Inexplicable mass mystical phenomena associated with catastrophes and tragedies (10 photos). The most inexplicable mysterious phenomena on earth


- one of the amazing phenomena of our planet, which can usually be seen in the northern latitudes. But sometimes it can be seen even in London or Florida. Moreover, the northern lights can be seen even in the very south of the Earth - in Antarctica. This phenomenon also occurs on other planets of the solar system: Mars, Jupiter, Venus.

Lenticular clouds are the rarest natural phenomenon that can be observed between 2 layers of air or on the crest of an air wave. Outwardly, they resemble saucers, pancakes, flying saucers.

Even thunderclouds can look beautiful, but there is a kind of cloud that is both admirable and terrifying. This phenomenon is called asperatus(Undulatus asperatus), which is also known as the scariest clouds. From Latin, their name means wavy-burgundy or rough. Indeed, their shape is very reminiscent of foaming sea waves, only located high in the sky.

There are many unusual and even frightening natural phenomena on the planet. One of them was " bloody rain“, which was witnessed by the inhabitants of the Indian state of Kerala. Here for a whole month it rained, the color very reminiscent of blood. For the first time this phenomenon was recorded here from July 25 to September 21, 2001. Moreover, they claimed that people saw rains of other shades (yellow, green and black). Bloody rain has previously fallen over different regions repeatedly, therefore the recent bloody rain in kerala— is not an isolated phenomenon.

One of the most unusual natural phenomena is rightfully considered. They were discovered relatively recently - about 30 years ago. They appear mainly before a hurricane, because they can not be seen in all countries.

moon rainbow is not only a Soviet science fiction film, but also an unusual natural phenomenon. Its peculiarity is that it is formed at night and generated by the Moon. It differs from the solar rainbow only in its lower brightness.

Almost all natural phenomena can be explained using physical laws and mathematical formulas.

However, there are still some places in the world that defy explanation. No matter how hard scientists try, it's all in vain.

The lights of Hessdalen

For decades, the locals of the Hessdalen Valley in Norway have lived in fear of the mysterious fires. Often at night you can observe strange appearing lights in the sky, which move chaotically and even flash in different colors.

And this was observed not just by a few residents: for example, the phenomenon was confirmed by qualified researchers. But no one has yet been able to explain these light phenomena.

Of course, there were many theories about this, including the most incredible ones.

But at least one assumption more or less sounds plausible. This theory is related to the high radioactivity in that area. Presumably, radon is superimposed on dust particles, and when this dust flies into the atmosphere, the radioactive element decays, creating similar fires.

If this is true, then this is bad news for the locals, because it is dangerous.

Some scholars also suggest that the Hessdalen valley resembles a huge mobile phone battery. It was found that one area of ​​the valley is rich in copper deposits, another area is rich in zinc, and these elements are the main composition of the batteries.

This forms a certain acidity in the air, which can produce sparks in the atmosphere that look like an alien invasion. Also, the river in the valley contains sulfuric acid due to the nearby sulfur mine. One way or another, all this remains only guesswork, but not facts.

Strange epidemic

The small state of Kazakhstan has every chance of becoming famous all over the world, but this is not something worth being famous for. This is a mysterious epidemic that is reported to cause fatigue, memory loss, hallucinations, and prolonged bouts of unexpected narcolepsy.

Over the past few years, hundreds of residents of the village of Kalachi (Akmola region) have already reported loss of consciousness. The problem became so serious that the authorities even evacuated the inhabitants of the settlement.

It should be noted that all the blood tests of the complaining people turned out to be normal, which leads to the following thought: the situation is similar to the usual mass hysteria. Perhaps it's just lazy residents who like to sleep at their workplace.

The main hypothesis of specialists is based on the fact that the inhabitants of Kalachi suffer from the consequences of radiation poisoning, since the city is located near a uranium mine. However, there are inconsistencies in such a theory: even closer to the uranium mine is a city in which residents do not complain about a strange epidemic.

Mystery of the city of Taos

If you've ever heard the hum of a television or the buzzing of electrical wires, you know that these sounds just drive you crazy. So the inhabitants of Taos, New Mexico, USA, hear such sounds all the time.

Since the 1990s, the citizens of Taos have been reporting constant, incessant buzzing noises that are heard throughout the city, leaving people horrified.

For example, on the island of Borneo, similar similar sounds come from a local factory. But in Taos, not everything is so simple. In this small town, various researchers have been trying to find the source of the unbearable sound for more than 20 years without success.

Most of all, scientists adhere to the theory that the hearing of local residents may be too sensitive, because of which they are able to hear any sounds barely distinguishable to the common man.

Devil's Cauldron

In the state of Minnesota, USA, there is one phenomenon, over the solution of which scientists have been struggling for more than one year - this is the so-called Devil's Cauldron.

In this place, the Brul River flows over the rocks. Part of the river flows into the lake, and the other part falls into the pit. The mystery is that it is not clear where this pit leads. It looks like the water is going nowhere.

Of course, there are suggestions that the water enters the system of underground caves, but then it still must flow out somewhere, for example, near the lake. The catch lies in the impossibility of determining exactly where the water that has fallen into the Devil's Cauldron flows.

The researchers tried in every possible way to find out: they poured paint into the pit in order to observe where the colored water would end up. When that didn't work, the researchers launched ping pong balls, which also disappeared without a trace in the Devil's Cauldron.

Thus, this place is fraught with an amazing mystery, the answer to which, perhaps, is somewhere nearby, or maybe not?

falling birds

Every year at the end of August in the Jatinga Valley, Assam Province, India, people gather, light bonfires and observe an unusual phenomenon. From early morning until late evening, flocks of birds take off into the sky, but they just try to sit straight into these red-hot fires. Without much difficulty, they can be knocked down with a long stick.

This phenomenon was first noticed in 1964. Over time, it turned out that similar cases were still observed in the Philippines, in Malaysia, in the Indian state of Mizoram.

So far, ornithologists prefer to stick to only one conclusion: young migratory birds can be alarmed by strong winds, so they fly into the light in search of salvation or shelter.

Unusual dune

In the Altyn-Emel National Park, Almaty region, Kazakhstan, there is a Singing Dune 1.5 km long and about 130 m high. The unusual feature of this mound is that it can make sounds when dry. These sounds may sound like weeping, an organ melody, or something else.

Moreover, the sand from this dune continues to “sing” if it is placed in any container and shaken.

There is a version that grains of sand can sound like this as a result of friction.

Source:, Translation: Lisitsyn R.V.

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Someone faces miracles all the time, for someone they are fairy tales, nevertheless, paranormal things happen in our lives, and this is the same reality as, say, rain or snow, which seem so ordinary to us. (website)

alien artifacts

On the evening of January 29, 1986, a strange event occurred near the Far Eastern town of Dalnegorsk. A large luminous "meteorite" crashed into the hill at great speed. The top of this hill is visible here from all corners of the city, so almost all local residents have witnessed something mysterious. Later, fires resembling welding began to burn on a hill. The heavy snowfall in January did not allow us to immediately approach the glow, which lasted, as the locals say, for about an hour. Only three days later, the researchers managed to climb to the top and see strange fragments, clearly melted under the influence of high temperature. Surprisingly, at the same time, at a distance of several centimeters from the fallen celestial body, bushes and trees remained intact and unharmed.

The collision with the rock left a lot of interesting artifacts, the chemical composition of which turned out to be extremely rare, if not completely atypical for the Earth. For example, balls and structures have been found that resemble a grid in their structure. Many of them had a high melting point, although they appeared to be plastic. Scientists have suggested that such chemical compounds are almost impossible to obtain in the natural conditions of our planet. Then - what is it? ..

Annabelle doll

These events formed the basis of the American horror film Annabelle. In 1970, an American student celebrated her birthday. Her mother had given her a large antique doll that she had bought from an antique shop. A few days later, strange things began to happen. Every morning, the girl carefully laid the doll on the bed in the apartment she rented with her friend. The hands of the toy were at the seams, and the legs were extended. But by evening, the doll took a completely different pose. For example, the legs were crossed and the hands were on the knees. The doll could also be seen in unexpected places in the home.

The girls came to the logical conclusion that during their absence, an outsider with a strange sense of humor visits the apartment. It was decided to conduct an experiment and seal the windows and the door in such a way that the attacker would leave traces after the visit. Not a single trap worked, and strange things continued to happen with the doll. Moreover, blood stains began to appear on the doll. Naturally, the police, who were involved a little later in this strange case, could not help the girls in any way. I had to turn to a medium. He said that a seven-year-old girl died on the site of this dwelling, whose spirit plays with this doll, thereby giving some signs, for example, requests for help. But then something terrible began to happen to the doll.

Once, a friend of theirs visited the girls. Suddenly, a noise was heard from the adjacent empty room. When the guys looked through the door, there was no one in it, but on the floor. Suddenly, the boy screamed and grabbed his chest. There were blood stains on his shirt. The chest was all scratched. The girls left the apartment on the same day and turned to the famous esoteric Warren couple, who are engaged in the study of paranormal phenomena. It turned out that Annabelle is not just a doll, but some kind of evil entity that took advantage of the girls' trust. The Warrens performed a purification ceremony, after which the terrible things in the apartment no longer arose. The girls gladly gave the doll itself to their saviors for eternal storage.

rubber blocks

Over the past thirty years, mysterious artifacts have been regularly discovered on the shores of Europe. These are rectangular rubber blocks with rounded edges and the inscription "TJIPETIR". It turned out that this word was used to refer to an Indonesian rubber plantation that existed at the beginning of the last century. But how to explain the appearance of these products on the other side of the planet? Experts suggest that the plates are washed out from a sunken merchant ship.

But in this case, very mysterious oddities can be traced. Firstly, the plates appear in England, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, France, which indicates a huge number of blocks during the shipwreck. Such an impressive consignment should be reflected in some archival documents, but none were found. Secondly, rubber was made 100 years ago, but, to the surprise of the researchers of this phenomenon, it is very well preserved. Are these platins from a parallel world? ..

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Mysterious Murders at the Hinterkaifeck Farm

In 1922, the mysterious murder of six people committed on the small farm of Hinterkaifeck shocked all of Germany. And not only because the murders were committed with horrendous cruelty.

All the circumstances associated with this crime were very strange, even mystical, and to this day it remains unsolved.

During the investigation, more than 100 people were interrogated, but no one was ever arrested. Not a single motive that could somehow explain what happened was also identified.

The maid who worked in the house ran away six months ago, claiming it was haunted. The new girl arrived just a few hours before the murder.

Apparently, the attacker was on the farm for at least a few days - someone fed the cows and ate in the kitchen. In addition, neighbors saw smoke coming from the chimney during the weekend. The photo shows the body of one of the dead, found in a barn.

Phoenix Lights

The so-called "Phoenix Lights" are several flying objects that more than 1000 people observed on the night of Thursday, March 13, 1997: in the sky over the states of Arizona and Nevada in the USA and over the state of Sonora in Mexico.

In fact, two strange events occurred that night: a triangular formation of luminous objects that moved across the sky, and several motionless lights hovering over the city of Phoenix. However, in the latest US Air Force, they recognized the lights from the A-10 Warthog aircraft - it turned out that at that time military exercises were taking place in southwestern Arizona.

Solway Firth Astronaut

In 1964, the family of Briton Jim Templeton was walking near the Solway Firth. The head of the family decided to take a picture of his five-year-old daughter with Kodak. The Templetons claimed that there was no one else in these marshy places except them. And when the pictures were developed, one of them showed a strange figure peeking out from behind the girl. The analysis showed that the photo was not subjected to any changes.

falling body

The Cooper family has just moved into their new home in Texas. In honor of the housewarming, a festive table was laid, at the same time we decided to take some family photos. And when the pictures were developed, a strange figure was found on them - it seems that someone's body is either hanging or falling from the ceiling. Of course, the Coopers did not see anything like this during the shooting.

Too many hands

The four guys were fooling around taking pictures in the yard. When the film was shown, it turned out that one extra hand appeared on it from nowhere (peeps out from behind the back of a guy in a black T-shirt).

"Battle of Los Angeles"

This picture was published in the Los Angeles Times on February 26, 1942. To this day, conspiracy theorists and ufologists cite it as evidence of extraterrestrial visits to Earth. They claim that the photo clearly shows that the beams of searchlights fall on an alien flying ship. However, as it turned out, the photo for publication was pretty retouched - this is a standard procedure, which almost all published black-and-white photographs were subjected to to heighten the effect.

The incident itself, captured in the photo, was called a “misunderstanding” by the authorities. The Americans had just survived the Japanese attack, and in general the tension was incredible. Therefore, the military got excited and opened fire on the object, which, most likely, was a harmless weather balloon.

The lights of Hessdalen

In 1907, a group of educators, students and scientists set up a scientific camp in Norway to study a mysterious phenomenon called the Hessdalen Fires.

On a clear night, Bjorn Hauge took this picture using a shutter speed of 30 seconds. Spectral analysis showed that the object must be composed of silicon, iron and scandium. This is the most informative, but far from the only photo of the Hessdalen Lights. Scientists are still scratching their heads as to what it could be.

Time Traveler

This photo was taken in 1941 during the opening of the South Forks Bridge. The attention of the public was attracted by a young man who was considered by many to be a "time traveler" - because of his modern hairstyle, zip-up sweater, printed T-shirt, fashionable glasses and a soap camera. The whole outfit is clearly not from the 40s. On the left, a camera is highlighted in red, which was actually in use at that time.

9/11 Attack - South Tower Woman

In these two shots, a woman can be seen standing on the edge of the hole in the South Tower after the plane crashed into the building. Her name is Edna Clinton and, not surprisingly, she was on the list of survivors. How she did it is beyond me, considering everything that happened in that part of the building.

skunk monkey

In 2000, a woman who wished to remain anonymous took two photographs of the mysterious creature and sent it to the Sarasota County Sheriff (Florida). The photographs were accompanied by a letter in which the woman assured that she photographed a strange creature in the backyard of her house. The creature came to her house three nights in a row and stole the apples left on the terrace.

UFO in the painting "Madonna with Saint Giovannino"

The Madonna with Saint Giovannino is by Domenico Ghirlandai (1449-1494) and is currently in the collection of the Palazzo Vecchio, Florence. Above Maria's right shoulder, a mysterious flying object and a man who is watching it are clearly visible.

Incident at Lake Falcon

Another encounter with a supposed extraterrestrial civilization took place near Lake Falcon on May 20, 1967.

Someone Stefan Michalak was resting in these places and at some point noticed two descending cigar-shaped objects, one of which landed very close. Michalak claims to have seen the door open and heard voices coming from within.

He tried to speak to the aliens in English, but there was no answer. Then he tried to get closer, but came across an "invisible glass", which, apparently, served as a protection for the object.

Suddenly, Michalak was surrounded by a cloud of air so hot that his clothes caught fire. The man suffered severe burns.


This story took place on the evening of February 11, 1988 in the city of Vsevolozhsk. There was a light knock on the window of the house where a woman who was fond of spiritualism and her teenage daughter lived. Looking out, the woman saw no one. Went out on the porch - no one. And there were no footprints in the snow under the window either.

The woman was surprised, but did not attach much importance. And half an hour later there was a pop and part of the glass in the window where the invisible guest was knocking fell off, forming an almost perfectly round hole.

The next day, at the request of the woman, her Leningrad acquaintance, candidate of technical sciences S.P. Kuzionov, arrived. He carefully examined everything and took several pictures.

When the photograph was developed, it showed the face of a woman peering into the lens. Both the mistress of the house and Kuzionov himself found this face unfamiliar.

Ten mysterious natural phenomena that science cannot explain. Scientists have been trying to solve many mysteries of the natural world for many centuries, but some phenomena still baffle even the best minds of mankind.

Scientists have figured out the nature of the mysterious lights - the harbingers of earthquakes. Canadian geologists have come to the conclusion that these glows occur in rift zones, where special charge carriers appear in the rocks. Scientists hope that with the help of these lights it will be possible to predict earthquakes. However, there are still many such phenomena in the world that still remain a mystery.

The most strange and mystical harbingers of tremors are the glow in the atmosphere, which people have observed for centuries on the eve of earthquakes.

Geologist Robert Theriault, an employee of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Canadian province of Quebec, recently concluded that most of the sightings of lights occur in areas of rift zones - areas of rupture of the earth's crust, formed as a result of its longitudinal movement or fracture.

Fires are caused by the rapid accumulation of mechanical stresses in the earth's crust and their changes during the propagation of seismic waves. Positive charge carriers (holes) arising due to stresses in rocks quickly flow along the stress gradient, reach the surface, where they ionize air molecules and cause its glow.

The most famous and interesting natural phenomenon is ball lightning, which people have been observing for many centuries. It is a glowing fireball floating in the air. According to eyewitnesses, ball lightning usually appears in thunderstorm, stormy weather. Most often, it “comes out” of the conductor or is generated by ordinary lightning, sometimes it suddenly appears in the air or can come out of some object. Lightning also disappears unexpectedly: it can simply disappear, fly away or go into some object, for example, into a socket.

A unified physical theory of the occurrence and course of this phenomenon has not been presented to date. In 2010, the theory of the origin of ball lightning was developed by Austrian scientists Joseph Peer and Alexander Kendl from the University of Innsbruck. They suggested that evidence of ball lightning can be interpreted as a manifestation of phosphenes - visual sensations without light affecting the eye, that is, ball lightning are hallucinations.

Wandering Lights
Wandering lights or "demonic lights" are rare natural phenomena observed at night in swamps, fields and cemeteries.
Most often, wandering lights burn at the height of a person’s raised hand, have a spherical shape or resemble a candle flame, for which they received another name - “the candle of the dead”. The color of the fire may be white, bluish or greenish, or it may look like a living flame without smoke.

In Europe and in Russia, it was believed that wandering lights are the souls of dead people, but there are other beliefs.
There are several scientific hypotheses for the origin of mysterious lights. This is the spontaneous combustion of gaseous hydrogen phosphide, which is formed during the decay of dead plant and animal organisms, or bioluminescence, for example, honey mushrooms or fireflies.

The term Foo fighters, which means “some fighters” in Russian, was used during World War II by pilots of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition to refer to unidentified flying objects or unusual atmospheric phenomena observed in the European and Pacific theaters of war.

Information about them appeared in official sources from November 1944. Pilots flying at night over German territory began to report sightings of fast-moving luminous objects following their aircraft. They have been variously described, usually as red, orange, or white balls that would make complex maneuvers before suddenly disappearing. According to the pilots, the objects pursued the planes and generally behaved as if they were controlled by someone, but did not show hostility; it was not possible to break away from them or bring them down.

At first, the Allies assumed that they were the secret weapon of the enemy, but reports about them did not stop after the end of the war, and besides, they also came from the other side - from the pilots of Germany and Japan.

The fires of St. Elmo are a well-studied and explained natural phenomenon. They are a discharge in the form of luminous beams or tassels that occurs at the sharp ends of tall objects (towers, masts, lonely trees, sharp rock tops) at high electric field strength in the atmosphere.

The name of the phenomenon was received from the name of St. Elmo (Erasmus) - the patron saint of sailors in Catholicism. For sailors, the appearance of lights promised hope for success, and in times of danger - for salvation.

Sprites (from the English sprite - fairy, elf) - a rare type of lightning discharges, a kind of lightning. Sprites appear tenths of a second after a very strong lightning strike and last less than 100 milliseconds. Most often, sprites propagate both up and down at the same time, but the downward spread is noticeably larger and faster.

They appear at an altitude of about 50 to 130 kilometers (the height of the formation of "ordinary" lightning is no more than 16 kilometers) and reach a length of up to 60 km and up to 100 km in diameter.

Sprites have different colors, which is explained by different pressure and composition of the atmosphere at different heights. At an altitude of 70 km, nitrogen gives a red glow, and the closer to the ground, the greater the pressure and the amount of oxygen, which changes color to blue, blue and white. Until now, very little is known about the physical nature of sprites.

Catatumbo lightning is a local natural phenomenon that occurs over the confluence of the Catatumbo River into Lake Maracaibo (South America). The phenomenon is expressed in the appearance of a glow at an altitude of about five kilometers, while thunder is not heard at this moment. Lightning appears at night (140-160 times a day) and the discharges last about 10 hours. In total, about 1.2 million discharges per year are obtained.

The phenomenon is explained quite simply: winds coming from the Andes cause thunderstorms. Methane, which is abundant in the atmosphere of these wetlands, rises to the clouds, fueling lightning bolts.

Nag fireballs are another local phenomenon that occurs once a year on the Mekong River in Thailand and Laos. Glowing balls rise from the depths of the river, similar to reddish chicken eggs. Balls rise 10-20 meters above the river and disappear.

The reasons for the occurrence of the phenomenon are not fully understood. It was assumed that the balls appear as a result of the fermentation of suspension carried by the river, which ignites as a result of certain atmospheric conditions. Locals claim that thousands of balls rising above the river are created by a nag (a snake-like creature in Eastern religions) living in the river - Phaya Nag.

Red rain is a single meteorological phenomenon. From July 25, 2001 to September 23, 2001, this rain fell sporadically and unevenly across the southern Indian state of Kerala.

It was initially suspected that the rains were colored by fallout from a hypothetical meteor explosion, but the Government of India commissioned a study which reported that the rains were colored by spores from native algae.

According to local residents, the first colored rain was preceded by a loud clap of thunder and a flash of light. At the same time, dry gray leaves fell off the trees. Locals have reported dried leaves and sudden well formations around the same time.

The reason for the coloration of the rain is the red particles that were in suspension in the rainwater. The color was often similar to the color of blood. Colored rain fell over an area of ​​no more than a few square kilometers, and sometimes in such localized fashion that normal rain could fall several meters away from red rain. Red showers usually lasted no more than 20 minutes.

Rainwater sample on the left, after precipitation on the right. The dried sediment is the center.

Underwater Phenomenon - QUAKERS
A Quaker or wah is a suspected source of unknown underwater sound vibrations in the low frequency range. These sounds were recorded by the echolocation installations of ships. The name of the phenomenon comes from the similarity of some of the recorded signals with the sounds made by frogs. The first reported cases date back to the 1970s, and after 1990 there has not been a single officially registered case, which is most likely caused by a decrease in the intensity of naval reconnaissance and submarine duty.

According to one of the main assumptions, the source of these sounds is marine animals of little-studied or unknown species.

Some researchers suggest that some species of cetaceans may be Quakers. According to other opinions, the giant squid from the Architeuthidae family may be a Quaker. Giant squids can prey on large marine mammals (which can be mistaken for by submarines), and their boneless build makes them difficult to detect with standard surveillance equipment.

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