The image of Grinev in the story “The Captain's Daughter. The image of Grinev in "The Captain's Daughter" (composition) Appearance of Grinev from the Captain's Daughter


Pyotr Grinev is the main character in A. S. Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter". The reader goes through the entire life path of the protagonist, the formation of his personality, reveals his attitude to the ongoing events, of which he is a participant.

And here is Grinev in the Belogorsk fortress. Instead of formidable, impregnable bastions, there is a village surrounded by a log fence, with thatched huts. Instead of a strict, angry boss, there is a commandant who went out for training in a cap and a dressing gown; Instead of a brave army, there are elderly invalids. Instead of a deadly weapon - an old cannon clogged with debris. Life in the Belogorsk fortress reveals to the young man the beauty of the life of simple kind people, gives rise to the joy of communicating with them. “There was no other society in the fortress; but I didn’t want anything else, ”recalls Grinev, the author of the notes. Not military service, not reviews and parades attract a young officer, but conversations with nice, simple people, literature studies, love experiences. It is here, in the “God-saved fortress”, in the atmosphere of a patriarchal life, that the best inclinations of Pyotr Grinev grow stronger. The young man fell in love with the daughter of the commandant of the fortress Masha Mironova. Faith in her feelings, sincerity and honesty caused a duel between Grinev and Shvabrin: Shvabrin dared to laugh at the feelings of Masha and Peter. The duel ended unsuccessfully for the main character. During the recovery, Masha looked after Peter and this served to bring the two young people closer. However, their desire to get married was opposed by Grinev's father, who was angry with his son's duel and did not give his blessing for the marriage.

The quiet and measured life of the inhabitants of the distant fortress was interrupted by the Pugachev uprising. Participation in hostilities shook Peter Grinev, made him think about the meaning of human existence. The son of a retired major turned out to be an honest, decent, noble man; Hatred and disgust for cruelty and inhumanity, Grinev's humanity and kindness allowed him not only to save his life and the life of Masha Mironova, but also to earn the respect of Emelyan Pugachev - the leader of the uprising, the rebel, the enemy.

Honesty, straightforwardness, loyalty to the oath, a sense of duty - these are the character traits that Peter Grinev acquired while serving in the Belogorsk fortress.

Characteristics of Peter Grinev (option 2)

Pyotr Grinev is the main character in A. S. Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter". The reader goes through the entire life path of the protagonist, the formation of his personality, reveals his attitude to the ongoing events, of which he is a participant.

The kindness of the mother and the simplicity of the life of the Grinev family developed softness and even sensitivity in Petrusha. He is eager to go to the Semyonovsky regiment, where he was assigned from birth, but his dreams of life in St. Petersburg are not destined to come true - his father decides to send his son to Orenburg.

Characteristics of Peter Grinev (3rd option)

The story of A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" is unique and interesting in that the fates of heroes with different characters are intertwined in it. In fact, this is a historical story describing the rebellion of that time. But on the other hand, there are notes of pure, sincere, light and bright love in the story. This feeling flares up with a bright fire and continues to burn throughout the story, warming the soul of the reader.
Do we know Peter Grinev? familiar. This is the main character of the story. Perhaps Pushkin invested in the creation of the image all the most honest, noble, kind and correct. Grinev's character and personality were "built" by his father, Andrey Petrovich Grinev. Andrei Petrovich is a former military man. His personality is reminiscent of his son. The same honest, kind, open and sincere. Father Peter's military service ended quickly, because he did not want to be dependent on anyone and "beg for" ranks, as many did. In his son, he brought up the most noble qualities inherent in man.
Soon Petya was seventeen years old. The father was worried about the future life of his son and began to choose a worthy place for him to serve. Peter himself raved about St. Petersburg, he imagined the service there bright and interesting. But contrary to Petya's dreams, Andrei Petrovich chose his service near Orenburg, where Peter met his future love. Having collected things, Peter left, remembering the words of his father: "Take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age." And so he bore the meaning of this instruction throughout his life.
In Orenburg, new heroes are added to the reader's attention. This is a commandant, a brave and correct man, loyal to Empress Catherine II. His wife, Vasilisa Yegorovna, is a fatal and wise woman. The commandant's daughter, Masha Mironova, is a modest and shy girl. Evil Shvabrin, the same age as Peter, is a dark, vile and cynical personality.
The nobility of the nobleman and the character of the father are manifested in Grinev more and more. I was especially impressed by the duel played between Shvabrin and Peter. Shvabrin publicly insulted and slandered Masha, but Grinev, like a true nobleman, defended the honor of the girl. The result of the duel - Peter is wounded, and Shvabrin is the winner, but what a! The unfortunate coward who struck from behind. This fact indicates the cowardice, meanness and insensitivity of this person.
I really liked this story. The personality of Pyotr Grinev is especially pronounced here. He does not possess heroic strength and dodgy mind. But he is sincere, open, naive. That is why it evokes sympathy in the reader. He does not know how to pretend, be hypocritical, even wanting to save his life. This is the manifestation of true nobility, strength of character.

Pyotr Andreevich Grinev is the central character of the story "The Captain's Daughter". Grinev's whole life is an example of the behavior of a young man who thought early about his mission, honor, dignity, and loyalty to his word. The life lessons that the son of Andrei Petrovich received, from the point of view of the modern reader, are very cruel and difficult. In fact, young Grinev was prepared to pass the test of strength, to confirm the right to be called an officer, a man.

From the first pages of the story, Peter Grinev is characterized as a person brought up in an environment of strictness and increased attention to the reputation of the family. This is the father's influence. Peter was dearly loved by his mother, as the only surviving son, and this love for a long time protected him from all storms and hardships. Finally, the boy was greatly influenced by Arkhip Savelyich, a former stirrup, a connoisseur of oral folk art, well versed in horses and dogs, intelligent, far-sighted and exceptionally devoted to the family. He gave freedom to the barchuk, and he grew up "chasing pigeons and playing leapfrog with the yard boys."

Thus, the formation of the personality of Peter Grinev took place under the influence of all these factors in the aggregate.

To understand the image of the hero, it is necessary to carefully examine all the stages of his biography.
There are at least four turning points when Peter had to make a decision to pass a kind of exam. The first key episode is the loss of a game of billiards to Captain Zurov. It is quite possible that the reveler Zurov would have forgiven an unreasonable child who dangerously played too much. Relying on this, the good-natured Savelich tearfully begs the young master not to compensate for the damage. But Grinev the man does not need concessions. He commits his first serious act: "The debt must be paid!"

The second key moment is the conversation with Shvabrin, from whose lips insults were made against the chaste girl. Leaving such an act unattended is not a man's thing. Grinev stands up for the honor of Masha, as a result he receives a severe penetrating wound to his shoulder. The pages that describe Grinev, who is recovering from a serious illness, are truly touching.

The third important point: the rescue of the bride from captivity. No one was going to liberate the Belogorsk fortress, occupied by the rebels, but there were no barriers for Pyotr Grinev. He is hot and reckless in a good way.

Finally, the fourth episode. Grinev under investigation is threatened to be sent to an eternal settlement in Siberia if he fails to justify himself. Helped the rebels? Spying for Pugachev?

Why did you meet with the ataman of the robbers? Peter refuses to defend himself, because he does not want to defame, "rinse" the name of the bride. He agrees to go to hard labor, but the daughter of Captain Mironov, who laid down his life for the Fatherland, will remain clean in front of people. He will not tolerate gossip.

Self-denial in the name of love, in the name of higher justice, leads the young nobleman to the road of truth and takes him forever away from the crooked path of dishonor and oblivion. No wonder the image of Grinev in the story The Captain's Daughter is considered one of the most expressive in Russian fiction. Even in the 21st century, he is able to excite readers and awaken a good response in the souls.

The image of Pyotr Grinev in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

"The Captain's Daughter" is a story that not only recreates historical reality, but is also a work with a deep moral meaning. The main character is Pyotr Grinev, a young officer who was sent to serve in the Belogorsk fortress. Once in the fortress, he becomes a witness to events that changed not only his life, but also his ideas about many ideals.

During Grinev's stay in the fortress, a peasant uprising led by Emelyan Pugachev begins in the province. The Belogorsk fortress was taken by the rebels, and at this moment the heroes of the story face an intractable problem: change the oath and join the rebels or voluntarily go to death. Grinev preferred to die, but chance nevertheless saved him from certain death. Pugachev turned out to be the same man to whom the hero once gave his hare sheepskin coat.

Grinev did not swear allegiance to Pugachev: “I am a natural nobleman, I swore allegiance to the empress: I can’t serve you.” Pugachev released Peter, but on the condition that he would not serve against him. Grinev was well aware that he was in the complete power of this man, however, natural honesty, responsibility for his own actions forced the young man to tell the truth: “You know, it’s not my will: they tell me to go against you - I’ll go, there’s nothing to do. You are now the boss yourself; you yourself demand obedience from your own. What will it be like if I refuse service when my service is needed? My head is in your power: let me go - thank you; you execute - God will judge you; but I told you the truth."

The sincerity and directness of Grinev struck the rebel. And he had no choice but to let the young man go.

It is amazing how, in such a difficult situation, Grinev manages to retain a human element in himself, unlike Shvabrin and his ilk. I think the uprising in this case has become that phenomenon of reality, which to a greater extent helped to see the true face of each of the heroes. Moral values, inner convictions of Grinev himself helped him to become a real person. Whereas Shvabrin tarnished the honor of an officer and became a servant of the rebels.

It is no coincidence that Pushkin chose the proverb as the epigraph to The Captain's Daughter: "Take care of honor from a young age." The thoughts and actions of the protagonist fully corresponded to her.

The image of Pyotr Grinev in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" (version 2)

The story of A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" is unique and interesting in that the fates of heroes with different characters are intertwined in it. In fact, this is a historical story describing the rebellion of that time. But on the other hand, there are notes of pure, sincere, light and bright love in the story. This feeling flares up with a bright fire and continues to burn throughout the story, warming the soul of the reader.
Do we know Peter Grinev? familiar. This is the main character of the story. Perhaps Pushkin invested in the creation of the image all the most honest, noble, kind and correct. Grinev's character and personality were "built" by his father, Andrey Petrovich Grinev. Andrei Petrovich is a former military man. His personality is reminiscent of his son. The same honest, kind, open and sincere. Father Peter's military service ended quickly, because he did not want to be dependent on anyone and "beg for" ranks, as many did. In his son, he brought up the most noble qualities inherent in man.
Soon Petya was seventeen years old. The father was worried about the future life of his son and began to choose a worthy place for him to serve. Peter himself raved about St. Petersburg, he imagined the service there bright and interesting. But contrary to Petya's dreams, Andrei Petrovich chose his service near Orenburg, where Peter met his future love. Having collected things, Peter left, remembering the words of his father: "Take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age." And so he bore the meaning of this instruction throughout his life.
In Orenburg, new heroes are added to the reader's attention. This is a commandant, a brave and correct man, loyal to Empress Catherine II. His wife, Vasilisa Yegorovna, is a fatal and wise woman. The commandant's daughter, Masha Mironova, is a modest and shy girl. Evil Shvabrin, the same age as Peter, is a dark, vile and cynical personality.
The nobility of the nobleman and the character of the father are manifested in Grinev more and more. I was especially impressed by the duel played between Shvabrin and Peter. Shvabrin publicly insulted and slandered Masha, but Grinev, like a true nobleman, defended the honor of the girl. The result of the duel - Peter is wounded, and Shvabrin is the winner, but what a! The unfortunate coward who struck from behind. This fact indicates the cowardice, meanness and insensitivity of this person.
I really liked this story. The personality of Pyotr Grinev is especially pronounced here. He does not possess heroic strength and dodgy mind. But he is sincere, open, naive. That is why it evokes sympathy in the reader. He does not know how to pretend, be hypocritical, even wanting to save his life. This is the manifestation of true nobility, strength of character.

Pyotr Grinev - noble nobleman

The story "The Captain's Daughter" is based on real events: the peasant war of 1773-1775. under the leadership of Emelyan Pugachev. But this work cannot be called historical in the full sense. The facts here are artistically processed by the author.
Despite this, Pushkin objectively describes the causes and scope of the Pugachev uprising. He sees the accompanying explosion of cruelty both on the part of the rebels (the execution of officers, the murder of Vasilisa Yegorovna), and on the part of the tsarist troops (torture of a Bashkir, gallows on rafts).
The most valuable thing in the story is the moral issues. Heroes find themselves in difficult situations where it is necessary to make a choice in their favor or for the sake of other people, to show cruelty or mercy.
The protagonist of the story - Pyotr Grinev - a nobleman, an officer. The story is told from his perspective. At the beginning of the work, Pyotr Grinev briefly talks about his origin and upbringing. Petrusha's lifestyle was not much different from the life of other children of noble origin in the 18th century. In those days, it was traditional to assign a boy to military service even before birth. Grinev was enrolled in the Semyonovsky regiment as a sergeant.
At first he was brought up by the aspiring Savelitch. Then the Frenchman Monsieur Beaupré was assigned to the boy, who was supposed to teach Petrush languages ​​and various sciences. Grinev himself speaks with irony about his adolescence: "He lived underage, chasing pigeons and playing leapfrog with yard boys."
In the seventeenth year, Peter was supposed to go to military service: "The thought of service merged with the thought of freedom, the pleasures of life in St. Petersburg." Perhaps the young man would have known all the charm of metropolitan life, become a joker, reveler and ladies' man, like officer Zurin. But service in the Belogorsk fortress brought Grinev together with different people: honest and vile, strong-willed and cowardly, open and cowardly. Here he matured, found true love, friends, but also enemies.
In different situations, Peter acts with the same dignity, always defending his honor. He is kind, generous, somewhat quick-tempered, hot-tempered, since he is still very young. For example, on the way to the fortress, Grinev's wagon fell into a snowstorm. The coachman lost his way. Fortunately, the peasant he met by chance agreed to lead the lost travelers to the inn. Peter, out of gratitude to the conductor, gave him from his shoulder a hare sheepskin coat and half a ruble for vodka. Grinev does not care at all what rank the person in front of him is. Kindness must be repaid with kindness.
In the Belogorsk fortress, it would seem that a boring, quiet service awaited Grinev: the bare steppe around, there were no young officers at all, except for Shvabrin, only old people and invalids. But the first impression was deceiving. Peter was immediately warmly received in the family of commandant Mironov. Here he met Marya Ivanovna, the daughter of Ivan Ignatich and Vasilisa Yegorovna, for whom at first sight he began to have warm feelings.
For some time, Grinev was on friendly terms with Shvabrin. But he turned out to be envious, proud, vile and cunning. Grinev immediately discerned his base nature.
But Peter immediately managed to appreciate the purity of the soul and the moral integrity of Masha Mironova. With Masha Grinev behaved nobly. He sincerely fell in love with the girl, immediately offered her a hand and a heart, despite the fact that she was a dowry.
In the course of the novel, Grinev and Pugachev find themselves in hostile camps, but the kindness of Grinev, who gave his counselor a hare sheepskin coat, does not pass without a trace, evoking a reciprocal feeling in Pugachev. We see not two enemies, but two people who sincerely want to help each other. It is no coincidence that a moment before the execution, Pugachev sees Grinev in the hostile crowd around the scaffold, whose gaze humanly warms the last minutes of the life of the leader of the peasant war.
Kindness and mercy are higher than hatred, and for Pushkin this is the only way to solve the problems that have arisen in society. Grinev managed to maintain humanity, honor and loyalty to himself in the conditions of rebellion. The hero equally does not accept the element of "Russian rebellion, senseless and merciless", and the naked formalism of the official-democratic world, which is especially clearly manifested in the scene of the military court.
Finding himself in a critical situation, Grinev is rapidly changing, growing spiritually and morally. Yesterday's undergrowth of the nobility, he prefers death to the slightest deviation from the dictates of duty and honor, refuses to take the oath to Pugachev. On the other hand, during the trial, risking his life, he does not name Masha, so that she would not be subjected to humiliating interrogation.
Defending his right to happiness, Grinev commits a reckless, courageous, desperate act. A trip to the “rebellious settlement” was doubly dangerous: he not only risked being captured by the Pugachevites, but also put his career, well-being, and honor at stake.
The "Captain's Daughter" perfectly depicts various aspects of life in the 18th century (landowner life, life in a distant fortress, the images of the old man Grinev, Savelich, captain Mironov, Pugachev and his "generals"), and the historical flavor of the era is also recreated. The characters of the heroes are depicted in many ways, especially Pyotr Grinev. This noble undergrowth enters the road of life as an inexperienced youngster, but life's trials make him a personality, reinforcing what he learned from his parental home: loyalty to duty, honor, kindness and nobility.

Pyotr Grinev is a seventeen-year-old nobleman who arrived at the place of service in the Russian army and the main character in the story of A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" It tells about the vicissitudes of life of some representatives of the Russian nobility, who became participants in the suppression of the peasant revolt led by Emelyan Pugachev under Catherine II. The main positive qualities of the young man can be called honesty, decency and sincerity, his main testament, which he follows throughout the development of the entire storyline in the story, is “take care of honor from an early age”. He will carry the testament of his father through his whole life and he will come to his aid more than once in difficult situations.

Characteristics of the main character

(Poster for the film "The Captain's Daughter" 1958, drama, USSR)

Petrusha Grinev was born into a poor noble family, was a very beloved and long-awaited child. He received the simplest education at home (he was taught literacy by the stirrup Savelich, French by a negligent foreign teacher hired for a short time) and even before his birth he was enrolled as an officer in the Semenov regiment of the Russian Imperial Guard in St. Petersburg. Having reached the age of sixteen, Peter, by order of his strict father, a retired officer who wanted him to sniff gunpowder and become a real man, goes to the remote and remote Belogorsk fortress in the Orenburg province.

Despite his young age, Peter is smart, noble and honest beyond his years, distinguished by a kind and generous heart. On the way to the fortress, he meets the still unknown fugitive Cossack Emelyan Pugachev and, in return for the service rendered by him, presents him with a hare coat. Having become the leader of the uprising in the future, Pugachev remembers his good deed and this saves Grinev's life when he is captured by the rebels.

(Grinev with Masha Mironova)

Arriving at the place of service, Grinev meets the daughter of the commandant of the fortress Masha Mironova and falls in love with her, the girl reciprocates. He has a conflict with another officer, Shvabrin, who also has views on the daughter of Captain Mironov, the result of their contradictions is a duel. On her eve, Peter truthfully and sincerely describes his condition, does not boast or boast of his courage and recklessness, he is an ordinary person and is worried before the fight and does not have such cold-bloodedness as he would like. But he is a man of honor and must rise to the challenge and defend the good name of his beloved.

When the fortress is besieged by the Pugachevites, the courageous and unshakable Peter is one of the few ready to defend it to the last drop of blood. He bravely resists the rebels, and once captured, he does not ask for mercy and mercy. Peter proudly refuses to join Pugachev, because for him he is a real criminal who swung at the most sacred thing for such a Russian officer as Grinev - state power. Happily escaping the death penalty, he leaves the fortress and generously forgives Shvabrin, who has taken the side of the rebels, does not harbor evil against him and does not revel in his victory.

On the denunciation of the malicious and vindictive Shvabrin, Peter will fall under government arrest and is declared a traitor to the Russian state. Having shown all the strength and stamina of his character, Grinev endures all trials and, thanks to the efforts of his bride Masha, who asked the Empress herself for him, is released and finally reunites with her beloved.

The image of the hero in the work

(Frame from the film based on Pushkin's novel "The Captain's Daughter")

Throughout the story, the image of the central character Pyotr Grinev, on behalf of whom the story is being told, undergoes various changes and is in dynamic development: at first he is a carefree, naive and simple-minded boy, then a young man trying to assert himself in this life and a novice Russian officer, at the end - fully formed, determined and mature man, protector and warrior. Grinev is a positive hero who (like all of us) has both his own advantages and disadvantages (frivolity, laziness, naivety and dreaminess, craving for gambling, quarrels with Savelich). But still, he is and will always be a real "warrior of good", and the truth is always on his side.

1. Historical accuracy of the Captain's daughter.

2. Petr Grinev. Characteristics and image in the story "The Captain's Daughter"

2.1. Grinev's image.

2.2. Meeting with the rebel.

2.3. Masha.

3. My attitude towards the hero.

A. S. Pushkin based the plot of his story “The Captain's Daughter” on real historical events - the indignation of the peasants under the leadership of Emelyan Pugachev.

It was a real uprising, because it covered many provinces and resulted in many human deaths. And although most of the heroes of the story are fictional, the author skillfully conveys to the reader the life and customs of that time, the mores and habits of the people who lived in that era.

One of these characters is Peter Grinev. On the first pages, he appears before us as a carefree, cheerful young man, whose life and career have long been predetermined by wealthy parents. But fate makes its own adjustments.

The father decides to send the young man to a real military service - to Orenburg. This event becomes the starting point in the life of a young nobleman. From this moment begins his growing up, the formation as a person, as well as the test of his noble positive qualities.

Everything good and positive that Grinev adopted from his parents and his tutor Savelich had a beneficial effect on his behavior and actions. He was able to appreciate the spiritual beauty of Masha Mironova, recognize the duplicity of Shvabrin, win the respect of Pugachev and not sacrifice his noble honor.

On the way to the duty station, a seventeen-year-old officer meets an unsightly ragamuffin who is destined to have an impact on the rest of the protagonist's life. Later, the officer meets this man under different circumstances. In the fortress where the protagonist serves, a terrible danger threatens - the army of a cruel rebel is moving, ruthlessly destroying all dissidents on its way.

The garrison is in turmoil, only one old captain remains calm and courageous. He is supported in everything by Grinev, who has shown unshakable courage and military prowess, defending the weakly defended fortress. He does not tremble and does not lose pride, even when his boss dies, and he himself, like most officers, is sentenced to death. But the unthinkable is happening here. The leader of the rebels Pugachev, who has taken on the role of arbiter of human destinies, has mercy on Grinev and even invites him to dinner. There he invites the young man to enter his service, betraying the empress.

This rebel, who calls himself Emperor Peter, is none other than Grinev's escort! He remembers the grateful young man and therefore shows him such favors. But the main character does not lose his head from such proposals. He remains true to his oath, he is even ready to die so as not to tarnish the honor of an officer's uniform. Grinev is brave and courageous, but at the same time he is not reckless. He respectfully talks to Pugachev, considering and weighing every word. He understands that not only his life, but also the life of his beloved Masha depends on the whim of the impostor.

The young officer explains that he will not serve in the ranks of the rebels and that he cannot promise not to fight against them. Grinev honestly but correctly admits: “I swore allegiance to the empress: I can’t serve you,” and adds: “My head is in your power: let me go - thank you, execute me - God will judge you.” This difficult conversation opens up a new hero for us - a cautious, insightful man, a real diplomat, firm in his decision, a man of honor. The harsh army life made him so. He became so thanks to his conscience and understanding of the laws of morality.

But an important role in Grinev's maturity was played by his first love. Peter first saw this sweet meek girl at the place of his service - in the Belgorod fortress. He was impressed by Masha's modesty, her poetic soul, her kindness and obedience to her parents. Grinev respects the captain's daughter, he does not flirt with her, does not play with her feelings. He respectfully asks for her hand. He stands up for the honor of the girl, challenging the dishonorable Shvabrin to a duel. Risking his life and honor, the young man saves Masha from the hands of the oppressor and takes her to a safe place.

On the way, Peter meets another old acquaintance - Zurin, with whom he got drunk for the first time in his life and to whom he lost a hundred rubles. Having transferred Marya Ivanovna into the safe hands of Savelich, the protagonist goes along with Zurin's detachment on a campaign against Pugachev. This decision speaks of the nobility of the young officer, that service is above all for him. That he is not going to hide behind the backs of his friends, but is personally ready to fight for his homeland and the empress.

Grinev's behavior during the arrest and interrogations is noteworthy. In order not to tarnish the honor of his beloved, he does not mention her name in his explanations. He reflects all the accusations and slanders calmly and coolly, having only one desire - that the name of Marya Mironova should not be mentioned among this dirt and gossip. Thanks to Masha's love and dedication, Grinev is justified and released.

I like the main character. He is a true man of duty and honor. He is brave, courageous, strong, tactful and wise, generous and kind. His pure tender love for the captain's daughter is based on a real feeling, she is sublime and worthy of imitation. Many situations from the life of the protagonist are very instructive. For example, they show how important it is to be grateful and not consider people insignificant just because they are poorly dressed. If Peter had not thanked the beggar drunkard for a small service, then the influential and cruel rebel would not have saved the life of either him or Marya Ivanovna.

Reading the story, it was interesting for me to watch Grinev grow up. From a pampered inexperienced young man, he turns into a sane, courageous person, devoted to his duty and vocation, sincerely in love, always respectful and fair.

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