New money contest “I love my city”. New cash contest “I love my city” Contest I love my hometown


The third year in the city of Orekhovo-Zuyevo under the leadership of the Department of Education of the Administration of Orekhovo-Zuyevo and the Center for Children's Creativity "Rodnik" is held website and video competition. This year it is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the city of Orekhovo-Zuevo and is called "I love my city!"
Who does not know at all, the Competition consists of two stages: intra-school qualifying (held from February to March 2007) and urban (held in April). Under the terms of the competition, participants were asked to create a website and/or a video. The main idea of ​​both the site and the video is to acquaint visitors/viewers with their favorite place in their native city or region, whether it is a historical monument or a lake shore where the author's family likes to relax.

On May 8, 2007, the winners of the competition were announced. I happened to be part of the jury that evaluated the sites. To be honest, I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the work performed. Of course, most of the historical and reference information about the city was repeated (the sources are the same ...), and as for the purely aesthetic impression, there is still something to work on and work on ... But the work invested in the creation of sites, undoubtedly deserves praise, and the knowledge gained about the city during the "excavation" of information sources will not be wasted. And most importantly - the desire to create... to create... It's wonderful!
With great pleasure we (ie the jury) looked at 7 sites and 9 videos sent to the contest. I would especially like to note the work of the “Information Technology Club” of school No. 12. They tried their hand at shooting a film and creating a website, and they were very successful in both, both in terms of design and content.

As a result of the competition, the jury came to a unanimous opinion to award in the site competition:
1st place - a group of students MOU secondary school No. 12
2nd place - Normuradov Timur, secondary school №11
3rd place - Rochevoy Natasha, secondary school №1.
In the video competition:
1st place - Savchenko Ekaterina, secondary school №22
2nd place - a group of students MOU secondary school No. 12
3rd place - a group of students MOU secondary school No. 2.

Target: Raising a sense of citizenship and patriotism, a positive emotional attitude to literary poetic works about their small homeland.


  • To form in preschoolers the skills of expressive reading of poems, artistic skills.
  • deliver aesthetic pleasure to children and parents, evoke positive emotions when listening to poetry, music, looking at illustrations with views of the city.
  • Identify the best readers among children, provide them with opportunities for self-expression.
  • To create conditions for the patriotic, cognitive-speech and artistic-aesthetic development of children.


Children of the preparatory speech therapy group and their parents, educators, speech therapist teacher, music director.


On the central wall is an image of a festive fireworks display over the city.

An exhibition of drawings of joint creativity of children and parents "I love you my city" on one of the side walls.

Preparatory stage:

Scenario development and program preparation;

joint creativity of parents and children (composing poems about their city) and memorizing poems by children;

preparation of an exhibition of drawings;

creation of a music video "Where the Motherland Begins";

musical arrangement. Selection, recording of music for the script;

creating a presentation “And I love my native places ...”

learning musical and choreographic compositions: "Cranes", "And I love my native places";

creating a Muses costume for a surprise moment (with the participation of parents);

festive decoration of the hall.

Technical means:

Computer, multimedia projector, music center.


Music hall.

Materials used:

Presentation: "And I love my native places";

video "Where the Motherland begins";

photographs of the city of Korolev;

exhibition of drawings: "I love you, my city!";

diplomas for the winners of the competition;

children's books for rewarding all contestants;

audio cassette with musical fragments;

"lyre" and "golden" wreath on the head for the Muse;

"wings" for children performing the "Cranes" dance;

flowers for the musical and choreographic composition "And I love my native places"

Event progress:

On the screen slide No. 1-2 (Name of the event, photo of the city of Korolev)

The children of the preparatory group, to the sounds of the song "Native Land", enter the hall and sit on chairs on both sides.

Slide #3

Leader reads a poem"Native land" G. Ladonshchikov.

Spring cheerful,

Eternal, kind

Plowed by a tractor

Happiness sown -

All in front of her,

From south to north!

dear motherland,

Russian motherland,



Slide number 4

On the screen is a video presentation "How the Motherland Begins"

Presenter: Dear Guys! I am glad to welcome you and our guests in this light and cozy hall. Each person, entering into life, discovers the word "Motherland". But at the beginning of the journey, each of us has our own, small Motherland, the one from which love begins. This small Motherland, with its special appearance, with its most modest and unpretentious beauty, appears to a person in childhood and remains with him for life. I invite you, together with your parents, to travel around your native city. Today you will give him your poems that you composed together.

How many fabulous places in Russia,

There are countless cities in Russia.

Maybe it's more beautiful somewhere

But it will not be dearer than here!

(on the screen is a photo of the city of Korolev)

Slide number 5 (Photo with the image of Muse)


Muse has been considered the patroness of poetry since ancient times. She inspired many people to create great poems. Muse helps poets find the right words and rhymes, makes our speech even more beautiful. They say that the Muse always appears where beautiful music sounds. Very often this happens in the spring, when all nature wakes up: streams are murmuring, the bright sun is shining, birds are singing. But today is just such a day, I think that she will definitely visit our competition.

It may very well happen

The Muse will knock on you all.

She will kindly help

All talents will increase.

touches your head,

Inspiration will settle.

Your heart will tremble

And the soul will speak.

The rhymes will float.

Lines without error

sing sweetly,

Like a violin string!

(Victor Kozlov-Samarsky)

Muse appears in the hall to the sounds of a beautiful soft melody.


I am the muse of poetry, I am friends with rhyme

In my hands I always hold the lyre.

When I play the lyre

I inspire people to poetry!

Presenter: Dear Muse, we are glad to welcome you to our competition. Today children will read poems and dedicate them to their hometown Korolev. And only the best will win our competition.

Muse: How wonderful!

Presenter: Dear Muse! We ask you to start our competition, because you probably have a favorite poem or song about the Motherland.

Muse: I will read with pleasure, or rather sing a song, words and music to which G. Struve wrote. It is called "My Russia".

Slide number 6 (Photo depicting a birch grove)

The music sings a song

Georgy Struve My Russia

Presenter: Thanks for the great performance. So, we start our competition. Tonight's competition will be judged by a panel of...

Muse: And I suggest that the audience also choose the best, in their opinion, reader. And we will call this award: the Audience Choice Award.

Slide number 7 (Photo illustrations of the poem This city is my home

Presenter: The prehistory of the city of Korolev began with the village of Kalininsky. In 1938, the settlement received the status of a city and the name Kaliningrad. In 1960, several more surrounding settlements became part of the new city, which later became Korolev's districts. Their merger continues to this day.

About this in his poem : "This city is my home" will tell Gleb Korolkov

Presenter: On July 8, 1996, President of the Russian Federation Boris N. Yeltsin signed a decree renaming our city. Kaliningrad received a new name - Korolev. In 2001, the city was awarded the title of "Science City of the Russian Federation" by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. (On the screen Order to rename the city of Kaliningrad to Korolev)

Slide number 8 (Photo illustrations of the poem "I love you, my city!")

Eshman Kristina reads the poem "I love you, my city!"

Slide number 9 (Photo depicting the emblem and flag of the city of Korolev)

Presenter: The city of Korolev is rightfully considered the center of Russian cosmonautics. Here are the main enterprises of the Russian space industry, including the famous Mission Control Center and the Energia Rocket and Space Corporation named after S.P. Korolev. Our city has its own coat of arms, flag and anthem.

Presenter: AT performed by Liza Vorobyova the anthem of the city of Korolev will sound

Lyubov Rustamova "Hymn of the City of Korolev"

1. Cheerful sun, young forests

Our city is loved and beautiful.

Green grasses, ancient oaks,

We love and appreciate our native Korolev. (2 times)

We are the city of science, we are the city of legend

And we will carry a proud name.

Unknown space, all the secrets of the universe,

But that's not all, everything is ahead of us.

2. The smile is shining, the eyes are young.

This is how we will remember our Korolev.

The city is proud of him always and from now on,

And he is ready to defend his name. (2 times)

Leading. The following contestants will tell about how they love their city and are proud of it.

Slide number 10 (Photo illustrations of the poem “There are many cities in the world”)

Alexander Vantsev speaks with a poem “There are many cities in the world”

Slide number 11 (Photo illustrations of the poem "I live in the Queen")

Sarbasov Alisher reads a poem: “I live in Korolev”

The music appeals to children.

Muse: What wonderful poems you composed with your parents. Rhymes make poetry so beautiful. Do you know how to pick rhymes? Now we will check it.

Slide number 12 (Photo with the image of the Losiny Ostrov National Park)

"The Rhyming Game"

(Give children pictures that depict the inhabitants of Elk Island)

Muse: While the music is playing, you should find yourself a mate - someone who will have a picture with a word that rhymes with the word from your picture.

Muse: Now we will try to compose a poem.

I will begin, and you must continue and rhyme the name of an animal or a bird - they are all inhabitants of Elk Island.

Children are looking for a couple. Rhymes are spoken.

One day in a big forest clearing,

The birds and animals came running to the meeting.

And they began to talk about this, about this,

About something, about yourself.

"Well, winter is over" -

From the branches, sang ... (starling)

"Drips are ringing in the yard" -

He clicked his beak ... (crane)

"A drop fell on me!"

I lamented loudly ... (heron).

"There are a lot of puddles in the clearing" -

Hissed her from below ... (already).

“And in the forest of grass there is a carpet” -

Quietly growled to her ... (beaver).

"The birch has a lot of juice" -

Cracked here ... (magpie).

"Here the crown of trees rustles" -

She croaked loudly ... (crow).

"A brook murmurs in the forest" -

Tweeted ... (sparrow)

"Yes, spring-beauty has come" -

Confirmed to everyone ... (fox).

"The animals have a lot of trouble" -

From the hole answered ... (mole).

"And in the winter it was shivering" -

He stated quietly ... (hedgehog).

"I'm so afraid of the cold!" -

The gray one shouted loudly ... (goose).

"So spring, do not be afraid friend" -

Then he told him ... (badger).

After the game, the presenter announces the second part of the competition.

Slide number 13 (Photo illustrations of the poem Hello dear street


As I said, each of us has our favorite place in the city. Someone: a park or a stadium, and someone has a native street. Our kindergarten is located on Michurina street. Previously, it was called Sadovaya. There used to be a huge garden here. This is evidenced by garden trees that can be found in different places on Michurin Street. Many of you live here.

Egor Novikov reads the poem "Hello, dear street!"

Slide number 14 (Photo illustrations of the poem "My Queen")

"My Korolev" Shchetinnikov Danya

Slide №15

Presenter: There is a sacred place in our city: the Memorial of Glory. Here, every year, on May 9, people gather to honor the memory of those who died in the Great Patriotic War.


Over the alley of victory

The sun rises early.

Here stands on guard

Silent people.

These are our heroes

Guard the silence.

Here in the springtime

They remember the war.

Slide number 16 (Photo depicting a wedge of cranes)

Dance: "Cranes"

Muses. J. Frenkel, lyrics by R. Gamzatov.

Slide No. 17 (Photo of the City Memorial of Glory)

moment of silence

Sounds like an excerpt from "Requiem"

(R. Rozhdestvensky)

Slide number 18 (Photo illustrations of the poem "In Central Park"

Presenter: Thanks to the work of urban landscapers, our city is getting prettier every day. Flower sculptures and compositions adorn our streets, squares and parks, amuse and delight everyone around.

Muse: Where does children's laughter come from? What fun music! Where did we end up?

Presenter: I think that all the guys have learned the favorite place of our townspeople - Leisure Park. It's always so much fun here! Games are held with adults and children, carousels and attractions work, artists perform - queens and guests of our city.

Zhukov Artyom "In the Central Park"

Slide number 19 (Picture "Let's play")

Presenter: I suggest you also have some fun with your parents.

Game in verse YES-NO

Conducted by speech therapist Samsonova E.A.

We will open the holiday now,

Miracle - we'll arrange games here.

Turn to each other

And shake hands with a friend.

Raise your hands all up

And move at the top.

Let's shout cheerfully: "Hurrah!"

It's time to start the games!

You help each other

Answer questions

Only "Yes" and only "No"

Kindly give me an answer:

If "no" you say

Then tap your feet

If you say "yes"

Clap your hands then.

An old grandfather goes to school.

Is it true kids? (No - children and parents knock with their feet).

Does he take his grandson there?

Answer in kind. (Yes - clap your hands).

Ice - frozen water?

We answer together ... (Yes).

After Friday - Wednesday?

We will answer together. (No).

Is spruce always green?

We answer children. (Yes).

Is birthday a fun day? (Yes)

Are you waiting for games and jokes? (Yes)

Are you okay with humor? (Yes)

Are we charging now? (No)

Are we waiting for the jury's answer? (Yes)

The fish sleep at the bottom of the pond.

Is it true kids? (Yes)

Give me an answer quickly

Does it snow in winter? (Yes)

Monday and Wednesday-

Are these the days of the week? (Yes)

Does the sun give people light?

Let's answer together! (Yes)

Whiskas - Cat food.

What will you tell me? (Yes)

I anticipate your answer:

The mouse is afraid of the cat (Yes)

Maybe a 5 year old

To be an old grandfather? (No)

Does the wolf change his coat? (No)

Answer, kids

Did you like the game?

Presenter: Our city is beautiful at any time of the year. We admire it both in winter, when the snow falls, and in summer, when the bright sun shines.

Slide number 20 (Photo illustrations of the poem "Winter in Hometown"

Shmakova Nadia "Winter in the hometown"

Slide number 21 (Photo illustrations of the poem “Oh, how beautiful you are our city”)

“Oh, how beautiful you are our city” Masha Shmatkova

Slide number 22 (Clip for a musical and choreographic composition "And I love my native places")

Musical and choreographic composition: “And I love my native places” Muz. Yu. Antonov, performed by all participants.

presenter: You spoke sincerely and sincerely about your native city. A person is connected by deep roots with his land, with the place where he was born, lived, studied. For many years, pictures of native places are preserved in the memory of a person. They live in the heart of everyone, without losing their attractive freshness and brightness of colors over time. And while the votes are being counted, I suggest that you once again take a walk through the streets of our city with your parents right now. But it will not be a simple walk, but a musical one. Do you agree?

Then we begin our journey.

Slide No. 22 - 41 (Photos of the city of Koroleva are shown on the screen)

Children and parents sing the song "Curious Citizen" to the melody of the song "Blue Wagon" by V. Shainsky. At this time, photographs of the streets of Korolev's hometown are shown on the screen.

1. If for some reason there is no mood,

If I feel sad again

I take my friends with me and a handful of sweets

And I go for a walk around the city.

In the city, in the city, life is always in full swing,

There is no time for our city to be bored.

Healthy, great, and melancholy at all,

I want to know everything about the city.

  1. Why is the street named like this?

And our city is called Korolev?

Why pour out of me like a river,

Maybe I'll figure out what's what?

  1. How many areas do we have and how many schools?

And what museum opened in the city?

I haven't found all the answers yet.

I want to find them soon.

After the speech

The presenter announces the name and surname of each reader

Presenter: Jury word.

Muse. I would like to congratulate the winners and give them books as a keepsake.

Members of the jury and Muse reward all participants with memorable gifts.

Presenter: So our competition has ended. (Reads a poem)

I love my city in the early morning

When all the streets are deserted

I love my city in the middle of the day

When they scurry around, run and rush.

And in the evening when the lights are on

Shine the streets and bright storefronts.

I love my city and on a clear day,

And in the cold, and in the heat, and in bad weather.

I love every corner and house in it,

I love unique nature.

I love my city since childhood with all my heart,

Not demanding in return for mutual love.

For what? Because this city is mine.

And for me, he is the most amazing!

Let's friends love your city!

Appreciate, cherish and decorate.

Write poems about him and compose songs!

Educational portal "NIKA" invites you to take part in All-Russian creative competition "My favorite city" within the framework of All-Russian creative marathon "Love and know your native land!" .

Any creative work made on the topic is accepted for the Competition. "My favorite city" in any technique.

Favorite city is the city where childhood and youth passed. And for someone, a favorite city is the city of his dreams, the city in which a person wants to live.

Each city is unique in its own way, and each has its own zest. Share your impressions of your favorite city. Tell us how the beauty of this city surprised you!

Creative works made on the stated topic are accepted for the Competition. These are illustrations of sights, natural monuments, significant places of the native land.

Tell everyone about your favorite city!

Preschoolers, schoolchildren of no age limit and adults can take part in the competition.

Members may be:

Individual(one person participates) - the name of the author is indicated.

Group(classroom, family, etc.) - the name of the team is indicated.

You can not enter several full names. different authors.

The results of the Contest will be summed up according to the following nominations:

Picture - works of art made in any technique;
The photo - staged, plot photographs (this does not include photographs of handicrafts);
craft - all kinds of arts and crafts (appliqué, embroidery, burning, woodcarving, painting on various materials, wood products, clay, etc.);

Presentation- presentation, photo collage
Poem- a story in poetic form about your favorite city;
Essay- Description of your favorite city, individual impressions and thoughts of the author (no more than 2 pages).

In each nomination, the results are summed up by age groups:

From 3 to 6 years old (preschoolers);
from 7 to 11 years old (junior schoolchildren);
from 12 to 15 years old (schoolchildren);
from 16 to 18 years old (high school students);
19 years and older (adults).
mixed groups (possible participation of adults or older students).

The results of the competition are summed up MONTHLY- strong>10th of the next month.


Fantasize! Draw! Create!

How to participate in the competition?

1) Issue in the form of an electronic document (photo or scan).


1) Fill application necessary after registering and logging into the site.

2) Graphic works(drawings, photographs, photographs of crafts) give all the best as graphic files in formats JPG, PNG or GIF.

Photos and drawings posted on the site in text formats DOC, DOCX,PDF and etc. NOT RATED.
3) File size - no more than 2 MB.

4) You can post only the work the author of which is a participant. It is also not allowed to upload works that have already been submitted in other competitions on our site.

5) The application is processed in within 24 hours. The work is published on the site in the menu tab WORKS. You can see it in your personal account in the tab "My works".

Participation in the contest is FREE

Free of charge, you are given the opportunity to publish your creative work on the All-Russian educational portal "NIKA" (electronic media).

Participants of the competition for an additional fee can order electronic or paper versions of documents:

Thanks.letter in the name of the leader Diploma of the Winner or Prize-winner
Electronic variant:

Do you want to earn some money? Take part in our new competition. Its conditions are very simple and will not require much time from you. Just tell about your favorite city and get paid for it. Competition details below:

Some time ago I wrote about what I'm planning. After that, I received a parcel from one of the readers of the blog, whose name is Vladimir Sergeevich Dmitrienko. He lives in Smolensk. He invited me to his place, and in the package he attached a tourist map of the city, as well as photographs of noteworthy places.

I really liked this gift and Smolensk in the photo, and I thought: “Why not combine business with pleasure?”

I decided to hold a competition, the purpose of which is to collect as much information as possible about interesting cities where I could live. I've been wanting to move somewhere for a long time, but I haven't decided where exactly yet. Ideally, you want to live in different cities for 3-4 months in each for several years, in order to eventually decide on a permanent place of residence.

But who can better tell about a good city than a resident of this very city?

So, to take part in the competition you need:

  1. Record video
  2. Or write an email

What should be in this video or letter?

You need to describe your favorite city. It doesn't have to be the one you live in. It can be any city, but you must know it well. That is, if you went somewhere to rest for 2 weeks or even a month and you really liked it there, this does not mean that you know the city well.

You can know the city well if you have lived in it for some time. Then you can know both the good and the bad.

There are no strict requirements for the content of your presentation. You can tell:

  • Why do you love your city?
  • Where do you like to be in this city;
  • Talk about memorable places;
  • About the inhabitants (what they are - kind, evil, sympathetic, indifferent, etc.)
  • About nature;
  • About weather;
  • Etc.

The winners will be determined by the so-called "Wow" effect. That is, when, after hearing or reading, you want to say a surprised and significant “Wow”.

Based on the presentations of the cities received from you, I will draw up a plan of visits. First on the list of visits I will put the city that will be presented the best. That is, after watching your video or reading your letter, I should have a desire to definitely visit your city.

Accordingly, the winner will be selected according to my priorities in the visiting schedule. The city that I want to visit the very first will take the main prize, the second - the next prize, and so on.

The competition runs until August 1, 2013. Determination of winners and awarding will be made from 1 to 10 August. The most interesting presentations will be posted on the My Ruble blog. Send your work to emai: myrouble dog

I want not only me and those who will take prizes to benefit from this competition. I would like other people who dream of moving to another place, but have not yet decided where, to benefit. Let's learn together about the most beautiful cities of our Motherland!

Voting completed 777

I love my hometown, school, street, house, because this is my small Motherland. There are many wonderful places where outstanding people live. I would like to tell you about one such place - this is Upper Hava.

This place is dear to me and my family, because my great-great-grandfather was born and lived there, a person who is proud of all of us and not only.

The countdown of the years of Upper Hava goes back to 1690 - it was then that this geographical name was first mentioned in a written source.
The village got its name thanks to the Khava River, along the banks of which it is located.

In this picturesque corner, my great-great-grandfather Vasily Andreevich Popov was born in 1902. His childhood passed in the difficult, pre-revolutionary years. There were no funds for studying and, having finished only two classes, he left to earn a living.

After the October Revolution, life went differently. In 1929, having organized the MTS at the Zarya collective farm, he was one of the first to become a tractor driver. But the country needs competent agricultural specialists, and my great-great-grandfather sits down for textbooks. At the age of 30, he enters the Agricultural Institute. It's not easy to learn, but it's necessary. And he is learning. He studies in the evenings and goes out into the field during the day.

Years go by, and Vasily Andreevich, an agronomist at the Verkhnekhakha machine and tractor station, walks with them.

1939 The best grain growers of the Voronezh region go to Moscow for the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition, and among them was my great-great-grandfather. For growing a new variety of sugar beet, he received a small gold medal.

In 1940, at a general meeting of collective farmers, he was elected chairman of the Zavety Ilyich collective farm. But he did not have long to preside. The enemy attacked his native land. - and the hands of the grain grower took the weapon.

My great-great-grandfather took an active part in the defense and liberation of Voronezh. After the liberation of the city of Voronezh, he was sent to officer courses and sent to the 333rd Infantry Division, to command a platoon of the 129th Infantry Regiment.

With this regiment crossed the Dnieper. During the liberation of the village of Novo-Petrovka, Kherson region, on March 8, 1944, he died during the capture of the railway track.

In 1983, at the invitation of the village administration, my mother and her parents came to the village of Novo-Petrovka, where a monument was erected to my great-great-grandfather, Popov Vasily Andreevich. The commander of the battalion who fought with him told how he died. About the feat of my great-great-grandfather, his son, my great-grandfather, composed a poem.

In the steppe near Petrovka there is a plain all around.

Brick booth above the canvas.

Wounded regiment, rear behind the Dnieper.

Machine guns are firing from the booth, and the plain is all around.

Soldiers gathered at the battalion headquarters.

"What are we going to do, dear guys?"

So said the commander with a broken arm, and Salnikov came out looking so stern

“We will attack the booth at night, friends.

We will finish with the fascist, and we will save our regiment.

Otherwise, we can't take the damn booth

We don’t have enough patrons, where can we expect them from! ”

"I'm coming too," came a voice from the corner.

And the eyes of the soldiers turned there.

So said the lieutenant, already half gray.

Not a war, near Voronezh he was a grandfather in the family.

Agronomist by profession, loved the heart of the field,

And he suffered as the earth trembled from the explosions.

Vanya Ivlev jumped up: “Uncle Vasya, dear,

Six of you are waiting for home near Voronezh.

Well, I’m one Komsomol member - this is my direct duty!

"Alright Lieutenant, come with me"

And here is a handful of soldiers, dashing volunteers,

We went out into the night against the enemy, the headquarters immediately fell silent.

In March, the nights are dark, mud and puddles all around.

What are you squishing, dirt, under my boot.

Here is the booth visible, 300 meters to it.

Divided into groups. "You, Popov, will go with her" -

He did not say, but the commander whispered in his ear.

"For success!" And he shook hands with everyone.

The soldiers crawled over the embankment.

Silence, darkness, as there is no life around.

Dashing quietly to the booth went.

Ugh, damn it, a rocket, but they almost made it.

A shot from the booth, like thunder into silence, rang out,

A flurry of fire and missiles poured on the fighters

You can’t hesitate any longer, and Salnikov stood up

"For the Soviet Motherland!" And rushed to the post.

Without finishing the phrase, combat lieutenant

His bloody free hand covered his mouth.

A fragment of a grenade pierced his mouth:

He injured his tongue and licked off three teeth.

But leave the guys at this moment of battle -

So all thirty do not return home.

Here our Popov fell face down, as if kissing the earth.

Vanya Ivlev lies, but we will not sing alleluia to them.

We get to the booth, we need to beat the enemy,

And the enemy for the dead with a vengeance.

With a loud cry of "Hurray" ours entered the booth!

There were eleven of them left, and they all died.

The enemy came to his senses, immediately went on the attack.

Only here not one found death for himself.

And with the dawn, "Hurrah" swept across the field.

The regiment went on the offensive, on the outskirts of the village.

And Petrovsky residents remember, honor this day.

Bust on a mass grave, like a shadow of these days

Let this shadow stand, and it is from the fact that the war did not pass by anyone.

Made by Gorshkova Daria Dmitrievna, born in 2000

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