The name of the competitions by February 23 for schoolchildren. Nominated "Secret Agent"


These competitions can become part of the concert program dedicated to February 23, or they can become a whole event scenario for students in grades 6, 7, 8 on February 23.

Scenario for February 23 for children 12, 13, 14 years old

For the holiday, you will need darts, plastic water bottles, tokens, a poster with a password word on which the letters are written randomly.

Leading: Hello guys! What holiday is our country celebrating today?

And now the question is only for girls: why is it customary today to congratulate not only men, but also boys?

The boys are the future defenders of our homeland, so they must already now prepare themselves for military service. So, guys, today you have an unusual competition. Only those who are fully equipped are allowed to the tournament? Do you know what it means to be equipped? This means that you must have full combat equipment.

In our case, these are: attention, patience, will, apt word, endurance, politeness, humor and ingenuity.

Well, I wish you success! May the strongest win!

First competition

Leading: You need to make a word from these letters WOWWRO, which will be a password and will help you to take part in the next competition. Whoever fails is out.

Answer: Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov. This is a great Russian commander. He believed that soldiers should be educated with ingenuity, the ability to navigate and know their business. Suvorov was an enemy of drill. And also, if the commander asked a question, he did not tolerate when he was answered “I can’t know.”

I suggest you choose the question numbers. For every correct answer, you get a token.

1. Why do you think the spear and shield are enemies, although they are inseparable? (The spear is for attack, the shield is for defense.)

2. When the women of Ancient Sparta accompanied their men to war and gave a shield, did they say, "return with it or on it"? What did it mean? (Come back in victory or die in glory.)

3. Which warrior boasted of his strength and courage, but when faced with death, lost? (Anika is a warrior.)

4. Who established the title of "midshipman" in Russia, what does it mean? (The title was established by Peter I for pupils of the senior companies of the school of mathematical and navigational sciences. Translated from French, "midshipman" means "naval guard".)

5. Who said the famous phrase: “Training is hard, fighting is easy!”? (A. V. Suvorov.)

6. Think and answer the question: a sword, a sword, a checker, a saber are bladed weapons. How are they similar and how are they different? (They all belong to edged weapons. A sword, a saber are chopping, stabbing with a double-edged end, a sword is stabbing, a saber is a chopping weapon with a single-edged blade.)

7. Who is called a fighter of the "invisible front"? (Scout.)

8. What are the names of teenagers who are trained in maritime affairs? (Cabin boy.)

9. To whom do these words belong:

But there is no friendship even between us.

Destroy all prejudices

We honor all zeros,

And units of themselves.

We all look at Napoleons.

(A. S. Pushkin).

Second competition

Leading: Guys, your observation post is located on the "swamp". Here is a bump, but it is very small and you can only stand on one leg. The one who stays the longest wins.

For the competition, you will need half an A4 sheet.

Third contest

Host: Night. Dark. You need to go through the "mined field" and not touch any "mines". The mines in this case are plastic water bottles. You must go around them blindfolded. Whoever hits the most mines is out.

Fourth contest

Leading: You all know that a soldier must shoot straight. Let's see how sharp your eyes are. You need to hit the target with a dart from a distance of 4 m. The one who scores the most points wins.

Fifth competition

One line of poetry is written on small sheets of paper. Participants pull out one piece of paper and complete the message.

The following lines may be written on the sheets:

You are as beautiful as a star in the night...

- Your flexible camp is like a white birch ...

- The bend of the eyebrows, like a seagull above the water ...

Your eyes are like two diamonds...

Your lips are like rose petals...

Leading: Well, now the contests have come to an end. All participants receive incentive prizes. Everyone withstood the proposed tests with honor, they showed that you are real defenders who can show a masculine character. And the winner of our "Knight's Tournament" was ..., who is awarded a diploma and a memorable gift.

Scenario of an extracurricular event by February 23 for schoolchildren of grades 6-7 "Boys, go ahead!".

Holiday progress:

Our today's holiday is dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day. This holiday was established in 1919 as the Day of the Red Army. Since 1946, it has become known as the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. Currently, February 23 is celebrated as Defender of the Fatherland Day in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the Days of Military Glory of Russia", adopted on February 10, 1995. By decision of the State Duma of the Russian Federation since 2002, February 23 is a non-working day.
Defender of the Fatherland Day is a professional holiday for the military. However, this holiday has long ceased to be just professional. It has become a holiday for all men and boys. A man must always be strong, courageous, able to protect his family and homeland, regardless of whether he is a military man or not.
Today, two teams of boys are participating in the Boys Forward competition.
Team name.
Now let's hear their mottos.
Jury of our competitions:
We start the competition.
1. Load ammo.
One person from the team stretches their arms forward. Put as many plastic bottle caps on his hands as possible. This is not an easy task, traffic jams are constantly falling. But fun is guaranteed.
2. Fishing.
Each participant is given a fishing rod - a stick, to the end of which a pencil or pen is tied. Participants who are blindfolded must hit a jar of water with a fishing rod. Friends of the participants help them and suggest where to direct the “fishing rod”.
3. Replace the phrase.
Now let's test your erudition. It is necessary to replace the phrase with one word that will end in - ets.
1. School bag. (Knapsack.)
2. Bitter plant. (Pepper.)
3. Left without a wife. (Widower.)
4. Smart person. (Sage.)
5. Not a female. (Male.)
6. Hiding from persecution. (Fugitive.)
7. Traded in Rus'. (Merchant.)
8. Makes horseshoes. (Blacksmith)
9. Crowns the case. (Crown.)
10. Reads poetry (Reader)

4. Make a proverb.
Each team receives two envelopes. In one envelope - the beginning of the proverb, in the other - the end. Your task is to compose a proverb on a military theme:
1. Law of the Fighter - Endurance to the End
2. The banner of the unit is a shrine
3. Went to reconnaissance - take note of everything
4. Heroes are born in battle
5. Scared - half broken
6. What is the regiment, such is the sense of it
7. An officer is an example for fighters
8. Only those who are afraid are beaten
9. Clean boots go faster
10. The enemy is prowling - looking for a loophole in the soul

Congratulations to girls of the 5th grade (dance "Gypsy")
5. Assistant.
Imagine that this is your little sister. Mom left for work, and you need to braid your sister's hair and tie a bow.
Each participant is given a bow, hair bands, combs. And they braid their classmates' braids.
6. Competition "Stock pocket does not pull"
Host. By participating in this competition, you can bring the team 1 point, even without doing anything.
Why do boys need pockets?
Well, how can you not know!
The boys are constantly in them
Should keep half the kingdom:
Coin, gum, toffee
And also someone's note,
In which a terrible secret!
And what is in the pockets of our boys? Let's get a look...
Everyone puts everything out of their pockets that they have, the team with the most items wins.
7. Providing first aid.
Host: Everyone should be able to provide first aid. We have a fracture. It is necessary to apply a splint and move the patient to a safe place.
8. Tug of War
9. Gas mask.
In the army, every soldier must be able to quickly put on a gas mask if necessary in order to save his life. One person per team is invited. Who can do it faster.
Congratulations girls grade 6.
10. Horse riding.
Leading. A knight is first and foremost a professional warrior. The most important and important thing for him was his weapons and horse. Often he himself made sure that the weapon was in order, did not rust, the horse was fed and watered. Let's see how you can take care of a horse and weapons.
Horses are sticks. Helmets are disposable plates. Spear - gymnastic stick. The knights put on a helmet on their heads, hold a spear with one hand, and a horse with the other. Sitting on a horse, they must ride a certain path in a race. It is desirable that the horse does not lose heart, the helmet and spear are not lost. The winner is the one who first completes the distance without loss.
11. Tool ownership
Leading. Let's see how our knights learned to wield weapons.
Players are given plastic one and a half liter bottles filled halfway with water. Players take them with one hand by the lid and fight with each other, as if with swords. Your task is to knock the bottle out of your hands. The winner is the one whose bottle does not fall.
12. Hunting.
In front of the players, two assistants horizontally hold a stretched rope to which balloons are tied (each participant has one balloon). Your task is to hit any ball with a dart. Hit, so the team brought one point.
13. By seniority.
Distribute military ranks by seniority.
Lance Sergeant
staff Sergeant
Senior Warrant Officer
senior lieutenant
lieutenant colonel
major general
lieutenant general
colonel general

Congratulations girls grade 7
14. Gather your will into a fist
In advance, the children are announced that in the next competition they will need to gather their will into a fist. After that, each participant is given a sheet of newspaper. You need to crumple this sheet into a fist with one hand. The first one to complete the task wins.
15. Difficult position
Soldiers often have to find themselves in difficult situations, extricate themselves from them. A player from each team has their hands tied at the back. A box of matches is placed on the floor in front of each. The task of the participants is to collect matches as quickly as possible.
16. Shoulder straps
Shoulder straps are pre-cut from thick paper. The task of the participants is to, putting shoulder straps on their shoulders, run to the commander, salute him and return back.
Congratulations from the 8th grade (sketch “How parents wanted to smear their son from the army”)

From an early age, guys know that a soldier must be able to do everything really quickly, including dressing. Based on this feature, you can hold a lot of funny and fun games and competitions on February 23 for schoolchildren.

1. One of these competitions can be classic dressing for speed. To carry it out, it is necessary to prepare several sets of identical clothes that the young men will wear in a race. The host calls the willing guys and asks each of them to stand near the set of clothes. At the command of the leader, the students begin to dress. The competition lasts 45 seconds, after which the young men stop dressing. The victory is awarded to the one who managed to put on the clothes. If several participants succeeded, then the winner is determined by how well the clothes are worn.

2. For the next competition, you need to take a few gas masks that are in any school. Participants need to quickly pull out a gas mask from a special bag and put it on. The winner is determined by the best time, which is fixed by the presenter.

3. Since not every school has training machines, you can take several identical pens for the next competition. The task of the young men is to quickly disassemble and assemble the pen. The student who managed to do it faster wins the competition. But in order to confirm his victory, the presenter must check whether the handle works or not.

4. For this competition, you need to buy a few balloons. Its essence lies in the fact that, at the command of the leader, the guys begin to inflate the balloons. Well, the winner is the participant whose balloon burst faster from an excess of air. In order for this competition to go without injury, it is necessary to buy balloons made of thin rubber.

5. To hold the next speed competition, which all schoolchildren will surely like, you need any food, for example, sweets. The task of the participants, on the command of the host, is to eat their portion of food as quickly as possible.

6. Among the main products from the soldier's dry rations are condensed milk, with which you can hold a fun competition for schoolchildren on Defender of the Fatherland Day. To carry it out, you need to buy two cans of condensed milk. The task of the participants is that they need to drink a can of condensed milk at speed. This competition will certainly cause a storm of emotions among the students.

Intellectual competitions for schoolchildren on February 23

1. For the competition, it is necessary to divide the participants into two teams. They need to give out maps and "reports of scouts." Participants need to accurately mark on the map what is indicated in the note from the scouts, for example, a swamp, a river, a settlement, a bridge and a ravine. The team that manages to do it without mistakes wins.

2. On Defender of the Fatherland Day, a competition for knowledge of military history can be held among schoolchildren. The competition can be held both for all students separately, as well as for teams into which students must first be divided. You can ask any questions, for example, “When did the First World War start?”, “What famous commanders do you know?”, “What was the name of the greatest commander of all time?”. The complexity of the questions should be appropriate for the age of the students. That is, fifth grade students do not need to ask questions about who Carl von Clausewitz is. But they can be asked about France's greatest general. The students with the most correct answers win.

3. Another interesting entertainment that can please schoolchildren on February 23 is a competition for knowledge of proverbs on a military theme. The essence of the competition is that the participants need to finish the proverb that the leader begins. For example, the leader says: “Whoever comes with a sword ...”, and the students must complete the proverb (“he will die from the sword”).

Famous proverbs on a military theme can be easily found on the Internet. There are a huge number of them. So that the competition does not turn into a farce. The facilitator can divide the class into teams, such as boys and girls, and ask each team questions in turn. To make the process more fun, for girls, you can choose simpler and more well-known proverbs that everyone probably knows about, for example, "It's hard to learn, easy to fight."

4. An army-themed quiz will be an equally fun game for schoolchildren on February 23. To conduct this game, you need to prepare in advance questions that are somehow related to the army and military affairs. Questions for a quiz can be completely different, for example, “What is the name of a warship?”, “What military ranks do you know?”, “What is the rank of a fleet commander?” other. The difficulty of the questions should depend on the class in which the quiz is being held.

Having prepared the questions, it is necessary to divide the students into two teams. Questions must be asked to both teams at the same time. But in order for the participants not to shout out the answers, you need to ask them to write their versions on pieces of paper. When both teams have written their answers, only then will the facilitator read out both versions.

Fun contests for schoolchildren on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Schoolchildren of all ages love to play, have fun and have fun much more than study. Therefore, on February 23, they can have a lot of really fun contests and games that they will surely like.

1. In order to hold this competition at school on February 23, two clotheslines must be purchased in advance, the length of which must be at least three meters. Those who wish to participate are divided into two teams of seven people. Each team chooses one "soldier", and the rest of the participants become "prisoners of war". The task of the student, who portrays a soldier, is to "string" the rest of the members of his team on a rope. To do this, it must be passed through any holes in the clothes of "prisoners of war". This can be done, for example, through the eyelet of a jacket, a slit for a button on a shirt, or a hole in a belt. The team that manages to do it faster wins.

2. The host lays out the leaves in a checkerboard pattern on the floor, which must be secured with tape. After that, he announces that the participants need to overcome the swamp. To do this, they need to jump from leaf to leaf. Those participants who stumbled at least once are eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who managed to go through the “swamp” without stumbling once.

3. The competition is called "Duel". To carry it out, you need to stock up on a few gloves and two empty wastebaskets or buckets. The task of the participants is to hit the basket with a glove from a distance of at least five meters.

4. Defenders of the fatherland must be not only brave, but also dexterous. Therefore, for schoolchildren on February 23, you can hold a fun competition to identify the most dexterous student in the class. For its implementation, it is necessary to prepare several inflatable balls. Participants must keep these balls on their heads for as long as possible. The winner is the participant whose ball falls last.

5. To conduct this competition, you need to cut out a few phrases from an old newspaper. After that, it is necessary to break the phrases into separate words and ask the participants to compose the initial text. The winner is the team of participants who managed to compose the initial phrase faster. But not only speed, but also the correctness of the phrase should be checked. With the help of this competition, students can feel like coders.

Of course, no holiday can do without fun games and competitions.

Everyone plays regardless of age. All players are a combat crew of at least eight fighters (players). Every game can be a contest, every contest must be a game. In the competition, someone is a winner, which means that there are also losers. But our army does not know defeat. And everyone should feel first... among equals. And if it is decided to award the winner with a chocolate medal on a silk ribbon, then the loser can be cheered up with a chocolate bar, which is more in weight than the medal. The entire game program is given the code name "Young Fighter's Course". It is supposed to play both in "headquarters" and in "field" conditions.


At the beginning of combat, i.e. game, actions, everyone receives a common notebook and a pen. And after each game, when everyone is resting "on a halt",

everyone writes in a notebook what he considers necessary to say about this game, its results, with his own comments. You don't have to write much. Only the name of the game, its brief description, the result. And when the entire game program is exhausted, everyone will have a well-filled logbook, and it will be possible to hold another competition in the nominations "The shortest entries", "The most clear entries", "The most interesting", and the owner of this logbook will be awarded the title of military officer. Everyone from the game has this notebook as a keepsake, and it will be a good incentive for organizing similar games next year.

War trophies

War trophies in our game are funny and clever aphorisms, phrases, anecdotes that you need to pick up long before the start of the game from various sources, for example, periodicals, just carefully cut or rewrite. And during the game, these leaves will play the role of ordinary forfeits. Such leaflets are received by all the players of the winning team, the player who answered the question correctly, etc. And by the end of the game actions, each player will have a certain number of them. Everyone will stick them in their "Logbook". These are his "trophies of war". Whoever has more of these "trophies" is the most dexterous and courageous. He can be rewarded with a good portion of chocolate.

We are few, but we are in vests!

All players are divided into teams. And each team receives a combat mission - to paint their vest. To do this, two completely identical vests are drawn in advance on two sheets of drawing paper, the number of stripes must be the same so that everyone is in equal conditions. Vests should be as large as possible, and there should be as little free space on paper as possible. Of course, do not paint over the stripes in advance, since this is what the players will do during the execution of this combat mission. The number of players in the team should not exceed six people, otherwise it will be crowded. Each team receives a jar of gouache and a brush.

If during coloring there are blots on the vests from too close cooperation, then this is just nothing, it means that the vest is “tested” in military affairs. It is important that the lines are even, and the coloring speed is high. The team whose players do it faster wins and gets forfeits - war trophies. Both vests (both fully painted and not yet completely painted) are solemnly hung up somewhere higher for everyone to see.

Yes, we will shower them with hats!

So let's throw hats at a distance. All players are divided into two teams. Each team must have a hat or any headgear. Each team draws a line, measures a few steps forward from this line and draws another line. There you need to put an object on which it will be convenient to throw a hat. For this purpose, a plastic bottle filled with sand for stability is suitable. So, each team puts their bottle on the line, and at the other line everyone lines up in a chain. In the hands of the first player of the team is a hat. He throws it, if he hit, he goes to the end of the chain. If he misses, he has the right to two more throws. But after them, he still goes to the end of the chain. And the next one throws the hat.

This task can be varied. When all the players have completed the task, you can outline a new frontier. To do this, draw a new line and move, for example, one step further. Of course, the distance for both teams must be the same.

The number of hits must be counted! The team with the most direct hits wins. She also receives military trophies in full force. Another question: who returns the hat to the team every time after the throw? At the beginning of the game, you need to determine the player who will do this. You can resort to a counting rhyme, for example, like this: "An apple rolled across the garden and fell right into the water - gurgling."

Secret combat mission

This game should be played on the court, if, of course, the weather permits.

Of course, in conditions of extreme secrecy, a combat mission is written on a piece of paper, the envelope is sealed. This package is received by a fighter - any player. All other players scatter over a fairly large area. The number of players must be at least eight. From this number, they choose one catch-up. And he begins to catch up with the one who has the envelope. Seeing that they are about to catch up with him, the evader can pass the envelope to another player. Finally, the chaser manages to catch someone. He opens the envelope and reads the secret letter. Anything can be written there. For example, to crawl in a plastunsky way, to perform a song or to receive a prize.


The boatswain differs from all others in that he is allowed to whistle! And the boatswain distributes task orders. The game starts like this: according to the counting rhyme, they choose the Boatswain, give him a whistle, and they all scatter in different directions. The boatswain pretends that he doesn't care. But suddenly, at the most inopportune moment for the players, the Boatswain whistles his whistle. And all players should freeze in those places and in those poses in which this whistle caught them. And they should stand or sit without moving. The boatswain keeps a close eye on them. Whoever can’t stand it and moves or somehow reveals himself, the Boatswain will offer him an outfit, for example, peel potatoes or whatever he comes up with. The player must show with gestures how he does it, but in such a way that it looks like, recognizable. If the player succeeds, the game continues. If he failed, then the Boatswain can come up with another outfit for him. And after that the game continues. You can play until a larger number of players receive their tasks, and then, according to the rhyme, you must choose a new Boatswain.

Captured partisan

You can play partisan in a room, even a very small one. All players choose the one who will be the prisoner - the "partisan". He must stand in the center of the circle formed by the rest of the players. They can ask him different questions, try to make him laugh, but he must be silent, like a real "partisan". If the players, resorting to cunning, still force him to say at least a word, the prisoner is eliminated from the game. To replace him, a new “partisan” is chosen according to a rhyme, or a player who asked the former “partisan” a tricky question becomes a “partisan”. This is how the players agree in advance. But it may happen that the “partisan” turns out to be such a tough nut to crack that he won’t talk, and the other players will get tired of asking him questions. Then the "partisan" is rewarded with a "trophy of war" and instructed to choose a new "captured partisan" from among the players. This game can be played in teams. From each team, the player goes into captivity to the other team, and the players of the opposing team ask him questions. And so it continues until all the players are taken prisoner in turn. The team whose “partisans” turned out to be taciturn wins and receives “war trophies”.

About myself - everything, about the commander - not a word

This is both a well-known saying and a modification of the game "Captive Partisan". The only difference is that the "partisan" can answer questions put to him, but inappropriately. Say whatever you want, but only so as not to repeat a single word from the sounded question. This is a mindfulness game. For example, they will ask him how many pies he ate for breakfast. If the player answers that he had buns for breakfast, he lost because his answer included the word "breakfast", which was in the question. So in this game, both the "partisan" and the players who want to confuse him have to be very careful.

If the "partisan" makes a mistake, he changes places with the player who asked him this question. If the “partisan” turned out to be smarter, then he is encouraged with a “war trophy”, and a new “partisan” is chosen to replace him according to the rhyme.


Every pre-conscript knows that a sentry at the post must not be distracted by anything extraneous, and every sentry knows that he must not be distracted at the post by anything extraneous. Here let him try. "Sentry" is chosen by all players according to the counting rhyme from their ranks. They put him near the wall and, sitting in front of him, try to make him laugh. The combat mission of the “sentry” is to stand like a sentry at the post, not moving, not talking, not laughing, while the players, on the contrary, contribute to this. They can ask questions to him, they can, without paying any attention to him, ask each other questions, they can tell each other something funny, show gestures to make him laugh or stir him up. If the "sentinel" reacts with a word or gesture, he has lost. He goes to the laughing players who choose a new "sentinel" according to a rhyme. If it was not possible to make him laugh or stir him up, then he is presented with a military trophy and a new “sentry” is chosen according to a rhyme.

The game can be diversified, for example, by giving a “watchman” a plate with a ball in his hands, and if the ball flies off from his laughter or movement, then this will be a loss.


All players choose two according to the counting rhyme, these will be the "scouts". They should go aside for a while, but before that, everyone takes some distinctive object for themselves, for example, a ball, a button, a piece of paper. The rest of the players are divided into two teams, and the players of each team take some items that distinguish them from the other team. Items must be prepared in advance. For example, it can be small pieces of paper in two different colors. When the players have sorted out their sheets, they themselves are located on the site and call the "scouts". Those come and must find their own among the players and make up their team. For example, if a scout has a yellow leaflet, then he must find those players who also have yellow leaflets. The team that gets together the fastest wins. And receives "war trophies".

crew list

The crew list is a document where those who come to the team are entered. If someone leaves the team, they are written off from the role. In the game, a sheet of paper can play the ship's role. Choose from the total number of players. This is "platoon". He takes a sheet of paper and a pen, the rest of the players line up. Extreme comes out in front of the ranks. "Platoon" goes along the line and asks everyone whether to "write in or write off." And if the player answers "write in", then the "platoon" puts a plus, if the player answers "write off", then the "platoon" puts a minus. After the survey, they calculate which turned out to be more - pluses or minuses. And if there are more pluses, then the player who came forward goes in one direction. If there are more minuses, then - to another. (These sides need to be marked somehow, for example, draw a circle.) Then the next player goes out, and the other players determine whether he should be inscribed or written off. And when the "platoon commander" rewrites everyone, they consider who turned out to be more - decommissioned or entered. They won, they get their "trophies of war".

Battle for the banner

This is an old game. Many nations knew it and played it at different times. But, of course, each time in a new modification. And, of course, in our festive “young fighter course” one cannot do without such a game. The essence of the game is that half of the players are trying to capture the banner, the other half of the players are trying to prevent this.

All players are divided into two teams. They draw two identical squares - these are their territories, but small, in proportion to the number of participants.

Each team from its number chooses one player, he will represent the banner. In this game, the "banner" is not passive, it can "influence" its capture. The "banner" of each team is located on its territory. In the center of it, you also need to draw a small circle in which the “banner” cannot be touched. But in the free “from capture” time, the “banner” can also walk around its territory, like other players.

The players of the opposing team try to run across to the territory of the other team and capture the “banner”, i.e. touch the player depicting the banner with their hand, knock him down. But his players protect him and, in turn, try to overpower the attackers. If the attacking player is tagged, he is out of the game. The number of players in his team is reduced, and, accordingly, the chances of capturing the "banner" are reduced.

Teams play in turn: one attacks, the other defends. If it was not possible to capture the “banner”, they change roles, and the players who were defending before that themselves attack the opponents, running across to their territory.

The game, mobile and fast, goes in such dashes. The team whose players manage to capture the "banner" wins.

A variant of this game can also be this: they choose one player - this is the "banner", they choose three more - these are his defenders. The rest are attackers. "Banner" is located in a circle. Defenders around. When the attackers approach, the defenders try to overpower him, but prevent the “banner” from being captured. If the attack succeeds, then the attacker becomes the defender, and thus the number of defenders grows.

It may even be so that gradually all the attackers will become defenders, but the “banner” will never be reached. If the attackers manage to knock down the “banner”, then they choose a new “banner” and three of its defenders from among their number, and the game continues.

You can diversify the game like this: instead of salting, try to hit the “banner” with the ball. And the defenders will try to get the ball to the attackers. So the game will be even more dynamic and more fun.

Find a banner

This game is similar to the old well-known game "Hot and Cold", in which the driver tells the searching players with these words where the object they are looking for is hidden. You can play this game in a small room.

In this game, on the contrary, one player is looking for, the rest are hiding. All players choose a seeker according to the counting rhyme, and he goes to the side, because he should not see where the "banner" is hidden. The "banner" hides like this: each player takes a small container, such as an empty box, and places it in front of him. The item that represents the banner is hidden in one of the boxes. Players are arranged in a chain or in a circle. The seeker must guess in which box the "banner" is in. But you can help him. For example, clap your hands harder if he approaches the player who hid the “banner”, and weaker if he moves away from him.

If the seeker does not guess correctly the first time, then he can try two more times. A total of three attempts are given. If he guesses right the first time, he gets three "war trophies", if from the second, then two trophies, if from the third, then one. But if he does not guess at all, then he does not receive anything and joins the rest of the players. They choose a new seeker.


Pathfinders are all players. They are looking for one chosen from their own ranks. It is best to play outside or in a very large room. Prepare in advance several paper arrows that indicate the direction. These arrows are taken by the hiding player and mark their path. But since he is alone, and there are many seekers, he has the right to lay out the arrows as he likes, even trying to show the wrong direction in order to confuse the seekers.

First, the tracker players leave so as not to see how the arrows will spread out and where the player will hide. When everything is ready for him, he gives a signal, and the trackers go to look. But not the whole group, in turn. One will pass, finding the arrows, but not finding the one they are looking for behind the cover where the arrow was pointing, and the tracker returns. Another one follows.

If all the trackers pass, but they still do not find the hidden player, he is given the nickname "Fox" and three "war trophies" are given at once. If one of the trackers finds a fox player, then the whole team of trackers receives "war trophies".

Crawl like a bell

All players choose one by counting, who will crawl first. The rest of the players form pairs and sit on the floor opposite each other, resting their hands on the floor behind them, lifting their legs forward and resting their feet on each other, forming a kind of "tunnel". The player who is assigned to crawl passes this "corridor" in a plastunsky way. But the "corridor" is both narrow and low. If the player crawls successfully, he receives a war trophy and takes place in the outer pair instead of any player of his choice. The player he chose goes to the end of the "corridor" and crawls through it too. If the player touches the "corridor", i.e., one of the players representing him, then he takes his place, and the affected player prepares to crawl like a plastuna.

This continues until you get bored or until all the players crawl through.

One warning: sitting in this position all the time is difficult, so players in pairs raise their legs when a player approaches them, allowing him to crawl, and lower them when he moves away. From them it will require dexterity and endurance. They should help, not hinder the creeping player.

sea ​​battle

This is also a very famous game. It is played by two. Everyone draws cells on a piece of paper, randomly placing crosses in them, which represent ships. The number of crosses for each player must be the same. In turn, each player names the coordinates of any cell, and if his opponent has a cross in this cell, he crosses it out and says “Hit” aloud. You can't peek at your opponent's sheet.

But we have teams playing, so it's more interesting. Therefore, it is better to take a chessboard instead of a sheet of paper. Each team must have its own board. Use checkers instead of crosses. Each team must have the same number of checkers. But you can put them on the board arbitrarily, agreeing that two checkers standing next to each other indicate a small ship, three or four in a row - a large ship. In turn, each team names the coordinates, when hit, the checker is removed from the board. To avoid confusion, teams need to choose a captain who will name the coordinates. But to decide which cell to choose, the team must work together.

The beginning of the game will be determined by lot. The team that first knocks out all the checkers of the opponents wins and receives "war trophies".


Avral - everyone scoops water out of the hold! The hold in the game is replaced by a large capacity, the scoop - by a small capacity. Each player should have one large container and one small one. If there is a basin with a large capacity, then, perhaps, there will not be enough basins for everyone who wants to play. You can take some plastic jars from under dairy products. Only in this case, you will have to scoop out with a teaspoon. Each player takes a cup and a spoon and, on a signal, begins to scoop out: whoever finishes the fastest is the winner, the “war trophy” is his! In addition, you will need a third container into which everyone will drain the scooped water.

Another version of this game is a team game. Two teams play, each with the same number of participants. Each player receives a ladle, and as a team they scoop water from one large container. This is where the largest basin will fit. The game starts on a signal.

The number of team members should not be more than four, so that they do not interfere with each other. If there are many applicants, then the number of teams will be three or four.

Boarding fight

Two teams play, each with the same number of players. They draw a line and put empty plastic bottles in a row on it, no more than ten pieces. A few steps from this line, another one is drawn. Both teams approach her in a chain one after another. From this line they throw a bat-stick 50-70 cm long. First, the players of one team throw. These are the attackers. The player's task is to knock down as many bottles as possible with one throw. After each throw, you need to collect and put the bottles back in place. This is done by the other team - the defenders. After the players of one team have made all the throws, the teams switch roles. Which team to start first is decided by lot. They play on the score: how many bottles are knocked out, so many points are received by the team. Then the points are added up. They play in turn, for example, each team three times in attack, three times in defense. The team with the most points wins and receives "spoils of war".

Fight in the fortress

Two teams are playing. Each has the same number of participants, but no more than three. Each team draws a square at a small distance from each other. These are fortresses. Each team has its own fortress. The size of the fortress is approximately such that the players of the team can move freely in it. Empty plastic bottles are placed on the sides of the squares. These are the "walls". Players occupy their "fortresses" and start the battle. They throw a small ball at each other, as in a regular knockout game. But in a normal game, when an opposing player is hit by the ball, he is out of the game, and the number of players in the team is reduced. This game has a different condition: when the ball hits the player, he remains in the fortress, but one bottle is removed "from the wall". This is how teams play by throwing the ball from fortress to fortress, trying to hit the opponents. After each hit, the "walls" of the fortress become smaller. The team that "knocks out" the opponent's fortress first wins. And she gets "spoils of war."

forced march

Of course, there must be a game with such a name. You can play in different conditions, for example, in the "field". In this variant, a group of participants gathers and decides how many kilometers they will walk. Of course,

should depend on physical abilities. They should be approximately equal. Then determine the route, direction. All participants of the "campaign" gather at the appointed place and go to their destination. For example, you can go to visit one of your friends, where, of course, everyone will have a camping lunch.

But if the weather conditions do not contribute to the “field” option, then you can play in the room. The distance to be covered can be equal to the length of the corridor. Since this is not very much, the task can be complicated. For example, to pass, holding a ball in his hands, on which lies a small ball, but so as not to drop it during the marching step, or to carry a cup of water so as not to spill it.

All participants stand in a chain one after another and go in turn. The one who successfully passed receives a "war trophy". Whoever failed and dropped the ball has the right to try two more times.

Battle on the viburnum bridge

Everyone knows this tale. In the game, the bridge will depict stripes that are drawn on the floor. The distance between them should be such that you can stand with both feet. Two players stand on this strip and throw the ball at each other, trying to hit and knock out the opponent. Of course, they will dodge the ball flying at them, and someone will "get off the bridge." This cannot be done in the game. Three times gone - you are out of the game. The opponent is considered the winner and receives his "war trophy".

If there are many people who want to play, then all the players are divided into two teams and put up one player each. Whichever team has the most winning players wins.

If desired, and if the area allows, several couples can play at once.

Collect weapons

Each fighter must be able to collect their weapons. In the game, weapons are replaced, for example, by a box, which each player must fill with the same items, but with sense. Not just throwing objects in handfuls in a heap, but so that each object corresponds to a certain place. To do this, it is better to take a flat box, stick a sheet of paper divided into cells on its bottom, a number should be written in each cell. It is best to fill the box with cubes, each cube should also have a number. And the cube must be placed strictly in its place, each cube corresponds to a cell with a number on the bottom of the box. For this game, everything can be prepared in advance, specially make boxes and cubes with numbers. But, of course, a large number of them do not need to be done. Two identical boxes and two sets of dice are enough, two people play.

Everyone takes a box and a set of cubes. They begin to fill the boxes on a signal. Whoever is faster wins, but there should be no mistakes, if someone added faster, but made a mistake, then his win is not counted, and the victory is awarded to the opponent. If they play in teams, then a player from each team comes out. The player who puts all the cubes into the box faster and more accurately gets a point for his team. The team whose players have the most points wins, and the whole team receives "spoils of war".

Get the prize

This is an old soldier's match. The prize was placed on top of a high pole, and it was necessary to get it. We will slightly change the conditions of the game: you won’t need to climb the pole, but you still have to get the prize. First you need to build a stool pyramid - put three or four stools on top of each other. On the topmost stool you need to put, for example, a small ball. It will have to be knocked down with another ball. A downed ball is the right to receive a prize. A prize, for example, chocolate and, of course, a "war trophy". All players take turns throwing the ball, each is given the right to throw three times.

Outpost, in the gun!

At this signal, the players must dress as quickly as possible. You can play this game from the very morning of the holiday, when all the fighters-players are still in their beds and dress according to this signal: whoever overtakes everyone wins. But you must not just dress, but so that all the buttons are fastened correctly. Otherwise, the victory does not count.

This game can also be played during holiday games. And make the whole process of dressing symbolic: for example, put on and lace up sneakers. All players sit on the floor in a circle, and each has his sneakers in front of him, in his hands a pair of shoelaces. On a signal, everyone starts fighting at the same time. Everyone has their own tactics. Someone will first insert the laces, then put on the sneakers and tie the laces, someone, deciding that it will be faster, first put on the shoes and then will try to get the lace into the hole. This is the right of everyone. The winner is the one who puts on shoes faster and more correctly.

Who is in the helmet?

In this game, a hat made from an ordinary newspaper will represent a helmet. All players stand in a circle, as for playing a round dance, choose one driver. He stands in the center of the circle. This is the commander. He is holding a hat in his hands. The game begins, the commander gives a "helmet" to any of the players, he puts it on, and the circle begins to move. Everyone follows each other. "Helmet" also starts moving, it is passed along the chain to each other. The commander stands in the center of the circle and suddenly asks: “Who is wearing a helmet?” - and claps his hands. At the moment of the clap, the circle stops, but one player did not have time to remove the newspaper cap and pass it to another. The commander says: "That's who in the helmet!" And this player gives the hat to the neighbor and goes to the center of the circle, stands next to the commander. Gradually, the number of players walking in a circle decreases, the number of players standing near the driver in the center of the circle increases. The last player remaining in the chain is considered the winner, he must be awarded the "war trophy". If you want to continue the game, then this player can become a commander in the new round.


This game is about attention. All players choose one driver - the commander. He sits down opposite them. Everyone is located next to him, in different poses. The commander carefully looks at everyone, he must remember very well who sits where and how. The players themselves must also remember very well both their places and their movements. When the commander thinks that enough time has passed to memorize, he gives a signal, for example, claps his hands and turns away or leaves completely. All players begin to move, walk, run, jump. After some time, when the commander decides that everyone has run enough, he gives a signal - he claps his hands again and, after a little hesitation, turns around or, if he left, approaches the players, carefully looks at them. It may very well be that someone mixed up the seats or sat down a little differently. But the commander, if he is attentive, will notice this change and say: “Aha, that’s who went AWOL!”. This player goes out in front of everyone and must complete the penalty task that the commander will come up with. But tasks should be fun and harmless. If the commander did not notice the change that was, then he joins the players, and the leader becomes the one who indicated what the change in position was.


Sewing collars is the duty of all soldiers of all peoples and times. And this, of course, in our “Young Fighter Course” (albeit a game one) cannot be left without attention. But what if the participants in the game are in sweaters or T-shirts? What to sew and to what? To do this, you need to prepare in advance both collars and collars. Rather, they are simply the same figures in size and shape. You need to cut them out of thick cardboard and make the same holes along the edges, for example, with a hole punch. By the beginning of the game, each participant receives two such pseudo-collars and a box of paper clips. On a signal, you need to connect both figures with paper clips, but not at random, but in holes specially made at the edges, and without missing a single one. The one who does it faster than others won and earned another "war trophy".

You can also play in teams. From each team, a player comes out, and the one who copes faster receives, in addition to the “war trophy”, a point for his team. The team with the most points won.

Put up a tent

Each player is given a combat mission to set up a tent as quickly as possible, which will be a newspaper! It is clear to everyone that a newspaper will not stand just like that, no matter how you call it. Therefore, each player must invent and fold from the newspaper some three-dimensional figure, or at least a box, so long as it stands stably. The form does not matter, even the funniest. The winner is the one who folds the newspaper the fastest and who has it standing steadily.

border guards

All the players form a circle and join hands - these are the border guards. But first, they choose two from their number according to the counting rhyme - these are violators. By the beginning of the game, the “violators” are outside the circle. Their task is to penetrate the circle. The task of the "border guards" is to prevent this. The game begins - the circle moves in a round dance. Two players try to get inside the circle, either by crouching, or running under the closed hands of the players, or jumping over them, or simply breaking the chain of players with a running start. But the "border guards" are vigilantly watching and do not allow this. But in the end, one of the "violators" manages to do it. Now he must help his friend do it. He tries to somehow divert the attention of the "border guards", and when he succeeds, his comrade also penetrates the circle. But now the task of these two is to get out of the circle in the same way. "Border guards" in every possible way prevent this. But in the end, both "violators" manage to run out of the circle. Then they have the right to choose to replace any two players from the circle for a new round of play.


This game should be played on a playground where you can run and hide. All players are divided into two teams: one team - attackers, the other - "ambush". The game begins with the ambush players going to hide. Attackers should not peep, it is better for them to move away and turn away. When the "ambush" is well hidden, they give a signal, and the attackers begin to move around the court in dashes. It is necessary to agree in advance that, for example, they need to run from one edge of the site to the other. And when they get close enough to the hiding place where the ambush players hide, they run out and start catching the attackers. To catch means to touch, to touch with a hand. Whoever is caught is led to the "outpost". This place should be marked somehow: draw a circle or a square.

By prior agreement, the game continues until all the attackers are caught, if the total number of participants in the game is not large, or if there are more players, then it must be agreed in advance that a certain number of people must be caught. After that, the detainees are given some funny tasks, this is a penalty outfit. And when they fulfill them, they are released.

In the next round, the groups of participants change roles. Former ambush players become attackers, former attackers go to hide.


The watchmen are the sailors who have changed from the watch. At the first signal, they come to the aid of the watchmen. All participants in the game choose one driver - this is the "boatswain". The rest stand in a circle in pairs. Pairs form randomly, but you need to stand one after the other, both facing in a circle. The player in front is the “watchman”, the one behind him in a pair is the “watchman”. The watchman must remember very well who he is behind. The boatswain stands in the center of the circle. He gives a signal - whistles. And at this signal, the players who stood behind in pairs - "watchmen" can run from place to place and generally move. The guards remain in their places. After a while, the "boatswain" gives a signal again, and all the running players must stand behind their own "watchmen", do not confuse, this is given a few seconds, and the "bosun" whistles again. This whistle means that everyone should already be in their places. Whoever did not have time to take his place or confused, forgot who he was behind, approaches the "boatswain", and he assigns penalty tasks to them. These are fun but easy steps. When the players complete them, they go to take their places and in the new round of the game they change roles: “watchmen” become “watchmen”, former “watchmen” become “watchmen”.

After several rounds of play, those players who have never been a penalty box, have never made a mistake, can be encouraged with “war trophies”. It is desirable that 20 people play this game, otherwise it is not interesting.

Yes sir!

Every pre-conscript knows that a real soldier must always answer clearly and clearly: "That's right!" Start playing like this. Choose one by counting. He will answer questions. Everyone stands in a circle. The respondent stands in the center of the circle. They begin to ask him questions in a circle, first one, then another, the questions can be very different, but the person answering them should always answer only “That's right!” regardless of the question.

This game is about attention. If he never fails, he is the winner and receives a “war trophy” and has the right to choose any player from the circle to replace him for the next round of the game. But if he made a mistake and instead of answering “That's right!” - said something else, he is offered to complete a penalty task, and he changes places with the one who asked him this question. And the game continues. So you can play until all the players from the circle visit the responders or until you get bored.


This game is similar to the phone game. All players stand or sit in a chain. But first choose one by counting. He conceives a password word, approaches the chain of players and quietly, so that others do not hear, says this word to the first player. That one should just as quietly tell it to his neighbor, that one to his own, and further along the chain. The last person to hear the word must say it loudly so that everyone can hear it, including the player who came up with it. If the word is reproduced exactly, it means that it was passed along the chain without errors.

But the word can come in a distorted form. In this case, the driver must name the word that he intended, and offer to find the one who incorrectly conveyed this word. Everyone pronounces the word that he heard and conveyed until they reach the one who made a mistake. The violator is given a penalty. And in the next round of the game, he goes to the very end of the chain.


All players are divided into two teams. This game is played in a room. Two identical squares are drawn on the floor with chalk. They randomly arrange the same number of small items. Each team has a player. These are communicators. And everyone must lay a “connection” on the site, that is, draw a line with chalk from one object to another. But so that the lines do not intersect anywhere and that not a single object is left aside. The one who does it faster and more accurately wins. The winner receives a "war trophy" and a point for his team.

The chalk lines are erased, and from each team a player comes out again, who must do the same. But, of course, it is not necessary to repeat the previous line exactly, and no one remembered it. You just need to follow the rules of the game.

They play until all the players of both teams have been in signalmen. Teams receive a point for a correctly laid connection. The team with the most wins.

Who should be considered the winner if the one who went the distance quickly made a mistake? In this case, the victory and a point for the team is awarded to the one who was second, if he had no errors. But if both made a mistake, then such a pass does not count, and two new players come out from each team.

Secret information

All players are divided into two teams. They sit in a line, one line against the other. The first players in the chain take a sheet of paper and a pen and write secret information on the sheet (by prior arrangement, these can be the names of cities, countries, rivers, etc.). The first player writes one such name on a sheet and passes it on to the other in a chain, etc. At the same time, this cannot be discussed aloud. They start writing both chains at the same time, but the one that writes faster wins. But you need to check that there are no identical words. If this happens, the result is not counted, and the victory is given to the opposing team. Each time after a winning result, the team receives a point. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins. Then all its players receive "spoils of war". The number of players in this game in each team must not exceed eight people. If there are more players, then more teams would be better.


Choose or appoint one driver. He has to form a task for everyone, so he has a big responsibility. The meaning of the game is that you need to remember the location of several objects, their number and characteristics, and write about it exactly. Items can be very different: boxes, balls, toys, dishes, vegetables, shoes, tools. All players sit in a chain or in two rows, as they prefer. At a short distance from them, the driver places objects, but not in a line, but forming a still life out of them. You can put items on a tray or stand. In total, there should not be more than fifteen such items. The driver puts the items and invites all players to look carefully and remember everything. When everyone has looked, the driver covers the still life with a cloth and invites all players to describe as accurately as possible everything they saw and remember (how many objects they saw, what color, what objects they were), name them, describe how they were located. All this players must write on a sheet, so everyone should have a sheet of paper and a pen in their hands. This game is about attention. Everyone is given the same time, and after the signal, everyone starts recording. Speed ​​does not matter here, the main thing is accuracy and detail. Those who wrote hand over their leaflets to the driver. After that, the driver opens the items and reads the entries. The one who gave the most accurate description is considered the winner and receives a "war trophy". And in the new round of the game, he will form objects.

If desired, the task can be complicated or diversified. Let there be very few objects, but it is necessary to remember and describe some of their not very noticeable features. You can also play in teams. First, the objects are formed by one team, the players of the other team observe and describe, then the teams switch roles. But the number of players in the team should be no more than seven people.


They play on the court, which must be divided equally. Two identical squares are drawn with chalk on the floor and the same number of objects are placed in each, empty plastic bottles are best suited. The size of the squares should be large - this is the field of play.

All players are divided into two teams, and each team lines up in pairs near its part of the field. Two players approach the edge of the field, holding hands - this is how they depict tanks. On a signal, each couple must simultaneously run through their part of the field, holding hands, and at the same time scatter as many plastic bottles as possible. The pair of players that run faster and scatter more items gets a point for their team. After everyone has run, the points are calculated. The team with the most points wins and all of its players receive "spoils of war".

If desired, the game can be varied. You can, for example, not scatter objects, but, on the contrary, try to run through without hitting them. Or, instead of bottles, use inflated balloons, which are simply laid out on the run field. From the movement of the players, they will take off and jump to the general fun. In this case, you can give an additional task: when running in pairs, collect as many balls as possible. If you consider that you need to hold hands, it will be a very fun task.

Hay - straw

There is a legend that before the soldiers did not know where the right is, where the left is. And in drill training they confused when it was necessary to turn right or left. But on the other hand, they knew well what hay was and what straw was. And therefore they tied hay on one hand, and straw on the other. And when the commander shouted "Hay!", This meant that you had to turn to the right when "Straw!" means to the left. Only and everything.

But at present, everyone knows well where is right and where is left, but, perhaps, they have never seen real straw. But our commander will not shout either "right" or "left", and even more so neither hay nor straw. He will pronounce various phrases, but with the condition that if the phrase is correct, then all the fighters turn to the right, if it is wrong, then to the left. Say, for example, the driver-commander: "Sugar is sweet." This is true, and all as one must turn to the right. The commander will say: "The chickens are swimming." So everyone should turn left. Whoever makes a mistake must complete a comic penalty task.

You can also play in teams, which is divided into two lines. At the same time, both lines perform turns. The team with the fewest mistakes by the end of the game wins.

tug of war

This is also a favorite soldier's competition. But in our game there will be a humorous drag and drop. All players are divided into two teams. The players of each team stand one by one and put their hands on each other's shoulders. The first players of both teams stand opposite each other, with their hands they must take hold of the ring tied from the rope, so that a large balloon fits freely but steadily in this ring. On a signal, both first players begin to pull the rope ring towards themselves, the rest of the players pull the shoulders of those in front, and from this general zeal the ball will jump out of the ring.

Depending on which team he bounces towards, that team won. Instead of a rope ring, you can pull a shallow container by the edges, in which several small balls can be placed instead of one ball. How many balls jump out during a jerk, so many points the team receives.

Naval podnachka

As you know, sailors are very funny people. This game is based on humor. All players are divided into two teams. And from each team a player comes out, one player listens to what the other says. He can say anything, any nonsense. His task is to surprise, to piss off his opponent. He should listen calmly and only assent, making it clear that he agrees with everything, nothing will surprise him. And suddenly the speaker will suddenly say: “Do you know that someone poured water into your sneakers?” The listener will immediately take it at face value: who, where? He will forget that this is a game. That's where he got caught. He is assigned a penalty task, while the speaker is awarded a “trophy of war”. And a point for the team. The team with the most points wins.

cook and cook

In this game, all participants choose two - these are the drivers: one is a cook, the other is a cook (a cook is a cook in the navy, a cook is a cook in the infantry). Only all other players should not know who is who. It's a big galley secret. Two drivers go away from everyone, agree on which of them will be who. The rest line up in a column in pairs. The game starts.

The first couple goes and approaches the place where the cook and the cook are located. Those find out who wants soldier's porridge, who wants naval pasta. One player wants porridge, the other pasta, they report it. All these conversations should not be heard by other players. Then the second pair comes up, then the third, and so on, until everything is determined. But what if both players in a pair want, for example, porridge. But then the game is designed so that by the end of it the number of lovers of pasta and porridge would be different. When all the players decide on their taste preferences, it is necessary to count the number of lovers of porridge for the cook, pasta for the cook. Whoever has more, they won.

Eh, potatoes!

As we determined from the previous game, the infantry loves porridge, the sailors love naval pasta, but everyone loves potatoes! If you like to eat potatoes, love them and peel them. This game is a contest to see who is the "fastest potato peeler" or, simply put, who can peel potatoes the fastest.

Each player must be given the same number of potatoes of approximately the same size so that everyone has equal starting conditions. All players sit in a circle and, on a signal, begin to clean. The one who does it faster and better wins.

You can add another nomination: for the longest potato peel. Both winners are awarded "spoils of war".

maritime law

Everyone knows the maritime law: the dishes were washed last. But we don’t have the latter in our playing location, so everyone is washing the dishes.

Task: who will quickly and cleanly wash off the label from a plastic bottle. Competitive props: a plastic bottle, a cup of water and some kind of scraper. Each fighter player receives this competitive set, everyone sits in a circle and starts on a signal. The one who does it well and fastest of all should be well rewarded. In addition to the "war trophy", he must be given a plastic bottle with his favorite juice.

Our porridge

This is a real challenge for real fighters. Gotta eat porridge! Real! And even faster than others! All players sit in a circle, depicting fighters at a halt. In the center of the circle is a large pot representing a field kitchen. Each player receives a spoon and a bowl of this wonderful porridge. And on a signal, everyone starts eating. The winner is the one who eats the fastest. He is rewarded with a large bar of chocolate.

For the competition, you need to take small bowls and warn the players not to be in a hurry. Haste and speed are two very different things. The one who finishes his “competitive task” last should be offered one more portion, so to speak, an additive, so that he gains strength. And at the bottom of the bowl, you should also put some consolation prize for him, for example, a small chocolate bar, so that everyone would have a festive mood on the holiday.

Sports holiday dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day.


    to acquaint students with the formation of the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day.

    improve student health

    develop their physical abilities,

    to instill interest in sports,

    promote a healthy lifestyle.

Equipment: skittles, hoops, colored cubes or toys, flags; skis, sticks, prizes or certificates, decoration of the gym with posters, drawings about sports.

Host: Who is the defender of the Fatherland?

On February 23 we celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. "Fatherland" of the same root as the words "father", "fatherland", "father's house". Fatherland is our country, Motherland. Our holiday is dedicated to all men who have worn, are wearing and will wear epaulettes. Of course, this is a national holiday, because there are simply no people in Russia who would not fall under this category. After all, when an alarming time comes for the country, the Fatherland calls for help from everyone, young and old. All children, both boys and girls, are future defenders of the Fatherland. Therefore, already today you must cultivate in yourself such qualities as the ability to be friends, keep your word, be honest, kind, and also cultivate strength, dexterity, and a desire to help others. Today we will check how strong, friendly you are, how you can work in a team.

Now girls are turning to the boys with words of congratulations.

Girls read poetry.

This holiday is very important.

Celebrating in February

Feast of the brave warriors

Holiday of Peace on Earth.

Saved the planet from war

Our army of soldiers

Hello to all heroes

Hundreds of little guys!

Our pugnacious half

We send our congratulations.

There are reasons for congratulations:

Hurray for the defenders of the country!

When to your brawls

Looking at them from the side

We believe: with your preparation -

We will always protect the country!

So let's go friends

With all my heart, without further ado,

Protect us from all adversity

But only, chur, without bruises.

Let there be peace, so that day after day

We study at the desks,

So that our knowledge later

Give to the Fatherland, Motherland.

We are against grief and war

We want to grow up happy!

Let the sun shine from above

Over cities, fields.

Moderator: And now I present to you the jury, which will follow our competitions and judge honestly. The jury includes: a life safety teacher, parents, soldiers from a sponsored military unit.

Representation of teams: name, motto.

1 team "Brave guys"

Motto: Our motto is to prepare for battle!

Together all my friends are with me!

2 team "Defenders of the country"

Motto: We are not used to being afraid

We will win any game!

Moderator: Russian soldiers need not only to be physically developed, but to have ingenuity, ingenuity, intelligence, so the first competition is intellectual.

1 competition. You have 30 seconds to answer 7 questions.

1. Is the outcome of the battle in your favor? (victory)

2. What and from what does the soldier eat? (spoon, pot)

3. Who is always right in the army? (commander)

4. Big boss for sailors? (admiral)

5. Warship. (cruiser)

6. What is the favorite fish of sailors because it is the most commonly fed fish? (herring)

7. There are no own eyes, but it helps to see the enemy. (binoculars)

    A sailor's garment. (vest)

    An inverted bowler hat helped protect a person. (helmet)

    Sailors cook. (cook)

    What is the name of the sailors' favorite dance? (bullseye)

    What is a ship's brake called? (anchor)

    Rumor and snitch in the army? (radio operator)

    Fighting machine? (APC)

Questions for viewers

    Isn't it scary to die for her? (homeland)

    What is the name of the ladder on the ship? (ladder)

    Who drives the ships at sea? (captain)

    What is the name of the team of the ship, plane, tank? (crew)

    Specialty of an infantryman? (shooter)

Host: And now we start the competition. Soldiers, in order to be on time everywhere, must do everything quickly.

2 competition. Who gets dressed faster.

The participant needs to dress: felt boots, hat, scarf, mittens. Then run to the mark and go back. The other participant repeats the same.

3 contest. Pass unnoticed through the minefield.

There are such people in the army - scouts. They need to go everywhere first and go unnoticed. You need to go through the minefield (between the pins) with a goose step. Back to run back.

4 contest. Overcoming obstacle course.

Climb through the barrier, jump over the “ditch” hoop, run along the bench. They come back running.

5 contest. Accurate shooter .

Each soldier must be proficient with weapons. Accurately throw the ball at the target. For each hit - a point.

6 contest. It is necessary to get over the bumps in the swamp .

The bumps are sheets of paper. Condition: the foot should not stand on the floor.

7 contest. Who quickly?

Pass the puck between the pins with the stick.

8 contest. Relay "Sunshine".

A hoop lies at a distance of 15-20m. Each participant takes a gymnastic stick in turn, runs to the hoop and lays out his ray. This is how the sun will turn out. Who has the most beautiful and who will be the first?

9 competition. "Biathlon".

With a ski on one leg, run to the limit mark, "shoot" the prepared "weapon" into the balloon and return back. Each hit is 1 point.

10 competition "Festive".

Run to the opposite side of the hall, take 1 sheet with the letter and go back. The relay is considered completed when the team lined up, holding the composed word in front of them.

Word used: Happy Holidays!

Summarizing. Now let's play a game together.


We know a lot of funny games.
We play with pleasure
In these games every time
Let's play now.

If you agree, say in chorus: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”
If you disagree, clap your hands.
*Which of you is always ready to live life without doctors?
- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends.
* Who does not want to be healthy,
Vigorous, slim and cheerful?
* Which of you does not walk gloomy,
Do you love sports and exercise?
* Who is not afraid of frost,
Skating flies like a bird?
* Well, who will start dinner
With imported chewing gum, sweets?
*Who loves tomatoes,
Fruits, vegetables, lemons?
* Who has eaten and brushes their teeth
Every day twice a day?
* Which of you, from the kids,
Walks dirty to the ears?
*Who, according to the schedule
Doing physical exercises?

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