Moral degradation of personality as a process of revolutionary socialization of a person. Decline of morality in Russian society Moral degradation of humanity


M. A. Antipov, A. A. Ispolatova Penza State Technological Academy,

G. Penza, Russia


M. A. Antipov, A. A. Ispolatova Penza State Technological Academy, Penza, Russia

summary. Paper is dedicated to very actual problem – problem of moral degradation of modern society. The article reveals the essence and meaning of morality and the consequences for the moral decline for society.

key words: Moral; anomy; the crisis of morality.

The modern world, which has reached unprecedented technical and informational progress, is faced with a crisis of morality. But material progress is not accompanied by a corresponding spiritual development. It is quite obvious that in the 20th century there was a sharp decline in morals throughout the world, and this decline continues even more rapidly in the 21st century. Many have lost their faith, and with it their moral guidelines.

As the French sociologist E. Durkheim wrote, “morality is an obligatory minimum and a severe necessity, it is daily bread, without which societies cannot live.” Morality as internalized morality (a set of the most important social norms), according to E. Durkheim, is the basis of social solidarity, that is, the cohesion of heterogeneous members of society into a single holistic social organism.

Morality is the internal spiritual qualities that guide a person, ethical norms; rules of conduct determined by these qualities. Morality is also the defining aspect of culture, its form, which gives the general basis of human activity, from the individual to society, from humanity to a small group.

Moral principles do not exist in their pure form, by themselves, they are always the result of history, political, economic and other relations in society, and therefore it is quite difficult to talk about such a subtle matter as the morality of any nation. Moreover, any fact can be considered in two ways: everything depends on the point of view.

Many eminent thinkers - Spengler, Heidegger, Toynbee, Jaspers, Husserl, Huxley, Orwell, Fukuyama, Thomas Mann - spoke about the decline

Western culture. The most outstanding philosopher of this series, Heidegger, nevertheless hoped that it was not technology that threatened man, the threat lurked in the very essence of man. “But where there is danger,” he wrote, “there also grows salvation.” Theological concepts of culture put forward as the main idea that the culture of mankind as a whole has completed its ascent and is now irresistibly rolling towards death. Since the core of any culture is religion and the foundations of morality developed by it, it is they who are experiencing the most severe crisis from the invasion of rationalism.

Many have lost their faith, and with it their moral guidelines. Every power and authority that dictates the norms of life has fallen in the eyes of the people. So the concept of good and evil for them became relative. Accordingly, respect for traditions and family values ​​is falling, the family is degrading as the most important social institution, which negatively affects demographic indicators.

Society is losing cultural traditions that served as a moral anchor. The growth of consumerism, permissiveness, licentiousness are signs that society is plunging into a pool of moral degradation. Previously, people still somehow distinguished good from evil. Now you can do whatever you want.

Now the main value in our society, in our opinion, is money, which performs not just a purely economic function of an intermediary in the exchange of goods and resources, but also a social function. Money acts as a social sign, a symbol that determines the social status of an individual and, at the same time, the main goal of his daily life. Unfortunately, money is that “golden calf” that the absolute majority “chasing” behind. The reason for this situation lies in the fact that society itself imposes such conditions on individuals for social functioning. Today, the well-being, psychological state and health of a modern person depend on the level of earnings.

The values ​​promoted in the modern world are the cult of one's whims, indulgence in them, the encouragement of overt violence, cruelty and sexual promiscuity, and the presentation of all this as something normal. Understanding all this, many people talk about the need to create a national idea that would become a springboard for introducing moral values ​​to the masses.

The crisis of morality in society manifests itself in the same way as E. Durkheim, already mentioned by us, wrote about it in the theory of social anomie. The moral crisis, the spiritual vacuum of society means the destruction of its foundations, the violation of the cohesion of the members of society, the loss of life guidelines. This, in turn, leads to a crisis of social institutions and a surge in deviant behavior, violence and crime.

So, in the article by Andrey Yurevich and Dmitry Ushakov "Morals in modern Russia" terrifying statistics are given:

– Every year, 2,000 children are killed and seriously injured;

- every year, 2 million children suffer from parental cruelty, and 50 thousand run away from home;

- Every year, 5 thousand women die from beatings inflicted by their husbands;

- Violence against wives, elderly parents and children is recorded in every fourth family;

– 12% of teenagers use drugs;

– more than 20% of child pornography distributed worldwide is filmed in Russia;

– about 1.5 million Russian school-age children do not attend school at all;

- children's and adolescents' "social bottom" covers at least 4 million people;

- the growth rate of child crime is 15 times faster than the growth rate of general crime;

- in modern Russia there are about 40 thousand juvenile prisoners, which is about 3 times more than it was in the USSR in the early 1930s.

There is a further decrease in the population of the Russian Federation. In 2010, the trend of reducing the birth rate and increasing mortality in Russia continued. Mortality still covers the birth rate, and the population of Russia in 2010 decreased by 241.4 thousand people. However, in relation to 2009, the rate of natural decline decreased by 5.6%. The death rate from alcohol poisoning remains quite high. In 1993-2006, about 40 thousand people died annually in Russia from alcohol poisoning. However, since 2004, a steady decline in mortality from alcohol poisoning has begun in Russia. In 2009, 21.3 thousand people died from this cause, which is the lowest figure since 1992.

The primary task is the development of the institution of the family, the active promotion of family values. Neglect on the part of parents and the school of raising children contributes to the development of all the vices that exist in modern society. The formation of a child's moral values ​​is influenced primarily by parents, then by the school and the social environment. The researchers found that the majority of children who could not realize themselves in adulthood and turned into alcoholics, drug addicts, criminals, did not receive the necessary amount of warmth and love from parents who did not properly educate their children. It is the selfless love of parents, their own example, that is the main means of educating children in moral qualities. Therefore, parents, and then school, universities should form positive images in the mind and soul of the child.

If moral ideals are not assimilated by a person or are poorly assimilated, then their place as a determinant of behavior will be taken by other qualities that can be characterized by the adjective “immoral” (in this context, socially passive behavior is also understood as immoral). Criminal ethics is the most socially negative manifestation of immorality.

Thus, the loss of moral and spiritual guidelines by society leads to its decomposition, which manifests itself in crisis phenomena in all spheres of public life: economic, political, social, and even more so cultural.

Bibliographic list

1. Durkheim E. Sociology. Its subject, method and purpose. - M. : Kanon, 1995. - 392 p.

2. Sergeeva A. V. Russians: stereotypes of behavior, traditions, mentality. – M. : Flinta, Nauka, 2004. – 259 p.

3. Chupriy L. The fall of morality in Russian society. URL: http://www. apn. en/public- Actions/article23740.htm

4. Heidegger M. The question of technology // Heidegger M. Time and being: Articles and speeches: per. from German. - M. : Respublika, 1993. - 447 p.

5. Yurevich A., Ushakov D. Morality in modern Russia. URL: http://www. capital- Rus. en/articles/article/1041

© M. A. Antipov © A. A. Ispolatova

Unfortunately, the moral degradation of people has become the main distinguishing feature of mankind in the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century and ranks first among the 10 main problems of life on Earth, since it is one of the root causes of the negative consequences of many other vital problems on our planet. planet.

What is morality, morality of the individual and moral degradation.

It is known that the concept of "morality" is morality, a special form of social consciousness and a type of social relations (moral relations); one of the main ways to regulate the actions of a person in society with the help of the norms of his behavior. Unlike a simple custom or tradition, moral norms receive an ideological justification in the form of ideals of good and evil. Unlike law, the fulfillment of the requirements of morality is authorized only by forms of spiritual influence (public assessment, approval or condemnation).

It should be said that there is a fundamental difference between the morality of society and the morality of the person (individual), based on the internal law of the Lord God-conscience and the external law of our Creator - the observance of His commandments that strengthen the internal law and save people's lives.

Everyone knows that morality is imposed on a person by society, therefore, in different countries with different political and economic systems, there are different norms of social behavior. However, as you know, these norms may conflict with the moral norms of people's behavior, formed on the basis of the laws of our Creator. And this fact must not be forgotten.

The concept of "degradation" is a gradual deterioration, decrease or loss of positive qualities, decline, degeneration. Speaking about the concept of "moral degradation of a person or humanity", we mean the gradual cessation of compliance with the internal and external laws of the Lord God, and not the public morality of a particular country or civilization of the world. Therefore, readers need to remember that only this concept is discussed in the UNIVERSALITY as a source of a new Biblical worldview and way of life of mankind.

Three reasons for the moral degradation of mankind.

There are many interesting works on this topic in modern literature, the authors of which deserve special attention and respect, since on the basis of their views it was possible to identify three main causes of the moral degradation of man and mankind. To do this, readers should get acquainted with 3 different works, but typical of most other researchers of this problem.

The first cause of degradation.

To do this, readers will be interested to get acquainted with the work of Professor E.P. Podrushnyak, in which he accuses the person himself of his spiritual degradation. In this way, he expressed the opinion not only of his own and other scientists of the world, but also of many ordinary people of the planet, which they have expressed in the press of different countries up to the present.

So, E.P. Porushnyak in his book “DIALECTICS OF LIFE AND AGING” (1993), with heavy regret and pain in his soul, wrote: “... Life! How complex and boundless you are in your nuances and content! The organisms of the simplest are life in reality; the most complex form of movement and transformation of the biological form of matter in mammals and at the highest level in humans is life with all its attributes: an open system for consuming energy from the outside, metabolism, polynucleotides and protein biosynthesis of cellular elements. All this is life and communication, the interaction between atoms and molecules in biosystems, the relationship and interaction between organisms: animals - plants, animals - animals, man-plants, man-animals, man-man. Countless options, forms, ways of their communication, relationships and interactions with each other - this is life!

But there is another negative side of the relationship between these organisms ... There is, perhaps, no more cruel fights on Earth than man with man. Wars, wars... The history of the existence of human society almost does not know periods when there would be no wars, struggles, hostile relations between people. Hundreds and thousands of wars in periods of different eras.

…Today the greed of man (Homo Sapiens), his cruelty, his crime seems to have no limits. All the laws of Nature that create this world and man are violated, all the harmony of the human community due to the existence of religions, nationalities, ideologies that divide people among themselves, leads to fratricide and violence.

... All the variety of violence: the seizure of land, and the enslavement of man by man, and other forms are based on the need to satisfy the ever-growing needs of the predatory essence of people.

Nowadays, a person beat a person, offended him or for theft - he is judged; nowadays, the more people killed in battle for a "just cause" - they also give him awards. The highest awards are given to "scientists", even for the development and creation of weapons of mass destruction of people, including the elderly and children. The more people are destroyed, the more valuable the weapon, the more honorable its creator, the more awards he is awarded. This is our society!

An example of this can also be the rivalry between the two powerful countries of the USA and the former USSR in the creation of weapons of mass destruction of people and all living things.

... And now let's see what kind of worldview on homicide is inherent in people of the distant past ... The bow and arrows were once considered the most destructive weapon; and when in battle one of the soldiers offered a tripod for more accurate aiming of an arrow, King Bulla ordered that it be destroyed. The tripod appeared on the battlefield 200 years later. King Shamba of Africa forbade the use of darts during battle. Leonardo da Vinci told posterity “how and why I do not write about my way of staying under water for as long as you can stay without food. This I do not make public and do not announce because of the evil people who would use this method to kill at the bottom of the sea, breaking through the bottom of the ships and sinking them together with the people who were in them ”(Leicher manuscript). And, finally, already recently, in 1775, the inventor Du Perron sought a personal audience with the King of France, Louis XVI, to show him the machine gun he invented, which significantly increases his ability to kill people compared to a gun. This promised France great victories on the battlefields. The king coldly interrupted the inventor, ordered him to leave, calling Perron a monster, an enemy of mankind. He ordered to break his machine gun, put it in a boat with all the materials, drawings, take it far to the sea and flood it. Isn't it true that such facts sound somehow unusual today.

... More than 1000 years ago, the Ashoka society (relatives of the Indian emperor) was created. This is a secret society of nine unknowns, whose goal is to prevent important information about the possibility of mass destruction of people from falling into the hands of people. History tells that Ashok came to this when he saw the torment of 7000 wounded and killed of his opponents. Some believe that the society still exists today.

... This is what our ancestors were, and what we are today! What absurdity exists in relations between people, what a paradox between the affairs of man and the role assigned to him as the master of the planet Earth. Cruelty, deceit, violation of all human values, greed, brutal murders of each other, violence - all this exists today, with a tendency to increase. The world calls itself civilized and, along with this, society has given rise to unprecedented massacres, lawlessness, drug addiction, prostitution and various kinds of crime. This situation has developed today at the turn of the 21st century in most highly developed countries of the world.

The modern "civilized" society has given rise to a mass of people who commit suicide, and in developed countries there are more cases of suicide than in developing countries. An analysis of foreign and our data suggests that the roots of people's suicide lie in the conditions of the development of scientific and technological progress, in more complicated industrial relations, a huge flow of information, and the rapid pace of life. All this leads to the destruction of the most valuable - family and marriage. All sorts of social psychological stresses, traumas to which a person is less resistant.

Today man has reached the highest form of his blasphemy. On the one hand, for one murder or stab wounds inflicted by a person on a person, they are tried and imprisoned or sentenced to capital punishment. On the other hand, the targeted killings of many thousands and millions of people (wars, executions, sometimes for no reason) are even encouraged, rewards are given. History knows hundreds and thousands of such examples: these are wars of the most diverse ideological nature, these are repressions and executions for various motives, and much more. And the most paradoxical thing is that along with such manifestations of mockery of conscience, the great values ​​of the same person are preached: “man is a friend to man, comrade and brother”, “there is nothing higher than serving the people”, “everything for human" or "equality, brotherhood and philanthropy ...".

Such exasperation of man, observed over the past 100 years or more, is most likely due to an increase in the population of the planet and the ever-increasing impossibility of extracting sources of food and energy for its existence. It can be assumed that if there is no positive change in nature and improvement in the production of human livelihoods, if there are no social and environmental transformations in human society, there are no deep cataclysms and upheavals, then in the next 30-50 years we can expect even greater negative deeds of man towards man, animals and plants. And all because of the extraction of the same food - an ordered energy for its existence.

There is no period in the history of human society when there would be peace, harmony among people within the framework of the entire planet, the laws of conscience, humanity, humanity would rule, and all problems would be solved from these positions.

... It is hard to think and know about this, but peace and harmony, the absence of wars, robbery, hurting each other, theft and deceit, alas, will not exist, they have not been before and will not be in the future! At least until the solution of the problem of global sources of energy consumption by biosystems. It is the need of an open system to consume ordered energy from the outside that solves the questions of love and hate, war and peace.

... All biosystems, like man himself, are open systems with energy consumption from outside; while energies from ordered material systems. It is this way of existence of biosystems laid down by Nature that determines that animals, including humans, must constantly look for means of subsistence, food, accumulate it, and make reserves. If an animal, having killed its prey or received some portion of food, eats only a certain part, and leaves the rest for another, then the person acts differently. He eats and, at best, shares with another person or animal. More often, he kills beasts - animals, catches fish, harvests - grains, vegetables so much that they fester and become unusable. The animal does not need anything, most often just eat. A person, besides eating, wants to live well and always wants to live better than others. And this ... there is no limit. He always seems small! Little meat, fish, clothes, money, gold, diamonds. His greed knows no bounds. And this is his tragedy. He would like to be the ruler of the whole earth. But even this would not be enough; the ruler of the whole earth, the system of the Sun, galaxies! Yes, the Universe! Boundless greed, greed make him an exceptionally cruel beast from all the beasts of the Earth. He goes for everything - for deceit, meanness, murder, arson, theft, violence, treason to the Motherland, family, neighbor, friend; for the sake of his selfish goals, a person is able to slander people, kill people's sense of dignity, conscience, spiritual purity, decency, violate morality. Exactly HERE, RELIGION IS AN ALTERNATIVE TO THIS “FACE” OF A HUMAN.

The second reason for degradation.

However, we get acquainted with a different point of view on this problem from Pavel Khlebnikov in his book "CONVERSATION WITH A BARBARIUM" (2004). In it, using the example of European civilization, he tried to substantiate the social factors in the development of society as the causes of the spiritual degradation of people. About this we read the following: “I do not believe that all religions are equal, just as I do not believe that all cultures are equal.

... The history of mankind knows many great civilizations. But only one civilization - European - was able to master the whole world.

…Why Europe?…How could it happen? Why did the WORLD DOMINATION come from Europe, and not from China, India or the Islamic Caliphate?

The answer is simple. Europe grew up on Greco-Roman civilization and Christianity. These roots ensured her victory.

Some believe that the most important legacy of Greco-Roman civilization is modern science and rational thought. However, this was not a decisive factor for Europe, because the Islamic world also used the scientific and technical heritage of the Greco-Roman civilization in a certain period, while China and India in general were not inferior to anyone in the field of science. No, the fate of Europe was decided by something else. She took over from Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome such unique phenomena as citizenship, legal consciousness and democracy.

… No less important is the moral foundation of European civilization – Christianity. It was Christianity that created the ground for the prosperity of the individual. It is Christianity that reflects that delicate balance between personal freedom and discipline (conscience), creativity and patience, hard work and reflection, self-determination and selflessness. It is impossible to imagine a better soil for the development of civilization ... The fact that the majority of Europeans sincerely professed the Christian faith led to the creation of a unique spiritual space in old Europe.

Where there is constant bloodshed, neither the exploration of culture, nor a complex economy, nor civilization is possible. It was Christianity that allowed European states to exist peacefully in accordance with Christian concepts of philanthropy, personal freedom and human dignity, which led to the prosperity of European civilization.

... Christianity and European domination grew together and disappeared together: as soon as the Christian faith in Europe went out, Europe also went out.

What is remarkable: the process of decomposition originated at the moment of the highest glory of Europe, when European civilization was still rapidly developing. The retreat from Christianity and belief in God first appeared among the aristocracy and intelligentsia of France in the 18th century, shortly before the French Revolution. In the 19th century, atheism swept through the intelligentsia of other European countries and by the beginning of the 20th century had taken root in broad sections of the population. At the highest moment of its triumph, Europe loses its self-confidence. It ceases to be a preacher of Greco-Roman civilization and Christianity, it becomes a world hotbed of atheism and materialism. The ideology of socialism and Marxism is spreading in Europe. The crazy world war of 1914-1918 completely discredited the old Europe. Communism is winning tremendous victories in the world. The godless nationalism of the fascists and Nazis quickly flares up and goes out. The communist civilization, also based on the denial of God, turns out to be empty and immoral and disintegrates seventy years after its inception.

... What is heard today from Europe itself? Faith in Christ and reverence for ancestors continues to fade there. Intoxicated by the sweet life and confused by the faceless bureaucracy, Europe has not spoken its word for a long time, but only imitates America. Not so long ago, Europe, the birthplace of Beethovin's Eroica, strove for glory, understood what a feat was... Today, Europe does not need either glory or selfless deeds - if only there was peace. I remember the words of Dostoevsky. “I want to go to Europe…,” says Ivan Karamazov, “and I know that I WILL GO ONLY to the CEMETERY, but to the most… EXPENSIVE CEMETERY, that's what! Dear dead lie there, each stone above it speaks of such a hot past life, of such passionate faith in my feat, in my truth, in my struggle and in my science, that I know in advance that I will fall to the ground and kiss these stones and cry over them, at the same time convinced with all my heart that all this has long been a cemetery, and nothing more.

Yes, we really don't hear anything from Western Europe. But the eastern part of Europe (Rus) is also silent.

Christianity went out - Europe went out too.

Nevertheless, Pavel Khlebnikov believed that: “Every civilization grows on certain moral and cultural values, as well as the denial of opposing values. When a civilization ceases to defend its values ​​and sinks into complacency, it opens the way for enemies... Therefore, civilization must constantly renew itself, re-experience its truth and proclaim its values. As a rule, such a rethinking is necessary for each subsequent generation.

For many years there has been a fatal struggle within Europe for cultural self-determination. What is European civilization based on now? Liberals uphold the principles of the free market, internationalism and godlessness, while conservatives adhere, rather, to traditional values, the protection of national and, as a rule, Christian culture. In the West, this struggle of cultures began in the 1960s, but in Russia it broke out only with the collapse of communism and is now only gaining momentum.

The outcome of this battle between liberal and conservative culture will largely determine the essence of European civilization in the 21st century.”

The third reason for degradation.

And, finally, the third view of the problem was substantiated by Daniil Andreev, being a poet, a Christian and a deeply religious person. In his opinion, the responsibility for the spiritual degradation of mankind, which arose in the 20th century, falls largely on the old religions.

In his book “ROSE OF THE WORLD” (1991), he wrote: “The turn of the 20th century was the era when the flowering of great literatures and arts, great music and philosophy ended. The area of ​​socio-political action involves - and the further, the more definitely - not the most spiritual representatives of the human race, but just the least spiritual. A gigantic vacuum of spirituality has formed, which did not exist 50 years ago, and hypertrophied science is powerless to replace it. If it is permissible to choose such an expression, the colossal resources of human genius are not spent anywhere. This is the bosom of creative forces in which the all-human interreligion, predetermined for birth, is ripening.”

And then he expands and deepens his thought as follows: “... The task of transforming the social body of mankind was not set by any religion, except for medieval Catholicism. But the papacy, which stubbornly tried to close the feudal chaos with dams of hierocracy, was not able either to weaken the exploitation of the have-nots by the haves, or to reduce social inequality through broad reforms, or to increase the general well-being. However, it would be unfair to blame the leading Catholic hierarchy for this: there were no material means, either economic or technical, for such transformations. It is no coincidence that the evil of the world has been felt from time immemorial and until modern times as irremovable and eternal, and Catholicism, in essence, turned, like other religions, only to the “inner man”, taught personal improvement. But times have changed, material means have appeared, and the merit of the entire historical process, and not the Rose of the World itself, is that it can now look at social transformations not as external, doomed to failure and not worthy of effort, but to put them inextricably linked with improvement of the inner world of man: NOW THESE ARE TWO PARALLEL PROCESSES THAT SHOULD COMPLETE EACH OTHER. You often hear: "Christianity failed." Yes, if it were all in the past, one could say that it failed socially and universally morally. "Religion has failed." Yes, if the religious creativity of mankind were exhausted by what has already been created, religion in the sense just mentioned would indeed fail. In the meantime, it is fair to talk about it only this way: the old religions could not achieve a significant reduction in social evil, since they did not have the material means necessary for this, and the lack of these means caused their negative attitude to all such attempts. This prepared the non-religious stage of civilization. IN THE XVIII CENTURY THE SOCIAL CONSCIENCE WAKE UP. Social disharmony was finally felt and realized as something unacceptable, insulting, requiring overcoming. Of course, this was due to the fact that material resources that were not available for this began to appear. But the OLD RELIGIONS WERE NOT ABLE TO UNDERSTAND THIS, DIDN'T WANT TO USE THESE MEANS, DIDN'T WISH TO LEAD THE PROCESS OF SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION, AND IT IS IN THIS STRONGITY, IN THIS MENTAL LAZINESS, IN THIS IDEAL STABILITY AND Narrowness – THEIR HEAVYEST Fault. Religion has discredited itself with its age-old helplessness in this regard, and one should not be surprised at the opposite extreme into which Europe, and then other continents, fell: the transformation of society by purely mechanical means, while completely rejecting the spiritual side of the same process. Of course, there is nothing to be surprised at the result: upheavals that the world has not seen, the scale of the victims, which have never been drawn even in delirium, and such a decline in the ethical level, the very possibility of which in the 20th century still seems to many a gloomy and tragic mystery. On old religions, responsibility falls largely for the depth and perseverance of the subsequent non -religious stage, for the spiritual fate of millions of souls, which, for the sake of the struggle for fair world order, contrasted themselves with religions in general and this pulled out the roots of their being from the bosom of world spirituality. "

Thus, the analysis of the literature allows us to identify, basically, three key reasons for the spiritual degradation of mankind:

1st - in the imperfection of the person himself,

2nd - in the development of the social factor of society and the death of Christianity,

3rd - in ignoring the social transformations of society by all religions of the world.

It was these reasons that led to the spiritual death of a large part of humanity, which, in turn, became practically the root cause of many other major problems of life on Earth.

Chekhov raises questions about the value of human life, about the moral obligation of a person to the people, about the meaning of human life. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov wrote: “Everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts.” This desire to see people as simple, beautiful and harmonious explains Chekhov's intransigence towards vulgarity, towards moral and spiritual limitations.

The hero of the story "Ionych" is a young man full of vague but bright hopes, with ideals and desires for something lofty. But love failure turned him away from striving for a clean, reasonable life. He lost all spiritual interests and aspirations. From his consciousness disappeared the time when simple human feelings were characteristic of him: joy, suffering, love. We see how a person, smart, progressive-minded, hardworking, turns into an inhabitant, into a “living dead man”. Such heroes of Chekhov as Ionych are losing that human nature that nature has endowed them with.

A remarkable story by A.P. Chekhov "Gooseberry". The hero of the story is an official, a kind, meek person. The dream of his whole life was the desire to have a "manor" with gooseberries. It seemed to him that this was enough for complete happiness. But Chekhov's idea of ​​real human happiness is different. “It is customary to say that a person needs only three arshins of land ... A person needs not three arshins of land, not a manor, but the whole globe, all nature, where in the open he could show all the properties and characteristics of his free spirit,” wrote Chekhov. And so the hero's dream came true, he acquired a manor, gooseberries grow in his garden. And we see that before us is no longer the former timid official, but "a real landowner, gentleman." He enjoys having achieved his goal. The more the hero is satisfied with his fate, the more terrible he is in his fall. And the hero's brother cannot answer the question of what kind of good should be done in order to get rid of vile possessive happiness.

The problem of human moral degradation is also raised in Oscar Wilde's novel The Picture of Dorian Gray. This is a novel that tells the story of a young man, Dorian Gray. The “esthete” and cynic who despises morality and cynic, Lord Henry, into whose mouth the author puts his own judgments about art and life, becomes Dorian’s spiritual “teacher”. Under the influence of Lord Henry, Dorian turns into an immoral playboy and commits murder. Despite all this, his face remains young and beautiful. But the peculiar portrait of Dorian, once painted by his artist friend Hallward, reflected both the cruelty and immorality of the original. Wanting to destroy the portrait, Dorian plunges a knife into it - and kills himself. The portrait begins to shine with its former beauty, while the face of the dead Dorian reflects his spiritual degradation. The tragic ending of the novel refutes the paradoxes of Lord Henry: immorality and soulless aestheticism turn out to be qualities that disfigure a person and bring him to death.

The decomposed and warped West is also dragging us down with all its might, into the abyss of animal life and lower astral habits and interests. If we do not understand the destructiveness of this, then we will also turn into unpretentious intelligent animals ...

Every adult, free person chooses his own path. A child comes into this world clean, with wide-open eyes. He is not yet able to choose his own path, he is not yet familiar with our world. We show him this way: mom, dad, society. What is the way we show our children?

The molestation and corruption of minor children, discrimination against the institution of the family is the principle policy of our state. Silencing this policy, while exposing the existing insane picture without (s)limits, is dooming the people to blind, desperate extinction. And our people need to know this course of the state, because. this knowledge will give guidance, will be able to mobilize people to fight for their property - children. And as long as propaganda of depravity flows in a continuous stream, no one will be able to prove the opposite. Because the state pursues either a policy of corruption or a policy of preventing corruption. There cannot be a third.

Virginity, morality, purity of children are core values which are treasured by every state thinking about the future. And only an insane state will destroy these values ​​and allow them to do this with their children. Or a state ruled by the enemies of its own people.

Why do people allow themselves to be treated like this? A nation that has always been invincible to enemies? And the trail of glory of the victories of our ancestors still saves the lives of sailors. Somali pirates, seeing the flag of the USSR, often refuse to seize the ship, realizing that the ship is guarded by the Russians. And it doesn't matter how many Russians there are. They know one thing Russians don't give up they will fight to their last breath. So what happened to our people? Why do we live under the influence of a sleeping pill, why do we allow ourselves to be blinded, covering up this blindness with a deadly stereotype: “We have no right to prevent others from doing what they want”?

We are deceived by the stereotype of mirage freedom.

And the reaction of people to the important information that they are trying to convey to those who have already understood where “legs grow from” never ceases to amaze. Basically, initially the information is not perceived, it is rejected with the conviction: “This cannot be!” People do not believe, or rather, I would even say do not want to believe their own eyes. Because any accepted such information makes you think. And almost everyone understands that this is true. And people who allow themselves not only to listen, but hear, begin to respond to this information with actions. And this is work, and this hearing can drastically change lives. And it won't be easy. That's why units allow themselves hear.

After all, we quite often hear the phrase: “It’s best not to know this, but just live. It's easier that way." I myself have heard this many times. Yes, I agree it's easier. But then, when warnings about some events turn into statements of facts, few people think that everything could have been prevented by showing minimal courage and making a decision. hear. But even more shocking, unwillingness to see already obvious and egregious.

No one is surprised by the already rapidly increasing number of teenagers drinking alcohol on every corner, smoking on an already uncontrolled scale and swearing without embarrassment. It surprises no one that the age of these same teenagers, leading the early, often ugly sex life. Society is getting used to it. It becomes the norm in our lives. This is taken for granted.

Sometimes someone can be indignant at the blatant depravity of the youth, throwing a few condemning words, and the matter does not go beyond this indignation. And just seeing how corruption touches them own children, some parents often begin to sound the alarm. And many parents simply do not notice this. I would even say - don't want to notice. I became a witness to the conversation two six year olds in the daycare. I will describe this case:

The boy is sitting on a bench and a girl comes up to him, sits next to him, and, like a real adult coquette woman, hugs him by the shoulders, saying languidly seductive voice:

- I want sex with you.

The boy moves away from her, tries to escape from her embrace and says in a far from childish voice:

“I don't want sex with you.

The girl repeated this phrase three times, coming from different directions, she just circled around him. And the boy also repeated his phrase three times. At the same time, he did not look like a wary child who did not understand what they wanted from him. Apparently, he had some associations of his own with this word.

Why has our society come to the point where such talk six year olds began to be taken lightly? Some parents even find such conversations quite amusing. They rejoice at the fact that their children are already grown up. Tell me, how can zombie parents raise free children? Who can they educate? The same zombies as they are! They lay to children the information with which they themselves are zombified daily.

Our children are massively influenced by cartoons that put non-childish images in their heads, and films with sex scenes that influence and form sexually active children at a young age. Here is the result of one psychological study.

Most girls are six years old already see themselves as sex objects. An experiment was conducted using paper dolls. This made it possible to find out the attitude of girls aged 6-9 to the issue of sexuality. So, two dolls were dressed in a sexy way, and the rest were in loose clothes. The participants in the experiment had to choose a doll that looked like themselves, a doll that they would like to be like, and a doll that was associated with a popular girl in school. Of the 60 participants, 68% chose a sex doll, answering the question of how they themselves want to look. 72% admitted: this doll is more popular. In the mind of the child, sexuality was closely linked to popularity, according to the study leader.

Debauchery zombies the subconscious of our children at an ever earlier age.

Walking with my child on the playground, I have heard more than once how many mothers say that they will adapt their children to new conditions in very original ways. They themselves plan to give alcohol to drink, they themselves plan to treat the children to the first cigarette and they themselves will tell their children how to use contraceptives as soon as possible. They are guided by the statement: “Let it be like everyone else, I don’t want my son (my daughter) to stand out in some way. I will help my child to be as everybody to make it easier for him." This is them main mistake.

It is clear from many studies that children whose parents themselves offered a "taste" of modern life are many times more vulnerable to promoted molestation. The state creates only appearance of care about the future of the nation, about the morality of children. There is an allegedly open "propaganda" of morality and hidden sinister propaganda of debauchery. This is an invisible genocide of our people for the main, most of the population.

And one more fact, confirming the policy of corruption of children by the state, or rather, by those who hide behind it. In autumn, a small town in the Kyiv region was visited by a mobile children's amusement park, as usual, housed in a city park. Passing by, I was shocked by the next picture. Most of the attractions featured aggressive pictures of boys and girls, half-naked girls. Moreover, these girls were frankly visible certain intimate parts of the body. Some song sounded in English, while the number of words "sex" in this song, to some extent, even me was zombified. It just didn't get out of my head for a while.

Now think about it. Who looked at these pictures and listened to the music? Little kids up to 5 years old! No one paid attention to the pictures, no one looked closely at them, except for these little children. They stared wide-eyed at the images and bounced around in their wheelchairs. But we know how music and illustrated material influence the formation of the horizons of children and their knowledge of the world, and How dangerous is it for them?. Where did the city authorities look when giving permission to place such an amusement park? After all, children are the most vulnerable to information, it easily enters their subconscious, forming their worldview. And then in 10 years, parents will hardly recognize their children when their children begin to apply in their lives all the inherent skills in practice.

We also know how full of erotic content the Internet is, and how accessible the Internet is now to children. The period of formation of sexuality is childhood and adolescence. Considering the easy availability of such information and the unformed psyche of children, consider how much we can destroy sexuality and cripple children for the rest of their lives.

Our society is rapidly degrading. Each generation is more degraded than the previous one, and this acceleration is accelerating at an unimaginable pace. We must think not only about ourselves, about our souls, but also about other people, about our Motherland, about our people. And our debt- to save the nation from destruction, from extinction, to protect our heritage, our children. This is the duty to the Motherland, to our ancestors who shed their blood for our land, for us, for our lives. Thanks to their feat, we live. And this is also our duty to future generations, who will either hate us, dying out like the last goyim, or will be proud of us.

By allowing our children to be destroyed, we destroying life itself we are destroying ourselves, our Motherland. If there are no our children, there will be neither us nor the memory of us as a people. And the descendants of those whom we allow ourselves to destroy now will despise our warped descendants, ridiculing and spitting on them as the descendants of the "great Russ".

In the text of the famous Soviet writer L. M. Leonov, a complex the problem of the moral degradation of mankind.

The main reason for the lack of spiritual well-being in the world, the author considers the consequences of scientific and technological progress, which is considered in the article in two aspects. On the one hand, we should not panic: "progress is in good health", as a result, life becomes more comfortable. On the other hand, as the writer further notes, it is nevertheless felt that scientific and technological achievements impoverish us morally and ethically. And the rapidly developing science is unable to stop this process: “Knowledge helps to look into the abyss, but does not give instructions on how not to fall into it.”

L. M. Leonov is sure that humanity is morally “wearing out”, and this may well even lead to the collapse of civilization. It is to this position that the author comes when discussing how our life is changing spiritually.

It is difficult to disagree with this idea: a person internally degrades, being surrounded by the latest benefits that allow him to move less, remember less, think less and communicate in a completely different way. Modern people are weakening physically, degrading morally, letting the propaganda of consumerism and selfishness of the "king of nature" into their consciousness, and changing socially and intellectually for the worse.

The preservation of civilization is based on the transfer of moral and spiritual values ​​that ensure the integrity of the individual and all of humanity, and in the conditions of technological progress, people do not have time to think about it. Thus, over a long period of time, the people of the planet observed the rivalry between two powerful states - the United States and the former USSR - in the creation of nuclear weapons. Indeed, such powerful powers needed to have weapons of mass destruction in their arsenal in order to maintain world domination. However, from a moral point of view, the arms race has been criticized by many progressive scientists.

In my opinion, progress should not be ahead of the moral possibilities of man. Otherwise, the situation described in Yevgeny Zamyatin's dystopia "We" is possible. The heroes of the work are "numbers" living in the United State. Their whole life is subject to mathematical laws: "numbers" live according to a single schedule, live in glass-transparent apartments, think the same way. Heroes do not know the thirst for beauty, they are deprived of natural human feelings and experiences. Despite the fact that the state is technically advanced, its citizens are spiritually poor.

Thus, the consequences of technological progress can be detrimental to the spiritual life of people: enriching ourselves with scientific discoveries, high-tech goods and services, we impoverish ourselves morally and ethically.

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