Novorossiysk State Historical Museum Reserve. Historical museum-reserve in the city of Novorossiysk



Coordinates: N44 43.008 E37 46.716.

The Novorossiysk State Historical Museum-Reserve is one of the largest military museum-reserves in the south of Russia. It was founded on July 7, 1916 as the Museum of Nature and History of the Black Sea Coast of the Caucasus. Donations were the main source of funds for the creation and development of the museum. During the years of Soviet power, director V.E. Meyerhold and writer F.V. Gladkov.

By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the funds of the Novorossiysk State Historical Museum-Reserve numbered about 7,000 exhibits, and the scientific and historical library consisted of 44,500 books. The exposition of the museum was located in sixteen halls. But during the war years, the museum lost almost everything: the premises were destroyed, and the funds were looted. Only a few boxes with part of the archaeological and documentary funds managed to be evacuated to Tbilisi. The State Museum began its revival in January 1944.

In 1958, the Historical Museum moved to the address: Sovetov Street, 58. A new exposition “The Liberation of Novorossiysk from Nazi Invaders. 1943.". It occupied 10 halls of the State Museum. The author is the panorama painter N.G. Kotov.

In 1971, the Novorossiysk State Historical Museum-Reserve opens a memorial exposition "Weapons and military equipment of the Great Patriotic War" from samples of military equipment and weapons, as well as relics found at the battlefields for Novorossiysk.

In 1977, the State Historical Museum-Reserve was given a house at 21 Vasenko Street, where the writer Nikolai Ostrovsky lived and worked in 1926-1928. Also during these years, the building of the command post of the NVMB and the command post of the 18th Army departed for the museum. Of particular importance is the House of Nikolai Ostrovsky. It took several years for specialists to restore the original appearance of the building. They were based on photographs and surviving documents. The writer's wife, Raisa Porfirievna Ostrovskaya, took a significant part in the reconstruction of the house.

The house-museum opened in 1983. It included a memorial room and the exhibition "Life is a feat." In 1990, the exposition in the Ostrovsky house-museum consisted of three rooms, two of which: “N. Ostrovsky in Novorossiysk”, “N. Ostrovsky in the memory of the Novorossiysk people. The third hall began its work only in 1996. It organized a stationary exhibition "Novorossiysk Literary". Here visitors get acquainted with the literary life of the city, from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present day. The house-museum of Nikolai Ostrovsky often hosts meetings of Novorossiysk youth with the writers of the city.

Now Novorossiysk State Historical Museum-Reserve has more than 150 thousand exhibits, of which about 25 thousand are in the archaeological department, which is replenished annually, 8 thousand items are in the clothing department - these are household items of Novorossiysk from the end of the last century to the present day: furniture, clothes, dishes, etc. Written sources of the historical museum-reserve are about 70 thousand items. Particularly early documents include the archives of the Church of Konstantinovsky fortification for 1861-66 and the St. Nicholas Cathedral Church for 1868-1910, the police archive for 1870-1907, documents of the Ekaterininsky Post Office in Novorossiysk for 1867-1868. There are also collections of documents on the history of the First Russian Revolution, the establishment of Soviet power and the Civil War. The largest collection of the documentary fund consists of materials on the history of the Great Patriotic War: about many units and formations that fought in Novorossiysk, more than 4 thousand personal files of veterans, letters from the front, gratitude from the Supreme Commander, sets of military newspapers "Novorossiysk Partisan", "On Guard", " Red Chernomorets" and others. The photo fund contains authentic photographs of such front-line correspondents as E. Khaldea, N. Asnina, I. Kushnarenko.

In 1982, the State Museum of the 18th Army was created in Novorossiysk, which included memorial complexes: "To the Heroes of the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" and "Valley of Death". It became part of the Novorossiysk State Historical Museum-Reserve on October 28, 1982.

Currently, the Novorossiysk State Historical Museum-Reserve is the second largest museum in the Kuban. It is also the center of patriotic, aesthetic and moral education of the youth of Novorossiysk.

At the moment, the Novorossiysk State Historical Museum-Reserve includes:

  • the main exposition "History of the city of Novorossiysk", at the address: Sovetov street, house 58;
  • Literary and memorial department "House-Museum of N. Ostrovsky" (Vasenko St., 21);
  • a complex of stationary exhibitions (Lenin Ave., 59): "Old Novorossiysk", "Nature of the Novorossiysk region. Environmental Protection”, “Historical Gold and Silver”, “Relics of the Great Patriotic War (open storage of funds);
  • the building of the command post of the NVMB and the command post of the 18th army;
  • exhibition hall (Suvorovskaya st., 13);
  • the memorial complex "To the Heroes of the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" (known as the "Line of Defense" memorial);
  • "Malaya Zemlya", at which the memorial exposition "Weapons and military equipment of the period of the Great Patriotic War" was opened (museum of military equipment).

For the creation of stationary exhibitions "Old Novorossiysk" and "Nature of the Novorossiysk region", the Novorossiysk State Historical Museum-Reserve was awarded the Krasnodar Territory Administration Prize in the field of science, culture and art. By the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the museum-reserve was classified as an object of historical and cultural heritage of federal-all-Russian significance.

The Novorossiysk Historical Museum-Reserve is the main museum association of the city, in the funds of which there are about 150 thousand exhibits.

The collection is dedicated to the history and culture, the unique nature of the region. There are several exhibition areas near the museum, each one is themed.

The Museum-Reserve in Novorossiysk annually participates in major Russian and international events, including the Night of Museums and Library Night, prepares a special program for Victory Day, museum and city holidays.

Branches and expositions of the Novorossiysk Museum-Reserve

The historical exhibition, which reveals to the guests of Novorossiysk all the secrets and vicissitudes of the development of the city and the region in past centuries and today, is located in the building on the street. Councils, 58.

Stationary local history exhibitions are open in the museum on the street. Lenina, 59. There is also an amazing collection of rare and historically valuable coins and jewelry connected in one way or another with the history of Novorossiysk. Among the exhibits are a treasure trove of silver of royal coinage and a coin of King Kotys from 49 BC. e. At the same address, guests can visit the collections of exhibits from the field of nature and environmental protection of the region.

The address of the art exhibition hall is st. Suvorovskaya, 13. The permanent exhibition includes about 2,000 items of fine art, many of which belong to the period of the Second World War and were made by front-line artists.

The memorial complex on Lenin Avenue is an open-air museum where you can see combat units and guns dating back to the period of the Second World War. On Lenina Avenue in the area of ​​​​the Kosa beach, there is the Malaya Zemlya monument - another sightseeing object of the museum-reserve.

House-museum of the writer Ostrovsky, located away from the center on the street. Vasenko, d. 21, also works under the leadership of the Novorossiysk Museum and is one of its buildings. Here, tourists can see the environment in which the famous writer worked and lived, who wrote his immortal novel “How the Steel Was Tempered”.

The Novorossiysk Historical Museum-Reserve is the largest in the south of Russia. Its extensive collection includes 150 thousand exhibits. It introduces guests not only to the cultural heritage and rich past of the region, but also to the magnificent flora, fauna, traditions and military achievements.

Where is the Museum-Reserve located in Novorossiysk

It is located in the center of the city, not far from the sea, opposite. Nearby you will find the Lenin Park, the Central Stadium.

Description and historical outline

The museum-reserve in the city of Novorossiysk appeared thanks to the former governor of the province Senko-Popovsky. It opened in 1916 under the name "Museum of Nature and History of the Black Sea Coast of the Caucasus". It existed and developed on the donations of caring citizens, as well as with the active assistance of the writer F.V. Gladkov and the famous director V.E. Meyerhold.

Before the Second World War, there were about 7,000 exhibits in the funds, and 44,500 publications in its library. By the end of the war, all the premises were destroyed, the collections were looted - except for a couple of boxes that could be evacuated to Tbilisi, and valuable books were completely destroyed. In 1944 director V.M. Mironov was able to transport the collection remains to the surviving building, which then reopened the doors to everyone.

In the post-war years, the institution gradually accumulated a collection and moved several times from one building to another - this is how its restoration began. In 1960, the exhibits moved to Sovetov Street, where they remain today. After 10 years, it received additional rooms, where spacious showrooms were opened. The main exposition is "History of Novorossiysk". There are also other divisions here:

  • Permanent expositions-exhibitions on the street. Lenin, dedicated to the life, nature and ecology of the city;
  • Exhibition center on the street. Suvorovskaya;
  • KP NVMB and KP 18th Army;
  • Exhibition of equipment in the open area "Weapons and military equipment of the Great Patriotic War";
  • Memorials "Line of Defense", "Valley of Death", "In Memory of the Scuttled Ships of the Black Sea Fleet".

In total, the museum funds contain:

  • 70,000 written sources;
  • 25,000 archaeological finds;
  • 8000 household items.

Looking around the departments, it is also easy to see drawings and paintings by famous artists, collections of documents on the Soviet, Russian past and valuable photographs.

The Historical Museum-Reserve annually receives hundreds of thousands of guests of Novorossiysk, conducts about 4,000 excursions and hosts about 30 shows. It is the most important cultural center of the district, contributing to the comprehensive development, education of adolescents and the population as a whole. Coming here at least, be sure to inspect it.

What to see on the tour?

First of all, you should examine the main hall - "History of Novorossiysk". Visitors here will get acquainted with the former life of the city and its present, consider valuable artifacts, three-dimensional panoramas, detailed models of ships, rare footage of the chronicle and even weapons. Exhibitions on Lenin Street are no less interesting:

  • "Old Novorossiysk". Introduces the life, existence and traditions of the townspeople in the XIX-XX centuries. What's interesting here? An old photo studio, a small shop, a watch repair shop, a merchant's yard and even the interiors of Gladkov's rooms;
  • "Historic Gold and Silver". Precious jewelry and household antiques are exhibited here;
  • “Nature of the Novorossiysk region. Environmental Protection". These dioramas tell the tourists about the problems in the field of ecology, introduce representatives of the fauna and flora of the region.

To see paintings by the most famous artists of the region, it is worth visiting the exhibition center on the street. Suvorovskaya. His collection includes more than 2,000 drawings, including front-line sketches. For those who are interested in literature, we recommend that you look into the house-museum of N.A. Ostrovsky, author of the legendary work "How Steel Was Tempered". Tourists will get acquainted with the process of writing a novel, rare editions of books, photographs and letters of a prose writer.

Here are a few more divisions of the museum dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, which all residents and guests of the hero city of Novorossiysk must see:

  • "Small land". Exposition and architectural composition dedicated to the actions of the landing of Ts.L. Kunikova;
  • Open-air display “Weapons and military equipment of the WWII period”, striking with unique military equipment;
  • . Spread out on the site of bloody battles in 1943. We are talking about a complex of memorial objects erected with the participation of G. Nadzharyan.

How to get (get there)?

It is not difficult to get here by public transport in Novorossiysk by many routes - you need a stop "".

It is easy to get to the museum on foot like this:

Contacts and prices

  • Address: st. Sovetov, 58, Novorossiysk, Krasnodar Territory, Russia.
  • GPS coordinates: 44.716561, 37.778946.
  • Phones: +7-8617-61-00-27, +7-8617-61-39-86.
  • Official site:
  • Working mode:
  • Ticket prices: for adults - 150 rubles, for children - from 30 rubles.

The Novorossiysk Historical Museum-Reserve is a series of museums and memorial ensembles dedicated to the history and culture of the native land. Unique archaeological finds, rare documents, ancient artifacts, photographs and works of applied art allow you to get to know the life of the region more closely, and memorials remind you of the valor and courage of its people. In conclusion, we offer an informative video clip, enjoy watching!

Director - Kolbasina Larisa Alexandrovna

Phones: 8 (8617) 61-39-86, 8 (8617) 21-00-27, 8 (8617) 61-42-74

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.



- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday - from 10.00 to 18.00;

- Thursday from 13.00 to 21.00;

- Friday is a day off.

The museum in Novorossiysk was founded on July 7, 1916, on the initiative of L.A. Senko-Popovsky - vice-governor of the Black Sea province, as the Museum of Nature and History of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. The grand opening of the exposition took place on December 27, 1916. The main source of funds for the maintenance and development of the museum were voluntary donations from people who sympathize with the prosperity of the museum.

With the establishment of Soviet power in Novorossiysk, the museum came under the jurisdiction of the City Council. Director V.E. took part in organizing his work and replenished his collections. Meyerhold and writer F.V. Gladkov. From 1921 to 1933 first the curator, and then the head of the museum was Tchaikovsky Georgy Fedoseevich, the author of many articles on the antiquities of Anapa and Novorossiysk, a delegate to all congresses of archaeologists of the North Caucasus.

“The Novorossiysk Museum was classified by Glavnauka as a science and art museum and included in the list of state museums with the assignment of the building provided to it, but in view of the local significance of the museum, it was transferred to the dependency of local funds with the obligation, however, to submit an annual report on its activities to Glavnauka ".

By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the Novorossiysk Museum of Local Lore was a major scientific and educational institution in the Kuban. Its funds numbered about 7,000 exhibits, the scientific and historical library - 44,500 books. The exposition of the museum was located in sixteen halls.

During the Great Patriotic War, the museum lost almost everything. The premises were destroyed, the funds were looted, the scientific library perished. With the help of teacher G.P. Aleksanyan, only a few boxes with part of the archaeological collections and the documentary fund managed to be evacuated to Tbilisi.

The museum began its revival in January 1944. Director of the museum V.M. Mironova strenuously sought the allocation of suitable premises, the city lay in ruins. By May 1944, the City Executive Committee found a room in one of the surviving houses on Kommunisticheskaya Street. In September, the exhibits evacuated to Tbilisi returned, and on November 7 the museum was opened for visitors. The exposition included not only preserved exhibits, but also those collected after the liberation of the city. By the end of 1947, the museum's funds already had 4,435 exhibits, and the library had 200 books.

In 1952, the museum received part of its pre-war premises on the street. Sovetov, 40 and in July 1953 opened a new exposition. In 1954, under the guidance of an archaeologist-antique scholar, Doctor of Arts, Vladimir Dmitrievich Blavatsky, excavations of the Raevsky settlement began. Thanks to the interests of scientists from the Institute of Archeology of the USSR Academy of Sciences in the ancient settlements on the Black Sea, archaeological research in the Novorossiysk region has become regular. She continued the work of Blavatsky in the 60-70s. Nadezhda Anisimovna Onayko, Candidate of Historical Sciences, IA Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Employees of the Novorossiysk Museum worked on her expeditions for 20 years. Today, many studies are carried out jointly with the staff of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

In 1958, the museum moved to a large (for that time) building on the street. Sovetov, 58. Here, on September 16, 1960, a new museum exposition in ten halls and a dioramic triptych “Liberation of Novorossiysk from Nazi invaders. 1943". The author of the triptych is the famous panorama painter N.G. Kotov.

According to the structure of expositions, funds and further opportunities, the inspector of the regional department of culture I.V. Shevchenko classified the museum as a local history museum.

In 1971, a memorial exposition was opened: “Weapons and military equipment of the period of the Great Patriotic War”, which presents samples of military equipment and weapons, as well as relics found at the battlefields for Novorossiysk.

In 1977, by the decision of the City Executive Committee, the museum was given:

- house on the street. Vasenko, 21, where in 1926 - 1928. lived and worked N. Ostrovsky, author of the novel "How the Steel Was Tempered";

- "KP NVMB and KP 18 Army".

In the same year, the museum received part of the historic building on the street. Councils, 40, where the exhibition hall was opened. This became a significant event in the cultural life of the city. Novorossiysk residents and guests of the city were able to get acquainted with unique exhibitions from the central museums of the country, the work of local photographers and artists, and collectors.

Over the past years, the museum's funds have increased significantly - now they number more than 150 thousand museum items of the main fund. They give a complete and versatile picture of the history of the development of Novorossiysk and the region from the moment of the first settlements of people in this territory to the present day.

Archaeological collections number more than 25 thousand items and continue to grow thanks to the annual archaeological expeditions of the Department of Archeology of the Museum-Reserve.

The collection of visual sources includes front-line drawings by famous artists L. Soyfertis, B. Prorokov, V. Tsigal, P. Kirpichev, bookplates by F. Molibozhenko, paintings by Novorossiysk artists depicting the streets and houses of the city, Tsemesskaya Bay and the picturesque surroundings of Novorossiysk.

The clothing stock includes more than 8 thousand items of storage - household items of Novorossiysk from the end of the 19th century to the present day. These are furniture and clothes, dishes and products of arts and crafts. Over the past years, small but interesting collections have formed among various things: watches, samovars, sewing machines, trade scales, musical instruments and cameras, small arms and cold steel.

Written sources - about 70 thousand items make up the most numerous fund of the museum. Particularly early documents include the archives of the Konstantinovsky fortification church for 1861-66. and St. Nicholas Cathedral Church for 1868-1910, police archive for 1870-1907, documents of the Ekaterininsky Post Office in Novorossiysk for 1867-1868.

Collections of documents on the history of the First Russian Revolution, the establishment of Soviet power and the Civil War, on all the problems and topics of the development of Soviet society based on local material were formed. The largest collection of the documentary fund is on the history of the Great Patriotic War. It contains materials on many units and formations that fought on the territory of the Novorossiysk region, more than 4 thousand personal files of veterans, front-line letters, gratitude from the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, sets of military newspapers Novorossiysk Partizan, On Guard, Krasny Chernomorets, etc. The photo fund contains original photographs of front-line correspondents E. Chaldea, N. Asnina, I. Kushnarenko.

In 1982, the State Museum of the 18th Army was created in the city, which included memorial complexes: "To the Heroes of the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." and Death Valley.

On October 28, 1987, it was decided to establish the Novorossiysk State Historical Museum-Reserve on the basis of the Museum of the History of the City - the Museum of the 18th Army and the monuments included in them, now the Novorossiysk Historical Museum-Reserve.

At present, the Novorossiysk Historical Museum-Reserve is the second largest museum in the Kuban, the center of patriotic, aesthetic and moral education of the younger generation.

Every year the museum and its facilities are visited by over 200 thousand people, 3.5 thousand excursions are held, up to 40 exhibitions are organized, researchers give about 2 thousand consultations, references, present unique museum objects and expositions on the history of Novorossiysk and Kuban.

In addition to the main exposition "History of the city of Novorossiysk" (Sovetov st., 58), the Museum-Reserve includes:

1. Literary and memorial department "House-Museum of N. Ostrovsky" (Vasenko St., 21);

Novorossiysk Historical Museum-Reserve (Novorossiysk, Russia) - expositions, opening hours, address, phone numbers, official website.

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Acquaintance with Novorossiysk will be incomplete without a visit to the historical museum-reserve. Nearly 150 thousand exhibits have been collected here, telling about the history, culture and nature of Novorossiysk, as well as about the life of the inhabitants of the region in past centuries. For the convenience of visitors, the collections of the Novorossiysk Historical Museum-Reserve are divided into thematic expositions.

So, in order to feel the history of the city, it is worth going to the exhibition, which is located on Sovetov Street, 58. The exposition is open: 10:00 - 18:00 (Monday - Wednesday, Saturday - Sunday), 13:00 - 21:00 (Thursday), Friday: Closed. The last Wednesday of the month is a sanitary day. Entrance: 150 RUB. You can get here by buses and minibuses No. 1, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 19 and 30, as well as by trolleybuses No. 1, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 14. get out - "Lenin Park".

Prices on the page are for November 2019.

A special pride of the Novorossiysk Historical Museum-Reserve are expositions on a military theme. So, on Lenin Avenue there will be an open-air exhibition of weapons and military equipment from the times of the Great Patriotic War.

Other stationary exhibitions of the Novorossiysk Historical Museum-Reserve "Old Novorossiysk", "Historical Gold and Silver", as well as expositions dedicated to the nature and environmental protection of the region, are located at the address: Lenina Avenue, 59. Opening hours of this department of the museum: 10:00 - 18:00 (Wednesday - Sunday), Monday - Tuesday: Closed. The last Monday of the month is a sanitary day. Entrance: from 100 RUB, for preschoolers (from 4 to 7 years old): 20 RUB, for schoolchildren and students: 50 RUB.

By the way, at the exhibition "Historical Gold and Silver" you can see unique exhibits: a gold coin of the Bosphorus king Kotis, dating back to 49 BC. e., a treasure trove of silver coins of royal minting.

You can get here by bus number 1, trolleybus number 7, as well as by minibuses number 7, 10, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28 and 31. The desired stop is the Third Microdistrict.

The exhibition hall of the museum (it is located on Suvorovskaya street, 13) presents about two thousand works of fine art, including front-line drawings by famous artists of the region. Working hours of this department: 12:00 - 20:00 (Wednesday - Sunday), Monday - Tuesday: Closed. The second Wednesday of every month is a sanitary day. Buses and minibuses No. 1, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 19, 30 and trolleybuses No. 1, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 14 go to the exhibition hall of the museum. - "Chernyakhovsky".

By the way, the house of Nikolai Ostrovsky (Vasenko Street, 21) also belongs to the Novorossiysk Historical Museum-Reserve, which receives tourists in the status of a memorial complex. Looking here, you can find out under what conditions the writer created his novel “How the Steel Was Tempered”. Opening hours of the house-museum: 10:00 - 18:00 (Monday - Friday), Saturday - Sunday: day off. The last Tuesday of the month is a sanitary day. Entrance: 80 RUB, for children (from 4 to 7 years old): 20 RUB, for schoolchildren and students: 30 RUB. Minibuses No. 10, 15, 25 and 32, as well as trolleybuses No. 4, 12, 13, 14 go to the Ostrovsky House-Museum (stop "Railway Hospital").

A special pride of the Novorossiysk Historical Museum-Reserve are expositions on a military theme. So, on Lenin Avenue (near the Kosa beach) there will be an exhibition of weapons and military equipment from the times of the Great Patriotic War. The open-air exposition is open seven days a week from 10:00 to 18:00. The third Monday of every month is a sanitary day. Entrance: 50 RUB, for preschoolers: 20 RUB, for schoolchildren and students: 30 RUB.

Memorial complexes on a combat theme, also belonging to the Novorossiysk Historical Museum-Reserve, are located in the village of Myskhako and on the Sukhumi highway.

Photographing and filming exhibits of the museum-reserve is allowed, but for a fee.

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