What does the reverse side of the coin mean? Reverse side of the medal (Medal has two sides)


Reverse side of the medal- the other is not a good, not ostentatious side (Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (1904)).

The medal has two sides- any phenomenon has at least two sides (usually one is good and the other is bad).

The Russian writer (1860 - 1904) in the story "" (1886) describes the thoughts of a young husband about his wife. At first, he scolds her for not being literate enough, writing with errors, and being unable to keep up small talk. But then, after receiving a delicious dinner from her, he thought that " The medal has two sides"- she is beautiful, knows how to cook well, does not ask him any uncomfortable questions.

The phrase is also used in French: le revers de la medaille (the reverse side of the medal).


(1860 - 1904)

"" (1886) - a husband talks about a stupid but pretty wife:

"In vain I discouraged her, poor thing, today ... - he thinks. - Why did I say so many pathetic words to her? It is true, she is stupid with me, uncivilized, narrow, but ... the medal has two sides and audiatur et altera pars... (let the other side be heard... (lat.)) Perhaps those who say that women's thoughtlessness is based on a woman's vocation are a thousand times right... She is called, let's say, a husband love, give birth to children and cut salad, so what the hell is knowledge for her? Of course!"

(1828 - 1910)

"Anna Karenina" (1873 - 1877), part II, chapter XXVIII. Karenin says:

"... do not forget that the military who have chosen this activity are galloping, and agree that each vocation has its own reverse side of the medal."

(1812 - 1891)

"" (1855-1857), part 2, ch. eight:

“Perhaps it will be objected to me that there are failures, stops, especially in winter; sometimes there are not enough deer or, if there are many passers-by, the horses will soon become exhausted, and then ... Yes, flip the medal- it turns out that the traveler will sometimes stand in the middle of the road.

The other side of the medal Razg. Opposite, negative qualities of something. [ Oblomov] began to analyze the poetic moment, which suddenly lost its colors as soon as Zakhar spoke about it. Oblomov began to see the other side of the coin(Goncharov. Oblomov).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .

See what "The Other Side of the Medal" is in other dictionaries:

    Razg. Opposite, negative qualities of something. [Oblomov] began to analyze the poetic moment, which suddenly lost its colors as soon as Zakhar spoke about him. Oblomov began to see the other side of the coin (Goncharov. Oblomov) ...

    reverse side of the medal- the wrong side (back side) of the medal (foreigner) is another not good, not ostentatious side. Medal (prop.) a metal thing like a coin, but not walking Cf. metallum, metal. Wed Women, military, dandies; Gold, money, diamonds, groans, greedy glances...

    reverse side of the medal- Reverse (other) side of honey / whether About the other side of what l. affairs (usually negative) ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    reverse side of the medal- (foreigner) other not good, not ostentatious side Medal (prop.) metal thing like a coin, but not walking Cf. metallum, metal. Wed Women, military, dandies; Gold, money, diamonds, Okhanya, greedy glances, Grief-stricken faces... Here it is... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    side- uh, wine. side; pl. genus. ron, dat. us; and. 1. Space, a place located in what l. direction from whom, what l .; this direction itself. sides of the horizon. Towards the forest. Disperse in different directions. From the side of the forest. From all sides.… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    The reverse side of the medal- The wrong side (back side) of the medal (foreign) is another bad, non-ostentatious side. Explanatory Medal (prop.) A metal thing like a coin, but not a walking one. Wed Metallum, metal. Wed Women, military, dandies; Gold, money, diamonds, Ohania,… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Razg. Same as a href="/dict/frazslov/article/4/9705.htm" the other side of the coin/a. Agree that every vocation has its downside (L. N. Tolstoy. Anna Karenina) ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    medal- I. MEDAL I and, w. medaille f., it. medaglia, German Medaille. 1. A metal sign in memory of which l. event or person with an image and an inscription. BAS 1. His Majesty saw how they minted a gold medal in honor of him. Vedas. 1719 2 307. Many ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    Avnery, Uri- Uri Avnery אורי אבנרי ... Wikipedia


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Razg. Opposite, negative qualities of something. [ Oblomov] began to analyze the poetic moment, which suddenly lost its colors as soon as Zakhar spoke about it. Oblomov began to see the other side of the coin(Goncharov. Oblomov).

  • - - In Russia, until 1917, M. was awarded on the basis of the Charter of gymnasiums of 1828. In the USSR, they were established by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR in 1944. Gold and silver M. had a single name: "For excellent success and exemplary behavior" ...

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  • - were established for rewarding for labor merits, for rewarding for military merits, for rewarding for the performance of civil and official duty, for distinctions during the Great Patriotic War in defense, ...

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  • - other - not good, not ostentatious side Medal - a metal thing like a coin, but not a walking cf. metallum, metal. Wed Women, military, dandies; Gold, money, diamonds, groaning, greedy glances, grief-stricken faces.....
  • - Razg. Opposite, negative qualities of something. began to analyze the poetic moment, which suddenly lost its colors as soon as Zakhar spoke about it. Oblomov began to see the other side of the coin...
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  • - Razg. Same as a href="/dict/frazslov/article/4/9705.htm" the other side of the coin/a. Agree that every vocation has its downside...

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  • - Cm....

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