Moral foundations of the character of a literary hero.


A distinctive feature of world literature, and in particular Russian literature, is the morality of a literary hero. The authors endow their characters with just such a quality, proclaiming the highest spiritual values ​​of human life.

Moral foundations of the character of a literary hero

Why does morality play such an important role in the process of creating the image of a literary hero? Literature of different eras and times, different genres and different countries always centers around a person and his nature. And the main question that is raised is the question of morality and spirituality of the protagonist.

After all, it is thanks to the image of the main character that the author reveals his vision of the psychology of a person and his inner world. This is one of the ways of expressing the author's position in a work of art.

But morality in itself is a rather multifaceted and extensive concept, therefore the characters of many famous literary heroes are complex and sometimes incomprehensible. But the most important thing is that the hero has moral foundations, and no matter what trials he goes through, he manages to reveal the best qualities in himself.

This is especially true of Russian literature, in which the question of the search for morality and spirituality has always been quite acute. Russian writers of different eras focused the attention of readers on the moral foundations of their heroes and, telling their stories, showed what a difficult path they had to go through.

It happens that the heroes go through many difficult life circumstances in order to understand themselves and find the foundation of morality that would help them live honestly and justly.

The author and his hero

Each author seeks to express certain features in his hero, to emphasize his features, thereby reflecting the moral values ​​of his time. Often the author endows the hero with qualities that are close to himself and makes him more autobiographical.

But author's purpose- is to reveal the theme and motive of your work through the hero, to emphasize its importance and meaning. Each literary hero is the bearer of certain qualities of character that reflect the worldview of society in a certain historical era.

You can find many vivid examples in Russian literature - this is the wayward Chatsky Griboyedov, the cold Onegin of Pushkin, the freedom-loving Pechorin Lermontov, the nihilist Bazarov Turgenev. All these bright and complex characters reflect the main features of the society of the time in which the authors themselves lived.

On the example of their life stories and actions, writers reveal the main virtues and vices. It is also important to note the attitude of the author to his characters. It is often found that the author does not support his hero, and in his work he tries to show a distorted perception of the world through the hero.


Characteristics of heroes can be of two types: individual and comparative. If you need to create an individual characteristic hero, start with a description of the historical era that is being discussed in the work. This is important, as it allows you to explain many actions. hero. Talk about social status hero. Describe the environment in which he was brought up and in which his character was formed. For example, Eugene Onegin grew up in a secular society, which was reflected in his character, lifestyle, and attitude towards women. You know that he was bored with social life, tired of beauties from high society, empty. Therefore, he became interested in Tatyana Larina, who was so unlike them.

Describe in detail in the description. hero, clothes, appearance, demeanor. Usually manners or some unusual features in appearance hero are a means of revealing character. For example, Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov in "Hero" emphasizes the contradictions in Pechorin's appearance: a slender, thin figure and broad shoulders, which proved a strong build. It helps us understand actions hero, also contradictory, ambiguous.

deeds hero, of course, it is necessary to describe in the characteristic. For example, Pechorin shuddered at the time of the noise of the shutters, but was not afraid to walk on a wild boar. Features of speech hero- an important component of the characteristic hero. So, Manilov's kindly sentimental attitude, hero Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol's "Dead Souls" is revealed in his speech: "I would gladly give half of my entire fortune in order to have some of the virtues that you have."

Composing characteristic hero, pay attention to the character, the circle of his interests. For example, Pierre Bezukhov in Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" is a person looking for his life path. The author describes his searches and mental crises. Pierre goes from being infatuated with the ideas of Napoleon to realizing what is the driving force. The image of Pierre is shown in development. If you are compiling characteristic this hero, be sure to describe his search for a life path.

You can also note the attitude of the author to his hero, if this is seen in the work. For example, if you are composing characteristic Tatyana Larina, the heroine of Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin", note the author's kind, sincere, caring attitude towards her. "Tatyana, dear Tatyana ...", writes A.S. Pushkin.

Comparative characterization allows us to understand hero through comparison. For example, to characterize Zhilin, hero Leo Tolstoy's work "Prisoner of the Caucasus" is necessary through comparison with another hero, Kostylin. This will allow you to think deeper about your actions. hero and reflect in the description. At the end of the characterization, you can write your attitude towards the hero.


  • Characteristics of a literary hero

The characterization of the hero implies the compilation of the most complete description of him. The task of the author of the characterization is to systematize and generalize information about the hero, to draw conclusions from it. Such work will show not only analytical abilities, but also the thinking and speech skills of the writer.

You will need

  • - the work whose character you are describing;
  • - critical literature about the work;
  • - information about productions of this work and illustrations to it.


Start the characterization with how readers get to know the hero in the work. In what conditions does it appear, what impression is created when meeting with it, and what artistic techniques does the author use. A good introduction would be information about the prototype of the hero, about how the author thought about such an image.

Describe the hero. This applies to appearance, and image, and type of activity. Your task is to select to the maximum all the descriptions of the author, the phrases of other characters that relate to the hero, and analyze them. It is better to quote as quotes those that most clearly convey the image of a person, and express the rest with your own.

Go to the personal characteristics of the hero. Based on his behavior in the work, his actions, try to convey the worldview, determine personal qualities, aspirations, character. To enhance your description, you can compare it with other persons in this work or indicate similarities with the heroes of other epics. But use this technique sparingly.
Is there any conflict in the character's personality? Talk about the features of this person and what the author wanted to convey with the help of this image, what features of the era or stratum of the population. What is the attitude of the author himself to the hero? Provide quotes from the work that support your thoughts. It is not bad to use the opinion of various critics about the character being described.

Make a conclusion. Indicate your own opinion about the hero, express agreement or disagreement with the author. What feelings does this one evoke in you personally: sympathy, joy, or something else. Note whether the hero is close to you at least in some way or is incomprehensible, whether his image remains relevant in the modern world, whether he had any influence on further literature, whether his name became a household name, whether artists and directors showed interest in him.


  • 800 characteristics of literary heroes! Materials for composition.

With the heroes of fairy tales A.S. Pushkin's children meet at a very early age. All characters of fairy tales are very colorful, they are remembered for a long time, and therefore it is not surprising that monuments were erected to most of the characters in different parts of our country and abroad.


One of the most favorite works of A.S. Pushkin is "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish". It is not surprising that the main character - the fulfiller of desires Golden Fish - was immortalized in many cities. It is not a fact that everywhere it is installed in honor of the work of A.S. Pushkin, somewhere it is just a symbol of the fact that wishes come true. One of the last to erect a monument to a fish in Astrakhan. Also, a bright fish on the crest of the sea is installed in Kemerovo. There is a wish maker both in Donetsk and Abakan. In St. Petersburg, rich in sculptural compositions, this Pushkin heroine has not been forgotten. In Moscow, on Manezhnaya Square, a fish was depicted along with the old man who caught it. In Voronezh, there is also a sculpture of an old man who came to the sea to ask for help. In the glade of fairy tales in Yalta too

1. speech characteristic(individual speech characterizing the hero):

Katerina - poetic speech, similar to a spell, cry or song, filled with folk elements;

Kuligin - the speech of an educated person with "scientific" words and poetic phrases;

Wild - speech is replete with rude words and curses;

Kabanikha - speech is hypocritical, "pressing";

Feklusha - speech shows that she was in many places.

The role of the first replica, which immediately reveals the character of the hero.

Kuligin. Miracles, truly it must be said: miracles!

Curly. And what?

Wild. Buckwheat, you came here to beat! Parasite! Get lost!

Boris. Holiday; what to do at home!

Feklush. Blah-alepie, honey, blah-alepie! Beauty is wondrous.

Kabanova. If you want to listen to your mother, then when you get there, do as I ordered you.

Tikhon. But how can I, mother, disobey you!

Barbara. Do not respect you, how!

Katerina. For me, mother, it’s all the same that your own mother, that you, and Tikhon loves you too.

3. Using the technique of contrast and comparison:

Feklusha's monologue - Kuligin's monologue;

Life in the city of Kalinov - the Volga landscape;

Katerina - Barbara;

Tikhon - Boris.

The main conflict of the play is revealed in the title, the system of characters, which can be divided into two groups - "masters of life" and "victims", in the position of Katerina, who is not included in any of these groups, in the speech of the characters and even in the reception of contrast, determining the opposition of the heroes.

The city of Kalinov is a typical Russian city of the second half of the 19th century. Most likely, A.N. Ostrovsky saw something similar during his travels along the Volga. Life in the city is a reflection of the situation when the old does not want to give up its positions and seeks to retain power by suppressing the will of others. Money gives the "masters of life" the right to dictate their will to the "victims". In a truthful display of such a life - the position of the author, calling to change it.

A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm". The image of Katerina is the embodiment of the best qualities of female nature. The conflict of a romantic personality with a way of life devoid of folk moral foundations. The motives of temptations, the motive of willfulness and freedom in the drama

In childhood In the Kabanov family
"Just like a bird in the wild"; “mother did not look for a soul”; "I was not forced to work." Katerina's occupations: she looked after flowers, went to church, listened to wanderers and praying women, embroidered on velvet with gold, walked in the garden “I have withered completely”; “Yes, everything here seems to be from under captivity.” The atmosphere at home is fear. “You will not be afraid, and even more so me. What kind of order will this be in the house?
Katerina's features: love of freedom (the image of a bird); independence; self-esteem; dreaminess and poetry (a story about visiting a church, about dreams); religiosity; decisiveness (a story about an act with a boat) The principles of the house of Kabanovs: complete submission; renunciation of one's will; humiliation by reproaches and suspicions; lack of spiritual principles; religious hypocrisy
Conclusion. For Katerina, the main thing is to live according to your soul. Conclusion. For Kabanikh, the main thing is to subdue, not to let them live in their own way

The world in which the heroine lives. She grew up in a simple merchant family, where love and respect for each other reigned. In religion I found the highest truth. Her world is filled with poetry and beauty. They are in washing with spring water, in the stories and songs of wanderers, in prayers, in gold embroidery on velvet.

The character of the heroine. Nature is strong, passionate, freedom-loving. “I was six years old ..! They offended me with something at home ... I ran out to the Volga, got into a boat, and pushed it away from the shore. The next morning they already found it, ten miles away! “Oh, Varya, you don’t know my character!” she admits. “And if it gets too cold for me here, they won’t hold me back by any force.”

What is the tragedy of the heroine. Katerina is bright, sincere, but where she has to live (in the house of the Kabanovs), these qualities are simply not needed by anyone. But she does not want to live according to the laws of the “dark kingdom” and does not know how to adapt to them, because this would mean changing her moral principles.

Love in the life of the heroine. She did not marry for love, but she tried very hard to be a good wife to Tikhon. The need for love lives in her - she is looking for selfless, sacrificial love. Tikhon loves her in his own way, but is afraid of this love. In everything obeying his mother, he cannot protect his wife. The outbreak of passion for Boris deprived the heroine of her will - a new Katerina was born, ready to die for her love. A marriage consecrated in the church is sacred to her, and she is well aware of the consequences of her sinful love. Boris is the only one who understands Katerina, but is unable to help her, he even advises her to submit to fate. Katerina: “If I am not afraid of sin for you, will I be afraid of human judgment?” For the sake of love, she is ready to do anything, even transgress those concepts of sin and virtue that are sacred to her.

The death of Katerina is a protest, a riot, a call to action, since after her death Varvara ran away from home, Tikhon blamed his mother for the death of his wife, Kuligin reproached him for mercilessness.

Katerina is distinguished by inner strength and love of freedom, since in childhood she did not experience pressure from her parents, she grew up according to her nature; therefore, she did not break under the pressure of the "dark kingdom", she was able to defend her self-esteem. The city of Kalinov will not be able to live in the old way after the death of Katerina, because her death awakened the first words of protest among its inhabitants.

Critics about the drama "Thunderstorm"

Groza was the occasion for a stormy controversy that unfolded between two revolutionary-democratic journals: Sovremennik and Russkoye Slovo. But critics were most interested in the revolutionary situation in Russia, its possible prospects, and not literary questions.

N. A. Dobrolyubov "A Ray of Light in the Dark Kingdom"

The play leaves the most gratifying impression, which is caused by the end, in which a terrible challenge is given to the "dark kingdom", self-fooling power.

In Katerina, we see a protest against Kabanovsky morality, she is "a ray of light in a dark kingdom." If a woman - the most disenfranchised being - protests, this is significant.

Katerina can be compared with a spring (the more oppression, the greater the "recoil" when the spring gets rid of the oppression).

"Thunderstorm" - the most decisive work of A. N. Ostrovsky.

D. I. Pisarev "Motives of Russian drama"

Katerina is a “crazy dreamer” (she rushes from one extreme to another every minute, today she repents of what she did yesterday, and does not know what she will do tomorrow. She confuses her life and someone else’s at every step, and, finally, confusing everything that was at her fingertips, she cuts the tightened knot with the most stupid means - suicide).

Evaluates Katerina's "spontaneous protest" as stupid nonsense, she is at best a "swamp light", and calls Yevgeny Bazarov a "beam of light". The critic does not believe in the revolutionary possibility of the peasantry (Katerina is ignorant and superstitious), but believes in the natural sciences as a revolutionary force capable of enlightening the people.

A. A. Grigoriev "After Ostrovsky's Thunderstorm"

I saw the poetry of “folk life” in the play: “It was created in such a way that it was not the artist, but the whole world who created it.”

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