Population and economy of Kalmykia. Memorial complex "Exodus and Return"


After the "brilliant" Taganrog and spending the night in Volgodonsk, we were rapidly rushing towards the steppe Kalmykia from early morning.

And, looking ahead, let's say: Kalmykia did not disappoint, this republic is damn interesting :)

The closer to Kalmykia, the fewer trees, more fields, and the hotter it gets. Kalmykia, by the way, is the most treeless region of Russia.

And in the south of Russia, travelers expect a lot of fake gas stations. The Lukoil brand is especially popular. Rostov region is no exception :)

And finally, here she is, the cherished stele.

Despite the name, agriculture in this region of Kalmykia is rapidly fading away: the fields are replaced by vast unplowed steppe spaces. Apparently, the soil is unsuitable for agriculture, or maybe it just doesn’t occur to anyone to engage in agriculture in the steppe republic.

Before the trip, we were actively frightened: by the police in Kalmykia, traffic and crazy minibuses in Elista. So, we report: we were not interested in the traffic police, the traffic in Elista is calm, and the minibuses turn on the turn signals and almost do not cut. Only in one place do cars go on red in droves, and even then there is no intersection, but there is only an unpopular pedestrian crossing.

Elista is a small city with about 200 thousand people, almost like in their native Khimki. First of all, we went to have breakfast in a cafe with an unusual name. The kitchen in the cafe was the most Russian :)

Satisfied, we went for spiritual food to the main and largest temple of Elista, which is called the Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni.

The height of the temple is 63 meters (very high), and inside there is the largest Buddha statue in Russia and Europe (height - 9 meters).

And in front of the Buddhist temple, causing complete dissonance, Lada Samara is resting in the shade.

The khurul building, i.e. The temple is surrounded by 17 pagodas with statues of great Buddhist teachers.

There is even an information board for non-Buddhist visitors.

The temple is also impressive by the standards of Southeast Asia. Even in Thailand, this temple would be one of the notable sights.

The quality of construction is quite low, which is already noticeable, although the temple is a little over 10 years old. At the very least, the stairs will soon become unusable.

The folk trail will not grow here.

Despite the weekday, the temple is crowded. Photography is prohibited inside, so it remains for us to tell you that Kalmyks bring huge bags of sweets, cookies and bottles of milk as a gift to Buddha :)

Before you go inside, you need to go around the temple and spin all the reels.

This action seems absolutely simple, but it is surprising that after such a circular walk and visiting the temple, the soul becomes surprisingly light.

Kalmyks are real Buddhists, believers not in words but in deeds. Well, where else in Russia can you meet someone praying to one of the gods in the middle of the city?

Where else does a newspaper hang on the stand that does not have Putin and the local governor on the front page?

The Dalai Lama IV was last in Russia in 2004, when he spent two days in Elista. Since then, he has not been able to get into Russia, since the Foreign Ministry does not give him a visa so as not to anger China.

A temple for a Buddhist is everywhere, and no memorial to the victims of the Great Patriotic War bothers him :)

In the center of Lenin Square (the main square of Elista) is not Lenin, but the Seven Days Pagoda.

Right next to it is the building of the Kalmyk State University.

The southern triumphal arch was erected on the square in honor of the bicentenary of the victory over Napoleon and the entry of the Kalmyks into Paris. In the shadow of the arch, yes, that's right, resourceful motorists park.

The atmosphere in the city is very peaceful. Kalmyk grandfathers sit on the left bench, grandmothers, women and girls sit on the right bench :)

For the whole day in Kalmykia, we did not see a single drunk. A sharp contrast with Taganrog, for example :)

The next item on our program is a museum complex on the outskirts of the city dedicated to the repressions of the Kalmyk people. The first monument is a wagon similar to those wagons on which in 1943 an entire nation was deported to Siberia and the Urals.

The reason for the deportation was the cooperation of part of the Kalmyks with the Nazi army. Stalin was so angry that he decided not to wait until the end of the war and start the deportation immediately.

Forced resettlement continued until 1957, when Khrushchev brought the Kalmyks back with a stroke of the pen. You will hardly find a city in the former USSR where Nikita Sergeevich is more loved, in Elista they even named a street after him.

At the top of the hill is a strange sculpture by Ernst Neizvestny. She calls it Exodus and Return.

Without explanation, it is impossible to understand anything in the sculptor's intention, so let's leave the interpretation of this work of art to other sites.

From the top of the hill, a wonderful view of the new microdistrict opens up, behind which the endless Kalmyk steppe stretches.

Imagine, you wake up in the morning, look out the window, and there it is, the great Kalmyk steppe :) On the other side of the monument there are old, Soviet houses, with nice ornaments.

After driving a couple of minutes in an air-conditioned car (on the street in the shade +35, and in the sun - above +40, it is absolutely impossible to walk), we stop at the monument to Ostap Bender with 12 chairs.

In 1998 Elista, with the support of the then President of Kalmykia Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, hosted the World Chess Olympiad. In connection with this event, a small chess village was even built outside the city. The monument hints at the similarities between Elista and New Vasyuki, it is commendable that the city authorities laughed at themselves :)

Instead of outdoor advertising, bright ornaments hang here and there.

For lunch, we chose a canteen on the outskirts of the city with the simple name "Kalmyk cuisine".

Lena doesn’t eat meat with us, and the food of a nomad is solid meat, so Pasha had to taste it. Soup with the pretty name "dotour" consists of finely chopped giblets and ram's innards. Dumplings are also made from mutton and are called "bereks".

Dotour has a very specific smell, so I left half-eaten. Boreki are delicious and similar to our regular dumplings. Both dishes together cost about 200 rubles.

The cafe is clean, cozy and calm, only locals are around, we were the only travelers.

Diners communicate, many talk in Kalmyk.

A few kilometers from Elista, there is another Buddhist temple, Syakyusn-Sume, which until 2005 (before the construction of the Golden Monastery in the city center) was the largest khurul of the republic.

Khurul is located in the middle of the steppe. There are almost no people in it, there is a house of monks nearby. Ribbons sway even from a barely noticeable gust of wind.

The place is very atmospheric.

For the next couple of hundred kilometers we drove through the majestic Kalmyk steppe. The air is so hot that it is impossible to drive with an open window even at high speed, the air does not cool, but only pours heat. In the shade + 36.5.

The only thing that exists in the steppe is the endless rows of poles and dirt roads that branch off the highway into the steppe in an unknown direction.

The road is of good quality, but it's better to keep your eyes open, there are potholes. Also, very old and slow Dagestan trucks (less than 100 km to Dagestan) are periodically encountered, which, as a rule, are accompanied by a plume of black smoke. Such old cars do not reach Moscow, but there are many of them in the southern regions. A real Greenpeace nightmare :)

In rare oasis villages, cows graze everywhere.

On the video - the roads of Kalmykia, the villages of Kalmykia, the gas station of Kalmykia and even the trucks of Dagestan:

Finally we arrive at Lagan, the number two city in Kalmykia.

Well, how to say the city, rather, a large strong village with another Buddhist khurul. As many as 4,000 people live in Lagan.

We go into the store, a very strange layout of goods, everything is mixed up. In the refrigerator, in five-liter canisters, in which we sell water or washer, blackcurrant juice is sold.

There is nothing special to do in Lagan, therefore, having made a circle of honor, we are moving towards the Astrakhan region. Kalmyk traffic policemen do not bother to stand on the road, preferring to lie down in a car nearby and put up a temporary sign next to it saying “no non-stop traffic is allowed”. Comfortable:)

After staring at the resting policemen, we deviated from the route: the main one, it turned out, was turning, and not going straight, about which there was no warning. Suddenly, the asphalt ended in the middle of the road, the bottom of the car hit a huge hole hard, and all life flashed before my eyes :)

By some miracle, nothing happened to the car, we returned back to the right road, on which the asphalt soon also ended (in Russia, there is often no asphalt between regions). So we met the sunset on a terrible dirt road, on which you can hardly drive more than 40.

Suddenly the steppe ended, reeds, swamps and channels appeared, and we drove into the Astrakhan region and the Volga delta. There was a feeling that one day spent in a distant Buddhist country, and now returned back to their homeland.

The road has not been done for who knows how long, just look at the age of the signs. By the way, Olya is the name of a port on the Caspian Sea.

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  • How to get there

    You can get to the Republic of Kalmykia both on the ground and in the sky. Several highways connect Kalmykia with other Russian cities - for example, the route from Volgograd, Stavropol, Mineralnye Vody, etc. The Elista-Divnoye railway section is connected to the network of other railways, but most likely you will have to go by train through Stavropol or by bus or by plane.

    The bus from Moscow to Elista takes about a day, the fare one way is 2500 RUB. Prices on the page are for August 2018.

    The Ruslan airline operates flights from Moscow to Elista, but it is very difficult to catch them, so you may also have to fly through Stavropol, and from there - to Kalmykia by train or bus. There is only one airport in Kalmykia - in Elista, flights are made to it from Moscow, Mineralnye Vody and Rostov-on-Don.

    Search for flights to Republic of Kalmykia

    Weather in the Republic of Kalmykia

    The climate in Kalmykia is far from being a resort and is characterized as sharply continental. Summers are hot and dry here, and winters are snowy and often frosty. The average January temperature in Kalmykia is about -7...9 degrees in the south of the republic and about -10...12 degrees in the southwest. In the northern regions, colds occur in winter with a frost of thirty-five degrees. But there are quite a lot of sunny days a year - 280. The average July temperature in Kalmykia is +23...25 degrees. The maximum heat is about +40...44 degrees.

    Attractions, entertainment and excursions in Kalmykia

    It must be admitted that the nature of Kalmykia is not very diverse - basically these are the famous "Kalmyk steppes", but this does not mean that there are no sights here. Nevertheless, it is better to start acquaintance with this steppe country from its capital - a small but beautiful city with the poetic name of Elista. The city was founded at the end of the 19th century, and today only about 100 thousand people live in it. The city itself is a unique phenomenon, towering in the steppe.

    Elista is a city with a Buddhist flavor, clean and cozy streets and incredible buildings. For example, here is the largest seven-level Buddhist temple in Europe, the Golden Abode of Shakyamuni Buddha, with the largest Buddha statue on the continent, 12 meters high!

    The Golden Abode contains many relics, such as the clothes of the 14th Dalai Lama and the hair of Lama Tsongkhapa. On the first level there is a museum, a conference hall and a library, on the second - a Buddha statue covered with gold leaf and inlaid with diamonds, above - rooms for individual reception, the residence of the head of the Buddhists, the residence of the Dalai Lama XI and utility rooms, and on the very top floor there is a meditation room, where only monks have access.

    Elista - Kalmyk Khurul

    Big Yashalta Lake

    Among the natural attractions of Kalmykia, it is impossible not to mention the unique Big Yashalta Lake. In terms of healing properties, it can only be surpassed, probably, by the Dead Sea. And despite the fact that there are not resort towns around the lake, but steppe and feather grass, a large number of Russians come to it to improve their health - from the treatment of respiratory diseases to diseases of the reproductive function and for the purpose of rejuvenation. Moreover, a modern medical center was recently built here, today it is one of the best in the list of Russian health resorts.

    In terms of healing properties, Yashalta Lake can only surpass, probably, the Dead Sea.

    Reserve "Chernye zemli"

    Between the Volga and Kuma is the Kalmyk nature reserve "Chernye Zemli" with an area of ​​121,000 hectares.

    Since 1990, these lands have been considered a state biosphere reserve in order to preserve the unique nature of these lands from an ecological disaster, for example, to save the saiga population.

    Here, on the territory of the reserve, there is Lake Manych-Gudilo, where wintering grounds and nesting sites of swans, pelicans, bustards and other rare birds are protected. On the territory of the lake there are 12 islands, traveling on which you can admire the birds of the reserve and beautiful landscapes of wildlife.

    City Chess

    If you are a fan of modern attractions, then you should definitely visit the City Chess area. The prototype of this unique district is the project of New Vasyuki by Ostap Bender, the hero of the novel "The Twelve Chairs". It was built in 1998 as a complex for the XXXIII World Chess Olympiad. The Olympiad has passed, and the "City of Chess" to this day pleases residents and guests of the city. In the center of the complex is a huge Chess Palace, where, in fact, the Olympiad was held. Today it houses gyms, offices and cafeterias. The area of ​​the complex is built up with small cottages, which creates the impression that you are not in the capital of Kalmykia, but in a European town with cute houses and well-groomed lawns. The territory of the district is decorated with interesting sculptures, and there is even a small Orthodox church of St. George the Victorious, which fits perfectly into the architectural mood of the complex.

    Tsagan Aman

    Almost 300 km from Elista there is an amazing place called Tsagan Aman. In ancient times, it served as a traditional outpost for crossing the Volga for the Scythians, Pechenegs, Polovtsy and other peoples who inhabited these lands, and was called the "White Gate". There is also a beautiful temple here - the Tsagan-Aman khurul, installed in the early 90s next to the house where Lama Tugmyud-gavji once lived and served. This temple is a beautiful example of Buddhist architecture with an elegant pagoda with a golden roof, decorated with wooden carvings. Icons depicting the protector goddess Green Tara, who bestows health on Buddha Manla and other Buddhist deities, brought from Mongolia and Tibet, as well as bronze sculptures made by craftsmen from Nepal, hang on the walls of the temple.

    The Republic of Kalmykia is a beautiful and interesting region, unlike most of the Russian cities and regions, which makes it even more interesting to travel.

    Elista is the capital of Kalmykia, founded in 1865. By decree of Emperor Nicholas I in 1845, the Kalmyk steppe was afforested, forest plantations made it possible to populate these lands and form a city. Before the formation of the settlement, Kalmyks camped in these places, calling the area “Elsta”, which means “sandy”.

    Elista has two amazing features that greatly distinguish it from other Russian cities. Firstly, the city is the Buddhist center of the country, and secondly, the World Chess Olympiad was held in the capital of Kalmykia, which the city still remembers. What exactly to see in this city, even if you have only one day, - in our description of city attractions.


    Attractions marked on the map of the city:

    This is a significant temple of the Buddhist religion not only for the republic, but also for Europe. This is a bright majestic place located in the heart of Kalmykia, with its own atmosphere and order. The temple building reaches 56 meters in height, inside is the largest statue of Buddha Shakyamuni in Europe (12 meters). Services, prayers and rituals are performed in the Golden Monastery.

    Enter the temple through the main south gate. At the base of the temple, the White Elder meets the believers. Please note that before entering the Golden Abode, it is strongly recommended to take off your shoes and put on socks, women must be in skirts.

    Between the stairs there is a beautiful fountain, the entrance is guarded by guards - lions of an unusual color, the red doors of the temple are decorated with carved gold patterns. The interior decoration of the Golden Abbey is also rich, the skillfully painted walls tell about the main events of Buddhist culture.

    In the heart of the city are the Golden Gate - a monument of Buddhist architecture, the most recognizable landmark of Elista. The Golden Gate illustrates the life of the people of Kalmykia. The golden arch with red columns is the symbol of the sacred threshold. It is believed that when a person crosses this threshold, his soul and body are cleansed. Behind the Golden Gate lies a white path - a symbol of the virtuous path.

    The arch has a colorful original coloring. After a person crosses the Golden Gate, he can visit a Buddhist temple and the Stupa of Enlightenment.

    An architectural monument in Elista, Buddhist relics of this city are stored here. In Buddhism, it is believed that such Stupas have good power and help people acquire life harmony, cleanse their souls from vices and develop virtues in themselves. The Stupa of Enlightenment is the personification of goodness, mind and energy.

    The architectural structure symbolizes the victory over the difficulties and obstacles in the path of the human soul, self-knowledge and the liberation of the human mind from earthly problems. In Kalmykia, they believe that the Stupa of Enlightenment helps a person to understand the inner Self, to feel harmony and tranquility.

    Another Buddhist building in Elista, the Pagoda was built in 2005. The architecture of the Seven Days Pagoda embodies the cyclical nature, the cycle of life, which all Eastern culture adheres to. Tibetan lamas from the Gyudmed monastery were engaged in its construction.

    The pagoda, in accordance with its name, has 7 tiers, it is surrounded on all sides by small pools. The body of the drum is decorated with the words of a Buddhist prayer, and various mantras were also embedded in it. The prayer drum is able to give peace and harmony, pacify the local spirits. At night, the building is illuminated with a golden and red glow.

    In 1998, the World Chess Olympiad was held in Elista; a Chess City (City-Chess) was built for its holding. This place is still very popular in the capital of Kalmykia. A guest who finds himself on the territory of City Chess finds himself in an unusual cottage village. Each house has its own name, which corresponds to any chess piece. One of the squares of the City bears the name of Caissa, the patroness of this logic game.

    On the territory of the City there is the Palace of Chess, where tournaments are held, there is a chess museum. Competitions, forums, exhibitions, scientific and cultural meetings are held in the City.

    National Museum

    The National Museum of the Republic was opened in 1921. This is the only museum of the region, where the history, culture and art of the people are presented in detail. The museum stores the richest materials of ethnography and archeology, which formed the basis of its very first collections.

    Currently, the Kalmyk Museum stores more than 70 thousand exhibits. The exhibition halls present the history of Kalmykia, ethnography, household items, objects of Buddhist worship, contemporary art.

    Another symbol of Elista is the monument to Ostap Bender, the hero of the famous novels by I. Ilf and E. Petrov. The monument was erected in 1977 according to the project of the People's Artist A. Khachaturian near the City of Chess. The “brilliant rogue” is depicted under two meters in height in the center of a small square, in his hand the “great grandmaster” holds a chess horse. Around Ostap Bender, the famous 12 chairs with tables stand in a semicircle.

    A very beautiful video about the sights and the general atmosphere of the city:

    The official founding date of Elista is considered to be 1865, when a small settlement of peasants appeared in the ravine of the same name in the middle of the Kalmyk steppe, consisting of 15 households. The further growth of the village was facilitated by the fact that it was here that the largest livestock fairs began to be held. After the October Revolution, the importance of Elista increased. It became the capital of the Kalmyk autonomy in 1926, and after another 4 years received the status of a city. During the Second World War, the city survived the occupation, was burned almost to the ground by the retreating Nazis and lay in ruins for almost 15 years. A new era in the history of the policy began in the 70s of the last century, when a railway line was extended to it and asphalt roads were laid. After that, several large enterprises of the oil and gas complex, clothing and food industries appeared here. In the future, Elista developed only progressively, turning into a significant cultural, educational and spiritual center of the Russian South.

    The main attractions of Elista: TOP-5

    Acquaintance with any city is customary to begin with an inspection of historical and architectural monuments of symbolic significance. The sights of Elista, photos and descriptions of which are included in the section, are just her calling cards.

    • Working hours: daily, from 8:00 to 20:00.
    • Phone: +7 847 224-00-10.
    • Website: http://www.khurul.ru
    • Address: st. Yu. Klykova, 63. Transport stop "Khurul".

    The majestic temple, erected on a man-made hill in the center of Elista, is one of the main shrines of Russian Buddhists. The spire of the pagoda rises to 57 m. The building, to which two massive stone stairs lead, is richly decorated in a characteristic style. 17 smaller pagodas with kurde prayer wheels and statues of saints were built around the architectural dominant. The unique complex is surrounded by an elegant fence. Its metal elements are connected by 108 brick pillars, installed at intervals of 5 meters and decorated with snow-white Buddhist stupas. In the central hall of the khurul there is a giant statue of Buddha covered with gilding. The sculpture, 12 meters high, is considered the largest in Europe.

    • Address: O. Bender Avenue. Transport stop "City-Chess".

    Having visited the capital of Kalmykia, it is easy to make sure that the most intricate fantasies of writers eventually come true. It is unlikely that I. Ilf and E. Petrov, when creating their immortal novel, that in a century an analogue of New Vasyukov would appear in Russia - a real town built specifically for the World Chess Olympiad in 1998. Everything here is imbued with the spirit of the ancient game. The central square is named after the goddess Kaissa, the buildings are named after chess pieces. Even the floor in the lobby of the luxurious palace where the competitions were held is decorated with black and white checkerboard cells. The territory of the microdistrict is well landscaped. Travelers will see many colorful sculptures, an elegant wooden temple, and will be able to visit a wonderful museum.

    • Address: Friendship Park. Stop transport "KGU".

    An incredibly elegant building, erected at the end of the last century, is rightfully one of the iconic sights of Elista. The gilded vault of the 15-meter arch rests on bright red columns. The pediments of the architectural monument are decorated in the Buddhist style. They are decorated with 28 colorful paintings that tell about the most important stages in the history of Kalmykia. The masterpiece of architecture also has a great sacred meaning. Passing under the vaults of the arch, a person is spiritually cleansed, finds peace of mind. If at this moment the bells ring, you can safely make a wish. Buddhists believe that in this case it will come true for sure.

    • Address: intersection of Budyonny and Dzhangara streets. Transport stop "1st microdistrict".

    The grand opening of the monument, without which it is already impossible to imagine Elista, took place on May 1, 2007. Then the townspeople for the first time saw a unique monumental composition dedicated to the epic hero - the main character of the Kalmyk epic "Dzhangar". The figure of a knight covered with gilding, galloping on a faithful horse with a banner fluttering in the wind and a Mongolian bow in his hands, is fixed in the upper part of a massive stone stele. The hero seems to be hovering over the city together with the proud inhabitant of the endless steppes - the hawk.

    The beautiful pagoda is one of the hallmarks of modern Elista. A unique building, erected under the guidance of lamas from the Indian monastery of Gedmed, rises in the center of a granite platform surrounded by a fountain bowl. The fifteen-meter building has seven tiers of colorful Buddhist domes, decorated with sculptures and gilding. The main vault rests on 16 beautiful paired columns. Under it is a prayer wheel covered with gilding. Scrolls with the text of more than 30 million mantras are immured at the base of the kurde. After dark, when the lights turn on, the pagoda looks especially impressive.

    Architecture and monuments of Elista

    Among everything, it is interesting what tourists can see in Elista, it is worth highlighting the colorful monuments, of which there are quite a lot in the city. Connoisseurs of elegant architecture will also not be left behind.

    • Address: st. Lenin. Transport stop "Pharmacy".

    Modern historians assess the activities of Ubashi as the supreme ruler of the Kalmyk Khanate in different ways. Some consider him a traitor, who dragged most of the uluses to Dzungaria. Others note the merits of the khan, who participated with the army in the Russian-Turkish war of 1668–74. However, everyone agrees that he was definitely an outstanding personality. The monument to Ubashi appeared in Elista in the fall of 2012. The bronze statue of the Khan, dressed in armor and proudly sitting on a horse, is placed on a 3.4 m high carved pedestal of white stone.

    • Address: st. Suseeva, 21. Transport stop "Hotel".

    The magnificent building, which houses the Republican National Theater, is one of the architectural highlights of Elista. It attracts attention at first sight with its colorful exterior. Three entrance portals on the front side are taken out of the main volume. The main one has the shape of a semicircle and rests on massive columns. The cornice of the mansion is decorated with figured attics, and the pediment above the central entrance is decorated with colorful high reliefs. The facade is decorated with tinted glass and polished granite.

    • Address: O. Bender Avenue. Transport stop "October Cinema".

    The sculptural embodiment of the most popular literary character - an ideological fighter for banknotes and an adventurer tireless in invention, appeared in Elista in 1999. In general, the great strategist is treated with special love here. Here, a cafe, a shop and even an avenue are named after him. It is at the beginning of this highway that the monument was erected. The bronze statue of the "international grandmaster", intently examining a chess knight, is surrounded by 12 chairs with neat tables. Having settled down behind one of them with a cup of coffee, it is surprisingly pleasant to contemplate the image of an extremely charming descendant of the Janissaries.

    • Address: Lenin Square. Stop transport "KGU".

    A genuine decoration of Lenin Square and a popular place for dates is a wonderful fountain, opened in 2006. The unique composition consists of a bowl lined with polished granite and aristocratic marble, as well as an original sculptural group. From the center of the pool, three lotuses seem to sprout, at the foot of which geysers spew water. The stems and leaves of plants are made of stainless steel, and the opened inflorescences are covered with gilding. In the evening, when the music turns on and the fountain's LEDs light up, a real extravaganza begins here.

    • Address: Pushkin Square. Stop transport "KGU".

    The work of the great Russian poet, who glorified almost all the peoples of the Russian Empire in his brilliant works, is appreciated in Kalmykia. In 1999, a monumental composition was solemnly opened in the center of a well-groomed square, bearing the name of a classic of world literature. In front of the proscenium, bounded by a metal lattice with high reliefs created based on the immortal works of Pushkin, there is a cube of black granite. Above it rises a sculpture of the poet, cast in stainless steel. Cast iron lanterns in retro style and a fountain complete the composition. Jets of water into its small bowl erupt from a nozzle decorated to look like an opened lotus flower.

    Elista cultural

    Despite the fact that a city with a population of 100,000 cannot be called a metropolis, tourists will not have problems with where to go in Elista, what to diversify their leisure time. Local museums invite travelers on interesting excursions, and theater artists will delight them with vivid performances.

    • Opening hours: daily, except Monday, from 9:00 to 18:00, on weekends from 10:00 to 16:00.
    • Ticket price: adults 50 rubles, children are admitted free of charge.
    • Phone: +7 847 224-32-81.
    • Website: http://www.national-museum.kalm.muzkult.ru
    • Address: st. Dzhangara, 9. Transport stop "Dzhangar".

    In the funds of the institution, which first opened its doors to visitors back in 1921, there are more than 70 thousand items of storage. The colorfully decorated expositions of the museum tell about the unique nature of Kalmykia, the history of the republic, the life and authentic culture of the titular nation. In the spacious exhibition halls, covering an area of ​​about 1.5 thousand m², archaeological artifacts and exhibits of significant historical value are displayed. The museum has an extensive collection of works by masters of folk art, a rich collection of paintings by Kalmyk artists.

    • Working hours: daily, from 10:00 to 19:00.
    • Ticket price: Admission is free.
    • Address: Chess City area. Transport stop "City Chess".

    During an excursion to Chess City, be sure to visit a small but very interesting museum dedicated to chess. The basis of its exposition is personal belongings and awards of the eighth world chess champion Mikhail Tal, acquired after the death of the grandmaster by the president of the republic, K. Ilyumzhinov. The collection of the institution includes about 3.5 thousand exhibits. It displays medals and cups won by M. Tal at various tournaments, descriptions of games included in the classics of chess, souvenirs and much more related to the ancient game, which many people compare with science.

    • Schedule: performances are given from Thursday to Sunday inclusive. Evening performances start at 17:00 or 18:30, afternoon performances at 12:00.
    • Ticket price: from 100 rubles. up to 450 r.
    • Phone: +7 847 224-49-39.
    • Address: st. M. Gorky, 23. Transport stop "Ice".

    You can have a great evening watching a colorful performance of the theater, separated from the republican drama in 1991. Its troupe consists of talented artists, directors who are not afraid of bold experiments. Classics and plays by modern playwrights are successfully staged on the local stage. The repertoire includes performances of various genres, including colorful performances for children. The theater is actively touring, being invited to authoritative all-Russian and international festivals of performing arts masters.

    Elista cathedrals and churches

    The cosmopolitan city will not disappoint connoisseurs of iconic architecture. In addition to colorful Buddhist shrines, which are no less than in Ulan-Ude, in Elista you can also admire magnificent Orthodox churches.

    • Working hours: daily, from 7:00 to 19:00.
    • Phone: +7 847 223-06-09.
    • Website: http://www.sobor-elista.prihod.ru
    • Address: st. S. Radonezhsky, 97. Transport stop "Church".

    The Cathedral, consecrated in 1997 by Patriarch Alexy II, is the main Orthodox church in Elista. It was erected according to the canons of cult architecture of the 18th century. The building, covered with a massive gilded dome topped with a miniature blind drum with a cupola, looks simply magnificent. You can get into the temple through the porticos, supported by powerful columns. An elegant two-tier bell tower with a small dome is attached to the main volume. The main shrine of the cathedral is an image with particles of the relics of St. Innocent.

    • Working hours: daily, from 7:00 to 20:00.
    • Address: O. Bender Avenue, 7A. Transport stop "City-Chess".

    The amazing temple of Monlam Tamched Drupa is not only a sacred place, but also one of the main attractions of Elista. Its name translates as "Performing all prayers." According to the canons of Buddhism, such a stupa helps a person free his mind, overcome all life's difficulties on the way to harmony. The exterior of the white-stone building of a bizarre shape, having a height of 11 m, is incredibly colorful. Each of the decorative elements has a certain sacred meaning. In the altar room of the temple, the walls of which are covered with amazing paintings, there is a prayer wheel with millions of mantras.

    • Working hours: daily, from 8:00 to 19:00.
    • Phone: +7 961 396-05-77.
    • Address: 7th district. Transport stop "October Cinema".

    The consecration of a small church in the name of one of the most revered saints of the Russian land, St. Sergius of Radonezh, was timed to coincide with the celebrations in honor of the 60th anniversary of the Great Victory. An elegant chapel with a gilded dome was built according to the canons of medieval Orthodox architecture. She is solemn and surprisingly elegant at the same time. On the inner walls of the church there are plates on which the names of 44 thousand sons and daughters of Kalmykia who did not return from the fronts of the Second World War are embossed. Pilgrims come to the temple to kneel before the relics of the martyr Thaddeus.

    Where to go with a child in Elista

    If you are going to spend your holidays in Elista, be sure to take your child with you. The city is amazingly beautiful and is able to offer a young traveler a bright cultural and educational program.

    • Working hours: from Wednesday to Sunday inclusive, from 10:00 to 20:00.
    • Phone: +7 847 224-20-18.
    • Website: http://www.druzhba08.ru
    • Address: st. Lenin. Transport stop "Druzhba Park".

    There is simply no better place for outdoor family recreation than this magnificent recreation in the city. The park is well maintained and is a concentration of attractions. There is a memorial "Alley of Heroes", a lot of sculptures, luxurious rotundas and fountains. Children will be able to frolic on the playgrounds, ride a variety of attractions, take a ride on a horse, pony or camel. A lot of vivid impressions are guaranteed for all family members.

    • Schedule: performances are given from Thursday to Sunday inclusive. The start time of the performances should be specified by contact phone.
    • Ticket price: from 200 rubles. up to 600 r.
    • Phone: +7 847 224-32-10.
    • Address: st. Dzhangara, 11. Transport stop "Dzhangar".

    The bright performances of the Youth Theater are very popular not only among young viewers, but also among their parents. Drama and puppet performances are successfully staged here, often gathering full houses. Director B. Mandzhiev and talented artists regularly delight the theatergoers of Elista with premieres based on current plays by classics and modern playwrights. The troupe actively tours the country, constantly participates in regional and all-Union festivals.

    The focus of this article will be the Republic of Kalmykia. The capital of this region, Elista, is not at all like other cities in Russia. It is worth coming here at least to get acquainted with the enchanting world of Buddhist wisdom. Kalmykia cannot yet be called a tourist paradise, but the region is steadily developing, new hotels are appearing. In this land of ancient nomads, you can live in a real wagon, see herds of wild horses, ride a camel. Read this article about how to get to the Republic of Kalmykia, where to get settled, what to see and try, and what to bring with you as a keepsake. We will also highlight the difficult history of the steppe people and their modern way of life.


    The Republic of Kalmykia is located in the European part of the Russian Federation. In the south, it borders on the Stavropol Territory. However, the majority of the indigenous population of the republic professes Buddhism. This is what makes Kalmykia interesting. You don't need to fly to Thailand or Mongolia to see pagodas, prayer stupas and sculptures of Buddha sitting in meditation. All this is in Elista. Kalmykia, located in the south of the Russian Federation, has a rather significant size. Its area of ​​seventy-six thousand square kilometers is larger than the territory of Belgium, Switzerland, the Netherlands or Denmark. It stretches from south to north for four hundred and fifty-eight kilometers, and from east to west - for 423 km. In the south, the natural borders of the republic are the Kuma and Manych rivers. In the southeast it is washed by the Caspian Sea. From the northeast, the territory of Kalmykia approaches the Volga. And in the northwestern part it is limited by the Ergeninskaya Upland.


    Due to its large territory, it is located in three natural zones at once - deserts, semi-deserts and steppes. The relief here is predominantly flat, and therefore strong winds are frequent here, sometimes developing into dry winds. The climate in the republic is continental. The temperature in summer can reach +42 degrees. Winters are not snowy, but with bitter frosts. The continentality of the climate rises sharply from west to east. But in the south of the republic, the average January temperature reaches only minus eight degrees Celsius. It is coldest in winter in the northeastern regions. There frosts can reach -35 degrees Celsius and below. But the republic boasts a huge number of clear days. The sun shines here about 184 days a year. This is also associated with a long warm period - 250-270 days. And although the average temperature in July is only +24.5 ° C, maxims are not uncommon. Without exaggeration, we can say that this subject of the Russian Federation challenges the Volgograd region for the title of the hottest region.


    On the territory of the republic there are deposits related to the Caspian province of the oil and gas reservoir. Ermolinsky and Burulsky wells are currently being exploited. Great potential in the development of the region is represented by wind energy resources. The government of Kalmykia is taking the first steps towards ensuring that the movement of air masses does not harm agriculture, but brings benefits. In particular, Kalmykskaya is currently being built. The big problem for agriculture is that there is little precipitation - about two hundred to three hundred millimeters a year. Therefore, reservoirs are important for agriculture. The largest of them - Chograyskoye - is located on the border of the Stavropol Territory.

    Rivers and lakes of Kalmykia

    The sandy coast of the Caspian, replete with small bays, represents a huge potential for the development of tourism in Kalmykia. Alas, it hasn't been used yet. The Volga crosses the territory of the republic only on a twelve-kilometer section. Other freshwater arteries are Kuma (it separates Kalmykia from Dagestan), Eastern and Western Manych, Yegorlyk. Most of the rivers of Kalmykia are small, drying up in summer, and at other times carrying bitter-salty water. Therefore, the main landscapes in the republic are dry steppes and semi-deserts. However, it is impossible not to mention the lakes that Kalmykia is famous for. You have probably already seen the photo of the Big Yashalta Lake. The healing properties of its water are surpassed only by the Dead Sea. So far, only one treatment center stands on its shore. It was built recently and probably soon other similar institutions will be built here. After all, people come to the wild shore of the lake to treat a lot of diseases - from respiratory to reproductive.

    It is impossible to pass over in silence fanned by legends. It received its name because of the wind that emits mournful frightening sounds over the smooth surface. Nesting places for waterfowl is Deed-Khulsun. Other important lakes are Sostinsky and Sarpinsky, Small Yashaltinskoye.

    Flora and fauna of Kalmykia

    Kalmykia, whose photos often represent endless steppes and semi-deserts, is the most treeless subject in the entire Russian Federation. The vegetation here is represented by feather grass, tumbleweed, and other species that have adapted to the arid climate and brackish soils. About one hundred and thirty species of birds nest on the lakes of the republic. Of these, twenty-three are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. But what Kalmykia is famous for is the fact that the only saiga population in Europe lives on its territory. To protect this endangered species from complete extinction, the Black Lands Reserve was established in 1990. It stretched between the Kuma and the Volga on an area of ​​one hundred and twenty thousand hectares. Here is also the lake Manych-Gudilo already mentioned by us with twelve islands. Tourists come here to see the nests of swans, bustards, curly pelicans, as well as watch the herds of wild horses run. It's good to be on Manych-Gudilo in windy weather. Then giant waves (up to 12 meters high!) go around the lake. And the wind howls so that it seems that all the evil spirits from the Kalmyk legends have flocked here for the Sabbath. True, there are no tourist bases on the shore of the lake yet. Accommodation is possible only in the private sector of the Yashalta village or in the guest houses of the reserve.

    Population of Kalmykia

    According to Rosstat data for 2015, two hundred and eighty and a half thousand people live in the republic. And in the 2010 Census, this figure was 289,481. This population decline is due to internal migration. But in recent years, this outflow has decreased. Kalmykia is gradually ceasing to be Taking into account the vast territory of the republic, it can be judged that it is small here: about four people per square kilometer. Citizens make up forty-five percent of all residents of the region. And if you remember that in the Republic of Kalmykia the capital has a population of 103,730 people, it turns out that the population density is even less. In addition to Elista, there are two more cities - Lagan and Gorodovikovsk. According to the 2010 Census, the ethnic composition in the republic is as follows: the majority (57%) are Kalmyks, 33% are Russians, and the remaining 10% are other nationalities.


    The People's Khural of the Republic adopts laws and acts. This Parliament consists of twenty-seven deputies. The Khural represents the legislative branch. The highest official is the Head of the Republic. He heads the executive branch and forms the Government of Kalmykia. For seventeen years, the Head of the Republic was Kirsan Nikolaevich Ilyumzhinov. This man did a lot to ensure that Kalmykia, the capital Elista and other cities and villages acquired a European look. In 2010, he was replaced in this post, on the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, by Alexei Maratovich Orlov.

    The history of the region

    It is not simple and sometimes tragic. Various peoples roamed these steppes. Cimmerians, Sarmatians and Scythians, as well as Khazars, Huns, Cumans and Pechenegs succeeded each other, leaving behind barrows and the remains of ancient settlements. This explains such a diverse culture of Kalmykia. In the XIII century, these lands were part of the Golden Horde. More than two hundred monuments of culture and history have been preserved in Kalmykia. Five of them are protected by the Russian Federation. The Kalmyk people, just like the Crimean Tatars, became a victim of deportation. By order of Stalin, people were evicted from their native villages. Thousands of them never returned home. The memorial "Exodus and Return", made by Ernest Neizvestny, is dedicated to these tragic pages in the history of the Kalmyk people. The monument is located in Elista.

    Modern culture is inextricably linked with the dominant religion in the Republic. After all, the Kalmyks are the only people in Europe who profess Buddhism. Everywhere here you can find khuruls - characteristic lamaist complexes. For a long time Kalmyks were forbidden to practice their religion. There was not a single functioning temple, and the old ones were destroyed. The oldest surviving khurul in the village of Tsagan-Aman, dating from the beginning of the 20th century.

    How to get there

    The capital of Elista receives most of the guests of the Republic of Kalmykia. The city has one airport. It receives regular flights from Moscow, Stavropol, Rostov-on-Don and Mineralnye Vody. Travel by bus from the capital of the Russian Federation, although it will cost less than an airplane (1800 rubles), but lasts more than a day. To get to Elista by train, you must first get to Stavropol. There you should transfer to another train moving along the branch line from the Divnoye station. From Stavropol to Elista you will spend eight hours on the road if you choose land transport. Bus service also connects the capital of Kalmykia with Volgograd and Astrakhan.


    This city is called the Buddhist capital. It was founded at the end of the nineteenth century. Elista, the capital of Kalmykia, is a small town. Only one hundred thousand people live in it. Therefore, to get to know him, you can rely on your own feet. Although minibuses are constantly scurrying around the city, there are no traffic jams in the city. The color of Elista captivates tourists. Especially striking is the abundance of prayer stupas and Buddhist temples. It is recommended to visit the Golden Abode of Shakyamuni. This is the largest Buddhist temple in Europe. It consists of seven levels. It is decorated with a twelve-meter statue of the Enlightened One, inlaid with real diamonds. The temple contains holy relics: for example, the clothes of the Dalai Lama of the XIV century. The Seven Days Pagoda has a two-meter prayer drum from a tantric monastery in India. It has mantras inscribed in gold letters in several languages.

    What to try and what to buy

    In restaurants and cafes in Elista, prices are reasonable. On average, lunch will cost three hundred to four hundred rubles. Be sure to try dumplings "berigi", fried in oil pies "bortsok", soup from offal, lamb and tea "jomba".

    In memory of the Republic of Kalmykia, the capital offers a wide variety of souvenirs. These are mainly clothes made of camel hair and felt products - for example, yurt boxes. It is necessary to visit a special area of ​​Elista - City-Chess. It's all about chess here. And on the main street of the mini-town - Ostap Bender Avenue, there is a monument to the Great Combinator. City Chess was built by Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, former President of the International Chess Association.

    In the west - with the Rostov region.


    The saiga population ranges from 270,000 to 400,000 heads

    The territory of the republic is located in the semi-desert zone, a characteristic feature of which is the completeness of the vegetation cover, which manifests itself in a combination of steppe and desert areas, and is the most treeless region of the Russian Federation.

    History of Kalmykia

    After the end of the Civil War, the Kalmyks who participated in the white movement emigrated to Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, France and some other countries. In Russia, on November 4, the Kalmyk Autonomous Okrug was created, transformed on October 20 into the ASSR.

    In December 1943, the Kalmyks were subjected to repressions and deported to the regions of Siberia: Altai, Krasnoyarsk Territories, Tomsk, Omsk Regions. More than a third of the people died during the repressions.

    After the liquidation of the Kalmyk autonomy and the expulsion of the entire Kalmyk people to the regions of Siberia in 1943, an unspoken ban was imposed on the study of Kalmyk history. References to the Kalmyks were removed from encyclopedias and even art books. And in academic circles, a new people was "invented" - the Oirats. The history of the Kalmyks was artificially divided into the history of the Oirats and the history of the Kalmyks. Although both of these names - "Kalmyks" and "Oirats" are the names of the same people, the first name is of Turkic, and the second is of Mongolian origin.

    The autonomous republic was abolished, and after the rehabilitation of the people, it was partially recreated first on January 9 as an autonomous region, and then on July 29 as an ASSR. A declaration was adopted on sovereignty and the transformation of Kalmykia into a union republic (SSR). Adopted in the "Steppe Code", named so in memory of the "constitution" of the Dzungar Khanate, recognized the republic as a subject and an integral part of the Russian Federation, while declaring continuity along the line of the Dzungar Khanate - the Republic of Kalmykia.


    • Population: 285.5 thousand people ()


    Name Administrative significance population
    Elista Capital of the Republic 109,3
    Lagan Regional center of Lagansky district 14,1
    Trinity Regional center of Tselinny district 10,3
    Gorodovikovsk Regional center of Gorodovikovskiy district 9,8
    Yashkul District center of Yashkul district 7,4(2003)
    Garden Regional center of Sarpinsky district 5,9(2003)
    Small Derbets Regional center of Maloderbetovsky district 5,8(2003)
    Tsagan-Aman Regional center of Yustinsky district 5,9(2003)
    Big Tsaryn Regional center of Oktyabrsky district 5,1(2003)
    Shelter Regional center of Priyutninsky district 5,8(2003)
    Yashalta Regional center of the Yashalty district 4,85

    Administrative division

    The republic consists of 13 administrative districts and 102 village councils, 4 cities. Wikipedia features 13 stub articles about regions of Kalmykia

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