Primary school student portfolio samples. My Community Service Section


On the eve of the new year, you always want to change and change something. Therefore, we prepared an unusual portfolio for a student in the colors of the Russian Federation and called it quite boldly: Patriot! This portfolio template is perfect for students in grades 1, 2, 3, 4 and above. The composition included thirty sheets, which is quite enough at this stage of study.

When children go to school, their most vivid memories of this time, of course, are associated with summer holidays. After all, in the summer you can take a break from school, from lessons and have fun with friends. Summer - all students are waiting and want it to come as soon as possible. But after the summer holidays, you will again have to return to school and sit down at your desks. But when students finish school, they begin to miss it. To be bored more pleasantly. We offer a new portfolio for a girl to school for all 9 or 11 years of study, called - memories of the summer.

Fairy tales - we begin to read and watch them from childhood. After they haunt us all our lives, and we want to turn our lives into a fairy tale. The new Disney film Maleficent has become a real fairy tale that many people love. And it was based on this fairy tale that we made a new student portfolio for boys and girls.

It's good when a child has his own characters, even from a cartoon. He looks up to them, imitates them and wants to be like them. If your child loves the cartoon about the Winx fairies, then this portfolio is for him. New, bright and unique - Winx portfolio for elementary school girls. The portfolio includes 25 pages. Each of them has its own style and design. All pages are different in coloring and decorated with new Winx characters. When you fill in all the templates, you will get a small book, where everything will be about the life of your child.

When you send your child to a sports section, you dream that he will grow into a real professional and become a star of the sport he plays. But in order for your dreams to come true, you need to make every effort. First, you need to train your child. Secondly, praise him for his success and motivate him to go in for sports in every possible way. And thirdly, you need to help him see the progress he is making. A new beautiful student portfolio called hockey and basketball will help you with this. Such a portfolio will always be with your child, and he will be able to view it, see photos of great athletes and see his achievements. With such a portfolio, your child has something to strive for and something to achieve.
Format: JPEG; PNG
Number of sheets: 24
Size: A4

Both boys and girls love cars. Because they're beautiful, o_they're quick to ride, and they're more and more influencing our daily lives. The most beautiful and reliable cars are made in Japan. That is why our new student portfolio is made using Japanese machines. A beautiful portfolio for a boy and a girl consists of 18 pages. You can see a sample of each sheet in our video, which we specially prepared for the presentation of a new portfolio.
Format: A4
Sheets: 18
Quality: 300dpi

If for boys the portfolio is usually with cars or with comic book characters, then for girls it’s very easy to design. It can be dolls with princesses, and just flowers, and even solid colors. But we did not do either one or the other. Not third. And they made a brand new portfolio for an elementary school student in pink with roses. Look at a sample portfolio and show it to your girl. Perhaps she will like it, and she will want to get herself just such an option.
There are 28 different pages in the portfolio. And among them there are both title pages and for filling. Watch the video below to better understand whether it suits you or not.

The student's portfolio is a modern version of the assessment of the child's personal qualities according to the standards of the Federal State Educational Standard. Completing the sections helps form the habit of recording personal successes and achievements. Assessing the student's abilities gives an orientation to self-discipline and self-improvement in the future. Portfolio creation is a joint work of parents and students.

What is a student portfolio

A school portfolio is a folder that contains information about the personality, interests, activity, achievements and successes of a child in an educational institution and outside it. This document reflects the skills and abilities of students. The folder additionally includes information about close and family foundations.

What do you need

Already in kindergarten, children attend development centers, clubs, sports clubs and more. The main purpose of such additional classes is to teach the child the basics of literacy, reading and counting.

By the first grade, children have a characteristic level of knowledge and skills, and already in elementary school they achieve the first successes that should be noted.

The portfolio acts as a kind of archive that reflects the formation and development of the child's personality.

Often children like to revise the document, to observe their own achievements. This forms an incentive for self-development, a desire to move forward.

Ready-made portfolios act as documents for the teacher, which notify the teacher about the personality of the student, his abilities. Portfolio data is used for the final assessment of the student, and is taken into account when entering other educational institutions.

How to compose: sections with examples

The key to proper design is the preservation of the developed structure. In the process of studying, the portfolio is constantly updated with new information. The correct construction of the document allows you to get an idea of ​​the skills of students, to see the patterns and features of personality development.

There are no set rules for how a portfolio should look. However, there are some guidelines for the structure of the document. At the same time, it is advisable to cover only those sections that are suitable for a particular student. You can combine several chapters, supplement.

Title page

The title page indicates the main data about the student or student: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of residence, contact numbers. The main page should contain a personal photo of the pupil. An important point is the independent choice of photos by students.


The autobiography describes the life path of a person before entering an educational institution. A short biography is written on an A4 paper sheet in free form in the first person. All information is presented in strict chronological order.

Highlights of how an autobiography is written:

  • In the middle of the sheet, the name of the document “AUTOBIOSHIP” is indicated in block letters, then the main text follows below.
  • The text begins with a personal introduction: "I, full name, date and place of birth." For example: "I, Ivanov Sergey Pavlovich, was born on December 12, 2011 in the city of Chekhov, Moscow Region."
  • Then the exact address of residence according to the registration and the actual address is indicated.
  • After that, family members are listed with the date of birth, address of residence, place of study / work. Additionally, contact home / work phones are prescribed.
  • The name of the kindergarten and the date of its completion are noted.
  • The main interests and skills of the student are prescribed: hobbies, level of knowledge of a personal computer, knowledge of foreign languages, and more.

At the end of the autobiography, the date of completion and a personal signature are mandatory.

For a child going to grade 1, it is not necessary to write an autobiography. Starting from grade 2, the student can write about himself on his own.

My portrait

The “My Portrait” section consists of any information about the pupil that you want to directly reflect in the document.

For example, you can write about yourself by deciphering the meaning of the child's name. Additionally, data are entered on the characteristics of character, temperament, the best qualities and shortcomings of the student. A short story will help the teacher to choose the right techniques to adapt to the learning process.

In this section, the regime of the day is signed, you can talk about family traditions and foundations. The portrait looks spectacular if you make a family tree of family members.


My name is Sergey, which means "clear" in Greek. My father gave me the name in honor of my grandfather. I am calm by nature, but sometimes I get angry for no reason. I don't like being yelled at loudly. I have a large family, many brothers and sisters and cousins.

My achievements

The materials of this block allow the teacher to build a rating of achievements, individual results, as well as track the dynamics of changes in learning outcomes.


In November 2017, I won a prize at the city Olympiad in the Russian language / participated in the regional seminar on biology / in a thematic quiz dedicated to the International Children's Day.

My impressions

The section contains personal impressions of the student after visiting exhibitions, museums, school events, trips, excursions, theatrical performances. Attached are photographs taken at the places visited.


In October I attended the theatrical performance "The Ugly Duckling" based on the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen. I liked the performance, it was interesting… The episode was especially impressive… It teaches…

My interests and hobbies

This section tells what the child likes to do in his free time from school. It lists clubs, sports sections and development centers that the student visits.


Every week on Tuesdays and Fridays I attend a dance club at the development center ... My teacher (list the advantages). He teaches children ... He is an example of grace and skill for me. I love to dance and enjoy attending classes.

My family

In this block, the pupil independently writes about his family. If you wish, you can tell about each of its representatives. In this section it is recommended to attach a pedigree and photographs.


The composition of my family: mother Victoria, father Oleg, grandmother Zinaida, grandfather Alexander, brother Kirill and sister Elizabeth ... Mom works as a hairdresser, she is kind and attentive, she works and plays with me. Dad works at the factory, he loves his job, and it takes a lot of his time. In my free time I like to fight with him, play football. My brother Kirill is very smart, he helps me in all matters, we visit the karate section together ...

Social activity

The section includes a description of the activities in which the child participated:

  • performance at the festival;
  • classroom design, wall newspapers;
  • participation in the exhibition;
  • reading poems at the matinee.

Additionally, the event is analyzed by the pupil, personal emotions and impressions are assessed.


I am an athlete and actively participate in the activities that take place at the school. I recently played in the school football team, and I liked it. The guys wanted to win and were very worried about the result. When the jury summed up the results, and the team won, everyone was happy and hugged each other ...

My friends

In this section, the child independently describes friends, provides information about their hobbies and interests. Additionally, photos of peers are posted, memorable moments are noted.


I am friends with Olya and Sasha. Olya and I have been communicating since kindergarten, and we met Sasha at preparatory courses for school. The guys come to my house and invite me to visit. We love to have fun, play hide-and-seek, blunders, computer.

My school

In the "My School" block, the pupil indicates the address of the educational institution, contact numbers of the administration; surname, name, patronymic of the director, year of study. Additionally, a photo of the secondary school is pasted.

It is useful to draw a route diagram from home to school with the obligatory indication of dangerous places: crossing roads, placing traffic lights, artificial bumps (“speed bumps”). Working together with parents on the picture will help children remember the safe way from home to school.


I study at a secondary school in the city of Chekhov, Moscow Region, which is located at (specify). Contact phone numbers of the educational institution (specify). I have been studying since 2015...

My class

This section indicates the number of the class, the letter, a photo is pasted and a description of the mini-format about the life of the class.


I am in 3rd grade. There are 25 people in the class, 15 girls and 10 boys. My teacher is Maria Vasilievna Ivanova. She interestingly tells the material, plays with us, comes up with joint events, does not swear or shout. Our class is friendly. And when someone quarrels or fights, Maria Vasilievna helps to sort it out and make peace.

My world

The section contains information about personal hobbies, favorite works of art, favorite friends, pets, toys of the student. In this block, it is appropriate to talk about the baby's leisure time with a description of the places he visits. Mark what you liked or not.


In the summer I read a collection of works by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. I liked the humorous stories, and I made a project based on them for the school. In August I visited the water park and learned how to swim. At home, my beloved cat Fred is always waiting for me. He is a prankster and a bully, but he loves me very much and I love him too.

My city

In the block they talk about their small homeland, hometown. It is advisable to describe sights, museums, favorite places. The section tells about the area of ​​residence, its features, what the child likes.


I live in the city of Yekaterinburg. It is beautiful, modern, there are many shopping centers and entertainment places. The sights and museums of the city include the museum of local lore, wildlife, fine arts (list). I especially like the Black Tulip monument dedicated to the soldiers who died in Afghanistan and Chechnya.

My studies

The section reflects the dynamics of academic achievement, from the first grade to the 4th grade of elementary school. Children by grade 1 know letters and numbers, read by syllables.

Information about the study helps the teacher to properly distribute the load in order to avoid excessive overstrain of the pupil. The child can indicate favorite subjects, describe in which he is easily versed, and what is difficult.

Analysis of performance after graduation from primary school shows the student's abilities, the degree of his preparation for further studies.


Sample writing for a 5th grade student: I like subjects: literature, Russian, physical education. Mathematics is difficult, because I consider myself a humanist. But I got through the curriculum. I got a 4 in math last year.

My art

The block includes information about which sections, circles and developmental classes the child attends. They celebrate the achievements of the child, participation in exhibitions, events, competitions. It is advisable to attach samples of work.


I attend a vocal circle at the Early Development Center. We teach songs of various musical directions, participate in performances. I recently performed at a concert for kids in kindergarten.

My life plans

The block “is filled in by a student in grades 5-7. The section includes a description of future aspirations and plans and is compiled in free form.


When I finish school, I will enter the Pedagogical University. My dream is to become an English teacher because I love this subject. I also want to study as a translator of foreign texts, films, music.

My first teacher

In the section "My first teacher" indicate data about the teacher: last name, first name, patronymic. A brief description of the teacher's professional qualities is made. You can paint memorable moments associated with it and stick a photo.


My first teacher is Ivanova Larisa Petrovna. I will not forget the moment when I came to the first class. Larisa Petrovna helped me cope with my studies, taught me how to write and read. I will constantly remember and visit her in high school ...

How to arrange

There are no established standards or templates for how to design a school portfolio. However, there are recommendations on how to make a school format:

  • A personal diary is printed in a Word in the form of an electronic document, which is subsequently printed out.
  • Requires neat design in the same style (size, font, indent, line spacing).
  • Portfolio sections are not numbered.
  • Certificates, diplomas and other certificates confirming the achievements of the student are attached to the document.

A portfolio for a boy can be beautifully designed based on your favorite cartoon or movie (“Paw Patrol”, “Prostokvashino”, “Spider-Man”), and for girls - use blank pages with princesses.

However, it is important to consider that with age, the child's hobbies change, and he will lose interest in the original version. Therefore, it is advisable to design the document in a neutral style.

Filling out a portfolio means collecting information about a student that will be useful in the educational process. Subsequently, it will become a family heirloom. A completed questionnaire will help the child in choosing a future profession, teach him to evaluate his own knowledge, strive and achieve his goals.

An unusually pleasant and fascinating task is preparing a child for the first grade. Parents sometimes have to spend more than one month puzzling over what the future first-grader needs. And now the backpack is ready, you have already held a parent meeting of first-graders and met your child's teacher, but do not forget that the child will need a portfolio for grade 1. Recently, it has become fashionable to create a portfolio so that later there is something to remember. In addition, it is interesting and exciting for both parents and children to spend time together in a creative impulse. Take this assignment seriously.

Preparing a portfolio for grade 1

Portfolio preparation is the preparation of the future appearance of your child, so do not be stingy with time for this. First of all, go to a stationery store and get a beautiful folder for the taste of the child, but also for you to like. Paste about 100 blank solid files into the folder. Prepare A4 sheets, preferably dense, so that they do not deteriorate from water and felt-tip pens.

You also need to buy pencils, colored pens, felt-tip pens, glue, a ruler, an eraser, stickers, or a few magazines with beautiful pictures that you don’t mind cutting out. Portfolio, as a rule, consists of 2 sections, they, in turn, are divided into several subsections, each of which has its own theme. All portfolio sheets are framed in a beautiful frame and optionally decorated with pictures or stickers. The main thing is brightness, colorfulness and creativity.

What will the portfolio look like?

A feature of any children's portfolio for grade 1 is colorfulness, brightness, absurdity of lines and shapes. Do not skimp on different colors and pictures. In the future, perhaps this will become a favorite book of the child. After all, without exception, from the age of three, everyone loves books with pictures and bright colors.

Building a portfolio is a great way to develop creativity and imagination. Tell your son or daughter that this is a “magic” book that you will start now and will gradually add to. Do not be afraid, the child will be very interested in adding leaflets to a new book. Interest will not be lost, especially if you help fill in the pages, if you come up with new achievements and stories for the pages together.

What is the most interesting book in the world? A book about myself! Therefore, the child’s interest will not fade away, and even after a year it will be interesting for him to turn the pages, see how small he was a year ago, read what achievements he made in a year and what new things he still has to learn and add to this book. In it, the child will add all, without exception, moments of creativity and personal growth.

Title page

No book is complete without a title page. The title page of a portfolio for grade 1 is a peculiar face and character of the entire book about a child. Readers, without exception, should, when looking at the title page, develop not only the image of the child, but also the image of all family members who took part in the work on the book.

Never clutter the title page with information. To do this, you can make another subsection inside, where everything is detailed and colorful. But from the first impression of the work, by looking at the very content of the work and the appearance of the title page, readers should immediately find out who owns such a plump and colorful folder, how old he is and where he lives and studies. And, of course, it will be nice to place a photo of the owner of the book on the title page.

Although it is customary to design the title page on a computer, let the child make a small contribution to the most important, first, page. The child can draw a little sun or a bunny, a cat or someone else. Or maybe he will leave his colored fingers on the title page. Let the child also get involved in creativity from the very first sheet. To summarize, the first, title page is a brief and concise description of the owner of the portfolio folder. It contains a photo of a first-grader and data on where he studies and where he lives.

Portfolio first section

Next, the portfolio begins with an introductory section, where there is a short story about yourself. Here are all kinds of photographs, postcards, congratulations and parting words to a first-grader, a short story about your family and your child's favorite activities. Here the child gives an explanation about his name, and maybe a story about why mom and dad gave him that name. Attached is a photo of the whole family.

On the next sheet, the child can draw his portrait and a picture of his family. It would be interesting to devote the next sheet to fingers and heels. The child circles his hand and leaves traces of colored heels. One more sheet can be given for the description of the sign of the zodiac and the sign according to the eastern calendar. Let the child write what he thinks and how he associates himself with his sign. Be sure to dedicate one sheet of the first section to the daily routine. But only if the child really has a developed regimen that he observes. But if not, then just write about your activities during the day.

Be sure to take a whole subsection under the child's hobbies and hobbies. Gradually, the collection of hobbies may change, crafts will increase, then you will already have your own separate folder for them. And write down how it all started.

The next subsection is "My Comrades". Have the child write a short story or a story about how the guys spend time together. Support the story with interesting and lively photographs. Be sure to make a subsection "My small homeland" or "Hometown", in which you describe the sights, some facts from the history of the city and the child's favorite places. And on the next page, draw a diagram or map of the route to school from home.

Attach a photo of the school. Write a short story about the school, attach a photo of the director and the baby's first teacher. Better yet, add a place with a photo of a child at a desk on September 1, if you have one in your collection. After the photo of the class teacher, you should also talk about the class itself, give a list of students. If someone lives nearby, then talk about whether you go home and to school together.

Insert a beautifully designed lesson schedule, although this is not at all necessary, you can keep as a keepsake how lessons and subjects have changed and added over time. You can immediately prepare templates for the schedule for subsequent years of primary education. And complete the section with a mini essay “My future profession”, in which the child will write what he wants to be when he becomes an adult.

The second section of the portfolio

The second section of the Portfolio, as a rule, is devoted to various achievements and creative victories of the child. It is filled in gradually, and at the initial stage, subsections are being prepared: “My success at school”, “My best homework and creative work”, “My achievements”, “My awards”, “School events”, “Creative reading”, “Hobbies and activities outside the classroom” and “Wishes and feedback”. Each of these pages is made in the same style so that the whole book is saturated with a common idea.

Gradually add successes in different school subjects to the folder, fill out sheets with control, homework and test work. Supplement with reports and excellently completed assignments, drawings, photographs. Make a table on one of the sheets showing the development of reading, writing and counting skills. Draw graphs and keep performance statistics. It will be nice to see small victories later.

Collect photos from children's matinees and holidays, various competitions and open lessons. Add photos from excursions and trips, but do not forget to write about what kind of holiday or tea party it was, when it was, and who took part in it. Maybe the child told a poem, then be sure to write down the words. And if you performed a song, then write down the lyrics.

Be sure to include information about what your child does outside of school. Even if he just helps you in the garden or helps you replant houseplants, be sure to write it down. It will not be difficult for you, and the child will give self-confidence. Write down all the works (author, title, summary, pictures) that read kid. Write down also what the child himself liked in the fairy tale or story. And what did he get out of it?

At the end of the section, as in many other printed publications, place wishes, postcards, parting words from grandparents in a folder. Save the characteristics of the child, which the teacher will write. And the kid himself can write here his wishes to teachers and other children. And then the children can exchange wishes with each other. In conclusion, I would like to say that parents may even like this task even more. In addition, it is pleasant to spend time with the baby and also acquire a joint exciting business.

Title page

The portfolio begins with a title page, which contains basic information: last name, first name and patronymic, contact information and a photo of the student. It is important to let the child choose a photo for the title page.

Section 1. "My World" ("Portrait")

Here you can put any information that is interesting and important for the child.

1. "Autobiography" - In this section, he can put his photos and sign them.

2. "Compositions" - compositions, essays on various topics:

- My name (information about what the name means, why the parents chose this particular name; if the child has a rare or interesting surname, you can explain what it means). (1 class)

- My family (here you can talk about family members, or write a story about your family). (grade 2)

– My friends (photos of friends, information about their interests, hobbies). (grade 2)

- My hobbies (you can tell about what the child is interested in, in which sections or circles he is engaged). (grade 3)

- My small homeland (tell about your hometown, about its interesting places. Here you can also place a route plan from home to school, compiled by the child together with his parents, it is important to note dangerous places in it (road crossings, traffic lights).

Section 2 - "My Goals"

My educational plans for the year (curricular and extracurricular activities)
Information about employment in circles, sections, clubs

Section 3 - "Social Practice"

Information about assignments
- You can design this section using photos and short messages on the topic:
- Issue of a wall newspaper
- Participation in subbotniks
- Performance at the ceremonial line

Includes data on all types of social practice of students in extracurricular activities (social projects, assistance to those in need, etc.).

Section 4 - "My Achievements"

This section may include headings:

"Creative works" (poems, drawings, fairy tales, photographs of crafts, copies of drawings that took part in competitions, etc.),

"Awards" (diplomas, diplomas, letters of thanks, etc.)

It is best to arrange the contents of this section in chronological order.

Information about participation in olympiads and intellectual games

Information about participation in sports competitions and competitions, school and class holidays and events, etc.
Information about participation in project activities

The materials of this block allow you to build a rating of individual results, a rating of achievements, track the dynamics of changes in learning outcomes.

Section 5 - "My impressions"

Information about visiting the theater, exhibition, museum, school holiday, march, excursion.

Section 6 - Working Materials

(all written works, diagnostic works)


Mathematics Grade 1

The world around us grade 1

So I read. 1 class

Section 7 - "Feedback and requests"

(in free form)

– Teachers

– Parents

– Teachers of additional education

Nothing boosts a child's self-esteem like a teacher's positive assessment of his efforts. Here you can write a review or wish, perhaps recommendations, both by the teacher and the parent, both at the end of the school year, and on participation in any event.

Memo for teachers on maintaining a portfolio

1. Involving parents in helping to fill out sections of the portfolio (especially in grade 1).

2. Portfolio sections should not be numbered, but placed in random order (optional).

3. The result of the work is dated so that the dynamics can be tracked, the corresponding assessment always compares the current work of the child with the earlier one.

4.Portfolio should not be used to compare children with each other!!!

6. Viewing the portfolio by the teacher, parents and other students is allowed only with the knowledge and consent of the student who owns the portfolio.

7. Portfolio pages should be beautifully designed, the child should understand the importance of the appearance of the document.

8. It is important that at each stage in the process of moving towards the intended goal, the success of the student is recorded, because. success is the best incentive for further development.

9. At the end of the academic year, you can make a presentation and determine the winner in the nominations "The most original portfolio", "For the best design of work", "For versatility and talent", "For diligence".

Interaction with parents

Most parents, being confident that a portfolio will definitely help when entering a university, are very painstaking about filling it out, and some are convinced of this by teachers, creating motivation to create a portfolio for their children.

It is very important to make parents your allies in the difficult task of collecting a portfolio. Therefore, initially it is worth attracting active, caring parents. A system of advisory assistance is needed: consultations, seminars on designing and filling out portfolio pages.

It is important to teach to observe, to notice everything new and interesting and by all means to fix, write down. With the help of a portfolio, parents see their child from the outside, his desires, interests.

The portfolio can also be used as additional material when studying a family - its way of life, interests, traditions. Observing children and their parents in the process of creating a portfolio, teachers noted that such events contribute to the establishment of warmer relationships in the family.

One of the main results of working on a portfolio is that parents learn to observe and notice the changes taking place, to systematize them. Some help can be provided by memos, questionnaires, based on which parents can highlight especially bright and interesting moments in the development of their child.

Portfolio guide for students

1. Start your portfolio work with a story about yourself, your family, and your hobbies.

2. Compiling a portfolio is not a race for all kinds of certificates. The participation process itself is important, although a high result, of course, pleases.

3. Fill out the portfolio pages carefully, show your imagination and creativity where necessary, because your portfolio should be different from others.

4. Know how to notice your even small successes, rejoice in them!

5. Go to portfolio in a good mood!

Ready-made portfolio templates for students. You can download it for free, with the condition of use only for personal purposes. It is not allowed to publish template sheets on other sites and blogs!

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The word “portfolio”, which is still incomprehensible to many, is firmly entering our lives. Now it accompanies a person from early childhood. We will try to tell what it is and why a student needs it. The term "portfolio" itself came to us from the Italian language: portfolio in translation means "folder with documents", "specialist's folder".

When to start building a portfolio?

In recent years, the practice of designing a student's portfolio has become widespread. Today it is mandatory in many educational institutions. Even preschool institutions are introducing into their work activities to collect the success of the child. The first-grader already needs to start designing his folder of achievements. Of course, it is very difficult for a child who is studying in elementary school to do this on his own, so more often the preparation of this folder is done by parents. Parents' questions and surprises are quite natural, because at one time they did not encounter such a requirement. In our article we will try to answer the question of how to make a portfolio for a student.

Why does a student need a “folder with documents”, and what should be in it?

Tracking all the successes and results of any activity of the child is a good practice, because it helps adults to reveal the versatility of the child's personality. Yes, and it is important for a small person to be aware of his first achievements in order to develop further. Information about the child, his family, surroundings, academic success at school, certificates and diplomas received for participating in various school and extracurricular activities, photographs, creative works that show the knowledge, skills, skills of the child - all this is a kind of presentation of skills, interests, hobbies and abilities of the child. The collected information will be useful when moving to another school or further choosing specialized classes and when entering a higher educational institution. The main goal of the primary school student's portfolio is to reveal all the advantages of the child and reveal his inner potential through a structural collection of his work, grades and achievements. This helps to form a child's motivation for activity, teach him to set goals and achieve success.

Portfolio is a creative product

Having decided to start designing a portfolio of a 1st grade student, you first need to think through its components, decide which sections or chapters will be included in it, what they will be called. Very often, primary school teachers prefer a uniform structure for all students, and therefore, informing you that you need to draw up a portfolio, at the same time they will offer its approximate plan. In this case, parents do not have to puzzle over the components on their own. By and large, a student's portfolio is a creative document, and not a single regulatory act contains clear requirements for it prescribed by the state.

Every parent understands that the first grade is an important period in a child's life: getting to know teachers and classmates, gradually growing up and increasing independence. Moving from kindergarten to school, where everything is new and unusual, the child experiences a little stress, the student's portfolio helps to quickly get used to the new place. The sample of its compilation may vary depending on the class and school, but it must contain information about the child and his parents (legal representatives), about his hobbies and hobbies. All this data will help children quickly find new friends and common interests with classmates, and it will be easier for the teacher to organize the learning process and conversations with children.

General form - individual content

Each school or even each class can develop its own student portfolio, a sample of which will be offered by the teacher to children and parents, but still this folder is something like a “visiting card” of the child, and therefore it should reflect his personality.

Template selection

Children will not be interested in simple sheets, notes, photographs, they will be much more attracted to a cheerful colorful design. Therefore, to begin with, select templates for the student's portfolio that can be easily found today. And then, together with the child, choose the appropriate one. If you couldn’t find anything you need, then you can create a template yourself that will best meet your plan. Not every parent will be able to create a template on their own, and even if they cope with this task, they will have to spend a lot of time. That is why ready-made templates for student portfolios, which can be edited quickly and easily, are so popular.

Characters adored by children can be used in the design. Boys, for example, love cars. Portfolios with racing cars are just right for those who love racing and speed. Girls prefer princesses or fairies as a design element. It must be remembered that pictures with your favorite characters should not distract from the content, their role is to tune in a positive way when opening a folder.

What to tell about yourself

The first section of a primary school student's portfolio usually includes personal information. This is the title page, where the name, surname are indicated, and a photograph of the child is placed, which he must choose himself. Also, this section may include an CV, a story about yourself, a list of long-term and short-term study plans. The child must be involved in filling out, encouraging his initiative. Let him write about the qualities of character that he has, about his favorite activities and hobbies, talk about the city in which he lives, about relatives and friends, about those he is friends with, about his first or last name, about school and class . You can also write a dream about what the student wants to be when he grows up. The student can even place the routine of the day he follows. He should describe everything he is interested in and what he considers important.

The child, filling out the folder, can make small discoveries - for example, read for the first time about the origin of the name and surname.

Describing your world is not easy.

The first part may have its own subsections. Perhaps they will be included in the finished student portfolio, which you will create yourself, taking into account the individuality of the child. If your child is passionate about reading, create a section called "My Favorite Books". Passion for nature can be reflected in the "My Pets" part.

The portfolio is not filled out forever, it will be replenished and changed over time. If a child writes answers to the question “What can I do and love to do”, then by the fourth grade the information entered by the first grader will definitely lose its relevance. Therefore, regular filling work at least several times a year will bring more benefits.

Section of successes and achievements

If the child has already accumulated letters and diplomas received for participating in various school competitions, then parents have no choice but to make a portfolio for the student. You can place them in chronological order or divide them into sections, for example, "Success in studies" and "Merit in sports", although all his accomplishments are important for a younger student. This part will contain information relating mainly to studies and creative activities. These data will be replenished gradually over the years of study at school.

In the achievement of a first grader, you can attach the first prescription, a successful drawing or application.

If the event the child participated in was covered by the media, newspaper clippings or web pages with the message can be printed for the student's portfolio.

Children choose their own classes and attend classes in circles, sections and clubs. Information about them can also be taken out in a separate section. There may be information about the institution that the student attends.

How do I learn?

Educational activity, as the main one in the life of a child of primary school age, should be given a separate section. There may be not only a table like a school report card, but also successfully completed test papers, the first notebooks, a sheet with the first five. Reading metrics can also be included here.

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