New Year's school kvn scenes. Scenario - New Year's KVN at a school for elementary grades


Teacher! To live without nerves
Looking at children's pranks
With longing you may not be
But with humor you must be.

(E. Zapyatkin)

Watch in all schools of the country: superblockbuster "Sit down"! And the continuation of "Sit down - 2"!

Judging by the emerging trend in the field of education, soon after graduation from the university they will issue a piece of paper with the inscription "Deplom".

Scandal in the Moscow school: the money allocated for repairs was really spent on repairs.

Why, in order to educate the first child, it is necessary to have a second?

The teacher, who every day collected from the students for the repair of the school, repented and went to the monastery. Now he collects for the repair of the temple.

We often call a teacher who has folded his wings an established teacher.

The teacher is asked:
What are three reasons why you love your job?
- June July August...

I went to a school for mentally retarded teachers.

Our director's only drawback is the lack of any merit.

There are no evil teachers - there are few flowers and sweets!

School - this is the place where children receive knowledge, and parents - a hole in the family budget.

School prepares us for life in a world that does not exist.

A school is a place where teachers demand from the student knowledge in all subjects, while they themselves know only one.

According to statistics, 50% of schoolchildren dream of burning down the school, 30% - blowing up and 20% - first burning, and only then blowing up.

Sentence: 11 years of school regime with confiscation of toys.

The academic year, like pregnancy - lasts 9 months, and starts to feel sick from the 2nd week ...

On September 1, schoolchildren give a bouquet of roses to a teacher of literature and a "Bouquet of Moldova" to a labor teacher.

Minister of Education's advice to teachers:
- Do you want to double your salary? Put your money in front of a mirror!

The Minister of Education regularly collects money from employees of the Ministry for curtains and security.

And the sponsor of our school is enthusiasm.

The statement of the teacher to the principal of the school: "Please send me to the courses of salary increase."

Before the crisis, it was fashionable to have a cell phone. And now it is fashionable to have a working phone.

A delegation of teachers in the director's office.
- Vladimir Petrovich! We have two questions for you.
- What kind?
- First: can we increase the salary? And the second: why not?

In the director's office, a teacher who came to get a job.
- Do you have references from your previous job?
- Yes, there I was recommended to look for another school.

It is better to tell the truth in the eyes of the director on the phone.

The director (head teacher) does not sleep - he is resting, the director does not lie - he is a diplomat.

A thrashing in the director's office.
- Pyotr Petrovich! If you don’t know how to do anything, at least draw conclusions.

Teachers' council in the director's office.
- When everyone comes to a consensus, it will be possible to start a discussion.

You can’t bribe the director’s sincerity - he takes gifts.

If it weren't for Dobry juice, our director would have killed all the students.

The ball was still flying through the director's window, and the children were already playing hide and seek...

In the director's office.
- Maria Ivanovna, tomorrow a new exceptional student will come to your 9 "G".
- Is it exceptional?
- Yes, he was already expelled from three schools.

After checking, our director came out dry and quickly went uphill.

Why did the director buy blue plates for the school?

A blue plate with red borscht with white sour cream in it - this is our Russian tricolor!

In the director's office.

Petr Ivanovich! We got rats at school!
- No wonder. I initially did not believe in their relationship.

Education: complete fool.

A Tambov schoolboy found a million and handed over the find to the police. The sobbing mother claimed to be very proud of her son.

Crime news: dead... silence found in the school library.

The idle woman is the organizer of children's leisure, the head teacher for educational work.

Picky people are very picky teachers.

So that children grasp everything on the fly - teach them on the plane.

Young teachers do not know how to work. But the experienced know how not to work ...

Where do most teachers keep their money? In dreams...

Folk wisdom: "He who gets up early has not yet been reduced..."

Folk wisdom: "Prepare the sleigh in the summer, and the exam in the winter."

15% of excellent students who entered the Moscow State University according to the results of the Unified State Examination Lomonosov, could not decipher the name of the university.

EG pamaglo mine to enter the prestigious Maskovsky university.

Zavalinka is unsuccessful exams.

“You know, just thinking about him makes my heart pound, my hands shake, my legs give way, I can’t even speak.
- And what is his name?
- USE!

The best way to create a panic at school is to ask everyone to remain calm.

Do you have higher education? Or even two? Do your homework with a 4th grade student using modern textbooks - feel like an idiot!

The personal opinion of the student is the position of the teacher spoken by him.

If your class teacher is constantly offended by you, then her birthday falls in the summer.

Abramovich's son's teacher died of envy after reading the child's essay on the topic: "How I spent the summer."

At school, on the line on September 1, by tanning, you can determine who will go to college by any means.

The daughter of the President enters the university. Competition - 20 universities per place.

The son of the rector of Moscow State University entered this university without passing exams. Anyone in his place would have done the same.

Guys! I warn you in advance: only those applicants whose family budget exceeds $ 100,000 can apply for budget places in the universities of our city.

The tenth grade is not happy: you have a new phone every week, because the old ones are taken away from you?! Be patient for a year, it will be even worse in the army.

At the school named after Putin, the head teacher is the head teacher, not the director.

A Tambov school teacher was detained while trying to receive a bribe with a marked bag of potatoes.

The most unexpected phrase in the school cafeteria "Do you have cash or a card?".

If the student crossed himself before going to the blackboard, then he did not learn the lesson.

It's time for exams. The youth stretched out in the church ...

Librarian Petrova, having downloaded a book from the Internet, carefully, a week later, returns it back to the site...

It has been established that school desks that have served for more than 5 years are not inferior to the walls of Vkontakte in terms of information content.

In the elite school No. 364, a hookah bar was organized in the toilet.

Instead of Moscow schoolchildren, peers from Tajikistan and Moldova go to labor lessons.

The son of a Trudovik and a music teacher graduated from school with two A's.

Everyone sit down and not rock the boat, but come on, let's get my mobiles here.
- It's that robbery
- This is the exam! Recording assignment...

In order for her son to pass all the exams, my mother handed over all the jewelry to a pawnshop.

There is no sadder story in the world than the story of the teachers at the graduation party.

If not for strict teachers, then who would have taught young men to hide alcohol so well.

Order in the school is usually provided by three heroes: Fizruk, Voenruk and Trudovik.

In the director's office.

Do you know what your ohlamon did? He coded the Trudovik. Trudovik came to his senses! Looked around and went to normal work!

Do you know what your okhlamon still did? I took the chemist's passport, ripped out her photo, pasted in a photo of some boy. The chemist was taken into the army!

At the lesson of labor.

You, Petrov, have golden hands! They just grow out of the wrong place!

In Ulyanovsk, a new school drug-horizontal bar has appeared, usually a physical education teacher sits on the horizontal bar.

In Voronezh school No. 13, after the sixth glass, the labor teacher automatically becomes a singing teacher.

A huge problem is that we always have to pay for everything. Soon, even in schools, only physical education, life safety and labor will remain free. Well, yes, you must admit it would be strange to pay for what you skip.

The student surpassed his teacher: the ninth grader Petrov came to work not only drunk, but also with women.

"Bread is the head of everything!" - likes to repeat the head of the school cafeteria, throwing a backpack with meat on his back.

Servelat "Kalacheevsky"! Chocolate "Babaevsky"!! Cognac "Moscow"!!!
- Did your parents congratulate the teacher on the holiday?

Especially for those who like to skip school: We invite you to temperature increase courses!

If earlier “shift” meant an additional set of shoes, now it is a new socket for the iPhone.

Few people know that glamorous schoolchildren write in diamond-shaped notebooks.

And we at our school declared war on tardiness and absenteeism!

So how is it?


Yesterday at the bus stop I saw a girl of truly transitional age. She held a cigarette in one hand and a lollipop in the other.

Forty percent of schoolchildren after "graduation" enter the sobering-up station without exams.

The conscience of the hooligan Petrov does not answer or is temporarily unavailable ...

It is the teachers who are to blame for the fact that the children lie - they ask too many questions.

Our teacher never scolds us! Never, never scolds. She hits right away.

Education makes a good person out of a good person, and an excellent student out of an excellent one.

What is the difference between a good student and a bad one?
- The bad ones are beaten by the parents, and the good ones are beaten by the students.

On the lesson.
- Petrov is a big fan of sleeping in class.
- Offend, Mary Ivanna, I am a professional.

The music teacher, when the students sing badly, strikes their lips with a red pen.

After a series of films about Harry Potter, schools began to be more careful to offend little rickety bespectacled people.

In the schools of Mytishchi, if the frost is more than 20 degrees outside, children are officially allowed to smoke at school.

Thirteen-year-old Vasya Shibkoumnov graduated from school as an external student, having passed exams and money for school repairs for the 9th, 10th and 11th grades.

As soon as the school uniform was canceled, everyone immediately understood how everyone lives.

Moscow teachers have established:

There are more and more difficult boys in schools, but girls are getting easier and easier ...

Why are there only women in our school?

And because all the best is for children!

Who goes to school in the morning, he enters ... universities!

Those who get up early are told: “Sit down, the lesson is not over yet!”

In the elite schools of Moscow, rods were reintroduced. Now the children of the oligarchs can flog a guilty teacher at any time.

News of education. Since the New Year, glossy class magazines have been found in elite Russian schools.

A congress of teachers took place in Moscow. It is allowed to transfer students from class to class with deuces. And so we translate, from the seventh grade to the eighth, from the eighth to the ninth, and from the ninth to the worker!

And I loved to play pranks on teachers at school, put buttons on their chairs ...
- Gentlemen, I put a bouquet of roses on my teacher's chair ... It hurts and it is pleasant for her ...

Do you remember how we closed the chemistry teacher in the laboratory and disrupted the lesson?

Yes Yes!

Yesterday my son came from school, he says, she has already begun to knock more quietly. Apparently, the years are not the same.

The 1970 graduates come to the homecoming evening with only one purpose: to see if the chemist has died.

I only remember from school how my mother brought me to the 1st grade, and in the 11th grade my dad took me away from graduation!

We believe that someone will make it so that teachers and doctors are paid not only by students and patients.

We will make a facsimile with the signature of the parents in 1 hour. Confidentially! Excellent students and good students - discounts.

Nina Vasilievna, can I ask you for chalk?
- Why?
- Circle the fizruk.

Opening at the MHC lesson.
It turns out that Kazimir Malevich painted a TV turned off.

- Whom are you, Mashenka, going to study after school?
- On the architect-oculist!
- And what does he do?
- Builds eyes.

Petrov, why were you late for the lesson?
- Late out of the house.
- Couldn't you have left earlier?
- It was too late to leave earlier ...

Head teacher of the class.
- Guys, you won't have music lessons anymore!
- Why?
Your teacher is on maternity leave.
- Finished it!

The best number of a school concert is a gypsy girl with a way out ... from a crisis.

The State Duma banned the sale of cigarettes closer than 100 meters from schools. Fizruk rejoice. Never before have schoolchildren run a hundred meters with such a desire.

Now schools will be made of transparent material. To prevent children from smoking outside the school.

A little girl with a planer wormed her way into the crowd of graduates.

Traditionally, Russian school martial arts is a fight against laziness.

In villages where there are no schools, high school students run to smoke in the neighboring area.


Half cannot be more or less. Unfortunately, most of the class does not understand this.

Children, we write in the diary: "Tomorrow, the parent meeting, which will be held at 19.00 in the Bolero nightclub ...

Petrov, tell me your father's phone number!
- I won't say...
- A bet, I guess with three strokes.

We have a sign at school that if you lean out the window the night before the exam and ... learn all the tickets, then you will definitely pass.

Scary tale for graduates: "Baba USE".

What does the phrase "Sisyphean labor" mean?

It means useless work. For example, you learned a lesson, but you were not asked!

At the OB lesson.
- When crossing the road, look at the cars, not at the traffic lights. Traffic lights haven't hit anyone yet.

Semyonova whimpers during the exam:
- Mary Ivanna! I don't deserve a two!
- I know, but, unfortunately, we do not have lower ratings!

Why is the worker swearing?
- I picked up from the children!

The teacher of physical education cannot possibly beat the teacher of labor at chess: the Trudovik has carved out two spare queens for himself.

Dismantling Trudovik with schoolchildren.

Who broke the plywood?.. I ask again, who broke the plywood?
- Maybe glass?
- Glass was broken yesterday, I inserted plywood - who broke the plywood?

Labor makes a man out of a monkey, but “teacher's day” makes a monkey out of a Trudovik.

Yesterday, the guys from 6 "B" launched a kite ... into the director's office.

And the sponsor of our school is a new children's search engine Vugl. Want to know a lot - Woogl!

Guys, remember: everything you say on the exam can be used against you!

The student does not know the subject in two cases: either he has not yet passed, or he has already passed.

- I hope, Ivanov, you seriously prepared for the exam?
- Of course, Eduard Ivanovich. Imagine, I studied day and night.
- Day and night. This is what I represent. I can’t imagine anything else: what can you learn in one day?

Schoolgirl after the exam to the teacher:
Well, I finally passed!
- No, I gave up!

Chinese graduates, going out to the embankment to meet the dawn, turned the mainland.

Olenka was carrying a bell, and four were carrying her.

After the school disco, the children dispersed. So much so that they managed to expose only with the help of the police.

Here the schoolchildren of the polar region were not lucky.
- Why?
- They sometimes have to wait half a year for the dawn after graduation.

Folk omen. If at graduation a girl met the dawn without a jacket draped over her shoulders, then she is ugly.

Leningrad. Secondary School No. 3. 40 years ago.
- Sasha, what do you want to be when you grow up?
- I want to become the President of Russia!
- And you, Petya?
- And I am the President of Russia!
- And you, Volodya?
- And I want to become a truck driver!
- Russia is a country of unfulfilled children's hopes!

On the street, a nice woman approaches a man:
“I think you are the father of one of my children…
Horror Man:
- I?!
- Calm down, - the woman answers, - I'm a teacher.

- Sidorov, wipe the board!
- Maria Ivanovna! She wrote it herself, wipe it herself. Not a lady. We don't have any servants!

Lazy student answer:

We will do it, but not sooner than later.

One very fat girl was transferred to another class, and the school leaned in the other direction.

I bought a plastic bucket. Masha washed the curtains. Ivanov brought two flowers from home. And how did you get away from summer work at school?

Who brought the money to repair the school, five, the rest - get ready to answer!

The theme of today's parent-teacher meeting is "The Beggarly Salary of Public Education Workers."

In Yuzhny Butovo, mothers never take off their hats at parent-teacher meetings, because the teachers steal.

Mary Ivanna, is it possible to punish a person for what he did not do?
- You can't, Vovochka.
- Mary Ivanna, I didn't do my homework!

A new generation of schoolchildren chooses textbooks with covers. We are for safe learning.

The lesson of the alphabet in the first grade ended with an apple.

Vovochka, why are you looking at your watch every minute?
- So, Mary Ivanna, I'm afraid that the call will interrupt this amazingly interesting lesson right now!

The teacher of labor proved that a screw hammered with a hammer holds much stronger than a nail screwed with a screwdriver.

Labor teacher statement:
- In the next two lessons, we will deal with the export of garbage from the school yard.

Fifth-grader Ivanov killed the teacher... with his stupidity.

Mom is not as scary as first graders draw her.

Pedagogical innovation - the method of whip and gag.

State of emergency in kindergarten No. 5: the teacher occupied all the pots with flowers.

Memo to the elementary school teacher: “If two Konstantins are sitting at a desk, immediately seat them, because at a young age the Bones grow together quickly.

During a medical examination at school, the doctor asks Vovochka:
- Do you have any complaints about your nose or ears?
-There is! They interfere with me when I put on a sweater.

Children, let's show how we learned all the months of the year. Well! Jan...




Now come on!

Art, rel, ah, june, july, dense, november, november, november, amber!

To be on top in all subjects, you need ... to study on the top floor of the school.

A very educated schoolboy, having fallen into the sewer, closed the hatch behind him.

A very frail boy stepped on his gum and was late for school.

Arshavin's son asked for 25 million euros for the transition to the second grade.

In the family of a Trudovik and a teacher of literature, a child reads a new poem every time on a new stool.

Lyusya Petrovna, can I leave the lessons early?
- Not.
- Why?
- Have you seen your diary?
- Not.
- I haven't seen it in a month.
- And you wipe your glasses.
- Do not be rude.
- You don't yell.
- Ahhh.
- Ahhh.
- Go away.
- I told you to let go.

School number 13 canceled music lessons. The fact is that when the students begin to play the pipe, the teachers line up in columns and go to the sea to drown themselves.

In general, I take 300 rubles for a lesson, but since we are neighbors, you can bring 500 rubles. I know you have money, you recently made repairs.

Yesterday at the lesson of labor 8 "G" turned into people.

MTS, Megafon, Beeline. Teacher's fee. Dial 122333 in the lesson, on your mobile and get ... with a pointer on the head! Teacher fee...

So, it's already five thirty in the morning, the children go to school. Lessons start at eight - well, you still need to smoke, chat.

Russian school:
- Who is absent?
- Justice!
- Correctly.

I am fluent in Russian, English, French... and in other lessons too.

You all know the tale of free higher education. The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it: twenty bucks for a lesson!

When I was in the seventh grade, a beer stall was set up near the school. And I was in seventh grade for five years.

I am in the 11th grade, I am much smarter than my peers, they are all already in the army, and I will study for 2 more years and all 27 years.

When I was studying, the boys went to smoke for the school, and I smoked for the district, then they noticed me and I began to smoke for the region.

If earlier gifted children of any parents were sent to study abroad...
- Now they send any children, but gifted parents!

And we present to you how the headless horseman studied at school.
- How are you behaving? Come on diary.
- I forgot it at home.
- Have you forgotten your head?

Last year, schoolchildren were sent to Paris, so they studied there for one deuce!
- What were they thinking?
- And they thought that they would be left for the second year ...

He was killed with a heavy, blunt object.

Natural history?!!

I teach English in three days, by the hard beating method!

For our happy childhood thanks to sex textbooks!

An emergency at a Voronezh school: a sixth grader bit a fifth grader, and a year later the fifth grader ... also became a sixth grader.

I bring to your attention the scenario of the New Year's holiday for high school students. This scenario is a New Year's KVN. But the calm flow of the game is "interfered" by a group of fabulous and funny characters. High school students are happy to reincarnate for a while in these heroes.

This event was held at our school in 2009/2010. year and everyone was happy. Boys and girls sewed costumes with pleasure, prepared for the holiday.



  1. New Year's KVN for high school students

  2. with elements of theatrical production

1 leader: In one dense forest, evil spirits lived and evil spirits lived until the New Year. They began to think about how to spend the New Year.

Koschey, Goblin, Witch, Cat with sad faces appear on the stage. They sit down at the table. There is complete silence on the stage, you can only hear how to knock your nails on the table. On the table is a small Christmas tree, decorated with tinsel, balls in the New Year's style.

Witch: Well, boring things, but like the New Year.
Koschey: Yes ... we stayed too long in our forest and we should get out to people.
Goblin: What kind of people, you looked at yourself in the lake for a long time, and Baba Yaga scared away all the animals in the area with her beauty.
Witch: Well, and that I will correctly make up, comb my hair and be a beautiful girl as in my youth.

I will stretch with the fingers of a gentle hand, my stockings,
I will tint my lips, check the varnish, perfume ...
Well, how? -

Goblin and Koschey: Wow!

Koschey: And I generally have an athletic physique, not a gram of excess weight, only muscles.

I have a bad temper

I swear and damage my nerves ...

Goblin: Stop wagging your tongue, let's have fun

The song "Three White Horses" is performed

Cat: Not bad, but I want a real holiday.
Goblin: I know one chip, you can order a holiday home, the guarantee company gives me a newspaper with a telephone number here.
Cat: Well, then don’t call, don’t drag out until the new year, there is not much left, otherwise they argue, everyone argues.

Witch: Exactly, stop talking, otherwise you need to put on makeup, blush, in general, you need to get ready.
Goblin: Hello. Firm "New Year for your money"? We need a cool party to hang out with. Yeah, I see, your agent will be here now?
Agent: Hi all. What problems? Who here wants to shake the bones cool? And then you have everything moldy here.
Koschey: You quickly drew...
Agent: Time is money. So what are the problems?
Witch: : What can you offer us from the modern? We haven't hung out here for a long time.

Cat: We need a cool party.
Agent: No problem. Let's decide on cash, our company will provide everything you want for your money, the minimum cost is two chests of gold and other material assets.
All: How much???
Witch: Yes, you copied the grimy price from the ceiling, or did you imagine something in your eyes?
Agent: Let's order, but if you don't want to, pay a penalty.
Goblin: Where does the money come from? There is no money at all.
Agent: What about property?
Witch (shows a broom): Only personal vehicles.
Agent: Confiscate. He takes the broom and leaves. Evil stands with its mouth open.
Koschey : Yes, a cool party, now we will also walk.
Goblin : And the left firm got caught(falls not knees). Sorry brothers.
Koschey: Okay, what can you do now.

Witch: Can we still get out on people?

Cat: What kind of people are you? Maybe we should go to school 294, I heard, such entertainment is expected there, it's called KVN.

Koschey (dreamy): Maybe we'll ruin someone's mood. We also want a holiday!

The light goes out for a short time. Music. Leaders on stage.

2 host: Attention! Attention! It's snowing outside, frost is cracking, and we have a New Year's KVN. Three teams participate - students 9A, 9B, and 10A classes.

1 leader: Meet our wonderful Jury: …………..

2 host: New Year's Evemiracles happen. So a miracle will happen at our holiday thanks to our contestants. The first competition is the performance of the teams on the theme "Once Upon a New Year's Eve ..."

The teams showcase their homework. As soon as the last team performed, Unclean Ones appear on the stage with a roar, groaning and rubbing their sides.

Witch: No, you've seen them have fun when others are in trouble.

Cat: They would have our problems.

1 leader: Good evening!

2 host: Let me know who you are and what trouble happened to you?

Koschey: They are also rude.

Goblin: Looks like they are completely loafers and do not study well at school, since they don’t recognize real heroes by sight.

Cat: On what occasion is darkness for the people?

Leading Together : So we are holding the New Year's Competition of the Cheerful and Resourceful.

Koschey: Do you conduct KVN? And why did they put such stupid people on stage?

Witch: I am a Snow Maiden, and this old one is my grandfather.Shows in the direction of Leshy.

Goblin: Frost.

Cat (circling): And I am a white and fluffy snowflake.

Koschey: And I'm a Snowman.

Witch: No, you look, what not quick-witted. KVN New Year's?

Leaders: Yes.

Cat: So who are the main characters on New Year's Eve?

Host 2: Ded Moroz and Snegurochka.

Koschey: Here we come to have some fun.

Goblin: So stop messing around. Continue your KVN and entertain us.

Evil sits on the stage. The leaders walk away and talk to each other.

1 leader: What a strange company. Who invited them?

1 leader: Maybe the school administration invited them. We completely forgot about our contestants and their performance.

2 host: Allow us to continue our holiday

Goblin (interrupting): I allow.

2 host: The floor is given to our jury, which will announce the grades for the homework.

Koschey: No, just think: a holiday, and they are talking about homework.

The jury announces the results of the homework.

1 leader: The next competition is Frosty Breath. We invite one young man from each team to the stage, who will demonstrate their strength and dexterity. Let's give them a round of applause.

2 leading : Each of you will try yourself in the role of Santa Claus. Your task is to blow off your snowflake so that it falls from the opposite edge of the table. The competition continues until everyone blows off their snowflakes.

Each of the contestants puts on a hat D.M. and sits down at the table.Before each Santa Claus, a snowflake cut out of paper of a sufficiently large size is placed on the table..

2 host: All well done, but in this competition the winner was not the one who first blew off his snowflake, but the one who was the last, because. he has such frosty breath that his snowflake "froze" to the table. Applause to our contestants.

1 presenter : Numerous balls are organized in Vienna and Budapest for the New Year. And in Warsaw at exactly 12 o'clock in the morning, when the chimes are chiming, all the inhabitants begin to burst balloons. It turns out a very funny and unusual salute.

2 leading : So let's arrange a similar arrangement for our contestants ....

1 leader: From each team we invite one boy and one girl to the stage.

The contestants take the stage.

1 leader: Now music will sound for you, and at this time you will dance, holding the ball.

2 leading : But when the music ends, all couples should stop, hug each other tightly - so that the balloons burst. The pair that bursts the balloon first will be the winner.

Music plays and a competition is held.

1 presenter : The floor for summing up the intermediate results is given to the jury.

2 host: It's time for another test for our contestants. We invite six representatives from the teams to the stage.

The contestants take the stage.

1 presenter : Our competition is called "Mummy". Your task is to show the "mummy" in 2 minutes, using the material at hand, namely toilet paper rolls.

Teams are given a roll of toilet paper and are invited to show the mummy in 2 minutes.

2 leading : Well done everyone! Let's give the guys a round of applause.

1 presenter : Word of the jury for summing up the intermediate results.

The jury announces the results.

2 host: The next competition is quite extreme. For the faint of heart, please close your eyes.

1 presenter : We invite two representatives from the team to the stage.

The contestants take the stage.

2 host: Your task is to get as many sweets from the bowl as possible in 1 minute and drink water. Whoever gets the most wins.

1 leader: You can do this task one at a time, or you can do it in pairs. But the task is to get as many sweets as possible and drink water.

2 host: Let's support the daredevils with applause.

Before each pair is placed a bowl of flour and sweets and a glass of water.

1 leader: It's time to loosen up a bit.

2 host: The next competition is "Dance".

1 leader: We invite one young man from the team to the stage.

The contestants take the stage.

2 host: While the contestants are getting ready, let's listen to our esteemed jury.

1 boy from the team performs the dance "Snowflakes" to the music in a snowflake costume.

2 host: Let's give the guys a round of applause.

1 leader: And now a small gift for all those present in the hall from the students of the 11th "B" class.

2 leader: Let's support them with applause.

The song is being played.

1 leader: We danced, and now we sing. Each team is invited to take an envelope with ditties and perform them.

2 host: Team 10 "A" class, please etc .

Each team is invited to take an envelope with ditties and perform them.

1 leader: While the jury is deliberating, we will test your dexterity and how you can work in a team in the Magic Thread competition.

2 host: Six people are invited from the team.

1 leader: Each team is given a rope tied into a ring. Teams should stand along the line, holding hands. The first and last participant have one free hand each. Task: pass the rope through all the participants along the chain. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

The guys are doing the job.

2 host: Well done! Let's give the guys a round of applause. They demonstrated their dexterity and perseverance.

1 leader: I have an idea how to get rid of this bad company that interferes with us. We will invite real Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

2 host: You just need to divert their attention.

1 leader: To do this, we will hold the next contest - a riddle contest

2 leading . We read the riddle once, the teams answer in unison. And the jury listens carefully to which team responds amicably and loudly.

1 leader:

Who will answer the question:
What is the name of Santa Claus
In African hot countries?
Even if it sounds a little strange...
It's time to give a little hint...
He is called Grandfather... (Heat.)

2 host:

And which of you will tell here,
What are we called in America?
No Winnie the Pooh, no Mickey Mouse!
They call us Santa... (Klaus!)

1 leader:

Well, in France, friends,
What is my clever name?
Come on, come on, Mademoiselle!
They call us Peer... (Noel!)

2 host:

And in Scandinavia the people
Associated with the animal New Year.
I confess I'm a little angry
That they have Santa Claus ... (Goat!)

1 leader:

She flies on a broomstick
And the kids are scared
She has a hut on legs
Who is THAT? (Grandma Ezhka)

2 host:

He is skinny and skinny
And no longer young
By nature - a villain
This is ugly (Koschey)

1 leader:

Beauty and feast for the eyes
Everybody let something up
Only grief can
Chinese call (fireworks)

2 host:

He walks with a big bag
Penetrates every home
Who brought us presents?
In a red hat - (Santa Claus)

Presenters: And now we all repeat in unison: Santa Claus!

A knock is heard and Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden appear on the stage.

Father Frost: Good afternoon and good hour!

I salute you all!

Snow Maiden:

Grandpa, how many people are in the hall,
Have a nice holiday here!
So we were told the truth
That our friends are all waiting for us here.

Father Frost:
I'm still the same gray-haired
But just like being young.
Welcomes you today
And not jokingly, but seriously,
On this New Year's holiday,
Your friend Santa Claus!

The evil spirits, seeing Santa Claus, begin to slowly back away to the edge of the stage.

Father Frost: And who invited them?

Witch: Us? Yes, we just ran past. Well done boys! We see that you know how to have great fun!

Goblin: We wish all 9th ​​and 11th graders to successfully pass the exams in the Year of the Tiger! 10th graders support them!


Health, joy and happiness
We wish you a Happy New Year
So that neither anxiety nor misfortune
They didn't guard at the gate.


So that the sun gently shines
Everything that the heart is waiting for came true.
And just to be gratifying
All your life, as in the New Year.

Snow Maiden:
Just don't forget us
You wait for us, my grandfather and I will come.
And meet us again with songs and dances,
And we will bring you the best gifts.

1 leader:

Again on the threshold of the New Year,
He will rise as a young star!
May it give happiness and success
Smiles, humor, good laughter!

2 host:

May your day be bright
Pleasant, joyful and generous!
Let it be bright, dynamic,
In everything successful and excellent!

Snow Maiden: The time has come for us to say goodbye.

Father Frost:
We'll say goodbye to each other
And again we will part for a whole year.
And a year later the blizzard will howl again
And Santa Claus will come with winter.

Snow Maiden as the cat Leopold said: "Guys, let's live together!" and to make all our New Year's dreams come true, we will sing the final song together.

The song is being played.

1 leader: And now the exciting moment. The word of the jury for summing up.

2 host: Gifts for contestants.

Attachment 1.

Three white horses

Music: Krylatov E.
Words: Derbenev L.

The rivers have cooled down, and the earth has cooled down,
And a little puffed up at home.
It's warm and damp in the city
It's warm and damp in the city
And outside the city winter, winter, winter.

And they take me away, and they take me away
Into the ringing snowy distance
December, January and February.

And they take me away, and they take me away
Into the ringing snowy distance
Three white horses, oh, three white horses -
December, January and February.

Winter opened its snowy arms
And until spring everything is dormant here,
Only Christmas trees in triangular dresses,
Only Christmas trees in triangular dresses
Everyone is running towards me, running, running.

And they take me away, and they take me away
Into the ringing snowy distance
Three white horses, oh, three white horses -
December, January and February.

And they take me away, and they take me away
Into the ringing snowy distance
Three white horses, oh, three white horses -
December, January and February.

The rivers have cooled down, and the earth has cooled down,
But I'm not afraid of frost
It was in the city that I was sad,
And outside the city I laugh, I laugh, I laugh.

And they take me away, and they take me away
Into the ringing snowy distance
Three white horses, oh, three white horses -
December, January and February.

And they take me away, and they take me away
Into the ringing snowy distance
Three white horses, oh, three white horses -
December, January and February.

  1. Santa Claus slept in bed
    I got up, ringing icicles:
    Where are you, blizzards and snowstorms?
    Why don't you wake me up?
  1. I am a cheerful Snow Maiden,
    I'll play hide and seek with you
    But I'm afraid to drink tea -
    I melt from the hot.
  1. May any of your dreams
    Come true, come true.
    Let the lights on our Christmas tree
    They light up brightly.
  1. Everyone is making a snowman
    Mom is looking for Igor.
    Where is my son? Where is he?
    Rolled into a snowball.
  1. Frost with a white beard,
    With lush mustache
    Like a young boy
    Dancing with us.
  2. Look Santa Claus
    Festively dressed.
    He brought us gifts
    Gingerbread, sweets.
  1. In our hall there is noise and laughter,
    The singing doesn't stop.
    Our tree is the best!
    There is no doubt about this.
  1. Children lead a round dance,
    They clap their hands.
    Hello hello.
    New Year! You are so good!
  1. Outside the window, a flock of snowflakes
    He also leads a round dance.
    Saying goodbye to the old year,
    celebrating the new year


Sounds music on the New Year's theme

Vedas: Good evening.

Vedas: Finally, there is a holiday in our school,

Finally a carnival.

And, believe me, not in vain.

Everyone expected it!

Vedas: There will be contests, jokes,

Awards, prizes.

Disco very soon

He will tell you: "Don't slow down!"

Vedas: You are tired of studying.

So go ahead! To the masquerade!

But at the beginning of the New Year

Congratulations to all guys!

Vedas: Today, on New Year's Eve, all our KVN players will compete in their ability to have fun and show their talents. To light, start, and cheer the audience so that this meeting of the new year in our school will be remembered by you for a long time.

Vedas: 2 wonderful teams will present their New Year's miracles to us today ....

Vedas: So, welcome to the team of 7th and 9th grades " (applause)

Vedas: So, welcome to the team of 8,10,11 classes "(applause)

Vedas: For the competition to take place, we must first present our competent jury.

Vedas: As part of the jury today we have ...

Vedas: The teams are in place, the jury too.

Vedas: And without whom there is no New Year?

Presenters: And now we all repeat in unison: Santa Claus!

A knock is heard and Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden appear on the stage.

Father Frost: Good afternoon and good hour!

I salute you all!

Grandpa, how many people are in the hall,
Have a nice holiday here!
So we were told the truth
That our friends are all waiting for us here.

Father Frost:
I'm still the same gray-haired
But just like being young.
Welcomes you today
And not jokingly, but seriously,
On this New Year's holiday,
Your friend Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden:

Health, joy and happiness
We wish you a Happy New Year
So that neither anxiety nor misfortune
They didn't guard at the gate.

Father Frost:
So that the sun gently shines
Everything that the heart is waiting for came true.
And just to be gratifying
All your life, like New Year's

(light the tree)

Snow Maiden:

Now we have really begun our evening with you. What if

If there is a beginning, then there will be a continuation.

Father Frost:
1. Our first contest "New Year's business card".

So, we meet a team of students of _____ class.

We greet the team of _____ class with thunderous applause.

Jury scores

Snow Maiden:

Let's thank the teams

2. The next competition "Warm-up - Guessing"

The teams will be given a question in turn, to which they must answer.

Jury scores

Father Frost:
3. The competition is called "Theatrical".

And now the teams will show their theatrical skills and show skits on the theme of the new year.

Jury scores

Snow Maiden:

4. The next competition is called "Sleight of Hand"

Jury scores

Father Frost:
5. Next contest "Frost Breath" We invite one young man from each team to the stage, who will demonstrate their strength and dexterity. Let's give them a round of applause. The contestants take the stage.

Each of you will try yourself in the role of Santa Claus. Your task is to blow off your snowflake. The competition continues until everyone blows off their snowflakes.

Each of the contestants puts on a hat D.M. and blows on a snowflake until it reaches the finish line. All well done, but in this competition the winner was not the one who first blew off his snowflake, but the one who was the last, because. he has such frosty breath that his snowflake "froze" to the table. Applause to our contestants.

Jury scores

Snow Maiden:

6. As we have seen, the captains can easily come to an agreement with their teams, they understand each other perfectly. And now let's see how the captains will negotiate with each other. Our next contest is the team captains contest!

Imagine, Santa Claus - and one of the team captains will play his role - was late for the New Year's party at school for half an hour, besides, for some reason, he arrived without gifts. His task is to convincingly tell the headmaster (this will be the second team captain) why he was late.

For example, "Santa Claus" puts forward the following reason: one of the deer sprained his leg, the motor was knocking, there was a strong headwind, etc. That is, there can be almost any reason for being late. The "Director" should take the explanations of "Santa Claus" with distrust, asking tricky questions like "Where are the gifts?" or “Where is the Snow Maiden?”.

Jury scores

Father Frost

7. And now the competition of Christmas trees. Each team presents their Christmas trees: classic and modern.

Jury scores

8. The next competition is called "Black Box".

Jury scores

Father Frost:

9. Tell me, is it possible today to imagine our life without a hit parade? Yes, without the "best twenty" the world will be duller and grayer twenty times! Mine hit parade were both of our teams. And what is surprising, it turned out that this month in both lists different songs took first place, but with the same theme - winter.

Snow Maiden:

10. The next competition "Letter to Santa Claus." Teams must write 14 adjectives that come to mind, in any order.

(We insert them into the letter, we read).

Father Frost:

11. The competition is called "Gift to the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus".

This is the last competition. New Years is soon. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden will give gifts to everyone, but they always forget about themselves. Let's give them our gifts.

Snow Maiden:

Well, now let's move on to the most interesting - dear jury: please announce the total number of points for all competitions.

Santa Claus immediately presents certificates of honor for prizes

1. Time flew by so quickly, minutes, half an hour, hours ...

We managed to have some fun

We managed to give you prizes!

2: And ahead of a fun holiday,

Magical, bright New Year!

Perhaps there is no more beautiful moment

When the New Year is coming!

1: Happy New Year to you-

It's so nice to congratulate you!

And we sincerely wish you

Learn to never forget!

2: More often, easier to smile

And live in peace with dad, mom.

Cheerful, fun to laugh,

Really be friends!

1.: Parting is coming,

But we mean

Parting - goodbye!

In the new, next year!

All together: Happy New Year! Until we meet again!!!

New Year is a wonderful holiday when Christmas trees, carnivals, balls are held. It has become a good tradition in our school to hold a New Year's school KVN, where students are happy to prepare for this event, and it is always fun, provocatively, and most importantly, it brings everyone: participants and fans a lot of positive.

School KVN

"The New Year walks the planet."

Purpose of the game: development of the best traditions of the most popular among the youth genre of amateur creativity and improvement of new forms of organization of youth leisure.

Tasks of KVN:

 support for the creative initiative of school activists;

 development of the KVN movement at school;

 identifying the best KVN teams among the senior classes.

The music sounds "We are starting KVN ..."

Leading: It's the middle of the school year

Hard frost scares the weather

Nothing! Ahead New Year

He will come to school a little - a little early

Before you hear congratulations

It will affect the mood

We will give you smiles

How can we not forgive mistakes?

Happy New Year everyone, as they say

Plans, your dreams come true

And in the second half of the main,

Let your well-being be glorious.

Good evening guys, teachers and respected members of the jury!

We are starting a meeting of the club of cheerful and resourceful, dedicated to the New Year.

Our game is called "The New Year Walks the Planet", where we hope there will be many songs, jokes, and, of course, congratulations on the upcoming New Year.

Today there are 3 teams:

11A class

11 B class

11th grade

And our New Year's fireworks will be judged by a respected jury:

Evaluation of competitions will be held on a 5-point system.

So, first competition "BUSINESS CARD", where the teams introduce themselves, greet their rivals, respected members of the jury. The request to the teams is to try to meet the time proposed by the regulations.

New Year is a wonderful holiday with songs, games, gifts, and I wonder what New Year is? I’ll check now, if you agree, then clap together, if you don’t agree, stomp.

So what is the New Year?

    Is this a friendly dance?

    Is this a snowstorm?

    Is it a ringing drop?

    Are these skis and skates?

    Are these hot days?

    Is this a Christmas tree?

    Is it a noisy masquerade?

    Is this Santa Claus?

    And a bouquet of scarlet roses?

Well done! I think now there will be a bouquet of smiles, as I give the floor to the jury……….

The next competition WARM-UP, the theme is "The New Year walks the planet", the teams need to show their knowledge in the field of neither mathematics nor physics, but in the field of celebrating the New Year. There are 3 questions for each team. If the team does not respond, there is an opportunity to help the fans from the class.

1 team.

1. What was the name of the ancient Slavic prototype of Santa Claus?

A) snowman

B) Zimnik

B) refrigerator

2. In which country is it customary to put a "money tree" on the New Year's table?

A) Japan

To China

3. Is it true that in Portugal there is such a tradition: while the clock strikes 12 times, everyone pulls their left ear with their right hand? (-)

2 team.

1. What did Grandfather Zimnik not wear?

A) gloves

B) a headdress

2. In what country is it customary to climb onto chairs and jump off right into the new year with the first strike of the clock?

A) Germany

B) Bulgaria

B) Ireland

3. Is it true that in Albania there is a tradition on the morning of January 1 to drive pigs through the streets of villages? (-)

3 team.

1. With what did the Slavic Grandfather walk in his hands?

A) with an ice stick

B) with an iron mace

B) with a wooden club

2. In which country is it customary to decorate bamboo for the New Year?

B) Norway

B) Vietnam

3. Is it true that in Scotland, with the first strike of the clock, they open the door to the street and keep it open for up to 12 strokes ?(+)

For fans:

The main character of the New Year is Santa Claus. The real appearance of the Russian Santa Claus has long been forgotten and is often confused with Morozko, with Santa Claus. What does a real Santa Claus look like?

    Do you believe that the gray beard and mustache of Santa Claus symbolize diligence and patience? (-, this is a symbol of power and prosperity)

    Do you believe that Santa Claus wraps a white scarf around his neck? (-, D.M. does not wear a scarf)

    Do you believe that Santa's belt should be white with red ornaments? (+, as a symbol of the connection between ancestors and descendants).

So, the jury's word, which of the teams turned out to be a New Year's connoisseur?

Next captain competition, it is called " New Year's masquerade, where our captains will present a New Year's costume.

While they are preparing, I invite 1 person from the class.

"Jump into the New Year"

( stretch the ribbon in front of the players , it symbolizes the junction of two years.

How do I name a number? THREE, we all make a jump into the new year, that is, we jump over the ribbon.

New Year is my favorite holiday

How beautiful, look.

Let's jump into the new year together

As I say: one, two, five ....

New Year comes at midnight

You look at the clock

How the arrows come together

Let's jump together: one, two. Once.

Round dances around the Christmas tree ....

Come on, Christmas tree, burn!

Our tree will light up

As he hears: once, giving, seven.

We're tired of waiting

THREE time to say

Who jumped, well done!

Who did not jump-cucumber!

So, your way out, captains!

While the jury is summing up, we will play a little with the fans.

The next competition is called "Game with the audience", each team needs to be able to light up the hall with a game or a chant. Who is first? (fans shout New Year's chants or play games))

The floor is given to the jury.

The New Year is the brightest and most memorable holiday, and most importantly, on the New Year, everyone congratulates each other and wishes something to someone . Our last competition is "Happy New Year - musical greetings."

Accept New Year's greetings from class 11A

11b class

11B class

MEMBERS OF THE JURY (the musical number of the jury members can be found in the appendix))

While our esteemed jury is summing up, one more competition

Attention to winter snow-white!

I will name a lot of things, and you will only recognize white.

I'll tell you about white and snow - clap!

And as for anything else - stomp.

Winter… snowball… book… icicle… bunny… fox Christmas tree… snowdrift… ice cream… sausage… bus… seagull… ice… car… apple… candy… Father Frost’s beard.

The floor is given to the jury to sum up the results of our game and reward the teams . (AWARDING)

I would like to end our today's meeting with a New Year's song. Teams out! (can be found in the app)

Fans, join us!!! SING A SONG (CLAPPER)

Leading: Let there be enough tears and disasters in the world, I fulfill the order of the heart:

You have entered youth, but as in childhood, the best New Year holiday is for you

Eh guys! For good luck, ask heaven together -

let me be appointed a magician - and then miracles will come!

I'll start with the fact that on the planet

Immediately - no deceit, no offense,

The best flowers. What is in the world, let the fan give the girl.

I wish the young men wonderful, to begin with become knights,

Guard all the lovely girls and invite them to the dance as soon as possible.

Do not waste time on smoking, do not poison the girls with tobacco

Try not to lose the humor, the floor is wonderful to entertain together.

I wish vivacity, good luck, let laughter be heard more often,

complex tasks will be resolved, like clockwork, everything will work out for everyone.

Try to do good to people, let everyone be lucky in something

I ask you: smile more often and then the year will be happy.


Closing song to the tune "Closing the Circle"

    If the windows shine bright, buy all the gifts

Serpentine, toys, confetti.

If it smells delicious of tar, from a green lush Christmas tree,

So the new year is on its way.

If we rush on a sled across a snowy meadow

Or we fly along the rink with an arrow

If the carnival swirls and makes us friends forever

So it's yours and mine.

Pr: Soon a merry new year will come to us

May he bring peace and happiness to the whole planet.

Let the snow sparkle, hello, kind person!

May good luck await everyone in the New Year! ..

    New Year is a wonderful holiday, he is a merry fellow and a prankster,

Gives people happiness without end

He covers everything with snow, lights Christmas trees everywhere

Filling hearts with joy.

If children's merry laughter is heard in palaces and schools

And a bright star shines

If songs, dances are everywhere, if everything around is like in a fairy tale

So the New Year is coming!

Pr: The New Year has come, it's very good!

So we'll be together until next winter

Let the years fly, never be sad

We wish you all good health!

Musical jury number for a melody "If you don't have an aunt"

    If you do not have a Christmas tree, and the guests are already right there

No need to run around

In the holiday hour will help you out

Cactus that grew in reserve

He is all in tinsel now.

    If you have no idea how to entertain guests

Send them home soon

Let there be no worries in the new year

Doesn't tire people

Nobody takes oxygen.

The orchestra rumbles

New Year is coming to us

Think for yourself, decide for yourself

It will come or it won't.

3.If you do not have a suit in which to go to the holiday

No need to look for him in the Central Department Store

The way out is simple, you are Santa Claus

And got stuck on the way

It's worth it to visit.

The orchestra rumbles

the New Year is coming to us

think for yourself, decide for yourself

will come or not.



Sounds music on the New Year's theme

(Music before the start of the evening. The audience is in the hall in the field. The teams are also in the hall.)

Vedas: Good evening.

Vedas: Finally, there is a holiday in our school,

Finally a carnival.

And, believe me, not in vain.

Everyone was waiting for it!

Vedas: There will be contests, jokes,

Awards, prizes.

Disco very soon

He will tell you: "Don't slow down!"

Vedas: You are tired of studying.

So go ahead! To the masquerade!

But at the beginning of the New Year

Congratulations to all workers!

Vedas: Today, on New Year's Eve, all our KVN players will compete in their ability to have fun and show their talents. To light not only each other, but also to turn on and cheer the audience so that this meeting of the new year in our school will be remembered for a long time.

Vedas: 4 wonderful people will present their New Year's miracles to us today


Vedas: So, welcome to the 8th grade team" (applause)

Vedas: So, welcome to the 9th grade team" (applause)

Vedas: Welcome to the 10th grade team "(Applause)

Vedas: Greetings to the 11th grade team "(Applause)

Vedas: For the competition to take place, we must first present our competent jury.

Vedas: As part of the jury today we have ...

Vedas: The teams are in place, the jury too.

Vedas 1: Our first contest "New Year's business card".

So, we meet a team of students of _____ class.

With thunderous applause we meet the team of _____ class.

And now the performance of students of _____ class.

And our first competition is completed by a team of students of ______ class.

Let's thank the teams.

Vedas: Now we really started our evening with you. What if

If there is a beginning, then there will be a sequel.

Jury scores for the first competition.

The next competition "Warm-up - Guessing"

The teams will take turns being given a question to which they must answer.

In what country is the New Year's old man's name Per Noel?
1. Norway
2. France
3. Spain

In what country is the New Year's old man called Toshigami?
1. Japan
2. China
3. Italy

In what country is the New Year's old man's name Ulemand?
1. Belgium
2. Poland
3. Norway

In what country is the New Year's old man called Santa Claus?
1. Iraq
2. Ethiopia
3. USA

New Year films.

one . What was the name of the boy whose father, mother, brothers and sisters left at home alone for the Christmas holidays? (Kevin - "Home Alone")
2. From what material was the man whom the mischievous wife sent to the forest for the New Year tree in the cartoon "Last Year's Snow Was Falling"? (From plasticine)
3 . What New Year's toy did the king of mice turn the young prince into, according to the fairy tale of K. Hoffmann? (Nutcracker)
four . In which film did the actors E. Leonov, G. Vitsin, S. Kramorov celebrate the New Year at the dacha of an archaeologist professor? (Gentlemen of Fortune)
5. What is the name of the village in which once on Christmas night, at the request of one of the residents, the devil stole the moon? (Dikanka)
6. What was the name of the polar bear who came to his friend's boy for the New Year's holiday and asked if it was possible to eat the Christmas tree?
7. What was the New Year's issue of “Well, wait a minute!” (5)

8. In what New Year's film does the main character sing in the voice of Alla Pugacheva? (The Irony of Fate)

Jury evaluations for the second competition "Warm-up".

We called the next competition "Application in a balloon"

A round balloon of small size looks like a head. True, for a complete resemblance to the head, eyes, ears, nose, lips, hair, etc. are still not enough.
Try cutting out these missing parts of the face from colored paper and sticking them on the balloon. As a result, the balloon can turn into the head of New Year's heroes:
- Santa Claus;
- Snow Maiden;
- Hare;


Together with the head, the team prepares congratulatory words for their hero.

I think that our teams are already fully prepared and can show their results..

Many thanks to all the teams for your creative imagination and for your skill, and now the jury's scores.

The next competition "Tasty martial arts"

Get the candy out of the flour.
Flour is piled in a bowl. A candy is inserted into it so that the tip sticks out, for which it can be pulled out.

Vedas: jury estimates.

The next competition is called "Sleight of Hand"

Jury scores.

The next competition is called "Musical"

Each team shows a musical number.

Jury score.

The next competition is called "Mosaic".
An envelope is given to each table, in which a beautiful postcard is cut into various geometric shapes. Task - to collect a postcard stick it on a piece of paper.

Jury scores.

The next contest is called Black Box.

1. I really like this thing
2. It gives adults a lot of trouble
3. Once she had a hare mask with an elastic band inside
4. She looks like a grenade
5. She has a rope to pull

1. This is something so long
2. Mom decorated my suit with this
3. She's so colorful and sparkly
4. It can be easily torn
5. They make it from foil

1. My dad says they can set the house on fire.
2. I have a whole pack
3. People walk down the street with them and wave their hands
4. You can’t hang them on the Christmas tree, but some do
5. They burn and scatter sparks everywhere.
(Bengalithe lights )

1. I tried once before my mother saw
2. We had half a year in the sideboard
3. There, first “Bang-bang”, and then “P-sh-sh”
4. Most importantly, you need to make sure that it does not run away
5. Our cork nearly broke a mirror

The competition is called "New Year's fairy tale in a new way."

And now the teams will show their theatrical skills and show fairy tales in a new way. As well as a poster, which will be evaluated by our competent jury.

Jury score.

Vedas: Well, now let's probably move on to the most interesting - dear jury

please announce the total number of points for all competitions.

Santa Claus immediately awards certificates of honor for prizes and gives gifts:

Vedas: 1. Time flew by so quickly, minutes, half an hour, hours…

We managed to have some fun

We managed to give you prizes!

Vedas 2: And ahead of a fun holiday,

Magical, bright New Year!

Perhaps there is no more beautiful moment

When the New Year is coming!

Vedas 1: Happy New Year to you-

It's so nice to congratulate you!

And we sincerely wish you

Learn to never forget!

Vedas 2: More often, it's easier to smile

And live in peace with dad, mom.

Cheerful, fun to laugh,

Really be friends!

Snow Maiden.:

There comes a breakup

But we mean

Parting - goodbye!

In the new, next year!

All together: Happy New Year! Until we meet again!!!

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