Formal and business style of clothing for women. How to dress for a business woman


Agree, today it does not look at all surprising that the modern world is increasingly ruled by women. The weaker sex has been demonstrating its significance, professionalism and leadership qualities in many areas of life for several years now. It is quite natural that ladies holding official positions have to devote a lot of time to their image. How does business style look in clothes for women building a successful career? Let's try to deal with this issue.

The young trend in fashion originates from the English classics. It is based on extreme severity, sometimes bordering on puritanism. Business style adds useful functionality and current fashion trends to the traditional stiffness of a formal suit.
Depending on the job level of a working woman and the requirements of the dress code, there are several types of office clothing.

business formal(formally business) - a strict conservative style that does not recognize any manifestations of individuality. The list of indispensable requirements for the elements of a working wardrobe includes:

  • clothes made of plain fabrics, preferably woolen;
  • the presence of several types of costumes (jacket with a skirt, dress, trousers);
  • blouses such as men's white shirts;
  • the length of the skirt or dress is not above the knee;
  • trousers of a direct cut of a semi-adjacent silhouette;
  • long sleeves regardless of the season;
  • matte flesh-colored tights;
  • mid-heel pumps;
  • minimal make-up, manicure in natural colors, hair collected in a hairstyle.

Formal business style is mandatory in organizations dealing with political issues, banking, legal issues or insurance claims. It is advisable to adhere to a strict image within the walls of educational and religious institutions.

Read also: French style in clothes for women: simplicity and elegance of the image

Modern business(business management) - a style with a small number of requirements, allowing some manifestations of individual preferences.

What makes up the image:

  • color variety and discreet patterns on the fabric;
  • the presence of a jacket or vest;
  • medium length clothing;
  • blouses made of silk, cotton fabrics;
  • short sleeves are allowed in the summer heat;
  • the presence of tights is mandatory;
  • natural colors in makeup and manicure;
  • hair can be loose (depending on the situation).

Management style- ideal for women over 45 or in leadership positions. It will also be appropriate at any age in cases of attending public events and business visits (exhibitions, conferences, concerts, parent-teacher meetings).

business casual(informal business) - undemanding and free style. In creating a fashionable image, the following are allowed:

  • a large selection of fabrics of different colors and patterns;
  • skirt length to the knee;
  • the upper part of the suit - blouses, blouses, tops;
  • short sleeves in hot weather;
  • low ballet shoes or shoes with an open heel or toe instead of pumps;
  • hairstyles of various designs, including loose hair;
  • soft make-up and manicure color to match the suit;
  • catchy large jewelry.

Informal style clothes can be worn to work, where there are no strict requirements for appearance. In addition, a slight touch of officialdom in a suit is suitable when visiting cinemas, boutiques, walking in the city center, as well as meeting friends in a cafe or restaurant.

Invalid things

The official business style of clothing for women completely excludes the wearing of certain items:

  • knitted T-shirts, shirts, sleeveless blouses;
  • any clothing with inscriptions;
  • things that expose the stomach or open underwear;
  • tracksuits;
  • jeans, leggings, shorts, miniskirts;
  • leather goods, including outerwear (coats, raincoats, jackets);
  • open, sports or beach shoes.

The rules of good manners oblige to comply with the basic requirements for a business woman's work suit in any situation.

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We select wardrobe for the office

When working on the creation of formal images, regardless of the severity of the dress code, you should always follow some rules for a work suit:

  • classic combination of white and black;
  • modesty, restraint and refinement;
  • convenience, simplicity and functionality;
  • femininity, grace and elegance.

Optimal bottom option women's costume is a skirt. Photos of models on the catwalks will be a good clue in choosing the right models. In the office, it is appropriate to wear styles such as pencil, tulip, trapezoid, semi-sun. A skirt with pleats in a variety of variations also looks good. The office model allows for moderate patterns on the fabric - a cage, simple geometry, small polka dots. The decorative design of skirts with drapery, pockets, buttons, lacing is welcome.

Pants are a kind of part of a business suit. Basically, for the office, models of a classic cut of straight shapes are chosen. If the trousers are not an element of a suit pair, then they may differ from the jacket in texture and color. But the correspondence of the style orientation must be present.

The upper part of the ensemble can vary in a wide variety of styles and colors. For a work environment, blouses, high-neck knee socks, tight-fitting tops are well suited. From above, the presence of a strict jacket, an elegant jacket or a tight-fitting vest is mandatory. In an informal style decision, they can be replaced with an elongated cardigan, a short bolero blouse or a blazer (club jacket).

Additional elements of a business suit

The traditional office style model is, of course, pumps. The height and style of the heel may vary, based on the individual preferences and physical capabilities of the woman. It is desirable that the shoes have a monochromatic coating of matte, patent or suede leather. In the summer, shoes made of textile fabric are quite appropriate.

The business style of clothing has long been popular among fashionistas and fashionistas of megacities. Basically, office employees are required to adhere to such a dress code. And it does not matter whether they use this kind of clothing in everyday life. Business style has its own rules that must be followed. Office clothes cannot be unkempt or flashy in color. Otherwise, the unity of form and content is violated.

Style Description

Business style in clothes will always look advantageous if the authorities are present at the negotiations. As a rule, this moment is still a psychological factor. If an employee comes in clothes that comply with the internal regulations of the company, then this person is reliable and competent.


The business style of clothing for girls and men involves a strict combination of colors. The usual range includes two, maximum three colors: white or beige and black. But details can be brighter tones. For example, if the clothes are matched from two primary colors, then this does not mean that the accessories should be the same shades as the outfits.

The main thing in the current image is harmony. After all, it is impossible to pick up bright green beads for elegant flowers. This can cause annoying reactions from others, including superiors.

It is necessary that all the attributes are combined harmoniously and do not hurt the eyes. The basics of business style include not only the right combination of colors, but also the exact selection of appropriate models and accessories, as well as neatness. After all, the appearance of a person is his calling card in this world.

And if an employee looks dirty, in rumpled, not ironed clothes of an incomprehensible color, then he will automatically cause hostility among others. Moreover, the appearance in this form at work is simply unacceptable.


Fashion industry experts distinguish several varieties of office style. There are three in total. Let's look at the types of business style:

  • strictly business (Business Best);
  • everyday business (Business Traditional);
  • conditionally business (Business Casual).

Strict business

This style of dress is usually appropriate for business negotiations. For men, the best option is a blue or black suit, a snow-white shirt and matching shoes (necessarily leather). The belt should match the color of the shoes. This is a prerequisite for business style.

And how should girls dress for negotiations? The main elements of a strictly business style for women are a dark suit, nude tights, pumps (heel height no more than five cm). Hair must be collected. Jewelry is acceptable, but in small quantities, small and concise, made of semi-precious stones. Expensive jewelry is also allowed.

Business Traditional (casual business)

This is a traditional business style, which has fewer restrictions than the first variety. It is appropriate to use different colors, patterns. Geometric options are especially welcome. Men can wear both plain suits and delicate stripes.

Girls are advised to wear a trouser suit or a sheath dress, which, of course, needs to be supplemented with a jacket. Short sleeves are allowed. If we talk about the hairstyle, then even (depending on the situation) loose hair is appropriate. Can jewelry be worn? Yes, you can choose larger and brighter options.

Business Casual (conditionally business)

This type of business style implies elegant, comfortable clothes. This type is the most free in the business field. Men can wear brighter things, of course, as part of a business style.

For example, trousers, a stylish shirt and a vest or polo. Women can wear turtlenecks, skirts, jackets. Knitted cardigans are also good.

What is the legal skirt length for the office? Ideal is 5-10 cm below the knee. Long skirts are prohibited. You can choose models whose maximum length is 20 cm from the floor.

Shoes should be closed, with a small heel (no more than five cm).

How did the style come about? A bit of history

As for the origin and history of this type of clothing, it is probably worth turning to the origins of fashion creation. The concept of style was born gradually and with the onset of each century it was transformed according to accepted norms in society. As a rule, two European countries dictated the latest trends in clothing: France and England, while the rest adopted the latest transformations in their countries.

So, for example, in Russia, the predominance of French tendencies in the Middle Ages was so strong that it covered all aspects of the life of the local intelligentsia. Previously, it was customary to use French words in colloquial Russian speech, and written speech was completely in French.

As for daytime and evening dresses, all the nobility used only French or English clothing models. It was customary to wear corset dresses. Business style usually meant a fairly closed top. The width and volume of the skirt were supported by a special frame consisting of several rings.

At the same time, a special type of clothing for men began to emerge. The required attributes were the following elements:

  • wig;
  • trousers;
  • white stockings;
  • frock coat;
  • shirt.

True, the cut of the latter was significantly different from the modern understanding. If a man held any important government post, then cufflinks and a shirt-front (which came from English fashion) must have been present.

Style changes

If we analyze the evolution of business style, then over time, clothes began to transform into a more comfortable option for wearing. The structures themselves have been simplified. Women who previously needed maids and maids to put themselves in order or, conversely, get ready for bed, could now take off the entire outfit themselves without outside help.

Thanks to lightweight designs, the physical condition of people has also improved, since the load on the spine has significantly decreased, and thanks to a looser cut, the chest no longer squeezes the lungs.

The business style for girls has undergone significant changes since the early Middle Ages. Previously, the more different details an outfit had, the more fashionable it was considered. Simplicity was not a sign of elegance and charm, as it is today. She only emphasized the financial and social insolvency of the girl. Modesty was not a virtue, but a kind of vice.

Business attire for men

As for men's outfits, the system has also been simplified beyond recognition. Moreover, its change and transformation took place according to the same scenario. If earlier the men's toilet consisted of many small details, now it is quite simple and unique.

A good masculine business tone, as a rule, sets an expensive and elegant suit, correctly matched to the figure. Complete the look with a pair of leather shoes. Everything should be in harmony with each other - both shapes and colors. Some companies require men to wear a tie. If a person cannot avoid such a fate, then he must be selected not to match the shirt or suit, but on the contrary, so that he differs from the main outfit, but not sharply.

As a rule, a tie in pastel colors is selected. This element of the wardrobe should be combined with both a suit and a shirt. The fabric from which a business style item is sewn is no less important than the cut itself. It is best to choose clothes from wrinkle-resistant fabric. This is important for both women's clothing and men's clothing. A mandatory attribute of a business person is a watch. They must be stylish and expensive.

The appearance deteriorates significantly if, after a long sitting day, business-style clothes look rumpled. First of all, such a person is already losing his charm. Looks shabby and cheap. The costume also ceases to decorate its owner.

Business style for girls: photo and description. Why do girls like him?

Women who use this style of clothing even in everyday life are considered the most authoritarian personalities. For them, such things symbolize power, superiority in something and, of course, sexuality. By the way, many men believe that the office style of clothing makes a woman seductive, in terms of sexuality it surpasses evening dresses at times and awakens the most secret desires and fantasies in the representatives of the stronger sex.

Many fashion designers believe that it is in the business style of clothing that all female nature is expressed, their tenderness, charm and sophistication. But a bad suit or a combination of a skirt and a bad blouse can ruin the whole picture in the bud.

Costume options for women and girls

You know what are the features of business style. In our time, there are many models with bizarre cutouts, skirt designs of irregular geometric shapes.

If earlier women's business suits looked like schoolgirl outfits, now they are distinguished by an interesting cut, a variety of fabrics and decorative elements. Behind the simplicity of form, these clothes hide a complex content: women can look strict, stylish, romantic, sexy in them.


What shoes does business style imply? The office look should be completed with a pair of elegant heeled shoes. Moreover, you also need to be able to choose the right shoes, since an error in the height of the heel can either lead to vulgarity or disrupt the entire design of the costume and spoil the overall image.

The size of the heel can play a bad joke with the owners of large growth. A high heel can pointlessly elongate the body and make a lady appear poorly built. For those women who have a large foot size, shoes are also a “sore” topic. After all, improperly selected shoes can stretch an already fairly large leg.

A small conclusion

Now you know what are the features of the official business style in clothes. Remember: before creating a new image (in this case, an office one), it is better to consult with a trusted specialist - if there is such an opportunity, of course. But do not forget about your own preferences, because in any case they play the most important role when choosing clothes. We wish you to be stylish and beautiful, including at work in a business suit. We hope you understand what business style is. Photos of good combinations for clarity are presented in the article.

A business dress code for women is designed specifically to not stand out too much against the background of office workers of the opposite sex, but at the same time not blur gender lines. In many ways, the business style of a woman's clothing is based on purely masculine details: a jacket, a tie or a neckerchief, a blouse of a strict cut. But, of course, the clothes of a business dress code for the fair sex do not copy the men's suit 100%, leaving the opportunity to show their best distinguishing features.

You have probably noticed that elegantly dressed business women walk through life easily and confidently. The doors of the most prestigious institutions open wide before them. No wonder: they know the art of "managing the impression."

How to dress a modern business woman

How can you let others know that you are a reliable and capable person without giving endless examples from your own life? What is more important in self-feeding - internal state or external appearance? How to dress a business woman to look successful without showing off her achievements? Scientific research has proven that the initial impression is unconsciously formed in the first four minutes of communication. Then the mind comes into play. Professionalism is valued everywhere, but it is far from always possible to determine it at a glance.

In a busy and fast-paced business life, time is expensive, visual classification and evaluation of people by appearance saves time. The style of a business dress code allows people to form an opinion in a matter of minutes on what the interlocutor sees: clothes, shoes, hairstyle, posture, smile. And having made an impression, people decide whether it is worth spending time and effort on communication and subsequent cooperation. Those few minutes can change their opinion in a drastic way, so it is very important to control how you appear to the outside world.

With a further assessment of a person, professionalism, correctness of speech and competent presentation of the material come to the fore. However, if your appearance and mannerisms are attractive, you can sway the audience to your side before you even begin to speak. The results of a comprehensive study of the mechanisms of communication and cooperation between people, first published in the book Silent Messages by sociolinguist Professor Albert Mehrabyan in 1971, show that words mean almost nothing in the first minutes: they only affect the impression by 7%. Voice timbre, melody and intonation are of greater importance (38%). The lion's share in creating an impression, 55%, falls on the behavior and appearance of a person. So, you should always keep in mind that 93% of your impression is determined by how you present yourself.

Clothing, personal care, demeanor are the key factors that represent a woman in the business world. As you can see in the photo, a business dress code allows you to create the right impression with the help of clothes: competence, professionalism, elegance, authoritativeness.

Modern image and style of a business woman

In addition to clothing, the style of a business woman involves a special manner of holding on.

And this problem is devoted to a lot of research, which gave interesting results. In particular, evaluating the behavior of people filmed on videotape, 80% of respondents considered those who controlled the maximum space around them (they were slightly tilted forward, their palms placed on a chair or table were open, their muscles were relaxed) as smarter, more self-confident and domineering. A large-scale American psychological study of 61,000 top-level managers found that female managers often outperform their male counterparts in almost every way except confidence, which is the most important quality in a leader's appearance. Videos showing women and men entering a room show that women, on average, make 27 different movements, and men only 12. Meanwhile, excessive motor activity is perceived on a subconscious level as nervousness and self-doubt.

However, do not despair - confidence is gained easier and faster than competence. When developing and improving the image and style of a business woman, begin to be guided by a well-known psychological law: the more space around you you control and the less you gesticulate, the more confident and influential you are perceived by others.

The business woman image algorithm consists of five stages:

1st stage - silhouette.

In the women's business dress code, only general proportions are evaluated: posture and silhouette, fit of the suit, its quality, color.

2nd stage - legs.

It doesn't matter if your legs are full or thin, straight or crooked, short or long. First of all, the condition and color of the shoes, tights and the length of the skirt or trousers will be noted.

Stage 3 - hairstyle.

A strict business style for women involves well-groomed hair and. They emphasize the status and wealth of women. A negative rating will be given for an unnatural, heavily “cemented” hairstyle with gel or varnish.

4th stage - face.

First of all, others note the condition of the skin. Makeup is preferable to calm, masking imperfections. Negative rating - for excessive "colouring".

5th stage - hands.

Hands, like the neck, betray age and social status much more mercilessly than the face. The skin of the hands should not be weathered and flaky. At the same time, others pay attention to the nails, and not to their length or color, but again to their grooming.

business woman clothing culture

In the many-sided world of business, any employee is faced with a problem: how to prove himself and recommend from the best side? The answer to the question "What clothes should I wear?" very simple: "It depends." Namely, the business style of a woman's clothing depends on the profile of the activity, the country, the situation and the impression that needs to be made.

Activity profile. When it comes to money, traditions and stability are important for clients, so financial activities require a more conservative style of clothing.

In the advertising field, where the manifestation of creative imagination, originality of thinking is required, the most fashionable and modern style of clothing is preferable. In addition, a rich imagination and creativity should be on display.

People in the real estate business tend to opt for an approachable, business-friendly style, but with great attention to detail and accessories. Pay attention to the photo: the business style of a woman working in this area includes mandatory strict watches, an expensive briefcase, elegant little things (folder, pen, tablet, etc.).

Geographic differences. The manner of dressing in different cities and countries can produce a completely different impression. A style that looks soft and unobtrusive in one country may seem ponderous and overloaded in another, or too provincial in a third. Therefore, those who travel a lot need to be careful about clothing and choose the one that matches the geography of the trip.

Situation. In different circumstances, a business woman is required to behave differently. Giving a presentation to an important client can require a very strong and imposing image. A group planning session for the same presentation allows you to dress more freely.

Impression. Agree, few business women set themselves the task of looking deliberately unprofessional. And hardly anyone wants to give the impression of being less wealthy than they really are, except perhaps when visiting a tax inspector. Working women often face the fact that, despite the amount and importance of the work they do, colleagues and subordinates treat them without proper respect and trust.

Often, potential employers at first glance begin to doubt their professional skills, and clients - at the first meeting, show distrust. In general, women have to prove for a long time that in fact they know a lot and can be trusted.

Of course, the impression of a business woman is formed on the basis of many factors, and clothing is one of them. It is especially important at the first meeting. Clothing in this case is a certain promise - what can be expected from a given person, what she is.

What does a modern business woman need to consider in order to make the right impression? The strategy is known: the modern business style of a woman forces her to take on the so-called "look of success." What about tactics? The best way to achieve the goal is to bring your image in line with your real (or desired) status.

It would not occur to anyone to immediately reject the candidacy of a top manager who looks exactly like a top manager. Or ask a person to run for coffee, who, by his appearance, pulls no less than a commercial director.

Studies show that in order to create an impression, it is necessary to take into account that in a business environment, appearance is assessed according to the following algorithm: silhouette, legs, hairstyle, face, hands. All this automatically tracks the brain of the most ordinary person, and not just an image specialist. Of course, a well-groomed look, a perfectly tailored suit, skillfully selected accessories do not guarantee the success of business negotiations, but they can significantly affect their results.

There are two ways to influence people: "the way to convince" and "the way to please." And the second one is the most effective. The main task is to make a targeted impression on those on whom the success and promotion of the business depends. It is better to think over in advance all the elements of your appearance, which should correspond to the corporate image of the company in which you work.

Business attire is the most conservative of all clothing styles. Its rules remain virtually unchanged. Today I will talk about the requirements of a business dress code for women and men.

The business style of clothing for women appeared around the nineteenth century, it was then that women began to fight for their rights. They did not want to remain just an appendix of men. Women began to take part in business life, along with men.

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Clothing has become not only beautiful, but practical and comfortable. Many clothing ideas were borrowed from the men's wardrobe.

The main features of the business style of women's clothing

The creators of clothing are increasingly diversifying the clothes of business ladies. In the collections of 2016, they showed a large number of elegant suits and dresses that are essential for working in the office. However, there are general frameworks in these clothes.

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Business suit color can be made in the following colors:

  • grey;
  • black;
  • white;
  • olive;
  • beige;
  • burgundy.

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Blouse , in its classic version, should be white. In a modern business style, color deviations are possible. The only condition is that it should be restrained and look harmonious in the general ensemble. Nothing defiant, bright, open.

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Costume may consist of:

  • trousers and jacket;
  • trousers and jacket;
  • pencil skirts and jackets;
  • pencil skirts and jackets;
  • sheath dress and jacket.

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The absence of any patterns on the fabric, with the exception of stripes and geometric prints. Mandatory presence of beige or black nylon tights or stockings. Shoes must be closed, with heels. The height of the heel is determined based on personal preference. You should be comfortable. No platform!

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If you prefer to wear jewelry, then don't overdo it. A bag of a simple style, always of the same color, without unnecessary decor.

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The main features of the business style of men's clothing

Men's suits in a business style should be made in muted colors. Unfortunately, men's suits in business style are not as diverse as those in women's business style.

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When choosing clothes in a business style, you need to consider the following recommendations:

  1. The shirt must match the color of the suit. Her sleeve should be slightly longer than the jacket sleeve. Read more about choosing a shirt.
  2. The tie should be of normal length, that is, reach the very belt buckle. The tie must be matched to the shirt and suit at the same time. Don't forget the tie clip, .
  3. The color of shoes, bag and watch strap should be the same shade.
  4. Shoes must be tight. About what shoes to wear with what clothes, see.

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All prestigious companies have a special dress code. Therefore, the business style of clothing will be most welcome. Each employee must have at least four sets of clothing for work in the office. Walking in the same suit all the time is not recommended.

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In our time, the opportunity for expressing individuality in this style is expanding. And above all, this is noticeable in the color scheme of business suits.

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Read about other clothing styles. Find out all the latest, fashionable and useful in my blog. Write your questions and wishes in the comments. Subscribe to my

Every person, be it a well-known politician or an ordinary civil servant, wants to look elegant and even a little irresistible. Business attire will definitely help with this. It will give a person a sedate look, emphasize natural beauty, and also cause location and admiration among others. After all, who does not want to be respected at first sight? And with the right choice of clothes, anything is possible. Although the second glance will no longer be so superficial, but today is not about that.

Modern business style features

First of all, business style means restraint. This is a strict range of colors, classic cut and attention to detail. The most common are shades of gray, brown, blue, blue, black and white. At the same time, clothes should be very neat, comfortable and not look defiant. And the image is complemented by discreet, but at the same time quite catchy accessories. Therefore, using business style in everyday life, you can emphasize not only the sophistication of your taste, but also your own individuality.

Business style in everyday life will help emphasize individuality

At the beginning of the last century, when women began to seriously pursue their careers, suits like men's became popular. On a lady's figure, it looked a little baggy, but at the same time very elegant. Modern costumes look a little different. They were made more feminine, fitted to the figure, and many bright details were added. Now a business woman can look strict and emphasize all her advantages in appearance with the help of a business suit, and at the same time remain elegant and unique to the point of exclusivity.

The business style of a woman today has become very beautiful and diverse. In the wardrobe of such a lady there can be not only trousers and jackets, but also skirts and sundresses. Material, color and pattern can be very diverse. For example, in the winter of 2015, tartan-style plaid trouser suits became fashionable. They are perfect for business people. And leather suits became a rather unusual discovery. They look very interesting and rich, and with the right selection, they can aptly emphasize the sophistication of a person. In this case, it is better to combine leather things with textiles. For example, wear such a jacket with a pencil skirt made of simple materials, or do the opposite.

In a business suit you can remain feminine

Another fresh option is women's suits in a typical masculine style. They look a little rough, but fit perfectly on the figure. Pants should be with arrows, slightly shortened, loose-fitting. When choosing a material, preference is given to fabrics for men's suits - wool or tweed. Of the colors, traditional black, deep blue, cold brown, as well as all shades of metal, remain popular. And elegant shoes, a light scarf, a stylish handbag and discreet jewelry will help to make the image in such a suit more feminine and gentle.

The business style of 2015 continues to please with fresh fashion news. For example, in the spring, outfits of pleasant bright colors came back into fashion. Among them are mint, pale yellow, pistachio, as well as many shades of white. Velvet jackets began to be tailored, and the neckline was made U-like and very deep. An interesting novelty has also appeared - blazer dresses.

For summer, a strict cut sheath dress is perfect. If you choose one with a pattern and a wide bright belt, you can hide the imperfect parts of your figure and at the same time emphasize your waist. For summer outfits, shades of red, blue, burgundy and emerald are used. Another popular option for business attire is a pastel-colored closed dress.

Sheath dress - one of the options for a business suit

In the autumn of this year, tight-fitting knitwear dresses, as well as sweater dresses, are again in trend. Of the costumes, those that consist of a pencil skirt and a cropped fitted jacket with a thin strap stand out in particular. At the same time, under the jacket you need to wear either a top, or a turtleneck, or a silk blouse. Among trouser suits, those that are made from fabrics of autumn colors, including brown, sand, marsh and beige shades, will come in handy.

Women's business style: examples

Depending on the level of severity, business dress code is divided into three types. The first is formal business. He is the most strict and conservative, does not like self-expression. Suits necessarily consist of a jacket in combination with trousers, a skirt or a dress. The fabric for clothing should be woolen, plain and dark. In such a suit, a knee-length skirt, trousers do not fit the legs, and a jacket with only long sleeves. It is very important to have a white collar. If there is a need to use tights, then only corporal and matte. Shoes are worn classic (boats) with a heel above three centimeters. There is no freedom in jewelry, because they should be very small, not too bright and unobtrusive. This style is mandatory for employees of banks, legal and insurance companies, politicians, and not mandatory for those who work in educational institutions. To get a job in one of these organizations, you will have to wear a formal business suit for an interview. This will significantly increase the chances of success and add confidence in their own professionalism.

A strict business suit at a meeting or interview will emphasize confidence and professionalism

The second style is managerial. He is less strict. There are many options for self-expression in this style. For example, you can use a luxurious fabric not only with a bright color, but also with a pattern, of course, within the limits of decency and modesty. You can choose the style of the suit yourself, as well as its decoration. Mandatory components of the business style of a managerial level are a jacket or vest, a silk blouse, high-heeled shoes and tights. If necessary, the sleeves can be short. Loose hair is sometimes allowed. Jewelry can be taken brighter and larger than with a formal business style. This is how the leaders of the organizations listed above dress, as well as modern queens, princesses or duchesses when participating in meetings and various informal meetings. But ordinary ladies can wear this style too. For example, when at work there are no strict requirements for appearance, or when attending concerts and exhibitions during the day.

The third style is informal business. He is the most free. It has a wide variety of colors and patterns, as well as fabrics. The length of the skirt is the same (to the knees). You can wear shirts, blouses and tops. It is allowed to wear shoes with an open toe (or heel), or ballet flats. Wearing tights is still mandatory. Decorations can be quite large and bright. Such clothes are suitable for working in companies where free style is allowed, for going to the cinema or shopping, walking in the city center or gatherings in a cafe. And if you learn how to choose the right outfits in this style, then you can always, in any situation, remain a model of elegance and femininity.

A business suit can be elegant! Great option for city walks

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