become numb,

Having lost Russian, I will become deaf.

A) Tanzilya Zumakulova

B) Gabdulla Tukay

B) Rasul Gamzatov

D) Kosta Khetagurov

  1. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in Russia is (select one correct option from the list below)
    1. Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
    2. President of Russian Federation
    3. State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
    4. multinational people of the Russian Federation
    show Answer: multinational people of the Russian Federation
  2. Russia has historically developed as a multinational state. Determine the sequence of voluntary entry of the territories listed below into the Russian state, if it is known that the Republic of Khakassia celebrates its 290th anniversary this year as part of Russia, and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) celebrates its 385th anniversary.
    1. The Republic of Ingushetia
    2. The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
    3. The Republic of Khakassia
    4. Udmurt republic
    show answer: 4 - 2 - 3 - 1
  3. Wooden architecture has a long history in Russia and, thanks to skilled craftsmen, is known far beyond its borders. No wonder the oldest Russian monastery, founded in the 10th century on Mount Athos, is called “Xilurgu”, which means “woodworker”, “carpenter”. Masterpieces of wooden architecture are preserved in open-air museums in many regions of our country: in the Irkutsk region - in Taltsy, not far from Veliky Novgorod - in Vitoslavlitsy, in the Arkhangelsk region - in Malye Korelakh.

    In which region is the world-famous Kizhi Museum-Reserve located?
    (choose one correct option from the list below)?

    1. Republic of Karelia
    2. Sevastopol
    3. Udmurt republic
    4. Moscow city
    show Answer: Republic of Karelia
  4. Correlate the names of sacred scriptures or sets of sacred texts, as well as types of temples with the traditional religions of Russia
    (write your answer in the format A - 1; B - 2, etc.):
    A. Islam
    B. Buddhism
    B. Judaism
    D. Christianity
    1. Tripitaka, stupa
    2. Koran, mosque
    3. Tanakh, synagogue
    4. bible, church
    show Answer: A - 2, B - 1, C - 3, D - 4.
  5. 65 years ago, Rasul Gamzatov wrote the poem "Soldiers of Russia" about the heroic crew of the T-34 tank, who accomplished a feat during the liberation of Crimea from Nazi occupation in April 1944. The crew of the tank consisted of seven Russians and a representative of one of the peoples of the North Caucasus - Hero of the Soviet Union Magomed-Zagid Abdulmanapov. Below is an excerpt from this poem: They sleep in Simferopol in a mass grave
    Seven Russians and ___???___, my countryman.
    Above them is a tank, their monument is a soldier,
    Still keeps traces of past attacks,
    And gratefully brought the country
    Their names are on the marble slab.

    Fill in the missing word (choose one correct option from the list below):

    1. Chechen
    2. Avar
    3. Dargin
    4. nogai
    show Answer: Avar
  6. Many educators of Russia, who showed concern for the development of national languages, at the same time sought to familiarize the peoples with the all-Russian culture and history, taught love for both the small and the big Motherland - Russia. Among them, one can name the great educator of the Chuvash people Ivan Yakovlev, the Bashkir people - Miftakhetdin Akmulla. For Altaians and Teleuts, the name of Mikhail Chevalkov means a lot.

    Determine the son of what people was the educator Kayum Nasyri

    1. Tatars
    2. Mansi
    3. Ingush
    4. Udmurts
    show Answer: Tatars
  7. In Yakutsk, in 2005, an unusual monument to the family was opened, embodying the friendship between Yakuts and Russians. The sculptural composition includes: the father is a Russian explorer and Cossack ataman, the mother is the Yakut beauty Abakayade Syuchyu, their son Lyubim.
    What is the name of the father of the family - the great Russian explorer
    (Choose one correct option from the list below).
    1. Nikolay Miklukho-Maclay
    2. Petr Semenov-Tian-Shansky
    3. Semyon Dezhnev
    4. Vitus Bering
    show Answer: Semyon Dezhnev
  8. Appaz Iliev is the oldest person in Russia. On March 1, 2017, he turned 121 years old. In his recent interview, answering the question of what is most important today for the inhabitants of multinational, multimillion-strong Russia, the long-liver said: “Russians must always tell the truth, live in justice, then there will be benefits. If today you live by the truth, then tomorrow there will be a normal life. (…) Today we have a fair ruler in our country, take all the good out of this situation.” 43 families live in the native village of the oldest person, and they all have the same surname - the Ilievs.

    Name the region where this village is located
    (Choose one correct option from the list below).

    1. Nizhny Novgorod Region
    2. Orenburg region
    3. The Republic of Ingushetia
    4. Altai region
    show Answer: The Republic of Ingushetia
  9. It is known that the outstanding Russian poet A.S. Pushkin was greatly influenced by his nanny Arina Rodionovna, who, according to one version, was of Finno-Ugric origin and was from the village of Lampovo in Ingermanland. At present, the Ingrians live mainly in Russia.
    Indicate in which regions (select two correct options from the list below).
    1. Kaliningrad
    2. Udmurt republic
    3. St. Petersburg, Leningrad region
    4. Republic of Karelia
    show Answer: 3, 4.
  10. In the 20th century in our country, among the masters of folk crafts, who were previously considered "male", there appeared outstanding masters - women. Manaba Omarovna Magomedova became the first woman in Dagestan to devote herself to metal jewelry processing. The first female engraver in Chukotka was Vera Aromke Emkul. The first artist on the Palekh lacquer miniature was Sofya Mikhailovna Golikova (Vakurova).
    Name the well-known folk craft in which Maria Alekseevna Sycheva (Uglovskaya) worked - the first woman initiated into the secret of drawing patterns from a special alloy on metal
    (Choose one correct option from the list below).
    1. soldered filigree
    2. bone carving
    3. Veliky Ustyug blackening on silver
    4. Dymkovo toy
    show Answer: Veliky Ustyug blackening on silver
  11. "Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern - a man and a ship" - the well-known words of the postman Pechkin from a favorite children's cartoon. Under the command of Admiral I.F. Kruzenshtern, the first Russian round-the-world trip was made. Ivan Fedorovich for the first time mapped most of the coast of Sakhalin and described the life and customs of the indigenous inhabitants of this island.
    List them among the peoples listed below.
    (choose two correct options from the list below).
    1. Udmurts
    2. Nivkhs
    3. Lezgins
    show Answer: Nivkhs, Ainu.
  12. Tatar craftswomen made izyu (iliizu) cloth breastplates for women's clothing, skillfully decorating them with silk and gold-woven ribbons. Izya was worn only by married women.
    For what purpose (choose one correct option from the list below)?
    1. just to show wealth
    2. for wind protection
    3. only as a decoration
    4. hide chest slit women's dress
    show Answer: hide chest slit women's dress
  13. One of the most famous military pilots of the Great Patriotic War, a Lak by his father and a Crimean Tatar by his mother, at the age of 25 became twice a Hero of the Soviet Union. In total, during the war, he made 603 sorties, conducted 150 air battles, in which he personally shot down 30 and as part of a group of 19 enemy aircraft.
    Say his name (choose one correct option from the list below).
    1. Amet Khan Sultan
    2. Vladimir Kokkinaki
    3. Alexey Maresyev
    4. Alexander Pokryshkin
    show Answer: Amet-Khan Sultan
  14. The dances of each people of Russia have made a unique contribution to the culture of our country. At the same time, folk art has a lot in common, for example, circular dances: among Buryats it is yokhor, among Ossetians it is simd, among Russians it is round dance.
    What is the name of a similar dance among the Lezgins (choose one correct option from the list below)?
    1. yally yar
    2. Karagod
    3. lady
    show Answer: yally yar
  15. During the Patriotic War of 1812, the French army called the representatives of this people "Northern Cupids" for their virtuoso archery. Who is this about (choose one correct option from the list below)?
    1. Russians
    2. Karelians
    3. Bashkirs
    4. Kchechens
    show Answer: Bashkirs
  16. One of the most famous collectors of Russian fairy tales was Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasiev. He published more than 70 articles devoted to the study of the fairy tales of the Russian people, including "Grandfather brownie", "Zoomorphic deities among the Slavs", "Poetic legends about the heavenly bodies". In addition, A.N. Afanasiev published a collection of folk Russian fairy tales.
    Indicate how many fairy tales are included in this collection (select one correct option from the list below).
    1. 60000
    show Answer: 600
  17. Altai folk narrators, kaichy, accompany their narration with the accompaniment of an unusual instrument resembling dombra - topshura. This instrument is made from a single piece of a tree sacred to the Altaians - cedar.
    What are the strings for this instrument made of (choose one correct option from the list below)?
    1. leather
    2. horsehair
    3. nettle
    4. from the veins and intestines of animals
    show Answer: horsehair
  18. In the traditional cuisine of many peoples of Russia there are drinks made from sour milk: the Tatars, Bashkirs, Kalmyks, Altaians and others - katyk, ayran, koumiss; Chechens and Ingush have yetshura.
    What is the name of a fermented milk drink in traditional Russian cuisine (choose one correct option from the list below)?
    1. suorat
    2. Varenets
    3. yogurt
    show Answer: Varenets
  19. The defense of this fortress - from the morning of June 22 until September 1941 - is an example of the fearlessness, valor and heroism of the Soviet people. It has been established that warriors of more than 30 nationalities fought to the death here, demonstrating loyalty to the friendship of the peoples of our multinational Motherland.
    What fortress are we talking about (choose one correct option from the list below)?
    1. Brest Fortress
    2. Kronstadt fortress
    3. Peter-Pavel's Fortress
    4. Oreshek fortress
    show Answer: Brest Fortress
  20. It is known that by the decree of Peter I, for the first time, the holy book of Muslims, the Koran, and the biography of the Prophet Muhammad were translated into Russian.
    And by whose decree was the Qur'an first published in print using public funds (select one correct option from the list below)?
    1. Catherine II the Great
    2. Ivan IV the Terrible
    3. Vladimir the Great
    4. Yaroslav the Wise
    show Answer: Catherine II the Great
  21. Saint Innokenty (Veniaminov), Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna, Archbishop of Kamchatka, the Kuriles and the Aleutians spent many years in the Russian Far East, traveling on dogs and reindeer through the northern lands. With meekness and friendliness, he earned the love of the Aleuts, Koryaks, Chukchi and Tungus, built schools for them, taught children himself, and for the first time explored the life and traditions of these indigenous peoples.
    Indicate the city, one of the founders of which was the saint and the name to which he gave (select one correct option from the list below).
    1. Blagoveshchensk
    2. Moscow
    3. Vladimir
    4. Vladivostok
    show Answer: Blagoveshchensk
  22. Samoyed, Dzhigit, Kalmyk, Yakut are:
    1. historical names of ships of the Russian Navy
    2. settlement names
    3. names of folk dances
    4. ways of tying marine rigging knots
    show Answer: historical names of ships of the Russian Navy
  23. Bely Island is located in the Kara Sea and is the northernmost territory of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. For the Nenets, it has long been sacred. It was forbidden to put a tent and take women to the island: according to local beliefs, the owner of the island, Sir Erik, does not like this very much.
    Sir Irik is translated into Russian as (choose one correct option from the list below):
    1. White Tsar
    2. White Old Man
    3. White Wind
    4. White Hunter
    show Answer: White Old Man
  24. Orthodox saints Peter and Fevronia are the patrons of the family and marriage. What city was their life connected with (select one correct option from the list below)?
    1. with Vladimir
    2. with Murom
    3. with Suzdal
    4. with Moscow
    show Answer: with Murom
  25. Which of the ancient cities of Crimea began the spread of Christianity in Russia (select one correct option from the list below)?
    1. Korsun (Chersonese settlement in the city of Sevastopol)
    2. Kafa (Feodosia)
    3. Panticapaeum (Kerch)
    4. Kerkinitida (Yevpatoria)
    show Answer: Korsun (Chersonese settlement in the city of Sevastopol)
  26. Representatives of this people dug out a dwelling for themselves on the slope of a hill or mountain, making an entrance-corridor from the side of the river. Such a building was called "karamo" and often it was possible to swim into it only by boat.
    Representatives of what nation are characterized by such buildings (choose one correct option from the list below)?
    1. Ossetians
    2. Yakuts
    3. Selkups
    4. Tatars
    show Answer: Selkups
  27. Lake Svetloyar is located in the Nizhny Novgorod region, with which the legend of Kitezh-grad is associated.
    They settled along the shores of the lake since the 17th century (select one correct option from the list below):
    1. Mari
    2. Udmurts
    3. Russians
    4. Tatars
    show Answer: Russians
  28. This religious building was erected in 1823 in Moscow on the territory of the Tatar settlement in memory of the heroism of the Muslim soldiers shown by them in the Patriotic War of 1812. It closed in 1939 and reopened in 1993.
    Name it (choose one correct option from the list below).
    1. The complex of mosques Inam and Yardyam in Otradnoe
    2. Cathedral of Christ the Savior
    3. Intercession Stauropegial Convent
    4. Moscow historical mosque
    show Answer: Moscow historical mosque
  29. Military topographer Vladimir Klavdievich Arsenyev and a hunter, a native of the Ussuri region, Dersu Uzala, traveled together for many kilometers of the taiga and became good friends. VC. Arseniev wrote two books about his guide: "On the Ussuri Territory" and "Dersu Uzala".
    What nationality did Dersu Uzala consider himself to be (choose one correct option from the list below)?
    1. Russian
    2. Greek
    3. Chechen
    4. gold
    show Answer: gold
  30. Who is the author of the lines:
    “Forgetting my native language, I will become numb. Having lost Russian, I will become deaf ”show Answer: Tanzilya Zumakulova

Do you know what "cups" are? And what is the nationality of the famous poet Rasul Gamzatov? Or what is the name of the Lezgin folk dance? So I don’t know, but I went to the “Great Ethnographic Dictation”, which today, November 3, was held at several Tyumen venues. I chose the Information and Library Center of Tyumen State University - I hoped that my native walls would somehow help. I don’t know yet how I did it, the results will become known only on December 12, 2017. But, as for me, the result is disappointing.

The participants of the dictation, as befits a student library, were university teachers and students. Well, so am I. And a couple more who wished to assess the level of their ethnographic literacy. Each of the participants received three sheets: the first - a test of thirty questions (on federal and regional topics), the second - a form for answers, the third - a form of self-control, for "handwriting" and other records. For everything about everything - exactly 45 minutes.

The first question - and, as I see it, the first failure: "The bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in Russia according to the Constitution...": 1). The president; 2). State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation; 3). Multinational people of the Russian Federation; four). Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. Well, out of my stupidity, forgetfulness and ignorance, I wrote the first version. It turned out the third one. A shame.

But to the third question - "Where is the Kizhi Museum-Reserve?" - answered correctly - in Karelia. Either he knew, or he remembered the vast expanses of the region, or he just hit the sky with his finger. In any case, the answer will be counted.

Question number 6 - another "unsuccessful". The educator Kayum Nasyri was the son of what people? Eh, Tatars, not Mansi ... In the Tatar culture, and in the Mansi, I, alas, am not strong.

The tenth question: in what folk craft did Maria Alekseevna Sycheva (Uglovskaya) work - the first woman who was initiated into the secret of drawing drawings from a special alloy for metal? Answer options: A). Dymkovo toy; B). artistic bone carving; AT). Great drawing on silver; G). soldered filigree. And ... in the bull's-eye! Dymkovo toy and artistic carving have nothing to do with metal. There are two answers left, from which it was necessary to choose one correct one. And this is the answer B.

The eighteenth question is a fermented milk drink of Russian cuisine: tan, varenets, yogurt, suorat? Well, it's easy here - Varenets, of course. Tan is not ours, "yogurt" is generally a dependent word, suorat - what is it? Definitely the answer is "B". And the answer is correct.

Question number 28. "Samoyed", "Dzhigit", "Kalmyk", "Yakut" - these are ... the historical names of the ships of the Russian Navy, and not the names of settlements, as I answered. Moreover, it was possible not to know the answer to this question, but only pay attention to the quotes. Eh, but I thought that these were words enclosed in signs ...

In general, it makes no sense to check further - there are two correct answers - and thanks for that. You can say: how can you not know such elementary things? Shameful, no doubt. Or maybe not shameful, but now I know. The total amount of points that could be scored for completing all the tasks is 100, and, God forbid, if I score at least ten. However, I can say with confidence: our Tyumen residents need such dictations.


The results of the dictation, the correct answers and analysis of errors will be published on the website on Constitution Day, December 12, 2017. Based on the results of the check, the regions will formulate recommendations for making changes to the curricula in ethnography.

Under this motto, this year our country hosted the international cultural and educational action "Great Ethnographic Dictation", timed to coincide with the national holiday - National Unity Day. Like last year, when it was held for the first time at the initiative of the Federal Agency for Ethnic Affairs and the Ministry of National Policy of Udmurtia, the action covered all 85 regions of the Russian Federation, as well as neighboring countries.

Anyone who knew Russian could become a participant in the project, regardless of citizenship, level of education, social class and religion. More than two thousand sites throughout Russia and in the CIS republics were organized for those wishing to test their erudition in the field of the history and culture of Russia, its numerous nationalities inhabiting it. In addition, online testing was provided on the website of the Great Ethnographic Dictation

In Kalmykia, the organizers of the event were the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic together with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kalmyk State University. B. B. Gorodovikova. The dictation was held in Elista at the same time at seven sites - National Library. A. M. Amur-Sanana, National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan. N. N. Palmova, Elista College of Arts. P. O. Chonkushova, Kalmyk Republican Institute for Advanced Training of Educators, Elista Polytechnic College, Institute of Kalmyk Philology and Oriental Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Pedagogical Education and Biology of KalmGU.

At one of them, in the large reading room of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, at about 10 am, the Head of Kalmykia Alexei Orlov appeared, who for the first time decided to take part in writing an ethnographic dictation in person together with his fellow countrymen. Among them was the correspondent of Stepnye Vesti, who also made her debut at the All-Russian exam in ethnography.

According to the head of the region, such dictations organized over the past few years are not just an educational event, but one of the forms of people's participation in the process of raising civic consciousness, realizing that all of us, residents of a multinational and multi-confessional state, belong to one community - the Russian people . For Kalmykia, the national republic within the Russian Federation, the ethnographic dictation, the topics of its questions, is of particular importance, Alexei Orlov noted. He expressed confidence that the majority of citizens would write it "excellent", and the goal of the action would be achieved: the Russians would feel that they are part of a large common Motherland.

After such an encouraging parting word, the participants of the action began the exciting procedure of writing a dictation. I, too, must admit, it was quite unusual to be, as once in my school and student years, on a written exam. And even though the fate of the certificate or diploma did not depend on him, the feeling of some special solemnity of the moment and the importance of what was happening did not leave him.

The tasks of the dictation consisted of 30 items, the topics of which included both general federal and regional issues. They had to be answered within 45 minutes. Together with the answer sheet, each examinee received a "draft" - a form of self-control, where he could enter the preliminary results of his thoughts. The total amount of points that can be scored for completing all tasks is 30, one point for each correct answer.

Having received all the necessary explanations, the participants of the dictation proceeded to complete the tasks. And they, it should be noted, were not easy. For example, for me, who has always had fives in history and social studies, it was not difficult to answer questions mentioning historical dates and events in the life of Russia. At the same time, questions related to the biographies of prominent personalities in the history of our state, as well as local history and cultural properties, really puzzled me.

In particular, how do you like this task: "Name the well-known folk craft in which Maria Alekseevna Sycheva (Uglovskaya) worked - the first woman initiated into the secret of drawing patterns from a special alloy for metal"? It was necessary to choose one of four answers: a) a Dymkovo toy; b) artistic bone carving; c) Veliky Ustyug blackening on silver; d) soldered filigree. I chose the answer "d". Then, having already checked myself at home on Wikipedia, I found out that my answer was incorrect.

And I got 5 such wrong answers. This is according to my estimates. I immediately thought: I wonder how the Head of Kalmykia wrote the dictation? It is noteworthy that Alexei Maratovich completed the answers in less than 30 minutes. A couple of minutes after him, my "deskmate" father Anthony, a young clergyman of the Elista and Kalmyk diocese, handed over his answer sheet. By the way, I received a hint from him on the question of which of the ancient cities of modern Crimea began the Christianization of Russia. His answer - Korsun (former Chersonese) turned out to be correct.

I will be able to find out the final assessment of my ethnographic knowledge before December 12 by the identification number assigned to me on the project website, where the correct answers to tasks and an analysis of typical mistakes will be published. But in general, according to the idea of ​​the organizers, based on the results of the all-Russian knowledge test in the regions, recommendations will be formulated for making changes to the curricula in ethnography.

Photo by the press service of the Head of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The III International Congress of Traditional Artistic Culture, which ended the day before in the regional capital, is not only an exchange of experience between scientists and artists, it is a solution of exciting issues, an outline of future affairs.

Chinese souvenirs from Russia

One of these issues is the creation of an infrastructure for the sale of handicrafts, as well as the fight against counterfeiting. “Unfortunately, part four of the Civil Code, designed to regulate the turnover of intellectual property rights to works of science, literature and art, today excludes works of folk art from the number of objects of copyright and, accordingly, makes it impossible to apply the institution of related rights to it. In my opinion, this is a serious omission of the legislator. And one of the tasks of the Congress is to develop a consolidated opinion and practical recommendations for solving this problem, - said valid state Counselor of the Russian Federation, Grade 3, Associate Professor Yuri Bundin.

Today, the souvenir market is flooded with cheap Chinese fakes, which can be 6 (!) times cheaper than the original. But our masters are especially offended that foreign tourists buy them as a souvenir from Russia.

Photo: press service of the Vladimir administration

The participants of the Congress decided to propose to the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation to speed up the ratification of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, and the subjects of the country are recommended to adopt similar regional laws following the example of Tatarstan. Thus, the issues of folk art culture will rise to the level of the state policy of the Russian Federation.

The second block of measures, which, according to the congress participants, should be taken by the government of the country and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, is the comprehensive support and popularization of traditional crafts and culture. The resolution included a proposal to hold an annual festival of folk craftsmen, regional competitions, scientific and practical conferences and exhibitions. Doctor of Arts and Professor of the Kabardino-Balkarian University of Nalchik Boris Malbakhov believes that it is necessary to regularly carry out practical work on the revival of art crafts, to identify folk craftsmen and involve them as employees of art crafts system enterprises, to promote the improvement of the personnel training system for such enterprises.

“In Soviet times, great attention was paid to art crafts. At that time, all tourists took local souvenirs as a keepsake. To revive this, investments are needed,” Boris Khasanovich believes.

Artifact Riddles

At the congress, Ugra shared its experience in the field of preserving traditional culture with other regions and countries. The masters of the district are bit by bit reviving forgotten crafts, but not all the secrets of ancient technologies have been revealed by them so far.

More than 20 artists and craftsmen presented their original works at the exhibition "Ceramics - a source of discoveries". The exposition is open at the House-Museum of the People's Artist of the USSR V. Igoshev in Khanty-Mansiysk, until November 26.

“I used the papier-mache technique, and the material was paper, PVA glue, hemp thread, plant materials - grass, branches,” says Inessa Skryabina, artist-designer of the Center for Folk Art and Crafts.- My research work is in recreating the technology of the Bronze Age. To do this, I prepared clay with additives, it rested for several months. And the drawings on the vessels are from archaeological finds.”

Craftswomen from the Kondinsky district Svetlana and Ekaterina Lebedev showed how the ancient inhabitants of Yugra applied patterns to ceramic vessels. Mother and daughter held a master class on ancient turnstiles - special spinning wooden stumps covered with leather.

Ekaterina Lebedeva adds wool to the clay for viscosity and plasticity, and when fired, an interesting color appears on the vessel. She also draws ideas from archaeological finds from sites where settlements used to be. These are Chilimka, Maly Atlym, Barsova Gora, Endyr, Hulyum-sunt, Nizyamy and Luchkino.

“Atlym ceramics has been little studied, especially in our region. The stamps on the ceramics were made so carefully that even modern people cannot repeat this. How was such ceramics made at a time when there was no technology? Neatly, evenly, without rulers and pencils, without a single flaw! Catherine reflects. - Either those peoples had a well-developed eye, or there were some adaptations. And yet - on ceramics, ornaments have never just blurted out. They all had their place. Every cross and every stripe meant something.

How not to dissolve

Master of the Uray branch of the Center for Crafts "School-Workshop of Folk Crafts" Galina Tarasova shows a collection of birch bark snuff boxes. In fact, the snuffbox is now a thing no one needs - they do not use tobacco. The answer to the question “why” has already been prepared - the matter is in ingenious locks on snuff boxes. Of course, they cannot be compared with modern combination locks and safes, but they are made without glue and other fastening materials, which speaks of the then dexterity and ingenuity.

her colleague Ekaterina Smirnova talks about the method of reconstruction and replication of the male and female costume of the merchant class of the cities of Surgut, Mangazeya and Berezovo. The seams at work were done by hand, without using a sewing machine, and the fabrics are selected similar to those found on the territory of these cities.

Chief Curator of the Intersettlement Center of National Trades and Crafts Marina Aypina held a master class on weaving mats. The employees of this institution revived the ancient craft of the Agan Khanty.

“We used to live in tents, and in order to keep the floor warm, grass was first laid on it, then mats, and reindeer skins on top,” said Marina Aipina. - It helped to keep warm in the house. Today, mats are ordered in the center to decorate the interior, or as a gift to loved ones.”

Teremok kindergarten teachers Tatiana Volkova and Marina Zhilyakova came to the congress to get acquainted with the technologies of folk crafts.

“Today we tried to draw, wove mats, made dolls,” Marina Zhilyakova shared her impressions. We will teach our pupils. You need to know our traditions, remember how our ancestors lived, how they created comfort.”

According to the professor of the Moscow State Stroganov Academy of Arts and Industry, Maria Maystrovskaya, Yugra is anxious about the revival of traditional folk crafts and crafts.

“The most important thing in the era of globalization in which we live is not to lose ourselves and not to dissolve in this vast boundless sea of ​​average humanity,” emphasized Maria Maistrovskaya. - And it is in the traditional artistic culture that a person can draw his originality and uniqueness. You do it successfully in Ugra.”

A photo: / Evgeny Zinoviev

Special opinion

Chairman of the Assembly of Indigenous Peoples of the North Yeremey
Aipin: “I want to say a few words about the Masters. I remembered the story of the "great hunter Bakhtiyarov." Here he sees a beautifully built house and says: “Master!” He had the highest rating. Met a hunter - "Master!". I met a beautiful woman in a beautiful dress - "Master!". Why a great hunter? Periodically, he carved on the trees "here the hunter killed the elk", "here the hunter got the wolverine." But why? He didn't do all that. And then, so that another hunter, following the trail of Bakhtiyarov, sees that the elk is no longer there, and leaves. Let the moose live, multiply. And so, when I meet good researchers, scientists, I always remember Bakhtiyarov. I wish you to be Masters, and that every word of yours that you leave in the souls of our residents of the district will increase our sense of beauty.”

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