Nothing good. Didn't lead to anything good


Didn't lead to anything good

adv., number of synonyms: 2

did not lead to good (2)

It ended badly (4)

  • - Disapproving of a young man who ignores the opinion and experience of his elders: they say, I began to comprehend the wisdom of life much earlier than you ...

    Dictionary of folk phraseology

  • - in a good way, adv...

    merged. Separately. Through a hyphen. Dictionary-reference

  • - in a good way adv. quality.-circumstances. unfold 1. As it should, as it should. 2. trans. Friendly, peaceful...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - ...

    Spelling Dictionary

  • - in a choir "Oshum, adverb ...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - Cm....
  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See SUPERSTITIES -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - A bad pop crowns, and a good one cannot be debunked ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See WELL -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • Good is good everywhere...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See LONELY -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See ESSENCE -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - A thin priest will marry, a good one cannot be debunked ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Adverb, number of synonyms: 2 did not lead to anything good ended badly ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - conflict-free, through negotiations, honor, kindly, of one's own free will, kindly, without coercion, by agreement, peacefully, according to concepts, willingness, will, himself, willingly, of good will, kindly, amicably, ...

    Synonym dictionary

"didn't lead to anything good" in books


From the book The Newest Book of Facts. Volume 1. Astronomy and astrophysics. Geography and other earth sciences. Biology and medicine author Kondrashov Anatoly Pavlovich

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From the book The Newest Book of Facts. Volume 1 [Astronomy and astrophysics. Geography and other earth sciences. Biology and Medicine] author Kondrashov Anatoly Pavlovich

What has been the result of China's use of coal as the main source of energy? China accounts for one third of all coal mined on Earth. By burning coal, 3/4 of the country's energy needs are met. As you know, coal is the most "dirty" type of fuel: it contains sulfur

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What did Aristotle's neglect of practice lead to? Most of the ancient Greek thinkers, including the great Aristotle (384-322 BC), considered the process of logical inference - deduction - the most acceptable way to achieve knowledge. Raising a few axioms to

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Uncertainty does not lead to anything good!

From the book Healing Thought author Vasyutin Vasyutin

Uncertainty does not lead to anything good! If the parents at first forbid something and force the child to obey this prohibition, but after a while they still allow it to be done, then he may develop resignation to fate (I can’t do anything anyway).

Grievances that gradually accumulate in the soul can poison a person's life, make him embittered. The ability to forgive from a pure heart helps to achieve mutual understanding with others. It is much easier for such a person to find harmony in his own life.

It should be remembered that sincere forgiveness, the ability to go through this episode in life preserves the healthy psychosomatics of a person, does not allow the development of various diseases.

Specialists in the field of psychology who develop trainings for self-improvement are sure that a person needs to be forgiven if he realized his own mistake, did something to correct the situation. The situation in which forgiveness was received just like that has a detrimental effect on the person himself. She gives him confidence in permissiveness.

Gradually, such people erase moral boundaries, they believe that they should do what is beneficial and convenient for them. It is unusual for them to think about the feelings of other people. Gradually it corrupts. In addition, if you forgive a person when he does not seek to receive it, this leads to the belief that you can be treated in this way and your personal boundaries can be violated as you like.

A person who sincerely knows how to ask for forgiveness achieves the same spiritual development as you. He understands the importance of repentance.

If repentance does not come, then you should ask for forgiveness only from yourself, for allowing you to do this to yourself. You should ask the Lord for forgiveness for that person who lacks the wisdom to see his own mistake, admit it and correct it. Ask God for forgiveness for the feeling of anger that has driven you to some extent. After realizing your own mistakes, sincere repentance, you can find inner peace.

Why should men be forgiven only after appropriate action?

Most men from childhood are used to receiving praise from close, significant people after they have done something. Words of approval are rarely heard without a reason. The same rule applies to forgiveness. The man who offended you must prove not only with words, but also with the corresponding acting ones, that he repented. If you forgive him just like that, he will have an internal contradiction, in addition, he will gradually get used to the fact that he can offend you and will receive forgiveness every time without any difficulty.

Do not dwell on mistakes, learn to forgive others, sincerely apologize and repent before God. This will bring inner cleansing and make your life better.

The head of the LDPR faction in the Legislative Assembly of the region, Valery Kalashnikov, commented on the results of the second round of elections in Khabarovsk and Vladimir.

On a single voting day on September 9in 4 regions of Russia, none of the candidates for governor could get more than 50% of the votes. These are Khakassia, Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory and Vladimir Region. In the last two, the second round of elections has already passed, in which LDPR candidates won.

Our candidates - Sergei Furgal in Khabarovsk and Vladimir Sipyagin in Vladimir were elected by an overwhelming number of votes. It is very pleasant that we will now have three governors from the Liberal Democratic Party, we are still waiting for the results of the upcoming elections in Khakassia and Primorye.

It is already clear that the bills put forward by the ruling party lead to the impoverishment of the people. And we were ready for the fact that people would finally understand who to choose. There were many conversations of this kind: “Why go to the polls, and so everything has already been decided for us!”. But just now the situation is when we see that this is not so! Despite the fact that the current governor in Khabarovsk was in power for more than one year, the people came and showed their will, giving almost 70% of the votes for the LDPR candidate. This is an impressive victory!

There are also such conversations: yes, now people are going to vote even for the hell of a bald man, if only not for United Russia. And I want to emphasize that in addition to the Liberal Democratic Party and the United Russia, candidates from other parties also participated in the elections - the Communists, the Righteous Russians. There was a choice! But it was the representatives of the Liberal Democratic Party who made it to the second round.

Yesterday there was a briefing with Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky, at which he stated that they had agreed with Vladimir Zyuganov to form coalition governments in six regions of the country where representatives of the parliamentary opposition won the elections.

I fully agree with this. Back in 2015, when I ran for the post of governor of Kamchatka, I said in the pre-election debate that if I win, representatives of all political parties that are popular on the peninsula will work in the government. Because with the dominance of one party in power, even the Liberal Democratic Party, the situation will be the same as now with the United Russia. Unanimity does not lead to anything good! Only a coalition government with representatives of all popular parties will really work for the benefit of the regions and eliminate corruption.

I would like to note that the Vladimir Region and the Khabarovsk Territory are completely different regions, which are far apart in terms of remoteness and problems. But both there and here, with our neighbors, people came and voted for the Liberal Democratic Party. Thus, they emphasized that the LDPR is by far the best opposition party.

If a communist is elected in Primorsky Krai, then in the coalition government we will see a representative of the Liberal Democratic Party in the administration of Primorsky Krai. This is also encouraging: our neighbors and I are part of the Far Eastern Federal District, and we have common specifics.

I would like the inhabitants of our peninsula to think about the elections, using the example of their Far Eastern colleagues. We have a gubernatorial election coming up in 2020. And the inhabitants of Kamchatka are able to come to them and choose a different life for themselves. Whom we choose as the head of the region, we will live the next five years.

When asked who Valery Yuryevich sees as the future successor to the governor of the Kamchatka Territory, the head of the LDPR faction in the regional Legislative Assembly answered as follows: “Now it’s too early to talk about it, but if the party entrusts me with such a responsible task - to run for governor - I will accept this trust, without hesitation. Even now, in my post as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly, I do everything in my power to ensure the well-being of my countrymen and the prosperity of our region. And I intend to continue this work in the future.”

By the way

There are more than 500 active members of the Liberal Democratic Party in Kamchatka, more than 6 thousand voters voted for Valery Kalashnikov in the elections of the governor of Kamchatka in 2015, more than 20 thousand voters voted for the elections to the Legislative Assembly of the region in 2016.

This suggests that people are coming to the conclusion that something needs to be changed. Everyone is tired of the monopoly of power.

Grievances that gradually accumulate in the soul can poison a person's life, make him embittered. The ability to forgive from a pure heart helps to achieve mutual understanding with others. It is much easier for such a person to find harmony in his own life.

It should be remembered that sincere forgiveness, the ability to go through this episode in life preserves the healthy psychosomatics of a person, does not allow the development of various diseases.

Specialists in the field of psychology who develop trainings for self-improvement are sure that a person needs to be forgiven if he realized his own mistake, did something to correct the situation. The situation in which forgiveness was received just like that has a detrimental effect on the person himself. She gives him confidence in permissiveness.

Gradually, such people erase moral boundaries, they believe that they should do what is beneficial and convenient for them. It is unusual for them to think about the feelings of other people. Gradually it corrupts. In addition, if you forgive a person when he does not seek to receive it, this leads to the belief that you can be treated in this way and your personal boundaries can be violated as you like.

A person who sincerely knows how to ask for forgiveness achieves the same spiritual development as you. He understands the importance of repentance.

If repentance does not come, then you should ask for forgiveness only from yourself, for allowing you to do this to yourself. You should ask the Lord for forgiveness for that person who lacks the wisdom to see his own mistake, admit it and correct it. Ask God for forgiveness for the feeling of anger that has driven you to some extent. After realizing your own mistakes, sincere repentance, you can find inner peace.

Why should men be forgiven only after appropriate action?

Most men from childhood are used to receiving praise from close, significant people after they have done something. Words of approval are rarely heard without a reason. The same rule applies to forgiveness. The man who offended you must prove not only with words, but also with the corresponding acting ones, that he repented.
If you forgive him just like that, he will have an internal contradiction, in addition, he will gradually get used to the fact that he can offend you and will receive forgiveness every time without any difficulty.

Do not dwell on mistakes, learn to forgive others, sincerely apologize and repent before God. This will bring inner cleansing and make your life better.

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