New Year's scenarios for kindergarten. "New Year's Adventures" (Scenario of the New Year's holiday for older preschoolers)



Scenario of the New Year's holiday for older children "Fairytale Journey for the New Year"

MDOU No. 9

Organizer and presenter: Stepanova S.V.


Presenter (Fairy of Tales), Aliens, Baba Yaga, Princess, Goblin, Sultan, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden.

Attributes: Recordings: Flying saucer; Leading transformation; Arrival of aliens; Alien dance; The appearance of Leshy (creak); Whistle of Baba Yaga; The appearance of the Snow Maiden; The appearance of D.M.; Wind noise (will blow away Yaga and Leshy)


Carpet - 2 pcs.;

Pillow for the Sultan;

Throne for the Princess;

Book for Leshy;

Overcooked flour (dust);

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden toys.

Holiday progress:

Children enter the hall to the music, examine the Christmas tree and the decoration of the hall.

Leading (Fairy of fairy tales).

Would you kindly tell me

Who is the guest in our hall?

Children. Christmas tree!


Well done! Now go

And look at the tree!

The children are looking at the Christmas tree.


Good needles

At an elegant Christmas tree?

Children. Yes!


Answer from the bottom of your heart:

Are all toys good?

Children. Yes!


Tall, beautiful, green, slim,

She shines with different lights!

Isn't she a beauty?

Children. We all love it!

Children read poetry

1st child.

How good it is in this room

We met again!

We have been waiting for this holiday for a long time.

And he came in frost, in winter!

2nd child.

Oh, how beautiful our tree is!

The toys sparkle!

And how many lights on the Christmas tree,

Probably more than guys!

3rd child.

Through the window from frosty white streets

Winter is watching us!

Look - all the guests smiled,

Well, holiday, good daylight!

4th child.

Happy New Year

Let's start a round dance

We will sing and dance

To magnify our Christmas tree.

You grow to the ceiling

Get fluffy, tall

Everyone is more beautiful and slimmer,

To delight guests!


Our tree is calling everyone

In the New Year's round dance!

We will sing about the New Year

We will sing as it snows!

All children sit down


Now no one flies on a mortar,

And they don’t go to the stove for water!

The simple truth has long been known,

That the keys to the world of miracles are lost.

And only closer to New Year's Eve

So we are magicians today,

We all work wonders today...

The host spins around to the soundtrack, goes behind the Christmas tree and there she takes off her outer clothes, under which the outfit of the Fairy of Fairy Tales is hidden

Fairy of Fairy Tales.

Hello my friends!

I will introduce myself to you right away.

My name is Fairy of Fairy Tales and I want to tell you a very interesting story.

A loud sound of a descending "ship" is heard (phono recording).

Fairy of Fairy Tales. Well, miracles rained down like stars from the sky. It seems to me that someone came to visit us!


Hello dear!

Good afternoon!

Happy hour!

Zer Gut!

Salaam Alaikum!

Good morning!

Fairy of Fairy Tales. Hello dear guests! Where and why did you complain to us?


We flew to you sAlfa - planets!

We are looking for magical objects for the museum!

Give two seconds to answer!

Do you have something or don't you?

Fairy of Fairy Tales. Of course have! I just wanted to invite the guys to go to the magical land of fairy tales. Do you want to join us?

Aliens: Of course! With pleasure!

Baba Yaga suddenly appears in a fur coat and Santa Claus hat, but in slippers.

Baba Yaga:

Wow what a beauty in this room

Isn't it me you children have been waiting for?

I'm going to the Christmas tree to the children.

Oh, kids, and uncles, and aunts,

I have a question for you:

Are you waiting for Santa Claus here?

Well, then I am Santa Claus!

(Turns to the children in a rough voice.) Hello, my dears, hello, my dears! What is it that you suddenly calmed down? Didn't they recognize me? Or from the joy that I finally came to you, that is, I came, Baba, ugh, that is, Grandfather ... you completely confused me! (Notices the presenter.) Oh, and who are you?

Fairy of Fairy Tales. I?! I am the Fairy of Fairy Tales!

Baba Yaga: Hee hee hee! fairy tales! But I don't believe!

Fairy of Fairy Tales. Some suspicious Santa Claus! Grandpa, why are you wearing slippers?

Baba Yaga: Yes, my ... these are ... my boots got stuck in the snow.

Fairy of Fairy Tales. Why do you have a broom instead of a magic staff?

Baba Yaga: And the wolves ate my staff.

Fairy of Fairy Tales. Where is your gift bag?

Baba Yaga: Bag? Why gifts? Your best gift is me!

Fairy of Fairy Tales. You are a strange Santa Claus. And the nose reminds me of something ... Ah! I think I figured out who it is! Guys, let's tickle Santa Claus

Baba Yaga: Tickle? What for? No need!

Children tickle Baba Yaga and Santa Claus's clothes fly off her.

Fairy of Fairy Tales. Well, we found out that this is not a real Santa Claus! It was Baba Yaga who wanted to deceive us.

Baba Yaga: Yes! Because wait! We've come! Everyone is selling, everyone is buying! What's going on around! Everyone is shaking over his own good! And they, you see, do not need magical things! We are ready to give them to the first alien we meet for nothing! I'll show you! I will arrange for you! I'll take them myself! (Whistle.)

Fairy of Fairy Tales. Children, let's quickly sit down so that no trouble happens!

Leshy comes out. He has a big book in his hands. Goblin goes, examines the Christmas tree, the hall. He groans and gasps with delight. There is a creak at every step.

Baba Yaga: (comments on the appearance of Leshy.)

Yeah, we haven't seen each other for a long time...

The years fly by... It creaks, it will crumble soon...

Goblin, dear friend, hello! (They kiss.)

And why are you interested in books in your old age? Have you learned to read? (Takes up a book.) What kind of literature? (Upside down.) Well, read it!

Leshy reads the name "ABC" in syllables.

Baba Yaga. Look, literate ... Well, okay! Why did I call you! Listen!

Whispers in Leshy's ear, gesticulates with his hands, runs to the other ear, Leshy is only surprised.

Goblin. Ltd! Ah-ah-ah! Woo!

Baba Yaga: Here you have it! Here you have to think!

We gathered with you - two unclean forces,

To figure out how to cook up dark things! ..

We are magic things different

And we won't give them back for dollars! Ha!

(They dance.)

Fairy of Fairy Tales. Wait, wait! Do not hurry! How can you not give it away?

Baba Yaga: And we will interfere with you!

Goblin. And we'll take all the magical things for ourselves! Ha ha ha! (Run behind the tree)

Fairy of Fairy Tales. Guys, trouble! We must hurry to the magical land of fairy tales if you want to help our friends from another planet! Let's help

Children: Yes!

Fairy of Fairy Tales. Then you need to quickly hit the road! Let's go? (Children - yes!)

Children go around the Christmas tree. At this time, a scene is being prepared where the Queen girl sits on the throne, picks up a mirror.


My light, mirror, tell me

Yes, tell the whole truth!

Am I the sweetest in the world,

All blush and whiter?

Fairy of Fairy Tales. And a mirror in response to her:

You are beautiful, no doubt!

But lives without any glory

In the midst of high oak forests,

The seven heroes have that

What is dearer to you! ..

Queen (brings a mirror):

Oh you vile glass

Are you lying to spite me?

Child in costume

Hello dear queen!

Coloring girl!

You did not order us to be executed,

And tell us to speak!

The queen lowers the mirror without breaking it.

Queen: Speak, foreign guests!

Aliens repeat their story "We have arrived ..."

Fairy of Fairy Tales. Would you like to give us your mirror?

Baba Yaga and Goblin run out from behind the tree.

Baba Yaga: Give it to me!

Goblin. Us him! Us!

Queen: Well, if you ask so, earn it! Complete my task!

Baba Yaga and Leshy (together): What?

Queen: Sing me a song about a Christmas tree, but such that I don’t know it! Whoever wins will get my mirror.

Baba Yaga and Leshy sing "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Queen: I know this song! Sing another.

Fairy of Fairy Tales. Guys, let's help the aliens and sing a song about the Christmas tree for the queen!

Queen: What a good song! I don’t know this, so your mirror!

Gives the mirror to the aliens. At this moment B.Ya. and Goblin whisper and go behind the Christmas tree.

Fairy of Fairy Tales. Guys, where did B.Ya. and Leshy? (Answers of children). Well, okay, let's not be distracted and continue our journey.

They go around the tree. At this moment, the next scene is being prepared: a carpet is laid down and a pillow is placed on it, on which the Sultan sits down.

Fairy of Fairy Tales. Dear Sultan! Would you give guests from another planet a flying carpet? We heard that you have it in a fairy tale.

At this moment, B.Ya appear. and Leshy.

Goblin: Is this a flying carpet? (Looks at carpet.) Isn't there another one?

Baba Yaga: Grab him!

Goblin scares everyone - shakes his hands, howls "Ahh!". Together with B.Ya. grab the carpet and run away.

Fairy of Fairy Tales. And what are we to do now?

Sultan. Don't be upset, my dears! This evil spirits of the forest dragged off the wrong carpet.

Baba Yaga: (Running out from behind the tree). Whoa, isn't that one? (Leshem). Where were you looking? Well, you can't order anything.

(Running to the Sultan.)

Expensive-oh! Let's change?

You are from a fairy tale, I am from a fairy tale!

We will understand each other!

Sultan. If that's what you want, then I'll give you a competition. Whoever guesses the riddles, that's the carpet!

Baba Yaga (to Leshem): Well, my well-read, show your knowledge!


He is kind, he is strict,

Head gray overgrowth.

Red-nosed, red-cheeked

Our beloved…

Goblin: Kind ... Beloved ... so it's me! (Children answer correctly - Santa Claus.)


What a beauty!

Worth it, shining bright!

How beautifully trimmed...

Tell me who is she?

Goblin: So this is B.Ya. look how beautiful she is!

Children laugh and answer correctly - Christmas tree.

Sultan (edifying Leshem): Measure seven times - cut one!

Goblin: What are we going to cut? BUT?

Sultan (shakes his head, they say, oh, you ...): Listen carefully! The last riddle! Both in summer and in winter it is always full of water!

Baba Yaga (jumps forward): I know! It's a pot!

Everyone laughs, and Leshy also clutches his stomach.

Goblin: Yes, this is a well! Your lame leg!

Sultan: The winners are aliens and children! Get your carpet.

The aliens take the carpet and take it to the "plate" behind the Christmas tree.

Fairy of Fairy Tales: And let's have some more fun. We'll tell you the lyrics!

Children recite poetry.

Everything became white around

All paths are covered.

And at dawn

The forest woke up in silver!

Winter set to work

Buzzed and sang

Brought a lot of snow

And brought frost!

Before the winter holiday

For the green tree

Dress white herself

Sewn without a needle

Shake off the white snow

Christmas tree with a bow

And is the most beautiful of all

In a green dress!

Multicolored toys

She hung for us.

And everyone looks at the Christmas tree

And everyone has fun today!

We all live happily

We play happily

And we dance and we sing

We welcome the New Year!

A star burns bright

At the top of the tree.

The kids are having fun

And laughs out loud!

Fairy of Fairy Tales: Well, our guests got magical things, it's time for them to fly away. But our holiday does not end. (Turns to aliens.) Stay with us, okay? (Aliens nod - agree.) Well then, go to the guys!

All children sit down.

Baba Yaga (to Leshem): Well, we will continue ... They have magical things ... Yes, Santa Claus will come soon ... And now we will ruin their holiday. (Turns to children.)

We will bewitch your Christmas tree!

Let's blow on her lights!

Fairy of Tales:

Guys, trouble!

We need Santa Claus here!

We will unanimously call Grandfather:

Santa Claus, guys here,

Santa Claus, everyone is waiting for you!

Father Frost

Santa Claus appears under the soundtrack.

Santa Claus: Hello, dear, small and big! Hello my friends! Did you know? It's me, Santa Claus! I am heartily glad to see guests here, guys ...

Today I am pleased to see how smart the kids are,

Near the Christmas tree I will not get tired of having fun from the heart!

Hey kindergarten people!

Come out to the round dance!

Let the dancers pass!

We are meeting…

Children: New Year!


Santa Claus: Nice to all of you move in! Are you afraid of the cold?

Children: No, we are not afraid

Santa Claus: I'll check it out. Freeze your hands! (Children hide their hands behind their backs). I'll freeze my legs! (they cover their legs, ears, noses, etc. with their hands)

Fairy of Fairy Tales: Santa Claus, you see how brave our children are! You can't freeze them!

So this is B.Ya. Did you want to spoil your holiday with Leshim? Well wait, you'll get me! Guys, let's play a game about B.Ya. let's play?

The game "Baba Yaga" begins; children stand in a circle, say the text in chorus and perform movements together.

There is a hut in the dark forest.

(They walk in a circle.)

It stands backwards.

(Jumping to the other side.)

In that hut there is an old woman,

Grandmother Yaga lives.

(They walk in a circle in the other direction.)

She has big eyes.

(Unclench fists like opening eyes.)

Like fires are burning.

Wow! (They squat.) What an angry one!

Hair stands on end!

(Hands up abruptly.)

At the time of the game, a mitten flies from the hand of Santa Claus. Yaga and Leshy appear, steal the mitten and run behind the Christmas tree. Children sit down and seats.

Santa Claus (at the end of the game): Not in order! That it's my bare hand - it doesn't happen! Where is the gauntlet?

Behind the Christmas tree, the sounds of a quarrel are heard, Yaga and Leshy appear, pull each other's mittens, quarrel.

Baba Yaga (pulling out the mitten, shakes it):

One, two, three, gifts to us and

Magical things - give!

Together with Leshy they shake the mitten, repeating the words, but nothing happens.

You are asking wrong!

No, you're wrong!

Give it back! Don't touch! Come on, it's a magical thing, you'll tear it!

You will break yourself!

Goblin (pulls out his mitten): Well, give us something! (Shakes.) Come on! You are magical! Ugh, you! Worthless already, ran out of stock - throw it in a landfill!

Santa Claus: What are you sharing here?

Goblin: We stole your mitten here ...

Baba Yaga (interrupts): Found! Found! Picked up and brought to you!

Santa Claus: Why did you take it?

Goblin: To pick up magical things and take away all the gifts!

Baba Yaga (aside): No! To bring gifts to children, and to aliens - magical little things!

Father Frost:

Ah, there you are! Pranksters!

You can't behave decently at a party!

I will enchant you - I will blow you away from the holiday with the north wind!

Grandfather and children are blowing, Yaga and Leshy "fly away" from the hall. Santa Claus is upset.

Fairy: Don't be upset, grandfather! If you want, the guys and I will sing a song about you and you will immediately have fun!

Fairy: Did you like the song, Grandpa

Santa Claus: Very! I'm just a little tired! I'll sit down and rest! (sits on a chair near the tree.)


Tired Grandfather, tired!

Sang, played and danced!

Let the tree rest.

Who will read poetry to him?

Children read poetry.

Hello New Year's Eve!

How beautiful we are!

Santa Claus is coming

On big Russia.

And while we wait for Frost,

Let's have fun

He will hear - we sing,

And knock on us.

Santa Claus walked through the forest,

Past the maples and birches,

Past the clearings, past the stumps,

I walked through the forest for many days!

He walked through the forest

He dressed the Christmas trees in beads.

This New Year's Eve

He will take them to the guys

I can't believe my eyes

Santa Claus is at the door!

Smiling, singing

And giving out gifts!

How did he guess?

He gave me a scooter!

I didn't talk to anyone

Quietly spoke to dad ...

Frost draws on the window

Patterns and snowflakes.

And I know it's for me

He sends his pictures.

I took felt-tip pens and a brush,

I paint windows.

Well, Santa Claus, look, learn

You can't let it shine!

Painted red and yellow

It's like winter doesn't exist!

Big Santa Claus

Very old and grey.

Apparently it's not easy for grandpa

Walk all day in winter.

Santa Claus brought gifts

He has a big bag.

Grandpa got so hot

Santa Claus, open the bag!

Even the Christmas tree sparkles

Waving a branch for us!

Our Santa Claus is having fun

Here he is dancing again!

Santa Claus: Thank you guys for the poems! Well, since we are talking about gifts, I will have to deal with them now! Come on, magic gauntlet! Help!

Passes around all the sitting children, and they blow into the mitten.

And now you have to say:

Mitten, grow up!

Glove, help!

Children say words, Santa Claus runs around the Christmas tree, quickly puts down his mitten and takes a bag with gifts, pulls it to the center.

I will treat everyone with a gift -

I won't miss anyone!

He calls the Fairy of Fairy Tales for help, they help him to present gifts.

Father Frost:

It's time to say goodbye!

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts -

So that you live very friendly

Both adults and kids!

See you soon!


"Christmas Adventures"

Scenario New Year's holiday for older preschoolers

children run like a snake into the hall to the music they perform dance "New Year's Disco"

Roll call of children


(words by S. Eremeev, music by M. Eremeeva)

Roll call of children

Round dance "Yolka-Yolochka"

(words by I. Chernitskaya, music by T. Popatenko)

(Children sit on chairs)

Vedas: The New Year is coming - a time of joyful worries,

Time for good news, time for fabulous guests!

(the Snow Maiden enters to quiet music)

Snow Maiden(says): And I'm invited to the New Year's holiday today

Visiting children in kindergarten, I love children very much.

(sounds of laughter)

Oh, someone is laughing terribly, it is dangerous to be alone in the forest.

(music sounds , includes Koschey )

Koschey: I am an insidious, evil Koschey!

Since childhood, I do not like good, I always create only evil.

One two Three! Turn off, tree! What are you burning here to no avail! (lights go out)

I can’t stand children’s laughter and I won’t let Frost come to you!

I won’t give you the Snow Maiden, And I’ll eat all the gifts myself!

(Snow Maiden) I will take you with me, become a white block of ice.

(Koschey covers the Snow Maiden with a white veil and leads away)

Vedas: What to do? How can we be? How to save the Snow Maiden.

I will help you, I will tell you what to do.

Koschey does not like fun, joy and singing.

Vedas: Let's continue the holiday. Let's wait for Santa Claus.

Since Koschei does not like fun, then it's time for us to have fun.

Game "Hee-hanki"

One-two - hands to heels! (Hands to heels.)

Three-four - and to the shoulders! (Hands to shoulders.)

One-two! On knees! (Hands on knees.)

Three four! And to the ears! (Kush hands.)

Clap-clap - to the sides! (Hands to the side.)

Slap-slap - up! (Hands up.)

Top-top - "great!" (Hands forward.)

And a funny laugh...

All the boys - ha ha ha! (Boys: ha ha ha.)

And the girls - hee-hee-hee! (Girls: hee hee hee.)

Koschey: Sit down, sit down! Now keep the answer

What kind of holiday do you have, answer this very hour?

Vedas: We have a New Year's holiday, you see, the Christmas tree is dressed up

Santa Claus is waiting for a visit with the Snow Maiden together.

Koschey: But I won’t go for Santa Claus? (Children’s answers) No? Why so?

Vedas: And now the children will tell you and show you what Santa Claus is.

The game "Like Santa Claus"

1. Like Santa Claus has such a beard,
Hee hee hee, ha ha ha, such a beard.
2. Like Santa Claus has such a red nose,
Hee hee hee, ha ha ha, such a red nose.
3. Like Santa Claus, these are boots,

Hee hee hee, ha ha ha these are boots.
4. Like Santa Claus has such a big bag,

Hee hee hee, ha ha ha, this is such a big bag.

Vedas: Koschey, return the Snow Maiden to us, without her a holiday is not a holiday.

Koschey: If you fulfill my three wishes, will I free the Snow Maiden?
And if not, the Snow Maiden will remain forever alone in my kingdom.

Well, are you ready? (children's answers)

Koschey: First wish- I want you to surprise me.

Vedas: Children will play the best song in the world for you.

Orchestra "Polka"(I. Strauss)

Koschey: The Second Wish- guess mine Riddles - tricks(children and parents)

    More often with his head up,

Howling with hunger ... (Wolf)

    Who knows a lot about raspberries

Clubfoot, brown .... (Bear)

    Who likes to run on branches?

Of course, redhead .... (Squirrel)

    In his warm puddle

Loudly croaks ... .. (Frog)

    Daughters and sons

Teaches grunt .... (Pig)

    From the palm tree down to the palm tree again

Deftly jumping .... (Monkey)

Koschey: Third wish- Now make me laugh!

Vedas: Guys, help the Snow Maiden, start the dance together.

Dance "Ice Ceiling" (S. Ostrovoy, E. Hanok)

(sounds magical music)

Koschei: Koshchey has been called since childhood,

They make me look like a villain.

You gave me a little warmth

And the immortal soul thawed.

(opens black cloak, shows heart)

Everyone says: Koschei is a wizard and a villain.

In fact, there is no kinder me

Forgive grandfather Koshchei,

I won't be a villain anymore.

I congratulate you on the New Year,

I leave you with kindness. I'm going to free the Snow Maiden.

Let Santa Claus come here, come soon, New Year!

(Kashchey leaves to the music)

Vedas: We will continue the holiday, we will call Santa Claus.

Let's shout all the guys loudly: "Santa Claus, hurry to the Christmas tree!"

Vedas: Clap more friendly, children, Santa Claus is coming to us.

(little Santa Claus enters on a horse, goes around the circle)

Frost: Here they burst open without work, I'm tired of listening to you!

Child: Hello Dedushka Moroz,

Hello long awaited.

We've been waiting for you for a long time

You are our welcome guest.

Grandpa, get up quickly

Play with us.

Frost: Here are the kids, delicious sweets,

Run around the circle, treat yourself to candy.

Game "Take the candy"

(Morozik scatters sweets on the floor according to the number of children. Children run in a circle, at the signal: “one-two-three, take a candy!”

Children take sweets - the game is played 2 times)

Frost: Eat, eat, children, my delicious sweets.

(children unfold, and there are acorns, chestnuts)

Vedas: Santa Claus, is it possible to deceive children?

Frost: I joked guys.

You don't scream so loud, don't scare me,

Oh, I'm tired of playing with you, I'll snore a little.

(lays under the tree)

(music sounds. The Snow Maiden and Santa Claus enter)

Father Frost: Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Congratulations to all children!

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Congratulations to all guests!

D. Moroz: I visited you a year ago, I am glad to see everyone again.

They grew up big, but did you recognize me?

Children: Yes!

Snow Maiden: Why is there a round dance, songs incessantly?


Snow Maiden: Why does the soul sing? The hare is friends with the wolf?

Children: Because the New Year, because the Christmas tree!

Snow Maiden: Why does a blizzard sweep the ground under a whisk?

Children: Because the New Year, because the Christmas tree!

D. Moroz: Get up guys, hurry up in a round dance,

We will meet the New Year with a song, a joke and fun.

Vedas. Grandfather Frost, our Christmas tree is so elegant, beautiful, but it does not glow with lights.

Father Frost. We will fix this trouble, we will make all the lights burn.

Let's say together: "One, two, three! Our Christmas tree is on fire! (lights go on)

Round dance "The New Year is coming to us"

(words by V. Gerchik, music by E. Petrov)

(children sit down)

Vedas: Come on, Santa Claus. Sit down, rest a little.

The long road must not have been easy.

Father Frost: Who will respect Grandpa, tell poems about me?

Poems for children

Father Frost: Sing a song about me, I will be very happy!

Song "Santa Claus"

(words and music by Y. Feskina)

Snow Maiden: You sang the song marvelously, very amicably and beautifully,

I just need to know if you like to play?

Well, then the circle is wider! Begin! Three four!

Game "Search"

(music: Lomova, text by I. Kholodnaya, vocals by Yulia Seliverstova)

Father Frost: Well done guys, we can continue our holiday further!
Dance and have fun, sing songs loudly.
(snoring is heard)

Father Frost: Who is sleeping on the holiday, and not having fun?

Well, I'll go and have a look. And so this is my granddaughter Morozik.

Guys, did he offend you? (children's answers)

Father Frost: Oh no no no! Again, you took over. What should I do, how should I be? (scratches head). I remembered - I have a magic remedy - this is magic water! (pulls out a bottle with the inscription "KINDNESS" from the bag)

Now I’ll pour it into a mug and treat my granddaughter, she will instantly become kinder.

(fits, wakes up)

Get up, Morozik, you offended the guys here.

Nobody wants to be friends with you.

(Frost cries)

It's time for you to correct, it becomes good, here is magic water.

Frost: And it doesn't hurt?

D. Moroz: Being kind is nice!

(Frost "drinks", smiles and then goes to the guests,

offers magic water)

Frost: It is clear to everyone - to be kind is always nice!

Would you like to drink? Not? Well, you'll have to pour!

(confetti fly from the glass at the audience)
(children) Forgive me, friends, and invite me to dance.

Child: For the sake of such a holiday, we are ready to forgive you

Today the guys have a Christmas tree, everyone is happy to dance here!

"Dance of Friendship"

(children sit on chairs)

Frost: What are you elegant, beautiful and fine

Well, come out to the Christmas tree, show your costumes.

Presentation of costumes

Father Frost. Your masquerade costumes are very good!

Snow Maiden. Yes, and to me, to tell the truth, it's amazing!

How amazing are all the outfits!

Father Frost. Who worked, was not lazy, who spent a lot of energy,

Who used fantasy, skill in tailoring?

Vedas: These are our wonderful parents, guys, let's all say together:

Children: THANK YOU!

Vedas: Come on, get up in pairs, continue our carnival!

Dance "Bells"

Father Frost. I played with you, entertained all the children,
Songs sang and laughed, what else have I forgotten?

Snow Maiden: It's nice for children to dance around the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve!

But still, it’s more pleasant to hide, to receive Grandfather’s gifts!

Father Frost: There are gifts, how not to be! Oh, I love to be generous!

I don't just give gifts to anyone.

I only give them to those I love!

Distribution of gifts.

Father Frost: Be happy, healthy,

I will come back to you in a year.

Are you going to first grade? (children answer)

So, wait for us at school!

Snow Maiden: Be healthy everyone! May happiness await you!

May the New Year be merry and joyful!

Leading: Today's wonderful day will not melt without a trace

We are this happy holiday

All: Never forget!

Song "Goodbye, dear Santa Claus"

(words by M. Lapisova, music by E. Zharkovsky)

Frost: And now, according to the old and good tradition,

We will stand Christmas trees and take a photo for memory.

Suits: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Frost, Koschey

Attributes: A horse on a stick, a red bag, acorns wrapped in candy wrappers - according to the number of children,

In the Santa Claus Bag put a bottle with the inscription "Kindness", a mug, and in it confetti, a white chiffon bedspread, a red heart with Koshchei Velcro.

Internet resources:

Scenario of children's New Year's party
"Winter pranks"

Baba Yaga:

Oh, this winter for me! Winter is called! She poured snow, everything was white and white around. A good man has nowhere to spit! Either a blizzard will leap, then frost will strike, life is not calm, you run like a scalded one!

Kesha! Kesha! Where are you? Still alive?


Yes, I'm alive, alive ... Well, dubak! So after all, you can give the ends!

(folds his arms over his chest, closes his eyes) Leshy is gone! Kesha is dead! Frozen! Gave up the ends! Played in the box! (falls).

Baba Yaga:

Kesha! What are you? Drop it! What are you?

And you're as cold as an iceberg in the ocean

And all your sorrows under dark water!


Kesha, semindra! Someone is coming here!

(Goblin jumps up, the Snowman appears).


Hello! Here I am!

Happy New Year to you, friends!

A blizzard swirled in the forest,

All roads covered.

I almost lost my way

It was difficult for me to go.

But I was in such a hurry, I was in such a hurry! Because I can't be late for the party. Santa Claus gave me a responsible task: to start the festivities without him. And soon he will come.


Santa Claus came today

Have fun all the people.

And our New Year's holiday

Leshy will spend with you!


Hello Santa Claus!

Baba Yaga:

Oh, you are wrong.

We walked a long road

through forests and fields.

He is cold and a little tired.

Get some rest, my friend from the road.

Hello dear Snowman!


What is this miracle?

And where did it come from?

Baba Yaga:

You yourself are a miracle!

I'm a beauty

Why don't you like my look?


Stop arguing, stop arguing! See, the kids are cold. It's time to play games, our holiday continues!


We have come to celebrate.

No objection?

How good it will be here!

Games! Laugh! Traffic!


I'm a big prankster at heart

I love funny laughter

I want this holiday

Well gone for everyone!

Baba Yaga:

I can shake everyone

to get hot!

Move friend,

will immediately become warmer!


Stomp your feet together!

Clap your hands louder!

And not that, you Santa Claus

You can freeze your nose!

(round dance, dance,)

Baba Yaga:

The people have always believed that B.Ya. and the goblin are such evil pranksters, they do only evil and unkind deeds. But today, before the New Year, we will do only good, because we want to have fun with you and play fun, mischievous games!


And now we will prepare for the meeting of Santa Claus. Imagine that I am Santa Claus and I say to you: “Happy New Year!” and you shout "Hurrah!" and throw up hats, mittens, boots! Whoever throws the highest will get the prize. Now let's rehearse. And yes, I am Santa Claus. And I say "Happy New Year, kids!"

Wonderful! And now for real! For the prize!


And who has thrown the boots above all of us?

Get a prize!


Naughty rigmarole -

A blizzard is blowing in the yard,

The New Year is rushing towards us,

Makes you move!

To have a good year

To give us joy

We need to meet him together

And you need to get out of the hut!

Baba Yaga:

Come on, well done, quick,

Remove everything quickly.

Come on, young girls

They flew away!

We throw together, to the neighbors everything that is not needed,

More accurate and faster

Whose hut is brighter with us?

(1st contest: Children throw cones to the opponent's side. 2nd contest: Collect cones in a basket, whoever gets the most)


Well done you are ours! Everything just sparkles!

Clean, sharp!

Only colors are missing

For the decoration of fairy tales!

Baba Yaga:

We lay carpets together,

and for this we need

Just a little fantasy

cover your huts,

Whose hut is more comfortable, more beautiful?

(draw on the snow, wallpaper carpets)


All carpets are spread

The walls are all whitewashed.

And now at the gate

Looking forward to the New Year!


And for the new year it is customary to give gifts, and our next game is called "someone else's gift"

(Leshy holds a competition)


My friends, who is missing at our holiday?

Correctly! Santa Claus and Snow Maiden!

Let's call them together!

(children call D.M. and Snegurochka)

Baba Yaga:

Oh, I hear, I hear! Oh, I hear, I hear!


Oh, I see, I see!

Together: Father Frost and Snow Maiden are coming to us!

Guys, let's greet our long-awaited guests with thunderous applause!

Father Frost:

Hello boys and girls! Grandmothers and grandfathers! Students. Engineers, kids, pensioners, workers, peasants, Ust-Pristan residents - earthlings! Happy New Year to you! With new happiness!

Snow Maiden:

I walked along the forest path,

She sang songs.

Suddenly behind a snowy veil

The tree is sparkling!

Let me friends

It's in your power

Have a holiday with you.

Happy New Year! Hello!

(song of the Snow Maiden)

Father Frost:

Today, in this winter hour

I'm here to congratulate you!

Snow Maiden:

Guys! You forgot to tell us

How can you praise all of you?

Honor us,

On command, together, together,

What is urine shout,

Say your name out loud.

One, two, three, four, five!

What are all of you guys called?

(children call their names loudly, recite poems, songs)

Baba Yaga:

Listen, D.M., but I wonder if you can make this Christmas tree sparkle with different lights?

Father Frost:

Of course! That's why I came here to light the main beauty of the holiday!

Snow Maiden:

And I think that the time has come to decorate our Christmas tree and sing our favorite songs together for her!

Father Frost:

Come on, tree, move!

Come on, tree, turn around!

And with bright lights, Christmas tree, light up!

Let's shout together: one! Two! Three!

Our Christmas tree, burn!!!

Snow Maiden:

Apparently no one was screaming.

Looks like someone was talking!

Come on, together, one more time

Let's repeat the words now!

(the Christmas tree lights up, near the Christmas tree there are games with D.M., round dances)


We've been waiting for this day for a long time

Haven't seen each other for a whole year!

Sing, sound under the tree,
New Year's dance!


And now for the guys

Dance of little ducks!

Baba Yaga:

We wish you a New Year...


Saved you from all worries!


May all cherished desires

In the coming year will come true.

Snow Maiden:

And dear, dear friends,

We say: Goodbye!

Father Frost:

Until we meet again

We wish you happiness!


Scenario of the New Year's holiday for children of the second younger group
Scenario New Year for children of the preparatory group
Scenario New Year for senior and preparatory groups
Scenario "Winter's Tale"
Scenario "New Year's journey through the fairy kingdom"
Ball on Christmas night
Dwarf's Adventure Scenario
New Year's performance for kids
Scenario matinee for kids
Journey to Santa Claus
New Year's adventures
Scenario "Christmas Tree" (Jr. gr.)
New Year's party

Scenario New Year's party (kindergarten).

Happy New Year!
Both hosts and guests
Good luck to all, I wish you well
And fine, clear days.
And there is also congratulations -
In my kindergarten
Healthier and rosier
Become every day!

Song "December"

White, white in December, in December
Christmas trees, Christmas trees in the yard, in the yard.

Slippery, slippery in December, in December
Hills, hills in the yard, in the yard
Spinning and spinning and singing and singing
Festive, festive round dance, round dance!

Voiced, voiced in December, in December,
Songs, songs in the yard, in the yard.
Spinning and spinning and singing and singing
Festive, festive round dance, round dance!

1 child:
- Hello, tree, how happy we are
that you came to us again
And in green needles
The freshness of the forest has brought!

2 child:
- On the branches of your toys
And the lanterns are on
colorful crackers,
Beads are burning!

3 child:
- You are the freshness of the forest dawn
Brought light into our room,
Straightened resinous needles
Light up sparkling lights!

The song "New Year has come to us"

green, fluffy,
In a snow coat
Christmas tree came to the holiday
Frosty winter.

That's how good
The New Year has come to us
That's how good
New Year has come.

Snowflakes silvery
and the branches are shining
And ice floes like bells
They call a little.

We drive near the Christmas tree
merry dance,
And together with dreams a Christmas tree
Celebrates the New Year!

4 child:
- Make the circle wider
Get into a round dance
Friendly, joyfully we lived
Let's celebrate the New Year together!

Round dance "New Year is coming to us"

It's good that every year
New Year is coming to us
Lights up our Christmas tree
And starts a round dance.

If the dance is not enough
The dance has a twist
We'll dance all over again
And then vice versa!

We dance under the Christmas tree
We can do three hours
And we won't get tired
What miracles!

If the dance is not enough
The dance has a twist
We'll dance all over again
And then vice versa!

- Let's have some fun today
Let faces shine with happiness
Snowflakes-sisters have arrived,
Circle all around the blizzard.

Dance of the Snowflakes.
A magpie girl runs out from behind the Christmas tree and reads a telegram from Santa Claus:
-Telegram, telegram:
"I was in such a hurry that it became hot,
Let the gifts fall apart
Caught on a knot
And my bag broke.
I'm still collecting them
I am sending the Snow Maiden to you.
Just look, darlings
take care of my granddaughter.

- We will greet the Snow Maiden, we will meet her with the orchestra.

Children play musical instruments. Enter Baba Yaga. dressed up as a snowman.

Baba Yaga:
And here I am, and here I am.

Who are you?

Baba Yaga:
Like who? Granddaughter.

Oh, so you're the granddaughter of Santa Claus?

Baba Yaga:
Well, yes. . . Meet your granddaughter and be healthy.

So you became a Snow Maiden. Why didn't Santa Claus come?

Baba Yaga:
He was in such a hurry that it became hot and the roasts crumbled.

What other roasts?

Baba Yaga:
Yes, of course: the roasts crumbled and my knot broke.

Well, here's what. You are not the granddaughter of Santa Claus. So get out of here in a good, healthy way, and we will continue the holiday.

Baba Yaga:
But Santa Claus said: "Only, dear, look, take care of my granddaughter."

Guys, maybe she really is a Snow Maiden?

Children in chorus:

And who is she?

Children in chorus:
Baba Yaga!

- I also think that Baba Yaga. Let's tease her, the liar.

Game "Grandma-Ezhka, bone leg".

Baba Yaga:
But, but, think, tease. And I have your Snow Maiden, but I won’t let her go.

Wait, where are you, let our Snow Maiden go!

Baba Yaga:
No, I’d better make her heat a bath for me.

What to do? After all, our snow maiden will melt in the bathhouse. Baba Yaga, ask what you want, just let the Snow Maiden go.

Baba Yaga:
I want to stay at your party.

Well guys, let's stay? stay and bring the Snow Maiden.

Baba Yaga leaves, and the children dance the dance "Grandmother Yaga" Baba Yaga returns and brings a pirate wrapped in white clothes.

Baba Yaga:
Here is your Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden, why are you so wrapped up, and your voice is something hoarse?

It was me who caught a cold during the storm. . . Ouch! Do you want a riddle, kids?

In the thicket of the forest there is such
Incomprehensible, big
Like a chicken has two legs
There are doors, but no window,
A friend lives there
What kind of house is this?
Children in chorus: Hut!

That's right, kids.

Something strange. Do you have. Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga's girlfriend?

Pirate (closing his mouth):
Ouch! No, of course not. . . Let's all sleep together.

Children with the Pirate and Baba Yaga dance the Ledka-Yenka dance. The pirate is so excited that he throws off his white clothes and thereby betrays himself. The music stops.

Children, look, this is not a Snow Maiden, but a Pirate. Let's connect them with Baba Yaga.

The children tie the Pirate and Babu Yaga, they resist and shout:
This is unfair. . . Have mercy, don't drown. . .

Yep, scared! Say where the Snow Maiden is!

Baba Yaga:
Now, now let's bring it.

They are untied and they leave.

Guys, let's call the Snow Maiden so that she knows that we are waiting for her here.

Children in chorus:
Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!

The Snow Maiden enters, sad.

Snow Maiden (sadly):
Happy New Year. . .

What's wrong with you, Snow Maiden? Why are you so sad? You don't smile. Oh-oh-oh. She must have been bewitched. What to do? Guys, maybe we will disenchant her with cheerful poems and dances, and she will have fun. You sit down, Snow Maiden, and look at our songs and dances.

The girls are dancing the Gypsy dance. The boys are dancing the dance "Musketeers".

Snow Maiden (fun):
Thank you, friends.
I became the same again.
The Snow Maiden will guide you
to the New Year's dance!

Guys, Santa Claus is coming! Let's call him so that he does not go astray. Let's all say together: "Santa Claus, come quickly! It will be more fun together!"

The children are called Santa Claus. Santa Claus enters with a song, says congratulations.

Father Frost:
Oh, that's where my Christmas tree is. She ran away from the frost, she appeared in the garden herself.

Santa Claus, the lights do not burn on it, you light the Christmas tree for us.

Father Frost:
One, two, three, help the staff, light the Christmas tree for us. (knocks three times with staff).

The Christmas tree lights up, the children sing the song "Magic Christmas Tree".

When the New Year lights up
Colored lights on the tree
Everyone remembers their childhood
Happy children's days.

About wizards and animals.

Someone thinks desire
And whisper to Santa Claus
He will fulfill all promises
And in the New Year will bring.

Tell us, Christmas tree, a fairy tale,
A magical dream for us, Christmas tree, nave.
About palaces, about forests and sleighs,
About wizards and animals.

Father Frost:
Happy New Year!
With new happiness!
Santa Claus did not forget you,
And for the New Year's holiday
I brought a new song.
Get up in the round dance
Sing along!

Children dance and sing the song "Oh, what a good, kind Santa Claus."

Oh what a good
Good Santa Claus!
Christmas tree for our holiday
Brought from the forest.

The lights are sparkling
Red, blue,
Good for us, tree,
Have fun with you!

We removed the tree
In festive attire.
Lights on branches
They burn merrily.

Everyone let the Christmas tree
Dancing and singing
We have fun together
Let's meet the New Year!

Father Frost:
Well, thank you guys, you sang a song with me. And tell me, guys, do you have fun in winter?

Snow Maiden and children:
We don't care about the cold! Not afraid of the cold.

Father Frost:
Are you afraid of frost?
Beware, beware
Come on, show me your hands
Yes, put it behind your back
Who will I touch
I'll freeze those jokes.

Freeze game.

- Good Santa Claus! And also play the game "Guess" with us!

Dear Santa Claus,
Look at us
Guess Santa Claus
What are we doing now?
(play violin)

Father Frost:
You brush your beard.

No, we play the violin.

Dear Santa Claus,
Look at us
Guess Santa Claus
What are we doing now?
(play the flute)

Father Frost:
You drink milk.

No, we play the flute.

Dear Santa Claus,
Look at us
Guess Santa Claus
What are we doing now?
(play piano)

Father Frost:
You sort out the grits.

No, we play the piano.

Santa Claus, you didn’t guess anything, dance and make us laugh.

Santa Claus is dancing.

Father Frost:
Oh, and it's hot here with you, now I'll melt. Granddaughter, bring some cold water to cool off.

The Snow Maiden brings a large mug filled with 1/3 of confetti. Santa Claus pretends to drink, and he suddenly "poureds" confetti from a mug on his parents.

Father Frost:
Celebrate the New Year with a song
Celebrate the New Year with a dance
And who knows the poems about the holiday?
Let him read them now.

Children go out and read poems under the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden:
And now it's time for us all to play together again.

Game "Bridge", "Snowballs". During the game, Baba Yaga appears and slowly takes away the staff of Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden:
Santa Claus, have you forgotten about the gifts?

Father Frost:
Now I'll take my magic staff. Where is he? Children, have you seen? (Baba Yaga walks behind Santa Claus).

Santa Claus turns around, takes away the staff and says:
Again for the old took. You only do bad things. Now I'll freeze you!

Knocks three times with a staff, Baba Yaga shouts:
Oh, don't, oh, don't want to, oh. . . (and freezes in a funny pose).

Pirate comes running and takes pity on her:
Oh, you are my Yagusenka, how can I be without you? Father Frost! Father Frost! Come on, I'll show you a trick, if you like it, then you'll unfreeze Baba Yaga.

Pirate shows tricks.

Father Frost:
Okay, I'll unfreeze Baba Yaga and believe her for the last time. One, two, three, die!

Baba Yaga:
Oh what happened to me? I seem to have become better and want to do a good deed.

Father Frost:
And what?

Baba Yaga:
I want to give gifts to children. (Whistles. Hut enters with a creak and dances).

Baba Yaga! Baba Yaga!

Baba Yaga:
Who is screaming at me? Who lives in a hut? Who's calling grandma? Hey, talker hut, don't be lazy, turn your front to me, back to the Christmas tree!

And where is Santa Claus?
He brought gifts to children,
Good Santa Claus.
I found his bag in the forest
And rather brought to you
So that the snow does not moisten them,
I hid them in a hut,
You knock on the window
And get a gift.

Santa Claus and Baba Yaga knock on the window, a gift flies out.

Father Frost:
Thank you, Hut, but where are the rest of the gifts?

Rake snow under the tree
And find gifts there.
And now it's time for me to go to the forest,
Goodbye, kids. (leaves)

Santa Claus takes out a bag from under the Christmas tree and distributes gifts to children.

Father Frost:
And now it's time for me
To you for a holiday in a year
Santa Claus will come again
Goodbye, guys,
Dear preschoolers!

The Snow Maiden approaches Santa Claus:
We don't want to say goodbye
We will all miss you
What a pity that we have to part
Let's all dance the farewell waltz.

Everyone dances a waltz to the music "Ah, carnival." Children hold hands and sing the song "Goodbye, Santa Claus."

Goodbye, goodbye
Dear Santa Claus,
You kept your promises
Brought so much joy.

We promise, we promise
That as soon as we grow up,
Visit again, visit again
Let's go to this tree.

We will remember, we will remember
Our wonderful dance
Our songs, our dances,
Our wonderful New Year!

Goodbye, goodbye
Dear Santa Claus.
You kept your promises
Brought so much joy.

New Year's Eve is coming and you want to have a fun party for the kids? Decorate the room, decorate the Christmas tree.

The doors and walls of the hall can be decorated with Christmas decorations and tinsel, which is attached so that it forms the contours of Christmas trees and snowmen.

You can hang holiday greetings on whatman or colored paper in the hall. Prepare a festive concert, put on it New Year's skits for children for 2019.

In the first short children's New Year's scene, the Snow Maiden appears.

I am the Snow Maiden,
I felt sad in the forest.
Songs, jokes and fun
I bring you to the holiday.

Good at our Christmas tree
Have fun and dance
We will be with you today
Celebrate the New Year together!

Then, in this fun New Year's skit for children, she addresses the children:
Guys, where is Santa Claus? He's been gone for a long time.

The phone rings. Snow Maiden:
– Hello! Hello grandfather! Where are you now? Are you in the forest, sitting under the Christmas tree? Why in slippers? Where are your boots? Their Baba Yaga and Serpent Gorynych were stolen? Don't worry, the guys and I will figure something out!

In the next children's New Year's scene, Baba Yaga appears, who says that she stole the felt boots because she liked them. She makes riddles for the children. If the guys guess them, she will give the felt boots to Santa Claus.

- wiggles ears
Rides under the bushes
Gray coward.
Call him ... (Bunny)

- Near the Christmas tree in every house
Children lead a round dance.
What is the name of this holiday?
Answer ... (New Year)

However, Baba Yaga is in no hurry to fulfill her promise. First, the guys must tell poems to the Serpent Gorynych, who also appears at the holiday. Children take turns reading New Year's poems, and Zmey Gorynych takes off felt boots from Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga:
- What about me, barefoot? I have arthritis and rheumatism.

Finally, in this short New Year's scene, Santa Claus appears, who gives Baba Yaga slippers and puts on felt boots. He lights the garlands on the Christmas tree:

- Light up with bright lights,
green beauty,
Give the kids joy!
Count together: one, two, three! (The Christmas tree lights up.)

New Year's skits for children for 2019 are completed by the presentation of gifts, fun games, contests and dances near the New Year tree.

Baba Yaga and Serpent Gorynych watch the performance, and then thank the guys and say that they will go to a fairy-tale land to tell how much fun they had at the children's party.

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