Non-traditional drawing on balloons. Details on how to draw balloons Draw a balloon for children


Draw with balloons

(non-traditional drawing techniques)


Obedient to the wind!

The wind blew - they fly.

Let them fly wherever they want!

Introducing children to artistic creativity can be made fun if you use not ordinary brushes or pencils in your work, but any material suitable for applying paint. . Unusual materials and original techniques attract children because the word “No” is not present here, you can draw whatever you want and how you want, and you can even come up with your own unusual technique.

On the eve of Mother's Day, my children and I decided to draw flowers using balloons. Everything is very simple and, at the same time, very curious and interesting for children.

We inflate a regular balloon to the size of the required print. You can use different balls for each color. Pre-prepare the paint, it can be either gouache or finger paints. It is most convenient to pour the paint on a disposable plate. Then we put the ball on the paper perpendicularly and with different force we press on it from above - we get a round print.

Then we dip the ball into the paint and make a print on a piece of paper, then another one, make as many prints as we want until we get a bouquet of flowers. In the process of drawing, you can change or add paint colors. To complete the composition, draw the stems and leaves with cotton swabs using the pointillism technique.



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If your child does not like to draw, it only means that you have not yet found a way that he will like. Take a look at our selection: we have found for you 10 drawing techniques that you may not have heard of before. Or heard, but not tried. Try it and then tell us about the results.

Drawing on milk

In fact, this method of drawing is called Ebru and in the original it is performed not on milk, but on special water. But all the bells and whistles for this type of creativity are very expensive. We suggest you try Ebru with milk. We absolutely love everything about this technique: its cost, the beauty of execution, and the fact that an unusual pattern can be preserved.

You will need:

  • large tray
  • milk (the fatter the better)
  • paints (from Ikea are quite suitable)
  • toothpick
  • pipette
  • dishwashing liquid (optional)
Dilute the paints with water in separate jars, pour milk onto the tray. Use a dropper to drop the paint into the milk, then use a toothpick to create intricate patterns on the milk canvas. Once the image appears complete, place a blank white sheet over the drawing and it will move onto the paper. In an intermediate stage, you can put a drop of dishwashing detergent on the drawing and watch how the pattern comes to life. Fiction!

Drawing on shaving foam

This way of drawing develops creative thinking and imagination, and the process is so captivating that one day you will have to stock up on shaving foam for future use.

You will need:

  • acrylic paints (or gouache)
  • shaving foam
  • wand
  • plastic board
  • ruler-triangle
Squeeze a small amount of shaving cream onto a flat, non-absorbent surface (plastic board). Form a drawing field from it by leveling the surface with a ruler. Squeeze the paint out of the tubes onto the foam in drops or lines. Stretch the paint drops with a stick. Create your own unique drawing. Lay a sheet of paper on top of the foam and press lightly. Remove the paper. Before you will be a continuous mess of paint and foam, but do not be alarmed, the drawing is hidden under the foam! In one motion, scrape off the foam with a ruler from the paper sheet and leave the picture to dry.

balloon drawing

Usually, balloons become obligatory guests at every holiday. But time passes, and the balls begin to deflate. Do you think they can no longer bring joy? Wrong! You can draw with them!

You will need:

  • balloon
  • sheet of white paper
  • pink paint
  • disposable plate
  • button
  • beady eyes

Collect all ingredients. Pour the pink paint into a disposable plate. Inflate (or take an already inflated) balloon and gently lower it into the paint. Make an imprint on a piece of paper with a balloon. You will get a pink circle. Dip the ball in pink paint and paint the ears on the pig! Put beady eyes on the paint that has not yet dried (when the paint dries, the eyes will stick). Attach a button to make a nose. If the paint is already dry, use the fresh paint as glue. You can, of course, not only draw a pig, it's how you like it.

yarn drawing

You can draw with old pieces of yarn or thick threads, which are sure to be found in every home!

You will need:

  • water washable paints
  • disposable plates
  • paper
  • yarn (you can use thick threads or ribbons).
It is most convenient to allocate a separate plate and thread for each color. Put a spoonful of paint on a plate. Take the thread and saturate it with paint, leaving about 10 cm from one end of the thread clean. Saturate each thread with your paint. After you and your children prepare the drawing tools, take the threads by the clean tip and move them along the sheet in accordance with your imagination.

Drawing in the style of scratching

The word grattage comes from the French word gratter - scrape, scratch. And it's true, the drawing is not written, but scratched. This way of drawing is a great tool for developing imagination and shading skills.

You will need:

  • thick paper
  • colour pencils
  • black gouache
  • paraffin candle
  • brush
  • toothpick
Shade the entire surface of a sheet of paper with colored pencils. Rub the colored surface of the leaf well with a paraffin candle. By the way. You can simply paint the sheet with wax crayons. Paint over the drawing with gouache and leave to dry. If gouache rolls into drops on the surface of the sheet, add a drop of dishwashing liquid to it and cover the sheet with this composition in 2-3 layers. Now you can proceed to the most important moment - drawing. Scratch the black surface with a toothpick, creating a pattern. You can draw on the background in different ways: only the outlines of the figures; lighten the whole figure and leave it on a dark background, or, conversely, leave the figure dark and make the background light.

Aquatype drawing

This technique activates and develops figurative thinking, imagination, creativity; it is suitable even for those who do not know how to draw at all. On a piece of glass, plastic or plastic, a drawing is made using watercolors, gouache, oil paints. Maybe not a drawing, but just spots. Then the glass is pressed against the paper, and an imprint is left on it. To get an interesting effect, you can turn the glass, pull it, lift it in steps, by one edge or by all four at once - thanks to this, the paint will smear a little and you will get the effect of movement, wind, waves. The resulting drawings can be considered to be left unchanged, or can be used as a background for the main drawing.

Frozen paint painting

We are sure that you have never painted with frozen paint! Today is the day to discover new horizons and try this fun type of drawing.

You will need:

  • shaving foam
  • food colorings
  • plastic cups
  • accessories (sequins, small beads)
  • paper or paper
In each cup, add shaving foam, food coloring (a few drops) and mix. When the base is ready, add decorations (for example, beads or sparkles). We put the resulting product in the freezer and wait for several hours. While our paint is freezing, prepare a place for drawing and paper. Help your child remove the finished paints from the molds. A child can draw spiral patterns with frozen paint, so the patterns are even more beautiful! Especially if you use several colors at once.

Bubble painting

You will need:

  • some shampoo
  • 15 drops food coloring
  • 1/2 cup water
  • straws for cocktail
Mix shampoo, water and dye of any color in a small bowl. You can also make several bowls with different colors of liquids. Ask the child to blow into the soapy solution with a straw, thereby inflating more and more bubbles. Hold the paper near the soap bubbles so that you have a bright and colorful pattern. By alternating paints of different colors, you can get an interesting multi-colored pattern.

salt painting

For this type of drawing, you will need a sheet of cardboard, glue, and salt. We dip the brush in glue and draw whatever our heart desires on dark cardboard. Kids can simply put dots on cardboard - later these dots will turn into snowflakes. Clay is not sorry! We dip the brush into the glue more often, we smear it fatter. Now we take a handful of salt and boldly sprinkle the picture. Snowflakes can be sprinkled with finely ground salt, snowdrifts with coarse salt, different salts can be combined on fir branches, and so on. Thus, we cover the entire cardboard with a thick layer of salt. Then we gently tilt and shake the cardboard - excess salt is poured from the picture, and fluffy drawings of salt based on glue remain. Magic, nothing else!

Svetlana Legina

Theme: « Balloon»

Program tasks:

Teach children to draw round objects (ball); distinguish colors, name them correctly; hold the brush correctly paint on a brush, dipping it with all the pile in a jar, remove the excess paint touching the pile on the edge of the jar.

To develop the aesthetic perception of children,

Cultivate children's interest in drawing.

Equipment and materials:

Demo material: bear, burst balloon red, inflated air balls by number of children

Handout: landscape sheet, gouache, brushes.

Lesson progress:

Guys, ts-s-s, hear, someone knocked on our door. Sit quietly, I'll go and see if anyone has come to visit us?

Children look who came to us. Who is this? (Bear). Look, he's crying. Ask him why is he crying? (Yes). Bear why are you crying?

Guys, I went to the birthday hare, carried balloon as a gift, caught on a branch in the forest and balloon burst, what to do? Don't know….

Let's calm the bear and play a game « Ball»


Fast we inflate the balloon

He gets big

Suddenly the ball burst

The air is out,

He became thin

Guys you love draw? (Yes). Guys, let's draw a bear balloons. What was bear's ball? (round, red)

And what colors are balloons? (red, yellow, etc.) That's right guys we have colorful balls


Showing how we will draw our balloons.

I pick up a brush, above her clothes. And now I'll dip the brush in paint. . I take green paint and I begin to draw a rounded line and connect one end to the other. And with a light movement I paint over.

It turned out ball?

And now I'm drawing a line. This will be the rope ball.

Here it is ball of green.

And now the guys raised their tassels. We spend everything together in air rounded line. We connect one end to the other, so that we get ball. And draw a line-rope to the ball.

Well done!

Hold the brush with three fingers, right hand.

Now dip the brush in paint. Paints need to be drawn carefully. Like this. Now let's draw rounded lines so that one end connects to the other. Everybody painted? And now with light hand movements we paint over balloons. Try not to go outside the circle. Let's try to Our balloons are beautiful and the bunny will walk and watch as you can draw beautifully.

FINAL PART (with bear)

The bear told me what everyone has beautiful balls are obtained. Well done!

The guys see how the bear praises you, he even stopped crying.

Thank you guys for these balloons! Now I'm going to a birthday party, how happy my friend the bunny will be! Goodbye, guys! (Goodbye).

You guys are great today. I have prepared for you balloons, play with them.

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Unfortunately, a person is deprived of the opportunity to fly. Therefore, he tries to rise into the air by all available means.


Before moving on to solving the question of how to draw a balloon with a basket, you should understand what it is. The correct name for such a design is an aerostat. In fact, we are talking about an ordinary spherical object that can rise to great heights. This happens due to the force of heated air. At present, the described apparatus is extremely rarely used as a means of transportation. Usually they make an attraction similar to a Ferris wheel from it. Millions of people dream of rising to a bird's eye view on such a miracle of technology, and thousands of artists dream of drawing it in all details. Working on a piece of art like this can be a lot of fun and even a little romantic.


So, let's move on to a step-by-step solution to the question of how to draw. At the first step, we draw a figure that is similar in contours to the silhouette of the object we need. Now we make a more even sketch to get geometric shapes. We proceed to the next step in solving the question of how to draw balloons, and remove the auxiliary lines. Next, draw the contours.


At the next stage, we divide the object into slices, like a tangerine. Now we do a similar operation, but with horizontal lines. At the end, draw a basket. Now you know how to draw balloons. It should be added that the main geometric shapes that will be needed in this case are a rectangle and a circle. For work, you should stock up on paper, pencils, and an eraser. When creating a basket, keep in mind that it is a rectangle, the side of which is equal to the third part of the diameter of the ball.

One of the first tasks for beginners is to learn how to draw simple figures, including a ball. To draw a ball, let's designate a circle, and then apply shadows on it with dashed lines.

To work on the drawing of this basic shape, we need:

  • paper, landscape is better, but standard A4 is also possible;
  • eraser;
  • a simple, graphite, well-sharpened pencil.

The shape of the ball is guessed in many objects, so the acquired drawing skills will come in handy when depicting apples, a ball, buds of unblown flowers, and other round objects. Consider the algorithm of actions, following which we will understand how to draw a ball.

Step one. markup

First, let's draw the basis of the future ball - an even circle. Draw a horizontal line in the center of the sheet, marking its middle with a dot. Through it we will draw a line of the same length, but vertically, at a right angle to the first. We do not strongly direct the lines, they should be light and not noticeable. If you find it difficult to determine the center of the line segment by eye, you can use a ruler. But over time, try to still train the “eye”, no artist can do without it.

Step two. A circle

We connect the extreme points of the resulting cross, the edges of our segments on the lines. If it turned out uneven, use the eraser, try again. Repeat until you see a relatively even circle. Now the extra lines can be removed.

Step three. Ellipse

We measure the distance from the shadow mark to the central point, and mark the same segment with a dot on the other side. Through them we draw a flattened oval - an ellipse.

Step four. And again ellipses

We draw horizontal lines above and below, parallel to the one that underlies the circle. On them we draw two more ovals - above and below the central one. They will mark the boundaries between the illuminated and darkened areas of the ball. Depending on how our figure interacts with light, we select three areas: shadows, strong and weak light.

Step five. Adding Volume

The general scheme of the distribution of chiaroscuro in the picture is shown in the figure. To make the ball voluminous, we will impose chiaroscuro. Decide where the light will come from. In the sample, the light source is on top, so we put a glare on the most illuminated place on top of our circle, while marking the width of the shadow with a stroke.

Step six. Light and shadow

Let us consider in more detail the question of the distribution of illumination. Depending on the extent to which this or that area of ​​the ball is illuminated, we will apply shadows by shading. Above we have a highlight, that is, the most illuminated place. Approximately in the middle - the darkest place with a densely superimposed stroke. The lower hemisphere is darker, the upper hemisphere near the glare is lighter, there will be penumbra.

To make it clearer how to draw a ball, place a round object next to you and carefully examine where the light areas are and where the shadows are.

Step seven. Toning

We apply arched strokes to the shadow area parallel to the contour of the figure. In the penumbra area, we make a smooth transition, drawing lines with light pencil movements, leaving a light gray spot around the highlight. We mark the reflex - the place of reflection from the plane where the ball is located, making it lighter than the falling shadow. Add the so-called "body" shadow from the ball. The closer she is to him, the darker. Optionally, you can add background details or other objects to the drawing.

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