Nyusha was pregnant. Nyusha, who is in her last month of pregnancy, posted a touching photo with her husband


03.06.2018 |

Rumors that the famous singer Nyusha is expecting a baby have been circulating for a long time. The girl was asked about it hundreds of times, but she remained silent.

Nyusha is expecting a baby: rumors and facts on the photo

Information about the alleged pregnancy of the Russian pop star appeared in early spring 2018. Fans noticed changes in the girl's appearance.

It seemed that Nyusha was moving with caution. During performances, she began to avoid high lifts in dances. It was then that fans suggested that the singer was in the first months of pregnancy.

Now free outfits

The celebrity's Instagram account was immediately filled with questions: “Nyusha, can I congratulate you? Will you be a mother soon? The girl did not answer anything, publishing old, as it turned out later, pictures from yoga training.

"Small stretch-warm-up before the performance"

A serious debate flared up between the followers about the alleged pregnancy: “She specifically posts old photos. See how she moves. And the belly is already visible.

Photo of Nyusha on the beach

Uncertainty tormented fans for several months. At the end of May, an important social event took place - the presentation of the RU.TV music award. It was attended by the entire Russian pop beau monde.

Nyusha at the RU.TV awards

It was then that it became obvious that Nyusha was preparing to become a mother. The girl put on a beautiful light dress with an abundance of decor, but it did not help her disguise her strongly protruding belly.

Nyusha's confession: this can no longer be hidden

The long-awaited recognition came from the lips of a celebrity during the presentation of his own clothing line.

“Already, as they say, you can’t hide. You figured everything out yourself."

Nyusha said she did not want to talk about her pregnancy. For her, this is a long-awaited and very important event: “There have been rumors since my marriage. I try not to make my personal life public."

The singer has limited her musical career. It is known that she canceled a big tour scheduled for May. Judging by her microblog, the girl revised her diet and daily routine. Nyusha publishes photos that show that she is now consuming a lot of fruits, fresh juices, vegetable salads.

Fruits, vegetables and juices

She still leads an active life, but rarely goes out and only on very important occasions.

Beautiful couple 🔥

In the last photo, Nyusha and Igor touchingly protect the belly of the expectant mother.

When to give birth to Nyusha Shurochkina

The public does not have details of the upcoming birth. Nyusha is pregnant, but how long is not known exactly. Apparently, the celebrity is at the end of the second or beginning of the third trimester (6 months), in which case she could give birth in August. Nyusha is not afraid to go on maternity leave, like many stars, so as not to lose her popularity. She considers motherhood the main purpose of a woman, a career can wait.

“A couple more days alone with the sea and music”

There is information on the Web that the artist was seen in one of the leading Moscow perinatal centers "Lapino". They say that several obstetrician-gynecologists conduct pregnancy at once. Where the birth will take place is still unknown. It is possible that abroad.

Who is the father of the child: Nyusha's husband Igor Sivov

In 2017, the singer officially formalized the relationship with Igor Sivov. He's 37 years old. The man holds the post of adviser to the president of the International University Sports Federation. During the years of study at the institute, he performed in the KVN team "Four Tatars". Igor was already married, he has two sons.

Igor Sivov with his son

They met in 2013 at a social event. They say that Sivov sought the location of Shurochkina for several years.

"Very romantic photo"

He gave her luxurious gifts, performed romantic deeds. 4 years after they met, in 2017, they got married.

Nyusha's wedding dress

A beautiful and magnificent wedding ceremony took place in the Maldives. It was attended only by the people closest to the couple.

Nyusha looks great today

Journalists note that pregnancy suits Nyusha very much. She became even more beautiful and feminine.

Latest news about Nyusha's baby

June 2018

The singer admitted that for some time she hid the pregnancy even from her own husband: “I don’t know why I did it. We have been thinking about the child for a long time, but when it happened, it suddenly became very scary.

“You look divine Nyusha”

Husband Igor Sivov was very happy with the news. Now young people are trying to spend as much time alone as possible: they walk around the city together, visit entertainment complexes. On June 9, Igor celebrated his birthday, and Nyusha touchingly congratulated him on Instagram.

“Take care of her, we have one such unearthly ..💗”

According to the followers, the relationship of the spouses has become even better since the girl's pregnancy.

July 2018

In the last stages of pregnancy, and even in the hot summer, it is very difficult for women in position to “wear” their tummy. What can not be said about Nyusha, the singer looks great and leads a very active lifestyle.

“Sport has always been in my life”

Nyusha swims a lot in the pool, which is very useful for the future baby, and encourages other women to follow her example.

“In such stuffy weather, soooo want to swim”

The only thing is, the singer admits that only recently she fully realized that she would have to take a serious tour break. For the first time in 10 years!

“For the first time in 10 years, I have to take a little break…”

Touching photos of the spouses in July suggest that they still spend a lot of time together.

"Appreciate each other!!!"

Igor is one of those men who do not believe that pregnancy is only a woman's concern.

August 2018

Nyusha enjoys her current position and actively shares with her fans the emotions of this important summer for her.

“… a period when I can get to know myself even closer…”

She says that she listens to how her body changes, and appreciates every moment even more than before. According to her statements, it is felt that Nyusha is in complete harmony with herself.

"... what songs have sunk into my soul, I really want to listen"

But not only about themselves, subscribers communicate with the singer about their favorite tracks, discuss the new summer season and look forward to news from their favorite star.

September 2018

“… free in her statements, decisions, actions, thoughts…”

Some took the post for intrigue and bombarded the singer with questions, did she already give birth. Nyusha wrote about her own state of mind, how easy it is to be free from prejudices and other people's opinions.

“I want him to give you unforgettable emotions”

Soon Nyusha releases the video "Tayu", where she shares her thoughts on what happiness it is to carry a child under her heart. She plays the roles of different mothers, and seems to enjoy the expectation of the baby even more. In the new work, the singer managed to capture her feelings and sensations of these last months.

October 2018

Nyusha is about to give birth, fans are closely following the news on the Web and are very worried about their favorite singer. The term is already long, Nyusha's photos are beautiful before childbirth. She still philosophizes in her posts, reads a lot, and seems to be becoming even calmer and wiser.

"Reality is a reflection of our consciousness"

November 2018

On November 6, she informed her fans about this wonderful event on her Instagram page. The public congratulates the singer on the birth of her first child.

January 2019

After the birth of her daughter, Nyusha and her family are still on vacation in America. The name of the wife's girl is still hidden from the public, but the singer is happy to share the first photos of the child on her Instagram page.

Nyusha with her daughter and husband

It is known that Nyusha promised to return to work a month and a half after giving birth. She is actively involved in yoga, dancing and singing. On December 31, 2018, the girl gave her first concert in Miami.

Nyusha's New Year's concert in Miami

Fans noted that the young mother looks great. Nyusha has big creative plans and she continues to build her career as a singer.

In May 2018, it became known that Nyusha was pregnant. Information is spreading in the Russian media that the artist has given birth to a son. But in no publication there is any confirmation, photos and information from Nyusha's relatives. The singer herself hid her “interesting” position for a very long time. The father of the child is Nyusha's husband, Igor Sivov, who was already married and has two sons. While the singer herself gave birth to her first child. According to the StarHit website, the singer's birth took place in the United States. The couple entered into an agreement with a clinic in Miami. The cost of the clinic's services is 250,000 rubles per day.

For a long period, Nyusha tried to hide the pregnancy

For a very long time, the singer hid the fact that she was expecting a baby. At the same time, the most attentive fans noticed that at concerts the singer began to avoid difficult productions and dangerous stunts. She also posted a post on her Instagram blog, where she admitted that during this period she plans to reduce her workload. Regarding her blog, one could notice that the photos she posted were not the first freshness. In addition, the singer herself admitted that she hid the pregnancy even from her husband. She mentioned, “I don’t know why I did it. We have been thinking about the child for a long time, but when it happened, it suddenly became very scary.

Nyusha's father

As you know, in 2017, the singer legalized her relationship with the adviser to the president of the International University Sports Federation, Igor Sivov. The man was already married by that time and raised two boys. The couple met in 2013 at an elite event. The man gave the singer expensive gifts and flowers. They say that Nyusha herself did not respond to courtship for a very long time. But, 4 years after they met, the couple decided to legalize their union. The wedding was celebrated in 2017.

Where did Nyusha give birth

According to social networks, it is known that the singer herself chose the clinic in which the birth was to take place. At first, it was planned that the birth would take place in an elite clinic in the Moscow region, namely the Lapino perinatal center. But after some time, it became known that the singer would give birth abroad. Nyusha's child was born in the USA, in an elite clinic in Miami. The couple arrived in the United States back in May, having previously booked an apartment in America.

Pregnancy and career as an artist

Despite the delicate condition, the singer continues to create music, albeit with moderate loads. In September 2018, Nyusha recorded a new song called "Tayu". A music video for this song was also released. In the plot, the singer plays five pregnant women, in different images. The singer shared that during the filming, the singer also came up with names for her heroines. During pregnancy, the singer was very pleased that she had the opportunity to afford a break. Nevertheless, the artist spent her time very actively. She swam in the pool and also did yoga.

The singer shared on the Instagram blog: “This is exactly the time when I can get to know myself even closer. I feel it is needed here and now. I study with great interest how my body and the whole organism change. You ask how I feel: I enjoy every moment and appreciate them even more than before. Time has slowed down a bit."

The latest news of 2018 reports that the famous singer Nyusha became a mother for the first time. A young woman gave birth to a girl on November 7 at an elite clinic in America. This joyful news was confirmed by the husband of the happy woman in labor, Igor Sivov.

cute details

Anna Shurochkina (better known as Nyusha) devoted her whole life to creativity. Even at school, the girl became interested in singing and could not deny herself the pleasure of doing this all her life.

But the singer had another dream - to become a good wife and an excellent mother for her children. Therefore, loyal fans were very happy when they learned that in July last year she married Igor Sivov, the chief adviser to the president of the International University Sports Federation.

And today, November 7, 2018, there was news that a young woman gave birth to a girl. Her first photo has already been posted on Instagram.

Nyusha approached the upcoming event very responsibly and a few months before the baby was born, she began to choose a clinic and communicate with doctors with extensive experience.

    Do you like the couple Nyusha and Igor Sivov?

At first, the celebrity was examined in one of the best medical centers in Moscow, but in the end it was decided to give birth abroad.

The talented artist canceled a big musical tour, but continued to engage in creativity. The singer even shot a video for the song "Tayu", where she appeared before the audience with a big belly and showed an ultrasound picture of her unborn baby.

Fans are incredibly happy that Nyusha gave birth to a child and finally knew the joy of motherhood. Under the photo in social networks, they wish their mother health and endless happiness in family life.

The 28-year-old singer Nyusha did not try to hide from prying eyes during her entire pregnancy, which was discussed back in the spring. Since then, the artist has been regularly posting pictures on Instagram, showing off her changing figure. Not all celebrity followers left compliments next to the photo, there were enough negative comments. And now the singer's patience snapped, and she decided to talk to the haters.

I’m wondering, what do you think, should mothers read Instagram during pregnancy? Or rather, comments under their own pregnant / air posts? Reading my own, of course, I got used to reacting with deep self-irony. But I think that not all future mothers are ready during this period to perceive phrases in the style: "as much as possible, when you have already given birth"; "You've been pregnant for two years" or "here's an elephant." Why not just a hippopotamus? Maybe you are hoping to find out what my husband calls me now? The level of tact, of course, rolls over. And why do you pretend to know the date of conception? - Nyusha asked ill-wishers on the network.

She admitted that she hopes for a change in behavior on social networks.

I sincerely hope that there will be fewer ill-mannered people in our world every day, well, it’s not for nothing that people came up with schools, universities and academies. Well, for those who have not yet passed from the stage of development of the "Neanderthal", I apologize for the emergency," she wrote.

The emotional post caused a lively reaction from Internet users - more than 50 thousand "I like" marks appeared in the first hours after publication.

She delighted her fans with the news of her marriage. Her chosen one was the ex-participant of KVN Igor Sivov. The wedding took place in the circle of friends in the Maldives. And more recently, rumors have spread in the media that Nyusha is pregnant. Fans peer at photos and videos, looking for confirmation of this. The singer herself prefers not to openly comment on information. But he fuels rumors by wearing loose clothes, taking pictures in a swimsuit. In the picture in a bikini, the followers saw a rounded tummy, although people were divided into two camps.

News about nusha 2018

The degree in the network heated up to the limit when Nyusha was seen in the walls of the perinatal center. By the way, the place was chosen the most presentable. In this maternity hospital, the entire elite of Russia prefers to conduct pregnancy and give birth.

Another glossy publication suggests an interesting position for Nyusha. They claim that the singer temporarily interrupts the tour in May. This is another plus in favor of the version of the girl's pregnancy.

Before the appearance of rumors about a possible pregnancy and the publication of photos and videos in 2018, Nyusha gave an interview in which she spoke in detail about her attitude to motherhood.

“For me, this is an absolutely natural process - a woman was created in order to someday give birth to a baby. Therefore, with the thought that I will become a mother, I always live. I can not say that now something has changed. It’s just that after I got married, the attention of the press to me in this regard became closer ... ”the singer said.

Nyusha Shurochkina pregnant back in 2017

After Nyusha and Igor officially formalized the relationship, rumors about the singer's pregnancy slip through the network. For the first time in July 2017, the singer was already predicting imminent motherhood. But the fans rejoiced early, Nyusha was not in a position.

The singer herself did not comment on the photo with a rounded belly. A few days later, she published a post where the photo showed her excellent physical shape, as before.

former relationship

Before Nyusha got married, she was credited with novels with famous men from show business and not, their list included rapper ST, Alexander Radulov and Aristarkh Venes. But the singer's most discussed relationship was with rapper Yegor Creed. The relationship was in full view of everyone, the couple actively appeared at various events together, in their microblogs one could often see joint photos.

Nyusha entrusted her lover with the performance of her song, which at the end of the relationship became the point. But first things first.

Rumors around the couple were full. Doubts among fans about mutual love on the part of Yegor were growing. Many assumed that Yegor was dating Nyusha only because her dad was a producer. The father called such comments nonsense.

“What the hell?! You never know what they say in the party. Someone is trying to do black PR on their friendship. This has already happened many times. Yes, Nyusha and KReeD really have a relationship. They have similar interests and views on creativity. In my opinion, Yegor is a very interesting guy.”

But the relationship fizzled out. Yegor, speaking on the stage of Crocus City Hall, performed Nyusha's hit called "Only". But he added lines from himself, which were sent to the former lover and her father.

“I got your name on my left hand. But in fact, weeks flew by, everyone told you that he had no money. What the hell is love - your dad's opinion is stronger, ”creed read to a shocked audience.

In the digital age, the video from the concert quickly spread across the network, and was published on YouTube video hosting. But in total, the recording stayed on it for about two hours. Nyusha's father initiated the removal of the clip.

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