But such jokes have long been in vogue in Ukraine. Ivan Urgant joked unsuccessfully? But such jokes have long been in vogue and in Ukraine Ivan Urgant joked about nightingale droppings


Ivan Urgant's sense of humor let him down on the set of the last program "Smak", where the famous filmmaker - playwright, artist, director, actor Alexander Adabashyan was the guest of the studio. The men cooked "something like a vegetable stew, but with some fish involved." Everything was going fine, until Ivan suddenly said: "I chopped the greens like a red commissar of the inhabitants of the Ukrainian village." “And I'm shaking off the remains of the inhabitants,” Adabashyan continued, clearing the celery from his knife. The joke caused laughter in the audience, and a little later - a flurry of criticism from the Ukrainian side.

Member of the Batkivshchyna faction Mykola Tomenko demanded that Foreign Minister Leonid Kozhara respond to an anti-Ukrainian statement, a member of the same faction and head of the editorial board of the Ukrainian television channel TVI Mykola Knyazhetsky said that “we need to stop allowing ourselves to be humiliated,” singer Anastasia Prikhodko burst into angry messages in "Twitter". “Your joke once again proves that you are a bad humorist. Most likely a clown, like Zhirinovsky. And shove your apologies, you know yourself ... I hope that your toilet, low-intellectual humor will only be listened to at home! God forbid that you are not invited to Ukraine again!” she wrote.

At the same time, Ivan Urgant apologized for the bad joke, though not on Channel One, but on Twitter. “I apologize to all residents of Ukraine who were hurt by my inappropriate comment in the latest edition of the Smak program (“Taste” - Ukrainian),” he wrote in a microblog. However, he could not restrain himself and continued with irony: “As a self-punishment, I undertake to cook in this program only borscht, dumplings, dumplings until 2018 inclusive. And all the children born to me from that moment, regardless of gender, are called Bogdan. Your Ivan "Podcherevok" Urgant. "It's a shame, Vanya, it's a shame..." Urgant summed up.

Rossiyskaya Gazeta columnist Susanna Alperina phoned Alexander Adabashyan to find out why he did not stop Urgant. “In the process of filming, there is endless banter, and in the context of what was happening, there was not even a thought that the joke could be interpreted as a mockery of the feelings of Ukrainians. They already called me from Kyiv, and I apologized. He said that it never occurred to me that in this context what was said could offend anyone. They also once swore about the fact that the Bolsheviks were chopping whites. And that was okay. Now they joked about the other side, and it turned out to be impossible. I do not see what happened as a deliberate attempt by Ivan Urgant to offend the entire Ukrainian people. I think it's just a bad joke. But one should not look for a hidden secret meaning where it does not exist. And there is no need to look for Ukrainophobia in slicing greens.”

TV presenter of "Russia 1" Vladimir Solovyov told RIA Novosti that he "doesn't give a damn" whether his colleague from Channel One Ivan Urgant would respond to his remark after an absentee exchange of barbs.

Earlier, Solovyov, in response to Urgant's joke about the name of the program for the Russia 1 TV channel, posted a fragment of the program on his microblog on Twitter, where he stated that Urgant, unlike his father, would not be included in the database of the Ukrainian site "Peacemaker", because it is enough " joked badly about me."

Urgant against Solovyov, or the era of litter

In Evening Urgant, TV presenter Ivan Urgant made a joke about “nightingale droppings”: “An excellent name for a show on the Rossiya channel. TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov took it personally and already in his show answered in his usual emotional manner.

Captivating Urgant, a favorite of Moscow
And even Russia, what is there,
From feet to beautiful head
Covered with nightingale droppings.
Among the ubiquitous verbal fights
You were kind and bright
But today Solovyov marked you,
And you tagged him too.

It is known that there is no politics in Russia,
Remaining public battles:
Singer, director, showman and poet
They grab each other by the shoulders.
General swara, scandalous tin,
Oblivion of decency - and FIG?
The only downside to this is
Be sick; but already used to it.

I am generally opposed to scandals and fights.
And the enemy of an ugly mat, -
But how much is possible? But then how?
So what is the fault of the country?
Forgivable rudeness, and rudeness, and mat,
When you talk with a dick:
Today, one permitted format is
Throw litter at each other.

Of course, this era will pass -
We won't have long to wait for a turn;
They will assign her, right, the name "Litter".
We lived during the litter period.
Over the years, the Fatherland will understand this,
Dead spots will appear -
Then, probably, the flight will begin.
But up or down is not clear.

Video of Solovyov's answer to Urgant

Answering the question of RIA Novosti whether Solovyov is waiting for replies from Urgant, the TV presenter said: “I don’t give a damn at all.” “This is his business, and not even his, but the leadership of the channel. I will never believe, given corporate rules, that even if it was an easy joke by Urgant, it did not reach Konstantin Lvovich (Ernst, CEO of Channel One - ed.) And that it was not removed from the air to Moscow. By the way, there was no my answer to Moscow on the air, ”the presenter noted.

“He (Urgant) insulted the channel, and this is incorrect,” the agency’s interlocutor concluded.
RIA Novosti does not have a comment from Ivan Urgant.

Earlier in the Evening Urgant program, Ivan Urgant smeared his face with a white mass and when asked what it was, TV presenter Irena Ponaroshku, the guest of the program, said that it was nightingale droppings. To this, Urgant jokingly replied that “this is a good name for a show on the Russia channel.”

In his microblog on Twitter, Solovyov, in turn, posted a fragment of a recording of his program on the Russia 1 TV channel, in which he responded to Urgant's joke.

“But no one knows, Ivan Urgant is not in the Peacemaker? That's his father for sure. Although, on the other hand, I know a great way to do it so as not to get into the "Peacemaker". It’s enough to make a nasty joke about me on your channel. Then the citizens accused of pedophilia, who are now on the run in Prague, begin to quote you, shouting: “Well done, how did you get Solovyov away.” And all Ukrainian sites are happy to print, well done Urgant! Well done, Vanya, you will not end up on the same list as your dad and with many worthy people. Keep joking!” Soloviev said.

Solovyov's remark about Urgant was not shown on the Moscow air of Rossiya 1, but was heard only on the regional "double" when the program was broadcast live.


Ivan Urgant joked about nightingale droppings. Vladimir Solovyov was offended

On the Evening Urgant show, host Ivan Urgant tried one of the cosmetics brought by the guest of the issue, blogger and former TV presenter, Irena Ponaroshku. Urgant noted that the mask smells good, to which Ponaroshka stated that the product was made from nightingale droppings. “This is a good name for a program on the Russia 1 channel,” Urgant joked, referring to the host of Russia 1, Vladimir Solovyov.

Apparently, Solovyov looked at the issue of "Evening Urgant" and was very offended. On September 11, in his Evenings with Vladimir Solovyov program, he stated that Urgant was “joking nastily about him” in order to have his name removed from the database of the Ukrainian site “Peacemaker”, which tracks Russian citizens who visited Crimea in defiance of Ukrainian legislation.

“Then the citizens accused of pedophilia, who are now on the run in Prague, begin to quote you, shouting “Well done, how did you get Solovyov!” TV presenter.

Ivan Urgant was not included in the Peacemaker database; his father, actor Andrey Urgant, is in it. The site is not directly related to the Ukrainian authorities, however, the SBU banned many of the people on the Peacemaker list from entering Ukraine.

Urgant will respond to the attacks of Solovyov, angry at the "nightingale droppings"

The popular Russian showman Ivan Urgant will prepare a response to the host of the Russia 1 TV channel Vladimir Solovyov. On Tuesday, September 12, with reference to the source of the First Channel, reports “Moscow speaking”.

According to the material of the radio station, Urgant's response to Solovyov's attacks will follow tomorrow.

On September 11, Solovyov, during his own talk show “Evening with Vladimir Solovyov,” asked if Urgant was on the Peacemaker lists. “Here is his father. But, on the other hand, I know a great way to do it so as not to get into the "Peacemaker". It’s enough to make a nasty joke about me on your channel, ”the presenter said, apparently hinting at a joke about nightingale droppings that sounded on the air of the Evening Urgant program.

According to the presenter, Urgant’s joke began to be “quoted by citizens accused of pedophilia who are on the run in Prague,” and all Ukrainian sites began to “print with joy what a great Urgant is.”

Earlier, Ivan Urgant, in his evening show on Channel One, smeared his face with nightingale droppings, after which he joked that he had found "a good name for a show on the Russia channel."

On April 16, the famous TV presenter Ivan Urgant celebrated his anniversary. He is 35 years old. Moreover, the anniversary of the Evening Urgant program is exactly one year since it goes on the air.

But on the eve of April 15, a scandal connected with the name of a famous TV presenter became a kind of "gift" for these two significant events.

On April 13, the guest of the culinary show "SMAK" was a famous filmmaker - playwright, artist, director, actor Alexander Adabashyan. They cooked "something like a vegetable stew, but with some participation of fish." At some point, inflamed, Ivan Urgant "issued" the following phrase on the air: "I chopped the greens like a red commissar of the inhabitants of the Ukrainian village," to which Alexander Adabashyan played along. Cleaning the knife from celery, he said: "And I'm shaking off the remains of the inhabitants." Next - laughter in the hall.

Well, then it wasn't funny anymore. In Ukraine, the show "SMAK" is also watched. And the reaction of the Ukrainian audience was not long in coming. “We must not allow ourselves to be humiliated by people whom we invite to our television and pay them money,” said in particular a deputy from the Batkivshchyna faction and head of the editorial board of the Ukrainian television channel TVI Nikolay Kniazhetsky.

On April 15, Knyazhetsky posted a link to the SMAK program on his Facebook page and made the following entry: "Here, on the 5th quarter and 45 seconds, Ivan Urgant says:" I chopped the greenery like a red commissar of the inhabitants of the Ukrainian village. "The public laughs Let's ask for our presenters on our channels, pay them koshti... It's necessary to take the liberty of belittling yourself."

In addition, the chairman of the Committee on Freedom of Speech and Information, Mykola Tomenko, sent a letter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine with a demand to respond to another case of anti-Ukrainian statements in the Russian media, the Ukrainian website Korrespondent.net reported.

On the same day, Ivan Urgant realized what had happened and apologized. But not on Channel One, but on Twitter.

“I apologize to all the inhabitants of Ukraine who were hurt by my inappropriate comment in the latest edition of the Smak (Taste) program,” the TV presenter wrote seriously. And then, in his usual manner, he turned everything into a joke: “As a self-punishment, I undertake to cook in this program only borscht, dumplings, dumplings through 2018 inclusive. And all the children born to me from that moment, regardless of gender, are called Bogdan Your Ivan "Podcherevok" Urgant".

In the case of the TV presenter, the fact that he did not even immediately understand the meaning of what was said is at least somehow explainable. Urgant is filmed continuously and says so many words and jokes that he does not even have time to understand what he is saying. So the popularity and demand in this case played a cruel joke with him. But there is also a second participant in the incident.

The RG columnist called Alexander Adabashyan and asked why he did not stop Ivan Urgant when he joked unsuccessfully, but rather played along with him. Alexander Artemovich replied as follows:

In the process of filming, there is endless banter, and in the context of what was happening, there was not even a thought that the joke could be interpreted as a mockery of the feelings of Ukrainians. When mushrooms were "spun" into powder, Urgant said that it was like a storm in the desert. So what? Should Americans and Iraqis call and also protest? They already called me from Kyiv, and I apologized. He said that it never occurred to me that in this context what was said could offend anyone. They also once swore about the fact that the Bolsheviks were chopping whites. And that was okay. Now they joked about the other side, and it turned out to be impossible.

I do not see what happened as a deliberate attempt by Ivan Urgant to offend the entire Ukrainian people. I think it's just a bad joke. But one should not look for a hidden secret meaning where it does not exist. And do not look for Ukrainophobia in cutting greenery.

An unsuccessful joke uttered on the air of a culinary program by showman Ivan Urgant caused outrage in Ukraine. "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is outraged by the incorrect statements of TV presenter Ivan Urgant on the air of the Russian First Channel, which is sharply dissonant with the high level of strategic partnership between Ukraine and the Russian Federation," the commentary of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry begins.

Recall that on the air of the last Smak program, Ivan Urgant used a risky allegory, comparing the process of cutting vegetables with an attack by Red Army soldiers on a Ukrainian village. This statement literally blew up the Ukrainian blogosphere and gave rise to angry statements to opposition politicians. The comments of Ukrainian diplomats sum up claims against Ivan Urgant, such as: they point out his bad taste and inadmissibility of speculation "in the memory of millions of victims of the totalitarian regime." "The ministry has brought its concerns to the attention of the Russian side and demands that Channel One give the proper assessment of this incident," the Foreign Ministry sums up.

At the same time, Ukrainian politicians and diplomats did not seem to notice that Urgant nevertheless apologized to the Ukrainians, albeit in an ironic form inherent in him. However, numerous patriotic bloggers continue to demand all sorts of cars for the TV presenter in the most politically incorrect forms.

The unsuccessful joke of Ivan Urgant and his no less unsuccessful apology on Twitter in the Community of Ukraine in Moscow were regarded as "usual rudeness." “You can understand when, in the heat of the moment, in courage, the host makes a stupid joke, but Ivan had enough time to think and soberly evaluate his act. However, judging by his “apology”, Urgant does not see the line at all where humor ends and begins a direct insult to Ukrainians, a friendly and close people to us," Petr Akaemov, the first deputy chairman of the board of the Ukrainian Community Council in Moscow, told RG. "It's sad that this popular media person did not have the intelligence or courage even to apologize like a man ".


Boris Burda, cooking show TV presenter, erudite:

Somewhat surprised. He took Urgant's words not as an attempt to humiliate the Ukrainians, but as a condemnation of the Red Commissars, as representatives of a repressive regime.

Olga Makhovskaya, psychologist:

To feel all the vileness of the statements of TV stars, you need to be Ukrainian. I am Ukrainian. I think we have a big problem with political correctness. It’s better sometimes to be a Mongolian so that it’s written on your face who you are, and if not, then you have to listen with a mask on your face to “accurate remarks” about the “Khokhls”, their lack of culture, greed, venality and gluttony. Even Gogol will be dragged in. Humor, fame, charm speakers only exacerbate the situation.

Arkady Romm, journalist:

I understand, I could joke badly. Could not understand that his "humor" of a certain level. But don't those who doused us with this Urgant from all sides understand? The viewer has the right, no, not to be offended, but to evaluate the stupidity of the presenter. And throw the remnants of respect for him from your knife.

Valery Golovan, deputy head of the administration of the Lebedyansky district, promised not to let Urgant into the city of Lebedyan, even if the artist wants to "perform there for free."

Probably, in one of the next issues of Evening Urgant, Ivan will find a minute or two of airtime to bring an official apology to the Lipetsk region for his joke. Over the five years of the existence of the Evening Urgant program, such apologies have become a tradition (surprisingly, not a special rubric). Ivan did not apologize to anyone: both Russian women and the Kuban communists. I decided to remind Ivan of his most flammable jokes, which caused scandals and forced the presenter to keep up appearances and pretend that he was ashamed.

Perhaps the most famous episode from Urgant's humorous career is a live joke on the Smak program, which Ivan became the host of in 2006.
“I chopped the greenery like a red commissar of the inhabitants of the Ukrainian village”- Ivan quipped in the issue, of which he became a guest. It was back in 2013, even before the Olympics and the Maidan - that is, before relations between the two neighboring states deteriorated, and the exchange of bad jokes and statements against each other between the inhabitants of Russia and Ukraine became the norm. But both now and then, many Russian TV programs were broadcast on Ukrainian television. Therefore, Urgant's joke quickly reached the ears of the Ukrainian people. Chairman of the Committee on Freedom of Speech and Information Mykola Tomenko sent a letter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine with a demand to respond to another case of anti-Ukrainian statements in the Russian media.

First, Urgant “apologised” on his Twitter:

“I apologize to all the inhabitants of Ukraine who were offended by my inappropriate comment in the latest edition of the Smak program (“Taste” - Ukrainian). As a self-punishment, I undertake to cook in this program only borscht, dumplings, dumplings until 2018 inclusive. And all the children born to me from that moment, regardless of gender, are called Bogdan. Your Ivan "Podcherevok" Urgant.

But after a couple of days, Ivan made an official apology on the air of Evening Urgant.
“Firstly, I want to apologize, ask for forgiveness from all the inhabitants of Ukraine and from everyone who was hurt by my careless statement in the television program “Smak”. Believe me, I really didn’t mean to offend anyone, I just said something stupid without thinking.”

In 2016, Ivan Urgant apologized to the Krasnodar branch of the Communists of Russia party for making jokes about the Lenin monument. Earlier, in one of the episodes of Evening Urgant, the presenter commented on regional news, among which was the news about the restored monument to Lenin in the Krasnodar Territory.

Jokes about the ugly monument awakened the Kuban communists from their long-term sleep, who came into a state of offended anxiety and decided to boycott Urgant.
“We appealed to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation with a demand to immediately initiate a criminal case on the fact of inciting social hatred, as well as to the General Director of Channel One OJSC with a demand to be immediately removed from Urgant television until the end of the proceedings” party members said.
To certainly demoralize the leader, party members turned to the People's Artist of the RSFSR (who is Ivan's grandmother) with a demand to declare a boycott to her grandson until he apologizes to Vladimir Lenin and Krasnodar.
Urgant apologized, and they are even funnier than the jokes about the monument.
“Friends, yesterday was Forgiveness Sunday, one of the three most revered holidays by members of the Communists of Russia party ... And we want to ask forgiveness from the Communists of Russia party. Dear Party "Communists of Russia"! Forgive us, for God's sake!"

Perhaps the most sincere and touching apology Urgant brought to the singer. The day before, in conversation with Nikolai Tsiskaridze Urgant joked about the level of genius Golden Chalice Golden Voice of Russia, after which the Basques demanded that the presenter apologize on the air as soon as possible.

In September 2014, Ivan Urgant offended the female population of Russia. Yes, and dragged into this story, who became a guest of "Evening Urgant". Ivan invited Pierce to compete in throwing olives into the women's cleavage. To some viewers of both sexes, the stunt was seen as sexist and demeaning. As an apology, Ivan invited the workers of the Ostankino television center to leave him olives in his pants. It's a joke, to be honest.

In 2013, Urgant chose as a target for his jokes, reading posts from her to a soothing oriental melody. Twitter, in which the singer shared philosophical observations with subscribers.

After some time, Sedokova took revenge by replacing the host in the Evening Urgant studio and apologizing to herself on his behalf. Jokes aside, but the non-existent section "Apology from Ivan Urgant" actually has a huge potential.

The video was released in February 2015, and Domogarov reacted to it a little late, in September 2016, breaking out on Facebook with a sermon thinned out with regalia and flavored with dots and capital letters, which the actor later nevertheless deleted. But the internet remembers everything.

“Masochist!!!, Red room!!!, Comfortable sofa.,… what else can be said about me… Mr. Urgant… THANK YOU, dear presenter, YOU ARE AN AMAZING PERSON! I ADMIRE YOU!!!
Interesting - How do you, sir, ALL KNOWLEDGE OF ALL CORPORATE PARTNERSHIPS OF THE WORLD WITH ALL OLIGARCHES, Mr. Urgant then joke about Sorge ... WELL, apparently ...
... Again you will not invite me to Evening Urgant.,
… so that everyone can understand - … you never invited me., the reason is not known, apparently my voice will not go crazy in the “bucket of rock stars”, I did little on my way or I’m mediocrity…
… yes., there were my photos.,
there were mentions of my last name, etc.,
But in a situation not very HONEST AND TRUE., My surname was presented by you - as a common surname!
AND THESE ARE MY PARENTS, and my relatives., SORRY!
You probably defend YOUR FAMILY, Mr. Lead?! Well, I will try to STAND FOR MY FAMILY!!!
My FATHER was not the most insignificant person in this country., and NOW I am fighting for the SURNAME AND NAME OF MY FATHER., -
So, so that you know, Mr. Host, My father, and the surname of MY FATHER (it is also my SURNAME) in the ranks of the Heroes of the Great Patriotic War., (I will not, to your shame, list all the awards and titles of the FATHER).,
And for some time after the war, my father became the Director of the Mosconcert, later of the Rosconcert, then from the Minister of Culture of the USSR, there was an order to head the SOYUZATRACTION AND THE FATHER DID IT.,
When I entered the Theater School - my father was old ... so that I achieved everything on my own and without a "hairy hand" ... As it is "supposed" ...
I went all this way - ONE WITHOUT A HAND., -
And you humiliate me so much, Mr. Urgant ...)))))
Well, I’ll endure this too ... ”the actor wrote.
Then he continued to reflect on the fact that he achieved everything himself, despite claims to the contrary.
“… all the people who have attended performances since 1985… no one stops going to the Theater until 2016. You, Mr. Urgant, can report that Domogarov was not supported by a single person, except for those who KNEW HIM IN LIFE! EVERYTHING HE DID, he did himself, LEFT ALONE, without father and mother!
And now, together with ARTISTS, Svetlakov and Galustyan (although I have nothing against TALENTED PEOPLE) over the poor who gave THEIR PROFESSION more than HALF OF THEIR LIFE !!! PS
I rarely let myself into such essays., but apparently I GOT THIS DISPUTABLE TONE AND RUDENESS!
I'm sorry if I offended or offended anyone, of course, except for the names and surnames - which were indicated. Domogarov"

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