The image of Sophia in the comedy "Woe from Wit" by A. Griboyedov


Collection of works: The ideological and compositional role of the image of Sophia in the comedy by A. S. Griboyedov “Woe from Wit”

The main conflict of AS Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" is the conflict between the new and the old, progressive and reactionary, enlightenment and serfdom.

Using artistic means, Griboedov expressed the protest of the advanced part of the Russian nobility against the inertia and backwardness of the society of that time, against class privileges and serfdom. The most educated, smartest man of his era, he caught the main social conflict that emerged after the Patriotic War of 1812 - this is the realism of Griboyedov the writer. The comedy reflected the explosive, heated atmosphere of the noble society on the eve of 1825.

The ideological disagreement of the main characters is brought to the fore in the comedy - the struggle of the "current century" with the "past century", the struggle of two worldviews that developed in Russian society in the first half of the 19th century. On the one hand - representatives of the feudal reaction, serf antiquity - Famusov, Skalozub, Countess Khryumina, on the other - advanced noble youth, whose features are embodied by Griboedov in the image of Chatsky.

In Chatsky's accusatory speeches and Famusov's enthusiastic stories, the ideal of the past century rises. It was the age of Catherine with her nobles and court flatterers, the age of humility and fear, depraved morals, when insane extravagance and luxurious feasts in magnificent chambers flourished next to the humiliating poverty and lack of rights of serfs, who could easily be sold or exchanged for the dogs they liked. It was this century that became the ideal of the lordly, Famus society, which lives by the principle "to take rewards and live happily."

Famusov himself, of course, is the spokesman for the obsolete feudal institutions. He is a convinced serf-owner, ready to exile his serf servants to Siberia in anger, a fierce opponent of education, enlightenment (“If you stop evil, you would collect all the books and burn them”). This, finally, is a person deprived of true dignity and honor, who grovels before the highest ranks for the sake of promotion, for the sake of his own enrichment.

The defenders of feudal antiquity, the enemies of free thought and enlightenment, are opposed in the comedy by Chatsky. "This is a Decembrist, this is a man who completes the era of Peter I and tries to see at least the promised land on the horizon," A. I. Herzen wrote about Chatsky.

Between like-minded people Famusov and Chatsky is one of the main figures of comedy - Sophia, who also experienced her "woe from wit." It is she who is assigned a difficult, but very important role - to "repel the attacks" of Chatsky. However, the image of Sophia in comedy is controversial. "Sophia is not clearly inscribed," A. S. Pushkin noted at the time. Indeed, she is endowed with both positive traits that attracted such an outstanding person as Chatsky, aroused his love, and negative traits that constantly increase his bewilderment and disappointment. In Sophia's behavior, her moods, there is always a contradiction between a subtle sober mind and sentimental empty experiences.

What attracted Chatsky to Sofia? What made her stand out in the world of the Famusovs, the Tugoukhovsky princesses and Countess Hryumina the granddaughter? First of all, independence of views, independence in decision-making, in relations with people. She fell in love with an unequal person and by this, as it were, she challenged the house-building rules. Deceived in her feelings, Sophia is not afraid of the judgment of others. She courageously says to Chatsky: "I do not blame myself around." And Molchalin contemptuously orders to get out of the house before dawn. A strong, proud girl cannot but arouse sympathy, participation in her fate. Apparently, Chatsky always admired this independence, Sophia's determination, always hoped for her understanding, support, especially when he fell in love "without memory". His youthful feelings "neither cooled the distance, nor entertainment, nor a change of place." It is no coincidence that, having returned to his homeland and met with Sophia, he constantly appeals to the mind of his beloved, does not believe in her spiritual blindness.

Sophia is smart in her own way, she reads a lot. But the subject of her reading is sentimental novels, very far from reality. Under the influence of these books, Sophia develops an idea of ​​​​a certain ideal hero whom she wanted to love. That is why, according to Chatsky, she idealizes Molchalin, a flatterer and low worshipper. But this is not the only reason for her inclination towards Molchalin.

Watching Sophia in various situations, Chatsky finally understands that during the years of their separation, Sophia did not grow spiritually, did not learn to critically comprehend what was happening. She succumbed to the influence of "famusism", which destroys all life, so much that she herself becomes an active defender of her interests.

Why wasn't Chatsky convinced by Sophia's confession of love for Molchalin? Yes, because Chatsky has a certain grading system, which he considers obligatory. In his assessment, Molchalin is "the most miserable creature." He is not worthy of anyone's love, and even more so of Sophia. According to Chatsky, she, a smart, outstanding girl, simply cannot love such a person. Chatsky still hopes that Sofya is the same as she was in childhood, when they laughed together at people like Molchalin. However, he was wrong. Sophia takes Molchalin ("the most miserable creature"!) Quite seriously. As a result, Chatsky's fight for Sophia turns into Chatsky's fight with Sofya for Molchalin.

Sophia rejects Chatsky not only out of female vanity (“I haven’t written for three years ...”), but also for the same reasons that Famusov and the princess reject him: he is “not his own”, he is from a different circle. The independent and mocking mind of Chatsky scares Sophia, and this finally throws him into the camp of opponents. "Will such a mind make a family happy?" she says directly to Chatsky.

Sophia uses traditional methods that are very common in secular society: fiction about madness, slander, gossip could hurt a person very painfully, discredit him undesirably. Sofya forgets the feelings that connected her with Chatsky in the past, and, offended by Molchalin, inflicts an unexpected blow on Chatsky: she declares him crazy! Chatsky is avenged, avenged in the way that was the most effective in the world. Thus, the line of intimate relationships acquires a social character in the comedy.

The image of Sophia is one of the central ones, since it unites many storylines and affects the integrity of the composition of the entire work. The peculiarity of the comedy is also determined by the presence of a through action in it - Chatsky's desire to find out whom Sophia preferred to him. Cross-cutting action develops in comedy as a conflict, based on the confrontation between representatives of two time systems - the "current century" and the "past century". In the image of Sophia, A. S. Griboyedov showed how an outstanding girl is enslaved by "famusism", how she gradually becomes an expression of the interests of the environment in which she is brought up.

If Alexander Andreyevich Chatsky in Griboyedov's comedy is the most real figure that we understand, with whom we sympathize, then the image of Sofya Pavlovna is the most complex and contradictory of all, and it is much more difficult to express one's attitude towards him.

As long as you are not familiar with any reviews, responses to the comedy and articles by many Russian writers about the play, then you read it without prejudice and have the opportunity to form your own opinion about each of its heroes. From the first lines of the comedy, we get to know Sophia, and it is in the first act through the replicas of the characters that we begin to guess her. What does it look like to us?

This is a smart romantic girl, brought up on French sentimental novels, which were then distributed in abundance throughout Russian Federation and were especially popular among the youth of the capital. Sophia is like all the girls of that time: having read these books, she involuntarily gives herself up to romantic dreams of happy love. What does she represent? Something like this: a beautiful rich girl falls in love with a poor beautiful young man, and he also idolizes her.

Dreaming in this way, she finds her ideal in the cunning and prudent Molchalin: he seems to her modest, intelligent, tenderly and timidly loving. But we know that he is not like that, but Sophia - she is blinded by feeling and is ready for a lot for him. This sincere love I like Sophia. And her delusions are not her fault, but the society in which she was brought up.

No matter how romantic, amorous and noble in her feelings, she still belongs to her environment. And Chatsky is completely different. It is his mind and difference from others, "normal", that pushes Sophia away from Chatsky: he is incomprehensible and distant to her. She keeps up with him for the sake of decency Relationships, but does not have any living feelings for him. Chatsky is mistaken: Sophia never loved him. In this she is quite honest.

But having completely abandoned Chatsky, she constantly rushes between him and her society, she plunges into her environment and unwittingly becomes an enemy of Chatsky. She is forced to support rumors about Chatsky's madness, and in this she is not inferior to the others: Famusov himself and his guests.

But Sophia's personal drama is that Molchalin is deceiving her. Having gone over to the side of Molchalin and the people of the Famusov circle, she suddenly discovers that they are vile and Low people. And it seems to me that in the end she realizes that she was deeply mistaken. If she had no mind, she would not have been able to realize it.

"She also received her million torments," says Goncharov. And he is right: the image of Sophia is deeply tragic. Her soul is corrupted, distorted by this society, and it betrays her. Despite everything, Sophia is the most attractive figure from the entire "Famus" series, she is more of a victim than a persecutor of everything bright. And that's what I like about her.

It is difficult to say unequivocally what Sofia Pavlovna is. Her image is complex and multifaceted. Nature did not deprive her of positive qualities. Sophia is smart enough, her character is strong and independent. Her warm heart won't let her stop dreaming. Sophia has long been accustomed to the fact that she is the mistress of the house, and everyone should feel it, and therefore obey. Perhaps this is due to the fact that she has long been brought up without maternal love.

Sophia has independence and an authoritative tone, despite her young, seventeen-year-old age. Her speech even has a certain imprint of serfs, because she often communicates with them, but also French books have left their mark. Sophia is concerned about the emotional experiences of people. The girl was brought up by French governesses.

Despite its positive features, in the Famusov society, all this does not find development. Due to her upbringing, she has generally accepted views, thinks the same way as other representatives of this society, which instilled in her lies and hypocrisy. Sophia imagines people only from her observations of people from books, French novels. Probably, it was this literature that influenced the development of sentimentality and sensuality in it. From books, she emphasized all the features that the hero of her novel should have. Thanks to all this, she turned her attention to Molchalin, who vaguely resembled the characters from her favorite works. No other ideal could be found in this environment. Sophia lives with real feelings. Even if the object of her love is actually pathetic and miserable - all this does not give the situation a comedic color. Rather, on the contrary, it gives more drama and sadness.

Sophia divided her world into two parts: the object of her adoration - Molchalin and everything else. All her thoughts are occupied only by him, especially when he is not around. Despite everything, this love does not bring joy. Because the girl understands perfectly well that her father will never accept such a person. This thought makes her life unbearable. It is so hard for Sophia to live with these feelings that she is ready to tell about her love to completely strangers. For example, Liza, the maid of their house, and then Chatsky. For her love, she chose a resigned man. That is how she imagines Molchalin. But the final scene, where Sofya Pavlovna witnesses the manifestation of Molchalin's attention to Elizabeth. It breaks her heart, humiliates all her feelings. It becomes clear that although Sophia breaks with the unworthy Molchalin, the type of this man remains a priority for her.

Briefly for grade 9

Composition Description of Sophia in the comedy Woe from Wit

After the Patriotic War of 1812, when Russian troops reached Paris and took a sip of freedom, Russian society split into two camps. Some wanted to continue to live in the old way. This is Famusov, Skalozub. Others, in particular the younger generation represented by Chatsky, wanted to live in a new way.

Sophia found herself like a knight at a crossroads, not knowing whom to choose for her. She was brought up by Papa Famusov himself and Madame French in the best traditions of Moscow society. Dancing, singing, reading French sentimental novels - these are all the joys of her life. After reading books, she confused her girlish fantasies and the harsh reality of life. Sophia is hovering in pink clouds and does not understand people at all. She does not like the stupid, albeit rich Skalozub, but the caustic Chatsky is also to her liking. She is sharp on the tongue. Sophia wants a husband-boy, a husband-servant. Here Molchalin is the very hero of her fantasies. He is constantly silent, like a girl, shy, not conflicted. The fact that Molchalin is not really like that eludes Sophia. Love, as usual, is blind and deaf.

But you can't say that she's stupid. She accurately notices the features of the people around her. So Skalozub is a stupid martinet who, apart from the army, knows nothing. She does not want such a husband. The father is a grumpy old bore who tyrannizes underlings and servants. To take revenge on Chatsky for his sharp remarks about Molchalin, she tells everyone that he is crazy.

This comedy is still relevant today. Many girls and women, having read smart books, horoscopes, fortune-telling, live in anticipation of their invented prince. Give it different qualities. And real people who do not fall under these patterns are simply ignored or rejected. But the trouble is, the desired prince does not want to be the way the woman thought of him. He is a living person with his shortcomings, sometimes very dubious - a womanizer, a drunkard, a player, a gigolo.

The moral of the comedy is this - you need to be more attentive to the people around you, accept them as they are, not “drive” them into your own framework and standards. Then there will be no grief from an excess of the mind.

The image of Sophia in the comedy Woe from Wit

Sophia is the heroine of Griboyedov's story "Woe from Wit". This girl is a very unusual character in Griboyedov's story. She is both a product of lies and benevolence and strength, albeit only external.

Sophia is a girl who is the one from whom all the threads came, both the mood and the grief of many people. She, as a puppeteer, skillfully used their weaknesses as well as their strengths. She is a manipulator, in modern terms. But at the same time, with these qualities and such a character, Sophia is a beautiful girl who also knows how to use her appearance. She has a lot of fans, and for good reason, because she is strong in this.

This girl is a strong personality who will not miss her. In addition, by nature, she is also very mocking, her sarcasm reaches many ears, she loves to mock, tell some jokes. But she is not very cheerful, it can be more accurately said that she knows how to speak sarcastically, her irony can both offend someone and make her an enemy.

Sophia grew up in a good family, rich, well-to-do, who did not know the costs of the strong in anything. That is why this girl is young, she grew up as a wealthy, bright and courageous person. She was not afraid of anything, and knew how to skillfully hypocrite and lie when necessary. And, in her defense, we can say that she is not entirely to blame for this, since such actions and character traits were not new at that time. That is why she was also such, because she was brought up that way, brought up in such an environment where it was impossible to be and act differently. Otherwise, it caused talk and rumors, as well as contempt and ill will.

The comedy "Woe from Wit" gives examples of a person who is also the main character.

Option 4

A.S. Griboedov was a multifaceted personality. He had a unique talent as a diplomat and theatergoer. Alexander Sergeevich wrote poetry, poems, played several instruments. Even composed music. Two waltzes of his authorship have survived to this day. But Griboyedov entered the history of world literature as the author of one work. They became the comedy "Woe from Wit", recognized by critics as immortal.

The play included three artistic directions: realism, classicism, romanticism. The traditions of the genre are combined with more modern trends. Social comedy, in its classical interpretation, involves one-sided images of characters. Each of which denounces one kind of vice. But "Woe from Wit" reveals to the reader the multifaceted personalities of the characters. Stupidity, absurd imitation of foreigners, martyrdom, servility, sycophancy, commercialism, lack of one's own opinion, persecution of culture and education - everything was reflected by the author in his "live" characters.

The main conflict of the play is the confrontation between the "current century" and the "past century". Only Alexander Andreyevich Chatsky ends up in the first camp. Then, as in the second headquarters - almost all the rest.

Against the backdrop of a social conflict, a love triangle unfolds. It doesn't look like the plot of a love story. There are two men, but neither claims to be ideal. Chatsky, with his mind, education, is sharp, not restrained in speeches, and not always tactful. Molchalin is low, vile, unpleasant. But on his side the sympathy of the heroine.

The young lady herself also does not look like a classic image. Sophia is the daughter of a major official. Pavel Afanasyevich - manager in the government house, rich. He wants a bright future for his only child. The groom is needed "with ranks, but with the stars." Neither Chatsky nor Molchalin meet these criteria. The father exclaims: "He who is poor is not a match for you!"

A.S. Pushkin wrote about Sophia that this is an obscure image, a poorly written character. But this is only at first glance. The young lady, throughout the text, plays the role of a buffer between two worlds. She does not belong to the "famus society", although she was brought up in it. But it cannot be reckoned with the "present age" either. This is her key role. In the end, education wins.

Most of the guests of the "famusovsky" ball have speaking surnames. But Sophia has an expressive name, with the meaning "wise." This is the author's irony.

The girl is not stupid. She has a good upbringing. My father hired a "regiment of teachers." But she lost her mother early, so no one was involved in the formation of the soul. Now the young lady is seventeen, she "blossomed", became an enviable bride.

Sonya is brave and determined. It is difficult for her to keep her love a secret. Not afraid of parental anger and public opinion. The young lady exclaims: “What is the rumor to me!”

She allows herself sharp, caustic, witty remarks with Chatsky. But tenderly worries about Molchalin. Passes out when he falls off the horse.

The young lady grew up on French novels. Therefore, he attributes all the virtues to his chosen one, drawing an ideal. Perhaps that is why the choice fell on a poor young man. After all, in sentimental books, the beloved is always no match.

The girl does not have a special spiritual beauty, virtues. But something in her attracts Chatsky, causing love. Perhaps a strong character.

At the end of the story, Sophia realizes that her chosen one is a scoundrel. Blames himself for everything. But Chatsky is certainly right. Another "fan worshiper and businessman" will appear, whom Sonya will marry.

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In comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" presents the customs of the Moscow nobles of the early 19th century. The author shows the clash between the conservative views of the feudal landlords and the progressive views of the younger generation of nobles who began to appear in society. This clash is presented in the form of a struggle between two camps: the “past century”, which protects its mercantile interests and personal comfort, and the “present century”, striving to improve the structure of society through the manifestation of true citizenship. However, there are characters in the play who cannot be unambiguously attributed to any of the opposing sides. This is the image of Sophia in the comedy "Woe from Wit".

Sophia's opposition to the Famus society

Sofya Famusova is one of the most complex characters in the work of A.S. Griboyedov. The characterization of Sophia in the comedy "Woe from Wit" is contradictory, because on the one hand, she is the only person close in spirit to Chatsky, the main character of the comedy. On the other hand, it is Sophia who turns out to be the cause of Chatsky's suffering and his expulsion from Famus society.

The protagonist of the comedy is not without reason in love with this girl. Now let Sophia call their youthful love childish, nevertheless, she once attracted Chatsky with her natural mind, strong character, and independence from other people's opinions. And he was nice to her for the same reasons.

From the first pages of the comedy, we learn that Sophia received a good education, loves to spend time reading books, which causes the anger of her father. After all, he believes that “in reading, the use is not great,” and “learning is the plague.” And this is the first discrepancy in the comedy "Woe from Wit" of the image of Sophia with the images of the nobles of the "past century".
Sophia's passion for Molchalin is also natural. She, as a fan of French novels, saw in the modesty and laconicism of this man the features of a romantic hero. Sophia does not suspect that she has become a victim of deceit by a two-faced person who is next to her only for personal gain.

In her relationship with Molchalin, Sofya Famusova shows such character traits that none of the representatives of the "past century", including her father, would ever dare to show. If Molchalin is mortally afraid to make public this connection to society, since “evil tongues are worse than a gun,” then Sophia is not afraid of the opinion of the world. She follows the dictates of her heart: “What is the rumor to me? Whoever wants, so judges. This position makes her related to Chatsky.

Features that bring Sophia closer to the Famus society

However, Sophia is the daughter of her father. She was brought up in a society where only rank and money are valued. The atmosphere in which she grew up certainly had an impact on her.
Sophia in the comedy "Woe from Wit" chose Molchalin not only because she saw positive qualities in him. The fact is that in the Famus society, women rule not only in society, but also in the family. It is worth remembering a couple of Goriches at a ball in Famusov's house. Platon Mikhailovich, whom Chatsky knew as an active, active military man, under the influence of his wife, turned into a weak-willed creature. Natalya Dmitrievna decides everything for him, gives answers for him, disposing of him like a thing.

It is obvious that Sophia, wanting to dominate her husband, chose Molchalin as her future husband. This hero corresponds to the ideal of a husband in the society of the Moscow nobles: "A husband-boy, a husband-servant, from the wife's pages - the high ideal of all Moscow men."

The tragedy of Sofia Famusova

In the comedy Woe from Wit, Sophia is the most tragic character. More suffering falls to her lot than even Chatsky's.

Firstly, Sophia, possessing by nature determination, courage, intelligence, is forced to be a hostage to the society in which she was born. The heroine cannot afford to surrender to feelings, regardless of the opinions of others. She was brought up among the conservative nobility and will live according to the laws dictated by them.

Secondly, the appearance of Chatsky threatens her personal happiness with Molchalin. After the arrival of Chatsky, the heroine is in constant tension and is forced to defend her lover from the caustic attacks of the protagonist. It is the desire to save your love, to protect Molchalin from ridicule, that pushes Sophia to spread gossip about Chatsky's madness: “Ah, Chatsky! Do you like to dress everyone up as jesters, would you like to try on yourself? However, Sophia turned out to be capable of such an act only because of the strong influence of the society in which she lives and with which she gradually merges.

Thirdly, in the comedy there is a cruel destruction of the image of Molchalin that has developed in Sophia's head when she hears his conversation with the maid Lisa. Her main tragedy lies in the fact that she fell in love with a scoundrel who played the role of her lover only because it could be beneficial for him to receive the next rank or award. In addition, the exposure of Molchalin takes place in the presence of Chatsky, which hurts Sophia as a woman even more.


Thus, the characterization of Sophia in the comedy "Woe from Wit" shows that this girl is in many ways opposed to her father and the entire noble society. She is not afraid to stand against the light, protecting her love.

However, this same love makes Sophia defend herself from Chatsky, with whom she is so close in spirit. It is with the words of Sophia that Chatsky is blackened in society and expelled from it.

If all the other heroes of the play, with the exception of Chatsky, participate only in social conflict, protect their comfort and their usual way of life, then Sophia is forced to fight for her feelings. “She, of course, is harder than everyone else, even harder than Chatsky, and she gets her “million torments”,” wrote I.A. Goncharov about Sophia. Unfortunately, in the finale it turns out that the heroine's struggle for the right to love was in vain, because Molchalin turns out to be an unworthy person.

But even with someone like Chatsky, Sophia would not have found happiness. Most likely, she will choose as her husband a man who corresponds to the ideals of the Moscow nobility. The strong character of Sophia needs realization, which will become possible with her husband, who allows him to command and lead himself.

Sofya Famusova is the most complex and controversial character in Griboyedov's comedy Woe from Wit. The characteristics of Sophia, the disclosure of her image and the description of the role in the comedy will be useful to grade 9 when preparing materials for an essay on the theme of the image of Sophia in the comedy "Woe from Wit"

Artwork test

The comedy "Woe from Wit" depicts the customs of the nobles of Moscow at the beginning of the 19th century. Griboedov shows the clash of the views of the feudal landowners (the conservative stratum of the population) with the progressive ideas of the younger generation of nobles. This conflict is shown as a struggle between two camps. The "current age" seeks to transform society through true citizenship, while the "past century" seeks to protect its personal comfort and mercantile interests.

However, there are also characters who cannot be unambiguously attributed to one or another opposing side. This, for example, is the image of Sophia in the comedy "Woe from Wit". We will talk about it today.

Contradictory image of the heroine

The image of Sophia in the comedy "Woe from Wit" is one of the most complex in the characterization of this heroine is contradictory. On the one hand, she is the only person who is close in spirit to Alexander Chatsky. On the other hand, Sophia is the cause of the protagonist's suffering. It is because of her that he is expelled from

No wonder Chatsky fell in love with this girl. Even though she now calls their youthful love childish, once Sofya Pavlovna attracted the main character with her strong character, natural mind, and independence from the opinions of others. For the same reasons, Chatsky was nice to her.

Sophia's education

From the first pages of the work, we learn that the heroine is well educated, she loves to read books. This is evidenced by many of Sophia's quotes from Woe from Wit. Passion for books displeases her father. After all, this person believes that "learning is the plague," that "there is no great use in it." This is the first discrepancy in the views of the heroine with the views of the nobles of the "past century".

Why did Sophia get carried away by Molchalin?

Naturally, this girl's passion for Molchalin. The image of Sophia in the comedy "Woe from Wit" should be supplemented by the fact that the girl is a fan of French novels. That is why the heroine saw in the laconicism and modesty of her lover. The girl does not realize that she has become a victim of Molchalin's deceit. This one was with her only for his own personal gain.

The influence of the Famus society

Sofya Famusova, in relations with Molchalin, shows those character traits that representatives of the "past century", including her father, would never have dared to show. If Molchalin is afraid to open his connection to society, because, as he believes, "evil tongues are worse than a gun," then the heroine we are interested in is not afraid of the opinion of the world. The girl in her actions follows the dictates of her own heart. This position, of course, makes the heroine related to Chatsky.

However, the image of Sophia in the comedy "Woe from Wit" should be supplemented by the fact that this girl is the daughter of her father. She was brought up in a society that values ​​only money and ranks. The atmosphere in which the heroine grew up could not help but influence her.

The girl decided to choose Molchalin not only because of the positive qualities that she saw in him. The fact is that in the society to which the heroine belongs, women dominate - both in the family and in society. Suffice it to recall the Gorich couple (pictured above), whom we meet at the Famusovs' ball. Chatsky knew Platon Mikhailovich as an active, active military man. However, under the influence of his wife, he turned into some kind of weak-willed creature. Now Natalya Dmitrievna makes all decisions for him. She manages her husband like a thing, gives answers for him.

Obviously, Sofya Famusova, wanting to rule over her husband, decided to elect Molchalin for the role of her future husband. This character corresponds to the ideal of a spouse in the world of the Moscow nobles of that time.

The tragic image of the heroine

Sophia in the work "Woe from Wit" is the most tragic character. The share of this heroine had more suffering than the share of Chatsky himself. First of all, this girl, naturally possessing intelligence, courage, determination, is forced to become a hostage of the society to which she belongs. She cannot afford to give free rein to feelings, to free herself from the influence of the opinions of others. Sofya Pavlovna ("Woe from Wit") was brought up as a representative of the conservative nobility and forced to live by the laws that it dictates.

In addition, the unexpected appearance of Chatsky threatens to destroy her personal happiness, which she is trying to build with Molchalin. The heroine, after the arrival of Alexander Andreevich, is in suspense all the time. She has to protect her lover from the attacks of Chatsky. The desire to save love, to protect Molchalin from ridicule, forces her to gossip about the madness of Alexander Andreevich. However, the girl turns out to be capable of this act only because of the great pressure of the society of which she is a member. And Sophia gradually merges with her circle.

This heroine is also unhappy because she has to endure the destruction of the ideal image of Molchalin, which has developed in her head. The girl becomes a witness to the conversation of her lover with the maid Lisa. The main tragedy of Sophia is that this heroine fell in love with a scoundrel. Molchalin played the role of Sofia Famusova's lover only because, thanks to this, he could receive another award or rank. In addition, the exposure of her lover takes place in the presence of Alexander Chatsky. This hurts the girl even more.

"Million torment" Sophia

Of course, the role of Sophia ("Woe from Wit") is great. It is no coincidence that the author introduced it into his work. Sophia is in many ways opposed to her father and to noble society as a whole. The girl is not afraid to go against the opinion of the world, protecting love. However, feelings for Molchalin make her defend herself from Chatsky as well. But with this hero, she is very close in spirit. Chatsky is blackened in society precisely by the words of Sophia. He has to leave the Famus society.

If all other characters, except for Chatsky, take part only in social conflict, trying to protect their usual way of life and comfort, then this girl has to fight for her love. Goncharov wrote about Sofya that she was the hardest of all, that she got "a million torments." Unfortunately, it turns out that this girl's struggle for her feelings was in vain. Molchalin is an unworthy person, as it turns out at the end of the work "Woe from Wit".

Chatsky and Sophia: is their happiness possible?

Sophia would not be happy with someone like Chatsky. Most likely, she will choose a person as her wife who corresponds to the ideals of the Famus society. Sophia's character is strong, and it requires realization, and it will be possible only with a husband who will allow her to lead and command herself.

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