Evil spirits - eyewitness accounts. Evil spirits - eyewitness accounts Scary stories about various evil spirits


I have a friend with whom it is a pleasure to talk, and on any topic, incl. and about mysticism. Once a friend began to talk about her “settler”. Since the phenomena on this day are possible not only in the forest, but also in the home.

“I have seen Him many times,” said the friend.

- Who is this - Him? - I'm asking.

- I don't know who. But what I saw is a fact. The day before, I had a big quarrel with my husband’s website, I felt even then that we would probably part. And in the morning, at half past five in the morning, I heard him.

- What exactly?

- At the entrance, the elevator has already “woke up”, some people are going to work, and in my apartment, from the side of the bathroom-toilet, Something is rushing along the corridor. When I wake up, I think - well, he will run to the room, to the door, scare him, and go away. No. It swept across the room, ran to my bed and ... I rise above the bed, I soar in the air, it lifted me and spun around its axis with incredible force, like in a terrible tornado. How I screamed, but my ears heard this wild cry, but no sounds arose. My lungs collapsed, I couldn't breathe.

As a true connoisseur of mysticism, I say to my girlfriend:

- So it was you, dear, you had sleep paralysis, you weren’t the only one who experienced it, the more stress you have. Why do you think that he was circling you, you didn’t see him, in general?

“Yes, I saw it,” he says, “I saw it again. I thought I wouldn't survive this. I think so, it punished me for an abortion. The searchlights of the neighboring market look through my windows. When It rolled away from me, a figure appeared against the background of sufficiently lit windows, a dark silhouette, and this something jumped menacingly and waved its huge arms in my direction.

“Maybe this is your brownie?” I asked again.

“I don’t know, no, I can’t say. I had to turn to a fortuneteller, and she told me that it could not be a brownie, because those small ones have a grandmother with them, i.e. brownie, pretty cute creatures, not even scary. And it looks more like a restless soul site.

“But you have a completely new apartment, and no one has lived there before you, how is this possible?”

- The fortune-teller explained this by the intrigues of a certain woman who brought the ashes of a deceased person into my house a very long time ago, specifically, she placed it under the bathroom. I had to find it and bring it to the grave, or at least to the cemetery, and I just washed the floor there, but I didn’t know what I had there. Since then, allegedly, the dead man has been wormed his way.

“And then what was the end of the matter?”

- I knew that I should read a prayer, but It did not allow me. It was excruciating, the lips seemed to be stuck together, well, and then I still read “Our Father”, and It dissipated like black smoke towards the room, just disappeared. For those who have not experienced it, it seems that this is just a terrible site and “I could not live with it”. You know, when ordinary daytime life is worse than the darkness of the night, then there is simply no strength left for the tricks of this Something.

- And what now, manifests itself?

- He calmed down a little, I pacified him with holy water and a candle, went around all the corners, the whole apartment, since then he has been dozing. But the fact that It is near, I know. After all, it followed me everywhere, both to work and home. I saw him constantly. Damn, since I laughed at my godfather for a long time. She often used to visit me, and with an overnight stay more than once. Once we sit with her in the kitchen, tea-coffee. I tell her: "Katya, we are not alone here now." She told me: “Are you completely stunned, why are you frightening?” I told her: “You will see for yourself now.”

I take out my camera and begin to drive around the door, the space of the corridor site (I have had so much fun since I reconciled a little with the presence of this Something, I tried to take it into the frame), and now an image of this appears on the screen of my camera ... I don’t know, how to say. No, It's not shaggy, not fluffy, it's kind of bluish, and there are arms and crooked legs, a neat head, eyes glow. It touched the mirror cabinet with its back and, noticing the surveillance, moved back towards the mirror, and disappeared there. What happened to my godfather, to say that I was stunned, not to say anything, well, I was just out of touch. To me more than a foot, even for seagulls. By the way, if you take a photo, then He is not there. I tried, but the technology still feels it. And yet, I associate this not only with this alleged dust. Something has always lived in my house for as long as I can remember. In our family, there were also witches - a great-grandmother, well, not quite my own - my grandmother's stepmother. She did terrible things, she could roll on the ground in her yard, the next morning all the cattle from the neighbors died. She “looked” people easily, just ran her hand along the back, and now someone is sick.

“Maybe she could turn into a pig?”

- I don’t know, but my grandmother had bad energy, she couldn’t die at all for a long time. I had to open the roof, yelled at the whole village.

And now I think that this energy was so strong that, without being passed on as a gift, it nevertheless touched me in some way, I, of course, was still small. I always felt it, saw it, it lived with us like a pet. My mother and I were covered with a blanket, except for one case, when my mother was slapped with a noble slap in the face.

- For what?

- And all for the same thing, for abortion. website She and I slept together on the couch, and on the night after the abortion we wake up from cotton, the lights are turned on, my mother is crying, and on her cheek there is a red mark from five. And my grandmother was completely choked. My grandmother was stingy, she saved all the money, she didn’t spoil her mother, she would bring a cutlet from work, that’s the whole holiday for the child. So, He punished her for her greed, strangled her at night, the grandmother screamed like a cut woman. And my mother-in-law does not favor. She came to visit us and in the morning she says: “It’s a very bad apartment. How do you live here? I didn’t sleep all night, it tortured me, suffocated me, rocked me, toked me, etc.” And I think: "What is a person - such is the reception."

- Helps you, isn't everything bad?

“He terrorized my child, my youngest daughter. He’s not a cat, he’s ugly, he’s afraid of the site of his child, screaming, crying, poking his hand, they say, the uncle is there. Well, I had a heart to heart talk with him. At that time, we broke up with my husband, he left for another. I say: “Do you have a conscience? That you scare a child, I already have enough troubles, I was left alone with the children, only your antics are not enough. You would be better off punishing those who ruined our lives.” She spoke strictly like this, and, you won’t believe it, the ex-husband calls me the next morning and tells me that he worries about us, don’t leave, he says, the wire from the washer in the network when you wash it, otherwise we broke out yesterday, barely extinguished. And at lunchtime, the mother-in-law called and said, they say, check the washing machine, here I have it last night ... And I understand that my settler managed to everywhere and punished me, as they asked. Now in a rush I'm afraid that it's not so to say, but suddenly.

- Damn it! site - I speak.

— No, it's not the devil, I'll tell you about the devil.

- Well, damn it, I think, is it really there?

- My dad loved to go fishing, in the morning at five he got up - and to the river. And then one day the devil jumped on him from above, forcibly fought back. Everything is as described: terrible, smelly, horns and hooves are present.

- So, maybe dad warmed up in the morning, well, there is vodka for warming up ...

- No, he was like a piece of glass, and in general he didn’t drink much. I believe him.

- Well, what about your settler, what do you think to do with him?

- So far, everything is quiet, because I tried to establish contact with him, milk is there, bread for the night, only the fortune teller warned me not to do this, you don’t need to start particularly “close” relationships with them, whatever you say, but still the devil is not a site friends . I sanctified the apartment, and I hope He's gone.

A small collection of old Russian stories about encounters with supernatural beings.

Story - 1

One man was walking late in the evening from the christening, quite tipsy. suddenly his friend comes to meet him, having gone to work a few weeks ago. Friends decided to wash their meeting with vodka. They went to the nearest inn. On the way, the peasant pulls out his snuffbox and begins sniffing tobacco from it.

“Oh, what a wretched snuffbox you have!” says his comrade. He pulled out a golden horn with tobacco and showed it to the peasant.

“Come on, if so, let’s change,” the man asked.

"Come on," the friend agreed.

So they came to the inn. Since the time was late, and it was hardly possible to get through to the owners from the street, the comrade advised the peasant:

- Climb under the gate, what do you think?

The man was about to crawl under the gate, when he suddenly saw that he was standing on a thin bridge, which was installed on a deep river. The comrade advised the peasant to climb into the crack, and he could drown himself.

Coming to his senses from fright, the man rushed to run home. All the hops went out of his head. At home, he remembered about the horn, which he exchanged with his comrade. I climbed after him and pulled out a horse, almost fresh, bone.

Story - 2

Once a man rode home in a sleigh. Suddenly, on the way, he came across a priest in full vestments. The priest asked to take him to the village. The man agreed. When they approached the place where the road went along a terrible steepness over the abyss, this priest, getting off his horse, began, as if frightening the peasant, to drag him into the abyss.

“Father, don’t play around, otherwise not only the horses, but you and I will break our heads, unless, God forbid, we fall down,” the man says.

The priest then calmed down. When they arrived at the most dangerous place, this priest could not resist and again began to pull the sled into the abyss.

- Lord Jesus Christ! What are you doing, daddy? - the man shouted, and swinging with all his strength hit the priest on the head. Yes, he hit so deftly that he hit right on the charred stump that appeared in this place. The man even screamed in pain.

In the meantime, the priest had gone cold, and the stump, which the peasant took for the priest, rolled into the abyss, and from there some piercing laughter was heard after him.

It was only then that the peasant realized that it was not a real priest with him, but a devil in his image.

Story - 3

One peasant woman walked past an old dilapidated church. Suddenly she heard a baby crying from under the porch. She rushed to the porch, but, to her surprise, she could not find anything. When she got home, she told her husband what had happened. Another time, passing by the same church, she seemed to meet her husband, who ordered her to follow him.

For a long time they walked through the fields, and then this imaginary husband of hers would push her into the ditch, saying:

- It will be a science for you, next time you will not tell how children cry under the church.

When the woman came to her senses from fear, then, somehow getting out of the ditch, she reached the house on the fifth day.

The Lesovik, who introduced himself as her husband, took her seventy miles away from home.

Story - 4

Once a peasant was walking at night and he sees: the church is standing, lit, and a service is going on in the church, and the priest and the parishioners have some unsuitable faces. Something is wrong, the man thought. He began to back away towards the door. And they were unclean. They saw a man and ran after him. The unclean ones are looking - there is not a single trace back from the church, but only to the church. Searched, searched, and abandoned.

Story - 5

One deceased, on some occasion, was left in the church for the night. The church was open; so the thief wandered into it. He went up to the icon and wanted to peel off the robe; suddenly the dead man rose from the coffin, took the thief by the shoulders, led the thief away from the icon, and lay down again in the coffin. The thief got scared. How little, how much time passed, he again went to the icon. The dead man got up again and took him away again. So up to three times. In the end, the thief went to the priest and repented of everything.

In this story, I myself was an unwitting witness to a strange phenomenon. The following was true. All actions took place in the village in which we rest in the summer (with a chopper and a shovel in our hands, up to our ears in manure, feeding mosquitoes and horseflies). Let's call the village Khu..vo-Kukuevo, since it is located in such a wilderness that even the navigator is buggy there, and smartphones catch only the radio, and one station at that. To get to the village, you have to drive 50 kilometers from the city, then deviate from the road for another 20 kilometers through forests, swamps and such a beaten road that even if you manage to get to the village the first time, after such a safari you walk around the garden in a jump and take seasickness pills.

To be honest, Regina did not really like the noise in the hostel. In this regard, she was lucky: a faceless and impassive distribution settled her and her neighbor on the very top of student dormitory No. 1, namely, on the fourteenth floor. There were five rooms on the floor, and only three of them were occupied. Five people on the floor could not create an obvious noise. But now Regina just needed super silence. For an hour she had been struggling with the material for the seminar, but she had made very little progress. The answers refused to form a single structure for the final conclusion, and this was the most pressing on the nerves.

We had a neighbor on the site. Old already. Kind, believing. Previously, pensioners and veterans were given pretty decent grocery orders, well, she didn’t leave anything for herself. I gave everything away .. I bought candy for the neighbor's children and all that. She had oddities, of course. Sometimes you go out, and she sprinkles water on the door frame of her apartment. We kids laughed at it, of course. We were then brought up in an atheistic spirit. Then after all the word "religion" was almost abusive.

Having accidentally stumbled upon an article about various kinds of brownies and poltergeists, I became interested in Slavic domestic wickedness and conducted a small study, the results of which I want to present to my dear readers.

To begin with, let's figure out who these kikimors are? Kikimoras are small, evil female creatures, they are no taller than the knee of an adult, but they can bring enormous harm to the economy. Just imagine that while you are sleeping, this harmful ugly creature will confuse all the yarn in your house, scatter grains, break children's toys. The kikimore's voice is disgusting. Tall and shrill, sing-song. This is evidenced by ancient Russian legends and fairy tales. The hair of these freaks is long and disheveled, more like long hair, and the ears are like pigs - angular, with tassels at the ends. I think it’s superfluous to say that kikimoras look terribly unnecessary.

But the peasants were afraid of kikimor not for their ugly appearance. According to the stories of old grandmothers, kikimora is an evil entity that lives in huts and houses, and not at all in swamps, as we used to think. During the day, kikimoras sleep in dark corners, behind the stove, and at night they leave their shelters and make a mess in the house. Therefore, the mistresses hid their tows and yarn in chests and boxes. Small dirty tricks also like to frighten small children that do not sleep at night. Shaburshat, giggling disgustingly, rattling dishes, and if the owners wake up and wish to catch the villain, then she has already caught a trace.

In general, kikimora manages to see infrequently, like any spirit, it can be invisible and remind of itself only by muttering, tapping, quiet steps and other sounds. If you managed to see a kikimora, don’t rejoice too much, a meeting with her promises nothing but illness and death of loved ones, misfortunes, quarrels and other troubles. A very bad sign is to meet a kikimora in the left corner of the room. This suggests that soon the one who met her will die a terrible and painful death, or will take his own life.

According to the legends of antiquity, a child with any deviations or cursed by a mother during childbirth can become a kikimora. Then the evil spirit immediately kidnaps the child and turns him into this ugly evil creature. A stillborn child can also turn into it. To protect children from such a danger, our ancestors hung protective dolls over the cradle, which protect the house from evil forces.

But you can also agree with the kikimora so that she leaves her dirty tricks and leaves the house. This should be done by the head of the family. To communicate with a kikimora, you need to draw a circle on the floor at midnight, preferably with white chalk or a bar of soap. Stand in the center of the circle with a candle in your hand and repeat three times: "Kikimora, come and talk to me." The main thing is not to be afraid, these harmful creatures feed on our sense of fear, as a result of which they become even stronger and more stubborn, which makes it difficult to negotiate with them. If everything is done correctly, then quiet steps and a nasty whisper will soon be heard. This kikimora came to talk to you. It is necessary to speak with her, as well as with any spirit, respectfully, but without fear, if the kikimora offers you any deals or exchanges, in no case agree. She will make every effort to gain for herself, leaving you in the cold. When you agree with the kikimora, say: “We talked with you, now go and don’t return to my house”, put out the candle, leave the circle. So that the kikimora does not hold a grudge against you, give her some gift, a bag of grain or any trinket. Then she will leave and never come back to your house again.

It is quite possible that kikimoras are an ordinary folk tale, but do not forget that in any tale there is a reflection of reality.

The ethnographer V. Peretz, who lived in the last century, in the article "The Village of Budogishcha and its Traditions" gives a story about "the knocks of evil spirits on the door." Devilry began one night to bang on the door of the local shopkeeper's house.

The owner of the house, alarmed by the knock, rushed to the door, flung it open, but found no one behind it. He closed the door. Again - a loud knock and a very loud cry: "Open!" The shopkeeper opened the door again. There was no one beyond the threshold.

And so it went on until dawn:

— Open!.. Open!..

Or here is another quite typical story about the sound signals of an alien. Onchukov in "Northern Tales" quotes the memoirs of a peasant woman Stepanida from the village of Korelsky Island. Stepanida once went to the forest for berries. As soon as she began to collect

berries, sat down near some bush, when suddenly she heard a man shout from the impassable thicket of the forest. And not just a person, but a relative of Stepanida, her mother-in-law Malanya. The peasant woman recognized her voice.

- Get up, let's go! - shouts.

- Let's go!

The peasant woman later told Onchukov:

“Oh, he scared me so much, my heart began to tremble, my face changed.

Another message on the same topic, recorded by Onchukov.

Nikolai Kuzmin from the village of Syuzan recalled: once he spent the night in a hut on the shore of a forest lake, but he could not get enough sleep.

- Didn't work, survived. Walks, rattles on the roof.

Several times Kuzmin ran out of the hut with a burning birch bark in his hands, illuminated the roof with it, and examined it. Didn't find anyone there. And as soon as he entered the hut again, someone immediately began to stomp on the roof with his boots, walking back and forth on it.

V. Dobrovolsky in the Smolensk Ethnographic Collection, published in 1891, referred to the testimony of two Russian peasants who also heard evil spirits. The men were collecting resin in the forest and were late. The night caught them far from their native village. Suddenly they hear: a whistle swept over the forest. He was so strong that the ears of both men were blocked.

They said:

Both got scared and started ticking. How whistled again! We run, and the forest above us seems to be falling down from the whistle. We run, and “he” again bends him and whistles, scares him. They ran out of the forest, and “he” whips and whistles above us; we look up - we see nothing above us. Everything that we had was abandoned - we barely ran away ourselves.

In 1927, at the railway station of Trudovaya in the Chita region, an event occurred that was remotely similar to the incident in the shopkeeper's house in Budogishchi. According to Fedot Dutov, a direct participant in the event, on New Year's Eve a commotion arose in the house where he lived with his parents and brothers.

“As soon as we went to bed,” says Dutov, “we haven’t fallen asleep yet ... I got caught!” On the terraces—there were large windows—the sound was so loud that even those windows rattled.

Fedot grabbed an ax, and his older brother Innokenty grabbed a revolver.

- They went out - there was no one, - Fedot recalls. They walked around the entire fence - there was no one. As soon as they entered the house, they closed the door, they had not yet had time to sit down - again they caught themselves with the vomit of the old one. We went out again - no one was there. And so he tapped like this ... Well, until one in the morning ... This went on for about ten days, probably.

Where, however, a more terrible test fell on the lot of Akulina Suvorova from the village of Ichura, Buryat ASSR. In 1943, Akulina was a young girl. Her recollection of the incident is as follows:

- Father is at the front ... Mother left for the city. Went to sell milk. We called girlfriends to spend the night. And that night we were “scared”. As soon as we went to bed, legs like dogs and cats ran across the bed. Once, twice ... We got scared, climbed under the covers. Suddenly there was a roar - crackling, thunder. Glass flew out of the windows, cats yelled, and everything became quiet. We lit the oil lamp, let them search: no cats, no dogs, and, most importantly, all the glass in the windows was intact.

Scarecrow, said Akulina Suvorova.

“Yes, the scarecrow is often somewhere,” assured the folklorist Balashov on the shores of the White Sea, the peasant Arseniy Zaborshchikov from the village of Varzuga.

And he gave such an example: - Here was the Kipokursky stream. So until the old people put up a cross, if people used to go past a stream after midnight, full sleighs would immediately put on someone invisible, that even deer could not drag a sleigh. Now the cross has already fallen, and does not frighten.

Mikhail Kozhin, fellow villager of Zaborshchikov:

- But there was another case. We went to dig moss. Well, they dug up, then they arranged dances near the Christmas tree ... And as they stretched out to go to bed, that “it” sang. Sasha, my friend, whispers: “Sing!” And the nun Anna - she was with us - and says: “Come on! Who, - says, - sings! They themselves danced and made a fuss, from that it seems! And she herself walks around the spruce, yes she is baptized, but she reads a prayer. And between times he shouts to us: “Tell fairy tales!” Well, don't listen.

Kozhin also recalls another mysterious incident that was heatedly discussed in the village of Varzuga several years before the folklorist Balashov visited these places. Kozhin's compatriots rode late in the evening through the forest on a reindeer sleigh. We stopped for a little need, got off the sleigh ... And around - snowdrifts, snow, forest with a gloomy wall.

“And suddenly,” says Kozhin, “there was a strange, rustling noise there. Devilry! They let the dog down and nauskali. The dog over the snowdrifts - into the forest, but how the beginning there immediately to fight the dog!

A couple of minutes later, a dog corpse was thrown out of the forest thicket at the feet of the taken aback travelers. And on the sleigh lay a mountain of freshly sawn firewood. Cursing in unison, the peasants grabbed logs from the sled and began to throw them one by one into the thicket where it was strange and noisy.

Kozhin, finishing the story, said with a grin:

- Well, as all the logs flew back, and how they began to whistle with even greater force and whistle, so they fell silent.

Great fear seized the men. Pushing, they jumped into the sleigh and, whipping the deer, blew away from this terrible place.

The invisible man, "frightening" in the house or in the forest, is one of the most popular heroes of bylichkovy folklore. He is active, sometimes excessively fussy, always defiantly impudent, often aggressive, and in terms of the number of references to him, he ranks first in the list of heroes of the byliches of the last two centuries. There is no number of his antics!

Yes, at least this is the case. He is brought by Pomerantseva. According to an eyewitness, he rode in the winter for a couple with his friend on a sleigh through the forest. The horse, harnessed to the sleigh, suddenly stopped, and no amount of prodding could move it from its place. An eyewitness reports:

And suddenly, as if from a sleigh, something invisible fell down, like a pood of iron! And it rolled, and pounded to the side.

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