New Year's game program for adults. New Year's entertainment program for adults "The Snow Maiden invites"


We offer the most New Year's theme for organizing your favorite holiday - fairy tales. Arranging a holiday in our new scenario of the New Year's game program "Fairytale Holiday", guests and organizers will be able to participate in entertainment about fairy tales, play a role in a fairy tale and just have a fabulous rest and have a good time together. The scenario is universal, not tied to a specific year or venue, and may well become the basis for a family, friendly or corporate party, both on the eve of the holiday, and directly at its meeting on December 31st.

New Year's scenario" fairytale holiday"

Presenter: Hello dear guests. I am very glad to see you at our Fairytale Holiday. And I am sure that with guests like you, it will be truly fabulous and sincere. On the eve of the New Year, you always want miracles and magic. And even adults begin to believe in them. Where does the magic always happen? That's right, fairy tales. And our evening will be devoted to fairy tales. We will tell fairy tales, guess fairy tales, show fairy tales and live like in a fairy tale. First, let's fill the glasses.


Let's fill our glasses with champagne

So that everyone's heart immediately becomes more joyful!

May this meeting be sincere and pleasant.

And fabulously cheerful our New Year's Eve!

Banquet break.

Presenter: The beginning of the evening was announced, now it's time to get acquainted! After all, you always feel freer and more comfortable in a well-known company, do you agree? My name is… (name), and I would love to spend some fabulously enjoyable hours with you. And, in order to get to know you better, and at the same time, to raise your mood, I suggest everyone to participate in a funny and energetic chant. I will ask questions, and if your answer is yes, you stand up and shout “I!” loudly.

Table chant "Let's get to know each other better"

Who with a positive attitude

Actively searching now? (guests respond)

He's getting up now

Who is married. (guests respond)

Stand up like this, but not alone,

Who has a son in the family. (guests respond)

Respond those, period,

Who is raising a daughter. (guests respond)

They barely rise

Who has two children. (guests respond)

Who, chur, not melting,

The large family? (guests respond)

Who bought or built a house,

Housewarming celebrated in it? (guests respond)

Who lives in his apartment?

Together in chorus, three or four. (guests respond)

Get up all together

Who is sitting right now! (guests respond)

Presenter: Noticed? They shouted together and somehow became closer to each other! I propose, right now, to fill the glasses and drink for rapprochement, for the fact that all of you have gathered here so unanimously!

Banquet break

Presenter: And who remembers from which cartoon the phrase: “Oh, these fairy tales!” (guests answer) That's right, "Last year's snow was falling." Do you remember fairy tales? Let's check? We divide into two teams. And we call in turn . (They call in turn for a warm-up). What good fellows, have not forgotten yet fairy tales. Personally, I also love fairy tales since childhood and I know, like many of you, almost by heart. But in the modernized version, sometimes I just don’t recognize them. Everyone who helps me learn a fairy tale, the content of which is conveyed in youth slang, is guaranteed a prize.

Table competition" Guess the tale by slang".

1. “This tale is about one dude with a long snob and a dude with a blue hair. This dude's fater wanted to put him in a SCHOOL. But he was purple before studying, and he hung out with a company, whose boss had one bearded person who beat them hard. The dude stashed himself one expensive little thing. And this boss has been chasing him the whole story.”

(“The Golden Key” - to the one who guessed the prize)

2. “This tale is about one girl. Her vater found himself one hag who pressed her hard. But once she got to a pretentious party. There she fell in love with an authoritative dude. And he had a crush on her not like a child. She pressed him about herself. Then she quickly left the party. But not used to running on cables, she lost one shoe. Because of this shoe, I fell asleep. And in the end, love is carrots and all that.”

(“Cinderella” - to the one who guessed the prize)

3. "This tale is about how one bespontovy girl fell into someone else's haza, ate food, made beds, and when she was burned, she washed off."

(“Masha and the Three Bears” - to the one who guessed the prize)

Blitz-poll of the presenter "Who is in the hall today"

(Below is an option for an unfamiliar company, which, depending on the intended composition or situation, can be adjusted)

Presenter: Thank you, connoisseurs of modern folklore! Where does such knowledge come from? Are your kids teenagers or do you spend a lot of time on the Internet? (approaches those who received the prize, they answer, the presenter gets acquainted with them and asks the last of them). What zodiac sign were you born under? (guest answers, for example, Virgo) Then it is clear why you answered the question, because the representatives of your sign are traditionally famous for their curiosity and attractiveness. There are still Virgos in the hall, in the sense of those who were born under this sign? Stand up, please, we will greet you and admire! (approaches one of the responding guests)

- We all now approximately know the month of your birth? What is your name? (guest answers, for example, Sergey) Did you come here because you love the New Year or for company? (guest answers) Anyone else love New Years? Majority! Are there guests with the name Sergey still in the hall? Stand up so we can greet you too! (fits one of them)

- Sergey, did you know that for men with your name the most favorable day of the week is Friday? Did not know? But you probably did, right? Always somehow wanted to spend it in a special way, right? It would be nice in a restaurant, but with a loved one or a loved one? I would prefer with Andrew. What is your favorite female name? (guest answers, for example, Marina). Beautiful name! Are there girls with this name among us? (guests respond) Hello Marin! (fits one of them)

- Marina, what do those closest to you call you? (guest answers). Do they know that you are very unpredictable? However, here, as the stars converge. What animal is the symbol of your year of birth? (calls, for example, Monkey). Then, everything is fine, only pleasant surprises can be expected from you. I would like to see those who, like the charming Marina, were born in the year of the Monkey? Let's welcome this fun company! (goes to the closest one)

My name is still (name), how about you? Wonderful! Tell me, 2016 was successful for you, was it your year? (the guest answers, the host reacts, depending on the answer, if, for example, yes, then “it should have been so, you will be lucky this year too.” And if not, then that “you will definitely be lucky in the coming year”)

Are there many lucky people in our company who were born in the year of the Dog? Stand up please! Dear guests, remember these faces and try to be closer to them throughout 2018 and touch them more often. I advise you to start today. I would like to introduce you to each of them! (in turn gets acquainted with the guests of the year of the Dog) Let's greet the favorites of the coming year with thunderous applause! (guests applaud) Thank you!

Yes, it’s better to stay close to me today too, our Santa Claus left me one of his bags (shows) and allowed to encourage the most active and quick-witted. And right now I'm ready to give a prize to the one who will be the first to say how many Sergeyevs are among us? (who guessed the prize) And those born in the year of the Dog? (who guessed the prize)

(if this is a corporate party, then you need to give the floor to the company's management)

- And I also have a special prize from Santa Claus for the leader (or leaders) this glorious team. Respond, are there such people in the hall? (distributing prizes and getting to know each other, then offers to make a toast)

Banquet break

Presenter: Friends, have you noticed that the greatest storytellers are men? Andersen, Brothers Grimm, Alexei Tolstoy. Therefore, I can only trust them to participate in this competition, and many of them, for sure, have come across its conditions more than once. (Selects or invites three active men to participate and distributes printed texts and explains the conditions of the competition)

The essence of the competition: You need to read an excerpt from a well-known children's fairy tale, naming only vowels, so that the rest can guess what kind of fairy tale it is. You can help with gestures.

Competition for men "Great storytellers"

Presenter: Before the dance break in our fairy tale, we have already remembered the most long-awaited and beloved fairy-tale characters of the New Year. Who is it? That's right, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Or maybe it's time for us to make a fairy tale come true? Let's all together, as it should be, call Santa Claus. So, all together: “Santa Claus! Father Frost!"

Father Frost and the Snow Maiden come out.

Father Frost(Snow Maiden): After all, Snegurochka, it’s not enough for us to distribute gifts to children every year, so adults also piled on. (to guests) Do you want gifts? And stand on a stool, and tell a rhyme? Okay, I'm kidding. I know that you don’t know anything except as a “beard made of cotton wool”. Well, since I have such a position, you will receive your gifts. But not just like that. And whoever guesses what the gift is, he will receive it.

New Year's riddles of Santa Claus with comic gifts

(guesses Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden distributes gifts to those who guessed)

1. The product is soft, pleasant to the body,

In an intimate setting you will find something to do with him.

Everyone needs it several times a day.

Who will receive it now?

(Toilet paper)

2. It can be sucked, it can be licked,

You can even bite gently.

Any pioneer will tell you -

The longer the pleasure, the larger the size .


3.It's a miracle tool

Everything is repaired in a moment.

Drill, screwdriver and screwdriver

Previously, he deftly replaced .

(Insulating tape)

4. Used to be a luxury item,

Now is a necessity.

Who cares about appearance, who is cross-country.

(Toy car)

5. The miracle of technology is

Without him, well, nowhere.

To get a result

Need running water .

(Washing machine. They give its prototype - soap)

6. That little girl thing

Everyone needs it: both grandmothers and granddaughters.

It can be used to increase volume

Not using silicone.

(Lipstick. Increases the visual volume of the lips)

7. This tool is newfangled

Suitable for men and women.

All you need to do is swing

Will remove everything that grows in different places.

(Disposable razor)

8. Any company will be the soul,

If this item is with you .

(Disposable glass or stack)

9. There will be no release from women,

If you always carry it with you.

With him, female interest in you will not disappear,

Even if without press cubes. (Wallet)

Musical game "Santa Claus guesses wishes"

Father Frost: Well, what do you say, that's not what you wanted, right? Like, Grandfather Frost became old, he forgot how to do miracles, he stopped guessing. (Snow Maiden) It seems to me, granddaughter, that some here do not believe in me. I need to show them that I can.

(Approaches selectively to some guests, holds his palm above their head, music sounds).

Approximate options for musical passages for this game look at folder "Guessing wishes"

Santa Claus games

Father Frost: And now I will fulfill your desires. Of course, not all at once, but some will be lucky if they prove that their desire is really strong. So, stand up, who wants money and wealth, let's go. (Several people exit.) Do you want money? Did you try to work? Okay, I'll give you money, but only one. The fastest one. You know the saying: "Who managed, he ate." So, the first competition.

- 1 contest "Get the grapes".

On a small table is a plate of grapes (seedless). Grapes are one less than the participants. To the music, the participants walk around the table. When the music stops, everyone should eat a grape. Whoever doesn't get it is out. So we weed out half of the participants.

Father Frost: Round 2 There is another proverb: "If you want to live, know how to spin."

Let's see which one of you spins the best.

- 2 contest "Hit the target".

We put targets in front of the participants. (You can have one target and they will do it in turn). The participant is untwisted several times. After stopping, he must hit the target with an improvised projectile. We leave 2-3 winners.

Father Frost: And there is one more wisdom: “If you want to feed a person, give him a fish. If you want him to be fed all his life, give him a fishing rod.” Round 3: fishing.

- 3 contest "Catch a fish"

You can take either children's magnetic fishing rods, or ropes with hooks and something that can be hooked. Everyone from one line begins to cast fishing rods and catch "fish". Whoever catches the most wins. Up to one winner.

Father Frost: Here is our winner who will get his wish right now. (to the winner). You want a lot of money. You know, in order to become rich and have a lot of money, it is important to be able not only to earn, but also to save. (Takes out a piggy bank from the bag, you can put a coin there). Now, every time you receive income, put 10% here. And at the end of the year you will be much richer.

Well, my friends, it's time for me. Happy New Year.

(Father Frost and the Snow Maiden leave)

New Year's toast "To live like in a fairy tale"

Presenter: What a pity, but tonight

Already very close to the denouement.

Let's raise our glasses

To live like in a fairy tale

Eyes from love to burn

And my heart sang with happiness

Relatives so as not to get sick,

And the business was successful.

So that love is mutual with money,

The income was, if possible, passive,

To be strong men

And women so that they are all beautiful.

And I say goodbye to you. But our evening continues. And I invite you to the dance floor.



(At the appointed hour, all guests enter the hall, sit down at tables.)

PHONE GRAM No. 1 sounds - a three-time chime of chimes.

The leader comes out.

LEADING. Good evening friends! Everyone - a good New Year's Eve! So another year flew by, rustled outside the windows of our house. Soon we will spend it - someone with sadness, and someone with relief: it was different for different people. And life goes on. This means that there will be new joys, new sorrows, everything will be in our life. But what more - it depends on us. But there was a belief in the old days: with what mood you meet the New Year, so it will be. So let him be happy for all of us! Smile more often! And then there will be goodness in your house, love will come to you and happiness will settle! Happy New Year to all of you! Let's open our hearts to the future and smile with a kind radiant smile!

Before reading the full version of the script, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the services of a wedding planner - Wedding Planning

I invite fun to our cozy hall,
And publicly declare:
We start the ball with a toast!
Pronounces a toast:

Magical holiday on the doorstep -
With frost, Christmas tree, tinsel,
With great lights
Cheerful, noisy, mischievous!
He's knocking on the door today
And the New Year will burst into the house!
Let him be a little kinder
Without unnecessary worries,
May he give us health
And bring success in everything
Fill life with new breath
Warm with tremulous warmth!
Leave your worries behind
Resentment, pain, fatigue, sadness,
Breathe with a pure soul
And let the world settle in the heart!

I propose to raise our glasses and toast to all that has been said.
For the fulfillment of desires!

PHONE GRAM № 2 - light music.

Drinking break 5-7 minutes.

HOST: I was assigned to lead our evening. I thought, I thought, but I didn’t come up with anything worthwhile. You forgive me, please! You just don’t tell anyone about this, otherwise I don’t know what will happen to me ... Yes, don’t be upset: we’ll dance, have fun, and we’ll disperse in a good way. Still, there is no turning back. After all, I foresaw your reaction and prudently closed the door with a bolt. So… you have to be patient! Today we will have to spin together - me and the sound engineer. Neither Santa Claus nor the Snow Maiden will be here today. I don't even know what's going to happen today. Although... Before the beginning of the evening I was handed a magic wand, however, without explaining how to use it. This is the only remedy I can use. So ... You need to read the instructions.
(Takes out instructions from the box, reads:

"Wand. Magic. High quality. The term of operation is New Year's Eve. Instructions for use: make a wish, wave the wand, say: “Magic wand, help me out, turn the word into deed!”
If the magic power of the wand weakens and a miracle does not happen, then choose Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden through games, competitions from those guests who will come to the evening ... "

Well, shall we try? (Takes out a "magic" wand from the box, utters a spell).
Magic wand, help me out! Turn words into deeds!

(Nothing happens.)

Eh, nothing happened. Anyway! I want to remind you that very soon, when the hands of the clock converge together, and the chiming clock with the last, 12th blow will announce the coming New Year, do not forget (bark, crow, etc.), because know that the Year has come (called year according to the Eastern calendar). The year of people born in _____________ years.
I propose to fill the glasses again and raise them for the outgoing year and for the coming year. And also for the future heroes of the year, those who were born in the Year of _________________!

PHONE GRAM № 3 - light music,

LEADING. Now, when our hearts are becoming more joyful every minute, it would be useful to announce the Charter of the New Year's Eve.





Not sad to have faces
I invite you to the dance circle!
Let's have fun friends
In this wonderful New Year's hour!

While you are participating in the dance marathon, I will try to come up with something interesting.

Circle, friends! Circle, friends!
Music is calling! All friends, all girlfriends
In a noisy round dance!

PHONE GRAM № 4 - 4-5 dance compositions.
The guests of the evening are dancing.

PHONOGRAPH No. 5 - "Can-can".
Baba Yaga flies into the hall. The music is mixed.

BABA YAGA. FAQ, darlings, did not wait? And I myself, myself came. Didn't get dusty. Coo-coo, goats! Are you smiling? I will bring everyone to clean water! I live, it means, I am in a personal hut. And Ali Baba and forty thieves still live with me. Forty tenants - and all the robbers! First things first, Vasilisa the Beautiful ... She is not Beautiful at all! She is a frog, a swamp! Only at night he will wind his head with curlers, wash himself with spring water, and in the morning - a beauty ... Ugh, an infection! Now it's Aladdin. His lamp is magic...

Tokmo no matter how fast that lamp burns - the counter stands still, as if rooted to the spot. And Puss in Boots?! Why is he wearing boots? Yes, because it drags home everything that lies badly. Oh, what can I say! Ivan and Marya are kissing in the room. Shame in broad daylight! Ali old man Boyan plays the harmonica all day long. There is no rest from him. Again, the social order is violated ... And Ivanushka the Fool? He is no fool! He's on his own! I got ready, it was, I fry it, melted the oven, prepared a shovel ... And he: “I don’t know how, they say, granny! I would show and teach!” Here I am, an old fool, perched on a shovel, and he, Herod, slammed me into the oven, and slammed the damper. Almost, it was, did not give up the spirit. I got out with grief in half, came to my senses manenko ... And he, a fool, and the trace caught a cold ... So I'm angry at the whole wide world. And I'll spoil your mood.
Evil has done evil for centuries
Evil reigned over the thrones
And where people were unlucky -
There triumphed evil!
What is fashion, what is age?
The person has changed
Not for the holidays, not for a visit
Doesn't take anger with it.
Anty jokes you throw me!
Invite immediately to visit!
But not that ... I'll catch up with you so bored! (Looks.)
Oh, yes, you are sitting since the lemons are sour. And STE on New Year's Eve! A FAQ STE you do not see either the Snow Maiden or Frost?
N-yes ... Boring-shcha! Where is the manager? The microphone must have! And at the microphone, some pieces of paper are lying around ... Take a look, cho-whether, the FAQ is written in them.
(Raises and reads the instructions about the magic wand, which the presenter read earlier.)
So-so ... Everything is clear. You'll have to get down to business!

(The host exits.)

LEADING. Excuse me, but what about me?
BABA YAGA. And what is a phenomenon of nature, all overdressed?
LEADING. I am the host, only I am alone, and I can’t do anything alone ...
BABA YAGA. Understandably, one, therefore, weakly?
Okay, let's turn some questions together. Hey, I'm suggesting a FAQ: why not arrange a New Year's KVN for us? BUT? Do you agree?
LEADING. So we need teams...
BABA YAGA. Will! All ladies are enrolled in the "Snegurochka" team ...
LEADING. Exactly! And all the men are in the Santa Claus team.
BABA YAGA. We offer you games, contests, entertainment…
LEADING. And at the end of the evening, with the help of tokens that you will earn by participating in contests, we will be able to choose Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.
BABA YAGA. Is it coming? Then…
If you don't want to sit and be bored,
An invitation to all of you
Club of Cheerful and Resourceful -

PHONE GRAM № 6 - Musical intro "We start KVN ..."

BABA YAGA. Well, the mission of the leading and competent jury will fall on our fragile female shoulders. Let's get acquainted - Babetta Yaginichna, in person!
(to the presenter) What is your name?
LEADING. They just call me...
BABA YAGA. Simply Maria?
LEADING. Well, why immediately Mary? My name is __________.
BABA YAGA. So we met, here are the patties... Well, for starters, I propose to fill your cups, glasses, that is, and drink for alternative elections! Are you fooling around with your eyes?
LEADING. (corrects Baba Yaga) Alternative!
BABA YAGA. Let it be your way. For alternative elections of Father Frost and Snow Maiden!

PHONE GRAM № 7 - Light music.
A small drinking break. 5-7 minutes.

LEADING. So, we start our FIRST CONTEST -
We will take turns asking questions. And you answer.
Representatives of the teams, who quickly and correctly gave the answer, receive 1 token, equal to one point.


New Year's glorious holiday,
Will not be happy without her
And how not to be lazy the owner,
You will be forced to buy it,
Otherwise, in the new year,
No one will visit!

Answer: vodka

Adults and children know
That sober, at a banquet,
Remains only

In the snow he is from head to toe,
It stands in the courtyard by the Christmas tree.
His eyes are black-black,
And in the hands of a whisk.

What is at the festive banquet,
jumped, jumped,
And under the very beat of the clock,
It fell under the tree!

Father Frost

If crackers clap,
Animals have come to see you
If the Christmas tree is a good gnome,
Dragged to your glorious house,
The next one is quite possible
Will be in the house...


New Year is coming
All bottles open
Rest, have fun
They clap together, frolic!
Only he, only he
He is one in a million.
This night he does not walk,
And he's raking in the money.
Because the new year
She feeds him all year round.
Who's got a cold nose here?
It …

Santa Claus

In fairy tales they wrote:
"Honey, good."
We called her
Oh God! Came.
Wig - two braids,
Make-up - ala vamp.
Oh, give me some water!
Not for children, but for us!
Nightmare, what the hell?
So this is…

Snow Maiden

You chose her for a long time,
We went and measured everything.
Brought home, untied
They fell silently in fear.
It happens and so, bald.
Cover it with white cotton.
Hang with a garland, balls,
And enjoy with your friends.
After all, it's not all about the needles,
It is important that it is in the house ...

There's only a minute left
The New Year is about to come.
We urgently need to open
Pour into glasses.
And it stuck in spite,
It's a real mess right here.
And they shake him, and beat him,
The guests are waiting for the pour.
Already dances with him are shamanistic,
Reveal to us...


Colorful rain is coming!
The soul of the guests sings!
Only the owners are sad
And stand on the sidelines
How long will they take revenge
Circles -…


Finally the chimes strike!
We are launching fireworks!
The first one went out immediately.
And the second is deaf to arson,
The third flew to the neighbors,
And the fourth - right up to the bears.
That's the miracle - technology


The main guest on the whole table!
In every Russian family he is!
Are you tired, sir?
Relax in….

This guest is also important to everyone,
Contact has already been established with him.
Timid - gives courage
And courage sets everyone.
In the New Year, this is the password -
Everyone has to…


If you are on New Year's Eve
Depicted an airplane
Or even a helicopter
Or just like flying.
We just started taking off
And then forward, forward,
Did not fit into the turn
The door flew into your forehead -
Attach immediately...

How can we not have fun?
Have fun and dance!
Smile and laugh
Pour and drink!
Everyone rests on New Year's Eve
And forget about tomorrow.
Guilty of all the potion -
Hurts in the morning...


LEADING. So, our first contest is over. The team is leading in it………………………………….
By tradition, people celebrate the New Year with "Champagne".

PHONE GRAM № 8 - light music.
Drinking break - 5-7 minutes.

BABA YAGA. If you are at ease,
And they came to us not for an hour,
Offer disco shake
Spend it right here, now!
Have fun, don't sit!
Come out and dance!

PHONE GRAM № 9 - dance break 15-20 minutes.
The guests of the evening are dancing.

BABA YAGA. Well, faq, killer whales, warmed up? So, we are ready for the next competition, which is called "NEW YEAR'S TRAFFER".
LEADING. And the task is unique - New Year's dance.
You are welcome to our hut. 3 representatives from each team.
(Team representatives leave.)
LEADING. Each dance group will have time to change and present to the public those dances that are listed on these cards.

(To the team "Snegurochka" - "Lezginka", to the team "Santa Claus" - "Dance of the Little Swans")

You can go get ready!
(Members of both teams leave to get ready.)

LEADING. In the meantime, we announce the next competition ...

Each team needs to come up with, and then one representative from the team, pronounce an original toast so that it contains mystery, festive piquancy and a call to raise glasses. Are there volunteers? And remember that you have a chance to become Santa Claus or Snow Maiden.
(Those who wish go out to prepare for the toasting contest.)

LEADING. In the meantime, our creators will compose New Year's tirades, music will sound. And if someone has a desire to dance or drink - please! Such an impulse of the soul is not forbidden!

PHONE GRAM № 10 - Dance block 15-20 minutes.

Those who want to dance

BABA YAGA. Well, now it's time for the participants of the New Year's Stomp contest to shine. Starts his team "Santa Claus".


The contestants of the team "Santa Claus" perform a dance.

LEADING. Three dance teams "Snegurochka" enter the fight.


The contestants of the team "Snegurochka" perform a dance.

LEADING. Bravo! You can get well-deserved tokens, as well as transform and go to the festive tables ...

The contestants leave to change.

(A competition is being held. The presenter and Baba Yaga evaluate it, inviting guests to support the speakers and raise glasses for everything they have said. The winner of the competition is awarded a token.)

LEADING. Games are loved by old and young,
Who doesn't want to play?
We invite you to frolic: play, have fun!

(The presenter and Baba Yaga conduct a game block.)

The game block includes games:
"SYMBOL OF THE YEAR" (teams of 5 people participate)
NEEDED: 2 chairs, 2 blindfolds, 2 markers, 2 A3 paper sheets)
TASK: running up to a sheet of drawing paper one by one, draw in parts that the presenters indicate, the symbol of the year, previously blindfolding with a bandage.)
"WITCHFLIGHT" (2 teams participate with the same number of participants in each.)
NEEDED: 2 sets of skittles, 2 brooms.
TASK: each player of the team, sitting on the broom in turn, must run the distance around the skittles placed on the floor, and returning to the team, pass the broom like a baton. Who is faster and better.)
"BURST THE BALL" (any number of couples participates - (man + woman)
NEEDED: balloons by the number of pairs.
TASK: holding the ball between the priests, dance to a fast sounding melody, trying to burst your ball.
The couple whose balloon burst last wins.)

BABA YAGA. It's time for everyone to drink
Participants of KVN - "Hurrah!"
So that happiness is in full for you -
Drain the glasses to the bottom!

PHONE GRAM № 13. - Light music.

A small drinking break.

LEADING. To us, friends, the fun is not appeased now
We are waiting for you in the circle soon - go dance!

PHONE GRAM № 14 - Dance block 25 minutes.

BABA YAGA. Hey people, welcome! Russian entertainers called peddlers!

LEADING. To make the holiday even more fun -
New Year's lottery draw begins.
Hurry! Hurry up to play the lottery,
Because you can win happiness in the lottery!

(The drawing of the "New Year's lottery" begins. See the appendix.)

BABA YAGA. New Year's KVN continues,
A new competition for teams is announced!
And the competition is not simple - song-naughty! "VOTE FOR
ALL Frets"
LEADING. Let each team now nominate its delegates to participate in it.
BABA YAGA. 3 people from each team.

(Candidates come out.)

Go with just Mary, that is, with just ____________, she will explain everything to you.
(They leave the hall.)
Oh, I'll tell you a secret: what are you waiting for-o-t! But this is a mystery behind seven seals. And so that I do not blurt out, I will tell you what awaits you in the very near future.
Waiting for you all "Gypsy", -
Dance from the heart!
Get off the table
Yes, dance fast!
I announce a competition for the best performance of "Gypsy". Don't forget that tokens and the prospect of the titles of Ded Moroz and Snegurochka are waiting for the winners!
Everybody is dancing!

PHONOGRAPH No. 15 - "Gypsy".

Those who wish take part in the competition for the best gypsy dance. Tokens are awarded to the winners.

BABA YAGA. Feet-chickpeas, fir-trees-sticks,
A fortune teller will appear in the hall!
She will tell everything about everyone,
Many will predict fate.

PHONOGRAPH No. 16 - “Fashion changes daily ...”. The phonogram is mixed.

A fortune teller appears in the hall. There is a joke going on.

BABA YAGA. I wanted to please my ears with a good song. Fathers, I forgot about the contestants! But they announced the contest “We vote in every way!”
I’ll tell you my secret: they arrived at your feast ...
In general, listen to my riddles. And in them - New Year's wishes from famous people.

Wish you great happiness
Presenter GALKIN and singer PUGACHEVA!

PHONOGRAPH No. 17 - The song "This is love" performed by M. Galkin and Al. Pugacheva.

A parody number is being performed.

Bright colors like mimosa in spring
They want Serdyuchka, and, of course, GluckOZA!

PHONOGRAPH No. 18 - The song "I wanted a groom" performed by Verka Serduchka and GlukOZY.

A parody number is being performed.

Live in the New Year without resentment and strife
They want Rasputin and Phil Kirkorov.

PHONE GRAM No. 19 - The song "Tea Rose" performed by M. Rasputina and F. Kirkorov.

A parody number is being performed.

LEADING. I suggest you fill your glasses and drink so that the pop stars are more often with the people, please us with their art, well, and today's wishes would certainly come true in the New Year.
PHONOGRAPH No. 20 - Light music. 3 minutes.

A small drinking break

BABA YAGA. We have fun, we laugh, we relax,
We entertain guests with a joke.
And now with a smile we invite
Get you to the disco soon!

PHONE GRAM № 21 - Dance break 20 minutes.

LEADING. After the dance on the cheeks blush,
Warmed up, provoked you dance.
It's not time to rest yet.
Waiting for the dance, of course, the game!



LEADING. Dear friends! Time is so fleeting... Already the hands of the clock are inexorably striving to come together, announcing the onset of the New, ____ year. Fill glasses with Champagne.

PHONOGRAPH No. 22 - "A song about five minutes"

EXACTLY AT 24-00 THE PHONOGRAPH No. 23 "THE BATTLE OF THE CHIMES" SOUNDS. The phonogram is slightly mixed so that the text can be heard.

LEADING. The chimes are beating. moments
Measure your run.
Like notches in time
The year turns into a century.
So the relay runner
Tremblingly waiting for his turn.
This is how the time is divided:
Summer heat, winter ice.
Beat the chimes and the stars
Whispering wisdom from heaven:
The step of the earth is short,
The trace of the earth is forever.
Beat the chimes, piercing
The sound of the air of the country.
We wish earthly blessings
All friends and family!
For time to fly
Quickly, as in a turn,
For the song to ring
In every good soul!

LEADING. Now we will part with you exactly on ......
and meet here at …….. hour, ……. Minutes to hold alternative elections of Father Frost and Snow Maiden and continue the New Year's fun.

(Guests can go outside, arrange fireworks, those who wish can dance, chat with friends, congratulate them on the New Year, perhaps someone will want to watch the New Year's address to the citizens of Russia by the President of Russia on TV.
Again, the guests of the holiday gather in the hall at the time agreed by the hosts.)

LEADING. Attention! Attention! Do not miss! An important moment is coming - the election of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Let's calculate who managed to earn how many tokens, and which team can be called the winner. Though that's not the main thing tonight. The main thing is that you have a good New Year's mood.
So, the honorary Santa Claus is recognized ... Applause!
And his charming companion, the Snow Maiden, is recognized ...
We ask that you dress appropriately and be prepared.
make a toast and organize a round dance near the beautiful Christmas tree.

(The chosen ones for the role of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden leave to change clothes.)
BABA YAGA. Well, faq, killer whales, was it fun? That's it ... It's time for me to celebrate the New Year in my hut. Although I sometimes grumble at my robbers, but, go ahead, my guests have been waiting for me.
Merry New Year everyone! Pokeda, doves!

(Baba Yaga "flies away" from the hall.)

LEADING. Friends! On this beautiful evening, I want to make another toast. I ask you to raise your glasses to tomorrow's economic paradise, in spite of today's price hell, to the coming genius of your children, to your beloved wives, in spite of television beauty contests, to your husbands. Despite the fact that they are not very similar to Schwarzenegger and Alain Delon. Despite adversity, despite worries - smile! Not to survive, but to live! Just live! Just believe! Just to love!

(Guests drink for the proposed toast.)

LEADING. Snow is spinning, snow is flying, a light breeze is blowing,
It's already 12 on the clock, it's New Year's on the planet.
Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Let it spin you today
This kind, this gentle
New Year's snow waltz!

PHONE GRAM № 24 _ - "Waltz" by G. Sviridov
Those who want to dance

LEADING. Here Yaga taught me little tricks. I'll try.

Conjure, woman, conjure, grandfather,
Three on the side, yours are gone.
Ace of diamonds, pine coffin,
Appear with granddaughter grandfather!

(Waves a magic wand.)

Magic wand, help me out: turn the word into deed!

PHONOGRAPH No. 25 - Exit of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden enter the hall, pronounce the text of congratulations (pre-prepared and beautifully decorated scrolls).

Through snowstorms, blizzards and snowstorms
My granddaughter and I flew to the holiday,
To be brighter in the world of the way,
So that everyone finds what they would like to find.

New meetings are already on the threshold,
New adventures await you
Joy, peace, prosperity, health,
We wish you well in the New Year!
May life always be happy
Decorate her with smiles...

Let the familiar words sound:


LEADING. Have fun honest people
Sadness - well, not a bit!
Let's start - like a round dance
"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"!

PHONOGRAPH No. 26 - The song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

All participants in the evening dance around the Christmas tree.

SANTA CLAUS. Sorry, but it's time to say goodbye...
SNOW MAIDEN. We leave to meet again.
LEADING. Finally, let's raise our glasses
For hope, faith, love!

We say goodbye to you, and our evening continues with the rhythms of the New Year's disco!

(The presenter, Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden leave. The disco continues until the end of the evening.)


Competition program for the New Year for adults

The New Year holiday begins with the election of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. But it cannot be the usual Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Such honorary titles should be earned, and for this, the presenter invites everyone to participate in the competition for professional suitability. Before starting the competition, guests should put on the appropriate attributes: for men - red caps or comical noses with an elastic band, and for women - blue hats, mittens, rain and make the appropriate makeup. The competition itself may consist of ordinary holiday competitions, proposed in this book just below. Or you can use contests specially designed for the New Year holiday:
- hang a toy on a Christmas tree with your eyes closed,
- cut a snowflake out of a napkin at speed,
- use a spoon and a heating battery (or any other "sounding" object) to perform a New Year's melody,
- prepare a New Year's dish from the products offered by the presenter, after which the applicants for the role of the Snow Maiden must feed them "Grandfathers" with their eyes closed
- remember the largest number of films (songs, poems) about the New Year,
- talk about the traditions of celebrating the New Year in different countries,
- come up with a New Year's wish.

Even what Father Frost and Snow Maiden will dress up in can be the object of evaluation by a strict jury. By the way, the hosts or those guests who decided to refrain from participating in the competitions act as the jury.
The chosen Father Frost and the Snow Maiden take a place of honor - at the head of the festive table. Since the holiday already has a host, the role of the “sweet couple” is purely symbolic, like that of the Japanese emperor, and in many ways simply decorative. The only thing that can be entrusted to her is the presentation of gifts and prizes. For this, Santa Claus is supplied with a "magic" bag.
You can beat the competitive program of the New Year's holiday in poetic form.
We're on our way
To look into a fairy tale.
In the thirtieth kingdom,
In a troubled state
In the village, no one knows what,
In a hut with a peasant visor
Young brothers lived
On the selection - all remote!
The host invites those wishing to take part in several competitions.

Just do not fall for work,
Everyone at the table was gripping!
That time, lying on the stove,
They began to eat kalachi.
Suddenly an idea! Feet-chickpeas!
How much can we eat in a minute?

The presenter's assistants bring in rolls or pies. Contestants must eat as many rolls as possible in a minute.

The guys got angry
Decided: we all need
Find fast horses
Yes, jump on feats!

The contestants are given fake horses or sticks depicting them.

Here the light of dawn warmed,
All the heroes are in the saddles.
On the way they have a barrier!

Assistants place improvised barriers in the room where the competition will be held. It is better to use an elongated room for the next competition, for example, a corridor.

Gotta jump higher
Without hitting, without knocking down the barrier,
Turn and again "to the quarry"!
And now on the count of "three"
Get started immediately!
One two Three!

There is a game of speed with overcoming barriers.

Although the horses were zealous,
On a gallop in excitement,
Managed to tame them
What? The horses got up
And they suddenly neighed anxiously,
They beat with a hoof and tremble ...
Horror gripped the guys!
On the way - an obstacle again:
There was a three-headed dragon!

They bring in the "three-headed dragon" - three balloons tied together.

Our guys were a snap:
They launched a slingshot.

A competition for accuracy is held: participants are given slingshots and bullets. The task of the players is to burst all the balls.

Accurately you hit the target
And the dragon was slain.
And for such joy
We wanted to return home.
Suddenly they see the guys - the light sparkles.
It must be the feather of the Firebird!

Burning candles are brought in according to the number of contestants.

Jumped to that place
And, to my great sadness,
Instead of a miracle, birds-Heat,
We saw a fire there.
And so that there is no trouble
We decided to bring water.

They bring in a bucket of water and several 200-gram cups (according to the number of participants).

There is a well, no bucket!
It's time to show ingenuity!

Assistants bring spoons on a tray (according to the number of participants).

There are spoons. Why stew?
You can carry water in them.

A competition is held in which participants must drag water with the help of spoons from a bucket, each into their own cup. Having filled the cup to the top with water, each contestant blows out his candle.

With honor overcoming obstacles,
You deserve an award!
We hasten to congratulate you!
Let's make a toast to everyone!

In general, the New Year is always a fairy tale, always magic, and therefore a fairy tale is the place for such a holiday! At the height of the holiday, guests can be invited to stage some kind of New Year's fairy tale. To do this, the leader distributes cards with fairy-tale characters among those who wish. The task of the players is to “revive” their characters as they read the fairy tale.

New Year's fairy tale (action movie)
Characters: Snow Maiden, Stranger, Tiger, Crow, Helicopter, Forest (at least 3 people - Trees).
Noisy bamboo FOREST. Trees swayed from side to side and creaked ominously. It was dark and scary in the FOREST. Breaking the branches and crushing the grass, a huge TIGER slowly came out of the FOREST. He was hungry and therefore growled ominously. Frightened, the CROW flew from TREE to TREE and croaked indignantly. The TIGER looked back, angrily wagged his tail and hid under a TREE. Suddenly, the sound of a flying HELICOPTER burst into the lunar silence. A STRANGER and a SNOW MAIDEN flew on it. The HELICOPTER's engine roared louder and louder, its propeller spinning wildly. Looking for a place to land, the HELICOPTER began to descend and landed in a clearing. Bamboo FOREST rustled around. A STRANGER and a SNOW MAIDEN came out of the HELICOPTER. THE STRANGER wiped his forehead, the SNOW MAIDEN clapped her hands and said "Hurrah!" Suddenly the SNOW MAIDEN saw a huge TIGER under the TREE and cried out “Oh-oh-oh!”. TIGP looked at the intruders with hungry eyes, licked his lips and growled ominously. SNOW MAIDEN quickly and easily climbed a nearby TREE. THE STRANGER was left alone with the TIGER. Again, frightened, a CROW flew from TREE to TREE and croaked indignantly. The TIGER slowly approached the STRANGER. Both prepared for the fight. Standing upright, the STRANGER lunged with his foot and loudly shouted "Kiya!". The TIGER roared intimidatingly, continuing to approach the STRANGER. The STRANGER winked at the frightened SNOW MAIDEN sitting on the TREE, quickly changed his stance and again shouted “Kiya!”. But the TIGER boldly walked forward. And then the STRANGER, without fear, rushed at the TIGER and laid him on the shoulder blades with a series of well-aimed blows. SNOW MAIDEN shouted "Hurrah!". The CROW croaked in surprise and fell off the TREE. The TIGER roared again, but this time plaintively. THE STRANGER tied a collar around the TIGER's neck. The TIGER looked doomedly at the STRANGER and obediently sat down next to him. SNOW MAIDEN once again shouted "Hurrah!" and descended from the TREE. THE STRANGER took the SNOW MAIDEN by the hand, handed her the leash with the TIGER, and they all went to celebrate the New Year. Following them, the bamboo FOREST rustled with delight, and the CROW croaked in surprise.

New Year's hooligan interpretation of the famous Russian folk tale, in which 7 players take part (according to the number of fairy-tale characters): turnip, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, cat and mouse. Game props are made up of cards indicating the characters and the words that they must pronounce:
turnip - "both-on",
grandfather - "would kill"
grandma - "everything is ready, everything is already cold",
granddaughter - "and I'm a young girl, unmarried",
Bug - "a dog is biting only from a dog's life",
cat - "and I'm a March cat, I don't care about anything, meow-meow",
mouse - "mice only look small, wee-wee."

Each player draws one card with his eyes closed and remembers the words that his character must say every time the host mentions him during the reading of the tale. It looks like this:

“Grandfather planted (killed) a turnip (both-on). A turnip (both-on) has grown, big-big. Grandfather came (would have killed) to pull the turnip (both-on), pull-pull, can’t pull it out. The grandfather called (would have killed) the grandmother (everything is already ready, everything has already cooled down). Grandmother (everything is ready, everything has already cooled down) - for grandfather (would have killed), grandfather (would have killed) - for a turnip (both-on), pull-pull, they can’t pull out ... ”.

All sorts of fortune-telling and various predictions are associated with New Year's Eve, so it is not surprising if a gypsy or an astrologer "visits" the holiday. To do this, you will need one copyright-by-holiday, a prearranged guest and a colorful costume: a colorful shawl for a gypsy or a black cloak and a cardboard cap for an astrologer. The fortune teller publicly reads the predictions to each party member.
Alternatively, the experience of other countries can be consulted. In particular, in the United States, many Chinese restaurants have a funny tradition of serving fortune cookies at the very end of the meal - “fortune cookies”. "Fate cookies" consist of two halves, between which a piece of paper with a proverb, a funny saying or a prediction is hidden. Nothing stops you from borrowing this idea and making fortune cookies for your guests. Even the most skeptical guests will be delighted with this fun.

Instead of cookies, you can use walnut shells. Walnut grains are eaten or used to prepare some kind of festive dish. Folded predictions are placed in an empty shell. Between themselves, the halves of the shell are glued together with PVA glue or tied with multi-colored threads or “rain”. In the latter case, it is recommended to put walnuts with fortune telling in a basket filled with the same “rain”.

You can come up with predictions for “fortune cookies” yourself or use, for example, the following:
1. If you take the initiative, success will not keep you waiting.
2. Your hopes and plans will come true beyond all expectations.
3. Someone is trying to hinder or harm you.
4. Important news will come very soon.
5. Everything is the will of God: it is not in your power to influence the situation!
6. The answer to your question is related to some man, perhaps well known to you.
7. Something new will come into your life that will significantly affect your personality.
8. Be careful: they want to deceive you!
9. Take a close look at your surroundings: someone can let you down at the most decisive moment.
10. You hope not in vain!
11. Check all locks and locks: you can be robbed.
12. The problem is inside you!
13. The result of your actions may be unexpected.
14. Time will dry all tears and heal all wounds.
15. You are on the right track!
16. You will finally be able to unlock the rusty lock.
17. Anxiety and anxiety await you.
18. What you strive for is not worth your efforts.
19. The main characteristic of the current situation is ignorance.
20. The results of the business you have in mind will greatly disappoint you.
21. The problem is not where you think.
22. An offer that will be made to you will not suit you.
23. Forward and only forward: the cause you are thinking about is right!
24. Your goal is achievable.
25. You cannot solve your problems alone.
26. Success will come if you don't listen to anyone's advice.
27. The time of doubt and hesitation has come for you.
28. Time must pass from the sowing of grain to the harvest.
29. The darkness in which you have lived until now has dissipated.
30. A break in personal relationships is now more likely than reconciliation.

The total number of predictions should be about twice as many as those invited.
Instead of predictions, you can use advice on how to behave so that the situation is resolved in a way that is favorable for the person. The tips below are taken from runic divination, the oldest divination of the Scandinavian peoples. The beauty of these tips is that they are suitable for almost anyone, regardless of the content of their problem.

1. Lead an ordinary life in an extraordinary way.
2. Do not look for external enemies: to understand what hinders your development, look inside yourself.
3. Remember that true partnership can only exist between whole individuals.
4. Be attentive to the clues of fate.
5. If the well is clogged, then it's time to clean it.
6. Winning comes from what you have to give up.
7. Act according not to old authorities, but to what you think is right for you.
8. It's time to finish the old and start the new.
9. If you do not want serious shocks, analyze your attitude towards your own personality.
10. Let go of your past: it has exhausted itself.
11. Do not expect too much and do not think about the end result.
12. Study your shadow sides; Understand what attracts unhappiness into your life.
13. Finish what you started.
14. Be patient, and if your decision is correct, the Universe will support it.
15. Don't get emotional.
16. Look after your health.
17. Enjoy your luck and share it with the people around you.
18. Focus on the present.
19. Don't get along with quick results.
20. Accept: Your options are limited.
21. Be persistent in the battle with your own selfishness.
22. Your energy drains due to thoughtless copyright-by-holiday or untimely action.
23. Go with the flow of life without judgment or trying to understand it.
24. Do not overestimate your strength: this can lead to overstrain.
25. Events are completely out of your control.
26. Trust what happens to you.
27. Think and take your time.
28. It's time to act, even if you are required to jump into the void.
29. Do not try to stubbornly show your WILL.
30. Open up and let the light into that part of your life that has been a mystery until now.

New Year's divination:
Put a small piece of paper and a pencil (pen) on the New Year's table next to your plate. As soon as the chimes start to strike midnight, quickly write a wish on a piece of paper, burn it, stir the ashes in a glass of champagne and drink champagne before the last, 12th, blow sounds. If you manage to do this, then the written desire will surely come true.

And remember: how you meet the New Year - so you will spend it !!! Have fun to the fullest and meet this New Year unforgettable!

Have you already started preparing contests for the new year 2019? Yesterday I decided to look for various games and contests for the new year, and I found many interesting ones that will help us enter the Year of the Pig with fun and joy.

How to prepare for competitions and games: fun and interesting competitions for the new year will help save even traditional New Year's family gatherings in the company with a TV, not to mention a party for a fun company. However, it is best to prepare a little.

  1. Make a plan for games and competitions. A company of adults will need to eat, raise glasses for the new year, and dance, so the game program should be carefully woven into the natural course of the party.
  2. Prepare props. Having decided what you will play for the new year at home, make a list of what you will need for a particular competition. It is best to arrange the props and prizes into thematic contests (I use small gift bags for this).
  3. Stock up on prizes. People are very fond of receiving small funny prizes - sweets, chocolates, cute New Year's toys. It is better to take prizes with a margin.
  4. Auxiliary materials are best done on cards - if you need to stock up on some phrases, scripts and texts, then write or print them on ordinary cards in advance, this is much more convenient than using one large script.
  5. Pick up music, identify your assistants, prepare a place for games.

Collection of contests and games


The simplest New Year's games and all sorts of contests are those where guests do not need to do anything - for example, they can be invited to burst balloons, inside of which there will be wishes.

It is necessary to prepare in advance a large bunch of balloons (their number should be more than the number of guests, just in case), inside which notes with wishes are inserted. For example, you can give a guest scissors and offer to cut off the balloon they like, and then read aloud to all the guests - such a simple but cute entertainment helps the company to have fun and unite.


New Year's games and competitions built on the "question and answer" model always gather a lot of applause. It is not surprising - everyone loves to laugh, but there are no difficulties.

So, the facilitator distributes small pieces of paper and pens to the guests, and offers to write down their favorite number (or any other number that comes to mind). If desired, you can write down some sequence, and play a few circles. When all the guests have completed the task, the host says that now all those present will be able to learn more about each other - he will ask questions, and the guests will answer them, raising a piece of paper with written numbers and loudly announcing the answer.

It is best to choose simple questions - how old is this or that guest, how many times a day he eats, how much he weighs, how many times he stayed for the second year, and so on.

"Not a Word of Truth"

My favorite fun is funny contests for the new year. Of course, for a company of pensioners, you will need to pick up something more decent, but you can always have fun in your circle - for example, by playing the game "Not a word of truth."

The host will need to prepare in advance a lot of New Year's questions such as:
  • What tree is traditionally dressed up for the holiday?
  • what movie in our country symbolizes the new year?
  • What is customary to launch into the sky on New Year's Eve?
  • who is molded from snow in winter?
  • who on TV addresses the Russians with a New Year's speech?
  • the outgoing year is the year of whom according to the Chinese calendar?
It is better to write down more questions, you can ask about the New Year traditions of different countries, or the habits of guests. During the game, the host will have to quickly and cheerfully ask his questions, and the guests will answer without telling a word of the truth.

The one who makes mistakes and answers truthfully, according to the results of the game, can read poetry, sing a song or fulfill various desires - you can use desires to play forfeits, for example, the loser needs to put a few tangerine slices on both cheeks, and say something like “I’m a hamster and I eat grain, don’t touch it - it’s mine, and whoever takes it is the end!”. Explosions of laughter are provided - both during the game and during the "punishment" of the losing participant.

"Accurate shooter"

As entertainment for the new year 2019, you can play snipers. It is most fun to play this game when the participants are already a little tipsy - and coordination becomes more free, and there is less constraint, and it is already a little more difficult to hit the target.

The essence of the game is as follows - the guests are divided into two teams, and in turn, each player throws "snowballs" into the bucket. A bucket from the players is set at a distance of five to seven meters, as "snowballs" you can use cotton balls, crumpled paper, or just take a couple of sets of simple plastic Christmas balls that are sold in any supermarket.

I decided to improve this game for a party in honor of the new year 2019 for adults and use children's basketball hoops as a "target" - hitting them with a soft ball of cotton is even more difficult than hitting a bucket.

"New Year decoration"

Of course, New Year's competitions for adults can be less sporty.

All those present must be divided into teams of 5-6 people (depending on the number of guests at your party). The teams are tasked with building a New Year's ball. For manufacturing, you can use only toilet items, accessories and decorations that are on the team members. The team that makes the brightest and most beautiful ball wins.

By the way, a little hack- in every company there are people who do not actively participate in competitions and just try to sit out, which is why quite a lot of time is spent on persuasion. So, appoint them to the jury - you can make them score cards in advance, offer them to say a short speech into an impromptu microphone. So they will simultaneously be involved in the general fun, and at the same time they will not have to be persuaded and pulled out from the table.

And of course, the sight of her own mother, who heartily speaks into a glass of champagne instead of a microphone about how grateful she is to Mikhalkov and the film academy for the opportunity to see the battle on the ice in her own living room - is priceless. :))

"Come, forest deer"

By the way, if you are choosing competitions for a corporate party for the New Year or for a party that will not take place in a city apartment, then be sure to play Santa with his deer. Here you do not need to divide the guests into teams, just invite them to break into pairs.

Each pair has a “reindeer” and “Santa” (you can give one improvised antlers, and the other Santa hats - both are sold for mere pennies in a fixed price store before the new year).

The "deer" needs to be blindfolded and make a harness - do not be wiser, a simple linen rope or lace that wraps around the belt will come off. The reins are given to Santa, who stands behind his "deer". A route is built from the skittles, the leader gives a signal and the competition begins. The winners are those participants who came to the finish line earlier than others and did not knock down the pins. Instead of pins, you can use empty bottles, cardboard cups for drinks or paper cones (we made them in the form of Christmas trees, it was very cute).

"Collective letter"

When it comes to New Year's games at the table, I always remember how my parents and friends wrote a collective New Year's greeting for everyone present every new year. You can use a ready-made text (as in the image), you can compose your own - the main thing is that it should not contain adjectives - guests should call them.

The host invites the guests to congratulate each other and say a big and beautiful toast - and waves a postcard on which he has already written a congratulation. Only now he did not have enough adjectives, and the guests should suggest them. Everyone randomly offers adjectives related to winter, new year and holiday, and the host writes them down and then reads out the result - the text is very funny!

"Turnip: New Year's Version"

Love New Year's contests for the whole family - then a turnip is what you need!

So, you need to prepare the participants - they need the number of characters in the fairy tale. Each participant gets a role in an impromptu performance. It's simple, the participant needs to remember the key phrase and the movement that he must act out when mentioning himself.
  1. The turnip will slap its knees and then clap its hands with the exclamation "Oba-na!".
  2. Grandfather rubs his palms and groans “Ta-ak-s!”.
  3. Grandmother swings her fist at grandfather and says “I would have beaten it!”.
  4. Dancing granddaughter sings "I'm ready!" in a high voice (when men play this role, it turns out just great).
  5. The bug itches and complains of fleas.
  6. The cat wags its "tail" and tentatively draws out "And I am on my own."
  7. The mouse sadly shrugs its shoulders and says "We've finished the game!".
After everyone has tried themselves in a new role, the host reads the text of the fairy tale (no changes here), and the actors play their role whenever they hear about themselves. The grandfather planted (rubs his hands and groans) a turnip (clap-clap, both-on!) And further in the text. Believe me, there will be enough bursts of laughter, especially when the fairy tale comes to an end, and the host will list all the participants in turn.

"Strictly alphabetical"

In one of the pauses, the host takes the floor and reminds everyone present that the New Year celebration is just beginning, but it’s already difficult to remember the alphabet. In this connection, the presenter suggests filling the glasses and raising them, but strictly in alphabetical order.

Each guest must say a short toast to his own letter of the alphabet. The first one starts with the letter a, the second must start with the letter b, and so on. Toasts should be simple:
  1. BUT Absolutely must drink to happiness in the new year!
  2. B let's be healthy in the new year!
  3. AT let's drink to the old year!
  4. E If we don't get drunk, we'll have to eat!
The task for all those present is to make toasts for each letter of the alphabet, and then choose the winner - the one who came up with the best toast, which is worth drinking for, becomes the winner!


If you want to pick up outdoor games for the new year 2019 - play bunny. For the New Year at home, it is best to play this game when there are many guests - it is suitable for a group of friends.

Everyone stands in a circle and holds hands, the leader walks around all the players in a circle and whispers to each the names of two animals - a wolf and a bunny, a fox and a bunny, and so on. Then he explains the essence of the game - when the leader pronounces the name of the animal aloud, the person to whom it was made up crouches, and his neighbors to the left and right, on the contrary, pull him up, not allowing him to sit down. You need to play at a good pace so that the participants enter the rage.

The main joke of this action is that absolutely all players have a second animal - a bunny. Therefore, after people alternately crouched on the names of other animals, the host says “Bunny!”, And the whole circle abruptly tries to crouch (trying to overcome the possible resistance of the neighbors, as was the case with other animals).

Naturally, general laughter begins, and a bunch of small ones gather on the floor!

"News from the New Year"

A great contest that you can play without leaving the table.

The facilitator will need to prepare cards on which unrelated words and concepts will be written - five or six words are no longer needed. Each participant receives a card and must quickly come up with a hot news from the New Year's issue, using all the words from the card. What to write on the cards? Any set of words.
  • China, dumplings, roses, Olympics, lilac.
  • Santa Claus, wheel, eraser, north, bag.
  • New Year 2019, fan, pantyhose, pan, scabies.
  • Santa Claus, pig, herring, stapler, barrier.
  • Nettle, tinsel, Kirkorov, fishing rod, plane.
  • Football, shovel, snow, Snow Maiden, tangerines.
  • Snowman, beard, tights, bike, school.
  • Winter, zoo, laundry, boa constrictor, rug.
How to make news? Set an example for guests to use all the words, and the weirder the news gets, the more interesting it is.

Well, for example, from the last example I gave, you can build something like this: “A rug was found in a boa constrictor in a Moscow zoo during winter washing.” There will be a reason to be surprised, and to laugh, and to drink so that all the news in the new 2019 will be just as positive.

"Jumping into the New Year"

We in the family circle often arrange jumping as entertainment for the new year, and 2019 will not be an exception, I'm sure - this is already a kind of tradition.

So, how it happens: after drinking for the outgoing year, the presenter brings felt-tip pens and pencils (the brighter, the better) and a large sheet of paper (paper paper A0-A1) and invites everyone present not just to enter the new year, but to jump in - so that it passes dynamically, energetically and brightly!

And so that all desires come true, you need to draw them. On a large sheet, everyone draws their desires - someone manages to draw a few miniatures, someone just draws what they want schematically. By the president's speech, the drawing is usually already finished or the finishing touches remain. After the president's speech, the host invites everyone to join hands, count the chimes in chorus, and solemnly jump into the new year and into the fulfillment of their own desires!

By the way, my mother and I usually save the sheet, and next year we check who has what came true - also a topic for a table conversation, by the way.

"The best"

There are good New Year's entertainments without a host. A good way to keep guests entertained is to give them unique challenges, but few people want to compete just like that, right?

Therefore, we act as follows - we hang sweets or small gifts on the Christmas tree. It is best to opt for figured chocolate or other sweet Christmas decorations. We provide each with a note to whom the gift is intended, but we do not write names, but some definitions that guests will have to think about and get to know each other better (ideal when there are newcomers who need to join an existing company).

What to write on labels:

  1. The owner of the most brown eyes.
  2. The best high jumper.
  3. The biggest hooligan (here you have to tell everyone about your hooliganism in childhood).
  4. The owner of the best tan.
  5. The owner of the highest heels.
  6. The owner of the most dangerous job.
  7. A couple whose sum of clothing buttons is 10.
  8. The one who wears more yellow today.
I think you get the main message. Guests will independently begin to find out who rested where, who has a brighter tan, measure the length of heels and discuss work.

"Hat song"

By the way, almost all New Year's competitions at the table involve a game with a hat - they throw some notes into the hat in advance, and then they pull out and carry out the tasks of relatives or colleagues.

In the new year 2019, we will play a popular variation of this game with songs with our family. You need to write notes with winter and New Year's words into the hat, each guest blindly takes out a note from the hat and sings a song in which this word occurs.

By the way, you will be able to have fun even if during the feast you forget all the songs - most likely, your family, like my relatives, will have a great idea to compose a little song on the go to the most popular motive, or somehow remake one from famous New Year's songs of the past years.

By the way, this game is also suitable for a small company of any age - of course, a schoolboy is unlikely to recognize Soviet songs, but the result will be funny, and different age groups will be able to get closer during the game - after all, cool New Year contests unite!


Naturally, new year contests for young people are not complete without flirting - why not help friends get closer?

So, the girls are put on dressing gowns or shirts, and the guys are given thick winter mittens. The essence of the competition is to quickly button up the shirts on the girls so that they do not freeze!

By the way, my friends, who love various New Year's contests for teenagers and youth, wanted to do this contest the other way around - freeing the girls from their shirts, however, they were forced to disqualify the participant - it turns out that even in mittens it is convenient to pull on the floor of the shirt and tear off all the buttons at once. Therefore, it is better to fasten it, it is not easy to do it in mittens.

"Let's draw Santa Claus"

Creative New Year contests for corporate parties are a great opportunity to have fun.

So, holes for hands are made in a dense sheet of cardboard. We give out brushes to the players, they must stick their hands into the holes and portray Santa Claus. At this moment they cannot see what they are drawing.

At work, you can divide the team into male and female teams, and give the task to one to portray the Snow Maiden, and to the other - Santa Claus. The winner is the team whose result is most similar to a fairy-tale character.

By the way, if you are choosing contests for a New Year's corporate party, do not forget to look for fun music as well - I use cuttings from Soviet children's cartoons for New Year's contests 2019, this usually causes the warmest emotions.

"Giving Roles"

You can start fun competitions for the new year for the family with such entertainment.

Prepare more attributes of fairy-tale New Year's characters, put notes with roles in empty capsules from kinders (you can just wrap them in wrapping paper in the manner of sweets) and start playing at the table for the new year with an offer to find out who still rules the ball.

Everyone present should draw out their role. It can be snowflakes, bunnies, squirrels, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, the Snow Queen, an overseas guest - Santa Claus and his deer. Distribute small attributes to all guests that will correspond to their role on this night - for example, a crown will suit the snow queen, Santa Claus can knock loudly with an elegant staff, and a company of overgrown bunny boys with white ears will decorate any New Year's photo.

Believe me, New Year's table games will take on a new color as soon as grandmother Zima or Mikhailo Potapych, who has specially woken up for competitions for the New Year 2019 and New Year's dances, starts to say a toast.

"Photo tests"

What cool contests for the new year without photos?

Make an area for photography and collect some props in this corner - guests will be able to take pictures in different images, and then you can arrange photo tests. So, you will need to determine who is suitable for the role:
  • the most decrepit snowflake;
  • the most sleepy guest;
  • the most cheerful Baba Yaga;
  • the hungriest Santa Claus;
  • the most generous Santa Claus;
  • the kindest Santa Claus;
  • the most beautiful Snow Maiden;
  • the most gorged guest;
  • the most cheerful guest;
  • the most cunning Baba Yaga;
  • the most evil Kashchei;
  • the most powerful hero;
  • the most capricious princess;
  • the largest snowflake;
  • and so on…
By the way, you can hold this competition a little differently - stock up on props, and invite guests to draw out the role in which they will be photographed without looking, and the rest of the participants should help with advice and deed to better embody the image. It will be possible to laugh in the process, and when you view the pictures - fortunately, you can do this in just a few minutes.

"Little Things from Santa Claus"

Tell the guests such a legend as Santa Claus walked through the forest with gifts, fell into a snowdrift with one foot and spilled gifts from a bag. The big ones stayed in the bag, but the little ones fell out. And you picked them up and now give them to all the guests.

Wrap all sorts of pleasant little things that you bought in advance in an opaque package, or, or you can wrap gifts in small pieces of cloth, like miniature bags tied with a thick thread or ribbon.

As pleasant little things can be: calendars, candles, key chains, pens, flashlights, kinders, liquid soap, magnets.

Every time it surprises with what trepidation the guests are waiting for these gifts ... Not only children, but even adults :-)

Well, and finally, be a good magician and fortune teller, another New Year's entertainment from the site:

Now you know how my holiday will go, and what games will you have for a New Year's corporate party or home party? Share your ideas, because it is better to prepare table games for the new year and interesting contests in advance, and 2019 is just around the corner!

Sounds music number 001 "Happy New Year"

Leading 2. There are many wonderful holidays
Everyone comes in their turn.
But the best holiday in the world
The best holiday is New Year!

Presenter 1: Good evening, dear friends!

Lead 2: So another year has come to an end, the year of the Monkey is coming, and by the way, what difference does it make what the next year will be called, the main thing is that it will be new.

Presenter 1: We, friends, are now entering a new year, a good year!
And meeting this year with smiles, I wish everyone
May it be a happy year, a happy year, a beautiful year,
And, of course, a peaceful year!
Lead 2 : I sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and wish that he brings only the best with him: xgood mood, happiness, smiles and fun!
And now I am glad to welcome you to our holiday!

Presenter 1: Today in the program of our evening there are games, contests, quizzes, an incendiary disco. And, of course, a meeting with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Lead 2: Yes Yes! Meetings with these New Year's characters are eagerly awaited not only by children, but also by quite adult, respectable people.

Presenter 1: Santa Claus has existed for about 150 years. And not a single New Year's holiday is complete without his participation.

Lead 2 : Well, while our New Year characters are on their way, let's have a warm-up auction.

Presenter 1: During our festive evening for participation in the competitions, each participant will be awarded Christmas trees. The one who picks up the most Christmas trees will be in for a pleasant surprise. And how could it be otherwise, because without surprises the New Year is simply unthinkable.
By the way, without what else is it impossible to celebrate the New Year? So, I'm announcing a holiday auction. Each table calls in chorus something without which New Year's Eve is impossible. You can't repeat. The table with the last answer wins. Only collective responses are accepted. Begin!

The host conducts a game auction between the tables-teams.

The winners are awarded a Christmas tree.

Host 2: Wonderful! And now we invite students of the 9th grade to the stage. And we ask you to support us with loud applause.

Sounds music number 002 "Christmas toys"

Presenter 1: We got to know each other closer,

In such an acquaintance, friendship is the essence
So let's continue our evening
As the saying goes: "Good luck!".

Music No. 003 Santa Claus sounds and a loud knock is heard.

D. Moroz: Good evening, good people!

Hello everyone, friends!
I see I'm very welcome here
And I see smiles.
I love someone who is cheerful
I'm Santa Claus!
If someone hung his nose,
Let him raise his nose!
I wish you success
Happiness, joy and laughter!

Happy New Year to you, friends! And where is the Snow Maiden, my granddaughter? It's time to start the holiday, distribute gifts, but she still isn't there. It's impossible without her.
Let's call her all together.

(They call in chorus: “Snow Maiden!”)

D. Moroz: What organisms you have weak! Is that a scream? Let's try again.

(Everyone shouts even louder: “Snow Maiden!”)

D. Moroz : Oh, why are you yelling like that? I hear someone approaching, probably my granddaughter is coming.
the Snow Maiden comes out

Father Frost: Meet: granddaughter, beauty, smart girl, not white-handed. The people gathered, you see how many, everyone came to look at you.

Snow Maiden: Tied a white hat
I have a New Year's blizzard
Blizzard piled boots
From fluffy snow
I love frosty frost
I can't live without cold
Santa Claus chose my name
I am the Snow Maiden, friends!

Snow Maiden: Good evening, dear friends! Let me congratulate you on the upcoming 2016!

Snow Maiden : Time goes on and on,Here on the threshold is the New Year.It's time to start the holiday, friends.Sing and dance, we can not be bored!

Snow Maiden: And the old year is leaving.

But we can't have fun with you If the tree doesn't burn with lights.

To light our Christmas tree, we need

All the guys shout in unison:

“Surprise us with beauty, Elka, light the fires!”

Snow Maiden: All together: “Surprise us with beauty, Elka, light the fires!”

AT talking and the tree lights up

Snow Maiden: According to popular belief, as you celebrate the New Year, the whole year will be like that. So let's all sing and dance together near the Christmas tree, so that the coming year is kind and cheerful.
Sounds music number 004 Everyone goes out into a round dance, sing a song" The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree".

Host 2: And now our dear guests: Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, we ask you to takeplace of honor on the JURY.

And we begin our competitive program.

Presenter 1:. Be so kind, please go to the center of the hall from each team, a boy and a girl. Good. Let's plunge into the atmosphere of the New Year's ball of the XIX century. Then the “French quadrille” was very fashionable and popular. Four pairs of dancers stood in a circle, the dance master announced one or another quadrille figure, and the pairs, enchanted by the music, indulged in the dance.
So, we perform the "French quadrille", but in the New Year's style! There are four figures in the dance.

Figure one "Round dance": stand in a circle, hold hands and move in a circle ...

The figure of the second "Snowflake": join your right hands in the center of the circle and continue to move in a circle ...

The figure of the third "Fir-trees": split into pairs, raise your right hands up and spin in pairs ...

The fourth figure "Blizzard": break the circle and move the snake one after the other.
But, be careful, during the dance, the order of the figures will not be observed. The jury chooses the best couple. Maestro, music!

Sounds music number 005 "Quadrille"
couples dancing

Host 2: Winners inChristmas tree vouchesPresenter 1: Thank you ladies and gentlemen!
You may take your seats.

Worthy you opened the masquerade.

Applause in your honor sound!

Host 2: . Bright colors bring positive emotions into our lives, tune in to fun, give joy and good mood.

So we decided to paint our New Year's Eve with all the colors of the rainbow!

And so we begin our second competition, and it is called - a multi-colored ribbon!

This competition involves one person from each team. Representatives from each team are asked to take the stage.

Presenter 1: Game conditions: p about my team, you start tying one of your ribbons on the wrists of the audience. But if there is already a ribbon of the opposing team on the wrist, you cannot tie your own. This means that you need to act faster in order to have time to “tie” as many guests as possible with your ribbons. When someone runs out of ribbons or there are no untied guests left, we will sum up: whoever tied more of his ribbons is the winner.

On the start, attention, began!
Sounds music No. 006 "Playing with tapes"

So, I ask those spectators who have a pink ribbon tied around their wrists to leave.
I ask those spectators who have a cherry-colored ribbon tied around their wrists to leave,
I ask those spectators who have a green ribbon tied around their wrist to leave

I ask those spectators who have a blue ribbon tied around their wrists to leave

Winner in the Christmas tree vouches.

Host 2: And we continue our program . Competition - the game "New Year's Cooking".

Presenter 1: There are many different traditions and customs on the occasion of New Year's Eve. So, for example, on the Persian New Year's table, there must be seven dishes, and they all begin with the letter "C". And the next culinary competition. You need to name New Year's dishes that begin with the letter "C", which can decorate not so much the Persian as our New Year's table. Only collective responses are accepted. Begin!
The facilitator conducts a competition. The author (that is, the table) of the seventh answer wins, but this does not need to be announced in advance, since the teams will be waiting for the seventh point.

Presenter 1: The winners will receive a Christmas tree.

Host 2: . Well, if we are talking about festive dishes, then I ask the teams to treat our competent Jury with their New Year's creations.
Sounds music number oo7 "Dish"
: And now we are announcing the number of amateur performances. We welcome the students of the 6th grade with applause.
Sounds music number 008 "Number 6 class"
Leading 1 : And now a mystery.Once a year, a rich gentleman gives gifts to everyone in a row,
He is gray-haired, red-nosed, what a gentleman ... (Santa Claus.)
I invite Santa Claus with a staff to come to us.Why do they thinkgifts are always given to the smartest, but what about luck, luck! Let's find out which one of you is the luckiest.

This competition involves one person from each team. So, I ask representatives from each team to come on stage. At my commandthe participant of the first table takes the edge of the staff with his palm, then all the participants take the staff. The one whose palm is the last one wins.
Sounds Music No. 009 "Staff"
Winner in the Christmas tree vouches.

Father Frost: What is New Year without costumes and masks.

Leading 2: Don't worry, grandfather, the masks are ready. Take a look and choose the most beautiful one.

Father Frost: Let's start the show, and I'm a strict but fair judge.

Sounds music number 010 "Masks"
Members of each team come out and a defile of New Year's masks is held. The winner is awarded a Christmas tree.

Host 2: Participants remain, four chairs.

Presenter1: . In a round dance of colorful masks
Characters from different fairy tales

Have fun and spin.

What a holiday ... (Masquerade.)
Winner inthe Christmas tree vouches.

Lead 2 : Well smart people
He will understand everything from a half-word!

Here the people gathered important,

There is a simple one, and there is an imposing one.

But under the mask everyone is equal

So dance the "Lady"!
Presenter 1: And the next dance competition.
Music No. 011 "Mistress" sounds. Host 2: Stomp your right foot.
only feet dance
Presenter 1: Clap your left hand
Hands to the side and turn.

The people are dancing "Lady"!

only hands dance
Host 2: Let's move with the right ear.
We wink with the left eye,

Let's smile to the left - to the right.

We dance "Lady" to the glory!

dancing face, facial expressions
Lead 2 : Guys, it was a rehearsal, and now a real competition.
Sounds music number 012 "Dance with hands." Lead 2 : We choose the winner with applause. Winner inthe Christmas tree vouches.

Presenter1: And we have the next contest for ingenuity. (4 chairs) I invite one participant from each team. Here are the letters - C, P, K, R.

Assignment, You must bring items that begin with your letter.

Music No. 013 "Letters" sounds.

Presenter 1 : Winner in the Christmas tree vouches.

Lead 2 : And now the number of amateur performances. Welcome to 7th grade students.And we ask you to support us with loud applause.

Sounds music number 014 "Number 7 class"

Leading1: . Well, rested, we continue our competitive program.

From each team I invite two participants. Imagine that you are going to a ball. You need to make an outfit from improvised material.
(drawing paper, corrugated paper, stapler)
Sounds music number 15 "Outfit".

Presenter 1 : Winner in the Christmas tree vouches.

Host 2: And we continue our program - a creative competition. We invite two people from each table, you will be assistants, And now the third - the main character. The conditions of the competition are as follows: the assistants hold a drawing paper on both sides, on which there is a hole for the hand, the third participant sticks his hand into the hole and draws a portrait of Santa Claus. Sounds music number 16 "Artists".

Presenter 1 : And now Santa Claus evaluates the work of our artists. Winner inthe Christmas tree vouches.

Father Frost. Well done, they made the old man happy, but I will please you with gifts.
Host 2: That's right, Santa Claus, it's time for us to play the New Year's lottery ..

Presenter 1
: Why do you have so many bags?
Father Frost . In one bag I have the ticket numbers that the granddaughter Snegurochka will take out and announce the lucky number.
In the second bag I have the names of gifts that the lucky person himself will take out. And in the third bag I have gifts that I myself will present. I'm Santa Claus, after all.

Presenter2: Yes! It's a bit confusing, of course, but I think we'll figure it out together. So, the first lucky number is announced ...Sounds music number 17 "Fanfare"
The procedure for drawing the lottery is very simple. The Snow Maiden announces the numbers that have fallen out, which he takes out of the first bag. The holder of the named ticket number from the second bag takes out a card with the text and reads it out. Santa Claus gives gifts that he takes out of the third bag.

Host 2: And we move on to the next competition, the musical one.We invite two people from each table: a boy and a girl. The young man takes a chair and sits on it. He will be a musician. The girl will be - a musical instrument. And so the first pair needs to be portrayed - playing the guitar, the second pair - playing the button accordion, the third pair - the drum, the fourth pair - the piano.
Presenter 2: Well, let's listen to the first couple.

guitar playing,

Sounds music number 018 "Guitar"

the second pair - playing the button accordion, Sounds music number 019 "Bayan"

the third pair is a drum,Sounds music number 020 "Drum"
fourth pair - piano,
Sounds music number 021 "Piano" Lead 2 : Now we listen to the whole orchestra.Music Sounds No. 022 (1) Presenter 1 : We choose the winner with applause. Applause for couple 1, applause for couple 2, applause for couple 3, and finally applause for couple 4. Winners in the Christmas tree vouches.

Lead 2 : And now the number of amateur performances. Welcome to 8th grade students.And we ask you to support us with loud applause.
Sounds music No. 022 "Number 8 class"
Presenter 1 : And we continue our program. We invite two people from each table: a girl and a boy.

Host 2: How not to dance today?

Dance more, out of the norm

Today everyone should be

In excellent dance form.
Presenter 1 : Of course, everyone understood that we have a dance competition, and the young man watches, but the girl charms the young man with a dance, then the young man repeats the movements of the girl.

Lead 2 First couple, ready? Well done, let's get started. Oriental music sounds for you
Sounds music No. 023 "Eastern"

Presenter 1: The second pair is for you caucasian music

Sounds music number 024 "Caucasian"

Lead 2: The third couple will perform a gypsy dance for us
Sounds music number 025 "Gypsy"

Presenter 1: For the fourth pair macarena.

Sounds music number 026 "Macarena"

Lead 2 : We choose the winner with applause. Winners inthe Christmas tree vouches.

Presenter 1: And for you, the performance of the 10th grade students. We meet with applause.

Sounds music No. 027 "No. 10 class"

Presenter 1 : We sat up friends
Well, everyone's cheered up!
You are offered a game
To have fun
Lead 2 : While we will all have fun together, our New Year's JURY will sum up the results of our competitive program.

Presenter 1: I ask everyone to come to the Christmas tree. You need to split into two teams.
I distribute letters to each team and you must and collect a word from the given individual letters: for example: snow, winter, gifts, snow maiden, toy, cracker .. Whoever collects the word first is the winner.

Music #028 "Game 1" sounds. Lead 2

2. Competition: Two teams are called. While the music is playing, you are dancing merrily, as soon as the music stops, the members of each team must form a letter, which I will name.
Music No. 029 "Igra2" sounds.

Lead 2 : Well done, the winners are given sweets.

Presenter 1: And now the time has come to announce the jury's assessments for our competition program.


Lead 2: Time flew by quickly

And it's time for us to part.

Presenter 1: With all my heart, friends, we wish

Big, big success to you!

Snow Maiden: It's time, friends,

Need to forgive.
We congratulate everyone from the bottom of our hearts!
Let the New Year be celebrated together
Both adults and kids!

Father Frost : Dear friends! People say: "The best song that has not yet been sung, the best city that has not yet been built, the best year that has not yet been lived." So letwill bring us 365 sunny days, an abundance of good meetings and smiles. May your dreams and plans come true! Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Snow Maiden- May the New Year dawn on you,
Will give you success.
And let it sound in your house
Cheerful, ringing laughter.
Presenter1: Let a true friend be near.
Both on holiday and in bad weather.
And let your house
Like a snowball
Happiness always comes!

Father Frost: And together we will say goodbye to you: (in chorus) may your dreams come true.

Snow Maiden: Goodbye, see you in the New Year.

Host 2: And now we invite everyone to the disco.

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