New Year and Christmas mood. Winter in music


Since 1928, Pavel Pavlovich and Olga Nikolaevna Lugovoy worked at the Maksatikha secondary school No. 1. Pavel Pavlovich taught mathematics, and Olga Nikolaevna taught literature. They are remembered not only as good specialists, but also as people of high culture and spirituality. Materials about the Lugovoi are stored in the museum of secondary school No. 1, the museum of local lore, the central library, the music school and in private collections.

From January 9 to 13, the Preschooler's Week "Quiet Light of Christmas" was held at the Library of Children's and Family Reading in Kashin. Stories, fairy tales of Russian writers were selected for the event. I must say that there are a lot of stories and fairy tales about Christmas in our library. These are mainly publications in children's magazines - "Children's Reading for the Heart and Mind", "Shishkin Forest", "Children's Romance Newspaper". But there are separately published books: "Christmas and Easter in Children's Literature", "The Big Book of Christmas", "Christmas Star", "Miracle Tree".
The hour of reading was preceded by the conversation "The Nativity of Jesus Christ." Then a very warm and understandable poem by Sasha Cherny "Christmas" sounded to the children with an examination of the illustration.
In a manger I slept on fresh hay
Quiet tiny Christ.
The moon, emerging from the shadows,
I stroked the flax of his hair ...
For reading aloud, they took texts - “The Legend of the Christmas Tree”, from the book by Olga Pershina “The Bright Angel of Christmas”, the story “Snow Tree” and the fairy tale “Forest Christmas”.

On March 12, the traditional, annual "Week of the Tver Book 2017-2018" started in Vyshny Volochek - a joint project of the Tver Regional Library named after A.M. Gorky and Vyshnevolotsk Central Library. The exhibition-view in the reading room presents 167 copies of books on various branches of knowledge and extensive topics. Of these - 127 - "temporary guests" from Tver and 40 copies. Vyshnevolotsk authors and publishers.
Greetings to librarians and readers were made by: Anastasia Dmitrievna Glibina, Chief Specialist of the Department for Culture, Youth and Sports of the Vyshnevolotsk District Administration; Irina Valerievna Sokolova, leading expert on culture and youth affairs of the Vyshny Volochek city administration. The musical greeting was prepared by students of the Vyshnevolotsk Children's Music School of Arts named after S.A. Koussevitzky (teacher Lyubov Sinyavskaya). The chief bibliographer of the Central Library, Vera Alekseevna Verkhovskaya, introduced the program of the Tver Book Week, the editions of the exhibition…

January 17 in the literary and musical drawing room "Inspiration" was an evening dedicated to the life and work of the poet, prose writer, bard, screenwriter, composer Bulat Shalvovich Okudzhava. The event was prepared and held by guests from the city of Arkhangelsk - representatives of the cultural and educational fund "Sretenie".
The literary composition was a story about the difficult, full of trials, but incredibly interesting life of the poet, about his creative path, life, love, innermost thoughts. From this program, many managed to learn and see Bulat Okudzhava from the other side: in childhood - a touching, vulnerable and dreamy boy; then - a young man who knew early the bitterness of loss and the horror of war, nevertheless, who knew poetry and music perfectly, who often attended the opera; further - an honest, unusually gifted, creative person. Probably, few people previously knew that after graduating from the university, Bulat Okudzhava worked as a village teacher, did not tolerate any lies and compromise in his work, and knew how to captivate ...

Natalya Ragulina
Literary living room "Winter in music, fine arts, poetry" for children of senior preschool age

Targets and goals:

o Communicate children to verbal art, including the development of artistic perception and aesthetic taste.

o Enrich musical impressions, contribute to the further development of the fundamentals musical culture.

o Enter preschoolers in the figurative world of music, show the possibility of reflecting the world of nature in it;

o Help preschoolers feel the music of nature, with inner vision to see nature in music;

o Raising a civil position to protect and preserve all life on Earth.

Material: computer, disc with recording musical fragments from the plays of A. Vivaldi “ Winter", P. Tchaikovsky "Winter morning", S. Prokofiev "Morning", music Center, reproductions of paintings by I. Grabar "February Blue", "White winter. Rook nests», exhibition of children's works.

(CHILDREN ENTER THE HALL AND SIT ON THE CHAIRS, THE SOUND IS BARELY AUDIBLE MUSIC WITH. Prokofiev "Morning". On the background music poem is read.)

Muses. hands.: In the morning a cat

Brought on paws.

First snow!

First snow!

Taste and smell

First snow!

First snow!

He's spinning

Lightweight, new

Above your head.

Down scarf

Spread over the pavement

He turns white

Along the fences

He crouched on the lantern.

So soon, very soon

Sleighs will fly from the hills.

So it will be possible again

Build a fortress in the yard.

Muses. hands .: Guys, tell me what season the story will be about?

Children: Winter.

Muses. hands: That's right guys, well done. And tell me, please, what happens winter?

(answers children)

Muses. hand: Well done guys. « Winter» this is an amazing time of the year, fabulous and magical. And most importantly, New Year and Christmas come in winter! Artists paint pictures about this time of the year, poets and writers compose poems and stories. And now we get into the magical kingdom music which will tell us about the magical time of the year about "Winter". When you wake up in the morning and look out the window, the sun kindly greets you, but sometimes a blizzard gets angry ... Now we will listen to you piece of music P. I. Tchaikovsky "Winter morning". Listen and say what mood is conveyed in it, what music by nature.

(Listening to the play by P. I. Tchaikovsky "Winter morning").

After listening to the answers children.

Muses. hands.: That's right guys, when we listen to P. Tchaikovsky's play "Winter morning", there is a picture of a rainy winter morning - dark, blizzard, cold, unfriendly. Music sounds both alarmed and pitiful. (fragments of the play are performed). Listen to an excerpt from a poem for this play by S. Yesenin.

And in the yard a snowstorm

Spreads like a silk carpet

But it's painfully cold.

Sparrows are playful

How orphan children

Huddled at the window.

Chilled little birds

Hungry, tired

And they huddle tighter.

A blizzard with a furious roar

Knocks on the shutters hung

And getting more and more angry.

Muses. hands.: And now we will listen to the work of the wonderful Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi, there are four concertos for violin and orchestra, which are called "Seasons". These concerts are title: "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn", « Winter» . Each concert consists of three parts. Let's listen to one of the three parts of the concert « winter» . Which winter you see these sounds.

(listening to a concert by Antonio Vivaldi « Winter» ) .

Children: Beautiful, snowflakes sparkle.

Muses. hand: what music by nature?

Children: Delicate, light.

Muses. hands: Yes. In the orchestra, jerky sounds are heard that flicker, glow like a magical winter outfit of nature. Against this background, the violins sing tenderly and sincerely. The Russian poet I. Surikov has a poem about white fluffy snow.

White snow fluffy

Spinning in the air

And the earth is quiet

Falling, laying down

And in the morning with snow

The field turned white

Like a veil

All dressed him up.

Dark forest with a hat

Covered up wonderful

And fell asleep under her

Strongly, imperceptibly.

The days got shorter

The sun shines a little

Here comes the frost

And winter has come.

(The play is performed in fragments).

But here you and I listened to two plays different in character. Like our winter. Winter can be both harsh and warm.

And let's remember how fun we can play snowballs. Get your pens ready.

Musical warm-up

Snowballs fly and flash.

Snowballs cover your face.

Snowballs blind our eyes.

Snowballs make us happy.

Muses. hands .: but here, guys, we listened to how great composers describe winter, and now pay attention to the paintings of artists and see how they painted (wrote) "winter".

(there is a description of the pictures).

Muses. hands .: and now guys, we will move on to the competition of readers. Our children have prepared a poem about winter. Let's listen carefully and choose with you someone who expressively reads a poem about winter, and our wonderful jury will help us with this. Let's welcome our members.

(performance of contestants)

Muses. hands .: Our contestants performed, the jury will sum up the results and name our winners.


Muses. hands: Dear guys, our musical lounge dedicated to the wonderful and magical time of the year winter closes. See you soon!

"Winter in Music"

Purpose: To bring students to the realization that music has visual possibilities, you can hear "cold and warm" in it.

Tasks: Disclosing the visual possibilities of musical art and understanding that music can depict pictures of nature.

Development of musical and auditory representations, musical and creative thinking, timbre hearing, creative abilities.

Education of respect and love for nature, the ability to enjoy and admire it.

Music material:

P.I. Tchaikovsky. "At the Fireside" (From the cycle "The Seasons")

A. Vivaldi. "Winter" (From the cycle "Seasons")

E. Poplyanova. "Snowball"

N. Perunov. "Santa Claus" (singing)



Music Center

Portraits of composers (Tchaikovsky, Vivaldi)

Reproduction of I. Shishkin's painting "Winter"

Methods: observation, comparison, comparison, verbal drawing and description, dialogue, comparison

Lesson type: deepening into the topic

During the classes

Musical greeting

U .: (I read an excerpt from the poem by I.Z. Surikov "Winter")

White snow, fluffy

Spinning in the air

And the earth is quiet

Falling, laying down.

And in the morning with snow

The field is white

Like a veil

All dressed him up.

Dark forest with a hat

Covered up wonderful

And fell asleep under her

Strongly, imperceptibly:

God's days are short

The sun shines a little -

Here comes the frost

And winter has come.(:)

Q: What season is the poem talking about?

D.: About winter

DW: How does a Russian poet describe winter? (children's answers)

U .: Guys, please look at the painting by I. Shishkin "Winter". What do you see? What do you hear?

D .: Crack of branches, creaking of snow, etc.

DW: Do you think the winter is very cold? (children's answers)

DW: If you were a composer, what sounds would you use to paint cold?

(The teacher plays sounds in different registers, and the children choose them. You can invite several students to independently find these sounds on the instrument). fine music art thinking

DW: Poets have written many poems about nature, painters have written many pictures of nature, and composers have written a lot of music depicting pictures of nature. The composer whose music we met at the last lesson (Tchaikovsky) wrote a music album, which he called "The Seasons". There are 12 pieces in the album, each of which is dedicated to a certain month of the year. For each of them, several lines from the poems of Russian poets A. Pushkin, A. Maikov, A. Fet and others have been selected. In addition to the name of the month, all the plays have a subtitle that explains the content of the musical picture. Listen to the first piece of the album - "Ukamelka" (January).

Hearing. P. Tchaikovsky "Ukamelka"

DW: How does the composer convey the mood of winter in music? (children's answers)

U .: Does it look like the winter depicted in the painting by I. Shishkin?

U .: In the performance of what instrument does the piece sound?

D: piano

U: Right. Well done!

U .: The same name was given to his work by Antonio Vivaldi, an Italian composer, violinist, conductor, and teacher. (Showing a portrait). There are 4 musical pictures in his work, each of which is dedicated to a certain season ("Winter", "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn"). Please listen to the musical picture "Winter".

Hearing. A. Vivaldi. "Winter"

DW: How does the composer convey the mood of winter in music?

D: The music is quiet, calm, smooth, gentle, kind, a little sad, etc.

U .: Does it look like the winter depicted in the painting by I. Shishkin? (children's answers)

U .: In the performance of what instrument does the work sound?

D: Violin.

U .: (I show and tell about the instrument). Vivaldi was very fond of this instrument and was a master of playing it, so most of his works were written specifically for the violin.

U .: This is how Russian and Italian composers depict pictures of nature in their music. Do they convey the mood of winter in the same way or differently? (children's answers)

U .: And now imagine - there is white snow around us. (Together with the children we read):

white fluff,

Snow fluff -

All-all-all in fluff around.

Fluff on hats

Fluff on coats

Fluff on the eyebrows

Fluff on the lips.

How ticklish, wow!

Who tickles?

  • - Fluff! (N. Perunov)
  • - We are cold. We warm the hands, we warm the legs!

The performance of the song "Santa Claus" with movements (claps, stomps) can be performed by improvising and staging according to the text.

U .: Guys, what song did we meet in the last lesson: "Snowball".

U .: So, we sing the song easily, cheerfully, provocatively, do not forget about the rules of singing.

Execution. "Snowball"

U: Well done! They sang the song merrily.

U .: Guys, today at the lesson we listened carefully and performed music. What did she draw for us?

D: Cold, snowy, frosty winter, etc.

U .: With the works of which composers did we meet?

D.: With works by P. Tchaikovsky and A. Vivaldi

U .: Yes, many composers in their compositions conveyed the beauty of the nature around us, expressed their love for it, their admiration.

Homework: Please draw the winter you heard today.

Didactic material, consisting of 7 masks-bands of notes, 7 colored laminated notes with Velcro, a poster with a stave and painted colored notes on it, a cape and a mask-band for the "treble clef", 7 cards with pictures of notes in pictures, pieces 20 medium treble clefs to encourage and raise the self-esteem of the child's work in the lesson.

Musical material, including the phonogram of the song "To learn to sing" by Z. Petrova, the notes of this song for her own performance, the accompaniment of the musical chant "To-sparrow's nest ...".

The soundtrack of the song “To learn to sing” by 3. Petrova and A. Ostrovsky sounds. Children under the march - peppy music go into the classroom and sit down. Suddenly the music stops...

Me: Hello guys! How good of you to come! When you entered the classroom, did the music sound?

Children: March! Cheerful and joyful!

Me: Yes, you're right, but something happened to our music - it doesn't sound anymore.... The fact is that musical notes went for a walk, and when they returned, they forgot where they live! How to be guys, how to sing? What do we do?

Children: We need to find notes! Show them their house!

Choose 7 kids, put them on hoops with the same black notes with the words: “Guys, imagine that you are lost notes, very sad ...”. Open board doors.

Me: Notes! And here is your house! It's called STATE! Only it is empty….. I know who will help us!

I call Treble clef - a child dressed in a cape and a key hoop. He opens the circles on the black notes of the hoops, and the names of our notes appear to us. The treble clef points to the first note of the “DO” camp and the child with the “DO” mask gets up first and “presents” his note to us, naming a few words with her participation (house, road, hem, etc.); it is followed by the rest of the "notes".

So, the notes have found their places, and together, rejoicing at this event, we will sing a song:

DO - sparrow nest.

RE - trees in the yard.

MI - feed the kitten.

FA - an owl screams in the forest.

SALT - children play.

LA - the whole earth sang.

SI - we sing in order

To return to DO again

During the song, each "note" takes a step forward and bows. At the last phrase, the “notes” from their row make a circle and, when performed again, lead a round dance, after which all the children return to their places.

Guys, how we comfortably arranged the notes! I invite you to visit!

We are watching the presentation "Note Steps", which presents the scale in the form of steps. We sing the scale in a row and at random. Then, we play the game - "Name the note." I briefly point to the note, and the guys must name and sing it without error, taking into account the pitch of the note relative to each other.

Me: What good fellows, guys - you will not confuse them! Well, tell me a note above the "fa"? And under "si"? And who is higher - "mi" or "re"? What is the name of the seventh note?

Me: Well done! Everyone has been guessed!

For those guys who didn’t have time to show themselves or it’s clear that they didn’t understand the topic very well, I recommend doing the following blitz task: distribute 7 multi-colored notes to everyone and ask them to attach them to the corresponding note on the aforementioned camp on the board.

Me: Well, guys, we returned all the notes to their place at home. And for today's lesson, I hope they remember their places very well with your help! Let us sing for them the song "To learn to sing."

The guys stand behind their chairs, and vocal work begins on phrases. The chorus, where a pure scale is performed, can be sung acapella according to the table with a musical staff.

Farewell to the guys and a promise to each other to firmly remember the place of each note, so that, if necessary, help her find it again


The influence of music on a person 06.01.2015

Dear readers, today I have an article for the soul on my blog. I haven’t written on this topic for a long time, I just want to give you a New Year and Christmas mood. And it will be music. Something that is always dear to me and very close. I hope you will give yourself and your loved ones this state and mood.

Probably, for each of us, New Year and Christmas are special holidays. I congratulate everyone on the upcoming Christmas and want to wish you only warmth and Love, what each of us wants from the heart and for the soul. Don't forget to fill it with something beautiful.

On Christmas Eve, you especially want to touch the winter fairy tale, feel with all your heart the atmosphere of your favorite “new-old-New Year” holidays. The obligatory program was completed - Russian salad, fireworks, champagne, a night in front of the TV, breakfasts, more similar in time to dinners - everything was conscientiously worked out. Now is the time to step back a little from the festive bustle and think about something of your own - deep and cherished.

I don’t know how you are with the weather for the holidays, we weren’t too lucky this year with it, the frost didn’t indulge in fluffy snow, we didn’t draw patterns on the windows. How can you help yourself to tune in to the New Year wave? Music ... It is able to light the Christmas stars in our souls. I want to give you a fabulous, woven from the sounds of music, winter mood.

It is difficult, of course, to choose the most-most expensive. In all the articles I shared with you the New Year mood. We've heard a lot already. There are insanely many bright, talentedly written and performed musical works on the theme of winter. Both classical and modern. Therefore, without claiming to be perfect in choosing the best, I will offer what I myself love very much.

Let's listen to the music of winter, feel it. Probably, each snowflake can be given its own note, and if you listen to any person, then we can hear the Music of his heart. It will be Music of Love. I want everyone to take care of this music.

Music winter snowflake flute
ringing with watercolor silver
And lie down sad in a snowdrift
playing with the breeze in no hurry

Waiting for another to wait in vain
in royal sparks the bell is dashing
In the top three going to the remote
white verse will fly to the edge

Through the forest limit and in the fresh hoarfrost
twig accidentally shakes
Smiling with wool, the guest will shudder
the gray wolf sings happy

Music winter snowflake flute
ringing with watercolor silver
Royal fluff in the forest turns white
he orders to write with a holy sail.

Vivaldi. Winter. Cycle "Seasons".

Let's start with Vivaldi. 3 parts of the cycle, and all are so different. The piercing cold in the first part, the wonderful gentle aria in the second part and the joys of winter - skating in the third part - all this can be easily imagined while listening to music. I strongly advise you to find time and listen to all the parts, because usually we are familiar with only the first part of the cycle.

The words of Vivaldi himself, anticipating the music:

Frozen under the fresh snows,
Under the sharp wind blowing in the dudu,
Run, stomp your boots
And shivering and shivering in the cold!

Let's listen to this cycle performed by the Moscow Symphony Orchestra "Russian Philharmonic". Soloist - Rodion Petrov. Excellent record.

P.I. Tchaikovsky Seasons. At the stove. January, Maslenitsa. February.

Frozen? It's time to warm up by the fire. The brilliant music of our great composer, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, will be performed by my beloved Denis Matsuev. Slightly sad, but very light, simple, but very expressive and very “Russian” theme of the play “At the Fireside. January "fills with tranquility. Let the wind and cold outside the window, but the fireplace (this, by the way, is the Russian analogue of the fireplace) is so good, so “protected”.

Quiet thoughtfulness is replaced by the valiant prowess of the next play “Shrovetide. February". Now, “walk, walk like that” - again, the Russian spirit, even in such a chamber work Tchaikovsky managed to convey it. You can hear the ringing of bells, and the strumming of an accordion, and a dashing folk dance. So, we listen to Denis Matsuev. And thanks to him, for such a height of performance.

P.I. Tchaikovsky - The Nutcracker. Dance of the Dragee Fairy.

And a little more music by P.I. Tchaikovsky. A fabulous Christmas mood "covers" literally from the first sounds of the "Dance of the Dragee Fairy". As if a persistent association has already been laid in the subconscious: “The Nutcracker” is Christmas.

Georgy Sviridov "Waltz" from musical illustrations to the story by A.S. Pushkin "Snowstorm".

Georgy Vasilyevich Sviridov is a composer beloved by many. It's a pity that his music was not accepted in the West for a long time. And his music is very Russian, touches with deep spirituality and expressive simplicity. Listening to an elegant and, at the same time, solemn waltz from musical illustrations for Pushkin's story "The Snowstorm", you imagine that you are at a festive ball. The soul soars joyfully, overflowing with a premonition of love and happiness ... Oh, now it would be true to the ball - carriages, lights, crinolines, brilliant gentlemen ...
Let's close our eyes and let our souls go free.

Richard Clayderman Love Song in Winter

Now let's move on to a slightly different winter mood. And it will be already France with a wonderful musician, whom many of you probably know. When we are overwhelmed with feelings, even the most joyful ones, this moment probably cannot last long. A quiet melody will sound, and a slight sadness will come. It hurts the soul, but it's a sweet pain ...

How much I love these melodies by the French composer Richard Clayderman. Great master of romance. It is no coincidence that he is called the "Prince of Romance". Isn't it great to be such a prince? His repertoire is so extensive. Here you can meet both classical and light jazz. Words are superfluous here, such music is like love itself ... let's dive into a wonderful winter fairy tale.

And now, Alexander Rosenbaum, beloved by everyone, will give us a winter mood.

Alexander Rosenbaum. Winter.

It is impossible to live without love, it is cold, as if the soul is powdered with snow. Alexander Rosenbaum - about winter and love:

Ah, winter, you are mine, winter!
And I pray for a ray of sunshine.
Snow caps on houses
And the water in the well froze.
But your hot lips
No matter the freezing cold.
Winter with me crazy
Reduce your gaze and warm voice.

Sincerely, simply, warmly so. A song that makes you feel softer and warmer.

Sergei Chekalin. Snow fell.

Albano and Romina Power Stille Nacht Silent Night.

Something we quite deepened into the lyrics. But winter time is good because there is a place and time for everything - to take a walk, and dream, and allow yourself excesses, and think about your soul. I want to return with you to the festive Christmas atmosphere, and at the same time, wish everyone, my dear, health, love and good luck. Let the soul be warm even in the most severe winter cold. And we have the Italians. And everyone's favorite, of course.

Albano and Romina Power perform the Christmas song Stille Nacht ("Silent Night"). It sounds in German, which is considered quite harsh and uncomfortable to sing, but Italians are Italians... Soft, enveloping vocals immerse us in the same Christmas expectation of a miracle. A fairy tale and a holiday are with us again.

I love Albano very much, like many Italians. It is always sincerity, lyrics, simplicity, melody. Something that always touches...

For those who are interested in Albano's work, I have two articles on the blog dedicated to the Italian singer. This article and the continuation of our conversation with the girl Oksana Lapteva from Kirov, who fulfilled her dream and met with a great musician, can be read.

Andrea Bocelli White Christmas White Christmas.

I could not pass by another Italian - the amazing vocalist Andrea Bocelli. An exceptionally talented, subtle musician with a magical voice. Andrea lost his sight at the age of 12, but this did not prevent him from achieving success and winning the hearts of millions of listeners and, especially, listeners all over the world. Deep respect and awe of the soul when you listen to this musician. Let's listen to the beautiful Christmas song White Christmas ("White Christmas") performed by Andrea Bocelli.

"Fragrances of happiness" give you a New Year and Christmas mood.

Dear readers, of course, there is a lot of New Year and Christmas music. But within the framework of one article it is impossible to tell about everything you love.

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At the end of the article, I want to congratulate all of you on my own behalf and on behalf of our entire editorial staff of the Aromas of Happiness magazine on the holiday. The video was made by my friend Elena Kartavtseva, embodying my ideas and wishes.

One of my favorite songs is "Snow is spinning". It was she who I used in the video "New Year's greetings from the editors of the magazine" Fragrances of Happiness ".

I once again give you our winter fragrances along with this song. And my wishes for you...


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