Offensive rhymes to the name Tanya. The funniest nicknames on the names of friends


Name teasers: 70 children's teasers for girls and boys alphabetically. We come up with a teaser - a rhyme. How do teasers differ from other genres of folklore.

Name teasers

Teasers have long been found in the communication of children. Where did they come from, what types of teasers are there, what are teasers - undershirts and teasers - mockery, what are “anti-teasers” or answers - you will learn rhymes

It is very important to teach your child to take teasing with humor. After all, a teaser does not always reflect life and makes fun of any negative qualities of character (cowardice, untidiness, pride, and others). Very often a teaser is just a game of rhyming, it is a fictional world, it is a fiction that will never happen in real life.

Usually, children are not offended by a teaser, but also respond with a teaser - a more capacious and bright or anti-teaser - rhyme.

So that the child does not take offense at teasers, try to compose inoffensive teasers with rhymes with him. What can you rhyme with the word "Zina"? (Zina is a picture, Zina is rubber, Zina is a basket, Zina is from a store), Katya? (Katya is in a dress, Katyusha is a trinket, Katyusha is a talker, Katya is a hare). And the word Anton, Antoshka? (Antoshka - potato, Antoshka - leg), Sasha (ours, porridge, Pasha, Natasha), Andrey (sparrow, pigeons), Alenka (cardboard). You can also come up with new teasing words and for what reason they can be spoken - to engage in word creation: for example, school-age children came up with such language teasers: Agafya - Scandinavian (if the girl Agafya boasts to everyone that she was in Scandinavia on vacation), or Fedya - a bicycle (a teaser to a child who does not let anyone approach his bike - preschool children came up with it).

Discuss the teaser your child heard - what quality is she laughing at? What tease actually happens, and what is fiction. Teach responses to teasers (see previous article), discuss what happened when the response was used by your child.

With children over 6 years old, you can talk about the teaser genre and how a teaser differs from a regular poem. Read two texts about Seryozha and ask the child to determine whether it is a poem or a teaser?

The whole house is shaking.
Seryozha beats with a hammer.
Blushing with anger
Hammers nails.
The nails are bent
The nails are crumpling
The nails are wriggling
Above Serezha they
They just mock.
They don't crash into the wall.
It's good that the hands are intact!
No, it's a completely different matter -
Drive nails into the ground!
Here - and the hat is not to be seen.
Do not bend
Do not break
Take out back. (V. Berestov. Seryozha and nails)

Serezha looked back
Blowed up a bubble
And the bubble is in the woods,
Rides, rides on the fungus (folk teaser)

What is the difference between a teaser and a poem? ( question for children aged 6 and over). What can we say about Seryozha from the poem? What quality of the boy is being mocked in the teaser? What does "bubble inflated"(gets angry, puffs out his cheeks, looks frowningly). When does it happen that a person inflates like a bubble? And it happened to you - when? Emphasize that the teaser describes something that never happens in life(Seryozha became a bubble and galloped into the forest), and in the poem - what really happens. At the same time, similar emotions of Seryozha are described.(he got angry and pouted, blushed with anger). The teaser is not offensive, it is funny, cheerful.

Teasers for girls' names (alphabetically)

Agashka - dirty shirt

Alka - washcloth

Alya is a slut

Anna - balana,
Pewter head.
crochet nose,
Drawer mouth

Annushka is a heart!
Boil the ear with pepper
And I'll come with bread.

Valya, Valya, simplicity,
Sour cabbage!
Ate a mouse without a tail
And she said: "Delicious!"

Valya is a fashionista! Gardener!

Like Vali's nose, the mice ate sausage.

Barbara turned up her nose.

Curious Varvara had her nose torn off at the market.

Dunya - donut
Went out into the street
I sat down on a bump,
The mosquito ate.

Zina is a basket. Zina is a bitch. Zinka - gum.

Rolled down the tangerine
named Irina.
Didn't teach lessons.
And I got two.

Katya - Katya - Katerina,
A picture has been drawn.
Not with ink, not with pen
From the pelvis with a broomstick!

Lenka - foam

Lyuda - dear crushed her leg.

Masha - curdled milk

Masha - the bride ate a pot of dough.

Milka is a piggy bank. Darling is a piggy bank.

Nadyushka is a pillow. Nadenka is a sweet porridge.

Nastya is sweet.

Olena is salty.

Our Pasha is thin,
Like a wild straw.
And he puts on shoes -
How the bubble inflates.

Sonya is sleepy. Sonya is fashion.

Tatyana - sour cream.

Emma - ate cream.

Boy name teasers (alphabetically)

Abrosim - we ask for porridge.

Alyosha - belyosha
It costs three pennies:
The neck is a penny,
Altyn - head,
Two money leg -
That's the whole price for him.

head with basket,
peg hat,
Log feet.

full of mice.

Andrew the sparrow
Don't chase the pigeons.
Pigeons are afraid
Do not sit on the roof.
Chase ticks
From under the sticks.

Antoshka - potato,
straw leg,
Himself with a fingernail
Elbow head.

Antoshka, Antoshka,
Unbaked potatoes!

Athos is a sleepyhead.

Boris - barberry
Hanging on a rope.
How the rope breaks
So Boris will turn over.

Borka — Boris
Hanging on a thread!
The thread is crackling
And Borechka squeaks!

Boriska - radish (sausage).

Borya is a bean! Thick forehead!

Vanka - stand up peanut,
Put on a big cap.
Loaf eat bread
Grow up to the sky!
Vanya rides a bull
Balalaika in hand
The balalaika fell
The bull's leg was broken.

Vanya, Vanya, simplicity!
Bought a horse without a tail!
Sat back to front
And went to the garden.

Vasya - Vasyuk,
Get on the bitch.
Vaska - Vasyonok,
skinny pig,
Tied into the grass (emphasis on the first syllable) -
Screaming: "Meow.
I won't get out!"
Venya - a broom,
Ate dumpling.
Volodya - Volodya -
Full cap of crackers.
crackers hot,
Three pennies change.

Vova, Vovka-karapuz
I ate my grandmother's watermelon.
Grandma is arguing
Vova unlocks!
- It's not me, grandma!
This is your cat.

Egorushka - Egor
Climbed over the fence
Caught on a nail
Hanging - shouting:
Get off the fence
Poor Yegor.

Egorushka - starling

Yeremey rode and rode,
On a cow on your own.
He held on tight to his tail.
Loudly sang a song
But didn't enjoy it for long.
Suddenly he broke off from the cow.

Leonid. Lenchik - donut,
Ate a candy bar
Piglet and bull
Drank a pint of milk
Another crate ate bread,
Three baskets of pies.

Michael. The bear is a bastard. Teddy bear - a bump on the head.

Nikita - red tape bought a horse without a hoof.

Nikolay - Basurai,
Get on the barn
There they fight a mosquito,
They'll give you a paw.

Kolya - Kolya - Nikolai. Sit under the bench and lay down.

Kolya, Kolya, Nikolay,
Stay at home, don't play.
Clean the potatoes
Eat a little.

Kolya-Kolya - with great will.

Serezha looked back
Blowed up a bubble
And the bubble is in the woods,
Rides, rides on the fungus.

Stepan is a torn caftan. Stepan is a glass. Stepka - tattered.

Petka is a bitter radish.

Prokop - dill,
copper forehead,
Himself with arshin,
Head with jug.

Romka - chamomile, a new shirt!

Sasha is a cockroach.

Senechka is a seed.

Simon is smart, but not strong.

Taras is sour kvass.

Timothy is a cat.

Fedot is thin,
Head with pud,
crochet nose,
Tufted crest.

Fedul - pouted his lips.

Fedya is copper tripe,
Ate a cow and a bull
And fifteen pigs,
Only tails hang.
Fedorok with inches,
Head with a pot
peg hat,
Log legs.

Filya is a simpleton.

Thomas the stubborn went straight,
Fell into a hole.
I didn’t trust anyone - I checked it myself!

Yashka is a red shirt.

If you did not find the name you need in this list, feel free to invent a teaser yourself! Look for rhymes and compose!

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Guys I really suck
Arkady says to his friends
Friends shake their heads
And poke a stick at him.

If your boyfriend is Vova, urgently look for someone else.
Everyone knows where Elena is - there are parties and betrayals.
If your name is Olya, then there is no way without alcohol.
If your name is Zhenya, we will be on the antlers of a deer.

Everyone knows that Vadim is slow-witted and unsociable.
Without a doubt, every Tolik is a 100% alcoholic.
According to statistics, Andrey is no one or a Jew.
And every Seryozha has nonsense written on his face.

I see you are not welcome guests
Artyom said thoughtfully
Extracting from the buttock
Coarsely ground salt.

Mom gave her kids:
Petya - a hatchet, Serezhenka - an awl,
Mitenka - a crowbar, and Vasenka - a knife.
The drunken neighbor no longer disturbs them.

How many good girls!
How many sweet names!
And I got it - with a vile mug
And with a nasty name - Anton!

And always, where Vicki is -
Quarrels, fights, screams.
Agree that Natasha
It's called "turd" for a reason.

Igor sawed the cable on the rails,
Suddenly, unexpectedly, it began to rain.
No, he will not become a sailor now,
He became an excellent conductor.

It came out so that the face came out of the snout
And life was not a melody
Let's drink a glass for Cyril,
And the second - for Methodius!

Audio congratulations

Not all Lyudmila loves Igor
But only one fragment
However, he took married foolishly
On the whole Lyudmila entirely.

The boy Andreika found three kopecks,
This was noticed by a man in a padded jacket,
The crowbar whistled like Chingachgook's spear
No, the grandmother will not wait for her grandson.

Marina doesn't have a boyfriend
Because she is a gnome
And this Marina
She blew the whole car.

Light does not shine...
Masha doesn't wave...
Love doesn't love...
Katya does not roll ...

If Zhanka met -
So, someone's kept.

Long lasting toffee
Oleg played on the bus:
Then he puts it in her nose, then in her ear,
Either the horse blinds the beaver.

Alyonushka loved her brother to tears
And so that the brother does not grow up as a goat,
The sister dripped poison into the puddle.
The only brother threw off his hooves.

It was early in the morning
Nastya did not go to school
And this Nastya
The school was set on fire at night.

One night behind the wall
Something popped loudly
This is an inflatable lady
It burst under Artyom.

Anya sings songs
And he gnaws all the nuts.
Have you decided that Anya is a squirrel?
No, believe me, Anya is a girl.

The girl Masha was looking for raspberries,
She stepped on a mine with her foot.
For a long time they will appear to me in a dream
Those blue eyes in the pine.

Tanya don't go to the river
Do not turn off the sharks there
You better swim in the river
Don't upset the sharks.

Igorek, Igorek! Give us a bubble!
You are my friend! Will you give me a bubble?

Masha eats cabbage at night
Gotta stop this
Masha is enough for the night
Eat cabbage in the morning.

Girl Masha rode the elevator -
The legs left, the butt remained ...

Little Petya went to the toilet,
Looks, but there are no toilets.
Children laughed at Petka for a long time,
He didn't crap himself in the toilet!!!

Julia is a sweet girl
She has a cassock sticking out
Julia clean the cassette
Stop thumping faggot.

The appearance of the teacher infuriated Petenka:
He bit Maryivanna on the nose.
Walks around the school now like a hero
Nickname proud of "Chekatilo II".

I have a boy, Artem….
Bold, fat, not broad-shouldered...
Even though there are two tons of shit in it ...
But his soul is not shitty ...

Sasha did not feed the dog for three days,
He didn’t give me a drink and didn’t take me for a walk,
The school director should come to them,
He can't get away from the dog alive!

What is the use of this Dasha,
You won't even understand right away.
You can’t cook porridge from it,
You can't even make a hat.

And try without Dasha.
If you don't die immediately
Life will be such a mess!
You won't find any meaning in bullshit.

If her name is Katya, you will get tired of spending money.
If her name is Polya, you are a deer! such a share.
Every Anton you meet is a simple bastard.
As noted by Tatyana, they are not stoned, so drunk.

The one who was named Kira,
Can become the wife of a fakir
If your name is Linda,
Better not to hold a grudge.
If you are called Alice,
Your chosen one will be bald
If your name is Arina,
So you need a feather
If you were named Lera,
You sing to plywood
If your name is Tanya,
Stop all throwing
The one that bears the name Lada,
Bright lipstick is coming.
If your name is Marianne?
You are more stubborn than a sheep.

Funny rhymes for women's names always unexpected, they have a lot of unobtrusive humor and fantasy. Therefore, they are perceived funny rhymes easy and carefree. These can be jokes on culinary topics, on the topics of appearance, communication, character traits. It is no coincidence that disputes do not subside in the literature about whether the name affects the fate and character of its bearer. Obviously, there is some truth in this statement. However, in funny funny rhymes for female names, we are not talking about sound portraits of this or that name, we are talking about completely random coincidences in the sound of some words consonant with names: Nastya is happiness, Ira is with the world, Marina is old, etc. d. These coincidences create rhyming stanzas that become short funny funny poems about women's names. They are not at all evil, as sometimes it may seem. If you listen, read, then they do not cause anything but light humor and a smile and do not oblige anyone to anything. You just need to read them and just smile, not perceiving anything at anyone's expense. These are just short funny poems or funny rhymes for women's names.

On this page we publish "bad bastards"- these are poems where a rhyme with a negative connotation is deliberately chosen for each name. It turns out something like "harmful" cool advice to a virtual guy. It is clear that such "advice" is given purely for fun and none of them takes into account. But read, smile - please, to your health.)))

Short poems with funny rhymes for names

Is your girlfriend Elena?

Expect cheating from a girl.

Faith, even though it is faith,

But quiet, stupid, and sulfur

Galya or just Galka

Shameless impudence.

Are you, my friend, in love with Olya?

Oli faded as moths.

If Zhanka met,

Zhanki mean assholes

If you fell in love with Lesya,

Jump off the hill and kill yourself.

If Masha met

Your life is now a mess.

You have a girl Alla,

Wait for the animal grin.

You have a girl Inna-

Stock up on analgin

Did you fall in love with Nona yesterday?

In the future, the zone shines.

If you fell in love with Katya -

then you get tired of spending money.

If you fell in love with Paul -

You are a deer! Such a share.

As noted by Tatiana

Less sober, more drunk.

If you fell for Julia -

Better put your forehead under the bullets.

If you fell for Nadia,

You will only see from behind.

Anna, though modest in appearance,

too much crap in it.

Know, any Katerina -

this is the nerd's companion.

If you fell for Valya -

Wait now shit and trash.

If Dasha met

Sour with her, like curdled milk.

If you fell for Elya -

They drag you to the brothels.

If you got Ira

The whole apartment will shake.

Nastya appeared in life -

beware, misfortune has come

if Marianna is with you,

drink vodka from the tap

If you fell for Lucy,

Watch out, it will bite!

If you fell in love with Luba,

Buy false teeth.

If you got on Nata,

Better blow up the grenade.

Have you fallen for Alexandra?

Fuck a salamander

If you like Christina

The guillotine is ready

If you like Alena,

Do you think you're strong enough?

If you like Lyudmila,

Eat better bowl of soap.

If you fell for Taya,

This one rolls into cement,

If you ran into Maria,

Better smoke weed, e ...,

If you fell in love with Raisa,

Rats will start in the house,

If you fell in love with Karina,

Drink urine for life.

If you fell in love with Diana,

Will rub salt in the wound

If you fell in love with Inna,

You covered yourself with an avalanche.

If you fell in love with Inga,

Surrender to the clutches of Kong King.

If you saw Kira

There are holes in the head.

Know, my friend, you Irina

Pinch on the feather.

If you fall in love with Ilona

Life will only go downhill.

If you love Sonya

You will live like a thief in law.

If you marry Light

Nothing shines for you.

Know that any Lida,

Cold as Antarctica.

If only Angela is in my thoughts,

They will sew business after business.

If you fell for Vlad,

That will not be sweet with her

If your name is Alice, then it's time for you to shave your pussy.

If your name Alla is a reason for anal sex.

If your name is Alla, Thursday will not be enough for us.

If your name is Anna - no, it's not at all strange here.
And it is known that all Anyutki - Somewhere, somehow prostitutes.
If your name is Anya, we will sell it on Sunday.
If your name is Anyutka, no doubt a prostitute
If the name is Angelina - you are a specific beast.

If your name is Andrey, don't fuck pigeons.

According to statistics, Andrei - None or a Jew.

If your name is Anton, then you are a complete scumbag.

Every Anton you meet is like a dried bud

If your name is Anfisa, your breasts are super, it's better to pee.

If the name Aunt ASYA - I will insert you at the words "Hello!"

If your name is Alina - you are a specific whore.

In three words, any Alyosha is Evil, harmful, bad.

If your name is Lesha - fuck yourself with galoshes.

If your name is Arkady, you're probably better off in the back.

If your name is Borya - help, better Kolya.

If your name is Valyushka, turn your ear soon.

In the head of every Vali - To a fig of shit and trash.

If you were named Vaselisa, you hung out with me yesterday

If your name is Vova, look for someone else.

If your name is Vova, then you will be fucked again.

If your name is Vovan, then between your legs you have a stop-cock.

And always, believe me, Vova - Not sexually ready.

If your name is Vitalik, you are setting up an analyst.

If your name is Vitaly, grow genitals.

Every Vitaliy you meet is made up of anomalies;

Everyone knows that Vadim is slow-witted and unsociable.

If your name is Vadim, we will give you everything in the ass.

If your name is Vasily, can you imagine, in x .. power

If your name is Vera, we are in the position of a missionary.

If you were named Veronicka, it will come in handy, even a match

Polls Faith - Quiet, stupid, gray.

If your name is Vika, then there will be a lot of screaming.

And always, where Vicki is - Quarrels, fights, screams.

Drunk or sober Vitya - better spit and leave;

If your name is Gena, just eat a kilo of purgen.

If your boyfriend is Gena, you will beat him with a log.

If you were named Grisha, you are a good guy

As one, all Grishki are petty thieves

If your name is Gogi, you stand up with your legs apart.

If your name is Dasha - 100 to 100 and you are all ours.

If your name is Dasha, you will be Dasha ours today.

As always, Dima is lucky - what he doesn’t do, everything is past;

If your name is Lena - you can even under the knee.

Elena is a piece of cock
Everyone knows where Elena is - there are parties and betrayals;

If your name is Eva - this is an occasion to insert on the left.

If your name is Vanyusha, they fucked you in the ears together.

Ivan will meet - hide the money deeper in your pocket;

Any Igorka has a Member no larger than a bubble.

If your name is Sveta - this is an occasion for a blowjob.

If your name is Svetlana, it's too early to throw the stick.

But meaner than Sveta - there is no person!

If your name is Lyuba, this is a reason to insert it rudely.

Gather everyone in a circle Love - here's a freak club for you;

Nadia, Hope
If your name is Nadia, this is a reason to insert it from behind.

If your name is Klava - this is a reason to insert it on the right.

Nastya, Anastasia
If your name is Nastya - climb on me soon.

Nastya appeared - know misfortune has come;

Olya, Olga
If your name is Olya - there is no way without alcohol.

And, of course, Oli - Faded as moths.

If your name is Tonya, you are one of those who moan softly.

If your name is Tonya, Tonya will have sex on Tuesday.

If your name is Lesya - there is no rhyme, at least pour over it.

Lisa, Elizabeth
If your name is Lisa - as with Nastasya, I will be from below.

If they click you Lisa, you are a striptease star

Masha, Maria
If your name is Masha, you will not find more beautiful boobs.

All Marinas and Marishkas are squabbles, gossip and intrigues;

Sasha, Alexandra, Alexander
If your name is Sasha, the bust is good, but Masha is better.

And any of the oncoming Sash is an Unlucky huckster.

If your name is Sasha, your dick is as soft as a turd.

If your name is Yana, a summer meadow awaits us.

If you were called Yanka, you are probably a lesbian

If your name is Nina, a soft feather bed is waiting for us.

If your name is Ninka, you must be a zoophile.

If your name is Nonna - inapplicable, wait for a bummer.

Zhenya, Evgenia
If your name is Zhenya, we will be on the antlers of a deer.

If your name is Zhenya - a dick with a motion detector.

Not one Zhenya in the world is worthy of respect;

Julia, Julia
If your name is Julia - we will try on a chair.

If your name is Yulka - reveal your cunt.

If your name is Julia - your ass is like a doo.

And Julia got caught - lucky, dirty;

Ira, Irina, Irka
If your name is Ira, the whole apartment will shudder.

If your name is Irka, then your hole stinks

For Ira's man - What's in the pockets of the hole.

Elya, Eleanor
If your name is Elya, everything will be like on a swing.

If your name is Elya, we'll visit you this week.

If your name is Inna, you can be with you without rubber.

If your name is Inna, you fuck without a feather bed.

Ksyusha, Xenia, Ksenia
If your name is Ksyusha - well, in your ears - it means in your ears.

Katya, Ekaterina
If your name is Katya, you will get tired of spending money.

If your name is Katya, you are good on the bed.

Know any Katerina is a companion of a nerd;

Tanya, Tatiana
If your name Tanya is a fucking storm in a glass.

Constantly all Tatyanas are not stoned, so drunk;

If your name is Rose, you will not leave without a suction.

If your name is Lesya - I want to have you HERE.

If your name is Slava, then you are fighting on Klava.

Let them put on the skirt of Glory - there will be the best sluts;

If your name is Mila, you are scarier than a gorilla.

Glory, Vyacheslav
If your name is Glory - you are a specific slut.

If your name is Slava - you are a beginner with anal sex.

Kolya, Nikolai
If your name is Kolya - a beginner is better standing.

Without a doubt, every Colic is a 100% alcoholic;

If your name is Fred, I'll record for Wednesday.

If your name is Emma - sex on Fridays is for the theme.

Susanna, Suzy
If your name is Susana - hyy suck you from Ivan.

Fields, Polina
If your name is Paul - suck dick, such a share.

Max, Maxim
If your name is Max - He fucks everyone up.

Max - not stable like bucks

Everyone knows that Maxim is slow-witted and unsociable;

If your name is Zhora, you are a real glutton.

If your name is Rita, then you have a dick with a trough.

Fedya, Fedor
If your name is Fedya, masturbate to your neighbor.

Misha, Michael
If your name is Misha, then you are fucking without a roof.

Any Misha often goes crazy;

If your name is Edik, then you are probably a faggot.

I met Edik - I met a faggot.

If your name is Kira - substitute all the holes.

Yura, Yuri
If your name is Yuras, then go fuck yourself in the mattress.

And, for example, Yura - Vile natures.

If your name is Cyril, you are a great Hamodril.

If your name is Cyril - dick served you for a long time.

If your name is Innesa, all of Odessa fucked you.

If your name is Renat, you will stick it in everyone's mouth.

Styopa, Stepan
If your name is Stepan - dick stands like a drum.

If your name is Ilona - boobs are like pasta.

Fields, Polina, Polinka
If your name is Polinka, an elastic band will not help either.

Natasha, Natalya
If they click Natasha, it will be better only with Pasha.

If your name is Natasha - your ass is only ours.

If your name is Natalia - a sexy scumbag.

Agree that Natasha is not called "turd" for nothing.

Krista, Christina

Kolya, Kolyan, Nikolay
If your name is Kolyan - then shitty - you are fucked.

Kolya, Kolyan, Nikolay
If your name is Christina, stock up on Vaseline.

If you were named Jeanne - you fuck, oddly enough

If Zhanka met, it means someone's kept woman;

Marina, Masha, Maria
If your name is Marina, then the whole feather bed got wet.

If your name is Marusya, there is a goose pose for you.

If your name is Violetta, you are the queen of blowjob.

Roma, Roman
If your name is Roman, you are as good as monkeys.

If you were called Roma, you will start with half a turn

And it is clear that the Romans are drug addicts without exception.

If suddenly the name is Levan, you are a hurricane in bed.

If your name is Lera, you are a blowjob queen.

Lera is a walking halera.

If I call you Makar-kvam Zakhar joined

Luda, Ludmila
If your name is Lyudmila, then you need homodrila

If your name is Nikita, then everything will be covered.

Zina, Zinaida
If your name is Zina, you got torn rubber.

If your name is Plato, you are a concrete condom

Every Oleg you meet is an immoral person;

And as usual, Valery - they eat and drink without any measure;

Vadik, Vadim
Everyone knows that every Vadik is a petty and slippery reptile;

Well, Tamara met - life will be full of nightmares;

It is a well-known fact that Larissas are all gluttonous like rats;

Tolik, Anatoly
Without a doubt, every Tolik is a 100% alcoholic.

Funny name-calling (teaser) is a part of folklore dating back to the times when people tried to intimidate the enemy with words and actions. The use of the name is an attempt to inflict tangible personal harm. Over time, the use of teasers became the property of children aged 6 to 12 (children's satire), contributing to their personal development, and in older companies - a manifestation of a sense of humor and decoration of any party.

baby teasers

Children begin to call names from kindergarten, carrying out a kind of psychodiagnostic procedure: they determine the place of the object of ridicule in the social hierarchy. If a child fights back, they are usually left alone. They tease those who are weaker emotionally: offended, crying, running to complain to adults. It is important for parents to support the baby, which includes the following points:

  • Explanation: funny name-calling is often just a way of playing, where it’s not the content that matters, but successful rhyming (“ Arkhip - old mushroom», « Natasha - blotter»).
  • Teaching anti-teasers, which is the most correct response to verbal aggression (“ Whoever calls names, he calls himself that”, “Ha ha! It doesn't hurt me - the chicken is happy»).
  • If teasers relate to appearance (fat, thin, long, clubfoot) or character traits (sneak, mischief, greedy), it is necessary to analyze why this happens.

This may be a signal to correct something in the child's behavior or change his reaction to the teaser. If the child does not show the expected emotions, the meaning of name-calling disappears.

Teasing among teenagers

And after 12 years, children call each other names. Teasers are of three types:

  • Jests (funny name-calling): “ Lisa is the queen of striptease».
  • Undershirts (teasers designed for simpletons): - Say "glue"! -Glue! -Sew your mouth with a bow!
  • Teasers that reveal socially condemned qualities of character: "Julia - capricious". The presented poem in the picture above tells about how Oleg stands out among friends.

In adolescence, the latter type of teasing is more common. He is able to cause serious feelings in the teased, if he did not get used to at an earlier age. From this period, everyone knows the common name-calling in verse, which is passed down from generation to generation (shown in the picture below).

Funny name-calling in adults

The use of teasers by adults is a game, a return to a happy childhood, a demonstration of a sense of humor and the ability to rhyme. During children's quarrels, poetic lines were the most convincing arguments. The winner was not the one who was more right, but the one who knew more rhyming phrases. The reason for the quarrel was forgotten behind the verbal battle, and the children resumed the interrupted classes again, spending time together. The quarrel grew if the teasing was offensive.

It is unacceptable for adults to use offensive statements about a person’s appearance or character, but the funniest name-calling is those where there is a subtle hint of the personality of the addressee. That is why in friendly companies the ability to cause laughter with recognizable teasers is valued without prejudice to those present. Where should you start in order to master the ability to compose name-calls (teasers tied to the names of friends)?

Rhyme selection

The first step is the ability to pick up an interesting rhyme. To do this, you need to consider all the options for using the name, which will give scope for creativity. For example, Michael crushed), Misha ( poster), Mishenka ( darling), Mishutka ( joke), Mishulya ( grandpa), Micha ( hype); Ivan ( pocket), Vania ( bath), Vanyusha ( ears), Vanyatka ( bribe), Vanek ( brook); Irina ( painting), Ira ( bully), Irinka ( mote), Irisha ( roof), Irusya ( granny), Irene ( businessman). To get funny name-calls, you need to decide what disapproved personality trait or behavior the rhyming line will be directed to.

One of the most common vices is drunkenness. How can different names approach the same problem from unexpected angles?

  • Valera drinks without measure.
  • Tolik is a 100% alcoholic.
  • Gena loves drinking and cheating.
  • Vasya will certainly sour.
  • Vadim - master over the bottle.
  • Ivan likes to look into the glass.
  • Anton drinks champagne car.

Before the name, you can use a common phrase, then you get a short rhyme: “ They called you Matvey, pour your friends soon”, “If your name is Tolik - a 100% alcoholic».

Homemade preparations

If a competition is expected in a friendly company, one cannot do without universal rhyming lines, where almost any name can be substituted. The following template fits the theme of drunkenness:

Pasha (Seva, Igor, Petya) is not a fool to drink, he drinks brandy in buckets to.

You can compose blanks for consonant names. For example, to the following: Roman, Ivan, Kolyan. Stubbornness can be ridiculed.

A guy named Ivan is not a sheep in life - a ram.

For Misha, Grisha and Tisha, funny names about names have many options:

But on the other hand, Misha's friend's roof is off his head.

I often see my friend Grisha only on clown posters.

If you want to borrow from Tisha, they definitely won’t hear the request.

If the company has established couples, it is appropriate to connect loving hearts in a teaser:

If the friend's name is Sasha, Natasha is waiting for him in the bedroom.

Themes for call-outs

If a single topic is selected for all the names of friends, it will look original:

What Seva has in the trouser leg on the left, then Slava has in the trouser leg on the right. All records will be broken by our Stas - he is an ace for women in bed. Maybe, however, to catch up with Sergei, if he, of course, is not gay. If speed is needed, Edward will try like a cheetah. For lovers of smoke breaks, Yura is always ready here.

Funny name-calling for friends can relate to getting them into funny situations: loss of clothing details, calling “on the carpet” to the boss, being taken by surprise:

Grishka, Grishka, lost his pants. But now, without words, he walks without pants at all.

The funnier it is:

Elena had a mosquito beating off a wasp on her nose. For violence, she ... ate an evil mosquito!

But there are topics that are inappropriate in friendly companies. This is ridiculing physical defects, using offensive nicknames, discussing situations unknown to most of those present. The main criterion for choosing a topic should be the intended attitude to the teaser of the addressee himself.

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