The real name is Ruslan white from gum. Ruslan Bely: “Let my only be a woman


Member Name: Bely Ruslan Viktorovich

Age (birthday): 28.12.1979

City: Bobrov, Voronezh region

Education: Military Aviation Engineering University, Voronezh Agricultural University

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Ruslan Bely was born in Prague into a Russian family - the comedian's father was a military man, so on duty he often went to different cities and countries. When Ruslan was 5 years old, the family was forced to move to Legnica, a Polish town.

A few years later they returned to Russia, to the city of Bobrov. Due to the frequent change of residence, Ruslan changed schools, which had a very bad effect on his education. Despite this, the guy still managed to get a certificate with a silver medal, after which, at the request of his father, Ruslan entered the Military University.

The father wished that his son had the same profession, and that he grew up as a worthy person, able to easily overcome life's trials.

While in training, Ruslan became interested in humor and playing KVN. He took part in the game, was a member of the Seventh Heaven team, which won the Voting Kivin.

Having received a military education, Bely signed a contract and served 2 years as a lieutenant, during which time he received a medal for excellent service. However, he did not leave humor, continuing to joke and improve his abilities.

In 2003, Ruslan graduated from the Voronezh Agrarian University, after which he began performing in stand-up projects in his city. At this time, many already knew about the comedian, so from Moscow he received an invitation to participate in the project of the TNT channel “Laughter without rules”.

Any other aspiring comedian would have run to the capital, hoping to win fame, but Ruslan refused. Only the third time he was persuaded to come to the show. Moreover, Ruslan won and bought an apartment in Voronezh with the money he won.

In 2013, Ruslan Bely organized his own show "Stand Up", officially becoming the main comedian of the country in this genre and at the same time the host of the project. He managed to assemble a team of unique comedians, but he does not stop there. Every year Ruslan organizes stand-up festivals, where absolutely every person, professional or beginner, can come and perform.

Ruslan's purposefulness, apparently, is the result of the work of his parents, and even though he did not follow in his father's footsteps, Bely is doing his chosen business with dignity. In the personal life of a comedian, everything is too veiled - for many years there have been rumors that he is in a relationship with Yulia Akhmedova.

In fact, young people have known each other since the days of KVN, they are kind to each other, but they don’t recognize who they are. Together they played in the KVN team "25th".

In some shows, they position themselves as lovers, in others as brother and sister. Both have no children and have never been married.

Today, Ruslan actively advocates and promotes his business, not forgetting that it's time to get married. Bely often tours with a solo program and with the Stand Up show team.

Interesting about Ruslan Bely:

  • He played small roles in the sitcoms Happy Together and Univer;
  • Took part in the filming of the clip of the ZNT group;
  • Ruslan Bely in life and on stage are completely different people;
  • The comedian is a resident of the Comedy Club, the most popular numbers: about Aziz's clip - Mrazish, the origin of women and men;
  • Sometimes sits on the jury of the show « Comedy battle »;
  • There were conflicts with Guf and Yegor Creed because of Bely's monologues about them.

In 2017, Ruslan Bely became a mentor of the Open Microphone show on TNT.

Ruslan's photo

Ruslan leads Instagram, where he posts personal photos, announcements of performances and shots from the show.

And other programs of the TNT channel.

Biography of Ruslan Bely

Ruslan Bely was born in Prague in December 1979, where his father was serving at the time. Until the age of 11, Ruslan lived in the Czech Republic, and after his father was sent, he was sent to Poland, where the family lived in the city of Legnica for 4 years. When Ruslan was fifteen, he finally got to Russia. Then Bely and his parents settled in the city of Bobrov, Voronezh Region.

Due to numerous moves, Ruslan Bely changed school several times, however, despite all the difficulties, he graduated from it with a silver medal. Ruslan's father wanted him to continue his work and also become a military man. Therefore, after school, Bely entered the Voronezh Military Aviation Engineering University without hesitation.

There Ruslan Bely became a member of the KVN student team "Seventh heaven", with whom he spent several fruitful creative years and won the Voting KiViN in Jurmala. After graduating from high school, Bely served under a contract for 5 years, received the rank of senior lieutenant, and then captain and the medal "For Distinction in Military Service."

After returning from the army, Ruslan entered the Voronezh Agrarian University named after Peter the Great, from where he graduated in 2003, having received a civilian education. In parallel with his studies, Bely developed as a stand-up comedian, performing at various venues in his native city.

The creative path of Ruslan Bely

Ruslan Bely conducts active concert work. In his speeches, he touches on a wide variety of topics: the army and the military, women, football players and space. The artist often talks about philosophical things, for example, he has a stand-up “On the Weaknesses of Humanity”.

In 2017, he was one of the judges at the crossover battle-rap sites Versus Battle and #SLOVOSPB. So, it was he who judged the battle between Oxxxymiron and Slava CPSU (Purulent), in which he voted for the latter.

In 2018, the show "Comedian in the City" was released. Ruslan Bely travels around the country with humorous concerts, and each performance is dedicated to the city in which he performs. In the first season, Ruslan visited Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Samara, Ufa, Saratov, Volgograd, Yekaterinburg, Tyumen, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnodar, Sochi and, of course, Voronezh, where he lived in his youth.

Ruslan Bely: “Almost all comedians from the Stand Up show moved to Moscow long ago, but one way or another they joke in monologues about their cities. Some of the locals are then offended and think: “Here, they dumped him in the capital, and now they are laughing.” And I decided to show them that we can do this not only in Moscow. After all, if the residents of conditional Yekaterinburg laugh at jokes about their city, there should be no complaints against me. In general, the coolest thing that can be in a person is self-irony, and the mission of a comedian is to develop it in people. Now is such a difficult time: everyone clings to words, gets offended by jokes ... Although I don’t understand how this is possible. After all, this is primarily a joke. So political shows should evoke a sense of patriotism in people, and our sense of humor.”

Personal life of Ruslan Bely

The artist carefully guards his personal space. Bely assures that there is absolutely nothing to talk about: the comedian has no free time, the whole day is scheduled, so he simply does not have the strength to have a serious relationship.

Ruslan was repeatedly credited with an affair with Yulia Akhmedova, but both comedians completely deny this information.

One of the most popular comedians of the Russian Federation is Ruslan Bely. He, along with Mikhail Galustyan and Pavel Volya, make up the color of the nation in a humorous direction.

He does not sit still, because numerous lovers of humor are waiting for him throughout Russia and neighboring countries.

The man did not immediately become a showman. He left the service to share everything he knows and loves with his fans. Ruslan Bely played in several films that showed his artistic talent to the fullest. The showman dreams of the role of a tragic plan. He says he sees himself as Hamlet. But whether his dream will come true is unknown.

Height, weight, age. How old is Ruslan Bely

An artist of a humorous genre goes in for sports every day. He believes that a person should adhere to the slogan: "A healthy mind in a healthy body."

Ruslan Bely, whose photo in his youth and now can be found in the public domain, observes the daily routine, believing that this will help him live for 100-150 years.

The date of his real birth is hidden by a popular showman. The artist jokingly says that he is always 30 years old. This is the age he looks and feels like.

Biography of Ruslan Bely

A popular actor was born in the capital of Czechoslovakia. There he spent his childhood years and attended elementary school. His father was a soldier, his mother was a housewife. Ruslan has an older brother with whom he is very friendly. Then the family moves to the Polish military town with the beautiful name of Legnica. At the age of 12, Ruslan moved with his parents to his father's new job. This time it is the Russian city of Bobrov, located near Voronezh. Despite the gaps in knowledge, the guy managed to cope with them and get a silver medal at the end of the training.

After school, the guy becomes a cadet of a military school. But he does not act of his own free will, but at the insistence of his father. It was in his student years that he began to play in KVN.

Having received a diploma, Ruslan serves for 5 years in one of the aviation units of the Voronezh region. In the rank of captain, the young man decided to leave the army. He becomes a student at the State University in the city of Voronezh.

After receiving a diploma, a talented guy takes part in Laughter Without Rules. Having won this television project, Ruslan bought an apartment in his city. After the appearance of our hero on television screens, he becomes famous. The showman starred in several TV movies. For example, "Happy together."

In 2013, he opens a new show program "Stand Up", which is very successful. She is loved by a large number of viewers. With programs, a popular comedian travels throughout the Russian Federation.

The biography of Ruslan Bely is currently proceeding at a fast pace. A young man can be in Moscow today, and tomorrow he is already performing in Vladivostok, and the day after tomorrow in Sevastopol. The showman never gets tired, because movement is life.

Personal life of Ruslan Bely

Since 2010, articles have appeared in the media every now and then, in which they write that Ruslan Bely and Yulia Akhmedova are in a relationship. Whether they are actually dating, no one knows. The artists themselves claim that they are connected by friendly relations. Julia considers the man her beloved brother, whom she never had.

Friends say that their friendship is strong. They have known each other since their student years. But when they are going to marry, then everyone will know about it.

The personal life of Ruslan Bely is carefully hidden by the showman himself. He does not tell anyone with whom he is in a relationship, who his beloved is. Bely himself only laughs off this issue.

Family of Ruslan Bely

The showman considers the permanent residents of Stand Apa - Mikhail Galustyan and Pavel Volya to be his named brothers. He often visits them. And he baptized the daughter of Galustyan and the son of Volya.

It is known that the popular humorous figure has parents and a brother who followed in his father's footsteps and became a military man. Mom does housework.

The family of Ruslan Bely is his friends in the club of the cheerful and resourceful, led by Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov. A popular artist often comes to the games, meets with other members of the club.

Children of Ruslan Bely

The showman considers his children to be children who find themselves in a difficult life situation. He often visits orphanages in the Voronezh region, brings gifts. Bely is also a member of a foundation that helps sick children.

It is known that the popular artist has not yet become a father. He assures that as soon as this joyful event happens, everyone will know about it.

The children of Ruslan Bely are his goddaughter and godson. He baptized the girl with Mikhail Galustyan, and the boy with Pavel Volya.

Ruslan Bely's wife

Often the artist is associated with his colleague in the humorous workshop - Yulia Akhmedova. They often perform together, visiting the most remote cities of the Russian Federation. The artists themselves deny that they are in a sexual relationship. They say that they are connected only by friendship.

The wife of Ruslan Bely, according to his confession, is work in various projects. The showman says he's free for now. He did not meet the one who would make him happy. As soon as she appears on his way, the man will not wait long, but will lead his beloved to register the marriage officially.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ruslan Bely

Instagram and Wikipedia Ruslan Bely changes quite often. Even after a few hours, information about the life and work of the artist contains news.

If on Wikipedia you can read only the most minimal information, then the page on Instagram is very active. Here you can read where the showman's tour will take place. On the page you can also see numerous photos taken in the most remote points of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries.

There are a lot of page subscribers. Their number has exceeded 100 thousand. They leave comments, put likes under the photo, wishing Ruslan to continue to please them with his work. The article was found by

Prague. Today he is a bright figure on Russian television. He takes pride of place in comedy programs on the TNT channel, achieved the opening of his show "Stand-Up Comedy".

Childhood and youth of Ruslan Bely

His father served in the Czech Soviet Socialist Republic in 1979, which is why Prague became Ruslan's homeland. Until the fifth grade, Ruslan lived with his family in the Czech Republic, after which, due to family circumstances, they were brought to the city of Legnica, in Poland. And only after another four years the whole family moved to Russia, to the provincial town of Bobrov. Ruslan Bely, whose biography is now of interest to many, already in his school years showed the talent of an artist and comedian. Even then, he was a regular participant in amateur performances, participated in all concerts, was the soul of the class and the soul of a group of friends, which changed quite often due to moving. Frequent moves, of course, left their mark on Ruslan's school performance and his relationships with peers, but this only tempered Ruslan's character, and he graduated from school with

TV presenter family

His father, a professional military man, dreamed of his son continuing his business, and it happened. Ruslan Bely, whose biography continued with admission to the Military Aviation Engineering University in the city of Voronezh, after graduating from the educational institution signed a contract and began to serve in the army. This job was just right for him. He endured all the hardships and hardships of military service with dignity and confidence, as befits the son of a military man.


It was during military training that the well-known comedian began to emerge. As a cadet, he began to actively take part in the KVN game. He was a regular member of the Seventh Heaven team, and he began to win his first victories in this team. In Jurmala, they won the annual festival of musical orientation of the KVN teams "Voicing KiViN". These were his first real, confident steps in the humorous field, from which he began to open the way to television channels, where he became famous as a successful comedian.

Ruslan Bely: "Comedy Club". Biography with an interesting continuation

The next five years of his military service were crowned with the rank of senior lieutenant, and later captain. Ruslan Viktorovich was also awarded. Further, he graduated from another university in Voronezh, this time a civil one - the state agrarian one named after Emperor Peter the Great. Many are wondering how Ruslan Bely got into the Comedy Club? Now he began to participate in the new Comedy Club show, which is gaining popularity. He was noticed and invited to Moscow, to the new show on TNT Laughter Without Rules. But by the will of fate or, perhaps, personal uncertainty at that time in his abilities, Ruslan accepted this tempting invitation only the third time.

Arriving to participate, he conquered everyone at once. He simply trampled on other contestants and left with the main prize of eight hundred thousand rubles. He approached the waste of these finances seriously and made a purchase in his Voronezh - he bought an apartment. As Ruslan Bely himself later said, whose biography could have turned out differently, he decided to participate in Laughter Without Rules, although it was hard and stressful, because it caused losses and failures. The victory in this show radically changed the life of the future comedian, he decided to quit his military career and do what he likes - to make people laugh, with what he can do best and what he sees as his destiny. Today Ruslan Bely is one of the most prominent comedians on Russian television, often visits the Comedy Club, and is also the creator and host of a new very popular comedy show on TNT "StandUP show".

Movie auditions

Many viewers and fans like how sincerely Ruslan performs at the Comedy Club, but we hope that there will be more than one show, but many memorable performances. Moreover, it is always pleasant to listen to his jokes. They are not only truthful, but also help to look at yourself from the outside. Also, Ruslan Bely, whose biography is connected with the army, has repeatedly appeared in serials and even a video. Back in 2006, he was an actor in one of the episodes of the comedy series "Happy Together", and in 2012 he did a similar job in one episode of the new series "Univer. New hostel. He also starred in the clip of the 3NT group "Nuances" together with Alexei Smirnov, Ilya Sobolev, Ruslan Cherny,

We hope that Ruslan will also play in interesting films, as other well-known comedians do. Ruslan Bely, whose photo can be seen even in magazines, is today a bright figure on the TNT channel, a resident of the most popular comedy show "Comedy Club" and the host of the show "StandUp", which, according to many, is the main achievement at the moment in his humorous career. It remains only to wish good luck to Ruslan in his further development as a comedian on the Russian television screen.

They say that Yulia Akhmedova, a participant in the new Stand Up show, is pregnant from Ruslan Bely. At least that's what some media say. So far, Yulia and Ruslan have not confirmed this information. The couple have known each other for a long time and they are simply credited with a novel. There are also joint photos of the couple on the network, but there are no hugs and kisses on them. So this information is not true.

Yulia Akhmedova and Ruslan Bely have been working together for many years. Since Yulia often jokes about the fact that she is not married, rumors brought her to Ruslan, and also gave rise to the version that Yulia was pregnant from Ruslan. But none of this couple commented on the rumors, so you can’t believe them. Julia considers Ruslan an older brother and a good friend, but nothing more.

Recently, information appeared that Yulia Akhmedova, a participant in the Stand UP show on TNT, was pregnant from another participant in the same show, Ruslan Bely. There is no confirmation or refutation of this information, therefore, this can be both a rumor of the yellow press, and a very real event. I think that in order to find out the truth, we must wait for confirmation of this information from Yulia Akhmedova.

Yulia Akhmedova (stand up on TNT) is pregnant by Ruslan Beliy

No, Yulia Akhmedova is not pregnant by Ruslan Bely. These are just rumors spread on the Internet by their detractors. Ruslan and Julia from the city of Voronezh have been working together for many years and it is likely that they are friends. But this does not mean that Yulia Akhmedova became pregnant from Ruslan. And the reason for the rumors was a comic statement by a pretty girl about a positive pregnancy test.

Yulia Akhmedova is a talented and rather beautiful girl, and for sure she knows this child from Ruslan Bely or not. I think that soon Yulia Akhmedova will give official information on this issue.

The first thing today is that there is no information that the girl is pregnant at all, and you still can’t tell by her appearance that she is expecting a baby, but the girl has no relationship, but it’s also not worth ascribed a connection with Ruslan out of the blue

At the moment, there is no official information that Yulia Akhmedova from Stedap is pregnant. And even more so, the rumors about her relationship with Ruslan Bely have not been confirmed. Most likely, the guys work for the public.

Rumors about Yulia's pregnancy spread after her next speech about a positive pregnancy test. But that's just humor. Julia herself says that she has neither a husband nor a boyfriend, and in her speeches she often jokes that it would be time already.

They were born in the city of Voronezh, that is, they are countrymen. This position definitely brings them closer, but how close they are is a moot point. In public, they behave like close friends, but they do not give a reason for a relationship.

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