What do long fingers say. What will long fingers tell about


At the first meeting with a person, it is difficult to understand who is in front of you, because most people over the years of life get used to hiding their shortcomings and vices from others. But how, then, to identify a possible psychopath or other unpleasant personality, before the negative traits break out in a powerful stinking stream?

Length will help you recognize the hidden qualities of a person. The value of this parameter is often underestimated or simply ignored. The reason for this is countless palmists and other anti-scientific figures who propagate their suspicious teachings.

But the opinion that hands cannot tell anything about the inner world of a person is a big mistake. Psychology says that hands can well characterize the inner world of their owner, you just need to know what to look for.

Hand behavior

The first thing you should pay attention to is the movements of the hands of your interlocutor. If he hides his hands behind his back, tries to hide them in some other way, then this person is definitely unsure of himself or doubts gnaw at him.

Tightly folded hands say that the conversation is unpleasant for the interlocutor, or he does not want to share personal conclusions with you, to tell anything about himself.

If a person does not know where to put his hands, constantly sorts through some objects in them, kneads his joints or just nervously twitches them, then there is a problem with the nervous system or your interlocutor is trying to hide some strong emotions. If a person actively gesticulates during a conversation, then this is a sure sign of his disposition, a keen interest in the issue under discussion.


Information about the interlocutor can be given not only by the length of the fingers, the value of the handshake is also very large. For example, if the handshake is sluggish and weak, then in front of you, most likely, is a weak-willed, spoiled person. An excessively strong handshake is by no means a sign of a strong and confident individual, but rather an imitation of these qualities in order to hide weakness and insecurity.

Many are familiar with a sharp, careless handshake, made as if by chance. This is a familiar sign of an indifferent business person, for whom a handshake does not matter, because he is in a hurry on important matters.

palm shape

The shape of the palm can tell a lot about a person. Of course, the main attention is attracted by the length of the fingers on the hands, the value of which is very high. But do not forget that fingers grow from the palm of your hand.

The general shape of the palm can reveal the most striking character traits.

A wide, rustic hand with irregularly shaped fingers often belongs to a person with a low level of intelligence and the simplest interests.
Such people are inactive, inhibited and interested mainly in primitive pursuits. On the contrary, an elongated, graceful shape with a long palm and long, thin fingers gives out a sensual, artistic nature. Usually the owners of such hands are talented or have a penchant for artistic activity.

Which is sometimes called philosophical, has long fingers, but not a particularly long palm, and can also be identified by the general angularity and unevenness of forms.

A person with such a palm is prone to deep conclusions and looks at the world through the prism of calmness and prudence. Such hands often belong to writers, musicians, philosophers, thinkers.

The square shape of the hand is often found in reliable, purposeful realists. A person with a square palm shape is stubborn in work, assiduous and brave. Although his imagination is poorly developed, he is a reliable and faithful friend and ally. Another type similar to the previous one is the spatulate palm. The type of person is also in many ways similar to the square-armed fellow, he is bold, energetic and reliable.

What does the length of the fingers on the hands say

The length of the fingers is one of the most important criteria in drawing up a psychological portrait of the interlocutor's hand. Psychology has been dealing with this issue for a long time, a lot of experimental data on this topic has been collected. Studies have shown that there are significant differences between people with long fingers and their short-toed relatives. The differences between these types are so significant that it is even hard to believe. The main properties associated with the length of the fingers will be listed below.

Long fingers

Thinking about what the length of a person’s fingers says, everyone recalls examples from their own lives. So everyone has the opportunity to compare the theses generally accepted in psychology with their own experience.

Usually people with an analytical lively mind are endowed with long fingers, but they have some drawbacks. They can be talented and refined personalities, but with a rather nasty character. A person with long fingers can be too attentive to small things, even if they have no practical significance.

Also, such people are distinguished by prudence and balanced decisions. They would rather think once again than succumb to internal impulses. Sometimes there is an unnaturally large length of the fingers on the hands. The meaning of this outstanding sign can be quite negative - such hands often belong to an unscrupulous businessman who is ready to step over anyone for the sake of profit.

short fingers

Owners of short fingers are impulsive and energetic. Communication with them is easy and pleasant. Kind and open people often have short fingers. The meaning of this type of palm can also be interpreted as a person's tendency to rash and impulsive actions. However, too short fingers are most often found on the hands of narrow-minded, stupid people. But do not rush to write down everyone whose fingers seemed short to you as fools, because these are just general observations that can sometimes be directly opposite to objective reality.

What does the length of the fingers on the hands of men say

The length of a man's fingers can tell you how much testosterone affected him during fetal development. Certain features of behavior can be identified by comparing the length of some of the fingers with each other. For example, the smaller the difference between the length of the middle and index fingers, the easier it is to build a relationship with a man. A large difference between these fingers indicates a strong effect of testosterone, which makes the subject rougher and more independent. If the amount of testosterone influencing was low, then the man will become a caring and sensitive partner. In a family with such a husband, there will be more harmony and tranquility, because he is easier to compromise and less aggressive.

The difference between the ring finger and the little finger can tell about the fidelity of a man. The greater this difference, the higher the likelihood of infidelity, which is also the fault of testosterone. The higher the amount of testosterone that affected a man during the period of development, the higher his sexual promiscuity - as a result, the tendency to change. But this does not mean at all that such men cheat right and left, because a person is not a robot, a loving husband can easily resist the power of insidious hormones.

What does the length of the fingers in women say

The results of the study of the length of women's fingers are not too different from men's. So, for example, if a woman has a long ring finger, then this indicates a large number of sexual partners, but not always.

Also, scientists have found that women with a uniform length of fingers on their hands are more likely to have a strong, stable family, give birth to many children. And women with a long ring finger, in addition to being prone to adultery, have a high chance of falling in love with non-traditional sexual relationships. And here, as in men, testosterone is to blame, clouding the mind with its harmful influence.

Length of fingers at different ages

Many parents are interested in what the length of the fingers on the child's hands says. Thus, they want to know the inclinations of their child early in order to provide him with the best conditions for development. At the moment, scientists have found that the length and ratio of the fingers can only tell about the effect of testosterone on the fetus during pregnancy. This, of course, will leave an appropriate imprint on the character of a small person, regardless of gender.

Of course, you should not put an end to your baby just because the length of his fingers does not suit you, because in addition to hormones, many other factors influence the formation of character, such as upbringing, first sexual experience, and so on. Therefore, the length of the fingers in a child signals the same thing as the length of the fingers on the hands of an adult.

Jewelry on the hands

In addition to the physiological features of the palm, jewelry that the subject wears on the fingers may clarify something. Each finger is responsible for different character traits, so the tendency to decorate certain fingers can provide a lot of information to an observant person. Of course, such information only gives. That is, you can take note of this, but you should not completely trust such information. What the length of the fingers on the hands of women says, we have already learned. And what do the decorations indicate?

For example, it speaks of a person's desire to increase the significance of his "I". It is not easy to highlight the thumb, so the desire must be very strong. A brightly decorated thumb can betray an egoist who loves his person and wants to receive more attention and recognition from others.

Excessive decoration of the index finger characterizes its owner as an imperious, stern person.

It is not for nothing that the great rulers liked to wear beautiful massive rings on their index fingers, so they tried to emphasize their power, increase the significance of their personality.

The middle finger is an indicator of status in society. Those who love to decorate it, thereby trying to increase their social status, gain more influence in society. This is where the insulting gesture came from, when a person shows the middle finger. Thus, he seems to be saying that his position is higher, and the one to whom this gesture is intended is much lower on the social ladder. Massive bright ones emphasize and increase the social status of their owner.

Not for nothing is used to wear wedding rings. It symbolizes the sensual component of human nature. Jewelry on the ring finger reflects feelings and emotions, tells about the inner world of a person.

The little finger is usually decorated with rather unusual personalities. This is a gesture designed to emphasize the uniqueness, specialness. Many celebrities adorned this finger to show their dissimilarity to the gray mass. However, the decoration of the ring finger can only mean a desire to stand out, and not the real state of affairs.

The length of the fingers, value. Psychology

In conclusion, I would like to say that although psychology deals with the issue of the relationship between the palm of a person and character, this area has not yet been studied well enough. So far, there is no accurate, systematized data on this topic, despite the huge number of experiments carried out. Therefore, do not be upset if the shape of the palm says something bad about you or your loved ones. After all, the length of the fingers is not so important. The importance that palmists and some psychologists attach to this indicator should not confuse you. It is much more correct to get to know a person better in order to form an opinion about him, and not to run away from him in horror just because you saw unseemly traits of character in his hands.

Everyone counts long fingers are a sign of aristocracy, refinement and creative nature. Long fingers are usually found in musicians, artists and intellectuals. Let's dig deeper and figure out what kind of human qualities fingers are long.

Long fingers and character

If you have long fingers means you are the owner of an analytical mind, you are not influenced by the outside, neat, though a little picky. You do not make hasty decisions, are fickle in love relationships and love the attention of others very much. But too long fingers speak of self-interest and even lack of conscience. For the sake of achieving their goals, such people will stop at nothing.

You can talk a lot about each finger individually. For example, thumb length speaks of the presence of intellectual abilities and refinement of nature. If a long index finger- the leader is in front of you. If it is very long, you should not expect patience and tolerance for others from such a person. But a long middle finger indicates excessive caution and foresight. ring finger should be one tenth shorter than average. If it is longer, the person has a need to take risks and a passion for gambling. Long pinky- a sign of purposefulness and leadership qualities.

girls have long fingers

There is an opinion that the long fingers of a woman testify to a refined soul and a deep mind. Long fingers indicate a love of detail in everything - in cleaning, decorating an apartment, in communication. girls with long fingers picky in clothes, quickly notice any changes, they care about little things

long fingers in men

Long fingers of a man talk about impressionability and emotionality. Such people are touchy and vulnerable, impulsive and guided by emotions. As a rule, such men are prone to knowledge, comprehensively developed and are excellent interlocutors. What if fingers are long, even and pointed - this man is religious and values ​​\u200b\u200bspiritual values ​​more than material ones. Scientists have proven that the ratio between the length of the fingers in men have a direct relationship with their success in social life.

Those men who have ring fingers are longer than the index fingers, much more energetic, positive, more successful in business and more like women.

How to measure fingers?

Finger length is measured on the back of the hand. Place your hand palm down, squeeze your fingers and measure the distance from the center of the carpal tubercle to the bone of your middle finger. This will be the measure for calculating the length of the fingers.

Remember: it doesn’t matter what fingers you were born with, but only how you were able to develop, realize and find yourself in this life is important! The length of the fingers, their shape and roundness may mean nothing to a person who "made" himself.

The very first thing you need to pay attention to is the general appearance of the hands:
the ratio of size to height and figure of a person;
width and fullness;
color of the skin;
the length of the fingers and their shape;
joint flexibility and mobility.

Hand size

small hand occurs in people who are ambitious and morbidly proud, but unable to put their ideas into practice. If, in addition, the hand is smooth, then this indicates a quick reaction.

Big hand belongs, as a rule, to a person who is thorough, reasonable and unhurried. Before making any decision, he thinks over all the options, possibilities and ways of execution for a long time and scrupulously.


If the hand has an oval-shaped brush, then this indicates impressionability, passion and sensual impulses.

If the hand is thin and bony, then this indicates cowardice and indecision. The owner of such a brush is not made for wrestling.

The average value, and besides strictly proportional to the size of the body, indicates a balanced character.

A long and wide brush testifies to the dexterity, cunning and predatory disposition of its owner.

A short brush is a sign of a bad character, and a long and thin brush indicates a tendency to various manias and pettiness.

A thin and ugly hand indicates a short life.

Long, skinny, bony tells about selfishness, despotism, quarrelsomeness and quarrelsomeness of its owner.

People with short thin hands are stingy, envious and talkative.

Short and wide hands are usually found in people who are industrious, loyal and resourceful.


A lot about a person can tell his gestures at rest and when he is excited.

If a person constantly pulls something, then this indicates nervous tension. If he waves his arms and makes broad gestures, then this is a sign of sociability, talkativeness and an open generous soul.

A handshake immediately characterizes a person. If he shakes the partner's hand with all his might, then he clearly wants to give the impression of a strong and self-confident person, although he is not.

A sluggish and weak handshake indicates an insecure character. Very often this indicates spoiledness, capriciousness and effeminacy.

A quick and sharp handshake is inherent in people who are always in a hurry, indifferent to other people's problems.

Vicious and deceitful people hide their palms from prying eyes, as evil thoughts live in their souls.

An open and honest person who "does not hold a stone in his bosom" always holds out his hand, palm up. If the palm is turned down, then it immediately becomes clear that you are shaking the hand of a stupid, narrow-minded and arrogant person.

Equally important is the position of the hands when walking. If the arms hang freely along the body, and the fingers are slightly clenched, then it means that a prudent and trustworthy person with a calm and peaceful temperament is walking.

Hands dangling on the sides of the body mean gullibility and slowness in thoughts and actions.

If the palms are clenched into fists, then there is a bully and a brawler.

The habit of keeping hands relaxed and moving them back and forth is inherent in people with uncontrolled emotionality.

Hand shape

There are seven types of hands, differing in shape and appearance. It should not be assumed that the distinctions here are clear and definite. On the contrary, the boundaries are rather blurred. Here we must understand that the hand of each individual person is a fusion of two, three or more forms. However, with careful analysis, certain traits can be identified that carry information about the temperament, character and behavioral reactions of a particular individual.

Elementary hand (Fig. 1)

Wide, heavy and strong. She has short, inactive and, as it were, blunt fingers. Irregular thumb. It is so short that it ends at the base of the index finger. Palm with rough skin, fleshy and square.

Such a hand belongs to a person with low intelligence. He has a poor imagination, he is not interested in anything except natural physical needs. These include sex and hunger. There is a tendency to bad habits (alcohol, drugs).

In a rage, the owner of the elemental hand shows unjustified cruelty. In difficult situations, he is prone to bouts of melancholy and depression. Can commit serious misconduct with a tragic ending.

Square or practical hand (Fig. 2)

This hand is characterized by a square-shaped palm, rigid and arched. Knotted fingers and knuckles. The thumb is highly developed. The owner of such a hand is persistent, stubborn, prudent, truthful, disciplined and patient. He looks realistically and soberly at life and never rushes to extremes. Emotionally restrained, unable to dream and devoid of fantasies. The imagination is underdeveloped, but it is ready to help at the first call, therefore it has many friends. This is the usual psychological type of a doctor, lawyer, engineer, financial worker.

Spade hand (Fig. 3)

A wide hand similar to a shovel: the palm is wide at the base and tapering towards the fingers, or vice versa. The fingers are short and almost equal in length. Their ends are blunt, as if chopped off. Strong and short thumb. Such a hand can be soft and sluggish or hard and hard.

The owner of such a hand is active, brave, light and easy to communicate. He is energetic, active, original, persistent and succeeds in everything. Has a practical mind and strives for big and serious goals. If the fingers are smooth, then the person strives for everyday amenities and comfortable delights. In business, such a person is unreliable as a partner. But in matters of the heart, he is faithful and constant.

Philosophical hand (Fig. 4)

Long, angular, fingers with knotty joints. The upper phalanges of the fingers are half square, half conical. In the thumb, both phalanges are the same in length. This indicates that logic and will are inherent in the owner of such a hand to the same extent.

A person with a philosophical hand is very attentive to trifles, has an increased ability to analyze, has an analytical mind and a restless character, is very critical of himself and is somewhat closed in communication. This is the hand of writers, sages, poets, preachers, philosophers.

Artistic or conical hand (Fig. 5)

It resembles a cone in its shape. The palm is not wide, the fingers are smooth, flexible and graceful. Nails are oblong. The thumb is poorly developed. The owner of such a hand is an impractical person and endowed with great talent. This is an enthusiastic nature, capable of giving herself completely to some kind of art.

If a person has a conical hand, but with thick, devoid of grace fingers, then he, despite sensuality and sentimentality, is prone to lies and extravagance. Such an individual lives only to satisfy his needs.

When the thumb is well developed, then a person is not devoid of prudence and the desire for wealth. He is able to find his benefit everywhere and always.

The owner of the conical hand has a chaotic nature. He easily makes a choice and very often does not think about the consequences. As a companion, he is ideal, but he lacks caution and foresight. Also, such an individual is prone to sudden mood swings and impulsive actions.

Spiritual hand (Fig. 6)

She is long and narrow. The fingers are delicate, smooth, conical in shape. Nail joints are long and thin. The thumb is well developed. It is graceful and narrow.

The owner of such a hand is predisposed to the idealization of the surrounding reality. He is indifferent to material wealth. He lacks logical thinking. Self-discipline and punctuality are not up to par. Such a person is not able to defend his opinion. He strives to see love and beauty in everything and is distinguished by a dreamy, gentle character. True. Such individuals have a craving for the occult, mysticism and religion.

Mixed hand (Fig. 7)

This form is quite common. It testifies to the versatility of interests and abilities. Here there is a mixture of different types of characters. A mixed hand does not correspond to any of the listed types and is a mixture of two or more varieties.

A man with a mixed hand misses the stars from the sky. He has average abilities and broad interests. But being interested in many things, he does not achieve mastery in anything, remaining an amateur in all areas.

Fingers can be conical or pointed, square and spatulate.

Tapered fingers (Fig. 8)

People with conical fingers have kindness, peacefulness, independence. They boast good mental abilities, and their spiritual development is at a very high level. This type includes artists, thinkers, artists.

Square fingers (Fig. 9)

If you meet a person who has square (angular) fingers, then keep in mind: he is serious, able to think deeply, loves order, has a sharp and critical mind, is self-confident and strives for power over people. Such fingers predominate among successful businessmen and those who are engaged in applied sciences.

Spatulate fingers (Fig. 10)

This form is inherent in active natures. Along with the mental, they also like physical labor. These people value independence and freedom. They are prudent, selfish and incapable of lofty feelings. Such fingers belong to highly skilled workers, farmers, industrial managers, engineers.

The length of the fingers relative to the palm

The length of the fingers relative to the palm is of the utmost importance. The thickness of the fingers, gestures characteristic of a particular person, as well as the location of the fingers on the palm and the distance between them are also taken into account.

Short and thick fingers with a long palm indicate frivolity, laziness, indifference and dishonesty.

Proportionality and placement of fingers

Proportional fingers speak of kindness.

Small and thin fingers are a sign of a weak character and insecurity.

Fingers sitting tightly one next to the other indicate a good disposition, modesty and secrecy. These people have common sense in everything. They are thrifty, in old age they become stingy.

The hallmark of a successful person is the habit of holding the middle and index fingers together.

If the middle finger is pressed against the ring finger, then this indicates emotional instability and the need for psychological support.

A protruding little finger clearly indicates an independent character. Such a person shows amazing stubbornness and always tries to insist on his own.

If there is a small space between the middle and index fingers, then this indicates the ability to think in an original and independent way.

If the little finger does not fit tightly to the ring finger, then this is a characteristic sign of complete indifference to the opinions of others. Such a person is spiritually free and uninhibited in everything, including in relation to the sexes. Non-traditional sexual orientation is in the order of things for him.

Fingers that can easily bend back indicate dexterity and cunning.

If the distance between the fingers is greater at the base and less at the ends, then such a person has a craving for vagrancy. He is also prone to financial ruin.

The habit of bending the thumb under the index finger speaks of the weakness and insignificance of nature, of impotence and complete lack of will. Such a gesture is inherent in infants and the dying.

When the middle finger is very strongly developed, then know that in front of you is a person who is powerful, energetic and inclined to subjugate others, regardless of their desires.

If the ring finger is larger than the index finger, then a person needs, like air, tenderness and affection. Moreover, he should receive them constantly, and not from case to case.

When the little finger is large, it indicates ambition and a predisposition to set great goals.


It must be said right away that among all fingers, it is the thumb that carries the basic information about the energy, vitality and endurance of a person. It is the most important and is able to compete with all the other fingers put together.

The norm of the thumb is the length at which its top, if you press the finger to the side of the palm, reaches the middle of the joint of the index finger.

If the thumb reaches the articulation of the lower and middle joints or crosses it, then this is a sign of strong will.

A short thumb indicates weak will and spinelessness.

A wide thumb speaks of courage, intelligence, cunning and strong character.

The nail joint of the thumb is called the joint of the will. The middle joint characterizes logic. The lower joint is part of the palm.

A good sign is the equal length of the nail and middle joints. It indicates the balance of mind and will.

If the nail joint is much larger than average, then this is a bad sign. In this case, a person's volitional qualities develop to blind uncontrollable stubbornness.

When the middle joint is much longer, the person will be forever subject to indecision.

Thickening on the nail joint speaks of the mind and love of order. Thickening of the middle joint indicates an active nature.

The third joint of the thumb, which fuses with the palm, is easy to feel. It starts at the wrist, but its size is not of great importance. Much more important is the hill of Venus, which lies on this joint at the base of the thumb.

Nails are very important. Their length, color, shape and width are considered. When measuring the length of the nails, only the part that cannot be cut is taken into account.

According to the length of the nails can be divided into three types: normal, short and long (Fig. 11).

Determining the type of nails is very easy. A normal nail occupies exactly half of the top joint of the finger. The long one is more than half, and the short one is less.

Owners of long nails are quite calm and reasonable. They tend to show restraint even in extreme situations. These people never enter into an argument in vain and do not seek to insist on their own at all costs.

Pinkish, even, long nails speak of good health and emotional balance.

If a person has very long nails, then this is a sign of slow-wittedness, secrecy, distrust, as well as an inferiority complex.

Short nails indicate discipline, love of order, a desire to lead and command people.

Curved, uneven, twisted nails characterize their owner as a masterful person with a predatory character.

If thin hands have bent and pointed nails, then they speak of an embittered and restless character. In addition, the owner of such nails has weak lungs.

A quarrelsome and quarrelsome person has short, thick and hard nails. It also indicates good health and long life.

White dots covering the nails indicate nervousness, cowardice and hysteria.

Shell-shaped, short and flat nails are a very dangerous sign. They directly indicate a disease of the nervous system, which can lead to paralysis. This is also indicated by triangular nails sunk into the skin.

Long, wide and rounded nails immediately indicate a practical and sober person.

Thick, long and curved nails are found in treacherous and immoral people.

Heart disease is indicated by wide nails, bordered by a bluish tint at the edges.

The combination of short nails and a soft palm speaks of a natural craving for criticism. If, in addition, the nails are pale, then the character of their owner is deceitful and weak.

A reddish tint on the nails indicates a hard character.

Wide short nails have inveterate debaters and restless natures.

Square wide nails indicate innocence, sincerity and optimism.

Thin and brittle nails are the first sign of poor health.

Owners of short, narrow and curved nails need to pay attention to the spine, as serious problems can arise with it.

Square small nails indicate an aggressive, but at the same time sociable character.

If you have a person with narrow and soft nails in front of you, then there is no doubt that this is a subtle, painful nature, prone to unmotivated stubbornness and nervousness.

Hand color

By the color of the hands, one can judge the health and character of a person.

Red hands indicate bad health. They also serve as a sign of irritability.

Hands of a dark red color, turning almost into purple, are not only a sign of poor health, but also invincible laziness.

Thin and soft natures have transparent white hands. At the same time, this indicates a weak internal energy. If, in addition, the fingers are pointed, then the person has an unpleasant, embittered character. It is better to stay away from such people.

Moderate hairiness on the outside of the knuckles is a very good sign. This is a sign of health and complaisant disposition.

The hairiness of the inner side of the palm speaks of longevity and great intelligence.

A hairless hand is inherent in fickle people, and a disorderly hairline speaks of spiritual poverty.

The pinkish color of the skin with veins showing through it indicates innate kindness and intelligence.

Best Hand: Slightly brownish with a slight pinkish tint. It is the color of excellent health and good character.

The shape of the hands and the length of the fingers can tell about the character and inner world of a person. Since ancient times, people have been guessing on their hands, and on the palms they predicted the future.

Palm Size Meaning

  1. Compliant and kind-hearted people have large hand sizes.. They are flexible and hardworking, ready to help friends and colleagues. Avoid conflicts with family members and easily compromise.
  2. The average size of the hand, proportional to the rest of the body, indicates reliability and calm character, prudent and deliberate act.
  3. If the hand is too large or too small compared to the rest of the body, then most often the person is unbalanced, restless and mentally unstable. His behavior is unpredictable, he can break at any moment.
  4. Sensitive hands have small hands and vulnerable natures. They are selfish, do not know how to forgive insults.
  5. The average hand with a thin brush belongs to smart, highly intellectual natures. who will come up with a way out of almost any situation and reach certain heights.
  6. A small thick hand indicates a weak will, belongs to people who like to enjoy life without putting any effort into it.

  1. Long fingers mean analytical mind. These are reasonable, gifted and talented individuals, but they are often picky about trifles and have a bad temper. However, such people are honest and open.
  2. Short fingers belong to energetic, sociable and good-natured people.. Often these people are prone to rash acts.
  3. Patient people have medium length fingers. They avoid conflicts and quickly go to reconciliation. They do not like monotonous and monotonous work.
  4. If the index and ring fingers are the same length, then a person with such hands is friendly and responsive. He does not like conflicts, and careless attitude to his work. They never start a quarrel first, if their inner world and feelings are not hurt.
  5. If the ring finger is longer than the index finger, then the owner of such a hand is active, charismatic and charming. He is ready to help a loved one, support him and help find a solution.
  6. If the index finger is longer than the ring finger, then their owner is self-confident, self-sufficient and calm. He likes to spend time alone with himself. He cannot bear anxiety over trifles and fussiness. Appreciate attention and praise, it gives them an additional incentive to achieve new goals.

Women whose ring finger is longer than the index finger are usually popular with men and have many admirers. If the length of the fingers on the hands of a girl or a woman is the same, then most likely they are excellent housewives, they will become owners of an exemplary and strong family.

The greater the difference between the index and ring fingers, the higher his testosterone level, the ruder and more demanding he is to women. If the difference is small, then such a person will make a wonderful attentive spouse, whose wife and children will be surrounded by care and love.

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In ancient times, all the fingers of a person served only one purpose - to grab onto something more firmly in order to better hold it. There were no special names for them. Later, when a person comprehended the processes of socialization, the diversity of labor expanded. In some activities, the fingers had to be used separately from each other. It was at this point that the concept of the hand was divided. The names of all five fingers appeared, depending on the characteristics of each.
Therefore, the first was called large because of its size, the index received such a nickname from its own main function, the middle one - by its location, the little finger - as the smallest of the whole series. Here with the fourth finger somehow did not work out. Therefore, he received the name "nameless". Although the importance of its use is in no way affected.

Since ancient times, many traditions have been associated with the nameless, during which its name has changed. For example, in the East, it was customary to call the 4th finger of the hand medicinal. The fact is that healers had a habit of mixing medicinal solutions and drugs with just his help. Obviously, it was convenient.

If the ring fingers are longer than the index fingers, then you have great physical potential.

With the advent of the science of palmistry, even more attention began to be paid to the human hand. Each line, skin crease, and even more so the shape and length of the fingers have a certain meaning. Even at first glance, a small mole can have an impressive impact on a person's life. In accordance with the knowledge of palmistry, the fourth finger of the hand is subject to Apollo, which gives its owner innate creative inclinations, talent in art, as well as a high need to create his own family.
In addition to these characteristics, a person has a highly developed entrepreneurial streak and good intuition in professional activities. If the ring fingers are longer than the index fingers, this indicates an increased physical potential of its owner. Therefore, among such people, many achieve heights in professional sports or train at a good amateur level. However, the activity of both cannot be taken away.


Aggressive men can be identified by the length of their fingers, according to Canadian scientists from the University of Alberta. The ratio of the length of the index and ring fingers can predict how prone a person is to physical aggression.

One of the authors of the study, Professor Peter Hurd, says that he himself was extremely skeptical about the hypothesis - until he received the results of the surveys. It turned out that the length of the fingers is associated with the amount of "male hormone" testosterone in the blood. The shorter the index finger compared to the ring finger, the more a man is prone to aggression.

According to HealthDay News, scientists came up with an unexpected discovery by the fact that the ratio of the lengths of two fingers in men and women differ. Later, it was suggested that the length of the fingers depends largely on how actively the fetus was exposed to testosterone during development.

A team of scientists from Alberta has established a link between finger length and aggression by examining the palms of NHL hockey players and ranking them by the number of penalty minutes players have earned in a season. True, the results are true only for men, and in women there was no connection between aggression and finger length. In very aggressive men, the index finger can be 5% shorter than in peaceful ones.

"What's more, I think this discovery strengthens the position of those who believe that many of our preferences and character traits are formed even before birth," says Hurd.

The study was published in the March issue of the journal Biological Psychology. Scientists note that the relationship between manifestations of non-physical aggression (anger, foul language or hostile behavior) and the length of the fingers was not found.

Tendency to depression

Meanwhile, Athenian scientists, having studied a group of people under 40 years old, found a relationship between the length of the index finger and a tendency to depression and autism.

“To find out your ratio of relative finger length, divide the length of your index finger by the length of your ring finger. The same length of these fingers (coefficient = 1) is typical for the average woman. If the nameless one is longer, the coefficient is less than one, which is typical of a typical man. The average coefficient for men is 0.97, but the best runners can have much less - up to 0.9. In some men, the ring finger is a centimeter longer than the index finger, ”the Independent newspaper writes.

Women with female-type fingers (index longer than or equal to the ring finger): Fertile, lack of assertiveness, aversion to risk, neuroticism, susceptibility to breast and cervical cancer at a young age, and polycystic ovaries. Women with masculine fingers are more athletic and aggressive, prone to osteoarthritis and hyperactivity syndrome, tolerate pain better, but are less fertile. They are assertive and aggressive, among them there are many left-handers.

A man with a male-type hand (longer ring finger) is more prolific, runs fast, fences and dances well, has mathematical abilities, is prone to osteoarthritis, suffers less from heart disease, is aggressive, hyperactive, and has difficulty expressing his thoughts. Among such men, there are more autistic and left-handed people. Men with female-type hands are sociable, express their thoughts well, run slowly, they are not given football and dancing, they suffer from depression and are less prolific, prone to heart disease, among them there are more right-handers and schizophrenics.

Character traits

If the ring finger is longer than the index finger, then the main character traits of a person can definitely be distinguished:

  • Democracy.
  • Compliance.
  • Loyalty to yourself and others.
  • Creative propensity.
  • Ability to achieve goals.
  • Sustainable career preference.
  • The ability to create a family hearth.

How to determine the correct length

How to correctly determine the length of the ring finger and compare it with the rest? Put a clean sheet of paper on the table, take a ruler and a regular pencil. We place the palm on the paper so that the bones of the phalanges are formed in a straight line perpendicular to the middle finger of the limb. We mark the level of each finger, then apply a ruler and draw a line. By fingerprints, you can analyze the personal qualities of any person. The length of the fingers can tell about the nature of the individual. If, for example, the index finger is longer than the ring finger, it means that a person is irreconcilable to defeat, an egoist, a leader by nature, does not know how to concede. Many famous personalities had a long index finger. Among them are many revolutionaries, military leaders, leaders of historical events and even dictators.

Some interesting examples:

  1. Statistics on 44 stockbrokers in London For 20 months, brokers with long ring fingers (2D:4D = 0.93) earned 11 times more than their counterparts with shorter ring fingers (2D:4D = 0.98). High testosterone levels can cause increased aggression and promote faster decision making.
  2. University of Southampton Men whose ring fingers are longer than their index fingers run faster. The best 2D:4D runners can have up to 0.9. Outstanding athletes and female athletes tend to have long ring fingers.
  3. Technical University of Chemnitz: the longer a man's ring finger, the more sexual contacts he had in his life. University of Central Lancashire: Women with long ring fingers are more grumpy and touchy. University of Mainz: Men with long ring fingers drive faster, more aggressively, often break the rules.
  4. Men with short index fingers have an increased risk of prostate cancer. Women with long ring fingers are more likely to suffer from heart disease, less often from breast cancer. Both sexes with relatively long index fingers have a higher risk of developing schizophrenia and allergies - eczema and hay fever (flower allergies).
  5. Women with female-type fingers (index longer than or equal to the ring finger) are fertile, lack assertiveness, dislike risk, neurotic, prone to breast and cervical cancer at a young age, and polycystic ovaries.
  6. Men with female-type fingers are sociable, express their thoughts well, run slowly, they are not given football and dancing, they suffer from depression and are less prolific, prone to heart disease, among them there are more right-handers and schizophrenics.

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