Non-traditional drawing techniques. Presentation "Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten Presentation of a drawing circle in dow


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Non-traditional visual techniques are an effective means of depiction, including new artistic and expressive techniques for creating an artistic image, composition and color, which make it possible to ensure the greatest expressiveness of the image in creative work so that children do not create a template. *

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Hand drawing Age: from two years. Expressive means: spot, color, fantastic silhouette. Materials: wide saucers with gouache, brush, thick paper of any color, large format sheets, napkins. Method of obtaining an image: the child dips his hand (the whole brush) into gouache or paints it with a brush (from the age of five) and makes an imprint on paper. They draw with both right and left hands, painted in different colors. After work, the hands are wiped with a napkin, then the gouache is easily washed off. *

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Finger painting Age: from two years. Expressive means: spot, dot, short line, color. Materials: bowls with gouache, thick paper of any color, small sheets, napkins. Method of obtaining an image: the child dips his finger into gouache and puts dots, spots on paper. Each finger is filled with a different color of paint. After work, the fingers are wiped with a napkin, then the gouache is easily washed off. *

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Foam rubber impression Age: from four years. Expressive means: spot, texture, color. Materials: a bowl or a plastic box, which contains a stamp pad made of thin foam rubber soaked in gouache, thick paper of any color and size, pieces of foam rubber. Method of obtaining an image: the child presses the foam rubber to the ink pad and makes an impression on paper. To change the color, another bowl and foam rubber are taken. *

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Crumpled paper print Age: from four years. Expressive means: spot, texture, color. Materials: a saucer or a plastic box, which contains a stamp pad made of thin foam rubber soaked in gouache, thick paper of any color and size, crumpled paper. Method of obtaining an image: the child presses the crumpled paper to the ink pad and makes an impression on the paper. To get a different color, both the saucer and the crumpled paper change. *

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Leaf prints Age: from five years. Expressive means: texture, color. Materials: paper, leaves of different trees (preferably fallen), gouache, brushes. Method of obtaining an image: the child covers a piece of wood with paints of different colors, then applies it to the paper with the colored side to obtain a print. Each time a new leaf is taken. The petioles of the leaves can be painted with a brush. *

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Wax pencils + watercolor Age: from four years. Expressive means: color, line, spot, texture. Materials: wax pencils, thick white paper, watercolor, brushes. Method of obtaining the image: the child draws with wax pencils on white paper. Then he paints the sheet with watercolor in one or more colors. Drawing with wax pencils remains unpainted. *

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Monotype subject Age: from five years. Means of expressiveness: spot, color, symmetry. Materials: thick paper of any color, brushes, gouache or watercolor. Method for obtaining an image: the child folds a sheet of paper in half and draws half of the depicted object on one half of it (objects are chosen symmetrical). After drawing each part of the subject, until the paint has dried, the sheet is again folded in half to obtain a print. The image can then be decorated by also folding the sheet after drawing a few decorations. *

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Non-traditional drawing techniques in different age groups of the kindergarten Younger group (2-4 years old) drawing with a hard semi-dry brush with a finger drawing with the palm of your hand drawing with a cotton swab with potato seals cork print Middle group (4-5 years old) foam rubber print print with eraser, leaves wax crayons + watercolor candle + watercolor drawing with crumpled paper subject monotype Senior and preparatory group (5-7 years old) landscape monotype drawing with a toothbrush combing paint spatter air felt-tip pens blotting with a straw photocopy - drawing with a candle scratching black and white, color drawing with threads drawing with salt, drawing with sand *

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Recommendations for teachers Use different forms of artistic activity: collective creativity, independent and play activities of children in mastering non-traditional image techniques; in planning classes for visual activities, observe the system and continuity of the use of non-traditional visual techniques, taking into account the age and individual abilities of children; improve your professional level and skills through familiarization and mastery of new non-traditional ways and techniques of image. *

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Recommendations to parents materials (pencils, paints, brushes, felt-tip pens, wax crayons, etc.) must be placed in the child's field of vision so that he has a desire to create; introduce him to the surrounding world of things, animate and inanimate nature, objects of fine art, offer to draw everything that the child likes to talk about, and talk with him about everything that he likes to draw; do not criticize the child and do not rush, on the contrary, from time to time encourage the child to draw; praise your child, help him, trust him, because your child is individual! *

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List of literature used 1. 2. 3. details/ 4. 5. 6. articles/313479/ 7. 8. 9. upload/preview/klyaksa.jpg&imgrefurl 9. 10. 11. /authorposts/id/414093 12. Davydova, G.N. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. Part I. -M.: Scriptorium, 2003. - 80s. *

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Report on the work of the circle on non-traditional drawing "Watercolors"

MBDOU - kindergarten of a combined type

17 "Akkosh"

Educator: Fazlyeva L.R.

"… This is true!

Well, what is there to hide?

Children love, love to draw!

On paper, on asphalt, on the wall.

And in the tram on the window .... "

In the circle of non-traditional drawing "Watercolors" in the 2015-2016 academic year, children of the middle group were engaged.

Circle visited 15 children .

Drawing using non-traditional techniques -

this is a drawing aimed at the ability to deviate from the standard. The main condition: to think independently and receive unlimited opportunities to express your feelings and thoughts in a drawing, immerse yourself in the wonderful world of creativity.

The use of non-traditional art activities techniques:

  • contributes to the enrichment of children's knowledge and ideas about objects and their use, materials, their properties, methods of application;
  • stimulates positive motivation in a child, causes a joyful mood, relieves fear of the drawing process;
  • gives you the opportunity to experiment;
  • develops tactile sensitivity, color difference;
  • promotes the development of hand-eye coordination;
  • does not tire preschoolers, increases efficiency;
  • develops non-standard thinking, individuality.

Non-traditional ways of depiction in drawing.

Wet painting

Groats drawing


Drawing with your own

hands (finger painting)

and palms)




Stamp drawing

poke drawing, print)

And other

Games with blots


Drawing with fingers and palm. Expressive means: spot, color, fantastic silhouette. Materials: wide saucers with gouache, a brush, thick paper of any color, large format sheets, napkins. Image Acquisition Method : the child dips his hand (finger) into gouache or paints with a brush (from the age of five) and makes an imprint on paper. They draw with both right and left hands, painted in different colors. After work, the hands are wiped with a napkin, then the gouache is easily washed off.

Printed prints from vegetables and fruits , seal traffic jams. Expressive means: spot, texture, color. Materials: a bowl or a plastic box, which contains a stamp pad made of thin foam rubber soaked in gouache, thick paper of any color and size, potato stamps. the child presses the seal against the ink pad and makes an impression on the paper. To get a different color, both the bowl and the signet change. Leaf prints. Materials: paper, leaves of different trees (preferably fallen), gouache, brushes. Image acquisition method: the child covers a piece of wood with paints of different colors, then puts it on the paper with the painted side to get a print. Each time a new leaf is taken. The petioles of the leaves can be painted with a brush.

Styrofoam print, foam rubber. Expressive means: spot, texture, color. Materials: a bowl or plastic box, which contains a stamp pad made of thin foam rubber soaked in gouache, thick paper of any color and size, pieces of foam. Image acquisition method: the child presses the foam, foam rubber to the stamp pad with paint and makes an impression on paper. To get a different color, both the bowl and the foam are changed.

Poke with a stiff semi-dry brush. Expressive means: texture, color. Materials: hard brush, gouache, paper of any color and format, or a carved silhouette of a furry or prickly animal. Image acquisition method: the child lowers the brush into the gouache and strikes it on the paper, holding it vertically. When working, the brush does not fall into the water. Thus, the entire sheet, contour or template is filled. It turns out an imitation of the texture of a fluffy or prickly surface.


cotton swabs, pencil

Expressive means: spot, texture, color. Materials: a saucer or a plastic box, which contains a stamp pad made of thin foam rubber soaked in gouache, thick paper of any color and size, crumpled paper. Image acquisition method: the child presses the crumpled paper against the ink pad and makes an impression on the paper. To get a different color, both the saucer and the crumpled paper change.

Wax crayons (candle) + watercolor. Expressive means: color, line, spot, texture. Materials: wax crayons, thick white paper, watercolor, brushes. Image acquisition method: child draws with wax crayons on white paper. Then he paints the sheet with watercolor in one or more colors. The chalk drawing remains unpainted. Candle + watercolor Age: from four years. Expressive means: color, line, spot, texture. Materials: candle, thick paper, watercolor, brushes. Method of obtaining an image: the child draws with a candle "on paper. Then he paints the sheet with watercolors in one or more colors. The drawing with a candle remains white.

Subject monotype. Expressive means: spot, color, symmetry. Materials: thick paper of any color, brushes, gouache or watercolor. Image acquisition method: the child folds a sheet of paper in half and draws half of the depicted object on one half of it (objects are chosen symmetrically). After drawing each part of the subject, until the paint has dried, the sheet is again folded in half to obtain a print. The image can then be decorated by also folding the sheet after drawing a few decorations.

Blotography is usual, with a tube. means of expression : spot. Materials: paper, ink or liquid diluted gouache in a bowl, a plastic spoon. Image acquisition method: the child scoops up gouache with a plastic spoon and pours it onto paper. The result is spots in random order. Then the sheet is covered with another sheet and pressed (you can bend the original sheet in half, drop ink on one half, and cover it with the other). Next, the top sheet is removed, the image is examined: it is determined what it looks like. Missing details are drawn.

"Plasticine in Grade 3" - For work you will need: Admire the beauty! "Bouquet of roses" (plasticine material). We sculpt green lumps-balls. Sequence of work. Flatten the balls. Leaves are ready. We collect a bouquet (leaves, buds, flowers). With a plasticine knife we ​​push (draw) the veins of the leaves. Plasticine Stacks Cardboard Scissors Good mood.

"Modeling from plasticine" - Then give the children buttons and ask them to make caterpillars on their own. Lesson "Amanita". Give children the opportunity to play with plasticine without time limits. Invite the kids to choose pieces of plasticine. Pieces of soft plasticine of medium size in different colors. Pinching, rolling, pressing.

"How to draw animals" - 4. In what types of art did V.A. Vatagin work? 1. Clarification of details. Good animals of Tatyana Kapustina. General form drawing. Master Class. Probably, when we learn to focus our attention on the main thing. The theme of motherhood in the animal world is one of the favorites in the master's work. Wolf.

"Drawing with plasticine" - "Drawing with plasticine pictures" (plasticine). Plasticine drawing is a fascinating and useful activity. Attaching Applying Smoothing Plaques. Children draw more than one image with plasticine, but are already building a plot. The main task is to fill the surface with plasticine, almost without mixing colors.

"How to draw flowers" - Dear guys! We draw a rose. The oval will become the base of the dome, inverted, in the form of a bowl. After all, even two daisies are not exactly the same. The main shape of the chrysanthemum is an oval. The core of the poppy resembles a barrel. Pay attention to proportions. We draw a chrysanthemum. Zinnia. First of all, define the general, basic form.

"Economic integration" - In this way, enterprises try to resist competition from strong partners. Thus, a common market space is being formed. Integration processes in the world and Russia. Economic Monetary Union. horizontal integration. Prerequisites. Free trading zone. 2. Types of integration.

“The origins of the abilities and talents of children are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, go the thinnest threads - streams that feed the source of creative thought. In other words, the more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child." V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Purpose: To study the process of developing children's creative abilities by means of non-traditional drawing techniques To form an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality based on familiarization with non-traditional drawing techniques. Expand ideas about the variety of non-traditional drawing techniques. Improve technical and drawing skills

Tasks: To form visual skills and abilities in children To induce a desire to draw To develop imagination, thinking To induce children to be emotionally responsive to the world around them

Non-traditional drawing techniques are methods of drawing with various materials: foam rubber, crumpled paper, tubes, strings, foam plastic, paraffin candle, wax crayons, dry leaves, etc. drawing with palms, fingers, blunt ends of pencils, cotton swabs, etc.

Drawing with fingers The child dips his finger into gouache and puts dots, spots on paper. Each finger is filled with a different color of paint. After work, the fingers are wiped with a napkin, then the gouache is easily washed off.

fingers We draw

Drawing with fingers on groats Groats (semolina) crumble on a tray. Children use their fingers to create familiar simple images.

Drawing with a palm A child dips his palm (the whole brush) into gouache or paints it with a brush (from the age of five) and makes an imprint on paper. They draw with both right and left hands, painted in different colors. After work, the hands are wiped with a napkin, then the gouache is easily washed off.

Cork imprint We smear the upper part of the cork (from a plastic bottle) with a brush with paint, imprint it on the surface of the sheet. The resulting image of the circle is complemented by elements.

Drawing with cotton buds It is very easy to draw with cotton buds. We lower the stick into the water, then into the paint and put dots on the sheet. What to draw? Yes, whatever! The sky and the sun, a house in the village, a river, cars, dolls. The main thing in this business is desire!

Poke with a stiff semi-dry brush

Candle + watercolor Child draws candles on white paper. Then he paints the sheet with watercolor in one or more colors. The drawing drawn by the candles remains unpainted.

The results of my work in this direction were the activity and independence of children in art activities; the ability to find new ways for artistic representation; the ability to convey their feelings in the works using various means of expression.

Thank you for your attention!

34 hours a year, 1 hour a week. Purpose: -Development of the individuality of each child by means of interaction between various forms of basic and additional education. Main tasks: - Teaching students theoretical and practical knowledge; skills and abilities in the field of decorative design. - Development of the desire to deepen knowledge. -Formation of interest in artistic and aesthetic activities. - Development of imaginative thinking and creative activity of students. - Formation of a sense of collectivism. -Create a comfortable environment in the classroom. - The development of neatness, neatness.

Expected results: 1. Registration in classes and at school. 2. Participation in regional competitions. 3. Identification of talents and their development. 4. Improving the visual ability, artistic taste, creative imagination and thinking of the children. 5. Through love for the beautiful, instilling love for one's Motherland, a reverent attitude towards its beauties. 6. Formation of the ability to see beauty even in the most nondescript moments of life. 7. Acquaintance with various drawing techniques, types of arts and crafts.

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